Anatomy & Physiology 2 Lab Final Quiz

Anatomy & Physiology 2 Lab, Final Quiz
Questions are short answer or identification; some may require calculations
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Blood Pressure | Electrocardiogram | Endocrinology | Thoracic Anatomy | Pig Heart Anatomy
Blood Pressure
1. Define systolic pressure.
2. Given a blood pressure of 117/82, what is the mean arterial pressure?
3. Assuming a stroke volume output of 70 ml at rest that increases by 20% after exercise, and a heart rate of 72 at rest
and 148 following exercise, calculate the cardiac output standing at rest and immediately after exercise.
4. The specific gravity of mercury 13.6 times that of water. If your blood pressure were 120/80 mm Hg, what would that
be in cm H20?
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Electrocardiogram & Respiratory Physiology
5a. When the electrode leads are placed on the subject, where is the ground electrode supposed to be placed?
5b. You can calculate your heart rate in two ways. First, you could simply count the number of pulses for a given time
period and adjust that to the number of pulses per minute. Or, you could measure the cycle time of the cardiac cycle.
If you measure the cycle time to be 0.690 sec, what is the heart rate?
5c. What does the T-wave of the ECG represent?
6. What is the principle stimulus to take a breath? Explain.
7. Using your answer from [6] hypothesize why one should be able to hold one’s breath longer with hyperventilation.
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8. Identify the endocrine gland shown in this gross and histological specimen:
9. Identify the endocrine gland shown in this gross and histological specimen:
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Thoracic Anatomy
10. Identify the following structures in this dissection of the rat thorax:
heart, lung, trachea
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Pig Heart Anatomy
13. External view, front of heart. Identify the labeled structures:
L ventricle, pulmonary trunk, R ventricle, R auricle, anterior interventricular sulcus
In this view, the front of the heart has been reflected upwards. Identify the following
interventricular septum, trabeculae carnae of R ventricle, L ventricle
A closer look at the regions of the AV valvles. Identify
chordae tendineae, papillary muscle, L atrium, mitral valve, L ventricular myocardium
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[ Page created 2006-02-26 ][ Page modified 2011-03-31 ]
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