nts Eve www.eelevents.co.uk EEL Events +44 (0) 207 275 8020 intelligent investment in emerging markets 7th Annual Turkey Private Equity & M&A Forum "Exploring investment opportunities in 2015 and beyond” 21st May 2015, 5* Elite World Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Partners www.eelevents.co.uk +44 (0) 207 275 8020 delegate@eelevents.co.uk Turkey Private Equity and M&A Forum 2015 Programme 09:00 Registration Open & Networking 09:20 Chairwoman Opening Address Nurtac Ziyal, Global Head of M&A and Business Development, Yildiz Holding 09:30 Welcoming Address - Market overview and performance in Turkey - Where are the current investment opportunities in the region? Necmettin Kaymaz, Chief Project Director, ISPAT PE and M&A OPPORTUNITIES IN TURKEY 09:50 Case Study: Yildiz Holding & United Biscuits Acquisition Nurtac Ziyal, Global Head of M&A and Business Development, Yildiz Holding 10:10 The importance of successful integration for M&A’s Raymond Timmer, Partner, KPMG Kaveh Taghizadeh, Head of Management Consulting, Partner, KPMG 10:30 Discussion on: PE and M&A OPPORTUNITIES IN TURKEY - Is the current market conditions affecting PE and M&A market, how? - Are political scene & upcoming elections putting PE funds under pressure? What are the strategies to deal with these changes? - Which sectors are going to fuel new investment deals in 2016/2017? - What is expected to drive the Turkish PE market the next 2-3 years? - What are the top obstacles and opportunities facing the current market? - Is there an opportunity in Turkish market in terms of consolidation? Moderator: Onur Takmak, Founding Partner & Chairman, Rhea Portfoy Yonetimi Panellists: Kerim Turkmen, Partner, Head of Istanbul Office, Mid Europa Partners Esen Tumer, General Manager, Philips Health Systems Burcak Unsal, Partner, Unsal Gunduz Attorneys at Law Levent Yesildag, Director, Head of Anatolia Growth Capital Fund, The Abraaj Group Gokce Manav, Director (Global Capital Management), Global Investment House 11:20 Networking Coffee Break 11:50 BIST Private Market as a new funding and exit alternative Sertac F. Karaagaoglu, Listing and Private Market Group Director, Borsa Istanbul 12:10 Case Study: First Private Market Investment of Borsa Istanbul. Modanisa, World’s most popular Muslim Fashion site Kerim Ture, Founder and the CEO, Modanisa 12:30 Case Study: A PE acquisition from legal perspective - Legal and regulative challenges Filiz Toprak Esin, Managing Associate, Gün + Partners 12:50 Networking Lunch Break 14:10 Intensive Briefing on: BANKING ISSUES - Are lenders more selective going forward? - Commercial impact of regulatory changes - What is driving deal flow into Turkey and across frontier sectors? - What can be done to improve capital market funding for PE owned companies? Moderator: Mehmet Ilkin, Senior Banker, EBRD Panellists: Simten Ozturk, Manager at Project & Acquisition Finance, Garanti Bank Ilker Sirtkaya, Assistant Manager at Project & Structured Finance, Odea Bank 14:40 Networking Coffee Break MAKING THE PARTNERSHIP WORK 15:10 Discussion on: PE & FAMILY BUSINESSES - Is private equity a viable funding alternative for Turkish business and vice versa? - Do PE investors meet family companies’ expectations? - Is company valuation the biggest problem in Turkish PE market? - Are family businesses really comfortable with strategic sales? Moderator: Tarik Sarligil, Managing Partner, 3 Seas Capital Partners Panellists: Ali Ozan Karaduman, Managing Associate, Gün + Partners Kadri Ozgunes, Director at Cement Group, Sabanci Holding Seckin Yelmen, Investment Director, ADM Capital Oguzhan Ozbas, Advisory Board Member, CCG Ali Oztayinci, Director of Financial Affairs, Mudo EXITS OPPORTUNITIES 16:00 Discussion on: WHAT IS THE EXIT ENVIRONMENT IN TURKEY ? - What kinds of exits can we expect in 2015/16 and which form looks more attractive for PEs on selling and buying side? - What price is the right price to sell and buy? - Can you count on IPO exit? - The impact of bond issuance by private firms and IPOs on the PE activity in Turkey - Does the current high tension political scene have any impact on planed entries and exits? Moderator: Mert Ozansoy, Vice President, Investment Banking, Credit Suisse Panellists: Yusuf Ongoren, Senior Investment Officer, IFC Hulki Okan Tabak, Director, Is Private Equity Levent Bosut, Managing Partner, inHERA Capital Emre Kemal Mimaroglu, Partner, TRPE Capital 16:50 Chairwoman Closing Remarks Nurtac Ziyal, Global Head of M&A and Business Development, Yildiz Holding 17:00 End of the conference 13:50 Legal considerations on capital markets - Impact of the regulative and legislative changes on the PE market - Legal issues, legislation implementation - Tax incentives for PE Investment Funds Fatih Saglik, Deputy Head of the Institutional Investors Department, Capital Market Board of Turkey nts Eve CAPITAL MARKETS & BANKING ISSUES EEL Events thanks all Participants and Partners for joining our 5th annual Turkey Private Equity and M&A Forum. We hope this exciting event, entirely dedicated to investment potential across the investment opportunities in Turkey, has exceeded your expectations and delivered comprehensive cover of emerging market opportunities. We look forward to welcoming you at our 5th annual Turkey Private Equity and M&A Forum EEL Events Team follow us @EELLondon #pemeforum nts Eve www.eelevents.co.uk