Introduction to Microbiology Exam 2 Study Guide LHS Gonzalez 1

Introduction to Microbiology Exam 2 Study Guide LHS
1. What is the function to the streak plate? How many cells should a colony arise from?
2. What is the definition of bacterial growth? How do bacteria divide?
3. What is the function of agar?
4. How are anaerobes cultured?
5. What are the temperature classifications of microbes?
6. How does UV light control microbial growth?
7. What is autoclaving and how does it work?
Introduction to Microbiology Exam 2 Study Guide LHS
8. How do salts and sugars control microbial growth?
9. What do the following terms mean:
a. Obligate aerobe
b. Facultative anaerobe
c. Obligate anaerobe
d. Aerotolerant anaerobe
e. Microaerophile
10. Where are the elements SCHNOP found?
11. What is a capnophile and where would they most likely cause infection?
12. Be able to calculate a dilution factor.
13. Know how to calculate microbial growth.
Introduction to Microbiology Exam 2 Study Guide LHS
14. Why are biofilms problematic in micro?
15. What is the microbial pattern of cell death?
16. What methods achieve complete sterilization?
17. What do the following terms mean?
a. Bacteriostatic
b. Germicide
c. Virucide
d. Sterilant
e. Fungicide
18. What methods DO NOT achieve complete sterilization?
19. What is the limitation of the autoclave?
Introduction to Microbiology Exam 2 Study Guide LHS
20. What do the following terms mean?
a. Disinfectant
b. Antiseptic
c. Aseptic
21. What concentration of alcohol is the most effective?
22. Be able to interpret disk-diffusion/disinfectant tests.