RTF Internship Syllabus Spring 14

The University of Texas at Austin ~ College of Communication RTF 330L/178: Radio-­‐Television-­‐Film Internship Spring 2014 Prerequisites for 330L: Upper Division Standing, RTF 305 & 9 Additional Hours of Lower-­‐Division Coursework in RTF Prerequisite for 178: RTF 330L or COM 350 Minimum GPA: 2.25 All internships require approval of the RTF Department. PLEASE NOTE: The College of Communication allows a maximum of four (4) internship credit hours. APPLICATION PROCEDURE The following steps must be completed by January 16. 1. Download and save this course syllabus. 2. Review the Professional Conduct, Proper Attire & Sexual Harassment Guidelines. (http://moody.utexas.edu/ccs/professional-­‐conduct) 3. Register for RTF 330L/178 (as appropriate). 4. Secure an internship. 5. Submit the online Internship Application (http://moody.utexas.edu/students/radio-­‐tv-­‐film-­‐internship-­‐
courses). Students who have not submitted their completed applications by January 17th will be dropped from the RTF 330L/178 class roster. The Student Services Coordinator will contact you via email with the final decision regarding your internship. You will not receive credit for RTF 330L/178 unless your internship has been approved. REQUIREMENTS FOR INTERNSHIPS The internship host organization or supervisor must be a professional company or individual currently active in and with considerable experience in some aspect of the film, video, television, audio, “new media”, telecommunications or radio industry. As an intern, you must be engaged in meaningful activities within one of these media in order to receive credit. Internships must be at an established place of business and not a home office. The acceptability of your internship will be evaluated using the position description provided as part of your internship application. In order to receive RTF academic credit, and internship must have/offer: • Specific beginning and end dates consistent with fall, spring or summer semester. • The host employer company/organization is bonded and/or holds sufficient business and liability insurance to cover students interning with that employer and on their business premises or while on assignment for that employer off-­‐site while completing his/her tasks as an intern. • Direct, on-­‐site supervision by a working professional currently active in and with considerable experience in some aspect of the film, video, television, audio, “new media”, telecommunications or radio industry directly related to the work to be performed by the intern. 1 The University of Texas at Austin ~ College of Communication •
The intern must be engaged in meaningful activities in a formal office/work setting (not remotely or at home-­‐office). The host employer must provide all resources, workspace, and tools for the student-­‐intern to complete assigned internship tasks/projects. A minimum of 160 work hours in the semester for the intern. A commitment to give interns substantive experience in the field, which can be documented in student’s internship report. A commitment to evaluate the intern’s performance at the midpoint and end of the semester, providing constructive and meaningful advice and feedback. MINIMUM NUMBER OF WORK HOURS To receive academic credit for your RTF internship, you must complete a minimum of 160 work hours with the host organization. Interns may exceed the 160-­‐hour minimum, though it is unadvisable to work over 180 hours per semester. During the fall and spring semesters this generally means about 10-­‐15 hours per week for 10-­‐15 weeks. During the summer semester this generally means about 15-­‐25 hours per week for 6-­‐10 weeks. These hours must fall between the start and end dates of the semester in order to count for credit. EMAIL COMMUNICATION All informational communication regarding the internship course will be delivered via EMAIL only. For this reason, it is important to have a viable email address. If the student's email inbox is full or not accepting course informational email at any point during the program, it is solely the student's responsibility to meet all internship deadlines and follow-­‐up with the Student Services Coordinator or the RTF department if needed. INTERNSHIP FORMS & INFORMATION RTF 330L/178 course syllabus and information is available online at http://moody.utexas.edu/students/radio-­‐
tv-­‐film-­‐internship-­‐courses MIDTERM EVALUATION & JOURNAL REVIEW – DUE MONDAY, March 3 BY 5:00PM At the mid-­‐point of the semester, the Student Services Coordinator will send your internship site supervisor a Midterm Evaluation of your performance. Also, you must submit 1) a 1-­‐2 page Internship Summary of what you've done and learned over the semester and what you hope to learn during the remainder of your internship, and 2) your journal entries for the Midterm Journal Review. At the appropriate time you will receive an email reminder for these items. Your journal entries will be evaluated in order to ensure that you are following the journal specifications (see details on Page 3) and to evaluate the quality of your internship experience. Included in the midterm review of your journal should be all entries between January 13 (first day of class) through March 3. Submission guidelines: The midterm journals must be emailed as an attachment to cdmontes55@gmail.com. Please follow these instructions carefully: • Both requirements must be saved in one file. The summary should be the first 1-­‐2 pages of the document and the journal entries should start on the following page. • The name of the file must be formatted in the following manner: EID_course number_semester_midterm. o For example: jvr3596_RTF 330L_Spring2014_midterm.pdf. 2 The University of Texas at Austin ~ College of Communication •
Your email should have one of the following subject lines: RTF 330L Midterm Review or RTF 178 Midterm Review. The body of the email should include your name and UT EID. FINAL INTERNSHIP REPORT AND EVALUATIONS – DUE MONDAY, April 28, BY 5:00 PM Your Internship Report must consist of the following three items: 1. Cover Page: Name; UT EID; Dates of Internship; Company Name; Name of Supervisor; Company History; and Mission/Purpose. 2. Internship Summary: A detailed 3-­‐5 page summary of what you've done and learned over the semester and how it might impact your future plans. This summary must also be reviewed and okayed by your internship supervisor before it is turned in as part of the Final Internship Report. Any samples of work done during the internship can be turned in, again electronically or on-­‐line, as part of this summary as well 3. Journal: Include all weekly journal entries, along with your work hours for each week. See details on Page 3. Submission guidelines: The Final Internship Report must be emailed as an attachment to cdmontes55@gmail.com. Please follow these instructions carefully: • All required items must be saved in one file. The cover page should be page 1 of the document; the summary should start on page 2; the journal entries should start on the page following the summary. • The name of the file must be formatted in the following manner: EID_course number_semester_final. o For example: jvr3596_RTF 330L_Spring 2014_final.pdf. • Your email should have one of the following subject lines: RTF 330L Final Internship Report or RTF 178 Final Internship Report. • The body of the email should include your name and UT EID. REQUIRED EVALUATIONS: The Student Services Coordinator will send your internship site supervisor the Final Supervisor Evaluation of your performance. You will also receive email notification to complete a Student Evaluation of your internship experience. Both are online forms; they do not need to be included in your Final Internship Report. JOURNAL SPECIFICATIONS Please include a heading for each entry detailing the times worked for each day and the total hours worked for the week. A journal entry for each internship day is ideal, but please write no fewer than one entry per week. A comprehensive journal not only includes information on assignments and tasks you are given, but also your impression of the company or industry and the staff at your internship. Journals are used to evaluate the quality of the credit-­‐based internship as well as your reflection of the experience as a whole, so please be aware that any incomplete journal may receive an "X" (Incomplete) grade. Length of each journal entry will depend on your weekly experiences and activities. Please contact the Student Services Coordinator if you would like to review examples of comprehensive journals. Some journal topic suggestions are: What are your regular internship activities? Are you doing what you thought you would be doing as an intern? Is this a positive experience? What do you think of the industry? What do you think of your company? Is this the type of environment you see yourself in within the next 3 years? What are the interesting aspects of your office -­‐ environment or projects? 3 The University of Texas at Austin ~ College of Communication How is your work being used in the company? What problems arise in the office (with clients or within the department)? How do the staff members deal with them? What challenges have you faced? How have you dealt with them? How do the staff members in your office interact? How are you perceived by the staff members? Are you considered a valuable team member? What are the different roles in your office? GRADING/EVALUATION This is a pass/fail class. Properly submitted journals and internship summaries that fully meet assigned requirements will be graded with a "CR" (credit)". Incomplete or otherwise improperly submitted reports will be graded either "F" (fail) or "X" (incomplete). If you are given an "X" (incomplete), you will be given until the 12th class day of the following semester to properly complete the Final Internship Report for re-­‐evaluation and grade change. If the 12th class day deadline is not met, any "X" (incomplete) grades will automatically be converted to "F" (fail). ASSISTANCE WITH RESUME WRITING & INTERVIEWING SKILLS Communication Career Services can assist you with writing your resume and in developing your interviewing skills. CCS is located in BMC 2.302, Phone: 512.471.9421. Web site: http://moody.utexas.edu/ccs CONTACT INFORMATION Student Services Coordinator: Lauren Brown RTF Internship Supervisor: Chris Montes Email: comm-­‐studentservices@austin.utexas.edu Email (preferred): mailto:cdmontes55@gmail.com Phone: 512.232.9333 Phone: 471-­‐4071 Office Hours: by appointment, CMA 5.108 Course Information: http://moody.utexas.edu/students/radio-­‐tv-­‐film-­‐internship-­‐courses 4 