Ms. Kack's Class Newsletter

Ms. Kack’s Class Newsletter
December 1 - 5, 2014
Dear Parents/Guardians:
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and a restful week off, spending
that extra time with family and friends! I certainly did!  **We all enjoyed our Lighting
Pride reward lunch of pizza, carrots, cookies, and apple juice the Friday before the
Thanksgiving break. I'd like to send out a special "thank you" to those parents who sent in a
few dollars to help out with the cost—I truly appreciate it! We are continuing to collect
more Lightning Prides daily to earn further rewards later in the year. **Our Language Arts
story this week is The Sleeping Pig, about a little girl’s attempts to wake up a pig in her
watermelon patch and the various animals who try to help her. We will concentrate on long
"o" words in Spelling and Phonics. **We begin Topic 8 in Math, "Tens and Ones," developing
and expanding the concepts and lessons we worked on in Topic 7. Remember: the packet of
Re-teaching/Practice worksheets is for home use only—please do not send it to school. **In
Social Studies over the next 3 weeks, we will look at how immigrants came to America
beginning with the Pilgrims, and then exploring how different cultures and their customs
and traditions continue to have impact and influence in America today. **Some reminders:
1) Because of our unique schedule on Fridays (Weekly Tests, Computer Lab, Library, &
Friday Frolics) I am unable to test individual students on Sight Words or Math Facts, so
please do not send in sign-off sheets on Fridays…if you do, I will leave them in the folder
until the following Monday or Tuesday when we have more time. 2) Part of the “Ask Me
About” form that parents sign every day states that their student is reading every night
for 15-20 minutes as part of their homework assignment. These minutes can be recorded on
the Reading Olympics Log so students can earn prizes from PTA each month. Only a few
students are taking advantage of this program which ends in March--please join in now to
earn the rewards! **Thanks for all your help and support at home—it's appreciated! ~Ms. K.
Spelling Words
long “o” words
1. bone
6. hope
2. nose
7. rose
3. home
8. broke
4. woke
9. stone
5. note
10. also
Vocabulary Words
1. began
2. celebrate
3. cricket
4. howl
5. watermelon
Shining Star
of the Week:
Caden Beresford
Sharing Topic:
Free Choice
Next Week:
Something Red or
Special Notes:
~~~Students are encouraged to wear
the following apparel every weekday:
Mon.—100 Mile Club T-shirts
Wed.—StandUp2Bullying shirts
Fri.—Ben Franklin Spirit Wear
1st Tuesday of each month—Student
Council Spirit Days. Dec. 2—Tomorrow:
"Pajama Day." Guidelines are the same
as for Red Ribbon Week—must be
approriate for school wear, and
shoes must be worn, no slippers.