Singular & Plural Nouns The most basic case: nouns that become plural with –s (example: Book / Books) For nouns ending with a hiss sound (s, z, x, ch, sh), add –es (example: dish / dishes) Convert each of these singular nouns to plural. (1) file (19) witch (2) staple (20) critic (3) star (21) phone (4) lunch (22) dish (5) cabinet (23) airplane (6) mouth (24) panel (7) wish (25) face (8) professional (26) horse (9) elephant (27) icon (10) whiteboard (28) manual (11) dinosaur (29) song (12) paragraph (30) club (13) dragon (31) girl (14) hex (32) planet (15) box (33) book (16) apostrophe (34) dinner (17) backpack (35) table (18) wall (36) bridge Copyright ©2014 Singular & Plural Nouns ANSWER KEY (1) file files (19) witch witches (2) staple staples (20) critic critics (3) star stars (21) phone phones (4) lunch lunches (22) dish dishes (5) cabinet cabinets (23) airplane (6) mouth mouths (24) panel panels (7) wish wishes (25) face faces (8) professional professionals (26) horse (9) elephant elephants (27) icon (10) whiteboard whiteboards (28) manual (11) dinosaur dinosaurs (29) song songs (12) paragraph paragraphs (30) club clubs (13) dragon dragons (31) girl girls (14) hex hexes (32) planet planets (15) box boxes (33) book books (16) apostrophe apostrophes (34) dinner (17) backpack backpacks (35) table (18) wall walls (36) bridge Copyright ©2014 airplanes horses icons manuals dinners tables bridges Singular & Plural Nouns The most basic case: nouns that become plural with –s (example: Book / Books) For nouns ending with a hiss sound (s, z, x, ch, sh), add –es (example: dish / dishes) Convert each of these plural nouns to singular. (1) files (19) clubs (2) lights (20) pencils (3) foxes (21) powers (4) phones (22) dinners (5) professionals (23) dishes (6) keyboards (24) books (7) witches (25) paragraphs (8) panels (26) churches (9) novels (27) cabinets (10) walls (28) computers (11) branches (29) taxes (12) charms (30) planets (13) apostrophes (31) staples (14) songs (32) glasses (15) windows (33) days (16) beaches (34) icons (17) tables (35) girls (18) noses (36) gasses Copyright ©2014 Singular & Plural Nouns ANSWER KEY (1) files file (19) clubs (2) lights light (20) pencils pencil (3) foxes fox (21) powers power (4) phones phone (22) dinners dinner (5) professionals professional (23) dishes dish (6) keyboards keyboard (24) books book (7) witches witch (25) paragraphs (8) panels panel (26) churches church (9) novels novel (27) cabinets cabinet (10) walls wall (28) computers (11) branches branch (29) taxes (12) charms charm (30) planets planet (13) apostrophes apostrophe (31) staples staple (14) songs song (32) glasses glass (15) windows window (33) days day (16) beaches beach (34) icons icon (17) tables table (35) girls girl (18) noses nose (36) gasses gas Copyright ©2014 club paragraph computer tax Singular & Plural Nouns For nouns ending with a vowel and y, add –s (example: boy / boys) [ vowels = a, e, i, o, u ] For nouns ending with a consonant and y, change -y to –ies (example: baby / babies) Convert each of these singular nouns to plural. (1) key (16) enemy (2) party (17) fly (3) daisy (18) atrocity (4) reality (19) lily (5) trolley (20) army (6) alley (21) day (7) sky (22) gallery (8) spy (23) poppy (9) supply (24) theory (10) pulley (25) penny (11) try (26) company (12) puppy (27) tray (13) boy (28) strawberry (14) theory (29) library (15) baby Copyright ©2014 Singular & Plural Nouns ANSWER KEY (1) key keys (16) enemy (2) party parties (17) fly (3) daisy daisies (18) atrocity (4) reality realities (19) lily (5) trolley trolleys (20) army (6) alley alleys (21) day (7) sky skies (22) gallery galleries (8) spy spies (23) poppy poppies (9) supply supplies (24) theory theories (10) pulley pulleys (25) penny pennies (11) try tries (26) company (12) puppy puppies (27) tray (13) boy boys (28) strawberry (14) theory theories (29) library (15) baby babies Copyright ©2014 enemies flies atrocities lilies armies days companies trays strawberries libraries Singular & Plural Nouns For nouns ending with a vowel and y, add –s (example: boy / boys) [ vowels = a, e, i, o, u ] For nouns ending with a consonant and y, change -y to –ies (example: baby / babies) Convert each of these plural nouns to singular . (1) trays (16) alleys (2) libraries (17) poppies (3) enemies (18) atrocities (4) keys (19) theories (5) theories (20) pennies (6) companies (21) galleries (7) realities (22) spies (8) daisies (23) puppies (9) parties (24) days (10) pulleys (25) supplies (11) trolleys (26) flies (12) tries (27) armies (13) boys (28) strawberries (14) lilies (29) babies (15) skies Copyright ©2014 Singular & Plural Nouns ANSWER KEY (1) trays tray (16) alleys (2) libraries library (17) poppies poppy (3) enemies enemy (18) atrocities atrocity (4) keys key (19) theories theory (5) theories theory (20) pennies penny (6) companies company (21) galleries gallery (7) realities reality (22) spies (8) daisies daisy (23) puppies (9) parties party (24) days (10) pulleys pulley (25) supplies (11) trolleys trolley (26) flies (12) tries try (27) armies (13) boys boy (28) strawberries (14) lilies lily (29) babies (15) skies sky Copyright ©2014 alley spy puppy day supply fly army strawberry baby Singular & Plural Nouns For nouns ending with -is, change to –es (example: For nouns ending with -f or -fe, change to -ves, including the exceptional case of "roof" (example: loaf / loaves) Convert each of these singular nouns to plural. (1) roof (13) half (2) analysis (14) shelf (3) crisis (15) life (4) wolf (16) leaf (5) thesis (17) sheaf (6) thief (18) knife (7) handkerchief (19) calf (8) hoof (20) elf (9) thesis (21) wife (10) scarf (22) self (11) dwarf (23) synopsis (12) oasis (24) loaf Copyright ©2014 crisis / crises) Singular & Plural Nouns ANSWER KEY (1) roof roofs (13) half halves (2) analysis analyses (14) shelf shelves (3) crisis crises (15) life lives (4) wolf wolves (16) leaf leaves (5) thesis theses (17) sheaf sheaves (6) thief thieves (18) knife knives (7) handkerchief handkerchieves (19) calf calves (8) hoof hooves (20) elf elves (9) thesis theses (21) wife wives (10) scarf scarves (22) self selves (11) dwarf dwarves (23) synopsis (12) oasis oases (24) loaf Copyright ©2014 synopses loaves Singular & Plural Nouns For nouns ending with -is, change to –es (example: For nouns ending with -f or -fe, change to -ves, including the exceptional case of "roof" (example: loaf / loaves) Convert each of these plural nouns to singular . (1) calves (13) synopses (2) lives (14) oases (3) halves (15) wolves (4) theses (16) scarves (5) wives (17) selves (6) roofs (18) crises (7) hooves (19) leaves (8) handkerchieves (20) loaves (9) dwarves (21) shelves (10) thieves (22) elves (11) theses (23) knives (12) analyses (24) sheaves Copyright ©2014 crisis / crises) Singular & Plural Nouns ANSWER KEY (1) calves calf (13) synopses (2) lives life (14) oases oasis (3) halves half (15) wolves wolf (4) theses thesis (16) scarves scarf (5) wives wife (17) selves self (6) roofs roof (18) crises crisis (7) hooves hoof (19) leaves leaf (8) handkerchieves handkerchief (20) loaves loaf (9) dwarves dwarf (21) shelves shelf (10) thieves thief (22) elves elf (11) theses thesis (23) knives knife (12) analyses analysis (24) sheaves sheaf Copyright ©2014 synopsis Singular & Plural Nouns Irregular and mutating nouns Convert each of these plural nouns to singular. (1) women (8) teeth (2) quizzes (9) dice (3) oxen (10) geese (4) men (11) feet (5) people (12) mice (6) firemen (13) children (7) lice Copyright ©2014 Singular & Plural Nouns ANSWER KEY Convert each of these singular nouns to plural. (1) mouse mice (8) fireman (2) person people (9) foot feet (3) child children (10) man men (4) goose geese (11) quiz quizzes (5) louse lice (12) woman women (6) tooth teeth (13) die (7) ox oxen Copyright ©2014 firemen dice Singular & Plural Nouns Irregular and mutating nouns Convert each of these singular nouns to plural. (1) mouse (8) fireman (2) person (9) foot (3) child (10) man (4) goose (11) quiz (5) louse (12) woman (6) tooth (13) die (7) ox Copyright ©2014 Singular & Plural Nouns ANSWER KEY Convert each of these plural nouns to singular. (1) women woman (8) teeth tooth (2) quizzes quiz (9) dice die (3) oxen ox (10) geese (4) men man (11) feet foot (5) people person (12) mice mouse (6) firemen fireman (13) children (7) lice louse Copyright ©2014 goose child