moving in - Bentley University

moving in
Hello new
We hope you’re excited about beginning your Bentley career! In the
Residential Center, we’re eagerly anticipating your arrival, but before
you actually get here, we’d like to provide you with some information
that should make your move-in day smoother.
Please read this brochure carefully. It’s been written to ease your
transition to campus living, and to answer some commonly asked
questions. If you have questions that are not answered in this brochure,
please contact us directly, and we’ll do our best to help.
We can be reached at 781.891.2148 or at
important dates
First Year Student Move In:
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Mid-Semester Mini-Break for Undergraduate Students
Saturday, October 12, through Tuesday, October 15
Residence Halls remain open, meal plan continues
Thanksgiving Holiday Break
Wednesday, November 27, through Sunday, December 1
Residence Halls remain open, Seasons Dining Hall closed
End of Semester Closing
Thursday, December 19, 6:00 p.m.
Residence Halls close for Winter Break
Room and roommate assignments were sent to your Bentley email address
in early August. Most roommates are assigned randomly for first-year
students and transfer students. If you requested a specific roommate on
your housing application, every effort will be made to accommodate such
requests, but please know that other factors may also play a role
in determining roommate pairings.
Communication is the key to most successful roommate relationships. Your
initial communication should take place once you’ve received your room and
roommate assignment. It will be helpful to reach out and talk/text/write with
your roommate about the basics of the move-in process. You may want to
discuss what items you each plan to bring to campus so that you can avoid
duplication and make the most of your move-in day.
RAs are returning students who live on residential floors and serve as
resources to floor and building communities. Your RA is involved in the
preparation of your floor for your arrival, can provide information for you
about campus resources, will act as a mediator and/or sounding board for
the concerns or questions you may have, and is likely to be among the first
people you meet when you arrive on campus. The RA can be a key element
in your smooth transition to Bentley, so take advantage of their experience,
training, and knowledge. RAs are here to help you.
Each residence hall has its own governing body (the Hall Council) and
each floor has its own representative to that Hall Council. All Hall Councils
comprise the Residence Hall Association (RHA). If you’ve ever been involved
in student government — or even if you haven’t! — you should seriously
consider taking part in RHA. RHA involvement is fun, provides leadership
opportunities, helps you to get to know your classmates, and is an excellent
way to meet and work with Bentley’s professional staff.
On campus, double rooms are approximately 12.5 by 16 feet. Each room
n Carpeted floor
n Off-white walls
n Overhead lighting
n Wireless internet and Ethernet ports in each room
n Individual HVAC unit
n Curtains or shades
n A height-adjustable bedframe with 80-inch twin mattress per occupant
n A desk and chair per occupant
n A dresser or set of drawers and a wardrobe or closet per occupant
n HD cable TV access
n Pillow and bed linens (blankets, extra-long twin sheets, pillow cases)
n Mattress pad
n Towels
n Toiletry kit and shower shoes (flip-flops)
n Clothes hangers
n Cable TV coaxial cable
n Contact your roommate prior to moving in to discuss who will bring larger
items (TV, refrigerator, microwave).
n All cooking appliances (except microwave ovens) are prohibited from the
residence halls. Hot plates, hot pots, toaster ovens, coffee pots (Keurig
single cup coffee makers are OK), popcorn poppers, or other appliances
are not permitted.
n Candles and incense are fire hazards and are prohibited from
residence halls.
n Halogen lights and neon lights are also fire hazards and prohibited from
residence halls.
n Smoking is a health and safety hazard, and is not permitted in any
residence hall.
n Pets (except fish) are not permitted in residence halls. If you choose to
bring a fish, please take it home during breaks.
There are one or two common bathrooms with sinks, toilets and showers
on each floor of every residence hall.
Washers and dryers are located in all residence halls. The washers and
dryers cost $1.50 per load, and Falcon Funds on your Bentley ID may be
used as payment. There is also a laundry and dry-cleaning service available
in Collins Hall.
Study Lounges
Many residence halls have study lounges, which are equipped with wi-fi
internet access, sofas, tables, and chairs. Students using these lounges are
expected to do so quietly.
Recreation and multipurpose rooms
Located in several residence halls across campus, these rooms are equipped
with wi-fi and are furnished comfortably. Social programs and group
meetings often take place in these spaces.
The BlueLine
Located in the basement of Spruce Hall (in the Trees Complex), The BlueLine
is a large social-programming space that includes televisions, a stage,
comfortable seating, and movie and game rentals.
Meal Plan
First-year resident students have the choice between two meal plans,
the Super Value Meal Plan or the Value 17 Meal Plan.
The Super Value Meal Plan offers unlimited access to the residential
cafeteria, discretionary dollars and discounts. Participants in this plan
may visit Seasons Dining Room in the Student Center as often as they
like for a full meal or a snack.
The Value 17 Meal Plan students to access the residential cafeteria 17
times each week, with the 17 meals replenishing each Sunday. Seasons
Dining Room’s hours of operation are as follows:
n Monday to Thursday:
7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
n Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
n Saturday: 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
n Sunday: 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Hours are subject to change.
Both meal plans also offer discretionary dollars that students can use
at all dining locations on campus. The Super Value Meal Plan provides
$350 in discretionary dollars per semester for use at all retail dining locations
on campus, as well as a 20-percent discount on Falcon Funds food
The Value 17 Meal Plan provides $325 in discretionary dollars
per semester.
Food Service Choices
Seasons Dining Room, located in the Student Center, offers all-you-caneat options that include a deli bar, grill, entrees, stir fry, pizza, pasta, soup,
salad and desserts. In addition, Seasons is home to the popular Mongolian
Grill, which features fresh, cooked-to-order food topped with fresh
vegetables and sauces.
Mad Falcon is located on the ground level of the Student Center and
features Yella’s subs, as well as a late-night pub menu.
Einstein Bros. Bagels/Deloitte Café is located in the Bentley Library and
features bagels, breakfast sandwiches, hot and cold classic sandwiches,
salads, soup, fresh muffins, sweets, soda, coffee and more.
Currito is located in the Dana Athletic Center and features wraps, burritos,
salads and smoothies.
Lower Café and Express are located in the LaCava Center. The Lower
Café features sandwiches, salads, sushi, pizza, toasted subs, soup, grill
items, beverages, and a variety of snacks. Express features Starbucks
beverages, Freshens frozen treats and smoothies, fresh baked goods, bagels,
fruit cups, cereal, and cold beverages.
Dunkin’ Donuts is located in the lobby of Collins Hall. The menu includes
hot and iced coffee, bagels, muffins and doughnuts.
The Marketplace Convenience Store is in Collins Hall and is the campus
source for magazines, candy, snacks and frozen foods.
Vending machines are located in each residence hall and are regularly
stocked with beverages and snacks.
Getting Around
Bentley provides free shuttle service that connects the campus to Harvard
Square. Bentley also provides an intra-campus shuttle that runs a continuous
loop around campus throughout the day. Bentley is served by MBTA (public
transportation) buses from Monday through Saturday.
Storage Space
The university does not have space available for storing student
belongings. If you need additional storage space, it is recommended
that you contact a local storage company, Student Logistics Services
Quiet Hours
To ensure that students are able to study and sleep in the residence halls,
quiet hours are:
n Sunday through Thursday: 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m
n Friday and Saturday: 1:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
All students are expected to assist in enforcing this policy.
Falcon Funds
Your Bentley student ID card is not only a key, but also allows you to use
Falcon Funds, a unique money management tool activated through your
ID card. Once a deposit is made, you may begin using your card to make
purchases all over campus. Falcon Funds are accepted at all food service
locations, the Barnes & Noble Bookstore, the mail stop, the campus dry
cleaner, the copy center, snack and beverage vending machines, and laundry
and printing facilities. Any balance remaining at the end of each semester will
automatically be rolled over for the next semester.
Mailing Address
Mailboxes and mail services are located in Collins Hall. Mail should be
addressed to you in the following manner:
Your Name
Box Number
Bentley University
175 Forest Street
Waltham, MA 02452-4705
On-Campus Parking
First-year resident students are not allowed to have a motor vehicle
on campus. Exceptions may be made for extreme hardships. Written
requests for a hardship exception should be submitted through the
freshman parking request form, which is located in the “First-Year Resident
Students” section of the “Parking & Driving” page, which can be accessed at
In Massachusetts, you must be at least 21 years old to legally consume
or possess alcohol. All students are prohibited from consuming alcohol
in public and common areas. You can be sanctioned for possessing any
alcohol if you are not of legal drinking age. The Student Handbook contains
more details.
Any illegal use, possession or distribution of drugs, narcotics and marijuana
warrants disciplinary action by the university, up to and including dismissal.
Incense and candles are prohibited.
Fire Safety/False Alarms
Fire safety rules are posted on the inside of your room door. Please familiarize
yourself with these facts. They could save your life in the event that you
must evacuate your room. Everyone must evacuate the building every time
the fire alarm sounds. A $50 fine may be imposed on anyone who does not
evacuate. Anyone found intentionally setting a false alarm may be expelled
from Bentley.
Energy/Water Conservation
Bentley is committed to sustainability, and conserving energy and water is
one way to keep your tuition and housing fees as low as possible. Turn off
lights and appliances, take short showers, and keep windows closed when
heating or air conditioning is being used. Bentley is an Energy Star partner
and asks that, when possible, you purchase and use Energy Star products.
Please see for information on qualifying products.
Safety and Security
Some simple precautions will help you to maintain personal safety
and safeguard your belongings:
your room at all times. Most thefts occur because students do
not lock their doors; move-in time is an especially vulnerable period.
n Be
careful with your combination number. Once you give it out, you
can’t get it back!
the Escort Service rather than walking alone at night. Call University
Police at ext. 2201 for an escort.
your Bentley student ID card with you at all times. Entrances
to all residence halls are locked 24 hours a day.
insurance policies to see whether computers, clothing, jewelry and
other valuables are covered for theft, flood and fire away from home. Bentley
is not responsible for the loss, theft or destruction of property.
serial numbers of personal property. Use Operation Identification,
available through University Police, to engrave valuables.
Consider enrolling in a rape aggression defense (RAD) class through
University Police.
If you see someone suspicious, call University Police immediately
at ext. 2201.
For more information, contact:
Residential Center
mail Bentley University, 175 Forest Street, Waltham, MA 02452 USA
phone +1 781.891.2148
fax +1 781.891.2505
BENTLEY UNIVERSITY is one of the nation’s leading business schools, dedicated to preparing a new kind of business
leader — one with the deep technical skills, broad global perspective, and high ethical standards required to make
a difference in an ever-changing world. Our rich, diverse arts and sciences program, combined with an advanced
business curriculum, prepares informed professionals who make an impact in their chosen fields. Located on a classic New
England campus minutes from Boston, Bentley is a dynamic community of leaders, scholars and creative thinkers.
Bentley University Graduate School of Business emphasizes the impact of technology on business practice, in offerings
that include MBA and Master of Science programs, PhD programs in accountancy and in business, and customized
executive education programs. The university enrolls approximately 4,100 full-time undergraduate, 140 adult part-time
undergraduate, 1,430 graduate, and 34 doctoral students. Bentley is accredited by the New England Association of
Schools and Colleges; AACSB International — The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business; and the
European Quality Improvement System, which benchmarks quality in management and business education.