Valentines. - Galena Park Independent School District

Movie Review
Ghost Rider
Robotics Goes Baby Jay Raps
For Change
People: Stop Valentine’s Day
Fun & Gifs
The Buzz
Galena Park High School
News Magazine
Volume 2 Issue
February 14, 2007
Local Teen Lives His
Dream Of Positive Rap
Valentine’s Day
Gift Guide & More
Young Rap Artist
Sends Message To
His Community
From his early childhood rapping at his
brother’s studio in his house, to working with
a record label, Jonathan “Baby Jay” Gutierrez,
hopes to change people’s perspectives about
drugs, alcohol and staying in school.
“I started rapping from about the age of six
or eight. What had inspired me to become an
artist was my when my brother had rap
things set up in the house, and I used
to just start spitting things out that I
was going through in life,” Baby
Jay said.
At the age of 12, Baby
Jay was signed to the
label Rolando Entertainment, owned by
his cousin Roland and
he started recording with
different artist and had the opportunity to meet others like
Gloria Estefan, Jibbs and Paula
“I’ve recorded with Fo Legend, Peter Yarrow, K.B., David
Enriquez and I’m looking
forward to record with many
more artists,” he said.
“When I met Gloria Estefan it
was a blessing, because she was nice to talk to
and I also met Jibbs from Chain Hang Low, and
Paula DeAnda who sings Walk Away, and it was
cool to meet them since I like their music,” Baby
Jay said.
“I got on the label because my cousin Roland
heard my music and said that we can do something different and make this world a better
place with Positive Rap. It feels good to know
that I can help make kid’s days better by just
showing them positive music,” Baby Jay said.
Unlike some artists, Baby Jay writes his own
Baby Jay’s
lyrics and what he mostly writes about is not
doing drugs or alcohol, staying in school and
every day things that happens to him or people
around him in their life.
When his audience listens to his lyrics, they
often change their perspective about the
things he talks about.
“In my lyrics, I usually write about life and
things that happens to the people around
me, like one of my songs “Just A Baby Yourself,”
it just talks about how girls get pregnant in
school and they’re just a baby themself. I
also talk about staying in school and staying out of trouble,” Baby Jay said.
Signing autographs doesn’t just
make him more famous it also allows
him to make new friends and fans that
he can try to motive to be positive about
things in their life.
“When I sign autographs, I feel good
because I make new friends and fans and
that’s a great feeling,” Baby Jay said.
Live events, shows, helping out in the
community and making an album pretty
much make his schedule full, but he still has
time to be involved in school activities like a
regular student.
“I don’t just rap, I make my own beats,
and play football, basketball and I write my own
lyrics. Writing lyrics and performing at shows
are the ways that Baby Jay tries to get his message across to his audience and listeners.
“I want my audience to just stay focused,
don’t ever let anyone ever bring you down, you
can do whatever you can and want as long as
you put your mind to it. I also like performing in
different schools to spread the word about saying no to drugs, staying in school, and to stop
the violence,” Baby Jay said.
Page 2
Jay Z
Love Disapproval The Buzz
Good Things, Bad of Friends & Family
Interfere With Student’s Relationships
There are many ways in which a relationship can go down the drain. Some of
which have to do with parents and friends
that don’t think the partner is good
Most of the student body can relate
to some kind of problem dealing with
interference. It’s a tiny problem that
becomes a huge problem in a friendship
when someone has a close relationship
with their parents.
It’s something that can cause serious
damage to a relationship. It can make it a
lot harder for a boyfriend or girlfriend to
see the other, or to be accepted by friends
and family. Some feel that it can make it a
lot more difficult for the
relationship to bloom if
people keep interfering
with the relationship. It
seems like all the people
around the couple decide whom they should
be with, instead of thinking about whether the
couple is happy or not.
Therefore, sometimes
the couple decides that
they should completely
lose touch with the person or people who tell
them to break up. There are exceptions when it’s okay
to advise someone, to break up, such as
when the relationship is not healthy. Most
of those cases involve physical, verbal, or
mental abuse, and in some cases unfaithfulness.
If there are signs of physical, mental,
or verbal abuse, then it is okay to recommend friends or family members to leave
the abuser. It can hurt them both when
it’s happening and, in the long run too.
The person that might be experiencing
the abuse will act as if nothing is going
on and say that they’re not being abused.
They deny the fact that they are being
abused, and think that just because their
partner tells them that they love them.
It’s also not right to let friends and
family be made look bad by letting them
be with someone that cheats on them. If
that happens and the person that’s being
cheated on doesn’t know, it’s okay to tell
them that their partner is cheating on
them. It’s not okay to tell them that they
just can’t be with the person they want
to be with because they’re not right for
them. Actually tell them what is going
on and give a definite reason of why that
person is not fit for them.
To solve the problem of interference,
people should not only learn to accept
the people that their friends or family
members decide
love. If their friend
decides to stay
with someone,
then they should
at least pretend to
like them. But if the
person is really not
fit for them, people
should just advise
them to change
their mind about
their partner, not
yell at them or get
mad at them. If
people decide to
do that then they
will just decide that they shouldn’t listen
because it’s not the adviser’s problem.
The couple will just get mad and have
more problems on their hands other than
their own problems.
Therefore, people should just advise
and explain why that person is not suited
for them, and not blow things out of
proportion and make it into a big deal.
Interference is just one of those problems
that you have to actually experience to
know how it feels. Everyone has the right
to be with whomever they choose, and it
isn’t fair not to give someone a chance to
Editor in Chief - Fahedra Salas
Assignments Editor - Crystal Jones
Production Editor - Valerie Torres
Quality Editor - Victoria Salinas
Photo Editor - Nohely Hernandez
Business Editor - Zaira Hernandez
Photographers Elizabeth Reyes, Zaira Hernandez,
Bianca Salinas, Valerie Torres
Reporters - Sephora Avalos, Veronica Cardenas, Adriana Chavez,
Courtney Corfield, Jessica Cruz,
Crystal Deleon, Angela Diaz,
Melissa Estrada, Zaira Hernandez, Valeria Hinojosa, Cynthia
Jimenez, Kimberly Mullinax, Luz
Muro, Belinda Pulido, Bianca Salinas, Arely Sanchez, Martha Sanchez, Kelli Tyson, Gizele Benitez,
Elizabeth Reyes, Esther Arredondo, Paola Benitez, Sabrina Garza,
Christina Gutierrez, Melissa Silva,
Jeanette Solis
Letter from the Advisor,
Beginning with our next issue, The Buzz Newsmagazine will no longer be published as a printed
edition. We will be moving the entire magazine
There are many reasons for this, beginning
with the high cost of quality printing. Our magazine or ‘zine is entirely supported by ad sales.
When ad sales are low, we can not print.
Printing a paper edition also takes time. From
the time the staff finishes a story, creates the layout, gets final approval and sends it to the printer
can take as long as a week. By then, the news is no
longer new.
Finally, we have been restricted to black and
white printing. Color printing is very expensive
and so many great photos go unpublished in our
Publishing online will give us the ability to
use color photos, create new issues as often as we
want and our readers can view it on the computer
or print out in color from their own printer if they
We hope this new way of distributing the ‘zine
will be more convenient and keep our school
informed faster in the future.
Visit our web site at:
Page 3
Blocked Websites, For Students Own Good or Not?
By Belinda Pulido
Blocked web sites are an issue for many students, maybe even for some teachers.
Issues such as, the concern of the teachers
for the students going to inappropriate web
sites or just the safety of keeping online predators away from the students.
“I think it sometimes causes problems, but
it’s necessary, Technology Information Specialist Mr. James Carson said. “If it’s blocked, it’s
blocked for everyone in the school, even teach-
Movies are one of the top searches on the web,
but if you don’t have a computer at home you go
to school and find out the site is blocked.
Even searching for Valentine’s Day treats on the
schools computers can be a dilemma. It is unable
to be accessed too.
Searching stores for the newest items in retail can
save you a lot of time, but the web site is blocked
so students will focus on school work.
ers,” Mr. Carson said.
Some students don’t seem to think it’s fair
to have blocked sites, but feel differently, even
some teachers. “Sometimes it’s a hassle, because for simple
educational web sites that are blocked, we have
to send in a request in order for it to be unblocked,” math teacher Mr. Tom Le said.
As for the students, “Sometimes you try
looking for important information for a project
on fun web sites, but they are always blocked
and there’s nothing you can
do about it,” senior Yadira
Ramirez said.
“I think they should
unblock the websites, because
students should have the privilege of being trusted,” senior
Elizabeth Sena said.
Other students think the
computers are much safer
with blocked sites.
“It’s much safer for students, and I understand that
they should block the bad web
sites for the student’s own
safety,” senior Sara Cardenas
“They shouldn’t unblock
the web sites, because some
students try to look up things
that have nothing to do with
One of the most viewed web sites, MySpace.
school,” senior Mayra Franco
com is used to being accessed at home by many
students, but when they come to school it’s unable said.
As for the teachers, they
to be accessed.
don’t have more privileges.
“Teachers can request a site
to be blocked or unblocked,”
Mr. Carson said. The rules for
blocking web sites actually
started quite some time ago.
“As soon as they had Internet access, which has been
more than 10 years ago,” Technology Information Specialist
Mr. Charles Broadstreet said.
MTV, one of the most viewed network in the U.S.,
but at school they tend to block music web sites for
As for the students needing
the students own safety, because of bad lyrics.
to use the computer for school
purposes such as, projects,
homework assignments or
other needs, they might have a
problem concerning the safety
of the rest of the students.
“If student’s school work
has to do with content they
can request the site, if you
can’t get it through at school,
go to public library or off camAt, you might find some fun games, pus (at home),” Mr. Broadstreet
but it is blocked so students won’t waste time
during class.
Page 4
Black History Now and Then
African American Celebrate Their Fight for Rights
For many years the African
American culture suffered through
segregation, racism, slavery, and
harsh treatment. Now decades later,
not only are the African Americans
no longer considered non-citizens,
but they have the celebration of
Black History Month.
“ I think Black History Month
is a great way to let people get
an idea of everything my ancestors went through,” senior Dhamiri
Thomas said.
And that is exactly what is
done during the celebration of Black
History Month. Information is given
to everyone regardless of what race
they are to inform people of everything, African American citizens were
put through.
“ I think it is great that they
inform all the generations of what
blacks were put through. But I also
feel like a lot more could be done.
Now, as a high school student, I don’t
feel we give it as much importance
as we did when we were younger,”
junior Warneshia Holloway said.
Black History Month isn’t
a celebration that should only be
celebrated by the black race. On the
contrary it is a celebration that is
taught nation wide.
“ Just because I am not a
black person, it doesn’t necessarily
mean I don’t care for Black History. I
think it’s very important that especially the kids who aren’t black
should study and come to understand the history of it,” junior Tina
Deo said.
Many say that enough is
done to understand the celebration,
others disagree, and some think
more could be done. But this year,
the school is going to do a lot more
to fully understand, or at least get an
idea of Black History Month.
“Personally I think we
should give Black History Month as
much importance as we do to any
other holiday like the 4th of July, or
Cinco de Mayo. In history classes, we
should look up the history of it and
have after school activities,” assistant
principal Brandon Garza said.
A lot is done during the
month of February, freedom fighters
are honored, movies about segregation and the ending of slavery are
shown, parades are held, and much
more. But still, not many have an idea
of Black History Month.
“To me Black History Month
is just another month in the year,
I don’t think anyone actually celebrates it and it’s sad because we
all should,” senior Warren Holloway
How well are the students
informed about this celebration and
do they all know what the meaning
of Black History Month?
“I don’t think it’s actually
anyone’s fault but ours that Black History Month isn’t a big celebration. If
we honestly cared for the celebration
a lot more would be done. Enough
is taught to everyone about the celebration, but whether we celebrate
it or honor it it’s optional,” senior
Broderick Jackson said.
Frederick Douglas
was an important
freedom fighter who
stopped at nothing
to achieve equal
rights during and
after Civil War.
Rosa Parks stood up
for her rights and
was arrested for not
giving up her seat at
the front of a Bus in
Martin Luther King,
one of the most famous freedom fighters is well known for
his speech “I Have
a Dream,” given
on the steps of the
Lincoln Memorial in
Washington, D.C.
Page 6
Robotics Team Heads to New Orleans
Kaos, Inc. competes at FIRST Bayou Regional Contest
Getting ready for competition in New
ries; they have to do 500 character essays and
Orleans, Team Kaos Inc. prepares for their new 10,000 character essay. They are also making
challenge. With only a few weeks left to make a web site and animation. The good thing is
the final touches they are working at their best. their shirt design is already done.
“I think we have a great shot at this com- “It gets hard trying to make the web site,
petition; we are not only prepared physically,
because I only know so much. But Mr. Courbut mentally as well,” senior Eddie Torres said. temanche volunteered to help me build our
The objective this year is to get inner
web site,” sophomore Priscilla Perez said.
tubes into a rack-like structure. The difficult
They are getting ready to ship out their
thing is that another team is trying to put on
robot on Feb. 20. That only gives them a little
a tube as well so the whole structure moves
bit of time to finish up. The team is going to
when they do.
competition at the beginning of March, but
“The robot we are building will get
before that, their robot is being shipped so
points easily because we can lift two robots
they have to finish construction and practice
with ours, which gives us around 30 points.
driving it.
We also got this arm that will put tubes on the “The good thing is after all the building
lower rack to give us more points,” freshman
and the rest of the stuff that we do the comJose Alejandro said.
petition in the end is a fun experience,” junior
While the construction is getting taken
Jarvis Small said.
care of, the design team has their own worGetting taught about engineering by
an ITT engineer, sophomore Russell
Panell listens carefully.
Working on the lower deck freshman
Jose Alejandro drills a screw.
Making measurements junior Fidel
Limon Cuts wooden pieces.
Writing 500 character essays Senior
Noelia Ibarra corrects the mistakes
on their second draft.
Page 7
Page designed by:
Elizabeth Reyes
Slowly cutting a wooden block
senior Brandon Cavazos makes
another piece for the robot.
The structure for the FIRST Bayou
Regional Competition in New
At The Movies
Ghost Rider
Columbia Pictures presents
Ghost Rider. It is scheduled
to come out Feb. 16. starring
Nicolas Cage as Johnny Blaze
(Ghost Rider), Eva Mendes as
(Roxanne Simpson), Wes Bentley
as (Blackheart), Sam Elliott as
(Caretaker), Peter Fonda as
(Mephisto), Donal Logue as
(Mack), Matt Long as ,(Young
Johnny Blaze), Raquel Alessi
as (Young Roxanne Simpson),
Mathew Wilkinson as (Abigor),
Joel Tobeck as (Grissel), Daniel
Frederiksen as (Wallow).
From the same director who
brought you Daredevil, Simon
Finch and the upcoming movie
Daredevil 2. This Movie an Action, Horror, and a Thriller.
In Columbia Pictures’ action adventure Ghost Rider is
superstar motorcycle stunt rider
Johnny Blaze who strikes a deal
with the vile Mephistopheles for
the most precious of commodities, his immortal soul. Now
Johnny Blaze is forever destined
to ride night after night as the
host to the powerful supernatural entity known as the Ghost
Johnny Blaze is A fearless competitor, daredevil, and
performer. Johnny is famous for
his death-defying motorcycle
acrobatics and reclusive personality. Ghost Rider is the fiery
alter ego of Johnny Blaze, Ghost
Rider walks the line between
living and dead, administering
Forced into service every
night, he is the devil’s bounty
hunter, roaming the land on
the Hellcycle and collecting evil
souls that have escaped from
Mack is the guy behind the
guy, Randall “Mack” Mackenzie
is Johnny Blaze’s best friend and
chief mechanic. Roxanne is a
hard-nosed, hard-working, and
relentless journalist, Roxanne
buries herself in her job to avoid
dealing with her painful memories of her split with Johnny
Blackheart is the enemy
of all things good and pure,
Blackheart is a new breed of
devil, powerful and soulless,
looking to create a Hell on Earth
that he and he alone will rule.
With a single drop of blood,
Mephistopheles seals the fate
of Johnny Blaze and creates the
Ghost Rider.
Release date: 3/9/07
Rating: R
Set in the midst of the PersianGreco war during the Battle of
Thermopylae, where Spartan
king Leonidas led his army of 300
soldiers into battle against the
invading Persian army. According
to legend, their valor and sacrifice
inspired all of Greece to unite
against their Persian foe, leading
to the origins of democracy.
Director: Zack Snyder
Bridge To Teribithia
Release Date: 2/16/07
Rating: PG
An 11-year-old boy has his life
changed forever when he befriends the class outsider, a girl.
Together they create the world of
Terabithia, an imaginary kingdom
filled with giants, trolls and other
magical beings.
Director: Gabor Csupo
The Hills Have Eyes 2
Release date: 3/23/07
Rating: R
A group of young National Guard
trainees are attacked by mutants
during a training mission in the
New Mexico desert.
Director: Martin Weisz
Page 8
Halo 3 Multiplayer BETA
The Rule of Three
Purchase Crackdown
for the Xbox 360 and
gain access to the Halo
3 Multiplayer Beta. A
code to access the Beta
will be packaged with
Crackdown. Limited time offer. Only on
specially marked boxes
including all pre-orders.
Requires a hard drive
and Xbox Live Gold subscription. Halo 3 Multiplayer beta expected to
begin Spring 2007.
Halo 3 had a huge start in
2006 with pre-orders for a game
that won’t be released until
November 2007. It had such an
effect on many people who play
first person shooters. Around the
world people are waiting for the
game to be released for the Xbox
360 only.
Bungie (Halo’s maker) came
out with a variety of versions of
the game. All games will be the
same but the only difference
is that the higher the price the
more extras there will be. Like
the legendary package which includes a master chief helmet and
DVD extras for about $100 with
the reserve. Then they have the
Collector’s version with the DVD
extras but without the helmet for
about $70 and the regular version of the game with no extras
for $60.
The latest update at the
moment on Halo 3 is the Multiplayer Beta. It’s scheduled to be
released in the spring of this year.
“I’m excited that they are
giving us a chance to play a
demo of the game before it’s big
release in November,” sophomore Joshua Velasco said.
There are three ways to get
your reservation for the beta.
Also the only way to play the
beta is to have a valid Xbox Live
account. The first way to get it
is by playing Xbox Live for three
hours starting at the beginning
of this month. The next way is by
signing up at,
the signups started in November
of last year. The final way is by
reserving Crackdown.
Each player must decide
whether getting the Multiplayer
Beta before Halo 3 actually
releases is worth it or not. Some
can’t wait while others say they
can wait until November to play
the real thing.
“I’m definitely going to
try and play that beta version
of Halo 3 one way or another,”
sophomore Joel Barcenas said.
“There’s no need to rush and
get the Beta for Halo, it’s worth
it to wait a few months,” senior
Steven Montiel said.
Page Designed by: Elizabeth Reyes
Purchase the Halo Legendary Edition and receive a
Halo Spartan Mjolnir Mark VI Helmet Replica!* Also
includes three bonus discs that contain:
* Behind-the-scenes at Bungie Studios with new
insights into the Halo Universe and the making of
Halo 3.
* A special hi-res collection of all cinematics from
Halo 1 and Halo 2 with director commentary from the
Bungie Team bonus
* Community content from Red vs. Blue, This Spartan Life and Exclusive Gamer Tiles & a Theme
* Each unit will be serialized for added individuality and collectability. Not life-size.
*Product specifications are subject to change by
Microsoft. Helmet cannot be worn.
Page 9
Same Sex Marriage Controversy Between Religion And Legal Rights
Since man has had religion, they have taught that
marriage and love was supposed to be shared between
a man and a woman. But today that is not always the
case; there are now more same sex couples who have
begun to fight for the right so that they too, can be
Society has two very different views on the situation,
many people believe that gay, bisexual, and lesbian
relationships go against their religion and should not
be legal. Others don’t see anything wrong with these
couples and feel that people should be able to legally
marry whomever they want.
“I think that people overreact about the situation,
it’s not a big deal. People just have to get used to it and
quit being immature about it,” junior Angelica Tavares
“I think it’s wrong and gay, bisexual, and lesbian
marriages shouldn’t be legal because it should be a
man and a woman like Adam and Eve,” junior Kennie
Cambell said.
Gay, bisexual, and lesbian marriages have become
legal in some countries and a few states, but overall the
controversial topic of gay marriage has not been settled
for the entire country.
“I think it should be legal because every individual
is different and should chose for themselves if they
want to be with someone of the same sex or opposite,”
junior Elizabeth Reyes said.
“I don’t think it should be legal in the United States
and in Texas a constitutional amendment passed a law
stating marriage should be between man and women
not man and man or women and women,” senior Jeanette Solis said.
People discriminate against these relationships because of different views based on religious, social, and
emotional values. Most gays and lesbians in a relationship just want to have the same privileges that a married couple would have. Many want to have this right
so they can have permission to be in the ER with their
mate and because they believe they share love just like
a heterosexual couple. So far the Episcopal religion is
the only religion that accepts homosexual couples and
even marries them in certain cases.
“I think that people should be able to do what they
want and people shouldn’t discriminate against them
for who they are,” junior Michael Barton said.
“Gay and lesbian couples get discriminated against
because people still have that mind set that being gay
is bad, but I don’t see anything wrong with it, I think it’s
OK,” senior Sergio Gonzalez said.
“I think that these couples are wrong not only
because it goes against my religion; but because I think
they are not really gay or lesbian, they are just confused
because of a past experience,” Jeanette said.
Despite the criticism gay and lesbian couples receive, more people feel comfortable coming out and
showing who they really are.
“People are coming out now because they feel more
comfortable with themselves and they are saying this
is who I am accept me or not. Most people do accept it
because it’s not them,” Kennie said.
Page 10
What Do You Do If You Don’t
Have A Valentine
On Valentines Day
couples give and receive
gifts and are being extra
mushy. When students
or teachers see somebody with balloons and
flowers, or some other
present, they know that
that person has a significant other.
But by looking at
them some students
may feel depressed or
sad because they don’t
have a boyfriend or girlfriend to share this day
“I don’t like being
single on Valentine’s Day
because I don’t have a
boyfriend who will give
me presents and say that
he loves me,’’ sophomore Rosa Carrillo said.
For singles, Valentines Day can be a
disheartening day. But
other singles are hanging out with their friends
at a singles party.
Some students have
a boyfriend or girlfriend
what to do
plan a party with
some friends
exchange valen-
tine’s with a group
of friends
go to the movies
exchange pres-
this year, but last year
ents with people
they didn’t have one.
“Last year I didn’t you know
have a boyfriend and
I felt left out on Valen5. go out with your
tine’s Day because all of
mom and dad
my friends had a boyfriend or girlfriend and I
didn’t have one,” senior,
Beatriz Estrada said.
Others had somebody last year but this
year they are without
somebody to share
Valentine’s Day with.
Page 11
How Much Would You Spend
On Your Valentine?
Some people think that on Valentines Day you
are supposed to spend lot of money on your special
someone and others don’t.
“I would spend $300 on my girlfriend, I would buy
her whatever she asks for, especially roses the one
thing that you give a girl on Valentine’s Day besides
your love. You cant forget that that’s the most important thing, that
a girl could get on
Valentine’s Day,”
junior Pedro Ruiz
“For Valentine’s
Day I think that I
would spend $50
on my boyfriend,
the most that I
would spend on
him would have to
be $100 and I think
that I would have
to give him a chain
with a teddy bear,”
junior Estela Tobias
Some people
said that they
wouldn’t spend a
lot of money on
their girlfriend
because is not necessary to spend so much on them.
“I don’t think that I have to spend money at all
on my girlfriend. I think that with the love that I give
her is good and I really don’t have to spend money
because love is priceless,” junior Luis Gonzalez said.
“I think that when your girlfriend loves you, it
shouldn’t matter if you buy her a Valentine’s Day
present or not,” junior Roberto Peyrano said.
And other people think that if you buy them
something good and if not, then it is good too.
“I think that if I buy my girlfriend a present it is
OK, and If I don’t it is OK too because a relationship
shouldn’t be about presents, it’s about love,” senior
Albert Rojas said.
“I think that Valentine’s Day is about
love and not about money. It would be
nice like a dinner or something, but nothing expensive,” sophomore Tanhia Silva
“I think that when you have a boyfriend and it’s
Valentine’s Day,
you are supposed to give
them a present
on that day.
They expect to
get something
really special
that day, but not
spend a lot of
money probably like $30,”
freshman Karen
Melendez said.
“I think that
I would spend
like $20 on my
boyfriend. I
would buy him
chocolates and
a teddy bear
or spend more
money depending on how much I love
him,” freshman Jessica Arenas said.
“On Valentine’s Day, I go home with
some flowers for my wife I buy her something that I know she likes and that is not a
lot of money,” algebra teacher Mr. Miguel
Ramirez said
“I would spend like $10 on my boyfriend. I would buy him some candy or
some flowers. The most that I would
spend would be $20, but not more than
that,” CATE teacher Ms. Lorraine Lupo said.
Page 12
Feeling The Music Of Love
Students Express Thoughts Of Affection Through Songs
A love song is music that talks about
love between people and sometimes
describes the relationship a couple has.
Some love songs talk about many issues
between couples and that is what makes
everyone like them. In some ways, love
songs can hurt people because they make
them think about not having a loved one
or making them remember their former
loved one. Most couples have a song that
relates to them and decide to call it “their
“In my relationship, I would pick
a song that related to us and how what
we’ve been through our times together,”
junior Jazmin Guzman said.
“I guess it be one that went with the
characteristics, how she is, or the way she
is,” senior Jeremy Castaneda said.
“I would pick one that went with his
personality and talks about things that
has happened to us in the past,” sophomore Tiffany Jasso said.
Popular love songs that people
remember, talk about the relationship issues, or the happiness like Be Without You
by Mary J. Bilge, Bless the Broken Road by
Rascal Flatts, Let’s Get Married by Jagged
Edge, All My Life by KC & JoJo, Three Little
Words by NU Flavor, Shortie Like Mine by
BowWow featuring Chris Brown, Power of
Love by Celine Dion, and Back at One by
Brian McNight. Songs like these describe
people’s relationships or the feelings they
have or once had.
“Songs can describe your feelings because when something good or
bad happens to me, a love song comes
on, and describes the way I feel at the
moment. It takes all the words out of my
mouth,” Tiffany said.
“They do describe relationships,
because, maybe something happens to
the couple and the song talks about a
problem they have or had,” freshman Jessica Arenas said.
“No because a love song just talks
about the good side most of the times.
They only talk about one topic of love,”
sophomore Fernando Gonzalez said.
With many love songs, they can
help bring people together, but can break
them apart. If a couple were to break up,
the best way to help themselves, would
be not to listen to love songs, or to some
maybe it would help them.
“I wouldn’t listen to love songs after
a heartbreak because it would make me
think about the situation more and make
me feel worse,” Tiffany said.
“It wouldn’t help really because it
would remind you of what happened,”
sophomore Luis Guevara said.
“For me to listen to a love song after
we broke up would not help because
I don’t want to think of them anymore
since it’s over between us,” Jessica said.
“Some people it may help listening
to love songs because they might get
over it faster. The song helps them get
over it real quickly, but not many people
are like that,” Jeremy said.
“No, listening to love songs would
make you remember the times you spent
with that special person and hurt someone more,” Jazmin said.
“The love song would make you
think of the relationship again and then
you would cry and be depressed,” Fernando said.
Victoria Salinas
Quality Editor
Page 13
1. Believe In You & Me - Four Tops
2. Colour My World - Chicago
3. Beautiful In My Eyes - Joshua Kadison
4. I Finally Found Someone - Barbara Streisand
5. I Can’t Stop Loving You - Ray Charles
6. Fooled Around And Fell In Love - Elvin
7. Till There Was You - Beatles
8. You Belong To Me - Dean Martin
9. When I Fall In Love - Celine Dion & Clive
10. Have I Told You Lately I Love You - Van
11. I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston
12. After The Lovin’ - Engelbert Humperdink
13. Because Of You - Tony Bennett
14. Quit Playing Games With My Heart - The
Backstreet Boys
15. Running Back To You - Vanessa Williams
16. She Be The One - Enrique Iglesias
17. So Beautiful - Chris De Burgh
18. Tell Me It’s Real - K-Ci & Jojo
19. This I Promise You - N Sync
20. After All - Al Jarreau
21. As Long As You Love Me - Backstreet Boys
22. Close To You - Barbra Streisand
23. Don’t Make My Brown Eyes Blue - Crystal
24. Everything I Own - Bread
25. Dreaming Of You - Selena
26. Crazy In Love - Beyonce
27. Forever - Mariah Carey
28. Getting To Know You - Oscar Hammerstein
29. Happy - Brandy
30. Here And Now - Luther Vandross
31. I Drive Myself Crazy - N’sync
32. I Love You - Faith Hill
33. It Must Have Been Love - Roxette
34. Just The Way You Are - Billy Joel
35. I Will Still Love You - Britney Spears
36. Perhaps Love - John Denver
37. Right Here Waiting - Richard Marx
38. Runaway - The Corrs
39. She’s In Live With The Boy - Trisha
40. Somebody Loves You - Crystal Gayle
41. Take Me As I Am - Faith Hill
42. This Is The Night - Clay Aiken
43. Underneath The Stars - Mariah Carey
44. Whenever You Call - Mariah Carey
45. When You Tell Me That You Love Me - Julio
Iglesias And Dolly Parton
46. X-Girlfriend - Mariah Carey
47. You’re My Home - Billy Joel
48. You Will Be Mine - Faith Hill
49. All My Life - America
50. Beautiful - Faith Hill
PDA: How much
is too much?
Many students have a significant other and they have a lot
of peer pressure to explore their
sexuality from friends or other students.
Some students also show public displays of
affection or PDA.
“Kids lose focus in school when they
are worried about things
they shouldn’t be worrying
about,” English teacher Ms.
Natalie Hicks said.
Does it affects
students in school because
they make their relationship
their first priority, when
it should be school they
should be concentrating
“I don’t think it
does affect the students
because they are going
to do it no matter what,”
senior Rachel Prescott said.
Students believe that the school
should let students hold hands and hug each
other, but anything more is understandably
against the rules.
“The rules here in school are no touching, no matter what. Which I think is ridiculous,” junior August Stefano said.
“Some students do make you feel
uncomfortable, because they start getting all
on top of each other, now that’s too much,”
sophomore Priscilla Bravo said. Students do
PDA because of peer pressure, to look cool,
or just to show that they don’t care who sees
Couples try to show PDA because they
want everyone to know they are taken or
they want everyone to know they are really
into each other.
“I once had a friend that he and his girlfriend would show a lot of affection towards
one another. They wanted everyone to know they where taken
and they where serious about
their relationship,” sophomore
Aaron Gonzales said.
Students have gotten pretty
bad about PDA and they have
gotten to where they do everything in front of everyone.
“I remember one time,
I was in class and this couple
started grabbing each
other, that really made me feel
uncomfortable,” sophomore
Aaron Gonzales said.
Teachers are mostly the ones that get
really uncomfortable with students that get
really touchy with their significant other. “
No touching we are here to learn and work,”
soccer coach Shannon Summers said.
“I think couples show too much affection because of peer pressure. They think
that if there friends do it and they don’t they
wont be cool any more,” junior Jonathon
Godinez said.
“When you do something like that,
you should think first; what if your parents
where here, would you be doing this?” English teacher Ms. Denise Swaford said.
Page 14
Would You Like to Have A Wonderful Valentine’s?
Stop Worrieing about how to have a romantic evening and get ideas on how to have one.
As Valentine’s Day comes
closer, students prepare to give
gifts to their loved one. People have
come up with special surprises without letting it
be the same
old thing.
Many are
romantic, and
can come
up with the
most unique
things, but
for others
they just
don’t have
any idea.
Everyone wishes
they could
have an
unforgettable evening; not having
to worry how much everything will
cost. They worry about who will disturb their evening and what things
could go wrong. Most things that
hold people back are how much the
gifts will cost, how much is enough
and how much will you spend on a
loved one?
“Well I would spend about
$70 without dinner, since he’s going
to pay for it,” senior Natalie Rodela
While receiving a beautiful homemade
rose from her boyfriend junior Christina
Guerra and her boyfriend spend their
time outside on a beautiful field
“My girlfriend would want
everything to be perfect. So I would
spend as much as needed. I don’t
have any limit for her,”
senior Arturo
Garcia said.
want to
do so many
things, but
can’t do all
of them in one
single night. Going
out to eat, watching a
movie, walking in the
park, and just spending time together.
This year Valentine’s
love. Thinking if you should just
give her roses and chocolates others
need some advice on what they
should give. “For Valentines it’s hard to
find something for a
guy. You can’t give
him something so
girly. Something
unique would be
going to your loves
house and on the
drive way with chalk
write, I love you,” senior
Rebecca Rodriguez said.
“Something sweet and cute
would be going to her house and on
her bed put rose pedals in the shape
of a heart and in the middle have a
big bear holding a beautiful picture
Need tips?
Any gift with love from the heart
Day lands on a Wednesday. Half of
the day will be it in school.
“If I had the whole day, I
would just want to spend time with
her. Valentine’s Day is a romantic day
and should be spent with some one
you love. If it was warm I would take
her to the beach and look at the
stars,” senior Albert Rojas said.
It’s getting hard to think of
something very unique, Something
that’s not so ordinary and not so
boring to give you the ones you
Page 15
of us in a nice frame,” Albert said.
When shopping for a gift,
it can take so long deciding what to
buy. Having the thoughts of will the
like it? Or will they hate it. It would
help if you would know what they
“It’s really wouldn’t matter
what he buys me. I would just want
something that has meaning, something that comes from the heart,”
senior Natalie Rodela said.
History of Love
Love: Wonderful Word That Hurts
L-O-V-E, is what comes to mind
on Valentine’s Day? Hearts, kisses
and flowers, are a part of the search
for the meaning of love. But even
the great philosophers, with their
could not fully
touch its true
Can people
tell the difference between
love and
infatuation? It
seems, like it
is only waiting
for the person
who made the
heart pound
and the brain not stop thinking
about that one true love.
Falling in love with that one-person, “I feel like everything is going
great but we do have problems. But
no couple is perfect because in a relationship there are ups and downs,”
freshman Karen Melendez said.
Thoughts start to go everywhere.
Mom warns about being in love,
how easy it is to get hurt and love
doesn’t always have to be about sex
in order to have love for someone.
A relationship isn’t always too
happy. To know that if love is true,
sometimes there will be. Deep inside
of heart people get this great feeling
of them inside their heart.
“You wont miss something ‘til you
lose it”? “ No I don’t think it’s true.
The only thing that matters is that
you love them, cause some couples
won’t miss their partner,” sophomore Mariano
Hernandez said
Real love is
caring about
the happiness of
another person
without any
thought for what
we might get for
“I think at this
time that no one
knows the difference between
love and infatuation. Love is a strong word to say to
one another, but truly no one knows
what’s the real meaning of love,”
sophomore Monica Sanchez
The meaning of love offers a
definition of love in a way that is
interesting, intense, clear, logical, and
“ If you love that one person of
yours so much, you will find deep
into your heart that what love is, for
my experience love is very hurting and wonderful,” senior Adolfo
Huerta said.
Page 16
Sophmore Vanessa
Rojas and Jose Lopez, show their love
for each other in this
picture marking their
one year and five
month anniversary.
In a Hurry, why worry, quick guy gifts ideas for
This Valentine’s season is coming up quicker than ever and
many girls still haven’t got a gift for that special guy in their life.
Some guys put their gift ideas in order from the “I Love You” gift
to the “If I get this you should break-up with yourself” gift. The
answers will surprise you!
Top 5 gift ideas for this Valentine season.
Gifts from the heart or a gift that really says something
(1 being the fav-o-rite to 5 being he save-me-from it)
to that special person usually turns into a memorable gift. A
memorable gift could be a first kiss, an anonymous love letter, or
a funny card to brighten their day, memory is love.
1. From the heart (homemade)
card, and cookies.
Girls in general, believe that their guy wants those storebought Valentine’s Sweethearts or that new CD that just came
out (and in some cases that is true). But the guys seem to prefer
that “from the heart” home-made Valentines’ card, warm chocolate cookies, and a CD full of songs that remind him of his special
2. Man second best friend,
chocolates from his sweetie!
someone and the times they spent together.
Freshman Brandon Taylor and junior Daniel Ashraf have
proven that guys are as thoughtful as the ladies of Galena Park
because both prefer the card over the candy because, “Candy is
gone in a day but a card is a keepsake item.” On the other hand,
sophomore Robert Corfield believes that homemade cookies are
3. From the “knock-knock” to
the “who’s there” funny gifts
are the way to go.
better to receive than any Hallmark card.
Funny cards and Red Hots are always a fun gift to give to
any guy. Senior Dustin Rutherford says he remembers a couple
of years ago, when someone had given him a box of them, not
realizing how hot they were, he tried eating them all at once. The
outcome of this was chugging bottles of water and a red tongue!
4. Stuffed animals (adorable) not for guys, so stay
away from them.
To fix this problem, a poll says five out of six guys favorite candy
was chocolate. Junior Joseph Fade favorite type of chocolates is
coconut stuffed chocolate bites.
Most girls love stuffed animals but guys don’t. The poll
says three out of four guys don’t want a stuffed animal. “I prefer
peanut butter cookies with a kiss in the middle,” says Fade, “over
a stuffed animal any day”
Page 17
5. Store bought item, leave
them at the store!
Worth Spending For Your
Money Doesn’t Matter In Love
Now that Valentine’s
Day is here, couples need to
buy their special someone
something really nice, but not
too expensive. Others don’t
buy anything because they
think it is not worth spending
“I’m willing to spend
almost $35, but the thing that
I know I’m going to do for him
is a heart cake. The one thing
I don’t want is to spend too
much money on him because what if he doesn’t buy
anything expensive for me,”
junior Jacqueline Salinas said.
The other thing is when
couples go out to the perfect
date are they willing to spend
a lot of money on their date or
just stay home.
“My perfect date is
going out to eat maybe at
Olive Garden, and spend what
is needed. Then after that
I would go to the movies,
anything for the girl I would
do especially if I really like her,
but I do think she is worth it,”
junior Pedro Ruiz said.
Whenever you go to the
store, and you see something
that your date would like, but
you don’t have money, you
would rather borrow money
from someone you know.
“Well yeah, I was at the
store one day, and everything
was on special, but I didn’t
have any money so I decided
to ask my mom. Then after
that I bought it, well, my mom
bought it I started to feel bad.
That’s when I realized that I
needed to start saving money
or just get a job,” sophomore
Rafael Arizpe said.
When at the store,
sometimes there are times
that we want to buy something expensive, but it’s usually not worth it.
“The one thing that I
have in mind buying for my
boyfriend is an iPod yeah,
everyone tells me it is too
expensive, but I really think its
worth it, because I love him
a lot that I know he will like.
I think is better to buy him
something that I know he will
use, than something he won’t.
My Mom tells me that its OK,
and I know that he will buy
something expensive that’s
why,” sophomore Brittany
Rodriguez said.
The results on money
that would be spent on
Valentines Day depend on
the grade that students are
in, some have jobs, and some
“The one thing I know
is just because I’m a freshman, it don’t mean nothing
yeah maybe I’ll waste less, but
something is something as
long as I know is coming from
my heart,” freshman Lissette
Alanis said.
“I don’t think it matters
what grade it just matters
how much money that person
wants to spend. Like i’m
willing to spend $200 but it’s
going to be a surprise,” senior
Albert Rojas said.
How Much To Spend
Grade Level Graph
Page 18
300 360
To all my Buddies!
Mariano, Sheila,
Rey, Ili, Mario, Elba,
Lorenzo, Misha,&
Monica, I Love Ya’ll!
Happy Valentines
Diana Solis
Daniel Castaneda.
I love you
Pudding Pie.
To my best cousin Daisy,
I love you and thank you for
everything you have done for
me! I appreciate it! Love Ya!
Happy Valentines Day!
Y my whole heart,
To My Sistas in Yearbook,
and always will. I can’t
believe that we only have
one more year together
and then we’re off into
the real world. Well, I
just want to let you know
that I will always be here
for you no matter what.
I just want to
say that I love you a
lot and thank you for
being there for me every
time I needed you. Even
though we have our
ups and downs, we still
have each others back
I Love You.
Happy Valentine’s Day
Page 19
Audrey, Kelli, Nigel, and
all of my buddies I love
ya! Ya’ll are the best. I
hope ya’ll have a great
Valentine’s Day. Oh yeah
to 5th period - ya guys
are awesome!
To: Valeria
I love you and I’m
sorry for hurting
you back then, but
I know that you’re
the one.
To: Coach Garza
T’was once a captain of Old Navy
Over who the girls went crazy
He showed up at speed camp
In his track fancy pants
And he danced just like Patrick
To my Ikki and Jay
To: My Triplets, Megan, J.B,
Saralu G. Thank you for being my
friends. Wishing y’all both a Happy
Valentine’s Day.
Valerie Ezquivel
you both even
though we argue and
fight. I
y’all more
than any body else.
Erika Guerrero
To: My Baby Nohely
Thank you for being there when I
love you
a lot
nothing in
the world will change that.
Happy Valentine’s Day Babe.
I love you with all my heart.
Love your Honey
To: Coach Rodriguez
Roses are red
Violets are blue
It’s a day without sunshine
when I don’t see you.
To: Priscilla Martinez
Thanks for always being
Happy Valentine’s Day to
my favorite cousin.
Amanda DelaGarza
To: Sarylu & Valerie
I love you guys.
Thanks for being there for
me always. Y’all are the
I love my triplets.
To: Adolfo Huerta
I know that we’re not together and
we’re going our own ways, but inside
of our selves we have something for
each other. I know we have our ups
and downs, but I know I will never
forget about you. You’ve been there
for me and I will always be there for
you. You’re always going to be in
my heart.
Page 20
To: Jerry Sanchez
From: Damaris Duarte
Let the world stop turning,
Let the sun stop burning,
Let them tell me love’s not worth going
If it all falls apart,
I will know deep in my heart, the only
life I was loved by you.
Stacey Platero
Hey Stace, thanks for being my
sister and I’m sorry that we’ve been
fighting for a long time. But you’re
always in my heart. You’re the best
sister I’ve ever had. Well, I just
wanted to tell you Happy Valentine’s Day and I to tell I love you
for ever!
Alex Platero
You washed away my
heartache and pain.
You Showed me a new
light every single day.
I feel so comfortable
around you, even at the
gym. So i finally decided
to let you win..
My Heart!!
To My Baby Albert
YYou’re the best
thing that has happen to
me! I’m so happy I found
you my love! We have been
through so much together
and I thank you for being
by my side every moment.
I love you a lot chikito.
Y Marili Y
Melanie &
Christina Y
Hey guys,
Hope ya’ll have a
wonderful Valentine’s Day!!
I Love ya’ll a lot!! Thanks
for being there. Ya’ll are
the greatest!! And to my
Best Friend who UNDERSTANDS this I’m Cereal!!
YAlways, Elba Duque
We have been friends for the
And finally I’ve been granted to
be your one and only.
The short time that I’ve had your
heart in my hand,
I’ve been loving it more and more
each day.
Stop Wait a Minute...
You Done Got My Heart all in it
I Yyou Marili n Nohely
Ya’ll were there
when things went
down, Ya’ll were
there when no one
else was around,
that’s why, ya’ll are
my best friends!!!
YChristina Guerra
Say...YYou Ain’t Down!!
Page 21
Girl, I just wanted to
tell you that, I luv
you in a good way and
don’t 4-get I’m always
here for you in good
& bad. Take care because I care. Luv you,
To: Maribel Rivera
From Your best friend
Y My Baby AndyY
Just wanted to say
Happy Valentine’s
I Love You
and hopefully we
can last
Love Always,
To: All my Peeps,
I love Ya’ll and I am
glad that I talk to ya’ll.
I love every minute I
spend with ya’ll!!
Ya’ll are the coolest and
craziest ppl in the world.
I Love...
Marrano H, Diana S, Tanhia
S, Kelly V, Roger V, Ester
A, Elba D. Branea V, Paula
P, Iris G, Veronica O, Ray
S, Daisy D, Daisy L, Daisy
G, Jose P, Donna and to all
my other people that I love
- the list is too long LOL!!
Y Patty
Much love
( Yesennia Hernandez)
I YYou !!
To: my Best friends
hey guys, hope y’all have a
wonderfull Valentines Day!!!
I love y’all alot!!
Thanks for being there, y’all
are the greatest !! And to my
best friend that understands this
“I’m Cereal!!!” LOL!!
Elba Duque
Page 22
To: Jose Ruiz, Jr.
I love you so very
much i’m so glad
that we got together! can’t wait
to be with you
for the next couple of years. I love
From: Your
To: My Best and
Closest Friends
From: Esther
For ya’ll being my
closest and best
friends. I love ya’ll forever I know we have
our ups and downs,
but no matter what
were always gonna
stick together I Y ya’ll
To: Coach Pena
Peña butter jelly time
Peña butter jelly time
Where he at? Where he at?
There he go! There he go!
Peña butter with a baseball
Coach Peña and baseball’s
where it’s at!
To: Derek Morin
Even though we sometimes
fight I still love you.
~Love Erica~
To: Erica
We love you even
though we fight
sometime. we don’t
like you, we love you
more than Derek.
Ikki and Jay
I Love Y
I love you Moses!
My love, my life, my
Happy Valentine’s
Day babe!!
<3 Sabrina
“I don’t quite know how to say
how I feel, those 3 words are said
too much they’re not enough”
Babe, I can easily say I love
you, but then there are times when
“I love you” can’t explain how I
feel about you. You bring the best
out of me, and I thank God for
giving you to me. You are truly
a gift from heaven.
Val Loves Roy
Julie Hernandez
Alex Brito
“You’ll always
be my baby”
Andres Salgado
Bianca Montiel
Happy Valentine’s Day Babe
Page 23
To: Marlen Ozuna
Happy Valentine’s
Love Scotty
To: Diane Perez
To my special someone, I
can’t seem to stop thinking
of you, you’re so special to
me. I just want to know if you
would be my Valentine.
Every time we play fight,
something in me just lights up
and makes me smile. I would
like to get to know you better, I really like you Diane!!!!
~Salvador Sanchez~
Sergio Luna
Priscilla Perez
I love you baby,
Happy Valentine’s day!
To: Daisy Ortega
Valentine’s Day
Mario Martinez
To all the Yearbook Hoodlums,
For A Job Well Done,
Another Year Gone,
Let’s Enjoy The Best Part
Looking for
fun? Sign up
for Yearbook,
Web Design
for next year!
The Fun Is About To Start
Happy Valentine’s Day
Page 24