English Language proficiency Please refer to the levels developed by the Common European Framework (see attached document) to indicate the applicant’s current level of English language proficiency for each of the language skills (by checking the appropriate skill/level box). 1. Name of applicant:_________________________________________ 2. Assessment: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Understanding Listening Reading Spoken Speaking interaction Spoken production Writing writing Overall (Global) assessment = ____________ 3. Do you consider the applicant’s level English language proficiency to be adequate to handle university-level studies in English? _____________________________________________________________________ 4. How have you assessed the applicant’s language proficiency (please circle any or all that are applicable): a. On the basis of the student’s results in English language exams held at the home university b. On the basis of the student’s results in an external English language test c. On the basis of the student’s academic performance in an English class d. On the basis of the student’s academic performance in a course taught in English Assessor: Name: _________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________________ Title: _________________________________________________________ Date: University seal or stamp: