YEAR 11 REVISION SUPPORT BOOKLET BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST GCSE ADDITIONAL SCIENCE Exam Board: EDEXCEL Course content/breakdown: Unit B2: Influences on life 1 hour exam Unit C2: The components of life 1 hour exam Unit P2: Using biology 1 hour exam Unit SCA: Controlled assessment Completed in class REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Every Thursday, 15:00 to 16:30 Rooms S7 and S8 Independent, supported science revision. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Collins Biology revision guide ISBN 978 1 4469 0265 3 EDEXCEL website: GCSE-science-2011/Pages/default.aspx EDEXCEL past papers: GCSE-science-2011/Pages/The-exams.aspx NT Moodle: GCSE Science BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST ART Exam Board: AQA Course content/breakdown: Coursework: 2 Units of work 60% marks. Produced in class and homework time during year 10 and 11. Exam: 1 unit of work 40% marks. 10 weeks of preparation, starting 1st February in year 11concluding in a 10 hour practical exam sat over 2 days. REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Studio time 3.00-4.30 REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES N/A BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST GCSE BIOLOGY Exam Board: EDEXCEL Course content/breakdown: Unit B1: Influences on life 1 hour exam Unit B2: The components of life 1 hour exam Unit B3: Using biology 1 hour exam Unit BCA: Controlled assessment Completed in class REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Every Thursday, 15:00 to 16:30 Independent, supported science revision Every third Monday morning Room S8, 08:00 to 08:20 Unit B1 revision REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES CGP Biology revision guide ISBN 978 1 84762 606 6 Collins Biology revision guide and workbook: ISBN 978 0 00752 792 2 EDEXCEL website: EDEXCEL past papers: NT Moodle: GCSE Science BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST BUSINESS STUDIES Exam Board: EDEXCEL GCSE Business Course content/breakdown: Unit 1:Introduction To Small Business 45 Minute multiple choice exam paper – revision notes from Year 10. Unit 2: Controlled Assessment/Course Work Should be complete and submitted to class teacher. Unit 3: Building A Business 1 Hour 30 exam paper – longer word answers. REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES After school sessions available on Tuesdays in Y9. One-to-ones also available by invitation. Specific Revision Covering all of Unit 1 and Unit 3 with students through questioning and revision exercises. Sessions are designed to be student focused. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Revise EDEXCEL GCSE Business Revision Guide: Units 1, 3 & 5 (EDEXCEL) CGP GCSE Business Studies: The Revision Guide Booster/Revision booklets available from DJN in Y11. GCSE Bitesize: EDEXCEL: Business/Pages/default.aspx BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST CATERING Exam Board: WJEC Course content/breakdown: 40% Exam 60% Assessment task (split into 20% and 40%). REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Students to arrange with Mrs Maunder for after school session in P9, P10 and G21. Coursework Catch up is offered. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: WJEC Revision guide already given to all students. With exemplar material. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST GCSE CHEMISTRY Exam Board: EDEXCEL Course content/breakdown: Unit C1: Chemistry in our world 1 hour exam Unit C2: Discovering chemistry 1 hour exam Unit C3: Chemistry in action 1 hour exam Unit CCA: Controlled assessment Completed in class REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Every Thursday, 15:00 to 16:30 Independent, supported science revision Every third Monday morning Room S8, 08:00 to 08:20 Unit C1 revision REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES CGP Chemistry revision guide ISBN 978 1 84762 618 9 Collins Chemistry revision guide and workbook ISBN 978 0 00752 793 9 EDEXCEL website: EDEXCEL past papers: NT Moodle: GCSE Science BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST COMPUTING / COMPUTER SCIENCE Exam Board: OCR (J275 from 2012) Course content/breakdown: A451 – Computer Systems and Programming (40%, one written exam) A452 – Practical Investigation (30%, 20 hour controlled assessment) A453 – Programming Project (30%, 20 hour controlled assessment) REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Students are welcome to spend time in Y16 on any day after school (by prior arrangement) to work on either of their controlled assessments or work on past paper questions / cover any material they feel unhappy with. Students should be spending time revising the course material from their books/textbooks and regularly accessing the past paper questions and mark schemes on the OCR website(s). REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Students can get all past paper material from There are revision websites available with a whole range of different resources: (mostly helpful for A453) (registration is required and tasks about 24 hours, but it’s free) BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST DANCE Exam Board: AQA Course content/breakdown: 20% written paper (50 marks) 20% Set Study (30 marks) 20% Performance in a group (30 marks) 15% Solo Composition based on a work (20) 25% Choreography (40 marks) REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES After School Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday (practical). Friday Lunchtime (theory) After school sessions will focus on practical coursework (performance in a group, set study, solo composition and choreography). Lunchtime sessions will focus on the written paper and exam technique. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: Dance/past papers and marks schemes. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST DRAMA Exam Board: EDEXCEL Course content/breakdown: Unit 1 – Exploration of a theme or issue 30% Unit 2 – Exploration of a play 30% Unit 3 - Performance Exam – 40% REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES After school sessions can be arranged with the teacher on Tues Wed Thurs and Fri to work on the written work for unit 1 and unit 2 in The Hex. Students can also book in to rehearse after school in the Hex. Learning lines will become a key focus as they work on unit 3. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST DT FOOD Exam Board: WJEC Course content/breakdown: 40% Exam 60% Coursework REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES P9 and G21 students to arrange with LMN. Mon to Thursday. Catch up is offered. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: Shared Area for Resources in DT Folder. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST DT GRAPHICS Exam Board: WJEC Course content/breakdown: 40% Exam 60% Coursework REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Students are able to drop in any day after school for NAC. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: WJEC Moodle revision resource for exam is on NT Moodle website. It is fully interactive and has practice questions. Lonsdale guide is available upon request. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST DT RESISTANT MATERIALS Exam Board: WJEC Course content/breakdown: 40% Exam 60% Coursework REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Students can attend Mr Vittle practical session tutoring on Wednesday after school. Coursework mentoring is offered at lunchtimes in G21, P17. Please see your RM Teacher to arrange. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: WJEC Moodle revision resource for exam is on NT Moodle website. It is fully interactive and has practice questions. Lonsdale guide is available upon request. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST ENGINEERING Exam Board: EDEXCEL BTEC Course content/breakdown: 25% Exam 75% Coursework REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Unit 1 Revision Thursday after school for re-take. Unit 2 – Machining courses to run on Saturdays to be arranged with Mr Cilia. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: Revision on Moodle is available with practice exam questions and interactive information. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Exam Board: OCR Lang and Lit: 11Y1; 11Y2; 11Z Course content/breakdown: OCR Lang: 60% written exam 40% Controlled Assessment OCR Lit: 25% Controlled Assessment 75% written exam REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Every Tuesday after school: Coursework and Controlled Assessment improvement Jan-Feb Exam revision: Feb - May REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES OCR Lit: BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST ENGLISH iGCSE Exam Board: : iGCSE: All classes except 11Y1; 11Y2; 11Z Course content/breakdown: 40% Written coursework 20% Speaking and Listening Assessment 40% Written exam REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Every Tuesday after school: Coursework and Controlled Assessment improvement Jan-Feb Exam revision: Feb - May REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES iGCSE: BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST ETHICS AND PHILOSOPHY Exam Board: OCR Course content/breakdown: 12 Topics 6 x Philosophy and 6 x Ethics. (Belief in Deity, End of Life, Spiritual Experience, Religion and Science, Reason and Revelation, Good and Evil, Human Relationships, Wealth and Poverty, Medical Ethics, Religion and the Media, Religion and Equality, Peace and Justice) Student will sit 4 exams in the summer. 2 x Philosophy (B601 and B602) 2 x Ethics (B603 and B604) Each exam is 1 hour. REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Wednesday Lunchtimes TEF in M13 = Aim for an A*. Stretch your exam responses further. CKB in M11 = Past Papers/ Exam Technique Content will also be completed by February Half Term so there will be plenty of time in lessons to revise and practise exam technique. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES BBC Bitesize – Religious Studies Revision Guides are also available form CKB for £2 BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST GEOGRAPHY Exam Board: EDEXCEL Geography B Course content/breakdown: Unit 1 Dynamic Planet (Physical Geography) Tuesday 19th May (AM) 1 hour 15 mins 1.1 Restless Earth 1.4 Water World 1.2 Changing Climate 1.5 Coastal Change and Conflict 1.3 Battle for the Biosphere 1.8 Extreme Environments Unit 2 People and the Planet (Human Geography) Wednesday 3rd June (PM) 1 hour 15 mins 2.1 Population Dynamics 2.4 Development Dilemmas 2.2 Consuming Resources 2.6 Changing Settlements in the UK 2.3 Globalisation 2.7 The Challenges of an Urban World Unit 3 Making Geographical Decisions Tuesday 9th June (AM) 1 hour 30 mins Skills and decision making exam based on core topics 1 – 4 in Units 1 and 2. Resource booklet (previously unseen) provided in exam. REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Tuesdays after school will be intervention for focus groups. Wednesdays after school are open to anyone. Students are expected to revise the topic prior to attending the sessions and the sessions will be based on exam technique and questions for each topic. Saturday sessions for revision prior to exams, and compulsory Decision Making Exam preparation morning for all candidates Monday 8th June. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES My Revision Notes: Edexcel B GCSE Geography Second Edition AVAILABLE FROM GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT FOR ONLY £6 Revise Edexcel: Edexcel GCSE Geography B Evolving Planet Revision Workbook Please note this is a WORKBOOK (contains practice questions and model answers for all units of study) AVAILABLE FROM GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT FOR ONLY £1 All the geography lesson materials, worksheets, video clips and detailed revision notes and activities are on Moodle Go to GEOGRAPHY KEY STAGE 4 enrol on all units 1.1 to 2.7 BBC Bitesize is also a useful revision tool but not specific to our exam board gcsebitesize/geography/ BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST HISTORY Exam Board: : OCR Modern World Course content/breakdown: Paper 1: International Relations 1945-1975: o Origins of the Cold War o Cuban Missile Crisis o Vietnam 1965-1975 2 hour exam USA Depth Study o The Roaring Twenties and the economic boom o Prohibition and intolerance o Wall Street Crash: Causes and Consequences o FDR and the New Deal Paper 2: Source Based exam 1½ hour exam British Depth Study 1906-1918 o Female Suffrage o Liberal reforms o Britain and the home front REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES After school sessions available on Tuesdays in Y9. One-to-ones also available by invitation. Revision sessions will be topic specific on a rolling basis. Students will have the opportunity to attend a revision session twice. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES OCR Modern World Revision book, Ben Walsh Available from History department £5 Podcasts to become available for all students Some relevant websites BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST GCSE ICT Exam Board: : EDEXCEL Course content/breakdown: Unit 1 – The Online World (External Exam 40%) Unit 2 – Using Digital Tools (Controlled Assessment 60%) REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Students are welcome to spend time in N3/N4 on any day after school (by prior arrangement) to work on either of their controlled assessments or work on past paper questions / cover any material they feel unhappy with. Students should be spending time revising the course material from their books/textbooks and regularly accessing the past paper questions and mark schemes on the OCR website(s). REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Revise EDEXCEL GCSE ICT – Revision Guide £3.99 (Pearson 9781446903872) EDEXCEL GCSE ICT – Student Book £22.50 (Pearson 9781846906145) BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST LANGUAGES Exam Board: : EDEXCEL Course content/breakdown: Key topic areas are: Out and about, Education work and future plans, customer services and transactions and personal information. 30% Written coursework: Submit 2 pieces of 200+ words produced in controlled conditions ( All students should have completed at least one to date and will complete a 2nd around Easter) 30% Speaking assessments: Submit 2 recordings of 4minutes tested in controlled conditions. All students should have completed at least 1 to date and will be completing another this half term 20% Reading: Tested in the summer exams- exercises based on all the course topics 20% Listening: Tested in the summer exams- exercises based on all the course topics Students will make a guided choice in their tier of entry for each of the summer papers. REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Revision sessions are held on specific Monday and Thursday evenings Higher tier Monday and Foundation tier Thursday. Individual staff may also offer additional sessions. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Students are encouraged to purchase an EDEXCEL workbook and revision guide through school at £2.50per book. In addition each student has an individual username to work on which they should be doing on a weekly basis. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST MATHEMATICS Exam Board: OCR – Mathematics B, J567 (from 2012) Course content/breakdown: Students will either sit the Foundation or the Higher paper, they should know which paper they are due to be sitting. Foundation students are able to achieve grades from C down to a G. Higher students are able to achieve grades from A* down to an E. Full details of the course content can be found at: REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Every Wednesday afterschool is Year 11 revision time for Maths. Sessions are run by a pupil’s class teacher. All students are welcome. Some students will be personally invited by their teacher to attend specific sessions to focus on an identified weakness. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES – here you can download past papers and mark schemes. – here you can complete questions on specific topics and there are lessons to support independent learning. – new interactive revision tool, MathsBuster, available from school for £5. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST MUSIC Exam Board: AQA Course content/breakdown: Unit 1 Listening and Appraising: 20% Unit 2 Composing and Appraising: 20% Unit 3 Performing 40% Unit 4 Composing 20% REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES SPRING TERM Tuesdays 3.15 – 4.30 - Composition room V5 Tuesdays 3.15 – 4.30 - Targeted intervention V5 SUMMER TERM Tuesdays 3.15 – 4.30 - Listening and Appraising in V8 Tuesdays 3.15 – 4.30 - Targeted intervention V5 NB If a student cannot make Tuesdays it is expected that they will arrange another day with their music teacher to work on their coursework. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES BBC Bitesize/music CGP revision book Tretherras Areas of Study book (blue) Tretherras Areas of Study book (pink). BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST PHYSICAL EDUCATION Exam Board: AQA Course content/breakdown: Unit 3 – Theory Content examined through a 1 ½ hour written paper (40% of final mark) Unit 4 – Practical Content examined through 4 practical assessments, which can be a variety of roles and one piece of analysis coursework (KPC) (60% of final mark) REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Monday lunchtime revision sessions run in N5. Staff are also available to support students at other times. Please speak to individual staff to arrange. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES AQA GCSE PE My Revision Notes – Kirk Bizley – exam board website which contains past paper questions and mark schemes and other information of the exam - revision ideas and activities – revision ideas and activities – revision ideas and activities BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST GCSE PHYSICS Exam Board: EDEXCEL Course content/breakdown: Unit P1: Universal physics 1 hour exam Unit P2: Physics for your future 1 hour exam Unit P3: Applications of physics 1 hour exam Unit PCA: Controlled assessment Completed in class REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Every Thursday, 15:00 to 16:30 Independent, supported science revision Every third Monday morning Room S8, 08:00 to 08:20 Unit P1 revision REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES CGP Physics revision guide ISBN 978 1 84762 630 1 Collins Physics revision guide and workbook ISBN 978 0 00752 794 6 EDEXCEL website: EDEXCEL past papers: NT Moodle: GCSE Science BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST DT TEXTILES Exam Board: WJEC Course content/breakdown: 40% Exam 60% Coursework REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Students to arrange with Ms Ollerenshaw for coursework catch up. Practical sessions help is on offer from Jan to March by arrangement in P8. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: Lonsdale guide is recommended and the internet links to BBC website. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST REVISION TECHNIQUES Below is a list of possible REVISION TECHNIQUES, read each one and decide if it would suit a Visual, Auditory or Kinaesthetic Learner. Then tick if you have already tried it or of you are going to give it a try. REVISION TECHNIQUE INDEX CARDS: keywords can be written on index cards to summarise a topic or process. On the other side a coloured visual or symbol of some sort can be used to aid recall. POST-ITS: stick post-it notes with keywords on. Order and reorder to learn sequences! POSTERS: dramatic and colourful posters, which summarise important content that can be placed at eye level. REVIEW TO MUSIC: an enjoyable and easy way to memorise essential summary information. Choose music with 60-70 beats per minute is good for helping long-term memory. DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE: Part of text or summarise Key points spoken aloud can help with recall, particularly if voices are outrageous! GET A MANAGER: get someone other than a teacher to listen, test or question you at a pre-agreed time. WALKABOUT: memorise new information in unusual places/ location. Revise different chapters in different rooms. Put index cards on the floor in sequence to walk between. RAPS, RHYTHM or RHYMNE: put something in verse or to music and make it rhyme and it becomes easier to remember. Good for dates/mathematical tables/formulae etc. VISUALISATION: make it bold, colourful, moving. Attach it to a person, place or object. Store it as a picture in the upper visual field - should be able to ‘see’ it there when you need to. RIDICULOUS APPLICATIONS: R.I.N.G – Relevant, Interesting, Naughty, Giggle. Take information out of context and give it a ridiculous application to help it stick. HIGHLIGHTER PEN: highlight keywords and information, this makes keywords stand out when reviewing information. MEMORY MAPS: Memory maps can be added to, shared, built up. Memory maps connect the left and the right brain. FACES AND PLACES: Attach information to a familiar place or face you know really well. In re-calling the face or place the information accompanies it! BUILD MAPS: Produce a summary map and place all over your wall. Combine memory maps, flow charts, key-words. INSIST LISTS: lists of essential information placed on pockethandy cards and kept with you at all times. Visual Have Auditory Already Kinaesthetic Tried Will Try! GCSE ADDITIONAL SCIENCE Exam Board: EDEXCEL Course content/breakdown: Unit B2: Influences on life 1 hour exam Unit C2: The components of life 1 hour exam Unit P2: Using biology 1 hour exam Unit SCA: Controlled assessment Completed in class REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Every Thursday, 15:00 to 16:30 Rooms S7 and S8 Independent, supported science revision. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Collins Biology revision guide ISBN 978 1 4469 0265 3 EDEXCEL website: GCSE-science-2011/Pages/default.aspx EDEXCEL past papers: GCSE-science-2011/Pages/The-exams.aspx NT Moodle: GCSE Science BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST ART Exam Board: AQA Course content/breakdown: Coursework: 2 Units of work 60% marks. Produced in class and homework time during year 10 and 11. Exam: 1 unit of work 40% marks. 10 weeks of preparation, starting 1st February in year 11concluding in a 10 hour practical exam sat over 2 days. REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Studio time 3.00-4.30 REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES N/A BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST GCSE BIOLOGY Exam Board: EDEXCEL Course content/breakdown: Unit B1: Influences on life 1 hour exam Unit B2: The components of life 1 hour exam Unit B3: Using biology 1 hour exam Unit BCA: Controlled assessment Completed in class REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Every Thursday, 15:00 to 16:30 Independent, supported science revision Every third Monday morning Room S8, 08:00 to 08:20 Unit B1 revision REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES CGP Biology revision guide ISBN 978 1 84762 606 6 Collins Biology revision guide and workbook: ISBN 978 0 00752 792 2 EDEXCEL website: EDEXCEL past papers: NT Moodle: GCSE Science BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST BUSINESS STUDIES Exam Board: EDEXCEL GCSE Business Course content/breakdown: Unit 1:Introduction To Small Business 45 Minute multiple choice exam paper – revision notes from Year 10. Unit 2: Controlled Assessment/Course Work Should be complete and submitted to class teacher. Unit 3: Building A Business 1 Hour 30 exam paper – longer word answers. REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES After school sessions available on Tuesdays in Y9. One-to-ones also available by invitation. Specific Revision Covering all of Unit 1 and Unit 3 with students through questioning and revision exercises. Sessions are designed to be student focused. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Revise EDEXCEL GCSE Business Revision Guide: Units 1, 3 & 5 (EDEXCEL) CGP GCSE Business Studies: The Revision Guide Booster/Revision booklets available from DJN in Y11. GCSE Bitesize: EDEXCEL: Business/Pages/default.aspx BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST CATERING Exam Board: WJEC Course content/breakdown: 40% Exam 60% Assessment task (split into 20% and 40%). REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Students to arrange with Mrs Maunder for after school session in P9, P10 and G21. Coursework Catch up is offered. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: WJEC Revision guide already given to all students. With exemplar material. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST GCSE CHEMISTRY Exam Board: EDEXCEL Course content/breakdown: Unit C1: Chemistry in our world 1 hour exam Unit C2: Discovering chemistry 1 hour exam Unit C3: Chemistry in action 1 hour exam Unit CCA: Controlled assessment Completed in class REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Every Thursday, 15:00 to 16:30 Independent, supported science revision Every third Monday morning Room S8, 08:00 to 08:20 Unit C1 revision REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES CGP Chemistry revision guide ISBN 978 1 84762 618 9 Collins Chemistry revision guide and workbook ISBN 978 0 00752 793 9 EDEXCEL website: EDEXCEL past papers: NT Moodle: GCSE Science BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST COMPUTING / COMPUTER SCIENCE Exam Board: OCR (J275 from 2012) Course content/breakdown: A451 – Computer Systems and Programming (40%, one written exam) A452 – Practical Investigation (30%, 20 hour controlled assessment) A453 – Programming Project (30%, 20 hour controlled assessment) REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Students are welcome to spend time in Y16 on any day after school (by prior arrangement) to work on either of their controlled assessments or work on past paper questions / cover any material they feel unhappy with. Students should be spending time revising the course material from their books/textbooks and regularly accessing the past paper questions and mark schemes on the OCR website(s). REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Students can get all past paper material from There are revision websites available with a whole range of different resources: (mostly helpful for A453) (registration is required and tasks about 24 hours, but it’s free) BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST DANCE Exam Board: AQA Course content/breakdown: 20% written paper (50 marks) 20% Set Study (30 marks) 20% Performance in a group (30 marks) 15% Solo Composition based on a work (20) 25% Choreography (40 marks) REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES After School Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday (practical). Friday Lunchtime (theory) After school sessions will focus on practical coursework (performance in a group, set study, solo composition and choreography). Lunchtime sessions will focus on the written paper and exam technique. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: Dance/past papers and marks schemes. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST DRAMA Exam Board: EDEXCEL Course content/breakdown: Unit 1 – Exploration of a theme or issue 30% Unit 2 – Exploration of a play 30% Unit 3 - Performance Exam – 40% REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES After school sessions can be arranged with the teacher on Tues Wed Thurs and Fri to work on the written work for unit 1 and unit 2 in The Hex. Students can also book in to rehearse after school in the Hex. Learning lines will become a key focus as they work on unit 3. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST DT FOOD Exam Board: WJEC Course content/breakdown: 40% Exam 60% Coursework REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES P9 and G21 students to arrange with LMN. Mon to Thursday. Catch up is offered. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: Shared Area for Resources in DT Folder. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST DT GRAPHICS Exam Board: WJEC Course content/breakdown: 40% Exam 60% Coursework REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Students are able to drop in any day after school for NAC. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: WJEC Moodle revision resource for exam is on NT Moodle website. It is fully interactive and has practice questions. Lonsdale guide is available upon request. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST DT RESISTANT MATERIALS Exam Board: WJEC Course content/breakdown: 40% Exam 60% Coursework REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Students can attend Mr Vittle practical session tutoring on Wednesday after school. Coursework mentoring is offered at lunchtimes in G21, P17. Please see your RM Teacher to arrange. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: WJEC Moodle revision resource for exam is on NT Moodle website. It is fully interactive and has practice questions. Lonsdale guide is available upon request. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST ENGINEERING Exam Board: EDEXCEL BTEC Course content/breakdown: 25% Exam 75% Coursework REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Unit 1 Revision Thursday after school for re-take. Unit 2 – Machining courses to run on Saturdays to be arranged with Mr Cilia. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: Revision on Moodle is available with practice exam questions and interactive information. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Exam Board: OCR Lang and Lit: 11Y1; 11Y2; 11Z Course content/breakdown: OCR Lang: 60% written exam 40% Controlled Assessment OCR Lit: 25% Controlled Assessment 75% written exam REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Every Tuesday after school: Coursework and Controlled Assessment improvement Jan-Feb Exam revision: Feb - May REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES OCR Lit: BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST ENGLISH iGCSE Exam Board: : iGCSE: All classes except 11Y1; 11Y2; 11Z Course content/breakdown: 40% Written coursework 20% Speaking and Listening Assessment 40% Written exam REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Every Tuesday after school: Coursework and Controlled Assessment improvement Jan-Feb Exam revision: Feb - May REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES iGCSE: BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST ETHICS AND PHILOSOPHY Exam Board: OCR Course content/breakdown: 12 Topics 6 x Philosophy and 6 x Ethics. (Belief in Deity, End of Life, Spiritual Experience, Religion and Science, Reason and Revelation, Good and Evil, Human Relationships, Wealth and Poverty, Medical Ethics, Religion and the Media, Religion and Equality, Peace and Justice) Student will sit 4 exams in the summer. 2 x Philosophy (B601 and B602) 2 x Ethics (B603 and B604) Each exam is 1 hour. REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Wednesday Lunchtimes TEF in M13 = Aim for an A*. Stretch your exam responses further. CKB in M11 = Past Papers/ Exam Technique Content will also be completed by February Half Term so there will be plenty of time in lessons to revise and practise exam technique. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES BBC Bitesize – Religious Studies Revision Guides are also available form CKB for £2 BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST GEOGRAPHY Exam Board: EDEXCEL Geography B Course content/breakdown: Unit 1 Dynamic Planet (Physical Geography) Tuesday 19th May (AM) 1 hour 15 mins 1.1 Restless Earth 1.4 Water World 1.2 Changing Climate 1.5 Coastal Change and Conflict 1.3 Battle for the Biosphere 1.8 Extreme Environments Unit 2 People and the Planet (Human Geography) Wednesday 3rd June (PM) 1 hour 15 mins 2.1 Population Dynamics 2.4 Development Dilemmas 2.2 Consuming Resources 2.6 Changing Settlements in the UK 2.3 Globalisation 2.7 The Challenges of an Urban World Unit 3 Making Geographical Decisions Tuesday 9th June (AM) 1 hour 30 mins Skills and decision making exam based on core topics 1 – 4 in Units 1 and 2. Resource booklet (previously unseen) provided in exam. REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Tuesdays after school will be intervention for focus groups. Wednesdays after school are open to anyone. Students are expected to revise the topic prior to attending the sessions and the sessions will be based on exam technique and questions for each topic. Saturday sessions for revision prior to exams, and compulsory Decision Making Exam preparation morning for all candidates Monday 8th June. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES My Revision Notes: Edexcel B GCSE Geography Second Edition AVAILABLE FROM GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT FOR ONLY £6 Revise Edexcel: Edexcel GCSE Geography B Evolving Planet Revision Workbook Please note this is a WORKBOOK (contains practice questions and model answers for all units of study) AVAILABLE FROM GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT FOR ONLY £1 All the geography lesson materials, worksheets, video clips and detailed revision notes and activities are on Moodle Go to GEOGRAPHY KEY STAGE 4 enrol on all units 1.1 to 2.7 BBC Bitesize is also a useful revision tool but not specific to our exam board gcsebitesize/geography/ BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST HISTORY Exam Board: : OCR Modern World Course content/breakdown: Paper 1: International Relations 1945-1975: o Origins of the Cold War o Cuban Missile Crisis o Vietnam 1965-1975 2 hour exam USA Depth Study o The Roaring Twenties and the economic boom o Prohibition and intolerance o Wall Street Crash: Causes and Consequences o FDR and the New Deal Paper 2: Source Based exam 1½ hour exam British Depth Study 1906-1918 o Female Suffrage o Liberal reforms o Britain and the home front REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES After school sessions available on Tuesdays in Y9. One-to-ones also available by invitation. Revision sessions will be topic specific on a rolling basis. Students will have the opportunity to attend a revision session twice. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES OCR Modern World Revision book, Ben Walsh Available from History department £5 Podcasts to become available for all students Some relevant websites BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST GCSE ICT Exam Board: : EDEXCEL Course content/breakdown: Unit 1 – The Online World (External Exam 40%) Unit 2 – Using Digital Tools (Controlled Assessment 60%) REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Students are welcome to spend time in N3/N4 on any day after school (by prior arrangement) to work on either of their controlled assessments or work on past paper questions / cover any material they feel unhappy with. Students should be spending time revising the course material from their books/textbooks and regularly accessing the past paper questions and mark schemes on the OCR website(s). REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Revise EDEXCEL GCSE ICT – Revision Guide £3.99 (Pearson 9781446903872) EDEXCEL GCSE ICT – Student Book £22.50 (Pearson 9781846906145) BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST LANGUAGES Exam Board: : EDEXCEL Course content/breakdown: Key topic areas are: Out and about, Education work and future plans, customer services and transactions and personal information. 30% Written coursework: Submit 2 pieces of 200+ words produced in controlled conditions ( All students should have completed at least one to date and will complete a 2nd around Easter) 30% Speaking assessments: Submit 2 recordings of 4minutes tested in controlled conditions. All students should have completed at least 1 to date and will be completing another this half term 20% Reading: Tested in the summer exams- exercises based on all the course topics 20% Listening: Tested in the summer exams- exercises based on all the course topics Students will make a guided choice in their tier of entry for each of the summer papers. REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Revision sessions are held on specific Monday and Thursday evenings Higher tier Monday and Foundation tier Thursday. Individual staff may also offer additional sessions. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Students are encouraged to purchase an EDEXCEL workbook and revision guide through school at £2.50per book. In addition each student has an individual username to work on which they should be doing on a weekly basis. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST MATHEMATICS Exam Board: OCR – Mathematics B, J567 (from 2012) Course content/breakdown: Students will either sit the Foundation or the Higher paper, they should know which paper they are due to be sitting. Foundation students are able to achieve grades from C down to a G. Higher students are able to achieve grades from A* down to an E. Full details of the course content can be found at: REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Every Wednesday afterschool is Year 11 revision time for Maths. Sessions are run by a pupil’s class teacher. All students are welcome. Some students will be personally invited by their teacher to attend specific sessions to focus on an identified weakness. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES – here you can download past papers and mark schemes. – here you can complete questions on specific topics and there are lessons to support independent learning. – new interactive revision tool, MathsBuster, available from school for £5. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST MUSIC Exam Board: AQA Course content/breakdown: Unit 1 Listening and Appraising: 20% Unit 2 Composing and Appraising: 20% Unit 3 Performing 40% Unit 4 Composing 20% REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES SPRING TERM Tuesdays 3.15 – 4.30 - Composition room V5 Tuesdays 3.15 – 4.30 - Targeted intervention V5 SUMMER TERM Tuesdays 3.15 – 4.30 - Listening and Appraising in V8 Tuesdays 3.15 – 4.30 - Targeted intervention V5 NB If a student cannot make Tuesdays it is expected that they will arrange another day with their music teacher to work on their coursework. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES BBC Bitesize/music CGP revision book Tretherras Areas of Study book (blue) Tretherras Areas of Study book (pink). BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST PHYSICAL EDUCATION Exam Board: AQA Course content/breakdown: Unit 3 – Theory Content examined through a 1 ½ hour written paper (40% of final mark) Unit 4 – Practical Content examined through 4 practical assessments, which can be a variety of roles and one piece of analysis coursework (KPC) (60% of final mark) REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Monday lunchtime revision sessions run in N5. Staff are also available to support students at other times. Please speak to individual staff to arrange. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES AQA GCSE PE My Revision Notes – Kirk Bizley – exam board website which contains past paper questions and mark schemes and other information of the exam - revision ideas and activities – revision ideas and activities – revision ideas and activities BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST GCSE PHYSICS Exam Board: EDEXCEL Course content/breakdown: Unit P1: Universal physics 1 hour exam Unit P2: Physics for your future 1 hour exam Unit P3: Applications of physics 1 hour exam Unit PCA: Controlled assessment Completed in class REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Every Thursday, 15:00 to 16:30 Independent, supported science revision Every third Monday morning Room S8, 08:00 to 08:20 Unit P1 revision REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES CGP Physics revision guide ISBN 978 1 84762 630 1 Collins Physics revision guide and workbook ISBN 978 0 00752 794 6 EDEXCEL website: EDEXCEL past papers: NT Moodle: GCSE Science BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST DT TEXTILES Exam Board: WJEC Course content/breakdown: 40% Exam 60% Coursework REVISION CLASSES/TIMETABLES Students to arrange with Ms Ollerenshaw for coursework catch up. Practical sessions help is on offer from Jan to March by arrangement in P8. REVISION GUIDES/WEBSITES Website: Lonsdale guide is recommended and the internet links to BBC website. BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST REVISION TECHNIQUES Below is a list of possible REVISION TECHNIQUES, read each one and decide if it would suit a Visual, Auditory or Kinaesthetic Learner. Then tick if you have already tried it or of you are going to give it a try. REVISION TECHNIQUE INDEX CARDS: keywords can be written on index cards to summarise a topic or process. On the other side a coloured visual or symbol of some sort can be used to aid recall. POST-ITS: stick post-it notes with keywords on. Order and reorder to learn sequences! POSTERS: dramatic and colourful posters, which summarise important content that can be placed at eye level. REVIEW TO MUSIC: an enjoyable and easy way to memorise essential summary information. Choose music with 60-70 beats per minute is good for helping long-term memory. DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE: Part of text or summarise Key points spoken aloud can help with recall, particularly if voices are outrageous! GET A MANAGER: get someone other than a teacher to listen, test or question you at a pre-agreed time. WALKABOUT: memorise new information in unusual places/ location. Revise different chapters in different rooms. Put index cards on the floor in sequence to walk between. RAPS, RHYTHM or RHYMNE: put something in verse or to music and make it rhyme and it becomes easier to remember. Good for dates/mathematical tables/formulae etc. VISUALISATION: make it bold, colourful, moving. Attach it to a person, place or object. Store it as a picture in the upper visual field - should be able to ‘see’ it there when you need to. RIDICULOUS APPLICATIONS: R.I.N.G – Relevant, Interesting, Naughty, Giggle. Take information out of context and give it a ridiculous application to help it stick. HIGHLIGHTER PEN: highlight keywords and information, this makes keywords stand out when reviewing information. MEMORY MAPS: Memory maps can be added to, shared, built up. Memory maps connect the left and the right brain. FACES AND PLACES: Attach information to a familiar place or face you know really well. In re-calling the face or place the information accompanies it! BUILD MAPS: Produce a summary map and place all over your wall. Combine memory maps, flow charts, key-words. INSIST LISTS: lists of essential information placed on pockethandy cards and kept with you at all times. Visual Have Auditory Already Kinaesthetic Tried Will Try!