Criminal Law Sections A & B Professor Kit Kinports Spring 2015

Criminal Law
Sections A & B
Professor Kit Kinports
Spring 2015
Course Materials. The textbook for this course is Stephen A. Saltzburg, John L.
Diamond, Kit Kinports, Thomas H. Morawetz, and Rory K. Little, Criminal Law: Cases and
Materials (3d ed. 2008). The attached reading list describes the reading assignments for the first
part of the course; the remaining assignments will be distributed later in the semester.
Office Hours. Feel free to visit me in my office (Lewis 722) at any time. I can also be
reached at the law school by phone or email. You may also call me at home (814-933-6679) if
something arises that cannot wait until the next school day.
Final Examination and Grades. The final examination in this course is scheduled for
Wednesday, May 6, at 1:30 p.m. It will be a closed-book exam, although I will provide you with
a copy of the portions of the Model Penal Code that were assigned during the semester. You
will have the option of using a laptop computer to type your exam. Your exams will be graded
anonymously, but I reserve the right to take class attendance and participation into account in
assigning final grades.
Cell Phone & Computer Use in Class. All cell phones must be turned off before class
begins. Computers may be used during class only for the purposes of taking notes.
Statement on Plagiarism. DePaul University is a learning community that fosters the
pursuit of knowledge and the transmission of ideas within a context that emphasizes a sense of
responsibility for oneself, for others, and for society at large. Violations of academic integrity,
in any of their forms, are, therefore, detrimental to the values of DePaul, to the students’ own
development as responsible members of society, and to the pursuit of knowledge and the
transmission of ideas. Violations include but are not limited to the following categories:
cheating; plagiarism; fabrication; falsification or sabotage of research data; destruction or misuse
of the university’s academic resources; alteration or falsification of academic records; and
academic misconduct. Conduct that is punishable under the Academic Integrity Policy could
result in additional disciplinary actions by other university officials and possible civil or criminal
prosecution. Please refer to your Student Handbook or visit Academic Integrity at DePaul
University ( for further details.
Criminal Law
Sections A & B
Professor Kit Kinports
Spring 2015
The list below sets out the assignments for the first part of the course. “Text” refers to
the casebook and “MPC” refers to the Model Penal Code, which can be found in the appendix to
the casebook. “Supp” refers to the 2014 supplement to the casebook, which is posted on D2L.
Chapters 1 & 3. The Nature of Criminal Law and Punishment
Text 6-8, 86-93 (through note 3), 105-10, 13-16 (through part [c][1]), 326 (note
7(c)); MPC §§ 1.02(1)-(2) (Why Punish? What to Punish?)
Text 117-23 (through note 3), 102 (note 2), 111-13, 124-31, 139-40 (note 5);
Supp 9-11; Federal Sentencing Guidelines Table*; Ewing v. California*; MPC §§
6.06-6.09, 7.01-7.04 (How Severely to Punish?)
Chapter 4. The Act Requirement
Text 141-45 (through note 3), 147-56; MPC § 2.01 (Voluntary Acts; Omissions)
Chapter 5. Mens Rea
Text 171-81 (through note 4), 182 (note 6), 184-95; Supp 12; MPC §§ 1.13(9)(16), 2.02, 213.5 (Introduction; the Common Law; the Model Penal Code)
Text 195-206, 182-83 (note 7); Supp 13; MPC § 2.04 (Mistake of Fact; Mistake
of Law)
Chapter 6. Strict Liability and Public Welfare Offenses
Text 231-47, 254-55 (note 6); MPC §§ 2.05, 1.04(5), 6.02(4)
* These materials will be separately distributed through D2L.
Chapter 8. Rape
Text 405-39 (through note 7); MPC §§ 213.0, 213.1(1)(d), 213.2(1)(d), 213.3,
213.4(4) & (6), 213.6(1) & (3) (Statutory Rape; Perspectives; Mens Rea)
Text 440-60 (through note 5); MPC §§ 213.1, 213.2, 213.4 (Actus Reus)
Text 460-78; MPC §§ 213.6(2), 213.6(4)-(5), 223.3-223.4 (Actus Reus; Marital
Chapter 7. Homicide
Text 257-58, 266-80 (through note 6); MPC §§ 210.0-210.2 (Introduction;
Premeditated Murder)
Text 281-301 (through note 12); Supp 16 (Voluntary Manslaughter)
Text 301-04 (through note 14), 305-15; Supp 16-17; MPC § 210.3 (Voluntary
Manslaughter; Depraved Heart Murder; Intent to Inflict Serious Bodily Harm)
Text 315-25 (through note 6), 328-44; MPC §§ 210.4, 1.12(5) (Involuntary
Manslaughter; Felony Murder)
Supp 18-29; Text 355-62 (through note 4), 363-64 (notes 6 & 7) (Felony Murder)
Text 113-17 (through note 3), 364-82; Supp 8, 29-35 (The Death Penalty)
Text 382-404; Supp 11, 35-37; MPC § 210.6 (The Death Penalty)
Practice Exam Question