Huck Finn Ch 8­14 Quiz.notebook February 10, 2012 What purpose(s) does Huck's death serve? 1 Huck Finn Ch 8­14 Quiz Grade: «grade» Subject: English 11 Date: «date» Dec 22­9:00 AM What is in the two story house that floats by? 2 A A dead man A Huck "gets even" with Widow Douglas for being mean to him. B It throws Jim and Pap together so they must depend on each other. C It gives him total freedom. D It shows Huck how totally dependent on civilization he has become. Dec 22­9:02 AM Which is NOT an example of man vs. society? 3 A Paps attitude towards government B Jim C Tom B Jim's not liking slavery D a & c C Huck's not liking civilization D Widow Douglas's attitude towards Huck Dec 22­9:03 AM 4 What bad luck does the snakeskin bring? A The bread finds Huck. B A snake bites Jim. C D All the firewood gets wet. Dec 22­9:03 AM 5 How are Huck and Jim alike? A Both are looking for freedom. B Both are black. C Neither has any relatives. D a & c All of the above. Dec 22­9:04 AM Dec 22­9:04 AM 1 Huck Finn Ch 8­14 Quiz.notebook February 10, 2012 How do you know Huck and Jim are friends by the end of Chapter 11? 7 What is Huck's disguise to go ashore? 6 A Huck looked like a bush. B Huck dressed like a slave. C Huck dressed up as a girl. D Huck dressed all in black so he wouldn't be seen. A They try to protect each other from danger. B They work together to help each other. C They agree that the best thing to do would be to turn themselves in to the authorities. D a & b Dec 22­9:05 AM Why do Huck and Jim begin their journey down the Mississippi? 8 A They've both always wanted to travel on the Mississippi. B People began looking for them on Jackson's Island. C A storm forces them off the island. D They just get tired of living on the island and decide to move on. Dec 22­9:06 AM Why do Huck and Jim board the Walter Scott? 9 A To hide from the people who are looking for them. B To get in out of the rain. C To investigate it and salvage goods. D b & c Dec 22­9:07 AM Why does Huck want to save Jim Turner? 10 A Huck thinks how dreadful it is even for murderers to be in such a fix. Dec 22­9:08 AM 11 How does Huck send help to the Walter Scott? A Huck ties a note to a brick and throws in in the window by the watchman. B Huck dresses up as a girl and tells Mr. Loftus to send help. B Jim Turner is his friend. C C Jim Turner has information Huck needs. Huck sends word to Widow Douglas via Jim Turner. b & c D Huck tells a watchman that a member of a prominent local family are on the wreck. D Dec 22­9:08 AM Dec 22­9:10 AM 2 Huck Finn Ch 8­14 Quiz.notebook 12 February 10, 2012 What do we learn about Jim from his talking about "King Sollermun"? A Jim thinks for himself. B Jim is compassionate. C Jim is ethical. D All of the above. Jan 2­9:07 PM Jan 2­9:08 PM 3