Risking It All by Darrin Fletcher and Mike Chenoweth ISM Films 465 Del Norte Road Ojai, Ca 93023 Fletch@ISMfilms.com WHITE Revision - 7-16-11 1 1. EXT. BRUMWALD RESIDENCE - FRONT YARD -- DAY 1 A small compact car pulls up to the picturesque house on a tree-covered street. The couple inside the car are very much in love and we see just how much when JENNY, a young woman with a girl next door beauty, reaches out and takes MICHAEL'S hand and we see a ring on her finger. JENNY Michael, are you sure about this? Michael is a bit taken back. MICHAEL About marrying you? Of course... Jenny... I love you. Jenny smiles. JENNY I mean about meeting my family. They're... different. He takes her hand tighter in his. MICHAEL It'll be fine. I'm sure I'll love them. Millions of couples have had this moment. JENNY Not quite this one. She takes in a deep breath... pauses. JENNY (CONT'D) Okay... Let's do this. 2 EXT. BRUMWALD RESIDENCE - POARCH -- DAY 2 They're stepping to the door. JENNY Don't say I didn't warn you. Michael chuckles. He raises his hand to the door... MICHAEL Honey, everybody's family is a little... The door is snapped open with the precision of a Swiss watch, revealing HITLER. (CONTINUED) WHITE Revision - 7-16-11 2 2. CONTINUED: 2 Or Jenny's father, TERRY dressed like Hitler right down to the trimmed mustache. MICHAEL (CONT'D) ...Crazy. Michael isn't quite sure how to respond but puts out an unsure hand. Hitler doesn't even glance at it. Instead he raises his hand to the uniquely Hitleresque heil. Now Michael is quite uncomfortable. He looks to Jenny for reassurance but just gets a quirky smile. She takes Michael by the hand pulling him past Hitler into the house, giving her father a quick, half heil wave. JENNY Hi, Dad... 3 INT. BRUMWALD RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY The house inside is surprisingly normal, decorated in a very Americana way and looks like a family has lived there for decades. It's hard to see Hitler living in such a normal house. Jenny's nervous... breathing hard. JENNY Let's get this over with. She parades him through the living room past her little 10 year-old brother, SPENCE, who is pulling a napoleon costume out of a wooden chest and trying on the hat. JENNY (CONT'D) Hey, Spence. Before Spence can even say hi in return, they're... Past GRANDPA sitting in a plush La-Z-Boy watching tv, and already dressed up as Caesar. From the looks of his oversized gold goblet, Grandpa has been hitting his own cough syrup hours before this party started. JENNY (CONT'D) Hi, Papa. GRANDPA Hi, sweetie! Grandpa shakes his goblet in the air. (CONTINUED) 3 WHITE Revision - 7-16-11 3 3. CONTINUED: 3 GRANDPA (CONT'D) Spencer, Grandpa needs some more giggle sauce! Jenny is intent on making her way to the kitchen with her man in tow and doesn't stop till she gets there. As they pass into the kitchen, ADAM, Jenny's brother-in-law who looks more like a homeless lumberjack than a member of the family, is headed the other direction. He waves to Michael as he passes... ADAM Hey, dude. MICHAEL Hey. We follow Michael as he travels into the living room where Spence is getting Grandpa his giggle sauce. Adam snatches the drink from Spence before he makes it to Grandpa and begins to chug from the bottle. 4 INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - KITCHEN -- CONTINUOUS JAMIE, Jenny's older sister and dressed to the hilt as CLEOPATRA who looks to be the beauty of the family, shuts the refrigerator door, revealing Jenny and Michael. JENNY Michael, Jamie... Jaimie, Michael. Jaimie extends her hand to Michael. JAMIE (with a little sarcastic undertone) Well hello, Michael. It really is a pleasure to finally meet you. Jenny stares Jamie down. them. There's an obvious tift between JENNY You wanted me to bring him tonight so... here he is. Jamie knows exactly why Jenny is a little hot under the collar but she plays dumb. JAMIE What are you talking about? are you being so hostile. And why Adam strolls into the kitchen wiping his mouth off from his still alcohol dripping beard. (CONTINUED) 4 WHITE Revision - 7-16-11 4 4. CONTINUED: 4 ADAM I'm Adam. Adam extends his sauce-covered hand. Michael almost steps back. Adam realizes. He air-bumps Michael. MICHAEL Michael. The players in the room now are behind his beautiful wife. The instantly brings to mind images Jamie must have lost a bet with arranged with Adam directly contrast between the two of Beauty and the Beast. God. JENNY You always do this. JAMIE (playful) What am I doing? While the conversation between the sisters continues it becomes evident that Adam is truly proud of bagging himself such a beauty. While standing behind her he begins to eyeball Michael, winking and then shifting his eyes to Jamie as if to say, "look at her... she's all mine, buddy." JENNY I've never brought anyone to this thing before. Please, just don't be you. Then Adam begins acting like he's kissing her. JAMIE We're happy you could join us, Michael. Michael is a little shocked by Adam but can't believe he's being so stupid. Uh.. Yeah. MICHAEL Sure. All of this doesn't go unnoticed by Jamie as she drives a sharp elbow into Adam's ribs. From the living room Hitler's voice echoes. Schnell! HITLER Rouche! Jenny's shoulders slump as the party gets underway. JAMIE Shall we? (CONTINUED) WHITE Revision - 7-16-11 4 CONTINUED: 5. (2) 4 Jamie winks and Michael and taking Jenny's hand in on and Michael's hand in the other, pulls them into the living room. Adam runs his finger through his shaggy mane and rocks his head back and forth, popping his neck in Bruce Lee style. ADAM Time to make the doughnuts. 5 INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Everyone files into the room, Adam being the last of the crowd, who is handed his costume by Hitler himself. ADAM Oh, c'mon... I don't understand why... Again??? Jamie shoots him a glance, coaxing him to just put it on. Adam puts on the the DRESS AND WIG. He looks like a really bad impersonation of MARGARET THATCHER. Everyone takes their seats and the only one left for Adam is a small child's chair. He looks at Spence who is now dressed to the hilt as Napoleon and sitting atop an adult's chair. He moves toward Spence. ADAM (CONT'D) Switch me, bro. HITLER SIT! Without hesitation, Adam sits like an obedient child... nearly a foot lower than everyone else at the table. Michael looks across the table to a vacant chair next to HITLER. MICHAEL (motions to Adam) There's another adult chair... Awkward silence. Michael. Adam shakes his head. Jenny leans into JENNY That was Mom's chair. Michael sits back... humbled. Adam throws down a ten dollar bill. ADAM Twelve minutes. (CONTINUED) 5 WHITE Revision - 7-16-11 5 6. CONTINUED: 5 Jamie throws down another ten. Spence dumps some change. Dad, tosses in a few bucks... JAMIE Fourteen minutes. HITLER Eighteen minutes. SPENCER Ten minutes. Everyone looks at Spencer. MICHAEL (to Jenny) What is this? JENNY Highlight of the game. Trust me. Jenny tosses in a twenty. JENNY (CONT'D) For the both of us. Fifteen minutes. Grandpa giggles. He hefts a bag of pennies onto the table. GRANDPA Twenty minutes! Spencer nudges Adam. They both laugh. With the whole family now in the living room gathered around the table, the sacred game of RISK is revealed and opened. You can almost hear the angels sing. The game board placed. The cards dealt. The armies are placed one-by-one. HITLER Vait a second... somesing es missing. He scans the faces around the table, passing over Adam, who's head barely makes it into the frame, then coming back to him. HITLER (CONT'D) Yes... He places a bright lipstick on the table and slides it down to Adam who stops it. (CONTINUED) WHITE Revision - 7-16-11 5 CONTINUED: 7. (2) 5 Adam turns... scans every face at the table, especially Michael, who is almost watching in horror. ADAM No. Hitler looks to Jamie, expecting her to assist him. HITLER Fraulein daughter? She obliges him... JAMIE Sweetie... No. ADAM I'm sick of this.... Jamie takes a hand from the table and conceals it under the table. JAMIE Please... for me? Whatever she does it does the trick and Adam quickly begins putting on the lipstick with new vigor. HITLER Ze game es on! The first battle ensues with Hitler of course making the first assault. Spencer moves into take a turn. Michael leans to Jenny. MICHAEL Where's the bathroom? The table falls silent. Adam gulps. attention. He shakes his head "NO"... tries to get Michael's JENNY It's down the hall on the left. They all look at Jenny as if she's disgraced some family shrine. JENNY (CONT'D) What? Michael looks around at the silent crowd. MICHAEL I'll be right back. (CONTINUED) WHITE Revision - 7-16-11 5 CONTINUED: 8. (3) 5 Michael gets up from the table heads to the hall. Adam quickly gets up from his small chair... ADAM I'll show him. The family pauses game play. 6 Hitler folds his arms and waits. INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS Adam catches Michael just as he is about to enter the bathroom. He grabs him by the arm and spins him around, pinning him against the wall. What the? MICHAEL What are you doing? ADAM I'm begging you... pleading with you. Not now. You can hold it... We need to just get through the game. MICHAEL I was just going to use the bathroom. Adam turns to the group... they're waiting impatiently. Back to Michael. ADAM Use a cup. Under the table... I do it all the time. MICHAEL Are you crazy? Adam shakes his head. He pulls his wallet and flips to a picture. A picture of a much younger and more well kempt Adam. ADAM I wasn't always like this. I was slender... handsome... and then... they broke me. Adam's almost in tears. Really. ADAM (CONT'D) I'm Margaret Thatcher, dude. Michael looks on. Stunned. ADAM (CONT'D) Every Friday night we play Risk... It's their family tradition. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 6 WHITE Revision - 7-16-11 6 9. CONTINUED: 6 ADAM (CONT'D) Every Friday night, Terry... Hitler... wins. I beg of you. One of us needs to win this game tonight. Please... MICHAEL Uh... sure. ADAM You've played Risk, right? MICHAEL When I was a kid. ADAM Good enough. He pulls Michael from the wall and puts his arm around Michael. MICHAEL Well, I didn't say I could... It's been twenty years. ADAM U.S.A., man... Let's do this. He pulls Michael a bit further, and takes a squeeze of Michael's arm. ADAM (CONT'D) You're in great shape, man. 7 INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS 7 Jenny gets up from the table. JENNY This is ludicrous. She moves to the hallway. 8 INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS Jenny rounds the corner and sees Adam and Michael. JENNY Just let him go to the bathroom, Adam. MICHAEL Sweetie, it's okay. I can wait. We've got a game to play. He heads back to the table. Jenny turns to Adam (CONTINUED) 8 WHITE Revision - 7-16-11 8 10. CONTINUED: 8 JENNY What did you say to him? She looks down at his wallet. The photo dangling... JENNY (CONT'D) Oh, brother. 9 INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Michael sits back down at the table. timid. Confident. 9 No longer GRANDPA Cup? SPENCER Why do you need a cup, Grandpa? wear a diaper. You JAMIE Spencer! GRANDPA (to Spencer) No one is so brave that he is not disturbed by something unexpected. (back to Michael) I meant a cup for you. Grandpa shakes the cup at Michael, laughing. MICHAEL Actually, I think I'll be just fine. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Adam sits, as does Jenny. HITLER It's time. Play ensues... Each character choosing a card and taking their turn on the board... PLAY MONTAGE Grandpa is nearly wiped out and the game has just begun. He begins to cough... harder... louder. Everyone recoils. Grandpa's plan... he shakes his robe a bit and a few more armies slip from the sleeve and onto the table in front of him. He quickly places them. Michael is watching the entire time. He makes eye contact with Grandpa. Grandpa winks back at him and offers an index finger to his lips. Jamie looks over at Jenny, she nods... a signal, perhaps> (CONTINUED) WHITE Revision - 7-16-11 9 11. CONTINUED: 9 Jenny's turn - She allows her army to be crushed by Grandpa... plainly on purpose. Grandpa laughs triumphantly... moving his armies into position where Jenny's stood. He's giggling like a little kid. MICHAEL He's cheating. You let him do that? Jenny whispers to him. JENNY Grandpa never goes first. We owe him that much. He started this tradition. He gets a free ride. Michael smiles. Even amidst the "characters" at the table, there is still character. Grandpa tips his goblet. GRANDPA I came, I saw, I conquered. He chugs the contents of the goblet... back further... further... Grandpa's eyes roll back in his head and his chair tips back, landing Gramps with a thud on the floor. Stone cold drunk. Silence. Waiting... Michael moves to get up and check. Spencer leans in and waves his hand over Grandpa's mouth. SPENCER He's alive. Woot!!!!! Everyone cheers in celebration. down slowly in his chair. Michael sits MICHAEL (to Jenny) What? Adam clicks a stopwatch. ADAM Nine minutes, fifty-four seconds. Spencer leaps from his chair. SPENCER Under ten minutes, baby. you girls! Pay up, The pot of cash is pushed to Spencer. store. He's a kid in a candy (CONTINUED) WHITE Revision - 7-16-11 9 CONTINUED: 12. (2) 9 Michael turns to Jenny with a smile. Now you see? JENNY Highlight of the night. Spencer tucks away the money and the game resumes. PLAYING MONTAGE Adam reaches for multiple cups Dad's stern and commandeering moves. Adam takes Spencer out of the game. Spencer throws his cards at Adam. They both look like they're ready to throw down. Jaimie laughing (something we really haven't seen yet) Adam reaching for another cup. Jamie seduces Adam into losing his armies. More of Dad's intent play. Michael takes Jamie out of the game. 10 INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY 10 The table is cleared of all participants except for Patton and Hitler. Dad adjusts his hair and moustache. Michael straightens his military shirt. They both stare each other down. This is literally the play to win the game. 11 INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - KITCHEN -- DAY 11 Jamie, Jenny and Adam are in the kitchen, nursing beverages... watching. ADAM My money's on Michael. Jamie turns to him with a sharp glare. JAMIE But Papa's never lost. we've been playing. 12 INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY Michael cracks his knuckles. 13 Not since 12 Dad sits up straighter. INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - KITCHEN -- DAY 13 JENNY What if he loses to Michael? (MORE) (CONTINUED) WHITE Revision - 7-16-11 13 13. CONTINUED: 13 JENNY (CONT'D) This is Daddy's baby? Ever since Mom died... It's been his way of getting us together... JAMIE And if Michael wins? I'm not sure that Dad can handle it. ADAM What did Papa do when he lost to your dad? JAMIE Started drinking. Adam looks worried. ADAM Oh, man. He fidgets... Jamie leans to Jenny... it's awkward but slowly becomes more comfortable as Jenny leans her head on Jamie's shoulder. 14 INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY 14 Michael and Dad are playing. Deep in concentration. one literally for all of the marbles. Michael has a country crushed by Dad. 15 This Victory for Germany. INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - KITCHEN -- DAY 15 Jamie, Jenny and Adam are on pins and needles... watching... praying. 16 INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY 16 Michael moves in. His armies subtly move around Dad. Surrounding him. Dad looks around. He's... trapped. Michael sits back in his chair, waiting. Dad turns back to the trio in the kitchen, who are looking on in disbelief. Especially Adam who never really thought this time could come. Dad turns back to Michael. He's trying compose himself. know's its over, but he can't bring himself to it. 17 He INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - KITCHEN -- DAY 17 Jenny is almost in tears. Her finance has just possibly ruined her father's one and only family tradition. She loves both men... how will this end? (CONTINUED) WHITE Revision - 7-16-11 17 14. CONTINUED: 17 Adam pulls his wig off. He stares on, somberly. Jamie turns to look at her baby sister and back at her future brother-in-law and smiles. She leans into Jenny. JENNY He really is great. him. Mom would love Spencer comes into the room... takes one look at the table and then a look to the kitchen. Adam shakes his head at him... "don't move a muscle" Spencer is a statue. 18 INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY 18 Dad takes a deep breath. He's shaking a bit, much like Hitler in the infamous Downfall scene. Michael's won, but not sure it was the right thing to do. Has he alienated his future father-in-law? Dad pushes back from the table and fights to stand. motions Michael to do the same. He Michael stands... hesitantly. Everyone in the kitchen watches on, unsure. Dad motions Michael towards him. another. He moves cautiously. Michael takes one step... Michael and Dad are standing face to face. Dad looks up into Michael's eyes. His own eyes are moist. With a big smile, Dad throws open his arms, pulling Michael into a bear hug. HITLER / DAD Welcome to the family... son. A HUGE sigh of relief is heard from the kitchen. Dad pulls Michael back, hands on his shoulders. the board game. He turns to HITLER / DAD (CONT'D) Twenty two years of wins. Good game, Michael. Adam heads into the living room. Jenny. Jamie puts her arm around The two share a hug and then move to the living room. WHITE Revision - 7-16-11 19 15. INT. BRUMWALD HOUSE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY The family is in a now very welcomed congratulatory session. Dad pulls Michael towards the couch. DAD Let's get to know you better. The family moves past the table, where Grandpa is still out cold on the floor. Jamie and Adam lean down to pick Grandpa up. The family disappears into the background and we MOVE DOWN to the GAME BOARD... in it's healing glory, sitting on the table. 19