♦ ♦ ♦ MINCHA DIRECTORY Published by Agudath Israel of America Commission on Community Services 42 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Phone: 212 797-9000 ext. 274 Fax: 646 254-1630 Email: torahprojects@agudathisrael.org 1 NEW YORK METRO AREA MINCHA DIRECTORY This Mincha Directory is based on information available at the time of printing. Although we cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the data furnished us, we are most thankful for errors brought to our attention. Please note the following: y It is always best to Call before going to a Minyan the first time to confirm the information herein. y Minyanim that meet late afternoon often change schedules as the days lengthen. y Fast days pose a special problem. Not every Minyan possesses a Sefer Torah, and those that do will often daven earlier y Minyanim at Yeshivos and Day Schools often meet only on school days. Similarly, many business Minyanim do not meet on legal holidays. The fact that a shul is listed in this directory does not mean that its mechitzah satisfies all standards. For changes, corrections, or to list additional Minyanim, please contact: Agudath Israel of America Commission on Community Services 42 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Phone: 212 797-9000 ext. 274 Fax: 646 254-1630 E-Mail: torahprojects@agudathisrael.org We appreciate the efforts of Dr. Bernard Fryshman, who originated this project. Comments or questions may also be directed to him at 1-212-533-5335. Agudath Israel of America is part of the world movement of Agudath Israel, which was founded in 1912 to mobilize Torah-loyal Jews for the perpetuation of authentic Judaism. Agudath Israel aims to establish the sovereignty of Torah in all problems facing the Jew as individuals and as a nation. To achieve these aims, Agudath Israel of America maintains nineteen divisions of activity embracing every phase of Jewish life and daily affecting the lives of many thousands of Jews, young and old. 2 Location Page New York City: Manhattan Below 14th Street .......... (4) 14th thru 59th Streets - East Side (6) 14th thru 59th Streets - West Side (7) 59th thru 96th Streets - East Side (9) 59th thru 96th Streets - West Side (9) Above 96th Street.......... (10) Bronx ............................. (11) Brooklyn ........................ (12) Queens ........................... (15) Staten Island................... (16) Westchester ................. (17) Long Island ................. (18) New Jersey .................. (19) New York State ............ (21) Connecticut .................... (21) © 2010 Published by: Agudath Israel of America Reproduction without written permission prohibited 3 MANHATTAN BELOW 14TH STREET 1. AGUDATH ISRAEL OF AMERICA 42 Broadway, 14th Floor M-Th 1:00, 2:00 EST M-Th 1:30, 2:00 DST F 1:00 EST, 1:30 DST Tel.#: 212-797-9000 Daf Yomi: M-F 45 min. before 1st. Minyan Parsha: Thursday 1:00 for women only 10. Time: Contact: Time: 2. 3. Contact: Tel.#:: 14. M-Th 1:35 Call First 212-412-9114 / 212-412-9104 M-Th 15 min. before shikiya Call First 212-248-2217 ext. 212 M-Th 4:00 All Year Mr. H. Williger/212-493-7000 M-Th 2:00 Stanley Hershfang/212-859-9239 45 BROADWAY 45 Broadway, Security Office – lobby Time: Contact: 9. Contact: 13. M-Th 2:00 All Year Aaron Weis/212-284-3750 CHINUCH ATZMAI-TORAH SCHOOLS 40 Exchange Place - 27 William Street #1403 Time: 12:45 EST 1:40 DST Contact: Rabbi Cohen/212-248-6200 Daf Yomi: M-Th 1:00 - 1:40, Fri. 12:00-12:40 Time: M-Th 2:00 All Year Contact: Jake Arjang/212-266-8266 BROAD MANAGEMENT 160 Broadway, East Wing, 2nd Floor Rear Bais Medrash Bet. Maiden Lane & Liberty (Sefer Torah) Tel.#: Contact: M-Th 1:40 EST Maariv Call First Allon Franklin 212 640-7042 COPE INSTITUTE 225 Broadway, 2nd Floor Time: Tel.#:: 17. M-Th 12:45, 1:45, 4:05 EST 1:45, 4:05 DST 212 349-2154 3 WORLD FINANCIAL 200 Vessey St. . Level P4 Time: 16. M-Th 4:00-4:30 EST 4:30 DST Maariv EST Call for time Sefardic Minyan Alex/212-742-2770 FBE LTD. 111 Broadway, 20th Floor Time: 15. 4:30 EST, 4:45 DST Maariv follows in winter Abe Eisner/212-837-4642 BLUE SWITCH. 61 Broadway Suite 2710 Time: FAHNESTOCK & CO. 125 Broad St – 14th Fl., Conference Room Time: Contact: 8. 12. BROADWAY MANAGEMENT 80 Broad Street, 27th Floor Time: Contact: 7. Contact: GOTHAM REALTY HOLDINGS 30 Broad Street cor. exchange place 25th Floor Time: 6. M-Th 3:00 All Year F 1:00 EST, 2:30 DST 212-563-4000 ONE STATE STREET THE WOLFSON GROUP 1 State Street, 29th Floor Time: Tel.#: 5. M-Th 1:40 All Year C. Bauman/212-438-3828 Thursday 1:00 (Chumash) 3:15 EST Hillel Zaltzman 212 943-9690 GFI MORTGAGE BANKERS 50 Broadway, 4th Floor conference room Time: UNION OF ORTHODOX JEWISH CONGREGATIONS OF AMERICA 11 Broadway, 14th floor conference room Time: 4. 11. DOWNTOWN BAIS MEDRASH 25 Broadway (Morris St. entrance), 1st Floor Time: Contact: Shiur: 27 WILLIAM STREET Cor. Exchange Place Suite 613 M-Th 2:15 EST 212-809-5935 x301 WALL STREET SYNAGOGUE 47 Beekman Street (bet. William & Gold St.) Shacharis: T/W/F 7:15; M/Th 7:10 Mincha: M-Th 12:45, 1:35, 1:50, 10 min before sunset EST Maariv follows M-Th 1:35, 1:50, 5:30 DST F 1:35, 10 min before sunset EST F 1:35, 7:00 DST Contact: Jerry Roth/212-227-7800 x13 4 MANHATTAN BELOW 14TH STREET 18. CAPITAL AUDIO 120 Duane Street (2 blocks North of City Hall) Mincah: Maariv Contact: 19. 20. M-Th 1:40 All Year, F 12:40 EST F1:40 DST 24. EAGLE PAPER 121 Varick St. 10th Floor Time: M-Th 1:05 EST, 1:45 DST Contact: Josh Vizel/212-604-9605 25. MESERITCH SHUL E.6th St. bet. 1st Ave. & Ave. A 5:30 EST Jack Tabak/212-964-9400 26 FEDERAL PLAZA 26 Federal Plaza, Room 1733 Time: M-Th 12:40 EST, 1:40 DST Contact: George Pavel/212-264-8640 MESIVTA TIFERES JERUSALEM 145 East Broadway Time: Tel.#: 26. NYU – WEINSTEIN KOSHER CAFETERIA 5-11 University Place, bet. 8th St. & Waverly Mincha: Shacharis: 7:45 Time: Maariv: Tel.#:: Shiurim: 21. M-Th 1:30 EST, F 12:30 EST S-F 1:30 DST 6:15 EST, 9:00 DST 212-964-2830 / 212-962-9296 212-962-8278 11:00 & before 1:30 Mincha S-Th 4:30 EST, 7:00 DST 212-473-3665 Maariv: Contact 1:30 All Year, 10 min. before sunset DST Call Before Mid Dec.-Jan. no Minyan Tues. 8:30 Rabbi Y. Sarnat:212-998-4118 YOUNG ISRAEL OF MANHATTAN 228 East Broadway, corner Clinton Mezzanine level Shacharis: M/Th 6:45 T/W/F 7:00 Mincha: 10 min. before sunset Maariv: 30 min. after sunset Contact: Rabbi Y. Siff/212-732-0966 Shiur: Daf Yomi Call for time 22. BIALYSTOKER SHUL 7-11 Willet St., on Bialystoker Place Shacharis: M/Th 6:00, 7:00, 7:45, 8:30 T/W/F 6:15, 7:00, 7:45, 8:30 S 6:15, 7:00, 7:45, 8:30, 9:15 Mincha: Call for exact times Shiur: Rav Singer Chevra Mishnayos between Mincha and Maariv Daf Yomi: Rabbi Zvi Romm Sun.-Thur after Maariv Contact: Rev Abramowitz/212-475-0165 23. CIVIC CENTRE SYNAGOGUE SYNAGOGUE FOR THE ARTS 49 White St. (bet. Church St. & Broadway) Shacharis: M/Th 7:20; T/W/F 7:30 Mincha: 12:40 & 1:40 EST 1:40 DST Maariv M-Th 5:30 EST Contact: Rabbi J. Glass/212-966-7141 5 MANHATTAN 14TH THRU 59TH STREETS – EAST SIDE 27. BETH ISRAEL HOSPITAL - LINSKY BUILDING 1st Ave. & 16th St., Main Floor Chapel Time: Contact: 28. 29. 31. 1:30 EST, 1:45 DST David Jay/ 212-683-2727 M-Th 1:30 All Year 212-747-1000 LOEB & TROPER 655 Third Ave, bet. 41st and 42nd St. 17th Floor Ashkenaz Minyan Jesse Frommer office Sefardic Minyan David Adest office Time: M-Th 1:45 All Year Fri 1:00 EST 1:45 DST (Tell the receptionist you are here for Mincha) Jesse Frommer 212-697-3000 38. NYU MEDICAL CENTER Rusk Building - 400 East 34th Street 1st floor –Room 118 Bikur Cholim Room 39. GRAND CENTRAL TERMINAL At entry to track 42, across from Eddie’s Shoe Service Time: M-Th 12:45 EST, 1:40 DST Tel.#: 212 986-8400 Ext. 231 40. CHABAD LUBAVITCH MIDTOWN CENTER 509 5th Ave., bet. 42nd & 43rd St. 2nd Fl. 15 min. before shkiya, Maariv follows EST 5:00 DST Call First Rabbi Rabhan, 212-263-5057 Contact: Tel.#:: Time: Contact: Shiur: Contact: 41. 4:15 EST followed by Maariv 4:15 DST Solomon Franco/212-594-4224 KLEIN & SOLOMON, LLP 275 Madison Ave. at 40th St., 11th Fl. Time: Time: Maariv: Shiur: Tel.#: 1:45 All Year Call First Bernard A. Shafran/212-679-4666 FINESHEER 350 Fifth Ave., Empire State Bldg., Ste. 5001 M-Th 1:45 F 12:45 EST, 1:45 DST Kitzur Shulchan Aruch M-Th 1:35, F 12:35 Shoshana or Ed/212-661-9400 369 LEXINGTON AVE. Cor. Of 41st. St. 24th Floor Sefardic Minyan Time: Contact: FRENKEL, HERSHKOWITZ & SHAFRAN 16 E. 34th St., 16th Fl., bet. 5th & Madison Time: Contact: 34. CARE TO CARE BOARDROOM 755 2ndAvenue, 2nd Floor 41st. St. and 2nd Avenue Time: Tel.#: 37. M-Th 1:30 EST 1:40 DST Parshas Hashavuah following Mincha Mordechai/646 285-7583 Shacharis: M/Th 6:50 T/W/F 7:00 Shabbos 9:00 Sunday 8:30, Rosh Chodesh 6:45 Mincha: M-Th 1:00 and 10 min before sunset EST M-Th 1:40 and Plag HaMincha DST Fri. close to sunset Shabbos 25 min before Shkiyah Contact: R’ Gideon Shloush/212-685-0241 Contact: 33. 36. CONG. TALMUD TORAH ADERETH El 133 East 29th St., between 3rd & Lexington Time: 32. MID MANHATTAN MINCHA MINYAN 10 East 40th St. bet Madison and 5th Time: Shiur: Contact: 12:45 EST, 1:30 DST 12:30 EST, 1:15 DST Mr. Leffel/212-780-8247 JAY IMPORTS 41 Madison Avenue, 12th Fl. Corner of Madison and 26th St. Time: Contact: 30. M-Th 1:30 All Year Rabbi Goldsmith/212-420-2729 CONSOLIDATED EDISON COMPANY 4 Irving Place, Room 320 Time: Shiur: Contact: 35. M-F 1:45 M-Th 5:45 (Succos-Pesach) 1:00 212-972-0770 CHAIM REISS, C.P.A. World Jewish Congress 501 Madison Avenue, 17th Floor Time: Tel# 42. 1:45 All Year Yehuda 212 983-033839. M-Th 1:45 All Year 212 755-5770 IPR\ITZHAKI PROPERTIES 580 Broadway, Suite 1107 Bet. Prince and Houston Time: Tel.#: M-Th 2:00 212 226-9000 6 MANHATTAN 14TH THRU 59TH STREETS – WEST SIDE 43. CONG. EMUNATH ISRAEL 236 West 23rd Street, bet. 7th & 8th Aves. 52. Shacharis: 7:30 Call First Mincha: M-Th 3:10 Plag 3:29 Tel.#:: 212-242-9882 44. TOURO COLLEGE 27 West 23rd Street 3rd Floor Beth Midrash, room 322 Time: Tel.#: 53. 46. 10 WEST APPAREL 10 West 33rd St. Room 216 Mincha: M-Th EST, DST Call for time F. 1:30 EST Contact: Solomon Gadeh/212-564-1007 RABBINICAL COUNCIL OF AMERICA 305 7th Ave., bet. 27th & 28th St.12th Floor Time: Tel.#: 47. Contact: 48. 49. Contact: M-Th 2:00 All Year No minyan on fast days Receptionist/212-465-1300 Contact: 4:00 followed by Maariv, EST DST Call First No minyan July-Aug. Minhag Sephardi There may be changes; call first Morris Kassin/212-481-8001 HORIZON HOSIERY MILLS 10 West 33rd Street, Suite 606 Time: Contact: M-Th 4:15 EST – Call First Minhag Sephardi Receptionist/212-239-8660 Mincha M-Th 15 minutes before sunset EST Call First 1:45 DST Contact: Joey Safdie, Raymond Arking 212-736-8124 PINNACLE GROUP 1 Penn Plaza, 40th floor, Suite 4000 34th Street between 7th & 8th Avenue M-Th 2:00 All Year Moshe Weinberger/212-695-2800 WEST SIDE JEWISH CENTER 347 West 34th Street, bet. 8th & 9th Ave. Shacharis: M/Th - 6:45, 8:00 T/W/F - 6:50, 8:00 Rosh Chodesh 6:30 Mincha: S-Th 1:40; F 12:40 EST Shiur: M-F Gemorah 6:00 AM Contact: Rabbi J. Herman/212-502-5291 57. GOLDBURD &CO. LLP 42 West 38th Street, bet. 5th & 6th Ave. Suite 901, 9th Floor Time: Contact: 58. NORTH POINT 347 5th Ave. (at 32nd St.), Room 201 Time: 51. 56. M-Th 1:40 All Year (Kriyas HaTorah on Fast Days) Danny Levine/212-695-6888 x826 1:35 All Year Mr. Shia Fisch/212-695-2622 E. S. ORIGINALS 450 West 33rd Street 9th Floor Time: Contact: CHAI LIFELINE 151 W. 30th Street, 3rd Fl., 6th & 7th Aves. Time: 50. 55. ATLANTIC JEWELRY 104 West 29th Street, 6th Fl., bet. 6th & 7th Time: Contact: Mincha 4:00 EST Followed by Maariv DST – Call First Maurice 212-594-5511 Time: M-Th 1:45 All Year 212-807-7888 J. LEVINE BOOKS & JUDAICA 5 West 30th Street, bet. Broadway & 5th Ave. Time: Contact: 54. M-Th 4:00 EST Followed by Maariv DST – Call First Minhag Sefardi 212-268-8172 ADJMI APPAREL 100 West 33rd Street, 11th Floor Time: Mincha: M-Th 1:45 All Year Nusach Sefard 2:30 Maariv: 5:30 in winter time varies Tel.#: 212-463-0400 x409 45. RUGGED EQUIPMENT 10 West 33rd Street, Room 1217 M-Th – 4:00 All Year Joseph/212-302-8970 CHABAD OF THE PLAZA DISTRICT 3 W.57th Street (corner of 5th Ave. Ninth Floor Time: M-Th – 4:30 EST Maariv follows Mincha Contact: Joseph/212-986-1114 59. OUTERSTUFF 1370 Broadway 15th Floor Time: M-Th 4:00 Contact: Stephenw@outerstuff.com 60. SARA MAX 1372 Broadway, 7th fl. bet. 37th and 38th Time: 4:00-4:30 EST followed by Maariv – Call First DST: 4:30 – Call First Minhag Sephardi Contact: Mr. Moshel/212-842-4000 7 MANHATTAN 14TH THRU 59TH STREETS – WEST SIDE 61. SKIVA INTERNATIONAL 1407 Broadway, bet. 38th and 39th 9th floor Room 909 Time: Contact: 62. 4:15 – 4:30, Fall until Spring Call First Morris Menablo/212-736-9520 BANK OF AMERICA TOWER 1 Bryant Park (Northwest corner of 42nd and 6th Ave. 36th Floor 70. Time: Contact: 71. JORDACHE 1400 Broadway 26th Floor Time: Contact: 64. Tel.#:: Contact: 73. EST 4:30 – Call First Minhag Sefardi 212-391-1080 Contact: 12:30 1:00 1:30, 2:00 Time: 4:00, 4:15, 4:30, 4:45, 5:05, 5:20 EST followed by Maariv 5:10, 5:30 DST – Call First Contact: Rabbi Hayim S. Wahrman 646 262-5061 Parshah of the Week 12:45 Daily Sefer Torah Reading M\Th after Mincha starting at 12:30 Minyan 74. 69. VIDA SHOES 29 West 56th Street bet. 5th and 6th Ave. Time: Mincha: 68. RESHET SHIUREI TORAH MIDTOWN BETH MEDRASH 1290 Avenue of the Americas bet. 51st and 52nd St. (basement) (Escalator to concourse level, staircase J down one flight) M-Th 12:45, 1:40 EST F 12:45 EST M-F 1:40 DST Maariv: 6:00 EST Contact: Jack Mandel/212-541-2280 Daf Yomi: M-Th 1:00, Halacha M-Th 2:00 M-Th 4:00 All Year – Call First Minhag Sephardi Ezra Cattan/Judah 212-768-8330 MILLINERY CENTER SYNAGOGUE 1025 6th Avenue, bet. 38th & 39th St. Contact: 75. M-Th 3:45 EST– Call First 6:00 DST Minhag Sefardi Morris Varon/ Ezra 212-246-1900 Bais Midrash on premises WEIL, GOTSHAL & MANGES, LLP 767 5th Ave., bet. 58th & 59th St Room 2918 HSBC BANK USA 1 West 39th Street, 3rd Floor Time: Time: Contact: Contact: M-Th 1:45 All Year Joey/212 525-6055 M-Th: 2:00 All Year F 12:30 -1:00 EST 2:00 DST Call First Mr. Goldberg/212-259-0363 Time: EZRASONS, INC 37 West 37th Street, 3rd Floor Time: 67. Call for time, Minhag Sephardi Morris Beyda/212-354-2400 M-Th 12:40,1:45, 3:00, 4:15, 5:30 1:45 EST 5:30 DST Call for Maariv Rabbi J. Weinberg/212-819-0839 1:00 TIME & LIFE BUILDING CONGREGATION YAD SHAUL 1271 Avenue of the Americas – 47th Floor Time: FANTASIA – GOTHAM REALTY 31 West 34th Street, 5th Floor Time: 66. 4:00-5:00 – Call First Minhag Sephardic 212 944-1330 JACQUES MORET 1411 Broadway 8th Floor Time: Contact: 65. Contact: Shiur: 72. 3:30 EST Mr. Spitzer 212 921-7100 RADIO CITY SYNAGOGUE 30 West 47th Street, bet. 5th & 6th Ave. Suite 305 Time: Time: M-Th 1:30 – Call First for security reasons – Contact: Aryeh Batalion/212 500-3160 63. CONVENIENT TRAVEL 16 West 45th St. 4th Floor 10 min. before sunset EST 10 min. before Plag DST Maariv follows after sunset J. Philip Rosen 212-310-8604 Steven Stein/212 310-8412 PLAY KNITS 240 W. 40th St., bet. 7th & 8th Ave. 3rd Fl. Time: Contact: M-Th EST 4:00 Followed by Maariv Fri: 12:15 Sephardic Minyan Receptionist/212-391-0170 8 76. MANHATTAN MANHATTAN 59TH THRU 96TH STREETS-EAST SIDE 59TH THRU 96TH STREETS-WEST SIDE RONALD LAUDER FOUNDATION 59th St. & 5th Ave, 42nd Floor Room 4200 Trump Bldg. (formerly GM Bldg) Time: Contact: 77. Contact: 79. PARK EAST SYNAGOGUE 164 E. 68th St. bet. 3rd & Lex. Ave. 80. LINCOLN SQUARE SYNAGOGUE 200 Amsterdam Ave., corner 69th Street Time: Tel.#:: Shortly before sunset – Call First Maariv follows 212-874-6100 HEICHAL MOSHE 303 West 91st Street Between West End Ave. & Riverside Drive Shacharis: 6:45, 8:10, 9:15 Daf Yomi after First Minyan Mincha: 15 min. after sunset Maariv: 30 minutes after Mincha, Shiur: Between Mincha and Maariv Contact: Rabbi Vorhand/212-362-1091 FIFTH AVENUE SYNAGOGUE 5 E. 62nd Street, bet. 5th & Madison Shacharis S-F 7:45 All Year Mincha: Mincha: 15 minutes before sunset All Year Maariv: follows Mincha (Call for time) Contact: Rabbi Einseidler/212-737-6900 81. 84. EST Call for time 1:40 DST Raphael Srour/212-246-5707 Shacharis M-Fri 7:30AM Sunday 8:30AM Mincha: Near sunset followed by Maariv All Year – Call for time Contact: 212-838-2122 THE JEWISH CENTER 131 West 86th Street Shacharis: M-F 7:00, 8:00 Mincha: Near sunset – Call First Sun. & legal holidays 8:30 Tel.#: 212-724-2700 STREET FAMILY JEWELERS, INC. Columbus Circle Neighborhood Time: 78. M-Th 1:45 All Year – Call First Mark Nachman 212-753-3381 x1233 Sefer Torah on premises 83. 85. WEST SIDE KOLLEL 646 West End Avenue, bet. 91st. & 92nd. St. Time: S-Th 2:15 (fast days –Call First) Maariv 9:00 All Year (No Mincha minyan bein Hazmanim) Tel.#:: 86. 212-724-9848 OHAB ZEDEK 118-24 West 95th Street Between Columbus & Amsterdam Shacharis: M/Th 6:00, 6:50, 7:55 T/W/F 6:15, 7:00, 8:00 Sunday and Legal Holidays 8:00, 9:00 Rosh Chodesh 6, 6:45,7:45 Mincha: 10 minutes before sunset EST 7:00, and 10 min. bef. sunset DST follows all Mincha minyanim Maariv: M 9:00 T 10:00 All Year - Call First Contact: Rabbi A. Schwartz/212-749-5150 Maariv CONG. KEHILATH JESHURUN 125 East 85th Street, near Lexington Shacharis: S and legal holidays 8:30, M/Th 7:15; T/W/F 7:30 Rosh Chodesh 7:00 Mincha: Near sunset, Maariv follows Call First Contact: Receptionist/212-774-5600 82. CONGREGATION ORACH CHAIM 1459-1463 Lexington Ave. (94th & 95th St.) Shacharis: 7:00, Rosh Chodesh 6:45 Sundays & legal holidays 8:00 Mincha: 10 min bef sunset, Maariv follows Contact: Mrs. Koppel/212-722-6566 ext. 201 9 MANHATTAN ABOVE 96TH STREET 87. MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL 100th & Madison, Guggenheim Pavilion Jewish Chapel, 2nd Floor West Time: Contact: 88. Tel.#: Contact: M-Th 1:40 EST Rabbi Schnaidman/212-305-5817 Mincha 1:15 EST 1:25 DST Call First 212-923-3582 S-Th 1:40, 3:15 AllYear 9:30 call first Call for Shiurim Throughout the day Mrs. Bass/ 212-781-3399 YESHIVA UNIVERSITY BELFER SCIENCE HALL Amsterdam & West 184th Street 10th Floor, Room 1012 Time: Contact: 94. M-Th 12:40 EST Mr. Hurwitz/212-426-1284 x190 BETH MEDRASH YESHURUN 220 Bennett Avenue, off B'way & W. 190th Time: Maariv: Shiur: 93. Sunday and summers 1:30 Rabbi Blau/212-960-5480 K'HAL ADATH JESHURUN 85 Bennett Avenue Time: 92. Contact: M-Th 2:30 in Beth Midrash Mincha all afternoon: Room 101 Call for times Friday 12:40 EST 1:40 DST 20 min before sunset COLUMBIA PRESBYTERIAN MEDICAL CENTER 622 W. 168th Street, Chapel area downstairs Time: Contact: 91. Time: 4:10 EST 212-854-5111 HARLEM MINCHA MINYAN 116 E. 125th St., bet. Lexington & Park Time: Contact: 90. YESHIVA UNIVERSITY ZYSMAN HALL 2540 Amsterdam Avenue Minyan may not meet on legal holidays. COLUMBIA /BARNARD HILLEL 606 W. 115th Street, Kraft Center-Hillel House Time: Tel.#: 89. M-Th 1:45, All Year David Bechhofer/212-241-5628 95. M-Th Oct. Feb. March – 10 min. before plag Mincha Followed by Maariv M-Th Nov.- Jan. 10 minutes Before sunset, followed by Maariv M-Th April-Sept.-1:50, F 12:50 DST Minyan may not meet on Legal holidays. Marvin Resnick/212-960-5392 YESHIVA UNIVERSITY/FURST HALL 500 W. 185th St., 3rd Fl., cor. Amsterdam Time: Contact: S-Th 2:30 All Year Minyan may not meet on legal holidays. Rabbi Blau/212-960-5480 10 BRONX X1. YESHIVAS OHAVEI TORAH 450 West 250th Street, Riverdale Mincha: Maariv: Contact: X2. YESHIVA OF TELSHE ALUMNI 4904 Independence Avenue Mincha: Maariv: Contact: Tel.#:: X3. Time: Contact: M-Th 2:30 All Year Abraham Neufeld/718-519-4145 X10. CONCOURSE REHAB CENTER 1072 Grand Concourse East 106th Street Time: 1:30 All Year X11. THE WAYNE CENTER FOR NURSING & REHABILITATION 3530 Wayne Avenue Time: M-Th – 2:30 Call First Contact: Mrs. Goldberg 718 655-1700 ext. 5521 M-Th 2:00, All Year Dr. Robert Burk/718-430-3720 Dr. Dovid Neufeld/718-430-3756 CITY SOUNDS 3rd AVENUE MINYAN 2910 3rd Avenue Mincha: Contact: X5. S-Th 2:30 EST 1:30 DST F 12:30 EST S-Th 9:30 pm Rabbi Nosson Joseph 718-601-3523 Bais Medrash on premises BETH ABRAHAM HEALTH SERVICES 612 Allerton Avenue, in the synagogue off Bronx River Parkway, Allerton Ave Exit ALBERT EINSTEIN COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, ULLMAN BUILDING 1300 Morris Park Avenue, Room 625 Time: Contact: X4. S-Th 2:30 EST – Call First M/W 6:30, T 8:15 Th 8:00 EST School Days Only Rabbi Chaim Pechter 718-432-2600 X9. M-Th 4:15 followed by Maariv EST Lewis/718 993-2270 ELMAX LUMBER 1624 Webster, near GW Bridge Shacharis: 6:30 Mincha: 2:00 All Year Contact: Moishe Goldberger/718-588-0220 (Sefer Torah available) X6. YOUNG ISRAEL OF RIVERDALE 4502 Henry Hudson Parkway East Time: Contact: X7. 10 minutes before Shikiya Call for times 718 548-4765 EAST HAVEN NURSING & REHAB CTR. 2323 Eastchester Road (in conf room) Near Einstein & Jacobi Hospitals Time: M-Th 1:45 All Year Contact: Isador Braverman/718-655-2848 Shiur: Halacha 1:30-1:45 pm Free parking available, Sefer Torah on premises X8. MONTEFIORE MEDICAL CENTER 111 East 210th Street, in Synagogue, Gunhill Road Entrance, up steps, straight at the end of the main corridor Time: Contact: M-F 2:00 Rabbi Eugene Katz/718-920-2406 11 BROOKLYN We have listed a number of minyanim in business areas (most Shuls in Brooklyn have minyanim near sunset). Cong. Shomrei Shabbos at 13th Avenue and 53rd Street (Boro Park) has minyanim throughout the day, including early shacharis and probably the latest maariv in the area. Bobov, at 4715 15th Avenue and Landau’s E.9th St. and Ave. L also have minyanim on a continuous basis. B1. AHAVA NATIONAL FOOD DISTRIBUTOR 110 Beard Street bet. Richards & Van Brunt Red Hook Time: M-Th 1:30 ESTCall First Contact: B2. Chaim/718-254-8230 x 249 BEIS MEDRASH ZICHRON MOSHE 26 Court Street, Room 1011 Time: M-Th 12:30, 1:30, 1:45 EST M-Th 1:30, 1:45 DST F 1:30 All Year Daf Yomi: 12:45 Contact: E. Hecht/718-875-4700 B3. TRI STATE SURGICAL 409 Hoyt St., 1st Fl., bet. 3rd & 4th St. Time: Shiur: Contact: B4. SHAWKAID HEARING AID & OPTOMETRY 228 Livingston, bet Hoyt & Bond Time: Contact: B5. Shiur: Contact : M-Th 1:40 F 12:40 EST 1:40 DST – Call First Daf Yomi, M-Th following Mincha F winter 12:05, summer 1:10 Al/718-522-7373 UNITED HOUSEHOLD DISTRIBUTORS 484 Fulton Street (Downtown Brooklyn) Time: Contact: B7. M-Th 1:00 EST Dr. Aaron Mandel/718-625-2137 TRACK DATA CORPORATION 95 Rockwell Place, Btwn. Lafayette & Fulton Time: B6. M-Th 2:00 All Year Halacha 1:50 Rabbi Moshe Spira 718-624-1000 x227 M-Th 4:00 EST, 5:00 DST Mr. Cohen/718-624-8851 DOITT 11 Metrotech 4th Floor conference room must have photo ID Time: Contact: B8. OLD WILLIAMSBURG CANDLE CO. 143 Alabama bet Pitkin and Glenmore Time: Contact: B9. M-Th 1:45 All Year Nathan Green/718-495-9327 MESIVTA NACHALAS YAAKOV 185 Wilson Street Time: S-Th 5:00 (All Year except bein hazemanim) Tel.#:: 718-388-1751 ext. 0 B10. ADAS YEREIM - VIEN 27 Lee Avenue Time: Tel.#:: S-Th 1:30 EST, 6:30 DST 718-388-1751 ext. 0 B11. WAREHOUSE EXPRESS Brooklyn Navy Yard, Building 77 Time: Contact: M-Th 12:45 EST Mr. Weiss/Shimon Goldstein 718-834-0400 B12. ALBEST METAL 30 Wythe Ave. (bet. N.13 & N.14 St.) Time: M-Th 2:00 All Year No Minyan on fast days and legal holidays Contact: David Kleinbard 718-388-6000 x120 B13. F & F SLIPCOVERS-DECORATORS 210 Broadway, near Roebling Time: Contact: 4:00 (until Pesach) Mr. Friedman/718-782-2992 B14. BEER HAGOLAH 671 Louisiana Avenue (off Belt Parkway, Pennsylvania Avenue, exit 14) Time: Contact: 2:15 & 3:00 EST (School days only) Shacharis 6:30 Rabbi German/718-642-6800 B15. BROOKDALE HOSPITAL AND SAMUEL SHULMAN INSTITUTE Linden Boulevard & Rockaway Parkway Main Lobby/Meditation Room - Room #179 Fast days in the Shulman Institute Chapel Time: Contact: M-Th 1:40 All Year F 1:00 EST, 1:40 DST Dr. Bondi/Philip/718-240-5236 M-Th 1:40 Fri: 12:40 EST 1:30 DST (Call before) Winter Fridays at earliest zman Hyman Brodt/718 403-8478 12 BROOKLYN B16. RAINBOW SHOPS 1000 Pennsylvania Avenue (Starret City) Shacharis 8:15 EST Time Varies DST Time: 4:14 following Maariv EST 4:00 DST, Call First. Contact: Michael Grazi/or O.718-485-3000 B25. METROPOLITAN JEWISH GERIATRIC CENTER PHILLIP AND DORA BRENNER PAVILION 4915 10th Avenue (bet. 49th & 50th streets) Main Floor Synagogue B17. WORLD CHEESE COMPANY 178 28th St., bet. 4th & 5th Ave., 1st Fl. B26. FRIEDMAN ASSOCIATES 571 McDonald Avenue Time: Contact: M-Th 1:45 All Year (Not on fast days) Shmuel Lonner/718-965-1700 Ext. 117 B18. CONG. B’NAI JACOB 401 9th St. Bet. 6th & 7th Ave. Time: Tel.#:: 2:00 718 832-1266 B19. EMPIRE USA 5620 1st Avenue, 3rd floor Dahill Movers Building Time: Tel.#: M-Th 1:30 EST 718-567-8260 B20. MESORAH PUBLICATIONS 4401 2nd Avenue Time: Contact: 3:00 EST Maariv 5:30 DST – Call First Rabbi Nesanel Kasnett 718-921-9000 x232 B21. LANTEV 101-10 Foster Ave. Time: Tel.#: M-Th 3:00 EST 718-240-9550 B22. ATLANTIC PASTE AND GLUE 170 53rd Street, 3rd floor Time: Contact: M-Th 2:00 All Year Yisroel Berger/718-492-3648 B23. HASC CENTER 5601 1st Avenue, 1st floor Time: Contact: M-Th 3:00-3:15 All Year Mr. Kahn/718-745-7575 B24. VICMARR Brooklyn Army Terminal, Room 5G 140 58th Street (entrance on 63rd & 58th St.) Time: Contact: M-Th 1:45 All Year Eddie/Issac/718-567-7754-7769 Time: Contact: Time: Shiur: Tel.#: Daily 1:30 All Year 718-851-5951 M-Th 1:50 Daf Yomi 1:00 718 576-1000 B27. WHEELS TO LEASE 705 McDonald Avenue Bet. Ditmas & Cortelyou Time: Contact: M-Th 1:45 All Year 718 627-6117 B28. CONEY ISLAND HOSPITAL 2601 Ocean Parkway The Jewish Chapel, Room 3N4 Time: Shiur: Contact: M-Th 12:40 PM EST (Sefer Torah available) 12:30 PM Sol Kleinbart/718-616-5374 B29. BROOKLYN VETERANS ADMINISTRATION MEDICAL CENTER 800 Poly Place, Ground Floor Near Verrazano Bridge Time: Contact: M-Th 12:45 EST Rabbi Stadtmauer 718-836-6600 x 1088 B30. ZREISS 171 47th Street Time: Contact: 1:30 EST Moishe Schwarcz/718-840-0542x0 B31. FOCUS ELECTRONICS 4509 13th Ave. Time: Contact: M-Th 3:35 Sun: 4:30 David Singer/718 436-4646 B32. HAMAOR SEFORIM STORE 1357 39th Street Time: Contact: M-Th 1:30 till Pesach Hershel Botnick B33. TORAH UMESORAH 1090 Coney Island Avenue 3rd Floor Time: M-Th 2:00 Except for Fast days Contact: Menachem Lubet/212 227-1000 ext. 4558 13 BROOKLYN B34. GADAMO 1414 Avenue J Time: Contact: S-Th 4:15 All Year Dan /718-338-0011 B35. AVENUE J MENS SHOES 1206 Avenue J Time: Contact: S-Th 3:00PM All Year Except fast days and Chol Hamoed Sam Cohen/718-258-4266 B36. KHAL ZICHRON MORDECHAI 2645 Nostrand Ave. between L & M Mincha: Maariv: M-Th 12:45, 1:45 F. 12:45 EST 1:45 DST 6:00 EST (Varies with sunset) Chanukah & Asara B’Teves- B’Zman Contact: Rabbi S. Lonner/718-534-3118 B37. PALM BEACH H.F.A. 2900 Bragg St. Time: Tel.#: S-Th 1:30 All Year 718-891-8400 B38. REVIVAL 5350 Kings Highway Bet. Foster and Farragut Time: Tel.#: M-Th 4:00 All Year 718 629-9184 B39. PREMIERE PARA TRANSIT 940 Remsen Avenue Time: Tel.#: M-Th 2:00 All Year Leizer Gewirtzman/646 372-1115 B40. BEIS AVROHOM 944 East 84th St. Bet. Ave. J and Flatlands Ave. Time: M-Th 2:45 All Year 14 QUEENS Q1. ELM-YORK 100-30 Ditmars Boulevard Near La Guardia, East Elmhurst Time: Contact: Q2. YESHIVA SH'OR YOSHUV 1 Cedar Lawn Avenue, Lawrence, NY Time: Tel.#:: Q3. 7:40 2:15 All Year 8:30, 10:00 All Year 718-327-7600 YESHIVA OHR HACHAIM 141-61 71st Avenue, corner Main Street Near LaGuardia Airport, Flushing Shacharis: Mincha: Maariv: Tel.#: Q5. 1:30 All Year 516-239-9002 YESHIVA OF FAR ROCKAWAY 802 Hicksville Road, near Kennedy Airport Shacharis: Mincha: Maariv: Tel.#: Q4. M-Th 1:45 All Year Mr. Amsel/718-446-7900 Neitz Hachamah, 7:40 S-Th 2:20, F 12:45 EST, 1:45 DST 9:15, 10:20 718-544-9462 CONGREGATION OHEL YITZCHOK 137-58 70th Avenue, Flushing Near Kennedy & LaGuardia Shacharis: 7:00 (Rosh Chodesh 6:45) Sunday 8-9 Mincha: 10 min. before shkiya, followed by Maariv (summer only) Maariv: 8:00 (winter) Tel.#: 718-261-7037/718-261-9516 Q6. RITE PRICE PRINTING 4805 Metropolitan Avenue, Flushing Time: Contact: Q7. FOREST VIEW REHAB 71-20 110th Street Forest Hills, NY Time: Contact: Q8. 12:50 EST Bentzion Mutsen/718-497-2200 Mon-Thur.1: 10 EST, 1:40 DST Meir or Moshe/718-793-3200 X101 STAR FINANCIAL LLC 185-12 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows Time: ROCKWOOD PARK JEWISH CENTER 156-45 84th Street, Howard Beach Time: Tel.#: Time: Shiur: Contact: Mincha: Call for time F 15 min. after candle lighting 718-641-5822 Mincha M-Th 1:35 EST Gemara 1:15 Steve/Jordy/718 528-3700 646 296-7635 Q11. CONGREGATION TIFERETH ISRAEL 31-36 88th St., Jackson Heights Near LaGuardia Time: Contact: Mincha: EST near sunset followed by Maariv DST 7 PM followed by Maariv Rabbi Mayerfeld/718-429-4100 Q12. NYS D.H.C.R. 92-31 Union Hall Street, Jamaica 4th Floor Time: Contact: M-Th 3:00 All Year Joseph Kanowitz/718-262-5029 Q13. YESHIVA SHAAR HATORAH 117-06 84th Avenue, Kew Gardens Mincha: Maariv: Tel.#: 1:30, 2:55; F Mincha Gedolah – Call First 8:20 & 9:30 during school year 10:30 All Year 718-846-1940 Q14. GLOBE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 33-70 10th Street, Long Island City Time: Contact: E-mail: M-Th 1:30 All Year – Call First Abba or Allan/718-932-1820 Abbakr@gmail.com Q15. YOUNG ISRAEL OF NEW HYDE PARK Serving Long Island Jewish Hospital 264-15 77th Ave New Hyde Pk off Union Tpke Time: Tel.#: S-Th 15 Min. before sunset followed by Maariv All Year 718-343-0496 Q16. LONG ISLAND JEWISH HOSPITAL 270-05 76th Avenue, New Hyde Park Near Lakeville Road, off Union Tpke Time: Contact: Mincha: 1:45 Contact: Yosef Sebrow/718-641-5822 Q9. Q10. NAIMARK AND TANNENBAUM 169-95 137th Ave. Jamaica (Rochdale Village Mall #2 M-Th 2:00 All Year Rabbi David Moseson/ 718-470-7000 Q17. CLIFFSIDE NURSING HOME 119-19 Graham Court, Flushing (Off college point Blvd. And 26th Avenue) 1st. Floor Conference Room Time: Contact: M-Th 1:40 All Year Jack or Moishe Lieberman 718-886-0700 15 STATEN ISLAND S1. YOUNG ISRAEL OF STATEN ISLAND 835 Forest Hill Rd., 2 blocks off S.I. Expwy. Shacharis: M-F 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 7:20, 8:00 Rosh Chodesh - 10 min. earlier Sundays and legal holidays, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 Mincha: M-Th 12:40 & 10 min. bef. Sunset Maariv: Call for time Tel.#: 718-494-6700 S2. YESHIVA OF STATEN ISLAND 1870 Drumgoole Road East, Near Outerbridge Crossing Time: Contact: Tel.#: S3. Tel.#: Time: Tel.#: S9. S-Th 1:15-1:25 All Year During School only 718 979-6333 RJJ BOYS SCHOOL 3495 Richmond Road Time: Tel.#: M-Th 1:20 EST, 1:30 DST School days only 718-979-6333 S-Th 2:55 EST (During school year only) DST – Call First Maariv EST 8 S-Wed Thur.10PM DST 10PM Rabbi Pesach Broyde 718-356-5305/718-948-9445 M-Th 2:00 All Year (School days only) 718-983-6042 NEW SPRINGVILLE JEWISH CENTER 120 Saxon Avenue (off Richmond Ave., 2 min. from St. Island Mall) Time: Contact: S5. BAIS MIDRASH NESIVOS HATORAH 98 Rupert Avenue JEWISH FOUNDATION SCHOOL 400 Caswell Avenue, Willowbrook Time: S4. S8. 10 min. before sunset Rabbi Nate Segal 718-761-7209/718-983-8063 STATEN ISLAND UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL 475 Seaview Avenue Bikur Cholim Room 2nd Floor Time: Contact: 1:35 M-Th Aaron Gottesman MD/718 226-6902 S6. CONG. AGUDAS SHOMRE HADAS 98 Rupert Avenue Shacharis: S.8:00 m/Th 6:20, 8:00 Tues/Wed 6:30,8:00 Mincha: S-Th 1:30 EST, 1:45 DST, 5 min. before sunset followed by Maariv with a Shiur in between Maariv: 9:00, 10:00 Daf Yomi: 8:00-9:00PM Contact: Rabbi Zvi Pollak/718-494-3359 S7. HOME ESSENTIALS AND BEYOND 3001 Woodbridge Ave. NY times Access Rd. Edison NJ M-Th 1:00 EST, 2:00 DST Call first Contact: Ruben Kenigsberg./ 917 975-8277 16 WESTCHESTER W1. HEBREW INSTITUTE OF WHITE PLAINS 20 Greenridge Avenue, White Plains Time: Tel.#: At sunset, followed by Maariv 914-948-3095 W2. YOUNG ISRAEL OF WHITE PLAINS 135 Old Mamaroneck Ave. White Plains, NY Mincha: 1:30-1:40 All Year Taanis 15 minutes earlier Maariv: Call First Contact: Shalom Goldburd/914 750- 3476 Ben Ettlinger/914 681-6496 W3. CONGREGATION ANSHE SHOLOM 50 North Avenue, New Rochelle Mincha: Contact: W4. NEW ROCHELLE WORKER’S MINYAN 145 Huguenot Avenue Suite 503, New Rochelle Mincha: Contact: E-mail: W5. Sunset, followed by Maariv Call for time Shacharis: M/Th 6:50 Wed/Tu 7:00 S 8:00 Rabbi Rosenzveig/914-632-9220 M-Fri 1:00 EST 1:45 DST Call or e-mail first Nusach Ashkenaz Moshe Danzger/914-636-2100 x 653 mdanzger@londonlux.com OHR HAMEIR THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 141 Furnace Woods Road, Cortland Manor Shacharis: 7:30 Mincha: 2:30, 3:15 (Sept.-June) DST – Call First Maariv: 9:45 All Year Tel.#: 914-736-1500 W6. W7. NY LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1 Rockwood Rd. Sleepy Hollow NY (near Tarrytown) Time: Call First To obtain security clearance please contact David Sanders/914 846-4027 Saul Lebovic/914 846-3706 LAUTERBACH GARFINKEL DAMAST & HOLLANDER, LLP 35 East Grassy Sprain Road, Suite 301 Yonkers, NY 10710 Time: Contact: M-Th: 1:40 All Year Nusach Ashkenaz Chaim Garfinkel/914-779-2211 Cell: 917-734-7478 17 LONG ISLAND L1. PRIORITY ONE 530 Central Avenue, Cedarhurst Time: Tel.#: L2. GURWIN JEWISH GERIATRIC CENTER 68 Happauge Road, Commack Time: Contact: L3. M-Th around 2:45 All Year 516-295-5700 x 0 M-Th 2:00 All Year Herbert Friedman/631-715-2600 MESIVTA OF LONG BEACH 205 West Beach Street, Long Beach Shacharis: 7:30 All Year Mincha: 2:00 Maariv: M-W 9:30, Th 9:45 (No minyanim Bein Hazmanim) Tel.#: 516-255-4700 L4. NATIONAL HEALTH CARE ASSOCIATES 46 Stauderman Avenue, Lynbrook Time: Contact: L5. CONG. BETH SHALOM CHABAD 261 Willis Avenue, Minneola Near Winthrop University Hospital (Call for Shabbos hospitality) Time: Shiur: Contact: L6. Mincha: W only 1:15 EST & DST W 12:15 - 1:15 Parsha/Philosophy Rabbi Perl/516-739-3636 CHAIFETZ & SCHREIBER ACCOUNTING FIRM 21 Harbor Park North Port Washington Time: Contact: M-Th 1:45 Mel/ Paul/516-484-8700 L10. RUSKIN, MOSCOU FALTISCHEK, P.C. East Tower 15th Floor Uniondale, NY Time: Tel.#: M-Th 1:30-2:00 All Year 516-663-6600 L11. PARKOFF 98 Cuttermill Rd. STE. 444 Great Neck NY Time: Tel.#: M-Th 1:45 516-487-6790 L12. CENTURY COVERAGE CORP. 76 S. Central Ave. 2nd Floor Valley Stream Time: Contact: M-Th 2:00 EST Call First DST Mr. Lieber/516-284-0114 L13. ELITE CATERERS 433 Doughty Blvd. Inwood Long Island, NY Time: Tel.#: 2:00 All Year 718 337-6600 YESHIVA OF ROSLYN 2 Shelter Rock Road Time: Tel: L7. Mincha: 1:35 All Year Yitz Kohen/516-705-4844 L9. S-Th 2:30 (school days) 516-877-2131 YOUNG ISRAEL OF WEST HEMPSTEAD 630 Hempstead Avenue (Bais Midrash) Time: Contact: Call for exact time Rabbi Kelemer/516-481-7429 L8. HEBREW ACADEMY OF NASSAU COUNTY 25 County Drive Place, Plainview Time: Tel.#: M-Th 1:00 EST 1:45 DST 516-681-5922 18 NEW JERSEY J1. YESHIVA GEDOLA OF BAYONNE 735 Avenue C, Bayonne Time: Tel.#: J2. 4:15 EST, 5:00 DST (Call First.) Allen/732-248-1306 ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY . ARTUS CORPORATION 201 South Dean Street, Englewood Corner of Linden & Dean Time: Contact: J8. Contact: J9. J10. Time: Contact: Time: Tel.#: J14. J15. Contact: Time: Contact: M-Th – Call First Simcha/732-424-1100 x 243 M-Th 12:40 EST, 1:40 DST E-mail: Peretz.Levin@gs.com Peretz C. Levin/917 584-5722 SYNAGOGUE OF THE SUBURBAN TORAH CENTER 85 W. Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Livingston Shacharis: M/Th 6:35 Tu/W/F. 6:45 Legal holidays & S 8:30 Mincha: Before sunset, followed by Maariv Contact: Rabbi Mordechai Feuerstein 973-994-0122/2620 J17. HERTZ FURNITURE SYSTEMS 95 Mckee Drive Mahwah NJ Time: Contact: CONG. AHAVAT ACHIM 18-25 Saddle River Rd., Fairlawn Shacharis: S 8:15 M/Th 6:15 T, W/F 6:25 Mincha: no Minyan in winter Near candle lighting time DST Maariv: M-Th 8:00 Contact: Marty/201-797-0502 BEACH CAMERA 80 Carter Drive Edison M-Th 12:40 EST, 1:40 DST Yossi Mandel/201-333-5900 Jmandel@hudsoneq.com Ask about free parking JERSEY CITY EXCHANGE PLACE 80 Grand Street, Jersey City Time: J16. 2PM EST 973 854-8600 HUDSON EQUITIES 115 Christopher Columbus Drive, Jersey City Ste. #400, 1 min. from Grove St. PATH station Time: Contact: 3:00 All Year Rabbi Shaya Thau/201-568-1000 M-Th 10 min. before Shkiah, All Year, followed by Maariv Eileen Gorlyn/201-568-1315 M-Th 1:40 All Year (High Security so come early) Eliezer Littman/201-714-3872 J13. VALLEY SUPPLY 27 Selvage St. Irvington NJ CONG. AHAVATH TORAH 240 Broad Avenue, Englewood Time: M-Fri 12:40 EST Call a day in advance if possible For entry into the building M-F 1:40 DST – Call First Binyomin Strasser 201-469-2823/(646) 271-5367 bstrasser@iso.com J12. ADP 2 Journal Square Plaza, 6th fl., Jersey City opp. Journal Square stop on PATH train M-Th 2:00 All Year Sam Blau/732-257-4500 x205 Elizabeth, New Jersey is very close to Newark International Airport. Rabbi Elazar Teitz has invited anyone needing a minyan to contact him at: 908-355-4850 (office) 908-353-6707 (home) J7. Contact: DEPENDABLE FOOD Heller Industrial Park 29 Executive Avenue, Edison Time: Contact: J6. 7:40 3:00 All Year 9:40, 10:40 732-985-6533 KAP 545 Washington Blvd., 21st. Floor Across from Pavonia/Newport PATH station Time: SAKAR INTERNATIONAL 195 Carter Drive, Edison Time: Contact: J5. 12:45 EST, Joseph Fishman/Nissan 973-916-2804 RABBI JACOB JOSEPH SCHOOL 1 Plainfield Avenue, Edison Shacharis: Mincha: Maariv: Tel.#:: J4. 3:45 All Year 201-339-7187 REGISTER LITHO 1155 Bloomfield Ave., Clifton (Off Rte. 3, three miles past Giant Stadium) Time: Contact: J3. J11. J18. M-Th 1:45 All Year – Call First Binyomin Kaufman 201 529-2100 x 1115 RABBINICAL COLLEGE OF AMERICA 226 Sussex Avenue, Morristown (Minyanim on various floors, ask on arrival) Shacharis: M-F 7:00, 9:00, 9:30 S 8:00, 9:00, 9:30 Mincha: EST 2:00 & 3:00 DST-sunset with Maariv following Maariv: 6:30, 6:45,7:45- EST 9:30 - DST Contact: Rabbi Goldberg/973-267-9404 19 NEW JERSEY J19. DAVIDS COOKIES 12 Commerce Road Fairfield NJ Time: Contact: J20. Contact: M-Th 2:00 EST Call First – Subject to change Isaac or Eli Dweck/973-645-1945 2:00 All Year 973 672-6500 YESHIVA GEDOLAH OF PASSAIC 55 Ascension Street, Passaic CONGREGATION ADAS ISRAEL 565 Broadway, Passaic Mincha: Maariv: Contact: J26. J31. S-Th 15 min. bef. Sunset EST 7:30 DST 18 minutes after sunset EST 8:00 DST Rabbi Solomon Rybak 973-773-7272 Tel.#:: S-Th 3:15 F 12:30 EST, 1:30 DST 973-523-6402 TELCORDIA TECHNOLOGIES 444 Hoes Lane, Piscataway 10th Fl. conference room - see bulletin board Pass required for entry, please Call First. Time: Contact: M-F 1:00 EST, 1:45 DST Rabbi Yehuda Rosenbaum 201-837-0500 x7 YESHIVA GEDOLAH OF TEANECK 1443 Palisades Ave. Shacharis: Mincha: Maariv: Contact: Tel.#: J32. M-Th 2:15 All Year Jonathan/201-837-0080 KOF-K KOSHER SUPERVISION 201 The Plaza, Teaneck Time: Contact: Tel.#: M-Th 7:30 3:00 9:45 PM Rabbi Eliyahu Roberts 201 833-5920 MESIVTA SANZ HUDSON COUNTY 3400 New York Avenue, Union City Shacharis: 7:00, 7:30, 8:00 Mincha: 1:30 3:15, 4:15, 1 hour after the z’man followed by Maariv Maariv: 6:45, 9:00, 10:00 Tel.#: 201-867-8690 J33. THUNDERBALL MARKETING 10 Cragwood Rd. Avenel, NJ Time: Contact: J34. YESHIVA GEDOLAH OF PATERSON 561 Park Avenue, Paterson Time: J27. J30. 10 min. before Shkiah 6:00, 7:00 8:00,9:00, 10:01, 10:45 7:00, 10:00 DST Rabbi Pruzansky/201-836-8916 AMBRA CORP. 1415 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck 2nd Floor, First office on left Suite 206 Time: Contact: M-Th 3:00 – Call First Josh/201-585-5000 x14 Shacharis: S-Fri. 7:30 Mincha: S-Th 3:15 All Year Maariv: 9:55 PM (Exc. Bain Hazmanim) Contact: Rabbi Moshe Halberstadt 973-472-6100/973-365-9783 J25. J29. METALLIA U.S.A. 2200 Fletcher Avenue Fort Lee, 7th Floor Time: Contact: J24. Contact: WHITE HOUSE HEALTH CARE 560 Berkeley Avenue Orange NJ Entrance in the back Time: Contact: J23. M-Th 12:45 EST, 1:45 DST Rabbi Levi Block/973-242-8470 CONGREGATION BNEI JESHURIN 641 W. Engelwood Avenue, Teaneck Mincha: Maariv 1 LEGAL CENTER One Gateway Center, Newark Time: J22. 2:30 EST Meir Hoffman/973 227-2800 CHABAD TORAH CENTER 50 Park Place, lower level, Newark Time: Contact: J21. J28. PCS REVENUE CONTROL SYSTEM INC. 560 Sylvan Ave. Englewood Cliffs Time: Contact: J35. Time varies – Call First Alan Henslovitz 212 645-5600x211 732 388-5000 X211 M-Th 3:00 All Year Avi/800 247-3061 x 1140 HACKENSACK UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER 30 PROSPECT AVENUE Women and Children’s BLDG – Room 1W19 Time : M-Th 1:35 Depending on Z’man Fast days may vary. Contact : Michael 201 336-8045 M-Th 12:30 EST Akiva Greenebaum/732-699-8522 20 NEW YORK STATE N1. CONG. BETH ABRAHAM JACOB 380 Whitehall Road, Albany (corner S. Manning) (From exit 1 off Northway, or from exit 24 off Thruway, take Rte. 20S (Western Ave.) 3.2 miles, right onto S. Manning until Whitehall) Shacharis: Mincha: Maariv: Tel.#: N2. N3. N4. C1. CONGREGATION BIKUR CHOLIM SHEVES ACHIM 112 Marvel Road, New Haven Shacharis: M-F 7:00, Shabbos & Sunday 9:00 Mincha: At shkiah, maariv follows. After Shavuos, 7:00 Contact: Rabbi David Avigdor Tel.#: 203-387-4699 (shul) 203-562-0600 (O) 203-387-9991 (H) M-Th 6:40, S 8:00 M-Th 10 min. before sunset M-Th 10 min. after sunset 518-489-5819 MONROE, NEW YORK The main Shul in Kiryas Joel has numerous minyanim including early Shacharis and late Maariv Minyanim. KOL YAAKOV TORAH CENTER 29 West Maple Avenue, Monsey Mincha: Maariv: Tel.#: CONNECTICUT 3:15 All Year 9:45 845-425-3863/71 C2. BETH BENJAMIN ACADEMY 132 Prospect Street, Stamford Shacharis: Mincha: Maariv: Contact: 7:30 3:00, fast days-1: 50, F 12:30 EST, 1:30 DST 9:40 Mr. Shlomo Greenfeld 203-325-4351 Times change Bain Hazmanim and summer YESHIVA ZICHRON MOSHE Laurel Park Road, South Fallsburg Shacharis: 7:30 Mincha: 2:25, 3:10 All Year DST 7:00 Call First Maariv: EST 7:05, 9:50; DST 9:50 Tel.#: 845-434-5240 Times change Bain Hazmanim and summer N5. THE HERRICK GROUP, LLC 445 Central Avenue, Suite 209 Cedarhurst, NY Mincha: Tel.#: M-Th 5 min. before shikiya Followed by Maariv 516-792-0605 21