DIRECTIONS TO EDUCATION CENTER From the North 3. Turn right onto T Street. 3. Turn right onto T Street. (Sacramento International Airport) 5. Turn right onto Stockton Boulevard. 4. Turn right onto Stockton Boulevard. 1. Take I-5 south to Capitol City Freeway/Business 80 east (Reno). 6. Left onto X Street, Education Building is at the corner of 45th and X Streets. 5. Left onto X Street, Education Building is at the corner of 45th and X Streets. 2. Follow Capitol City Freeway east to Highway 50 (Placerville). From the East From the West (Placerville) (Davis, San Francisco) 3. Take the 34th Street exit and turn left onto 34th Street. 1. Take Highway 50 west to Stockton Boulevard exit. 1. Take Capitol City Freeway/Business 80 east (Reno) to Highway 50. 4. Turn right onto T Street. 2. Turn left onto Stockton Boulevard. 5. Turn right onto Stockton Boulevard. 3. Left onto X Street, Education Building is at the corner of 45th and X Streets. 2. Take the 34th Street exit and turn left onto 34th Street. 6. Left onto X Street, Education Building is at the corner of 45th and X Streets. From the South (Stockton, Los Angeles) 3. Turn right onto T Street. From the East 4. Turn right onto Stockton Boulevard. (Roseville, Reno) 5. Left onto X Street, Education Building is at the corner of 45th and X Streets. 1. Take Capitol City Freeway/Business 80 west to Highway 50. 1. Follow Hiway 99 north to Capitol City Freeway/Business 80 east (Reno). 2. Take the 34th Street exit and turn left onto 34th Street. STR EET 2. Exit at T Street. EET 39 TH V ST R EXISTING BUILDINGS 2 ST BUILDING(S) UNDER CONSTRUCTION PARKING AREAS 3 O 4 CK TO N VD BL V ST R . 5 6 DO 1 CTO EET RW AY HS TRE E T 7 23 8 V ST R D ST. 10 X STREET SHRINERS PARKING 12 13 STRUCTURE CKT 48TH STREET STO ON B LV 7 16 18 3 5 8 1 6 A B C D SACRAMENTO COUNTY DEPT. OF SOCIAL SERVICES . 22 STATE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT B LV D 23 19 4TH AVE. ON 11 MARION ANDERSON SCHOOL CKT 17 3RD AVE. STO 4 18 . 19 21 B LV D 10 22 ON 14 2ND AVENUE CKT 21 2ND AVENUE STO 12 17 50TH STREET 2 16 15 BROADWAY BROADWAY BROADWAY SACRAMENTO COUNTY PRIMARY CARE CENTER E F G STATE EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT OFFICES 50TH STREET 15 Admin. Support Building (ASB), I,10 Broadway Building, M,1 Cancer Center G,11 Courtyard by Marriott, F,8 Cypress Building, B,14 Education Building, G,10 Facilities Support Services Building (FSSB), I,7 Glassrock Building, E,8 Imaging Center, I,11 Kiwanis Family House, N,4 La Bou Café and Conference Center, B,12 Lawrence J. Ellison Ambulatory Care Center, K,8 M.I.N.D. Institute, N,5 Medical Record building, C,14 Patient Support Services, D,14 Ronald McDonald House, M,8 Shriners Hospital, E,10 Surgery and Emergency Services Pavilion, F,12 Ticon III, E,6 Trauma Nursing Unit, D,13 UC Davis Book Store, B,12 UC Davis Medical Center, C,12 Wong Building (Psychiatry), B,13 COURTYARD BY MARIOTT 14 49TH STREET 9 D. SACRAMENTO FACILITY INDEX 49TH STREET 11 SHRINERS HOSPITAL 20 Garage at the Lawrence J Ellison ACC - 4860 Y St. 9 X STREET 13 EET 49TH STREET 42 N 45T SHERMAN WAY WATER TOWER Location of the CITRIS Event: Education Building, 4610 X Street Auditorium/Lecture Hall 1222 Public Parking H SACRAMENTO COUNTY CORONER AND CRIME LAB BLDG. DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES I 20 J K L M N O