RESEARCH OF GEOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE AND EARTHQUAKE, VOL. 1, NO. 1, DECEMBER 2013 1 An Earthquake Study, Considering the Lack of Data Existent, Sudan-Africa F. Moradpouri, Faculty of Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran. M. Mojarab School of Mining, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. Abstract— The seismic hazard is the most severe hazard from the natural environment to be considered in the design of different structures in seismically active areas. Earthquake hazard is a multiple hazard as besides ground shaking, which is the main aspect in seismic design codes and regulations, can trigger land- and rockslides into the area, etc. It is also a well-known fact that the earthquake hazard is one of the least known hazards. Therefore, a very thorough investigation is needed for the estimate of the ground motion of the different design earthquakes. Therefore probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) is a commonly used method to derive seismic hazard curve – a relationship between a ground motion parameter and its return period. The so-called return period in PSHA is a modification of the recurrence intervals of earthquakes using the probabilities of ground motions. The return period is not an independent temporal parameter, but it has been inappropriately treated as the mean recurrence interval of an independent event (ground motion) and used in seismic hazard analysis. The current study is devoted to conduct the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis at a site in Sudan-Africa, in terms of Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), Peak Ground Velocity (PGV), and Peak Ground Displacement (PGD) which is following by response spectra for the study area. Keywords: Sudan-Africa; PGA; PGV; PGD; Response Spectra I. INTRODUCTION Sudan is a country in northeastern Africa with an 853 km coastline bordering the Red Sea with an area of 2,505,810 km2. It is bordered by Egypt to the north, the Red Sea to the northeast, Eritrea and Ethiopia to the east, Kenya and Uganda to the southeast, Congo and the Central African Republic to the southwest, Chad to the west and Libya to the northwest. The world's longest river, the Nile, divides the country between east and west sides. The study area is located at 15.36º latitude and 32.33º east longitudes. Location map of the study area can be seen in Fig.1. A. Location and geology of the study area The most important key to the understanding of the geology is the understanding of its stratigraphy. This is the classical area of the so-called Nubian Sandstone, which had the reputation of being barren. Far from really being unfossiliferous, these strata can be subdivided into formations of Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permotriassic to Early Jurassic, Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, Middle and Upper Cretaceous age. One of the difficulties to interpret the age of certain units results from the fact that conditions of sedimentation and re-sedimentation have been repeated under similar paleogeographical and climatical circumstances several times within earth's history. Consequently, similarities of facies and partly also of paleontological remains between strata of different age are frequent. As can be seen in the geology map of Sudan in Fig. 2, different stratigraphy units exist in it and in 200 km radius of studied site, the dominant stratigraphy units is “Nubian Sandston Formation” and “Gezira Formation”. Nubian Sandston Formation located in north of study area that had large development. Nubian Sandstones formation (N) is Cretaceous period and including Continental clastic sediments including: sandstones, siltstones, mudstones and conglomerates. In addition to in south of study area there is Gezira Formation that unconsolidated clays, silts and gravels. This formation is time of Tertiary to Quaternary. Also Ummrawaba formation is time of Tertiary to Quaternary that unconsolidated sands with some gravels, clays and shales. Recent units show with “A” that it is Alluviums, Wadi fills, terraces, delta and swamp deposits. This unit located along Nile River and Expansion is limited. Basement Complex includes Px and Ps. Px Undifferentiated Basement Complex and Ps Undifferentiated Schist Group. Only unit Intrusive Rocks is γz that is Younger Granites. B. Seismicity of Sudan Sudan is generally considered a country of low seismic activity. However; recent seismic activities in different regions within the Sudan warrant seismic hazard assessment of the Sudan. The country and its vicinity experienced one of the largest earthquake in recent history: The May 20, 1999, 7.4 earthquake and its aftershocks that hit Southern Sudan is the one of the largest in continental Africa in the instrumental era of earthquake recording [18]. In additional to the Southern Sudan, major portions in Central Sudan also experienced earthquake recently, for example Earthquakes stroke Kordofan State in August 1, 1993 with a magnitude of 5.5 and in November 15, 1993 with a magnitude of 4.3 [18]. Sources of earthquakes that affect most parts of Sudan are located in (1) the southernmost portion of Sudan around Aswa fault, (2) central Sudan from several rifts, (3) the Red Sea coast near the Afro- Arabian fault, (4) eastern Sudan from Afar Depression in Eritria and also from the East African Rift 2 RESEARCH OF GEOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE AND EARTHQUAKE, VOL. 1, NO. 1, DECEMBER 2013 System, and (5) the included earthquake source in Lake Nassir (High Dam) in southern Egypt [2]. Seismic studies [1, 3] have shown that Sudan is relatively stable with occasional earthquakes of low to moderate magnitude that can give rise to damaging intensities. They also noted that the Southern States of Sudan are frequently subjected to moderate to high intensities of earthquakes. Figure 1: Location map of the study area II. PROBABILISTIC SEISMIC HAZARD ANALYSIS PSHA is the most used method to assess seismic hazard and risk for input into various aspects of public and financial policy. PSHA was originally developed by Cornell in 1968 for estimating engineering risk in comparison with the analogous flood or wind problem. A similar method was also developed by [17]. Ref.[10] extended his method to incorporate the possibility that ground motion at a site could be different for different earthquakes of the same magnitude at the same distance (i.e., ground motion uncertainty). A FORTRAN algorithm of Cornell’s method [10] was developed by McGuire in 1976 and has been the standard PSHA ever since. There is a fundamental difference between the formulations in [9] and those in [10]; the former does not include ground-motion uncertainty, whereas the latter does, but incorrectly. In PSHA, an annual probability of exceedance (γ) of a ground-motion amplitude y is [16]. (y) = ∑ v ∫∫∫ f i M (m) fR (r) fΕ (ε )P[Y > y | m, r, ε ]dm dr d ε (1) Figure 2: Geology map of the study area where νi is the activity rate for seismic source i; fM(m), fR(r), and fε(ε) are earthquake magnitude, source-to-site distance, and ground motion density functions, respectively; ε is ground motion uncertainty; and P[Y>y|m,r,ε] is the probability that Y exceeds y for a given m and r. The triple integration in equation (1) is very complicated, and a numerical solution is required. For characteristic seismic sources, Eq. (1) can be simplified as: 1 (2) γ (y) = P (Y > y) ∑T i i i Where Ti is the average recurrence interval of the characteristic earthquake for source i, and Pi(Y ≥ y) is the probability that the ground motion (Y) from source i will exceed y. The inverse of annual probability of exceedance (1/γ), called the return period, is often used: for example, a 2,500-year return period (the inverse of annual probability of exceedance of 0.0004). The return period has been erroneously equated to the average recurrence interval (τ) of earthquakes and used to calculate seismic risk [11, 12, 13]. As shown in Eq.(1) and Eq.(2), the return period is a function of COPYRIGHT © SCIENTIFIC ONLINE PUBLISHING 3 B. Earthquake catalogue, seismic sources and seismicity parameters Selection of the appropriate catalogue is an important step in estimation of the seismicity parameters. Earthquakes catalogue including the records located in a circle of 200 km radius far from the site in question listed in Table 2 based on catalogues that prepared by Ref. [3]. A proper definition of seismic source zones is an essential key to calculate and assign the seismicity parameters to the seismic sources. Therefore the following factors are considered to select the sources, (1) to include more important earthquakes into the calculation, (2) to cover the seismicity around some important faults. In the current study based on the proper criteria for the disputed site and the above description, four seismic sources are chosen , two sources as regional sources, and the rest as line sources which are shown in Fig. 3. As can be seen, Fig.3 includes the faults and the occurred historical and instrumental earthquakes in the study area as well. Afterwards, a crucial part of seismic hazard analysis is to calculate β and λ values. Due to the lack of enough appropriate data in the study area, previous studies which was done by Ref.[2] are used to calculate a- value and b- value and the results are presented in Table3 including seismicity parameters for the selected sources. MORADPOURI ET AL: AN EARTHQUAKE STUDY, CONSIDERING THE LACK .. the recurrence intervals of earthquakes and the probabilities in which the ground motion will exceed a specific value if the earthquakes occur. In other words, the return period is a modification of the recurrence intervals (time-domain characteristics) of earthquakes using the uncertainty of ground-motion measurement at a site (spatial characteristics) without physical basis [20, 21, 22]. This can be clearly seen for a single characteristic seismic source: P[Y > y] T (3) γ (y) = or return period = T P[Y > y] As shown in Eq. 3, the return period is equal to the actual recurrence interval of an earthquake divided by the probability of ground motion. These calculations clearly show that the return period defined in PSHA is not equivalent to the recurrence interval of earthquakes. A. Seismic hazard assessment An alternative method, called seismic hazard assessment (SHA), was proposed by Ref[23] and is briefly described here. Similar to flood occurrences in hydrology, earthquake occurrences follow the well-known Gutenberg-Richter magnitude-frequency relationship: (4) N = 10 (a−bM ) (4.a) ln(n) = a ln(10) − b ln(10)M (4.b) α = a ln(10) = 2.303a and β = b ln(10) = 2.303b (4.c) ln N = α − β M Where N is the cumulative number of earthquakes with magnitude equal to or greater than M occurring yearly, and a and b are constants (α and β called seismicity parameter of the region). As discussed earlier, the average recurrence rate (1/t) of earthquakes with magnitudes is equal to or greater than a specific size (M). Therefore (5) 1 / τ = N = e2.303a−2.303bM Estimations of the expected ground motion at a site are given by assuming a ground-motion attenuation relationship, which describes a relationship between a ground-motion parameter (Y) and magnitude of an earthquake (M) and epicentral distance (R) [7,8]. Generally, the attenuation relationship follows the functional form of: (6) lnY = a0 + f (M , R) + ε Where ε is uncertainty (a0 is a constant). The uncertainty (ε) can be modeled using a log normal distribution with a standard deviation (σ). From Eq. (3), M can be expressed as a function of R, lnY, and ε: (7) M = f (R,lnY , ε ) Combining Eq. (5) and (7) results in: 1 / τ = e2.303a−2.303bf ( R,lnY ,ε ) or τ = e−2.303a+2.303bf ( R,lnY ,ε ) (8) Eq. (8) describes a relationship between the ground motion (lnY), with an uncertainty (ε) and its annual recurrence rate (1/t) or recurrence interval (t) at a distance (R), i.e., a hazard curve. Eq. (8) can be used to estimate ground motion at a site or in a region. Three ground motion models (attenuation relationships), used in this study are presented in Table 1. C. Proposed Values for the PGA, PGV and PGD A seismic hazard analysis is carried out to estimate the ground motion parameters using attenuation relationships presented in Table 1. As a result, final PGA values for the return periods of 75, 475, 975 and 2475 are presented in Table 4. It is clear that, in order to correctly identify the seismic displacement demand, it is necessary to account for the design PGV at the site. Thus, PGV and PGD values, regarding to PGA values and the following equations are calculated and presented in Table 5. v = c1 a g d = c2 v2 g (9) Where v is PGV, a is PGA (cm/s2), d is PGD and c1, c2 are constant. Ultimately, several hazard curves such as PGA, PGV and PGD are computed and shown in Fig. 4, 5 and 6. Table 1: The List of attenuation relationships used in this study. r = hypocentral distance (km), d & R = epicentral distance (km); h = depth of focus (km), M = magnitude; c, b1, b2, b3, b5 and b7 are constant Author Attenuation Relationship (Ground Motion Model) Boore & Joyner Ln Y = b1 + b2 (M-6) + b3 (M– 6)2 + b5 ln r + b7 (Vs/ & Fumal (1997): VA) where r = (d2 + h2)1/2, Y is in g (acceleration gravity), VS= shear wave velocity Ambraseys (1996) Campbell & Bozorgnia (2008) NGA USGS 2008 log Y = C1+C2 M+C3 r+C4 Log(r) where r = (d2 + h2)1/2 where Y is in g (acceleration gravity), C1 = −1.48, C2= 0.266, C4 = −0.922, h = 3.5 ln Y = fmag+fdis+ffit+fhng+fsit+fsed Due to comprehensive details, refer to summery of strong ground motion attenuation relationships for peak ground acceleration and spectral ordinate, J.douglas, ESEE reports, COPYRIGHT © SCIENTIFIC ONLINE PUBLISHING 4 RESEARCH OF GEOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE AND EARTHQUAKE, VOL. 1, NO. 1, DECEMBER 2013 75 0.071 0.058 0.092 0.049 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Table 2: Earthquake Catalogue year Lat. Long. Ms Ref 1854 15.57 32.55 Amb. 1922 15.57 32.55 Amb. 1944 15.57 32.55 Amb. 1993 15.4116 31.6656 5.10 ISC 1993 15.635 31.7495 4.50 ISC 2004 15.726 31.404 3.50 ISC 2004 15.393 32.357 2.10 ISC 2004 15.035 32.218 2.90 ISC 2004 16.857 32.071 2.90 ISC 2004 15.659 32.553 2.40 ISC 2005 15.659 32.553 1.00 ISC 2005 15.93 32.749 1.90 ISC 2006 15.631 32.048 3.30 ISC 2006 14.011 32.373 3.10 ISC 2006 15.321 32.658 1.00 ISC 2006 15.289 32.628 0.90 ISC 2006 15.252 32.555 1.10 ISC 2006 16.437 31.580 2.40 ISC 2007 14.486 32.831 2.10 ISC 2007 14.539 32.989 2.50 ISC 2007 16.596 33.279 1.90 ISC 0.138 0.133 0.165 0.094 975 0.176 0.177 0.205 0.123 2475 0.233 0.25 0.257 0.161 No. 1 Table 5: PGV and PGD values Return Period PGV (cm/s) PGD (cm) (year) 75 2.003 0.733 2 475 4.039 2.064 3 975 5.248 2.789 4 2475 6.98 4.117 III. PROPOSED RESPONSE SPECTRA Table 3: Seismicity parameters for the selected seismic sources Source Source 1 Source 2 F1 F2 475 β λ Mmax 1.842 0.488 4.9 1.842 1.255 6.2 1.842 1.186 5.2 1.842 1.744 5.3 Figure 3: Location map of the faults, earthquakes and seismic sources in 200 km radius of the studied site Table 4: PGA values (acceleration gravity coefficients, g (cm/s2)) Boor – Campbell & Joyner Return Amberseys et Mean Bozorgnia – Fumal period al (1996) (2008) (1997) For the seismic design of a structure, earthquake ground motions are usually characterized by PGA, response spectra and acceleration time histories. In previous sections, PGA values are obtained for traditional static force analysis. The earthquake ground motions for dynamic analysis, however, should be specified in terms of response spectra or acceleration time histories. Response spectra shows the maximum values of acceleration, velocity, and/or displacement response of an infinite series of single degree-of-freedom systems subject to a time dependent dynamic excitation such as ground motion. The maximum response values are expressed as a function of the undamped natural period for a given damping. The values of response spectra of ground motion can be defined by using standard or site-specific procedures. Site-specific response spectra corresponds to those expected on the basis of seismological and geological calculations using either the deterministic or the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis method [19]. As mentioned above, the seismic sources and earthquake activity are well identified and recognized in the area under study. Hence, it is possible to specify site-specific values of response spectra for the site. Generally, response spectra obtained is based on statistical analysis of strong motion recordings. The general approach used for this method was described by Kimball, 1983. This method consists of conducting statistical analysis of a suite of strong motion recordings from earthquakes having magnitudes and distance ranges similar to the target magnitude. Before the statistical analysis is conducted, these recordings are first adjusted or modified for differences in magnitude, distance, and style of faulting, site conditions, and other factors between the site-specific conditions and the recording conditions. Typically, these records must be selected to have similar conditions to those of the project, but usually due to lack of good records some modifications are needed for differences in site conditions. As pointed out above, when the target design ground motion earthquake is specified, the available appropriate recording from earthquakes with magnitudes close to the target magnitude is analyzed statistically to obtain estimates of the site-specific spectra. COPYRIGHT © SCIENTIFIC ONLINE PUBLISHING 5 probabilistic hazard spectra for 475 year return period (see Fig.5), using weighted mean of attenuation equations as can be seen in Fig. 6. MORADPOURI ET AL: AN EARTHQUAKE STUDY, CONSIDERING THE LACK .. For our case, due to the low seismicity of Sudan, no seismic recording s found to implement the approach as described above. Hence, In order to define response spectra for design purposes, the design response spectra is developed based on Figure 4: Hazard curves using weighted mean of attenuation equations. (a) PGA (cm/s2) hazard curve. (b) PGV (cm/s) hazard curve. (c) PGD (cm) hazard curv Figure 5: Probabilistic hazard spectra for 75, 475, 975 & 2475 years return period using weighted mean of attenuation Equations Figure 6: Response Spectra target region COPYRIGHT © SCIENTIFIC ONLINE PUBLISHING 6 RESEARCH OF GEOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE AND EARTHQUAKE, VOL. 1, NO. 1, DECEMBER 2013 IV. CONCLUSION In designing new structures and evaluating seismic performance of existing structures, it is important to construct an accurate uniform hazard response spectrum at a selected site. To construct a uniform hazard response spectrum this study uses available earthquakes. Earthquakes that occur within 200 km of the site are considered. Furthermore, in this paper, a probabilistic seismic hazard is conducted in Sudan-Africa. Although we confront with the lack of proper data, the results seem to be reliable and appropriate to design the structure. As the low seismicity of Sudan proved, the results obtained for the study area, also show the low values of PGA, PGV and PGD which are compatible to the seismicity of the study area. Also the choice of the attenuation relationships used in this study may have some biases. 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