Theme 6

Arthur says "Remember to ALWAYS show PRIDE‐ That means studying every night"
Theme ‐ 6 Animal Adventures (First Grade)
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**Please Note ** . In the "Phonics Practice words" section: The words that are in bold type, are words that use the skills that are being taught and practiced in that lesson. Words in italic type contain previously taught skills and should be reviewed every day. . In the "The High Frequency words" section: The words that are in bold type, are words that will be used during the lesson and need to be learned. Words in italic type are words that were taught in previous lessons and should be reviewed every day. Theme ‐ 6 Animal Adventures (First Grade)
Skill to be Practiced
Phonics Practice Words THE SLEEPING PIG
Long o and Long u ‐ (Sample‐ hole, hope, Duke, huge, ) Final Consonants ft, lk, nt ‐ (Sample‐ left, silk, hunt) go, home, whole, woke, nose, tune, use, mule, huge, left, lift, silk, sulking, went, hunt, plant, ant, am, and, at, ate, bed, but, came, can, can't, did, didn't, fast, get, hop, in, is, it's, just, let, make, not, on, patch, pick, pig, rest, sing, snake, thanked, then, time, up, wake, will, wish, with, yes Challenge words ‐ push, sleeping
by, climb, found, morning, out, shout, show, a, do, does, for, good, her, here, how, I, know, look, me, my, of, one, pull, said, she, small, the, they, to, what, would, wouldn't, you
High Frequency Words
Spelling Words !
go, nose, bone, home, so, no, also, woke
Story Vocabulary
began, celebrate, Celina, coyote, howl, Mrs., rabbit, tail, watermelon, watermelons
Skill to be Practiced
Long e ‐ (Sample‐ Pete, he ) Vowel Pairs ee, ea‐ (Sample‐ bee, green, peach, beach) High Frequency Words
he, me, Pete, these, she, EEK, sheep, green, beans, eat, feast, learned, real, eating, and, big, but, cake, came, cat, catch, chase, dish, dog, eggs, fish, from, get, has, hen, hog, hole, in, is, kicked, knocked, lamp, make, mop, no, on, ran, rat, rid, scamp, send, sending, stop, that, them, then, with Challenge words ‐ after, broken, dear, goodness, heavens, mistake, shoo, squeezed, stable, uh‐oh, within, yarn
cow, door, horse, now, table, there, through, wall, a, all, for, her, house, more, my, of, once, out, over, room, shout, the, there's, to, walked, was
Spelling Words !
eat, me, feet, mean, he, see, maybe, sheep
Story Vocabulary
barn, dancing, elephant, laying, marched, mercy, mouse, tangled
Phonics Practice Words Theme ‐ 6 Animal Adventures (First Grade)
Skill to be Practiced
Phonics Practice Words RED‐EYED TREE FROG
Vowel Pairs ai, ay ‐ (Sample‐ rain, tail, day , play) rain, wait, stain, tail, trail, waits, rain, pail, snail, play, way, bay, day, gray, Jay, day, an, and, ant, as, branch, but, crunch, eat, flicks, frog, frogs, from, go, has, hops, in, is, it, its, jump, land, leaf, moth, no, not, on, red, see, shuts, sleep, slips, snake, tastes, tree, up, wakes, will Challenge words ‐ air, along, another, asleep, climbs, longer, slithers, something
High Frequency Words
been, evening, far, forest, goes, hungry, near, soon, a, all, away, comes, do, does, find, here, look, morning, onto, out, the, to, what
Spelling Words !
day, say, may, stay, play, way, away, holiday
Story Vocabulary
boa, caterpillar, eyed, eyes, iguana, iguanas, katydid, macaw, moves, poisonous, tongue, toucan
Skill b P
Skill to be Practiced
i d
Vowel Pairs oa, and ow ‐ (Sample‐
lP i
l coat, goat, bow, crow) t
t b
boasted, coat, moaned, croaked, groaned, throat, , toast, road, toad, know, bow, crow, crow's, show, blow, bowl, am, and, as, at, bag, be, big, bike, but, can, can't, cut, day, drink, fat, game, going, he, he's, home, in, is, it, it's, keep, kick, left, like, mad, me, needs, no, not, on, place, quick, run, runs, same, say, see, shade, sip, sit, so, stone, that, then, up, us, way, we, we'll, when, while, with Challenge words ‐ beside, harder, hopped, hopping, says, until, wear
Phonics Practice Words High Frequency Words
again, both, gone, hard, or, turn, want, a, all, are, away, cars, do, don't, down, for, friends, give, gives, good, here's, how, I, I'm, little, look, looks, my, of, one, our, the, to, too, two, we're, what, you, your
Spelling Words !
boat, toad, slow, grow, coat, show, coast, know
Story Vocabulary
agree, books, book, candy, bars, crayons, fault, food, hoptoad, John, lemonade, share, toys