Name _______________________ ELD Mrs. Oda 6th Grade Demonstration Speech Academic Vocabulary: Demonstration: Visual aid: Charts, graphs, pictures, drawings, clips or things that help your audience understand your speech better. Your visual aid must be related to your topic. Directions: 1. Give a demonstration speech lasting at least three minutes but no more than five minutes in front of class in the week of June 5-9. You may use two 3 x 5 inch note cards with no more than ten key words per side. 2. Decide on your speech topic and get your parent’s signature on the letter by Friday, May 26. (If you have a hard time choosing a topic, choose your favorite hobby or recipe that you can demonstrate to the class.) 3. Complete Demonstration Speech Outline by Thursday June 1. 4. Prepare your visual aid for your speech. Show Mrs. Oda your visual aid(s) on Friday, June 2. If your visual aid is food, you must bring it on the day of your speech presentation. 5. Make two note cards. Your note cards will be collected and graded after your speech. You may not have more than 10 words per side. Due Dates: Speech topic with your parent signature by Friday, May 26 (20 pts.) Speech Outline by Thursday June 1 (20 pts.) Visual aids (if it’s not food) by Friday, June 2 (10 pts.) I am giving my speech on _____________(date). ✔ My two note cards ✔ Visual aid(s) ✔ Practiced my speech with my parent at least three times --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Parent: May 23, 2004 The last Language Arts project of the year will be a speech. This is required of all middle school students by the Pleasanton School District. The speeches in our class will be presented the week of June 6-10. Your child is required to give a speech lasting at least three minutes but no more than five minutes. Your child’s speech topic will be according to the grade level: 6th grade -Demonstration speech; 7th grade -Persuasive speech; 8th gradeCareer research speech. The following guidelines also apply: 1. The topic of the speech is up to the student but must be approved by me no later than May 23. 2. Two 3 x 5 inch note cards may be utilized with no more than ten words per side. 3. The student may write down key words only on the note cards. After reviewing topics, I will make a schedule and let your child know which day during the week of June 6-10 he/she has been assigned to give his/her speech. I encourage you to help your child plan and practice the speech at home. Please refer to for the evaluation that will be used during the presentation of this speech. If you have questions, please feel free to call me at school, ext. 3880. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Yoko Oda The ELD Teacher My child and I have discussed this letter and the speech topic is: ___________________ Parent signature _____________________________________ Date________________ Student signature ____________________________________ Date________________ Name _______________________ ELD Mrs. Oda Demonstration Speech Outline (Due on Thursday, June 1) My speech time: _______________________ (3-5 min.) My speech topic: _______________________________________________ The goal of my demonstration: _____________________________________ My visual aid(s): ________________________________________________ Materials I need to complete my visual aid(s): __________________________ ____________________________________________________________ In the beginning of the speech, I will get the audience’s attention by: ____________________________________________________________ My audience will want to listen because of this reason: ____________________________________________________________ What can my audience plan to do with this new knowledge?: ____________________________________________________________ Basic steps in my demonstration: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. My final statement (conclusion):________________________________________ Name _______________________ ELD Mrs. Oda Pleasanton Unified School District Speech Evaluation Form (Grades 6-8) Student Name_____________________________Grade_______ Date_____________Time_________ Teacher’s Name____________________________Speech Topic_______________________________ Directions: Students must present a 3-5 minute speech on an assigned day. The student should give a speech while standing at the front of the class. Two 3X5 inch note cards may be utilized with no more than ten words per side. No part of the speech should be read verbatim. Any student not following directions outlined on this form will be penalized 2 points each for not meeting time, card requirement and/or assigned date (maximum of 6 points may be deducted). Advanced Proficiency (4) Solid Proficiency (3) Limited Proficiency (2) Minimal Proficiency (1) Not Addressed (0) 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 CONTENT 1. Introduction • Attention getting • Appeals to the background and interest of the audience 2. Development of Topic (Body) • Uses details, examples, reasons, descriptions, and visuals effectively • Logically developed pattern of organization 3. Conclusion • Effective • Provides good summation of topic Delivery 1. Composure • Poised • No distracting stance or movements 2. Speaking Techniques • Effective voice modulation, inflection, tempo and enunciation • No repetitious phrases, no long pauses 3. Eye Contact • Maintains consistent visual contact and scans audience • Uses visuals effectively (if applicable) SPEECH APPLICATIONS (GENRES) • Characteristics of the genre Grade 6 Narrative Informative Response to Literature Persuasive Problem/solution Grade 7 Grade 8 Narrative Research Summary Persuasive Scoring: 4. Advanced Proficiency (25-28); 3. Solid Proficiency (18-24); 2. Limited Proficiency (11-17); 1. Minimal Proficiency (10 or Below) Narrative Research Response to Literature Persuasive Recite Poetry Points Deducted: __________ TOTAL SCORE: _______________