Midterm ID and Map Test: Study Guide

Honors 210B: Spring 2010
Midterm ID and Map Test: Study Guide
The test will have two main parts. Part I will focus on the ID terms introduced thus far in class lectures. Part II will focus on map
identification. Remember to bring a blue book and a pen (not pencil) to class on the day of the exam. The exam will be on 3/10 in
Part I. Terms
Below are all the possible ID terms that may appear on the exam. Some of these terms will appear on the exam. In studying for the
exam, turn to your lecture notes, class discussion notes, the Bentley text, and the discussion readings to help you gather information on
the terms. You will find the index of the Bentley textbook to be particularly helpful. Warning: Do not turn to the Internet, as much of
the information there is inaccurate! The best ID answers will make use of the full-range of relevant course materials (i.e. lectures and
discussion readings, Bentley, films, etc.). Each ID question can be answered in a paragraph that is approximately 5 to 6 sentences in
length. Each ID question will be worth 5 points.
You will be asked to do two things on the exam.
Identify, as specifically as you can, the person, concept, or event. You must give an approximate date. (Century is fine.
When relevant, you may need to give a range of centuries.) For this section, be sure to concretely and precisely answer all
the relevant who, what, where, when questions.
Explain the historical significance of the term. When you think about the historical significance, consider the following
questions: What were the historical results of a particular event? What did the actions of this person lead to? What larger
themes is the concept representative of? In what ways can the term shed light on present-day world topics? For this section,
be sure to concretely and precisely answer why this term is historically important.
Zheng He
Bartolomeu Dias
Christopher Columbus
Joint-Stock Companies
Hernán Cortés
Columbian Exchange
Martin Luther
John Calvin
Witch Craze
Malleus Maleficarum
Queen Nzinga
Antonian Movement
King Afonso I
Triangular Trade
Mehmed II
Süleyman the Magnificent
Hürrem Sultana (Roxelana)
Millet Communities
Catalina de Erauso
Bertrande de Rols
Part II. World Map
Part II of the test will ask you to locate the present-day countries and bodies of water that correspond to the historical regions and
societies studied thus far in class. A blank map from which to study is on Dr. Granata's webpage. All of the numbered map features
below will appear on the exam. Map items must be spelled correctly in order to receive full credit. Each map item will be worth 1
1. Brazil
6. Haiti
11. Italy
16. Mali
21. India
2. Bolivia
7. Spain
12. France
17. Turkey
22. Saudi Arabia
3. Peru
8. United Kingdom
13. Dem. Repub. of Congo
18. Iraq
23. Pakistan
4. Mexico
9. Germany
14. Angola
19. Iran
24. Indian Ocean
5. Bahamas
10. Portugal
15. Niger
20. Afghanistan
25. Atlantic Ocean