Queensborough Community College, CUNY Kurt R. Schmeller Library Reference Desk Services POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUAL 1 QUEENSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE, CUNY KURT R. SCHMELLER LIBRARY REFERENCE DESK POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUAL Table of Contents Purpose …………………………………………………………………………….. 5 Mission Statement of the Kurt R. Schmeller Library …………….......................... 5 Mission Statement of the Kurt R. Schmeller Library Reference Desk ………...... 5 Reference Desk Services: Overview & Philosophy………………………………. Patrons with Disabilities ……………………………………………………. Helping Patrons Locate Books in the Circulation Stacks ………………….. Completing Reference Queries …………………………………………….. Telephone Queries …………………………………………………………. Paging Patrons ……………………………………………………………… Reference Desk Telephones ………………………………………………… 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 Students with Disabilities……………………………………………………….. 7 Behavioral Performance of the Reference Desk Library Faculty ………………. Approachability …………………………………………………………. Roving …………………………………………………………………… Interest ………………………………………………………………….. Listening/Inquiring ………………………………………………………. Searching ………………………………………………………………… Follow-Up ……………………………………………………………….. 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 Reference Desk Scheduling ……………………………………………………… 10 Reference Desk Statistics ………………………………………………………… 10 Opening & Closing Procedures ………………………………………………….. Opening …………………………………………………………………... Closing …………………………………………………………………… 10 10 10 Group Study Room Policy ……………………………………………………….. Fines ……………………………………………………………………… 11 11 The Reference Collection ………………………………………………………… 11 Interlibrary Loan/ILL ……………………………………………………………… Article/Book-Chapter Request ……………………………………………. Book Request ……………………………………………………………… 11 12 12 CLICS (CUNY Libraries Intra-Campus Service) ………………………………… Eligible Users ……………………………………………………………. How to Request Items on CLICS ………………………………………… 12 12 12 2 Eligible Material ………………………………………………………….. Non-Eligible Materials …………………………………………………… Fines ……………………………………………………………………… Renewals …………………………………………………………………. 12 13 13 13 Reserve Request Form …………………………………………………………… 13 Electronic Reserve ………………………………………………………………… 13 Information Literacy Form ……………………………………………………….. Media Services Request Form ……………………………………………………. 14 14 METRO Referral Cards …………………………………………………………… Two Types of METRO Referral Cards ……………………………………. Title Referral Cards ………………………………………………………… Subject Referral Cards ……………………………………………………… 14 15 15 15 MaRLI: Manhattan Research Library Initiative …………………………………… 15 Lost & Found Policy ……………………………………………………………… 15 Office Supplies & Copy Cards …………………………………………………… 16 Cell/Mobile Phones in the Library ………………………………………………. 16 Computers in the Library …………………………………………………………. Library’s Desktop Computers ……………………………………………. Library’s Laptop Computers ……………………………………………… 16 16 17 Scanners in the Library …………………………………………………………… 17 Connecting Personal Laptops, Smartphones & Other Mobile Devices to QCC Wi-Fi … Personal Laptops …………………………………………………………… Personal Apple iPhones, iPod Touch & iPads ……………………………… Personal Android Devices …………………………………………………… 17 17 17 18 Printers & Printing in the Library …………………………………………………… Mobile Printing ……………………………………………………………… How to Use the Mobile Print Website ………………………………………. Printing in Color ……………………………………………………………… Continuing Education Students & Printing ………………………………….. Printing from Personal Laptop Computers …………………………………… 18 19 19 19 20 20 Photocopying, Adding Funds to OneCards & Filling Stations ……………………… 20 Change Machines …………………………………………………………………… 20 Portable Battery Chargers …………………………………………………………… 20 3 Food & Beverages in the Library …………………………………………………… Reference Desk ……………………………………………………………… Policy for Students …………………………………………………………... 21 21 21 Smoking ……………………………………………………………………………… 21 Patrons’ Behavior ……………………………………………………………………. Disruptive Behavior ………………………………………………………….. 21 22 Children in the Library ………………………………………………………………… 22 Help with BlackBoard, Tigermail, CUNYFirst & Registration ………………………. 22 Emergency Procedures ……………………………………………………………… How to Report a Crime or Other Emergency ………………………………… Fire Safety Guidelines ………………………………………………………… In the Event of a Fire ………………………………………………………….. If You are Trapped in a Room ………………………………………………….. Fire Alarms …………………………………………………………………….. Emergency Procedures Guides ………………………………………………… 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 Guides in folders at the Reference Desk …………………………………………... 24 4 QUEENSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE, CUNY KURT R. SCHMELLER LIBRARY REFERENCE DESK POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUAL PURPOSE The purpose of the Kurt R. Schmeller Library’s Reference Desk Policy and Procedure Manual is to help ensure that all patrons receive a consistent level of high quality service based on uniform procedures. It is also to acquaint library staff and new personnel with the services, policies, and procedures of the Reference Desk. The manual will be reviewed periodically by the Chief Librarian and Head of Reference to ensure that changes are made when necessary. MISSION STATEMENT OF THE KURT R. SCHMELLER LIBRARY The primary mission of the library is to support the mission of the college. The library’s mission includes: promoting and supporting all efforts to insure that every student becomes information literate providing an environment that supports collaborative learning providing access to print, online and multimedia resources that support the curriculum and faculty research preserving materials related to the College's history maintaining professional standards for an academic library in a highly respected public institution working collaboratively with other academic departments to achieve the goals of the College MISSION STATEMENT OF THE KURT R. SCHMELLER REFERENCE DESK The primary purpose of the Kurt R. Schmeller Library faculty at the Reference Desk is to: Assist all patrons and provide them with prompt, courteous, patron-friendly service. Treat all patrons with equal attention, concern, respect, and confidentiality, no matter the nature of his/her query. Teach patrons how to find and use information instead of simply giving patrons information. REFERENCE DESK SERVICES OVERVIEW & PHILOSOPHY The Guidelines for Information Services of the Reference prepared by the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), should be reflected in services provided at the Reference Desk of the Kurt R. Schmeller Library. These national guidelines address the following areas: Services; Resources; Access; Personnel; Evaluation; and Ethics. The guidelines are available at: http://www.ala.org/rusa/resources/guidelines/guidelinesinformation Library faculty members who provide reference services should be familiar with these guidelines in addition to the Kurt R. Schmeller Library Reference Desk Services Policy and Procedure Manual. 5 Reference services are available to individuals who come to the Library and to those who request assistance over the telephone or through Ask-a-Librarian/Chat Reference. The library uses Library H3lp for chat/virtual reference (https://us.libraryh3lp.com/webchat/). Service to patrons who come to the Reference Desk takes precedence over any other activity. When they are two or more patrons waiting, priority should be given to the patron who was waiting the longest. If a library faculty member not scheduled at the Reference Desk is approached by a patron requesting assistance, every effort should be made to provide reference service to the patron. But if it is not possible to provide service (e.g., the library faculty member has two minutes to get to a class), s/he should guide the patron to the reference desk and assure him that he will get assistance there. Patrons with Disabilities Special consideration should be given to the needs of library patrons with disabilities based upon the nature of the disability and available resources. Helping Patrons Locate Books in the Circulation Stacks Library faculty members scheduled at the Reference Desk on the 2nd floor are encouraged to accompany patrons to 3rd floor of the library if they should require assistance finding books and depending upon circumstances and if no library faculty member is scheduled at the 3rd floor Reference Desk. Completing Reference Queries If a library faculty member is unable to complete a question during his/her scheduled shift at the Reference Desk, it is the responsibility of the library faculty member to try and complete the transaction or turn it over to the library faculty member who relieves him/her. Questions received at the Reference Desk at closing should be completed if possible unless the query is too complex, or there is no time to complete the transaction. Ask the patron to return for assistance when the Reference Desk is open or take the patron's phone number or e-mail address and work on the question as soon as possible. Telephone Queries Telephone questions should be answered as soon as possible and the caller should be provided with the same courtesy and attention as the in-person patron. Every effort should be made to answer the phone before it rolls over to voice mail. To answer the Reference Desk voice mail: dial the Call Pilot Voicemail: extension x5199; enter the Mailbox number: 6241; enter the password (kept in a folder at the Reference Desk). Paging Patrons Since the library does not have an intercom system, there is no paging of library patrons. In the case of emergencies, the library faculty member may check the immediate area for the person requested but is not obligated to do so. If the caller indicates that an emergency exists, the call should be transferred to Public Safety (x6320 or x6384). 6 Reference Desk Telephones The Reference Desk telephones are for library faculty use. Personal phone calls (incoming or outgoing) should be avoided while at the Reference Desk, including cell phone calls, texting, and allowing students to use the Reference Desk phones. If the patron has an "emergency," and need to make a phone call, encourage him/her to go to Public Safety located on the 3rd floor of the Library or the Student Center. The Library faculty member could also call Public Safety for any emergencies. There is only one pay phone on campus and it is located on the 1st floor of the Administration Building. Reference Desk staff can use their judgment to allow on campus phone calls from the Reference Desk telephone. Telephone calls at the Reference Desk for a library staff member should be treated as all other transfer calls to a college employee or department. Inform the caller that they are being transferred, give the extension to which they are being transferred (in the event they get disconnected), and then transfer the call. Library faculty members are encouraged to use their office telephone as the primary contact phone number for personal conversations, etc., and not use the Reference Desk number. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES The QCC Library provides reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities. We provide a computer with assistive technology software as well as a machine for enlarging documents. Students are expected to know how to use this equipment – if they don’t, please refer them to The Office of Services for Students with Disabilities located in the Science Building, Room S-132; phone number: (718) 631-6257. When showing students databases, keep in mind that some offer audio for the hearing impaired, and assistive technology (like JAWS) can transcribe online documents for the visually-impaired. In college, students are considered adults and accommodations are provided to ensure equal access. Since students with disabilities are expected to do the same work as all other students, please go through the reference interview so that a student leaves the reference desk with the skills to do further research independently. If the library faculty member(s) at the Reference Desk is unable to accommodate a student with disabilities, please refer the student to The Office of Services for Students with Disabilities located in the Science Building, Room S-132; phone number: (718) 6316257. BEHAVIORAL PERFORMANCE OF REFERENCE DESK LIBRARY FACULTY Reference services should reflect the Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information Service Providers, from the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA). These guidelines outline professional behavior in reference and information services, detailing the importance of the following: Approachability – Interest - Listening/Inquiring – Searching Follow-up. The Guidelines are available at: http://www.ala.org/rusa/resources/guidelines/guidelinesbehavioral Library faculty members at the Reference Desk library should be familiar with these guidelines in addition to the Kurt R. Schmeller Library Policy and Procedure Manual. 7 Approachability To help ensure successful reference transactions, the library faculty at the Reference Desk should be approachable and respond to all patrons. Friendly and efficient service should be provided and a positive image projected. It is important to be “poised and ready to engage approaching patrons,” stop all other non-reference activities “and focus attention on the patrons' needs.” Greet and welcome the patrons and help them feel comfortable and at ease in seeking assistance. Establish eye contact, use a welcoming body language and acknowledge their presence. Roving If scheduled at the third floor Reference Desk, instead of waiting for patrons to come to the third floor Reference Desk, the library faculty member should occasionally rove through the stacks, approach patrons, and offer reference assistance if needed. Be aware of patrons who need help but hesitate to ask for assistance. Interest Library faculty at the Reference Desk should: “Demonstrate a high degree of interest in the reference transaction.” “Be interested in each patron's informational need.” “Be committed to providing the most effective assistance.” Be focused on the patrons; face them “when speaking and listening,” Listening/Inquiring It is important that the library faculty determines the patrons’ information needs and help them feel at ease. “Strong listening and questioning skills are necessary for a positive interaction.” The library faculty at the Reference Desk should: Use good listening skills and appropriate techniques such as eye contact, nodding and attentive phrases when listening to a question. Let the patrons express their question in their own words before responding. Respond in a friendly and engaging manner. Provide adequate follow-up in the form of a reference interview to determine and clarify the needs of the patron. More open-ended questioning techniques could be used, e.g., “Please tell me more about your topic” “What additional information can you give me?” “How much information do you need?” Searching More closed or clarifying questions could be used to “refine the search query,” e.g., “What have you already found?” “What type of information do you need (books, articles, etc.)?” Assist patrons in finding information and in learning how to conduct research to find information on their own. Teach patrons how to locate, identify, and use resources so they can access information and do research. Avoid finding the information for them. Guide the patrons to use an effective search strategy so the information needed is found. If needed, guide the patrons to narrow or broaden the topic of the search. Supply general information concerning the Library's resources, collections, and services, as well as specific aids in clarifying queries and locating information. 8 It is okay to print out articles for patrons at the Reference Desk if there are no computers available and the library faculty member is teaching the patron how to use the databases. The Library faculty member at the Reference Desk will have to use his/her judgment. Follow-Up Ensure that the patrons’ questions are answered sufficiently and their information needs are satisfied. When closing the reference transaction, ask the patron if the information provided answered his/her request. REFERENCE DESK SCHEDULING The Reference Desk will be staffed by the library faculty when the library is open. All library faculty members are expected to be punctual in fulfilling their assigned hours at the Reference Desk. They are expected to arrive on time (a few minutes before their shift starts) and stay until relieved. If staff will be unavoidably delayed (e.g., teaching a class), notify the schedulers (Profs. Devin McKay and Sheila Beck; and the Chief Librarian, Prof. Jeanne Galvin) in advance. Reference Desk (and Virtual/Chat Reference) scheduling is done weekly. Any changes to the library faculty schedule should be sent to the Reference Desk schedulers (Profs. Devin McKay and Sheila Beck; and the Chief Librarian, Prof. Jeanne Galvin) by Wednesday at 12:00 p.m. of the previous week. When the schedule is sent out via e-mail, library faculty members should check the schedule and inform the schedulers of errors as soon as possible. If someone is scheduled to be on the desk at the same time that his/her class ends (or scheduled to start a class at the same time his shift at the Reference Desk ends), the matter should be referred to Prof. Devin McKay. Library faculty members are not expected to be in two places at the same time. It is the responsibility of each library faculty member to trade hours if s/he is unable to keep the schedule. The library faculty member is still obligated to be at the Reference Desk if s/he is unable to trade desk hours. It is the responsibility of the person initiating the trade to make the changes on the print schedule and notify the Reference Desk schedulers (Profs. Devin McKay and Sheila Beck, and the Chief Librarian, Prof. Jeanne Galvin) and Head of Information Literacy (Prof. Susan Sciammarella). When a libraryfaculty member will be absent due to illness or personal emergency, an email should be sent to: _LibraryAdmin@qcc.cuny.edu If a library faculty member will be absent due to illness or personal emergency and is scheduled to be at the Reference Desk at opening, e.g., at 7:30am, s/he should send an email to _LibraryAdmin and also send an email to Devin or call her. She is willing to be the backup. If the library faculty member is unable to send an e-mail, a phone call can be made to: (718) 631-6627. When someone calls in due to illness or personal emergency, the person who takes the call should generate an e-mail to: _LibraryAdmin@qcc.cuny.edu The ill library faculty member will not be responsible for locating someone to take his/her hours. REFERENCE DESK STATISTICS Statistics are kept of transactions at the Reference Desk via the Desk Tracker located via the Toolbar on the Reference Desk computers or at: https://client.desktracker.com/ 9 The account number, password and other information about the Desk Tracker are kept in a folder at the Reference Desk. For the username, enter the first initial of your first name and your entire last name. Accurately record all transactions in the Desk Tracker. Reference Desk statistics are tabulated monthly and annually by the Head of Reference and a copy is provided to each library faculty member. OPENING AND CLOSING PROCEDURES Library faculty members should be familiar with the opening and closing procedures. (Instructions are kept at the Reference Desk). Opening The library will open at 7:30 am Monday through Friday when classes are in regular session. The Opening Team consists of two support staff members, one library faculty member and one adjunct CLT. Opening Services are available as follows: 1. Circulation and reserve services are available at 7:50. 2. Reference services are available at 7:40. 3. Set up involves: (a) Turning on computers at reference, circulation and reserve – Members of the support staff are responsible for turning on the computers in their work areas. The adjunct CLT or students themselves will turn on student computers on the 2nd and 3rd floors on weekday mornings. (b) Unlocking the laptops – Done by the support staff member who works at reserve. (c) Obtaining money for the cash register – The support staff member should get the money from the safe. Money should not be kept in the door to L224. (d) Retrieving absence messages – Done by the support staff member. (e) 2nd and 3rd floor lights – done by the adjunct CLT, or, if unavailable, any other member of the opening team. (f) 3rd floor alarms should not be handled by the Library. Public Safety would prefer that the alarm be active at all times. (g) Opening the doors to let patrons in, the doors that lead to the loading dock (Key #140) and to Technical Services (Key #27) – Done by the adjunct CLT or any other member of the Opening Team. The opening and closing checklists are available in a folder at the Reference Desk. The Library faculty is responsible for opening the Library on the weekends. Closing The computers at circulation and reserve are turned off by the staff members working at those locations. The library faculty and/or CLT will turn off student computers at closing on weekdays. The library faculty will turn off student computers on Saturdays and the adjunct CLT will turn them off on Sundays. The library faculty should insure that the doors between the Public Service area and Technical services are locked. The library faculty should insure that the front doors and the doors to the elevator corridor are locked. The library faculty should check that windows are closed. If closing and a student(s) refuse to leave, call Public Safety at extension x6320 or x6384 for assistance. 10 GROUP STUDY ROOM POLICY The purpose of the group study rooms is to allow groups of QCC students to study and discuss their work together. The rooms are not intended for individual study. Students must request a group study room at the reserve desk. If a room is available, at least two students must be present. One will check out the key to the room. The other student will check out a board, labeled “Group Study Room 209” or Group Study Room 308.” An activated QCC CUNY ID card is needed to check out the key or the board. If /when other students join the group, they must have their ID cards swiped and receive a token. Spot checks will be done to confirm that everyone using a study room has followed procedure. A minimum of two (2) students and a maximum of eight (8) students may use the group study room: Group Study Room 308 (one group of up to eight students); Group Study Room 209 (two groups of up to eight students each in each group). Consecutive time slot check-ins is permitted from the group if no one is waiting for the room. If rooms are in use, students will be given a buzzer. If a group comes to renew a room, reserve staff should check to see if any buzzers are out. If they are, the room cannot be renewed. Reserve staff should notify the waiting group by buzzer. Fines A lost key is considered a lost piece of equipment. Lost equipment requires a replacement charge and the patron will be charged a fine of $25 for the lost key. Late return of a key means that the key holder will incur a fine of $15.00 an hour. (Students are not being penalized for studying; but are being penalized for using a resource for longer than the allotted time; depriving other students of the resource.) THE REFERENCE COLLECTION The Kurt R. Schmeller Library will maintain an up-to-date, relevant, and accessible collection of reference materials, including print and electronic resources. The collection development of the library’s in-house reference collection is the responsibility of the Head of Reference with assistance from the other members of the library faculty. Items in the Library’s Ready Reference, Reference Stacks, Reserve, Archives and Special collections do not circulate. Exceptions are only made for QCC faculty with the following circumstances: 1. The material is needed for a classroom presentation. INTERLIBRARY LOAN/ILLiad Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service whereby QCC faculty, staff and students may obtain library materials that are not owned by the Kurt R. Schmeller Library or circulating material at any other CUNY library. The library uses ILLiad: https://qcc-cuny.illiad.oclc.org/illiad/logon.html The link is available at the Library’s home page under the drop down menus for “Books and More,” “Articles and Databases,” “Faculty,” as well as on some of the subject guides. For the first time using ILLiad, patrons have to register and create a username and password by clicking on: “New to Illiad? Register Here.” Log into the account to make an interlibrary loan request. 11 Select the type of material needed, e.g., Article, Book, Book Chapter, Media (DVD/VHS), Other (Free Text), and fill out the form. Article/Book-Chapter Request An article or chapter from a book can be requested on Interlibrary Loan: If the Library does not own the specific print or online periodical source. (The full text of an article is not available in the Library’s database or the Library does not own the print periodical needed.) If a book is unavailable for loan within the CUNY+ Union Catalog (CLICS). Articles/book chapters will be delivered to the patron’s ILL account as a PDF file. The article should be downloaded within 30 days. Book Request If a book or other item is unavailable for loan within the CUNY+ Union Catalog (CLICS), it can be requested through ILL. Books and other items requested via Interlibrary Loan are picked up and returned to the Check-Out Desk on the 2nd floor of the Library. For any Interlibrary Loan questions, call (Prof. Neera Mohess) or 718-631-5067 or send an e-mail to: nmohess@qcc.cuny.edu CLICS (CUNY LIBRARIES INTRA-CAMPUS SERVICE) CUNY students, faculty and staff may request circulating books and cd’s from the collections of other CUNY libraries. These deliveries will be taken to the CUNY library that the patron requests. Eligible Users CLICS is limited to current students, faculty and staff at CUNY for whom a current patron record exists in the CUNY+PLUS library system. They MUST have a valid electronic mail address. How to Request Items on CLICS Begin by selecting ALL CUNY Libraries in CUNY+PLUS. After the book is located, click on “Request,” or click on the library which owns the book, then click on “Request a copy.” Enter your activated CUNY ID card number beginning with 22371 (no spaces). Enter your password. If you have not created a password, enter your CUNY ID card number again. Click on: LOG IN From the drop-down menu, select the CUNY library where you want to pick up the item. If you do not need the item after a certain date, enter that date in this format: yyyymmdd in the “Hold Request Until a Specified Date” field. Click on: GO 12 Eligible Material Any circulating book or CD determined to be in good condition by the lending library. Non-Eligible Materials Journals, reserve, reference, special collection, and archive materials as determined by the lending library. 1. A HOLD cannot be placed on an item held at the user’s home library. 2. If the requested HOLD item is on the shelf and available for loan, the lending library responds “Yes” and ships the book ASAP to the CUNY library pick-up location. 3. The item is delivered within a few business days via a delivery service which makes daily deliveries to designated CUNY libraries. 4. When the item arrives at the CUNY library selected by the user, an e-mail notice is automatically sent to the patron. 5. The book is placed on the HOLD shelf for approximately 10 days. 6. If the book is not picked up from the HOLD shelf, it is returned to the lending library. 7. If the book is not on the shelf, the lending library deletes or cancels the HOLD. A HOLD cancellation letter is sent to the user. The patron is free to request or place a HOLD on the book if it is available at another CUNY library. Fines Circulation and overdue fine policies of the lending library apply. Renewals Patrons may renew the book in MY Account in CUNY+PLUS as long as the item is not already overdue or there is not another patron requesting the book. RESERVE REQUEST FORM Faculty members may use this form to put books or printed materials owned by the Library on reserve: http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/library/faculty/ReserveRequestForm.html Contact information: Travis Richardson at (718) 6225 or trichardson@qcc.cuny.edu ELECTRONIC RESERVE To place materials on Electronic Reserve, instructors should either: Complete the electronic reserve form available at: http://qcc.libguides.com/content.php?pid=201192&sid=2962928 Send the form and documents to Prof. Peijun (Jeffrey) Jia at: jjia@qcc.cuny.edu or Send an e-mail with the following information to Professor Jeffrey Jia, jjia@qcc.cuny.edu Name, email, department, telephone number, course title (e.g., Popular Culture), course number (e.g., EN-216), Course password for eReserve, semester & year. Attach the file(s) with the material to be placed on eReserve to the e-mail; or bring a hard copy to the Library, L-225, Attention Prof. Peijun (Jeffrey) Jia. Reminder: If submitting large documents, please consider breaking them into several small documents. Students often print the whole document, rather than only the pages they actually need. Documents for electronic reserve should be submitted as early as possible. It can take up to 2 weeks to get the documents on to the electronic reserve server. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Professor Jeffrey Jia, at (718)281-5594, or jjia@qcc.cuny.edu INFORMATION LITERACY REQUEST FORM If an instructor would like to schedule a library instruction class, s/he could either: 13 Fill out the Information Literacy Class Request form at the Reference Desk. Contact Prof. Suzy Sciammarella, Associate Professor/Coordinator of Public Services and Information Literacy, by: e-Mail: ssciammarella@qcc.cuny.edu. Phone: 718-631-6601. In person: Kurt R Schmellar Library Room 225. For more information, please see: http://qcc.libguides.com/informationliteracy MEDIA SERVICES REQUEST FORM The Media Services unit of the Library provides audio-visual equipment, assists with the setup of presentations and provides technical assistance to all the lecture halls on campus. Video tapings and productions may be scheduled in the TV studio (LB16) or on location when personnel and equipment are available. Media Services may be offered in one of the media classrooms, located in the basement of the Library or at another campus site. To obtain Media Services, a Media Service Request form must be completed and submitted. These forms are available in the Media Services Office (Technical Services, Library 2nd floor), or Online at: http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/library/faculty/mediaServicesRequestForm.html For further information, contact Senior CLT, Ramón Pérez rperez@qcc.cuny.edu , (718281-5407), or e-mail _LibraryMediaRequest@qcc.cuny.edu. Completed requests will be processed, and written confirmation will be sent on a first come, first served basis. All requests are subject to the availability of equipment, personnel and rooms. There are no time restrictions, and last minute requests are accepted provided that availability criteria are met. However, requests received a few weeks in advance are more likely to be approved. It is important to note that room reservations may be subject to change if required by the needs of the college. Source: About Media Services: http://qcc.libguides.com/content.php?pid=201192&sid=2036872 METRO REFERRAL CARDS The METRO Referral cards system is a reciprocal service through which member libraries extend access to patrons of other libraries participating in the program. It is designed to allow QCC students, faculty and staff access when either, (a) The title needed is not available in any CUNY library or a public library. (b) Or to refer students, faculty and staff for research in a particular subject. METRO referral cards are issued at the Reference Desk of the Kurt R. Schmeller Library. The Librarian at the Reference Desk: (a) Issues the card, (b) Contacts the host’s library and makes the arrangements with the host’s library for the visit. The card is usually good for one visit and sometimes if the student, faculty or staff member needs to go several times, we ask the host’s library for permission in advance. 14 There are two types of referral cards: Title Referrals The Yellow Card is used when the title needed is not available in any CUNY library or in a public library. Subject Referrals The Blue Card is used to refer students, faculty and staff for research in a specific subject. The staff of the host library collects the card when the user presents it. Once the card is collected at the host’s library, it is up to them to allow the user in again. One card--one visit is the norm. At the end of the month, staff of the host’s library sends all METRO cards received to METRO. Access to another library does not guarantee that materials will be available at a particular time. The METRO Card does not allow borrowing books or using materials not listed on the card. The host library determines the length of time that the reader may use the facility. MaRLI: MANHATTAN RESEARCH LIBRARY INITIATIVE This joint initiative between Columbia University, New York University and the New York Public Library offer eligible users the opportunity to borrow select materials from each of the three partner libraries based on the following criteria: NYPL cardholder in good standing (please resolve any blocks or delinquencies on your library account before applying) Demonstration that resources available through the home institution have been exhausted Demonstration of a sustained need for access to the resources of the participating libraries and collections Requested materials are deemed appropriate for circulation If you are unsure whether MaRLI is appropriate for your research needs, please visit or contact any of our research libraries to discuss the program. Interlibrary Loan or a METRO referral may serve the needs if access to one item for a limited period of time is required, or if you require access to materials not held by NYPL, NYU, or Columbia. For more information, please visit the MaRLI homepage: http://marli.libguides.com/welcome If you have questions about MaRLI or would like clarification regarding any of the information on their site, please contact: marli@columbia.edu or marli@nypl.org or marli.info@library.nyu.edu LOST & FOUND POLICY The Library does not have a “Lost and Found.” All items should be turned over to Public Safety (including ID cards, flash drives, etc). Public Safety will contact the owners of items such as ID cards and wallets. Items are kept in a safe in Public Safety for 30 days. 15 OFFICE SUPPLIES & COPY CARDS The Reference Desk has a small amount of office supplies. Scrap paper and pencils are usually at the stand-alone computers where students look up call numbers. They are also kept in the top drawers of the Reference Desk and in the Technical Services area. Limited amounts of paper clips rubber bands, scissors, white-out are also available at the Reference Desk. Two copy cards labeled, “Faculty Use Only” are kept in the top drawer of the Reference Desk. These can be used in emergency situations to assist patrons who need to photocopy. Envelopes and letterhead stationary are not provided at the Reference Desk. Staplers and stapler removers are located at the Reference Desk and on a table close to the photocopy machines close to the sale books. The latter table also has a three-hole puncher, electric pencil sharpener, and paper cutter. CELL/MOBILE PHONES IN THE LIBRARY Mobile phones should be set on “silent” when in the carrels, stacks, Silent Study Room, and at the Reference Desk on the 2nd floor of the Library. Patrons are allowed to use their cell phones in other areas of the library, including the 3rd floor providing the voice-level is low. TALKING IN THE CARRELS & SILENT STUDY ROOM No talking is allowed in the carrels on the 2nd floor or in Silent Study Room. COMPUTERS IN THE LIBRARY The Reference Desk computers are for library faculty use only. Library’s Desktop Computers The Library has desktop computers on the second and third floors. All desktop computers on the second and third floors have full access to Library resources and Microsoft Office including Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Office Excel. Patrons can view, create, edit and print Microsoft Office slides. There is no PowerPoint on the five standup reference computers. There are 16 computers on the 2nd floor with full Internet (14 PCs and 2 MACs). All desktop computers on the third floor have access to Library resources, [content on the QCC website], Microsoft Office including Microsoft Office PowerPoint. Suggestions about adding non-library websites to the Library’s desktop computers with limited Internet will be made by the Head of Reference with consultation with the Library’s CLTs. Students who need to use a non-QCC website, e.g., the CUNY website or resources offered by another college, etc., should be encouraged to use the ACC if there are no full internet library computers available. There are also three ADA desktop computers with ADA software and full Internet access located in the Library: the two Macs and the computer with the large screen and scanner located across from them. No eating or drinking is allowed near any computers. For more computers with full Internet access and specialized course-related software, students can use the Academic Computing Center. 16 Student should be encouraged to use the ACC especially if they need full Internet and no computers with full internet or laptops are available. Library’s Laptop Computers QCC students can check out laptop computers for two hours at the Reserve Desk. Laptops must be used in the Library. In order to get a laptop computer a student must present a valid, unaltered, activated QCC ID card. The ID card is scanned to confirm that the student is currently enrolled at QCC and has no library blocks. Laptop computers have access to the full Internet, Microsoft Office and Open Office PowerPoint so patrons can create, edit, and view PowerPoint slides but they cannot print slides. Laptop computers have printing capabilities and print to the Library’s Pharos Ricoh wireless printers. SCANNERS IN THE LIBRARY The Library has two book scanners located close to the Reserve Desk. Patrons can check out the scanner key for 30 minutes from the Reserve Desk with a validated QCC CUNY ID card (the OneCard). Patrons can scan selections from their text book and/or any other materials and save as a PDF, JPEG or TIFF file on a USB flash drive. Patrons will need to provide their own USB flash drive in order to save their scanned documents. CONNECTING PERSONAL LAPTOPS, SMARTPHONES AND OTHER MOBILE DEVICES TO QCC WI-FI 17 Personal Laptops To connect a personal laptop to QCC’s Wi-Fi: Left click the wireless icon (on PCs, generally in the lower right; on Macs, generally in the upper right), and select TigerNet. Open any browser (e.g., Firefox, IE, Safari), and the TigerNet Wireless Portal login page will open. Enter your full TigerMail email address under Student/Faculty/Staff Login section. (Example: jdoe34@tigermail.qcc.cuny.edu). If the above prompt does not appear, then enter www.qcc.cuny.edu in the browser address bar. Personal Apple iPhones, iPod Touch & iPads To connect an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad to QCC’s Wi-Fi: From home screen, tap the Settings icon. Tap on Wi-Fi. Tap TigerNet. (Note: if your Wi-Fi is off then turn it on by swiping off switch to the right) Once connected you will be presented with a page asking you to enter your full QCC TigerMail email address. If you do not see this page then you should see it when you open Safari. (Note: if connection is successful then you will see a Wi-Fi signal bar at top of the screen.) Personal Android Devices: To connect android devices to QCC’s Wi-Fi: Press the Menu button on your phone and press Settings. Press Wireless & Networks, and then Wi-Fi Settings. Make sure there is a check next to Wi-Fi, then tap on TigerNet. Once connected you will be presented with a page asking you to enter your full QCC TigerMail email address. If you do not see this page then you should see it when you open a browser window. Source: Connecting Laptops, Smartphones and Other Mobile Devices to QCC Wi-Fi http://qcc.libguides.com/content.php?pid=201192&sid=2464224 PRINTERS & PRNTING IN THE LIBRARY All wireless and library computing areas (ACC and the Library) are connected to the Pharos Ricoh printers. Patrons will need a valid QCC CUNY ID card (the OneCard) or a Guest Card to print from the desktop computers on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Students will have to enter their Tigermail username (e.g., JDoe13) and password in the dialog boxes that pop up when a print command is initiated. Patrons with Guest Cards should click on “I am a guest” on the dialog box then type in the Guest Card number. Patrons can pick up their print jobs from any of the (Pharos Ricoh) printers (in the Library or ACC). Students can either swipe their QCC CUNY ID cards (the OneCards) and/or tap the LCD screen and type in their Tigermail username then password. Patrons with Guest Cards have to swipe their Guest Cards and type in the Guest Card number. They can select the individual document or “print all.” They should select “Logout” when done. Students get 300 “free” prints per semester. Prints can be single sided or double sided (e.g., if a student knows how to do single sided, it will cost more). The allotment is per semester and does not roll over. Students can check their print balances (how many free prints are left) by logging in at: https://www2.qcc.cuny.edu/pharos/Default.aspx The printers default to print on both sides. However, if a student insists that his/her instructor would only accept one-sided printing, the library faculty could assist them with printing one-sided copies. Printing from mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android) is not supported at the moment. If students claim that they have forgotten their ID cards at home, doesn’t have money with them to purchase guest cards, and ask the librarian at the Reference Desk to print out their work, emphasize to the students that it’s their responsibility to bring their QCC CUNY ID cards with them to the Library. The Library faculty member at the Reference Desk will have to use his/her judgment. If a patron tries to print and gets an error message, request help from the Library’s CLTs or check the “Error Messages Printing Tips” in the folder at the Reference Desk. Re-printing for patrons – the Library faculty member at the Reference Desk is free to reprint jobs for patrons when a printing issue cannot be resolved and s/he feels comfortable with this. Please refer to the folder at the Reference Desk titled “Reprinting” or “Proctor Software – Pharos Remote” for instructions. Mobile Printing Students can now print from any mobile device with internet access. To use email to print, students should: 18 1. Login into their TigerMail email account. 2. E-mail the document(s) as an attachment to mobileprint@tigermail.qcc.cuny.edu. The document can also be forwarded in an email message longer than 200 characters to: mobileprint@tigermail.qcc.cuny.edu. 3. Check their TigerMail account for a confirmation e-mail from MobilePrint. Once the confirmation is received, they are ready to pick up their document(s) at any printer in the Library or Academic Computing Center by simply swiping their OneCard. How to Use the Mobile Print Website 1. Students should log on to https://mobileprint.qcc.cuny.edu/ using their TigerMail credentials. 2. Upload the document. 3. Click “refresh” to conform the uploaded document (see below). a. Go to any printer in the Library or Academic Computing Center, swipe their OneCard and follow the instructions on the printer OR b. Log on to https://mobileprint.qcc.cuny.edu/ from the mobile device, select the nearest printer and click print. Instructions are available in a folder at the Reference Desk and at: http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/onecard/mobileprint.html Printing in Color Patrons should not be told that they are not allowed to print in color (but don’t advertise color printing). Allow patrons who request to print in color to use that function. Printing in color costs $.25 a page and the 300 page allotment is only for black and white. 19 Continuing Education Students and Printing Continuing Education students do not get free print. They have QCC CUNY ID cards but they do not have Tigermail so they cannot print with their ID cards. They have to purchase a Guest card. Printing from Personal Laptop Computers Patrons with their own computers who need to print on the Library’s computers will need to configure their personal laptop computers to print to all of the Pharos Ricoh printers by downloading and installing the appropriate driver for the operating system. The link can be found via the “Mobile” tab from the Library’s homepage or at: http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/it/wirelessPrinting.html Students who need help with printing from their personal computers including setting up their computers, should be given a copy of, “How to print from your personal computer,” that’s available at the Reference Desk. Library CLTs should step in if further assistant is needed. CLTs should advise patron to see IT only if it’s necessary. PHOTOCOPYING, ADDING FUNDS TO ONECARDS & FILLING STATIONS Photocopy machines are located next to the elevators on the second floor of the Library and opposite the Reserve Desk. Photocopying costs ten cents a page. A valid QCC CUNY ID card or a Guest Card is required to photocopy or print. A guest card costs $.50 (e.g., $1.00 in the machine will produce a card with $.50 value). After purchasing guest cards patrons must swipe them at the filling station within 30 seconds, if not they will lose the money on the cards. They will have to go to A-206 to recover the lost funds. If students are unable to photocopy after purchasing a guest card, most likely they did not swipe the card at the filling station (within 30 seconds). Instructions for using the photocopy machines and printers are available in a folder at the Reference Desk. Currently enrolled students can check their balances; replenish their ID cards with cash at the filling stations located in the Library and lobby of the Administration Buildings; or via a credit or ATM card online. For more on this, please see: http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/onecard/addingFunds.html For more information on photocopy machines, please see: How to Use a PharosManaged Ricoh Copier (available in a folder at the Reference Desk). The filling stations do not provide change. If patrons want change for a large bill, they may request change at the Check-Out Desk where a limited amount of cash is kept. CHANGE MACHINES There are no change machines in the Kurt R. Schmeller Library. PORTABLE BATTERY CHARGERS Draped electric cords are not allowed in the Library as they can contribute to tripping accidents. Students who need to charge their mobile devices (cell phones, laptops, netbooks, tablets, eReaders, MP3 players, digital cameras, etc.) should borrow a portable battery charger from the Reserve Desk. 20 Library faculty members at the Reference Desk may be asked to assist patrons with finding the Tip number. In order to borrow a portable battery charger, students will need to have the following: 1. An activated CUNY ID card 2. The Tip number. 3. To find the Tip number, either use the link on the stand-up workstations near the Reserve or Reference Desks, or go to http://tipfinder.xpalpower.com and search for your item. (Instructions are also available in a folder at the Reference Desk.) Chargers and accessories are given out as is! QCC Library is not responsible for the patron’s personal electronic devices. The QCC Library is not responsible if the patron’s USB flash drive malfunctions or gets damaged or corrupt while using the Library’s computers. FOOD & BEVERAGES IN THE LIBRARY Reference Desk Full time and adjunct library faculty members are allowed to have beverages in closed containers at the reference desk (e.g., coffee/tea in thermos mug, water in bottle). Policy for Students: The Library allows the consumption of snack food and non-alcoholic beverages under prescribed conditions. Patrons should accept and adhere to the guidelines listed here. Snack food should only be consumed on tiled floors. (For the purposes of this policy, foods such as fruit, chips, nuts, pretzels, and cookies are considered snack foods -- pizza, burgers, fries, sandwiches, salads, sushi, etc., are not.) Patrons are allowed to have beverages with covers in the carrels including next to the student computers. Patrons should use sturdy, "spill-proof" containers to minimize damage to the Library's resources and facilities. Food and drink-related trash should be disposed of in the trash baskets. Patrons should report any spills that may occur to Library staff immediately so that the spill can be cleaned as quickly as possible. The delivery of food to the library for Library users is prohibited. Eating is not permitted at or near: printers or photocopiers, aisles and stacks where books are shelved, any carpeted floor. Food is permitted in the Student Union. A microwave is also available in the Student Union. Source: Food: http://qcc.libguides.com/content.php?pid=272247&sid=2245242 SMOKING Smoking in the Library or any part on campus is forbidden. PATRONS’ BEHAVIOR Disruptive Behavior Disruptive behavior (excessive noise, altercations, theft, vandalism, inappropriate sexual behavior, and harassment of any kind) should not be tolerated. Offending patrons should be asked to leave the library. 21 If further assistance is required, notify Public Safety at extension x6320 or x6384. For urgent issues such as theft or acts of aggression, contact Public Safety immediately at extension x6320 or x6384 for immediate assistance. CHILDREN IN THE LIBRARY Children under the age of 16 entering the library must be accompanied and supervised by an adult. Parents, guardians, and caretakers are responsible for the conduct of their children on library premises, and must provide close supervision at all times. Children may not touch library computers or other equipment. In cases where children are not closely supervised or library rules are broken, library staff will ask parents or caretakers to take the children out of the Library. Public Safety should be contacted at: extension x6320 or x6384 concerning unsupervised children in the library. HELP WITH BLACKBOARD, TIGERMAIL, CUNYFirst, AND REGISTRATION Students experiencing problems or need help with the CUNY portal should be sent to IT (Information Technology) in the Administration Building in room, A-303. Students experiencing problems or need help with Blackboard, should be sent to the ACC (Academic Computing Center) on the 1st floor of the Library. Students experiencing problems or need help with CUNYFirst should be sent to the IT (Information Technology) CUNYFirst Help Desk in the Administration Building in room, A-303. Students experiencing problems or need help with their Tigermail accounts - Ask the Library’s CLTs to first see what the problem is and most likely they would be able to resolve the issue. CLT should advise patron to see IT only if it’s necessary. Students who need help with printing from their personal computers including setting up their computers, should be given a copy of, “How to print from your personal computer,” that’s available at the Reference Desk. Library CLTs should step in if further assistant is needed. CLTs should advise patron to see IT only if it’s necessary. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES In an emergency situation, notify Public Safety immediately at extension x6320 or x6384. The Department of Public Safety should be notified immediately of any threat to the safety and security of any member of the college community. Such reports may include criminal matters, medical emergencies, disturbances, fires, and damage to personal or college property, equipment or buildings. An immediate investigation will be conducted into the details of such reports. Written reports are kept on file in the Public Safety Office and copies are distributed to the appropriate campus departments. Source: Campus Safety Guide, p. 1-2. If deemed appropriate, the department will also notify the New York City Police Department for its appropriate action and/or response. A Memorandum of Understanding exists between CUNY and the NYPD. The QCC Department of Public Safety also maintains a close professional relationship with the members of the 111 Pct. regarding matters of mutual concern effecting members of the college community both on and off campus. The precinct is located at 45-06 215th Street, Bayside, NY 11361 and can be reached by phone at 1-718-279-5200. Source: Campus Safety Guide, p. 1-2 22 How to Report a Crime or Other Emergency: Red security telephones have been installed in corridors throughout the campus. The phones will automatically dial the Department of Public Safety when the handset is picked up. These phones should only be used in emergencies. [None are in the Library.] The Department of Public Safety can also be reached from campus phones by dialing extension x6320 or x6384 or from an outside phone at 1-718 631- 6320/ 6384. Incidents can also be reported by responding directly to the Public Safety Office located on the 3rd floor of the Library Building. Note: For an immediate police department response or for off campus incidents, dial 911. When reporting a crime or incident please provide as much information as possible to include: 1) Details of what happened 2) Specific location 3) Identity and/or description of person(s) involved 4) Date and time of incident 5) Be as specific as possible when giving any information to the Department of Public Safety (i.e. description of person(s), vehicles(s), etc.) Source: Campus Safety Guide, p. 1-2 Fire Safety Guidelines All members of the Campus Community should be guided by the following: In your building/classroom Note the location of fire alarms, extinguishers and other emergency equipment. Note the location of landmarks which may aid your exit when visibility is reduced by smoke. Locate at least two emergency exits from your floor and make sure they are free from obstruction. Re-familiarize yourself with standard fire drill procedures. Source: “Fire Safety Guidelines,” Public Safety website. In the Event of a Fire Remain calm. Act quickly, not rashly. Your object is to survive. If you can exit safely, do so. If not, you must work quickly to defend yourself against smoke and flame. Never open a door without first checking for heat or smoke. Close doors behind you. Do not allow doors to lock behind you. You may be forced to return. If smoke is encountered during your exit, do not walk upright … crawl. The air is cooler and less toxic near the floor. Never use an elevator. If smoke is present in a stairwell, avoid it. Choose another route. If your clothes catch fire … stop, drop, and roll to extinguish the flames. If you are in the room where the fire starts, leave quickly. Close the door and call Public Safety at ext. 6320. Upon exiting, move at least 70 yards from the building. Make yourself or a group designee available to the Public Safety Officers or Firefighters in order to give as much information about the fire situation as possible. Be factual and be calm. Source: “Fire Safety Guidelines,” Public Safety website. 23 If You are Trapped in a Room Seal door/window cracks and ventilation grills with tape (preferably duct tape) or towels and clothing (preferably wet) to keep the smoke out. If there is smoke in the room, open the window to let it out. Hang an article of clothing, large enough for rescuers to see, out of a corner of the window. Then close the window and keep closed to prevent outside smoke from entering. Do not break the window unless the room has been heavily invaded by smoke and you must get air to survive. Remember, stay close to the floor for air. Call Public Safety at ext. 6320, report the fire location and your situation. Tie a towel or clothing (preferably wet) around your nose and mouth if necessary to filter smoke. Do not jump. Source: “Fire Safety Guidelines,” Public Safety website. You must believe that every fire alarm is real. Failure to exit the building when an alarm sounds may put you and others in danger. If you have any non-emergency questions related to this Safety Advisory, please feel free to call Public Safety at ext. 6320. Source: “Fire Safety Guidelines,” Public Safety website. 24 Fire Alarms Everyone in the Library should respond to all fire and emergency alarms by immediately exiting the building via the nearest fire exit. Emergency Procedures Guides QCC Emergency Procedures may be accessed via the folder at the Reference Desk or by visiting the QCC Public Safety homepage at: http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/publicsafety/index.html. The QCC Emergency Procedures Quick-Guide is available online at: http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/.../QCC_Emergency_Procedures_Quick-Guide_2008.pdf The QCC Campus Safety Guide is available online at: http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/publicsafety/docs/CampusSecurity728-10cmplt.pdf Behavioral Intervention Incident report forms can be accessed and submitted via the Public Safety homepage: http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/studentAffairs/bit/bit-ir.html SELCTED GUIDES/HANDOUTS IN FOLDERS AT THE REFERENCE DESK Battery Chargers Campus Writing Center Classroom Software (Insight Faronics) Clickers Closing Checklist Closing and Opening Procedures Cloud Storage (Dropbox) Common Read Events Common Read Writing Contest Configuring Your Own Computer to Print to Pharos Printers CUNYFirst Desk Tracker Dropbox – Cloud Storage Emergency Procedures Freshmen Academics Contact List Friends of the Library Group Study Room Policy Honors Program Library Workshops ID Cards Insight by Faronics (Instructions for setting up the program in L-302) L-313 Start-Up Procedures Library Fines Library Self-Guided Tour [password] Maps of QCC Mobile Devices Mobile Printing Opening Checklist Opening & Closing Procedures Photocopiers Printing from Library Computers Printing from Your Own Computer Printing Issues in CUNY First Proctor Software – Pharos Remote (cross-referenced under: Reprinting) Reference Desk Voicemail [password] Reprinting Services for Students with Disabilities Student Learning Center Tip Finders Wireless Printing in the Library Barbara Bonous-Smit & QCC Library Faculty, April 7, 2014 25