Health Technologies I - Chillicothe City Schools

Tech Prep Health Technologies I Syllabus
CHS Business/JVS/Family Consumer Science Department
Contact Information: Parents may contact me by phone, email or visiting
the school.
Teacher: Mrs. Cheryl Vranicar
Email Address: or
Phone Number: (740) 702-2287 ext. 16242
CHS Vision Statement: Our vision is to be a caring learning center
respected for its comprehensive excellence.
CHS Mission Statement: Our mission is to prepare our students to serve
their communities and to commit to life-long learning
Course Description and Prerequisite(s) from Course Handbook:
Health Technologies I 895
State Course # 074830, Level 1
Elective Grade: 11
Graded Conventionally Credit: 3
Prerequisite: The student must have an attendance rate of 90% or better
and be on target with high school graduation requirements. Recommended
academic courses are chemistry, biology and algebra. Students may be
accepted without the recommended courses, but must enroll in Chemistry.
If you have a passion for helping others, consider a Health
Technologies career. The Health Technologies I program provides technical
training in an applied, hands-on, problem-solving setting. Students gain an
overview of the health care field, including medical terminology, body
mechanics, infection control and blood borne pathogens, legal issues and
communication, therapeutic nutrition, personal care, wellness and disease
process, and basic nursing skills.
Health Technologies I students receive the nurse aide training required
by the State of Ohio for a State Tested Nurse’s Aide (STNA) certificate. The
students will take the STNA exam in May as a requirement of this program.
The student can be employed as a nurse aide or home health aide once they
receive this certificate. Students will also have the opportunity to earn
certificates from the American Heart Association in First Aid and CPR.
Students enrolling in this program will spend 2 hours every day in class for
two semesters. Students will use their newly learned skills in clinical
experiences at local health care institutions and refine these skills when
shadowing health care professionals.
A PRCTC application is required for admission; get an application from
your guidance counselor.
Learning Targets per Unit: Defined below for clarity are the Unit Titles,
Big Ideas of every Unit taught during this course, and the Essential
Questions to be answered to better understand the Big Ideas. A student’s
ability to grasp and answer the Essential Questions will define whether or
not he or she adequately learns and can apply the skills found in Big Ideas.
This will ultimately define whether or not a student scores well on
assessments given for this course. The Common Core Standards can be
found at (Teacher Note: The
Ainsworth Model suggests 1-3 Big Ideas for each Unit and 1-3 essential
questions per Big Idea. Each Unit will vary.)
 1st Quarter
 Unit I: Intro to Medical Terminology – all year
 Big Idea #1: Interpretation of word elements:
 Essential Question #1: Can you interpret medical
suffix’s, prefix’s and root word terminals?
 Essential Question #2: Can you interpret word
terminals used in medical terms?
 Big Idea #2: Interpretation of medical terms:
 Essential Question #1: Can you combine medical
suffix’s, prefix’s and root words to interpret medical
 Essential Question #2: Can you identify lesson
elements within complex medical terms?
 Unit II Introduction to Nursing Assistant
 Big Idea #1: Understanding Healthcare Settings
 Essential Question #1: What is difference between
the many types of healthcare facilities, their
organization, the various healthcare departments /
staff? (1)
 Essential Question #2: How do federal and state
laws impact care given to patients and the role of the
NA? (3)
 Essential Question #3: What is the purpose of the
NATCEP? ( 3- program overview)
 Big Idea #2: Ethical and Legal Responsibilities
Essential Question #1: How do ethical and legal
aspects of working as a NA impact quality patient
care? (4)
 Essential Question #2: What is HIPAA and PHI and
their significance for the NA? (4)
 Essential Question #3: What practices would
describe a nurse aide functioning in a professional
manner? (5)
 Big Idea #3: Communicating in Healthcare
 Essential Question #1: What methods are used to
communicate in the healthcare setting? (6,7)
 Essential Question #2: What is the NA role in
communication? (6,7)
 Essential Question #3: What are the legal and
ethical aspects of patient records? (6,7)
 Essential Question #4: What are appropriate
communication techniques for vision, hearing,
speech and/or physically impaired residents? (39)
 Unit III : Basic Cardiac Life Support for Healthcare
 Big Idea #1: High-quality CPR
 Essential Question #1: Can you correctly perform
one-rescuer CPR for an adult and infant victim?
 Essential Question #2: Can you correctly perform
two-rescuer CPR for an adult and infant victim?
 Big Idea #2: Safe use of AED
 Essential Question #1: Can you demonstrate correct
application and safe use of the AED?
 Big Idea #3: Airway Obstruction
 Can you demonstrate how to relieve airway
obstruction in the conscious and unconscious adult
and infant?
2nd Quarter
 Unit IV: Intro to Medical Terminology – all year
 Big Idea #1: Interpretation of word elements:
 Essential Question #1: Can you interpret medical
suffix’s, prefix’s and root word terminals?
 Essential Question #2: Can you interpret word
terminals used in medical terms?
 Big Idea #2: Interpretation of medical terms:
 Essential Question #1: Can you combine medical
suffix’s, prefix’s and root words to interpret medical
Essential Question #2: Can you identify lesson
elements within complex medical terms?
V – Safe Nursing Care
Big Idea #1: Human Needs
 Essential Question #1: Can you identify basic
human needs and how illness and disability affects
these? (8)
 Essential Question #2: What rights do residents
have? (2)
 Essential Question #3: What psychosocial and
physical changes are common in older adulthood?
Big Idea #2: Safety is a basic need
 Essential Question #1: What safety measures can
be employed to protect a patient? (12,13)
 Essential Question #2: When employing restraints
or alternatives, what legal and safety guidelines are
followed? (14)
 Essential Question #3: Can you demonstrate correct
and safe restraint application? (14)
Big Idea #3: Infection Control
 Essential Question #1: How are microorganisms
transmitted and what guidelines are followed to
prevent their spread? (15)
 Essential Question #2: What is the difference
between medical asepsis and surgical asepsis? (15)
 Essential Question #3: Can you describe and
demonstrate the practices / procedures of standard
precautions and transmission-based precautions?
VI: Moving Patients and Providing Hygiene
Big Idea #1: Safely positioning, moving and lifting.
 Essential Question #1: What are the principles of
body mechanics? (16)
 Essential Question #2: Can you position persons in
the basic bed positions? (16,17)
 Essential Question #3: Can you explain and
demonstrate how to prevent work-related injuries
when handling, moving and transferring persons,
utilizing the principles of body mechanics and safety?
Big Idea #2: Bedmaking and Unit Care:
 Essential Question #1: How do you maintain a
resident’s room for comfort and safety? (18)
Essential Question #2: Can you demonstrate
bedmaking using medical aseptic techniques, good
body mechanics, and safety principles? (19)
 Big Idea #3: Providing Personal Care.
 Essential Question #1: How do you promote dignity
and independence while giving personal care?
 Essential Question #2: What observations will you
make while giving personal care? (20,21)
 Essential Question #3: Can you demonstrate
hygiene skills using medical asepsis and the
principles of privacy and safety? (20,21)
3rd Quarter
 Unit VII: Intro to Medical Terminology – all year
 Big Idea #1: Interpretation of word elements:
 Essential Question #1: Can you interpret medical
suffix’s, prefix’s and root word terminals?
 Essential Question #2: Can you interpret word
terminals used in medical terms?
 Big Idea #2: Interpretation of medical terms:
 Essential Question #1: Can you combine medical
suffix’s, prefix’s and root words to interpret medical
 Essential Question #2: Can you identify lesson
elements within complex medical terms?
 Unit VIII: Elimination and Nutrition
 Big Idea #1: Eliminating waste is a physical need.
 Essential Question #1: Can you describe guidelines
for normal elimination and observations to report to
the nurse? (22,23)
 Essential Question #2: Can you demonstrate the
elimination skills and accurately measure and record
output? (22,23)
 Essential Question #3: Can you demonstrate
catheter care utilizing medical aseptic techniques?
 Big Idea #2: Nutrition and Fluid Balance.
 Essential Question #1: Can you determine what
foods are on special diets ordered for nutritional
deficiency or disease? (24)
 Essential Question #2: Can you determine intake
and percent of meal eaten accurately? (24)
 Essential Question #3: Can you demonstrate
feeding utilizing medical aseptic and safety
practices? (24)
Unit IX: Measurements
 Big Idea #1: Vital Signs.
 Essential Question #1: What are normal
temperature (5 sites), heart rate, respiratory, and
blood pressure ranges and can you determine when
they are outside of normal limits? (26)
 Essential Question #2: What might be understood
about patients from their vital signs? (26)
 Essential Question #3: Can you demonstrate
accurately measuring temperature, heart rate,
respiratory rate and blood pressure, manually and
electronically? (26)
 Big Idea #2: Exercise and Activity.
 Essential Question #1: What nursing actions can
you utilize to prevent complications from bed rest?
 Essential Question #2: Can you demonstrate skills
that decrease the risk of complications from bed
rest? (27)
 Big Idea #3: Meeting basic needs of residents is essential:
 Essential Question #1: What factors affect rest and
sleep and what measures can the NA take to assist
with this? (28)
 Essential Question #2: What is the NA’s role during
admission, transfer and discharge? (29)
 Essential Question #3: Can you demonstrate skills
required during admission, transfer and discharge?
 Essential Question # 4: Can you identify prevention
and treatment measures of skin breakdown and
decubitis treatment? (34)
 Essential Question #5: How do you safely care for
the resident on oxygen? (36)
 Essential Question #6: What nursing measures
promote oxygenation? (36)
 Essential Question #7: For each major body system,
what are signs and symptoms of common diseases
and nursing care related to that system? (39-44)
4 Quarter
 Unit X: Short Unit before End of Course Exam
 Big Idea #1: Mental health and social service needs.
 Essential Question #1: How do various
developmental disabilities affect a person’s
functioning? (47)
Essential Question #2: What are some common
stereotypes about the elderly? (45 & 46)
 Essential Question #3: In what ways can a NA
accommodate sexual needs of residents? (48)
 Big Idea #2: End of Life Care:
 Essential Question #1: What are the stages of dying
and what can the NA do to meet the needs of the
dying person and their family? (52)
 Essential Question #2: As a healthcare worker, why
is it important to understand the stages of grief?
 Essential Question #3: How do you perform
postmortem care? (52)
 WebXams - completed by mid-April
 Patient Centered Care
 Health Science and Technology
Unit XI: Prepare for Nurse Aide State Test (written and
skills testing)
 Big Idea #1: Preparation for the written test is required to
obtain an 80% or better to pass.
 Essential Question #1: Can you obtain an 80% or
better on the 20 to 25 practice assessments we will
complete in preparation?
 Essential Question #2: Do you understand the
reasoning behind why you have gotten a question
incorrect, and take the time to review in preparation
for the written test?
 Big Idea #2: You will be required to demonstrate 5 of 25
skills for a state evaluator, randomly assigned.
 Essential Question #1: Can you demonstrate skills
and obtain an 80% or better without missing any
essential steps listed in bold on the skills check off
 Essential Question #2: Will you continue to practice
skills you have difficulty with to prepare for NA State
Unit XII: American Heart Association First Aid
 Big Idea #1: American Heart Association First Aid
 Essential Question #1: Can you identify an
emergency and demonstrate the emergency action
steps when caring for an injured or suddenly ill
Essential Question #2: Can you provide accurate
first aid to a variety of common diseases and
End of Course Exam
Health Technologies I End of Course Exam – Post-test
Supplemental Textbook(s):
Mosby’s Textbook for Nursing Assistants, Mosby, 2012
Dean Vaughn Medical Terminology, DCM Systems, 2009
Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers, American Heart
Association, 2010
American Heart Association First Aid, 2010
Health Center 21 Online Learning –
Electronic Resources:
Course Expectations
Class Rules:
1. Be punctual
2. Be prepared for class
3. Be respectful towards teachers / staff, class members, school
property, etc.
4. Be honest
5. Be observant of all class, school, and district policies
6. Be positive
7. Behave in a professional manner; you are being assessed for your
future role as a healthcare provider!
1. Students will write and perform Bell ringer in journal; write the
essential questions and get materials ready the first 3 minutes of
2. Students will turn in work at the appropriate place and time.
3. Students will request permission from the teacher and get their
agenda signed to leave the classroom for any reason.
4. Students will clean up after themselves as well as their group
5. Students are responsible for getting their make-up work after an
6. Students are responsible for scheduling make-up tests and quizzes
with the teacher.
Course Material
 Google chromebook for CHS students, non-CHS may bring
laptop if have one
 1” or 1½” 3-ring binder
 5 dividers to use in 3-ring binder
 Ear buds for required computer assignments
 Paper, pens, pencils
 Agenda book
 CHS parking pass, if from another area school
Unit Exams
Homework/Class Work 20%
Grading Scale:
The grading scale for Chillicothe High School can be found in the student
handbook or online at
Late Work: Late work will be subject to the board adopted policy on
assignments that are turned in late (to be reviewed in class). Information
can be viewed on-line at
CHS TENTATIVE Health Technologies I Course Schedule
This is an overview of what will be covered in this course at CHS for this
school year. Although, I would like to follow this plan verbatim this years’
tentative schedule is subject to change (at the teachers’ discretion).
1st 9 Weeks:
Week 1: Beginning of the Year Pre-Assessment Exams
a. WebXam – Patient Centered Care 07050
b. Beginning of Course Pre-Test – Health Technologies I
Unit I Title: Intro to Medical Terminology
Week 2: DVMT lesson 1
 Formative Assessment
Week 2 & 3: DVMT lesson 2
 Formative Assessment
Week 3: DVMT lesson 1 & 2
 Unit I Summative Assessment
Unit II Title: Intro to Nursing Assistant
Week 3-4: NA Chapters 1 and 3 – Intro to Health Care Agencies and the
Nursing Assistant
 Formative Assessment
Week 4-5: NA Chapters 4 and 5 – Ethics and Laws and Work Ethics
 Formative Assessment
Weeks 5-6: NA Chapters 6 and 7 – Communicating with the Health Team
and the Nursing Process
 Unit II Summative Assessment
Unit III Title: BCLS
Week 7: Adult 1 rescuer CPR
 Formative Assessment
Weeks 7-8: Adult 2 rescuer CPR and use of AED
 Formative Assessment
Weeks 8-9: Infant and Child 1 and 2 rescuer CPR
 Unit III Summative Assessment
2nd 9 Weeks
Unit IV Title: Intro to Medical Terminology
Weeks 1 & 2: DVMT lesson 3
 Formative Assessment
Weeks 2 & 3: DVMT lesson 4
 Formative Assessment
Week 3: Unit IV Summative Assessment
Unit V Title: Safe Nursing Care
Week 3-4: NA Chapters 11, 39, 2 – Understand the Person, Hearing, Speech
and Vision Problems, and The Person’s Rights
 Formative Assessment
Week 4: NA Chapters 12, 13, 14 – Care of the Older Person, Preventing Falls
and Restraint Alternatives and Safe use of Restraints
 Formative Assessment
Week 5: NA Chapter 15 – Preventing Infections
 Unit V Summative Assessment
Unit VI Title: Moving Patients and Providing Hygiene
Week 6: NA Chapters 16, 17 – Body Mechanics and Safely Moving and
Transferring the Person
 Formative Assessment
Week 7: NA Chapters 18, 19 – The Person’s Unit and Bedmaking
 Formative Assessment
Week 8-9: NA Chapters 20, 21 – Personal Hygiene and Grooming
 Unit VI Summative Assessment
3rd 9 Weeks
Unit VII Title: Intro to Medical Terminology
Week 1 & 2: DVMT lesson 5
 Formative Assessment
Week2 & 3: DVMT lesson 6
 Formative Assessment
Week 3: DVMT lesson 5 & 6
 Unit VII Summative Assessment
Unit VIII Title: Elimination and Nutrition
Week 3: NA Chapter 22 – Urinary Elimination
 Formative Assessment
Week 4: NA Chapter 23 – Bowel Elimination
 Formative Assessment
Weeks 5-6: NA Chapter 24 – Nutrition and Fluids
 Unit VIII Summative Assessment
Unit IX Title: Measurements
Week 7: NA Chapter 26 – Measuring Vital Signs
 Formative Assessment
Weeks 7-8: NA Chapters 27, 28, 29 – Exercise and Activity and Comfort,
Rest and Sleep, and Admissions, Transfers and Discharges
 Formative Assessment
Weeks 8-9: NA Chapters 33, 34 - Wound Care and Pressure Ulcers
 Unit IX Summative Assessment
4nd 9 Weeks
Unit X Title: Mental Health and Social Service Needs
Week 1-2: NA Chapters 38-42 – Common Diseases
 Formative Assessment
Week 2-3: NA Chapters 45, 46 – Mental Health Problems and Confusion and
 Formative Assessment
Week 4: NA Chapter 52 – End of Life Care
 Unit X Summative Assessment
Mid April:
WebXam Post – tests:
Patient Centered Care
Health Science and Technology
Unit XI Title: Preparation for NA State Testing
Week 4: Preparation for NA State Testing (written and skills)
 Formative Assessment
Week 5: Prepare for NA State Testing (written and skills)
 Formative Assessment
Week 6: Prepare for NA State Testing (written and skills)
 Unit XI Summative Assessment
Unit XII Title: American Heart First Aid
Week 7: American Heart First Aid, Chapters 1-3
 Formative Assessment
Week 8: First Aid, Chapters 4-6
 Formative Assessment
Week 9: First Aid, Chapters 7-10 13
 Unit XII Summative Assessment
End of Course Exam
Health Technologies I Post-Test End of Course Exam
Performance Based Section: Writing
One or more of the End of Unit Exams may be Performance Based.
According to the Ohio Department of Education, “Performance Based
Assessments (PBA) provides authentic ways for students to demonstrate and
apply their understanding of the content and skills within the standards. The
performance based assessments will provide formative and summative
information to inform instructional decision-making and help students move
forward on their trajectory of learning.” Some examples of Performance
Based Assessments include but are not limited to portfolios, experiments,
group projects, demonstrations, essays, and presentations.
CHS Health Technologies I Course Syllabus
After you have reviewed the preceding packet of information with your
parent(s) or guardian(s), please sign this sheet and return it to me so that I
can verify you understand what I expect out of each and every one of my
Student Name (please print): _______________________________
Student Signature: _______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name (please print): ________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________