cambridge assessment shaftesbury road, cambridge travel plan

MARCH 2014
Quality Management
Issue 1
Revision 1
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Final Version
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2014.03.26 17:21:31 Z
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Hicks, John
2014.03.27 06:09:01 Z
Triangle Site,
Cambridge – Travel
Triangle Site,
Cambridge –
Travel Plan
Triangle Site,
Cambridge –
Travel Plan
Triangle WSP Draft
Travel Plan v1.docx
Triangle WSP
Draft Travel Plan
Triangle WSP
Final Travel
Report number
File reference
Revision 3
The Triangle, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge
New Headquarters for Cambridge Assessment
Cambridge Assessment
1 Hills Road
66-68 Hills Road
Tel: +44 (0)12 2355 8065
Fax: +44 (0)12 2355 8051
Registered Address
WSP UK Limited
WSP House, 70 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1AF
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................... 1
Development Proposals ............................................................ 4
Aims, Objectives and Targets ................................................... 6
Initial Travel Plan Measures ...................................................... 9
Travel Plan Management, Monitoring and Review.................. 16
Summary ................................................................................. 19
Figure 1
Detailed Site Location Plan
Appendix A
Site Access and Circulation Parameter Plan
This Travel Plan has been prepared by WSP for Cambridge Assessment. It accompanies
the outline planning application for the proposed Triangle development, a new headquarters
for Cambridge Assessment, at Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge. This document should be
read in conjunction with the Transport Assessment which also accompanies the outline
planning application.
The Travel Plan is a long-term strategy to encourage Cambridge Assessment staff and
visitors to travel by more sustainable transport options, and reduce their reliance on the
private car. This involves consideration of travel opportunities associated with the Triangle
and then introducing a package of measures aimed at promoting more sustainable travel
amongst staff and visitors.
The Department for Transport’s (DfT’s) Travel Plan Pyramid below helps demonstrate how
successful Travel Plans are built on the firm foundations of a good location and site design.
Additional hard and soft measures then need to be integrated into the design and
occupation of the site. For the Triangle, car parking restraint will be an important means of
reducing car use. The bottom two layers of the DfT’s pyramid provide the foundation for a
reduction in car usage and are an integral part of the development strategy for the Triangle.
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
The benefits, to both the employer, employees and the wider local community, from an
effective Travel Plan, are shown below.
The Environment and Local Community
Better air quality, reduced congestion, better use of existing
The Employer
Better information on
alternatives modes
for planning journeys
to the site
Staff arrive to work on time
Good public image
Potential cost savings
Reduced on site congestion
Reduced parking problems
Improved access for visitors, customers and deliveries
Greater work productivity
Less time commuting
Reduces stress
Cost savings for car
Improved quality of
Improved health
Development of the Travel Plan
This Travel Plan has been produced following discussions with Cambridge Assessment,
Cambridgeshire County Council transport officers and the Travel for Work Partnership, of
which Cambridge Assessment are already a member.
Cambridge Assessment are in the process of explaining the expected commitments that
are implicit in the Travel Plan to its existing staff before any move to the proposed
development site, in order to help establish sustainable travel patterns from the beginning
of occupation of the Triangle. Work elsewhere in Cambridgeshire has found this to be an
important aspect of the overall travel planning process. Future staff will be advised about
the Travel Plan and opportunities available for travelling to the Triangle site prior to being
employed by Cambridge Assessment.
The target of this Travel Plan is to seek a car driver mode share of no more than 7.2% of
staff travelling to work on an average working day for the fully occupied development. This
would correspond to the proposed car parking provided within the development.
An integral part of the Travel Plan is the appointment by Cambridge Assessment of a Travel
Plan Co-ordinator (TPC), who will be responsible for the development and management of
the Travel Plan, and accountable for the achievement of its aims, objectives and targets.
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Any Travel Plan is a ‘working’ document which needs updating from time to time to take
account of the latest best practice in the travel planning field. Furthermore, because travel
planning is an ever-evolving process, some of the measures and initiatives in this Travel
Plan may become unsuitable in future when the site is being occupied, while others not
considered at this stage may come forward as being appropriate.
Therefore, this Travel Plan will be an evolving document that will change and develop over
time to reflect the changing characteristics of Cambridge Assessment, their staff and their
changing travel patterns, and changing non-car travel opportunities. It will be a ‘live’
document, so that achieving the staff car driver mode share target is maintained.
This first iteration of the Travel Plan accompanies the outline planning application. In due
course, a Pre-Occupation Travel Plan will be prepared, based on a revised and updated
version of this Travel Plan. The Pre-Occupation Travel Plan would be approved at least
one year before the move to the Triangle site, to help the TPC focus on preparing staff and
visitors for the forthcoming relocation. After the first occupation, the Travel Plan would be
updated again, based on travel habits experienced with occupation of the site.
Structure of this Travel Plan
The structure of this Travel Plan is as follows:
Section 2 describes the development and presents the estimated travel demand.
This information is based on the Transport Assessment;
Section 3 sets out the aims and objectives of the Travel Plan, along with the car
driver mode share target;
Section 4 identifies measures to meet the Travel Plan target set in Section 3;
Section 5 looks at the management of the Travel Plan and the process of
monitoring and review that will be required as the Travel Plan is implemented;
Section 6 summarises the Travel Plan.
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Development Proposals
Site Location – Level 1 of the DfT Travel Plan Pyramid
The proposed development lies to the east of Shaftesbury Road, north and west of the
Cambridgeshire Guided Busway, and south of the Stephen Perse Sixth Form College and
Kaleidoscope residential development. The proposed site location, in the context of
Cambridge city centre, is shown on Figure 1. The site is currently occupied by Cambridge
University Press (CUP), including the Edinburgh B1 office building comprising 5,116sqm
Gross internal Floor Area (GFA) and B8 warehousing comprising 8,633sqm GFA.
Isochrones included in the Transport Assessment (TA) show that the site is highly
accessible by walking and cycling and public transport, helped by the proximity of the
railway station, new bus interchange within the CB1 development, and the Cambridgeshire
Guided Busway (CGB) cycleway. The TA describes this accessibility in more detail, along
with analysis of existing staff travel patterns.
The Triangle’s location itself provides an excellent foundation for the Travel Plan i.e. Level 1
of the DfT’s Travel Plan Pyramid. The site has good accessibility by non-car modes of
transport with the rest of Cambridge and the surrounding area.
Development Proposals
The Triangle development proposes the redevelopment of the site to replace the existing
CUP office and warehouse with a new high quality B1 office building to accommodate up to
3,000 Cambridge Assessment staff, and comprising about 39,200sqm GFA (internal). This
will involve the relocation of staff from Cambridge Assessment’s existing offices in and
around central Cambridge. The site access and circulation parameter plan, prepared by
Eric Parry Architects, is attached at Appendix A.
Development Travel Demand
The travel demand generated by the development is presented in the Transport
Assessment, including the ‘unfettered’ travel demand by mode, i.e. that which is based on
the stated preferences of staff in the travel survey. This indicates that about 31% of staff
would like to be able to drive to the Triangle site.
The Transport Assessment also presents analysis on the travel demand by mode taking
into account the constrained car parking available on-site, at 189 spaces, on the basis that
one car parking space represents one member of staff driving to work on a typical working
day. The associated mode share analysis in the Transport Assessment indicates that 7.2%
of staff would be able to drive to and park at the Triangle.
The ‘unfettered’ travel demand by mode is compared with that resulting from the
constrained car parking provision and Travel Plan in Table 1 below.
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Mode of Travel for Journeys to Work
Unfettered, i.e.
Without Travel Plan
(stated preferences
of staff in
November staff
travel survey)
With Travel Plan
and Constrained
Car Parking
Provision of 189
Car Driver
Car Passenger with Cambridge
Assessment Driver
Car Passenger dropped off by nonCambridge Assessment Driver
Cambridgeshire Guided Bus
Park and Cycle
Park & Ride
Conventional Bus
Table 1: Travel Mode Shares With Travel Plan and Proposed Car Parking Provision,
Compared with Scenario Without Travel Plan
The comparison between the ‘unfettered’ travel demand by mode and that constrained by
the on-site car parking provision indicates that the development will require a significant
modal shift to non-car modes from current expectations of staff. This Travel Plan and its
evolution through the planning and design process to the eventual operation of the
development is an important means by which this mode shift will be achieved.
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Aims, Objectives and Targets
Aims and Objectives
The aim of this Travel Plan is to promote and highlight travel choices, with measures to
encourage Cambridge Assessment staff and visitors to reduce their reliance on the private
car and increase walking, cycling and public transport as means of accessing the Triangle
site. Associated with this aim is that staff are fully aware of and prepared for the travel
choices available to them for the Triangle before the move to the site, which is planned for
A further aim of the Travel Plan is to help staff and visitors overcome potential anxieties on
changing travel habits. For instance, an employee who has always driven a car to work
may be apprehensive about cycling to work or using the bus for the first time, because they
do not have the experience in travelling by these modes. The Triangle Travel Plan seeks to
address these anxieties so that staff and visitors have the confidence to use other modes of
A longer term aim of the Travel Plan is that Cambridge Assessment explores the Travel
Plan developing as part of a potential wider Area Travel Plans (ATPs) which are being
explored by Cambridgeshire County Council and the Travel for Work Partnership. Such an
ATP could involve the Cambridge University Press and other employment sites in the
vicinity of the Triangle development.
The primary objective of the Triangle Travel Plan will be to reduce the single occupancy car
mode share, compared to the scenario assuming no implementation of a Travel Plan. This
objective will require a modal shift to walking, cycling, public transport and car sharing.
A secondary objective is for the development to accommodate its own car parking demand,
so that there is no car parking displaced onto surrounding roads, albeit many of these are
subject to no-waiting restrictions and residents’ only parking.
Cambridgeshire’s Travel for Work Partnership Travel Plan guidance makes clear that
Travel Plans should include SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic,
Time-bound) targets related to outcomes achieved by the Travel Plan.
To help guide the progress of the Travel Plan, targets have been adopted that will be
reviewed by the appointed Travel Plan Co-ordinator (TPC). These targets are distinguished
between those delivering outputs and those achieving outcomes.
Output Targets
Output targets are related specifically to undertaking certain actions by a particular date, or
trigger point, so that the TPC remains on course with the delivery of the different measures
contained within this Travel Plan.
The initial output target is that the Pre-Occupation Travel Plan is submitted for agreement
with Cambridgeshire County Council at least one year before the planned move. This
would allow ample time for the TPC to convey the Travel Plan to staff and visitors, so that
Cambridge Assessment is fully prepared for the transport implications of the move to the
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Related to this is an output target for Cambridge Assessment to promote the Travel Plan
through engagement with employees. This is so that all existing staff are prepared for the
move to the Triangle site at least six months beforehand, having been advised of the Travel
Plan measures and initiatives to assist with the change in travel habits required as a result
of the relocation.
Initial engagement with staff has already taken place through the recent travel survey and
should be repeated once outline planning permission for the development is granted. This
engagement will be gradually enhanced as the relocation to the Triangle site moves nearer.
A related output target is for all staff to be offered Personalised Travel Planning before the
move, which is discussed in more detail in Section 4, and which aims to provide bespoke
advice to individual employees on travel to the Triangle, should they request this. Such
advice can help with overcoming anxieties in changing modes of travel.
A further output target is that all potential new staff interviewed before Cambridge
Assessment move to the Triangle are advised of the relocation to the Triangle site and of
the associated travel choices that will be available to them. Similar advice would be
provided to regular visitors to Cambridge Assessment.
These output targets seek to achieve a ‘soft landing’, so that staff and visitors are fully
prepared for the change in travel requirements from first occupation of the Triangle site.
Outcome Targets
Outcome targets are specifically related to the anticipated results of implementing the
Travel Plan measures and initiatives.
The key output target for the Triangle development is to achieve a staff car driver mode
share of no more than 7.2%. This means that no more than 189 employees out of a total of
2,625 employees would be driving a car to and parking at the site on a typical workday (i.e.
87.5% of the eventual workforce of 3,000 staff, to allow for absences), which corresponds
to the number of car parking spaces provided. On first occupation in 2018, there would be
2,013 employees travelling to the site on a typical day, out of a workforce of 2,300 staff, so
the car driver mode share would be 9.4% (i.e. 189 / 2,013).
As indicated in the previous section, the target staff car driver mode share will require a
significant change in staff’s existing expectations on opportunities to drive to the Triangle.
Nevertheless, the target is considered achievable and realistic, given that the move to the
Triangle is some time away and staff can be advised of the travel choices long beforehand,
and therefore be fully prepared for the move. The target has also been discussed with
officers of Cambridgeshire County Council and the Travel for Work Partnership, who
consider it achievable.
A related target is to achieve an average car occupancy of 2.5, meaning that, for example,
two cars travelling to and parking at the site will be occupied by five people in total,
including car drivers and car passengers. This target will require the promotion of a car
sharing scheme.
A concern has been expressed that the constrained car parking will result in displaced car
parking off-site, but there are few if any opportunities for this in the vicinity of the site
because most roads are subject to residents’ only parking or no waiting restrictions, as
described in the Transport Assessment. Furthermore, Cambridge Assessment would be
willing to explore the potential to provide a contribution to Cambridgeshire County Council
to pursue a residents’ only parking zone for the nearby Accordia development.
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
While the car driver target currently appears challenging, it does relate to an existing
employer who has a vested interest in achieving through various travel planning measures
and initiatives the car driver mode share target, so that its business activities and workforce
continue to operate successfully. Furthermore, the timescales involved mean that there is
ample time available to fully prepare Cambridge Assessment staff and visitors of the move.
The staff car driver mode share target is SMART because:
Specific – it applies to Cambridge Assessment’s staff;
Measurable – travel surveys and monitoring will establish mode shares and
monitor progress;
Achievable / Realistic – since the target is specific to Cambridge Assessment staff,
and there are few if any opportunities to drive a car and park nearby;
Time-bound – achieving the target on the development’s car driver mode share is
related to the completion of the development when Cambridge Assessment
employ 3,000 staff.
Measures are described in the following section to achieve the above car driver mode share
target. The management of the Travel Plan is set out in Section 5, describing the
management, monitoring, review and long term sustainability of the Travel Plan.
Targets relating to increased public transport use, walking, cycling and car sharing are not
considered necessary in this instance, since it may be that one sustainable mode is
promoted at the expense of the other.
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Initial Travel Plan Measures
This section of the Travel Plan outlines a variety of measures that will be considered for
implementation in order to achieve the Travel Plan aim, objectives and targets identified in
the previous section. Because travel planning is an ever-evolving process, some of the
measures and initiatives in this section may become unsuitable in the run-up to the move to
the Triangle and when the site is being occupied, while others not considered at this stage
may come forward as being appropriate.
‘Hard’ Measures – Level 2 of the Travel Plan Pyramid
Some of the potential Travel Plan measures are ‘hard’ measures as part of the built
environment, already incorporated into the site design itself along with off-site
improvements. Such physical measures should influence employees’ travel patterns from
the outset, and can reduce dependence upon the private car. They form Level 2 of the
DfT’s Travel Plan pyramid. These ‘hard’ measures will be provided prior to first occupation
of the development. The measures are summarised below:
Improved connections for staff with the shared footway / cycleway running
alongside the Cambridgeshire Guided Busway, at the northeastern and
southeastern corners of the development. This will mean good walk and cycle
accessibility of the site for staff from the CGB cycleway;
Cambridge Assessment propose to provide a contribution towards a new
pedestrian link between the CGB cycleway and the Hills Road bridge, as part of
their SCATP contribution, along which cyclists will be able to push their bicycles.
This will mean a shorter route to the site for pedestrians and cyclists from the
southeast area of Cambridge, enabling them to avoid the Hills Road / Brooklands
Avenue junction;
Cambridge Assessment will explore the potential to provide a contribution for the
implementation of a residents’ parking zone in the Accordia development, to
mitigate the potential for displaced car parking from the Triangle site;
Explore the provision of improved bus waiting facilities at the existing bus stops on
Brooklands Avenue;
Cycle parking will be provided in secure and covered locations near building
entrances. A total of 1,050 spaces are proposed, which is equivalent to 40% of
the daily number of staff travelling to the site on a daily basis once the site is fully
occupied. There is space allocated for future increases in this provision to 1,325
spaces should monitoring show that demand exists for additional cycle spaces;
Showers and lockers will be provided within buildings, along with changing rooms
and rooms where cyclists and pedestrians can leave clothes to dry;
Proposed provision of Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) displays at
prominent locations within the building, for example reception and foyer areas.
This would be part of a transport information point at which staff and visitors could
obtain up-to-date travel information and walking, cycling and public transport
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Limiting and managing car parking provision is an important component of the Travel Plan
and a determining factor in its success in achieving the reduction in the car driver mode
share. This is because car trip generation is directly related to car parking provision. A
total of 189 car parking spaces are proposed, which is equivalent to 7.2% of the number of
staff travelling to the site on a typical day once the site is fully occupied. There will be a fair
and equitable allocation of these spaces, with parking for those drivers identified as having
no realistic alternative travel choices available. A large number of the car parking spaces
will be allocated for car sharers.
The Travel Plan Co-ordinator – Level 3 of the Travel Plan
A Travel Plan Co-ordinator (TPC) will be appointed by Cambridge Assessment to take
responsibility for the development and management of the Travel Plan and will be
accountable for its delivery. The TPC role for the site would be fulfilled by a nominated
employee of Cambridge Assessment.
The TPC’s input will vary depending on the stage of development and will be kept under
review. They will, however, be located on site, and have local transport knowledge of
The Triangle TPC will be appointed at least one year before the planned Triangle moving-in
date. This will allow focussed travel planning advice to be conveyed to existing staff, which
will be an extension of the internal communication strategy on which Cambridge
Assessment have already embarked. This involves advising existing staff on the travel
opportunities available to them at the Triangle site, so that they are fully prepared for the
The TPC will establish a Travel Plan Steering Group within Cambridge Assessment as a
forum to exchange ideas, co-operate amongst employee groups, promote new ideas in
sustainable transport and review annual staff travel survey results. Cambridgeshire County
Council Travel Plan officers and the Cambridgeshire Travel for Work (TfW) Partnership will
be invited to participate in this Group, advising on the latest good practice in travel planning.
It would be through this Steering Group that the Travel Plan would be updated and
improved over time as necessary.
The TPC will also fulfil the following roles, amongst others:
Updating the Travel Plan as appropriate to reflect changes in walking, cycling and
public transport networks since the date of this Travel Plan;
Promoting the Travel Plan to staff and visitors, leading on the implementation and
development of the Travel Plan, playing a central role in liaison with the Travel
Plan’s Steering Group;
Give a ‘human face’ to the Travel Plan – explaining its purpose and the
opportunities on offer. This may include offering personalised journey planning
advice, which is described in more detail later in this section and whose aim is to
demonstrate how non-car modes can meet an employee’s particular day-to-day
travel needs. This ‘human face’ will be an important part in helping staff overcome
possible anxieties they may have about changing travel habits;
Helping establish and promote the individual measures in the Travel Plan
described later in this section;
Liaising with the TfW Partnership, public transport operators and other service
providers such as car club operators;
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Co-ordinating the marketing and promotion of the Travel Plan to staff and visitors,
which will involve raising awareness of the travel opportunities for the site and the
potential health and financial benefits from reducing car trips;
Monitoring the Travel Plan’s implementation and progress towards the car driver
mode share target, identifying measures which, although not considered at this
stage, may come forward as being appropriate during the lifetime of the Travel
Preparation and provision of a Travel Information Pack for employees, described
in more detail later in this section, and explaining the rationale for the Travel Plan;
Organising a car sharing scheme;
Engaging with Cambridgeshire County Council and the TfW Partnership on their
aspirations for an Area Travel Plan.
‘Soft’ Measures: Services and Facilities – Level 4 of the
Travel Plan Pyramid
Provision of Information
A key objective of the Travel Plan is to inform and advise staff and visitors of the travel
choices available at the Triangle. This will be an extension of the internal staff
communications strategy on which Cambridge Assessment has already embarked, and will
be escalated from at least one year before the move to the Triangle site (when the PreOccupation Travel Plan needs to be agreed with the County Council). This advice and
support to staff will be instrumental in achieving the car driver mode share target as it will
allow ample time for staff to become prepared in their travel choices for the move to the
Triangle site.
This information and advice can significantly reduce hesitation about changing travel habits,
which can then significantly increase mode shift away from car use. The advice can be as
simple as advising an employee who has never travelled by bus how and when to let the
bus driver know when to let them off their intended stop.
The TPC will be the key facilitator in the dissemination of this information and advice,
engaging with staff and visitors. They will help set up various travel mode user groups
discussed later in this section, to further assist with this provision of advice. This
involvement of staff from an early stage is also an important part in achieving the aims,
objectives and targets of this Travel Plan. Indeed, it is envisaged that there would be an
exchange of information and advice between staff and the TPC (primarily via the transport
user groups). Often, staff themselves have extremely helpful ideas on how to reduce
reliance on driving to work.
The TfW Partnership will be invited to provide further advice and information at specially
arranged events for staff.
Other sources of travel information will be available and are described below.
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Triangle Website
Cambridge Assessment will include a Travel Plan page on their intranet site and on their
website, which will provide up-to-date information and advice on the sustainable travel
options available for accessing the Triangle site. Information on these sites will include
details of local public transport routes, walking and cycle maps. It will also include links to
websites offering travel information and advice, such as the TfW Partnership, the County
Council’s realtime bus service information website, and Liftshare’s My PTP personalised
travel planning website (which charges for bespoke travel advice).
Travel Information Packs
Staff will receive a Travel Information Pack prior to the move. Through the information
provided in the pack, staff will be in a better position to make informed choices about how
they choose to travel to and from the development. The pack will be updated on a regular
basis by the TPC, and will include:
An overview of the objectives and structure of the Travel Plan, why the Travel Plan
is in place and what advice is available with regard to sustainable transport
Details of incentives being offered to staff to encourage sustainable travel;
Contact details of the TPC, should staff have any transport or travel problems, or
ideas they wish to discuss;
Up to date public bus and rail timetables (which are not included with this Travel
Plan since services will change significantly prior to completion of the
development). If necessary these timetables will be simplified and produced as
pocket guides to make them easier to use and to carry in everyday travel;
Details on how to access and register with the car share database;
Pedestrian and cycle route maps from the development to and from the
surrounding area, identifying bus stops and the railway station;
Details of local taxi companies;
Details on how to get involved in the Travel Plan Steering Group, described in
more detail in the next section; and
Details of the site’s Walking Group, Bicycle User Group and Public Transport User
Group, described later in this section.
Personalised Travel Planning
Personal Travel Planning (PTP) is a technique that delivers information, incentives and
motivation to individuals to help them voluntarily make sustainable travel choices. It seeks
to overcome regular and routine use of the car, enabling more journeys to be made on foot,
bike, bus, train or as a car sharer.
Each employee at Cambridge Assessment will be offered PTP by the TPC, to consider their
current travel habits, and how to make non-car trips to the Triangle site. The TPC will
explain the Travel Plan’s aims and measures and offer staff a service of personalised
journey planning, based on their individual circumstances and in light of the sustainable
transport options available for their everyday journeys.
This process will assist staff in considering how they currently plan to travel to the Triangle
and promote alternative methods for their journeys to work. Personalised journey planning
will also help staff who might not otherwise use public transport realise there are local
services available that can suit their needs. Such advice can help staff overcome
apprehensiveness on changing long term travel habits.
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
This PTP service will be available to staff from at least one year prior to the planned move
to the Triangle, so staff can become prepared before the relocation.
As noted above, the Triangle website will include a link to Liftshare’s My PTP website,
which offers individuals bespoke integrated travel advice for their requirements.
Measures to Promote Walking and Cycling
The cycling isochrone plan in the Transport Assessment shows that a large area of
Cambridge is within a reasonable cycling distance of the site. The Transport Assessment
describes this accessibility in more detail, indicating that a significant number of staff could
cycle to the site.
In addition to the ‘hard’ walking and cycling measures and provision of information on
walking and cycling routes in the Travel Information Pack, the TPC will promote the health
and well-being benefits of walking and cycling. For example, regular cycling helps people
lose weight, reduce stress and improve fitness. Cycling websites such as the Cambridge
Cycling Campaign’s will be actively marketed and which have further information on these
health benefits.
The TPC will liaise with the TfW Partnership in order to provide cycle training opportunities
for staff. TfW currently liaise with ‘Outspoken Training’, which is an organisation in
Cambridge that provides (for a charge) cycle training and advice. The TPC will explore with
TfW and Outspoken the opportunities for dedicated cycle training events (e.g. winter
cycling) for Cambridge Assessment staff.
The TPC will monitor the use of the cycling parking facilities, and seek solutions to provide
additional parking facilities if there is sufficient demand. This could be by installing new
cycle stands on land within the development that has been set aside for such future
provision, and / or increasing the number of double-stacker cycle stands.
A Bicycle User Group (BUG) will be established by the TPC, comprised of staff who are
interested in taking forward initiatives to promote and facilitate cycling in and around the
development. The BUG would be set up before the move. It could be linked to the
Cambridge Cycling Campaign.
The BUG will provide a forum for sharing information on cycle routes, cycling best practice,
and to address any issues of concern regarding cycling or cycle safety. It will also enable
less experienced cyclists to interact with established cyclists and obtain information,
guidance and potentially a ‘cycling buddy’ to accompany them on their journey to or from
the Triangle site.
The BUG and the TPC, potentially with the assistance from the Cambridge Cycling
Campaign, Outspoken Training and the TfW Partnership, will organise cycle events such as
cycle to work weeks. The intention would be for cycling to become a habit for staff before
the move to the Triangle.
On-site cycle maintenance and repairs will be available to staff (and is currently available at
1 Hills Road), courtesy of the Cambridge Bicycle Ambulance. This provision can help
reassure less experienced and prospective cyclists that repairs can be made at the
Triangle, instead of the need to spend time finding off-site cycle repair shops.
Cambridge Assessment currently and will continue to be part of HMRC’s Cycle to Work
scheme, which allows staff to purchase bicycles tax-free.
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Pool bikes will be available to staff. These can be important for local business trips during
the day. The TPC will explore the potential for these pool bikes to be electric cycles. The
benefits of these are that there is less physical exertion involved when riding, so staff can
arrive at meetings relatively composed (i.e. not sweating and out of breath). Electric cycles
can also help prospective cyclists overcome potential fears that their cycle ride between
home and the Triangle would be too long. They can use the electric cycle to gauge the
amount of physical effort that would be involved on a conventional bicycle.
Measures to Promote Public Transport
Large areas of Cambridge are within a reasonable bus journey of the site, as indicated on
the public transport isochrones in the Transport Assessment, which describes this
accessibility in more detail. The site is also about a 6 minute walk from Cambridge railway
station and the new bus interchange located within the CB1 development area.
To promote the use of bus, staff will be offered a 10% discount on fares. This is currently
available through Cambridge Assessment’s membership of the Travel for Work Partnership.
A Public Transport User Group will be set up by the TPC, comprised of Cambridge
Assessment staff, before the move to the Triangle. In a similar fashion to the BUG, the
Public Transport User Group will enable information to be shared on bus routes and costs,
and help prospective public transport users overcome potential hesitation on using public
transport. Bespoke information on how public transport services can meet an employee’s
travel needs will be offered to staff by the TPC and the Public Transport User Group.
The Triangle website will have links to the County Council’s website on real time bus
passenger information, and to real time information on train services. A large display of real
time passenger information will be provided in the main reception area of the building for
visitors to plan their public transport journeys.
Cambridge Assessment will allow some flexibility on start and finish times for staff travelling
by public transport.
Measures to Promote Efficient Car Use
Car sharing aims to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips and thus reduce the car parking
demand at the Triangle. Because car parking will be limited, Cambridge Assessment need
to make the most efficient use of the available spaces. This means introducing a car
sharing scheme, with the majority of car parking spaces allocated to car sharers. This
Travel Plan has an average car occupancy target of 2.5 / vehicle, to encourage car sharing.
The TPC will promote the car share scheme. They will review staff home postcodes, travel
choices, and likely routes into work, to identify potential car share drivers and passengers.
They will arrange car share events such as car share coffee mornings, to help staff get to
know other potential car sharers.
Cambridge Assessment will provide a guaranteed ride home to car sharers. Under the
guaranteed ride home scheme, if a member of staff has to leave at an unexpected time for
emergency reasons and no practical alternative travel option is available, Cambridge
Assessment will provide the means to take this person home. This may take the form of
covering the cost of a taxi for that employee. The ‘guaranteed ride home’ scheme will also
help appease any concerns amongst employees, should their car sharing arrangements fail
for any reason, that they are able to travel home.
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
At the County level, Cambridgeshire County Council in partnership with Liftshare operates
the CamShare scheme (via This scheme offers a free car share
matching service for people who live, work and travel in and around Cambridge. The
service aims to help automate the matching process by actively suggesting neighbours or
colleagues who could be potential car sharer partners. The TPC will explore with staff
whether this car share scheme would be suitable for their travel patterns.
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Travel Plan Management, Monitoring and
The Travel Plan Pyramid Level 5: Marketing and Promotion,
Monitoring and Review
The marketing, promotion, monitoring and review of the Travel Plan forms the top level of
the DfT’s Travel Plan Pyramid, Level 5. The other four levels of the pyramid therefore form
the basis for this marketing and review, and the successful marketing of the Travel Plan will
only be possible if these other four levels meet the requirements of a successful Travel
Plan. It is therefore considered that each level of the development’s Travel Plan Pyramid
will provide the basis for a successful Travel Plan to be operated and managed at the
Triangle development, and which achieves the target of reducing the car driver mode share
to 7.2%.
Management Structure and Roles
The implementation and management of the Travel Plan, including the arrangements for
setting up the various transport user groups, will require a Steering Group. This will be set
up by Cambridge Assessment within 3 months of the approval of the Pre-Occupation Travel
Plan, which itself will be required one year before the planned move.
The Steering Group will initially comprise the TPC and Cambridgeshire County Council
Travel Plan officers in an advisory role. It will also be essential to involve Cambridge
Assessment staff. This will assist with the long term sustainability of the Travel Plan.
The Steering Group will play an important role during the early period of the Travel Plan,
from early occupation to the first monitoring and review of the Travel Plan. It would assist
guiding the implementation, monitoring and review process, enabling necessary high level
decisions to be made, and helping to secure partnerships and maintain momentum of the
Travel Plan.
The Steering Group will include a formal management and review arrangement and a
practical means of achieving strong and constructive partnerships. This would be important
if the early monitoring of the Travel Plan indicates that the Travel Plan targets are not being
met, in which case the Steering Group would bring key stakeholders together, e.g. the
Cambridge Cycling Campaign and the TfW Partnership, so that further initiatives can be
The TPC would chair the Steering Group, which would meet every six months to monitor
the implementation and management of the Travel Plan and take action as appropriate.
Cambridge Assessment will remain responsible for delivering the Travel Plan, and there will
be a clear line of responsibility to Cambridge Assessment for achieving the target and
objectives set out in this Travel Plan.
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Raising Awareness, Marketing and Promotion
The marketing of the Travel Plan has been discussed in the previous section as a part of
the duties of the TPC. In summary, the aim will be to market the Travel Plan to staff at an
early stage, even before the move to the site, to encourage sustainable travel patterns from
the beginning of the development rather than being retrofitted. A new development
maximises the potential benefits of such advice and marketing, and evidence suggests that
people find it much easier to change their travel habits at the same time as making other
lifestyle changes, such as employment locations. The on-going promotion of the Travel
Plan will also be a key duty of the TPC.
Monitoring and Review
To determine the effectiveness of the Travel Plan, and so that future revisions to it are
effective, monitoring and review of the targets, objectives and measures set out in this
Travel Plan will take place at regular intervals by the Steering Group.
The primary element of monitoring will be a questionnaire-based survey, which will be
completed by staff annually to determine travel patterns to and from the site. The survey
will need to be agreed with the County Council beforehand. Secondary monitoring
elements will include recording membership and signup rates to the travel plan measures,
including the walking and cycling groups, car share scheme, and requests for Personal
Travel Planning. These additional sources of data will be useful to gauge indications of
trends in employees’ travel mode choice and attitudes to travelling sustainably.
The TPC will arrange a travel survey of staff 6 months prior to the move. Further travel
surveys will then be undertaken annually. The results of these surveys will be written up in
an Annual Travel Plan Monitoring Report.
The monitoring before the move will be important because it will assist with identifying
potential further Travel Plan measures or refinements in order to achieve the car driver
target as soon as the Triangle is occupied. This will minimise potential disruption and
confusion on travelling to the site in the early stages of the development’s occupation, so
that staff are prepared and there is a ‘soft landing’ on first occupation of the Triangle site.
If monitoring shows that the Travel Plan targets are being met over a consistent period of
time, the extent of monitoring requirements may become less. This would be agreed with
Cambridgeshire County Council.
Draft Annual Travel Plan Monitoring Reports will be produced by the TPC and submitted to
Cambridgeshire County Council within 30 days after receipt of the above survey data for
approval. These draft reports will present the findings of the travel surveys, and identify
progress towards the Travel Plan target. They will make recommendations as appropriate
on the need to review any previously agreed targets along with Travel Plan measures,
depending on progress towards the Travel Plan target.
Cambridgeshire County Council will provide comments on the Draft Annual Travel Plan
Monitoring Reports within 30 days of receipt. On approval by Cambridgeshire County
Council, the TPC will make the Annual Travel Plan Monitoring Reports available to the
Steering Group and staff. The TPC will implement the recommendations in the approved
Annual Travel Plan Monitoring Reports which may include:
Modifications to the previously agreed targets;
Modifications to the activities undertaken throughout the previous period, i.e. the
measures implemented, the Travel Plan’s promotion and marketing, and
management, based on the approved Annual Travel Plan Monitoring Report;
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Implementation of any further measures if the Annual Travel Plan Monitoring
Reports find that the Travel Plan is not meeting its objectives within the agreed
The production of a draft revised Travel Plan for the period following the relevant
Annual Monitoring Report, to be submitted to Cambridgeshire County Council
within 30 days of the approval of the Annual Monitoring Report. The County
Council will then confirm approval or rejection within 30 working days of receipt of
the draft revised Travel Plan.
Enforcing the Travel Plan
The Travel Plan forms part of the planning application documentation and is therefore an
integral part of any permission that may be granted. The Travel Plan could be secured by
planning condition.
Cambridge Assessment will be obliged to implement the provisions of the Travel Plan. This
will include appointment of the TPC role along with their duties to prepare the Annual Travel
Plan Monitoring Reports and revisions to the Travel Plan as identified in the Annual
Monitoring Reports, so that the Travel Plan targets are achieved.
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
This Travel Plan has been prepared by WSP for the Triangle development, Cambridge. Its
key aims are to reduce car trips and improve travel choices by non-car modes for staff and
visitors at the Triangle. It has a target to reduce the car driver mode share to 7.2%.
The DfT’s Travel Plan Pyramid helps demonstrate how to achieve a successful Travel Plan,
and the Triangle Travel Plan applies to each level of the Travel Plan Pyramid as follows:
Level 1 – Location: The site’s location provides an excellent foundation for the
Travel Plan. It has good accessibility with the rest of Cambridge, particularly the
city centre, by non-car modes;
Level 2 – Physical Measures: The physical aspects of the development’s layout
will influence staff travel patterns from the outset, reducing dependence upon the
private car;
Level 3 – Travel Plan Co-ordinator: This role will be funded by Cambridge
Assessment and will co-ordinate the on-going development and management of
the Travel Plan, including assessment of further measures;
Level 4 – Services and Facilities: Travel Information Packs and promotion of travel
by public transport, car sharing, walking and cycling measures will be provided as
part of the Travel Plan, to meet the aims and objectives of the Travel Plan. Advice
on travel choices available will also be offered to staff by the Travel Plan Coordinator;
Level 5 – Marketing, Promotion, Awareness Raising, Monitoring and Review: A
marketing and communication strategy is key to the success of the Travel Plan.
The development’s marketing strategy will aim to raise awareness of the key
services and facilities implemented as part of the Travel Plan and disseminate
travel information to staff even before the move. This is to assist with achieving a
‘soft landing’ for the move, with staff and visitors fully prepared for the change in
travel requirements from first occupation of the Triangle. Monitoring and review
will take place at regular intervals so that the Travel Plan, which is a working
document, is updated from time to time to take account of the latest best practice
in the field.
With the package of measures described in the Travel Plan, and the key role played by the
Travel Plan Co-ordinator in promoting non-car modes and communicating alternatives to
staff, the Travel Plan’s target of reducing Cambridge Assessment’s car driver mode share
to 7.2% for the Triangle development is considered realistic and achievable.
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Figure 1 – Site Location Plan
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
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Cambridge Assessment
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Appendix A – Site Access and Circulation Parameter Plan
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
Project: Triangle Site, Cambridge – Travel Plan
Dated: 26/03/2014
Cambridge Assessment
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