Sun City West, AR
Minutes of 21 January 2014 Church Council Meeting
Meeting was called to order by Vice President Bill Stark at 9:00 am.
Pastor Phil offered an Opening Prayer
Present: Dave Brodzeller – President, Bill Stark - Vice President, Dan Mehner – Treasurer,
Ralph Reinke - Recording Secretary, Greg Harwood - Financial Secretary , Ron Christ- Elders , Jerry
McCall – Missions, Wayne Pecher – Trustees, and Pastors Phil Robbins & Gary
Excused: Willard Mears – Community Outreach
The Chair declared the meeting to be an official meeting of the Church Council of Crown of
Lutheran Church as a quorum was present.
Minutes of the 17 December 2013 meeting were accepted as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Dan Mehner provided a preliminary report for the 2013FY. CoL had budget
2013 income at $740,000: unaudited income for 2013 was $775,166 including
$12,574 of non-budgeted income. Expenses during 2013 were $665,871 due in part to the
staff position of Parish Nurse.
Dan reported that CoL has been keeping funds in a California Credit Union;
however, due to merger the Credit Union has begun charging special fees. After
exploring options the Finance Committee is recommending changing to Chase Bank.
It was moved, seconded, and adopted to utilize the Chase Bank as Crown of Life’s bank.
It appears that Crown Life will have approximately $109,000 of income over expenses
2013. The Finance Committee is recommending that these funds be distributed on the
Following basis: 10% Endowment Fund, 10% CoL Mission Board, 30% Audio Visual
Enhancements, and 50% Repair & Replacement Fund.
It was moved, seconded, and adopted to follow the percentage distribution of 2013
“surplus” as recommended by the Finance Committee.
Financial Secretary’s Report
Financial Secretary Greg Harwood reported due to changes in envelope color and
future enveloped will not include Scripture verses on the back of envelopes.
Greg further reported that the Counting Committee is operating well.
Elder’s Report
Ron Christ reported that new and veteran elders have reviewed their roles, and the
organization of the new team is complete.
The elders consider the continued need for a full complement of ushers. Some
potential ushers declined to serve because of the “blue blazer, grey slack, white shirt &
tie” dress code. After discussion the Elders are recommending, that although the
preferred dress code for ushers remains “blue blazer, grey slack, white shirt & tie” also
acceptable will be a suit/sport coat, slacks, white shirt & tie. For identification purposes
ushers will be provided with an appropriate “signage”.
It was moved, seconded and adopted to accept the Elders recommendation to modify the
dress code for ushers to include suits/sport coat, slacks, white shirt and tie.
Mission Board Report
Mission Board chair, Jerry McCall reported on the status of relationships with
congregation Word of Life and their school business plan. CoL has assisted
Word of Life approximately with $10,000 in the past few months.
Jerry also reported on discussions with Pastor? Arteau? about his Spanish Ministry.
Pastor ?Arteau? is seeking support for six years (he is currently c.a. 60). CoL is his
principle support. This is under review/discussion in the Mission Board.
CoL has annually pledge $40,000 to the Regional Mission Council. Last year the
Regional Mission Council did not use all of its funds. Rather than send the funds into a
miscellaneous fund the Mission Board has resolved to “escrow” the CoL awaiting
specific use decision by the Regional Mission Council
Trustee Report
Trustee chair, Wayne Pecher reported that four new trustee have been added to the
committee. The erection and “take-down” of the nativity setting in front of the church
was outsourced this year.
The irrigation system of the atrium is in the process of being replaced.
Wayne indicated that new signage in front of the church is being explored. A prior
study suggested that a suitable sign might cost as much as $42,000.
President’s Report
President Dave Brodzeller raised three issues for comment.
1. Parking lot resurfacing
2. Internal Video status. Pastor Phil reported that work is being done on preparing
for adequate visual presentation for congregation review.
3. Building Security. There have been instances when the building was left unlocked.
The Trustees are reviewing equipment and approaches to security.
Pastors’ Reports
Pastor Phil shared that the Synod’s President and Vice Presidents with the Council of
District Presidents (35) will be meeting in Phoenix in mid February. Pastor Phil has
been invited to serve as chaplain at his meeting.
Pastor Gary share with the Council he has but four weeks remaining in his four year
program of studies. Council rejoiced with him at this announcement!
There being no Old Business, Correspondence, or New Business the chair adjourned the
meeting at 10:20am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ralph Reinke
Recording Secretary