Origin of life and biogeological evolution Philippe Claeys http://we.vub.ac.be/~dglg/Web/Teaching/Teaching.html Origin of life a scientific question for sure but also much more... «It is often said that all the conditions for the first production of a living organism are now present, which could ever have been present. But if (and oh! what a big if!) we could conceive in some warm little pond, with all sorts of ammonia and phosphoric salts, lights, heat, electricity, etc. present, that a protein compound was chemically formed ready to undergo still more complex changes, at the present day such matter would be instantly devoured or absorbed, which would not have been the case before living creatures were formed» (Darwin C.R., letter to J.D. Hooker, [1 February] 1871, in Darwin F., ed., "The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin," [1898], Basic Books: New York NY, Vol. II, 1959, reprint, pp.202-203) «We never question the origin of kinetic energy, likewise we should get used to the idea that life always existed and that questioning its origin is futile» (Svante Arrhenius, 1909 Nobel Price, Panspermia believer) «L’Univers n’est pas gros de vie, ni la biosphère de l’homme. Notre numéro est sorti au jeu de Monte Carlo. Quoi d’étonnant à ce que, tel celui qui vient d’y gagner un milliard, nous éprouvions l’étrangeté de notre condition» (Jacques Monod, 1970, Nobel Price Medicine 1965) «La vie appartient à la trame même de l’Univers. Si elle n’était pas une manifestation obligatoire des propriétés combinatoires de la matière, il eut été absolument impossible qu’elle prenne naissance naturellement» (Christian de Duve, 1990, Nobel Price Medicine 1974) In the last few years, I have become increasingly interested in the origin and evolution of life. I have written three books, which have been translated in a number of languages: A Guided Tour of the Living Cell (1984); Blueprint for a Cell (1991); and Vital Dust (1995). I plan to devote my remaining years to further probing what, if anything, our growing understanding of life and mind can tell us about the structure and meaning of the universe (Christian de Duve, 1997) Define life ? Life: common properties of all living being that differentiate them from non-living systems/things. Very basic definition and not very meaningful even if we dare to add C-based Life: open structured system where chemical reactions take place and that is capable of regulating its exchanges with the environment and to divide itself into two other systems, each with identical properties, not necessarily similar to those of the initial system (Jacques Reisse, 2006). Life: is an open or continuous phenomena able to decrease its entropy by processing free energy extracted from its environment, life feeds on negative entropy in contradiction to the Second Law of Thermodynamics (What is life ? Erwin Schroedinger, 1944) What is alive : Virus ? Artificial life in the computer ? Life: 2 basic cell structures Procaryote Eucaryote The cell: chemistry & information The cell: metabolism Energy sources = e- acceptor Life in the universe Terrestrial Traces •fossil •sediments •isotopes •organic Origin •primitive Extraterrestrial ? Limits oceans •building blocks components •life in test •homochirality tube •temperature •salinity •pH •pressure •deep Solar system Extrasolar Pamspermia •Mars •exoplanets •always existed, •Europa •signature of transfer between extrasolar life planets, comets, •Titan dust, etc. •Ganymede biosphere Earth a “special” place ➡ Sun: middle size star implies long life time ➡ Ideal distance from Sun: 3 phases of H2O coexist ➡ Moon stabilizing effect ➡ Large Jupiter shield Origin of life : facts Age of the Earth 4.567 Ga No rock record until 3.8 Ga Early Earth anoxic atmosphere First proven unicellular organisms around 2.7 Ga Microbial life only for ~ 2 Ga Development of O2 = major pollution for anaerobic organisms, opportunity for the survivors First multicellular organisms around 1 Ga 3 domains of life http://www.tolweb.org/tree/ Virus ? Based on RNA structure in ribosomes Which came first ? Tree of life Classic tree of life based on rRNA sequence comparison (Woese 1987) One of many possible revisions (see Brinkmann & Philippe, 2005) Position of the root is open question Concept of LUCA Last Universal Common Ancestor or Cenancestor (Forterre and Philippe 1999) What did LUCA look like ? Two approaches : • Top - down: from current organism to LUCA • Bottom - up from atoms and molecules to LUCA, pre-biotic chemistry What did LUCA look like ? Extrapolation possible Top - Down ? Extrapolation impossible Prebiotic chemistry 20 amino acids, transition from abiotic to RNA world, peptide world, multiple scenario’s Miller-Urey experiment 1953 (http://www.ucsd.tv/miller-urey/) showed that organic compounds such as AA, which are used to make proteins that are indispensable for life, could be made easily under atmospheric conditions of Early Earth. CH4, NH3, H2, H2O Production of HCHO, HCN HCN + NH3 (Strecker reactions)= Adenine, base in RNA & DNA, and ATP Adenine Stepwise pre-biotic chemistry with increasing complexity 1) Synthesis of the building blocks (AA, nucleic bases, nucleotides etc.) Primordial soup, Miller-Urey experiments: basic chemical components and energy available as pre-requisites 2) Formation of polymers (nucleic acids, peptides..) Resulting from interactions (random ? catalyst?, activating agents?) between building blocks, repetition to replication capability of polymers 3) Emergence of supra-molecular architectures, first membranes and individual cells Individualization, self-replication and carrier of information Stepwise pre-biotic chemistry with increasing complexity 1) Synthesis of the building blocks (AA, nucleic bases, nucleotides etc.) Primordial soup, Miller-Urey experiments: basic chemical components and energy available as pre-requisites 2) Formation of polymers (nucleic acids, peptides..) Resulting from interactions (random ? catalyst?, activating agents?) between building blocks, repetition to replication capability of polymers 3) Emergence of supra-molecular architectures, first membranes and individual cells Individualization, self-replication and carrier of information How do random sequence of improbable reactions lead to a self-replicated system? The peptide world CO-NH bond forms from amino acids under dehydration conditions Pre-biotic soup of AA polymerization Peptide self-replication How convert AA sequence into genetic information ? Peptide double role catalyst + info carrier Peptide world with peptide nucleic acid equivalent Evolution of genetic code + translation No trace preserved of old peptide genetic information system Why change to nucleic acid base? Protein and nucleic acid world The RNA world Pre-biotic soup of nucleotide synthesis and replication No pre-biotic pathways to synthesize mononucleotides Nucleic acids both info storage and catalysts RNA world Translation apparatus RNA + protein world Evolution of ribonucleotide reductase RNA + protein + DNA world Co-evolution peptide - RNA More complex Prebiotic chemistry of AA + nucleotides Coded peptide synthesis + nucleic acid replication Peptide + nucleic acid world Several biochemical processes seem compatible with co-evolution scenario: catalytic AA, peptide + AA stereo-selective catalysis (explain homochirality?), bonds AA & tRNAs, some AA involved in both peptide and nucleic acid oligomerization (N-phosphoryl), reaction AA with inorganic PO4-- Early (hypothetical) metabolism Most primitive cell must have had metabolism for synthesize macromolecule and energy for cellular functions Present metabolism too complex with various transporters, e- carriers, enzymes, pigments, and genome with protein encoding Early cell used simpler process to gain E from environment and make macromolecules No trace preserved of this old / initial process but most likely took place under anoxic conditions Anoxic photosynthesis or fermentation/respiration too complex: chemolithotroph pathway’s possible for energy source Chemolithotroph organisms today are also autotroph’s CO2 into Corg. they use complex pathways such as Calvin cycles, which seem complex for early organisms. Better use already formed organic molecules Early Energy source ? Madigan et al. 2003 - Molecular H2 is an ideal e- donor reduction potential E0’ = -0.42 for 2H+/H2 2e- (E source for procaryots in geothermal and hyperthermophilic ecosystems black smokers, Yellowstone) - Elemental S is an ideal e- acceptor S/H2S 2e- E0 = -0.28 also commonly used today by procaryots Metabolism will evolve other ways to derive E and use C Timing and time scales differences (Bio)Chemical reactions of life < 1 sec. Generation time: bacteria min. to years multicellular organisms Ecosystem development / evolution: > 10 - 1000 years Evolution of species: kyr to Myr Evolution of planets: > Myr to Gyr Timing and time scales differences (Bio)Chemical reactions of life < 1 sec. Generation time: bacteria min. to years multicellular organisms Ecosystem development / evolution: > 10 - 1000 years Evolution of species: kyr to Myr Evolution of planets: > Myr to Gyr How long between building blocks to first cell and then to LUCA? What about environmental conditions ? When can this start : concept of planet habitability ?