Organic Lecture Series Infrared Spectroscopy 1 Chap 12 Organic Lecture Series Reactions will often give a mixture of products: OH H2SO4 + Major Minor How would the chemist determine which product was formed? Both are cyclopentenes; they are isomers. Spectroscopy will provide the solution. 2 Organic Lecture Series 3 Organic Lecture Series Electromagnetic Radiation • Electromagnetic radiation: light and other forms of radiant energy • Wavelength (λ): the distance between consecutive peaks on a wave • Frequency (ν): the number of full cycles of a wave that pass a given point in a second • Hertz (Hz): the unit in which radiation frequency is reported; s-1 (read “per second”) 4 Organic Lecture Series Electromagnetic Radiation • Common units used to express wavelength λ Un it Meter (m) Millimeter (mm) Micrometer (μm) N anometer (nm) An gs trom (Å ) Relation to Meter ---1 mm = 10-3 m 1 μm = 10-6 m 1 nm = 10-9 m 1 Å = 10-10 m c = λν E = hν E is kJ/mol h= 3.99 X 10-13 kJzszmol-1 ν = frequency in Hz 5 Organic Lecture Series E=hν 6 Organic Lecture Series • Molecular spectroscopy: the study of which frequencies of electromagnetic radiation are absorbed or emitted by a particular substance and the correlation of these frequencies with details of molecular structure – three types of molecular spectroscopy: Region of the Electromagnetic Type of Spectroscopy Spectrum Radio fequency Nu clear magnetic resonan ce Infrared Infrared Ultravioletvisible Ultravioletvisib le Absorption of Electromagnetic Radiation Results in Transition Between Nuclear spin states Vibrational energy levels Electronic energy levels 7 Organic Lecture Series Infrared Spectroscopy • The vibrational IR extends from 2.5 x 10-6 m (2.5 μm) to 2.5 x 10-5 m (25 μm) – the frequency of IR radiation is commonly expressed in wavenumbers – Wavenumber ν: the number of waves per centimeter, with units cm-1 (read reciprocal centimeters) – expressed in wavenumbers, the vibrational IR extends from 4000 cm-1 to 400 cm -1 -2 -1 -1 ν = 10 m•cm = 4000 cm 2.5 x 10-6 m ν = 10-2 m•cm -1 2.5 x 10-5 m 25 μm to 2.5 μm -1 = 400 cm 8 Organic Lecture Series Sections of an IR Spectrum This is the most common scale. 9 Organic Lecture Series • IR spectrum of 3-methyl-2-butanone Strong absorption 10 Organic Lecture Series Dispersive IR Spectrometer (Not exam material) 11 Organic Lecture Series • IR spectrum of 3-methyl-2-butanone C-H Stretch C=O Stretch 12 Organic Lecture Series Molecular Vibrations –atoms joined by covalent bonds undergo continual vibrations relative to each other –the energies associated with these vibrations are quantized; within a molecule, only specific vibrational energy levels are allowed –the energies associated with transitions between vibrational energy levels correspond to frequencies in the infrared region: 4000 to 400 cm-1 13 Organic Lecture Series • For a molecule to absorb IR radiation – the bond undergoing vibration must be polar and – its vibration must cause a periodic change in the bond dipole moment • Covalent bonds which do not meet these criteria are said to be IR inactive – the C-C double and triple bonds of symmetrically substituted alkenes and alkynes, for example, are IR inactive because they are not polarized bonds H3 C CH3 C C H3 C CH3 H3 C- C C- CH3 2,3-Dimethyl-2-butene 2-Butyne 14 Organic Lecture Series Molecular Vibrations • Consider two covalently bonded atoms as two vibrating masses connected by a spring – the total energy is proportional to the frequency of vibration – the frequency of a stretching vibration is given by an equation derived from Hooke’s law for a vibrating spring ν = 4.12 K μ K = a force constant, which is a measure of the bonds’ strength; force constants for single, double, and triple bonds are approximately 5, 10, and 15 x 105 dynes/cm μ = reduced mass of the two atoms, (m1m2)/(m1 + m2), where m is the mass of the atoms in grams 15 Organic Lecture Series The simplest vibrational motions are bending and stretching. Here are the fundamental stretching and bending vibrations for a methylene group: 16 Organic Lecture Series Symmetric Asymmetric Rotation Wagging Scissoring Twisting 17 Organic Lecture Series Molecular Vibrations ν = 4.12 K μ • From this equation, we see that the position (i.e. wavenumber) of a stretching vibration: – is proportional to the strength of the vibrating bond – is inversely proportional the masses of the atoms connected by the bond • The intensity (i.e. weak, s, m) of absorption depends primarily on the polarity of the vibrating bond 18 Correlation Tables Organic Lecture Series Table 12.4 Characteristic IR absorptions for the types of bonds and functional groups encountered most often: Bon d O-H N-H C-H C=C C=O C-O Stretching Frequ ency (cm -1) 3200-3650 3100-3550 2700-3300 1600-1680 1630-1820 1000-1250 Intens ity w eak to s trong mediu m w eak to medium w eak to medium strong strong 19 Hydrocarbons-Table 12.5 Hydrocarbon Alk ane C-H CH3 C-C Alk ene C-H C=C Alk yn e C-H C C Arene C-H C=C C-H Vib ration Stretchin g Bend ing Bend ing (N ot useful Frequen cy -1 (cm ) Organic Lecture Series Intens ity 2850 - 3000 Mediu m 1450-1475 Mediu m 1375 and 1450 Weak to medium for interpretation - too man y b ands Stretchin g Stretchin g 3000 - 3100 1600 - 1680 Weak to medium Weak to medium Stretchin g Stretchin g 3300 2100-2250 Mediu m to stron g Weak Stretchin g Stretchin g Bend ing 3030 1450-1600 690-900 Weak to medium Mediu m Strong 20 Organic Lecture Series Alkanes • IR spectrum of decane (Fig 12.4) 3000 21 Organic Lecture Series Alkenes • IR spectrum of cyclohexene (Fig 12.5) 3000 22 Organic Lecture Series Alkynes • IR spectrum of 1-octyne (Fig 12.6) 3000 23 Organic Lecture Series Aromatics • IR spectrum of toluene (Fig 12.7) 3000 24 Organic Lecture Series Alcohols Bond Frequency, cm-1 Inten sity O-H (free) 3600-3650 Weak O-H (H b ond ed) C-O 3200 - 3500 1000 - 1250 Medium, broad Medium 25 Organic Lecture Series Effect of Concentration Upon Hydrogen Bonding 26 Organic Lecture Series Effect of Concentration Upon Hydrogen Bonding 27 Organic Lecture Series Ethers • IR spectrum of dibutyl ether (Fig 12.9) 3000 28 Organic Lecture Series Ethers • IR spectrum of anisole (Fig 12.10) 3000 29 Organic Lecture Series Amines • IR spectrum of 1-butanamine (Fig 12.11) 30 Organic Lecture Series IR of Molecules with C=O Groups Carbonyl Group Vibration Frequency (cm-1 ) Intensity O RCR' Ketones C=O Stretching 1630-1820 Strong O RCH Aldehydes C=O C-H Stretching Stretching 1630-1820 2720 Strong Weak Carboxylic acids C=O Stretching O H Stretching 1700-1725 2500-3300 Strong Strong (broad) O RCOH 31 Organic Lecture Series IR of Molecules with C=O Groups O RCNH2 Amides C=O Stretchin g 1630-1680 N H Stretchin g 3200, 3400 (1° amides h ave tw o N -H stretches ) (2° amides h ave one N -H stretch ) O RCOR' Carboxylic esters C=O Stretchin g 2 Stretchin g sp C O 3 sp C O Stretchin g O O RCOCR Acid anhydrides C=O Stretchin g RC N Strong Mediu m 1735-1800 1200-1250 1000-1100 Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Mediu m C O Stretchin g 1740-1760 and 1800-1850 900-1300 Nitriles C≡N Stretchin g 2200-2250 32 Organic Lecture Series Aldehydes and Ketones • IR spectrum of menthone (Fig 12.12) 33 Organic Lecture Series Carboxylic acids • IR spectrum of pentanoic acid (Fig 12.13) 34 Amide Organic Lecture Series • IR of N-methylpropanamide (Fig 12.14) 35 Organic Lecture Series Esters • IR of Ethyl butanoate (Fig 12.15) 36 Organic Lecture Series Strategies for IR Interpretation Inspect the spectrum from left to right. 9If there is a strong, but broad band 3500 cm-1 then, OH is present. One or two weak peaks in this area are indicative of amines (N—H stretch). 9Examine the 3000 cm-1 C—H aliphatic stretches are to the right and C—H from alkenes & aromatics are to the left. 9Aldehyde C—H stretch will be ~ 2720 cm-1 9Check the area from 1820 to 1630 cm-1. Strong peaks in this area indicate C=O and this is often the strongest peak in the spectrum. 9The area from 1250 to 1000 cm-1 are the C—O stretches of ethers, esters, acids. 37