Ms. Gerbig—Freshman English Grammar, Writing

Ms. Gerbig—Freshman English
Grammar, Writing, Research, and Literature
2nd Semester Exam Review
Grammar chapters 14-24
Ch. 14: The Phrase
 Identify and classify prepositional phrases and objects
 Identify adjective phrases
 Identify adverb phrases
 Identify participles
 Identify gerunds
 Identify infinitives
 Identify appositives
Ch. 15: Clauses
 Identify subordinate and independent clauses
 Classify subordinate clauses (noun, adjective, adverb)
 Classify sentences according to structure (simple, complex, etc)
 Punctuate clauses correctly
Ch. 16.: Subject/Verb and Pronoun Agreement
 Identify correct verb to agree with the subject in number
 Indentify correct pronoun to agree with the antecedent in number and gender
Ch. 17: Correct Use of Verbs
 Identify the correct forms of irregular verbs
 Identify correct and incorrect usage of passive voice
 Understand the difference between “lie” and “lay” and all tenses and uses
 Understand the difference between “sit” and “set” and all tenses and uses
 Understand the difference between “rise” and “raise” and all tenses and uses
Ch. 18: Correct Use of Pronouns
 Understand the difference between nominative and objective case
 Choose the correct form of the pronoun based on case
 Indentify when pronouns are being uses appositionally
 Understand the difference and correct use of “who” and “whom”
Ch. 19: Modifiers
 Understand comparative and superlative forms of modifiers
 Identify and correct dangling and misplaced modifiers
Ch. 20: Usage
 Identify incorrect usages
 Identify and correct double negatives
Ch. 21: Capital Letters
 Know the five major rules of capitalization
 Recognize problems with capitalization
Ch. 22: Punctuation: End Marks and Commas
 Understand when to use periods, question marks, exclamation marks, and commas
 Use commas in lists, to join independent clauses with conjunctions, and to separate nonessential
clauses, appositives, dates and addresses, etc.
 Understand when commas are necessary or unnecessary
Ch. 23: Semicolons and Colons
 Add semicolons between independent clauses without a conjunction
 Understand when semicolons add clarity to sentences with commas
 Use semicolons with transitional elements
Ch. 24: Italics and Quotations
 Understand the difference between direct and indirect quotation
 Recognize correct usage of quotations in dialogue
 Understand where punctuation goes in relation to quotation marks
 Understand when to italicize or quote titles
Writing and Researching
Understand the rules regarding, definitions for, and/or stylistic effects of the following:
 Transitions
 Topic sentences
 Textual evidence
 Thesis
 Paraphrasing and direct quotation
 Quote integration
 Plagiarism
 Citation
Know the plots, themes, authors, style, point of view, characters, historical context, and literary qualities of
the following:
 A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens
 Animal Farm
 “Georgia O’Keeffe”
 “I Have a Dream”
 “Celebration of Grandfathers”
 “Single Room, Earth View”
 “A Lincoln’s Preface”
Know the definitions for the following figures of speech:
 Iamb
 Anecdote
 Personification
 Pentameter
 Folk ballad
 Metaphor
 Feet
 Epic
 Nonfiction
 Imagery
 Biography
 Simile
 Satire
 Irony
 Novel
 Blank verse
 Symbolism
 Alliteration
 Onomatopoeia
 Turning point
 Assonance
 Rhyme scheme
 Lyric
 Apostrophe
 Narrative
Know these vocabulary words
 Archaic
 Agonize
 Antiseptic
 Digression
 Desolation
 Indifference
Format, 200 points, Seven parts
Part I: The Novella
 comprehension questions on literary elements: setting, major characters, plot, conflict
Part II: Prose nonfiction
 General information on types, authors and titles
 Comprehension questions
Part III: Poetry and poetic forms
 Analysis and interpretation
 Explication and scansion
 Titles and poets
Part IV: Figures of speech
 Definitions and usage
Part V: The research process
 Reference format (MLA)
 Paper format
 Quoting and plagiarism
Part VI: Grammar
Part VII: Two Essays (one section on Animal Farm; one section on A Christmas Carol/Nonfiction)