Planning for Places INDEX MAP 1 Hilton 2 Hatton 3 Etwall 4 Willington 5 Stenson 6 Aston 7 Melbourne 8 Repton 9 Woodville 10 Swadlincote 11 Southern Villages Lees Radbourne Church Broughton Dalbury 3 Sutton on the Hill 1 DERBY Etwall Hatton Hilton Scropton 2 Former Pastures Hospital Marston on Dove Burnaston Findern Egginton Willington 4 Newton Solney Bretby BURTON ON TRENT Newhall Swadlincote Walton on Trent Castle Gresley Rosliston Coton in the Elms Stenson 5 Twyford Repton Midway Boulton Moor Stenson Fields 10 Church Gresley 8 6 Shardlow Aston on Trent Barrow on Trent Weston on Trent Kings Newton Melbourne Ticknall 7 Woodhouses 9 Hartshorne Woodville Smisby Linton 11 Overseal Netherseal Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. South Derbyshire District Council. OS Licence No. 100019461.2013 5 STENSON AREA Description The area predominantly rural in character, but also includes suburban development on the fringe of Derby at Sinfin. The A50 crosses the area to the south of Sinfin, whilst the Birmingham-Derby passenger railway line passes to the west and the Donington freight railway line passes from west to east. The Trent and Mersey Canal, a conservation area, also passes through the area, the pub and marina at Stenson Bubble being a popular local destination. A further conservation area has been designated at the small village of Twyford. The southern boundary of the area is largely defined by the River Trent. The residential area at Sinfin is served by frequent bus services to Derby City Centre and local shopping services and facilities are available at the district centre, just within the city boundary. The main route into Derby is Stenson Road, which experiences congestion at peak times, particularly at the signal-controlled railway bridge. On the fringe of Sinfin, a new strategic housing development is currently under construction. Stenson Area - Number of dwellings and residents in 2001 and 2011 Vision Protect the rural character and heritage assets of the area whilst providing for housing growth on the Derby fringe. Objective 1: Protect the rural character of the area. Objective 2: Provide for housing development on the fringe of Sinfin. 173 25 Objective 3: Protect heritage assets Objective 4: Support the economic vitality of the area. Objective 5: Ensure the delivery of the South Derby Integrated Transport Link phase 1 to support new strategic development. Objective 6: Protect land that may be needed to enable the future provision of the South Derby Integrated Transport Link, phase 2. Objective 7: Improve accessibility by sustainable transport modes. Settlements in the area Urban Extension: Stenson Fields Rural Village: Stenson, Twyford SUMMARY OF POLICIES: Housing • • • Sites with consent – Primula Way: 145 dwellings Stenson Fields: 487 dwellings Wragley Way: 1,950 dwellings (1,180 of which are expected to come forward during the plan period. The site is also covered by the Aston Area) • Primula Way: 366 dwellings • Stenson Fields estate: 98 dwellings Employment • Allow for the provision of appropriate tourist accommodation and other facilities. • Allow for small scale farm diversification. Transport • Protect land needed for the development of the South Derby Integrated Transport Link phase 1 • Protect land that may be needed to enable the future provision of the South Derby Integrated Transport Link Road phase 2. • Protect land that may be needed to enable the future provision of a passenger railway station on the Derby-Birmingham railway line. • Expand and improve local cycleways and multi-user trails as part of a wider route network. 174 26 Green Infrastructure • Protect the integrity of Derby City’s Green Wedges through control of development within South Derbyshire. • Protect and enhance green infrastructure, including the landscape and ecology corridors of the Trent and Mersey Canal and the River Trent. 175 27 ) TKEY MICKLEOVER South Derby Integrated Transport Link, Phase 1 Phase 1 road to join T12 BURNASTON South Derby Integrated Transport Link, Phase 2 Derby City Preferred Growth Strategy Housing Sites DERBY CITY Strategic Employment Location Green Wedges Conservation Area HP12 South Derbyshire District Boundary Stenson Area Boundary HP16 HP16 Housing Sites with Planning Permission HP17 Housing Allocations ETWALL HP19 HP15 FINDERN SINFIN STENSON FIELDS HP15 A50 (T) A50(T) HP15 ) A50( T ASTON AREA ETWALL AREA HP15 STENSON STENSON Area A50( T ) WILLINGTON & FINDERN AREA TWYFORD WILLINGTON A51 32 A5132 A5 A5132 BARROW ON TRENT 8( T) 132 A3 6( A51 REPTON AREA REPTON NORTH Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. South Derbyshire District Council. OS Licence No. LA100019461.2013 STENSON Area HOUSING POLICY HOUSING SITE HP15 Wragley Way HP16 Primula Way HP17 Stenson Fields Estate HP19 Stenson Fields Lees Radbourne Church Broughton Dalbury Former Pastures Hospital Sutton on the Hill DERBY Etwall Hatton Hilton Scropton Marston on Dove Findern Egginton Boulton Moor Stenson Fields Burnaston Stenson Twyford Barrow on Trent Weston on Trent Willington Kings Newton Repton Melbourne Newton Solney Bretby Ticknall BURTON ON TRENT Midway Newhall Swadlincote Walton on Trent Rosliston Coton in the Elms Castle Gresley Church Gresley Linton Overseal Netherseal Hartshorne Woodville Shardlow Aston on Trent Smisby Woodhouses 6 ASTON AREA Overview The area has a predominantly rural feel to it though the area does adjoin Derby City along its northern boundary. The A50 trunk road crosses the area from east to west, with a spur heading northwards toward the A6 and A52. The southern boundary of the area is defined by the River Trent and much of the area around the Trent is susceptible to flooding. A large proportion of the north east part of the area forms the southern boundary of the Nottingham-Derby Green Belt. The area contains the key village of Shardlow and a number of other small settlements. Aston area contains various heritage assets including conservation areas at Shardlow, Aston-on-Trent, Barrow-on-Trent and along the length of the Trent and Mersey Canal. The route of the former Derby Canal, now a local wildlife site, extends northwards from Swarkestone into the city. There are also historic parks and gardens at Swarkestone and Elvaston. Swarkestone Causeway, which extends southwards across the Trent floodplain, represents a scheduled Ancient Monument and follows an alignment not suited to the volume and mix of traffic using it. A proposal to address this issue is included on a list of potential schemes for further assessment in the Derbyshire Local Transport Plan. The area is within reach of business and industrial areas in Derby City and within Leicestershire, such as East Midlands Airport and the East Midlands Distribution Centre. To a large extent, the area is reliant on retail and other services and facilities in Derby and other settlements outside the area. National Cycle Route 6 passes through the area, connecting to the network of cycle routes within Derby City. Aston Area - Number of dwellings and residents in 2001 and 2011 179 1 Vision To protect the rural character and heritage assets of the area whilst providing for housing and employment growth on the edge of Derby and smaller scale housing development at Aston-on-Trent. Objective 1: Protect the rural character of the area. Objective 2: Meet housing needs through new residential development on the Derby fringe and smaller scale residential development at Aston-on-Trent. Objective 3: Support the economic vitality of the area. Objective 4: Ensure the provision of the Southern Derby Link Road, Phase 1 to support new strategic development. Objective 5: Protect heritage assets and provide for the reinstatement of the former Derby Canal. Objective 6: Expand and improve sustainable transport choices. Objective 7: Maintain open land extending from Derby City into South Derbyshire. Settlements in area Derby Urban Extensions Key Village: Shardlow Local Village: Aston-on-Trent, Weston-on-Trent Rural: Elvaston, Thulston, Swarkestone, Barrow-on-Trent SUMMARY OF POLICIES Housing • • • • Sites with consent – Boulton Moor: 1,058 dwellings Boulton Moor Phase 2 & 3 – 890 dwellings Chellaston (Holmleigh Way & Chellaston Fields) – 600 dwellings Wragley Way - 1,950 dwellings (1,180 of which are expected to come forward in the plan period. The site is also covered by the Stenson Area) • Former Aston Hall Hospital – 100 dwellings • Further small scale residential sites may be identified in Part 2 of the Local Plan across the area guided by the Settlement Hierarchy • Potential Reserve site - Lowes Farm 180 2 Employment: • Global Technology Cluster (GTC) extension – 20 ha, is a strategic employment location. The GTC is a proposed business development at Sinfin Moor in Derby City, with capacity to expand southwards into South Derbyshire. • Allow for small scale farm diversification and the provision of appropriate tourist and leisure facilities. • Protect the route of the former Derby Canal. Transport • • • Protect land needed for the development of the South Derby Integrated Transport Link, Phase 1 (Phase 2 is considered in Stenson and Willington & Findern areas) Expand and improve local cycleways and multi-user trails as part of a wider route network. Protect land that may be needed for the future development of a park and ride facility at Boulton Moor. Environment • Enhance and expand green infrastructure, including the landscape and ecology corridors of the Trent and Mersey Canal and the River Trent. • Protect Elvaston Country Park and Swarkestone Park and Garden. • Protect the integrity of green wedges extending from Derby City. Green Belt: • Maintain the principal of the section of Nottingham-Derby Green Belt within the District. 181 3 Derby City Preferred Growth Strategy Derby Employment Site T12 Link Road OCKBROOK Strategic Employment Location South Derby Integrated Transport Link, Phase 1 Canal Realignment Green Belt South Derby Integrated Transport Link, Phase 2 Green Belt in EREWASH BOROUGH COUNCIL Green Wedges Derby City Preferred Growth Strategy Housing Sites Conservation Area Derby Sites with current planning applications Historic Park and Garden Housing Sites with Planning Permission South Derbyshire District Boundary Housing Allocations Aston Area Boundary Park and Ride NORMANTON DRAYCOTT ELVASTON HP12 DERBY CITY HP16 HP16 ALLENTON THULSTON HP17 HP15 FINDERN HP13 HP13 A6( T ) HP19 HP13 SINFINNEW ROAD WILL JOIN T12 LINK STENSON FIELDS HP15 BOULTON MOOR SHARDLOW WILLINGTON & FINDERN AREA A5 E5 CHELLASTON (T HP18 EY C HP14 A50(T ) ANA L 0 A5 ) NORTH WEST LEICESTERSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL ASTON ON TRENT SWARKESTONE HP8 WESTON ON TRENT BARROW ON TRENT ) AL STENSON AREA MER S 0( T GREAT WILNE AN TRENT & HP15 HP15 ASTON Area KEY N TRE T SE ER &M YC CASTLE DONINGTON REPTON AREA MELBOURNE AREA INGLEBY REPTON FOREMARKE NORTH MILTON Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. South Derbyshire District Council. OS Licence No. LA100019461.2013 MELBOURNE ASTON Area HOUSING POLICY HOUSING SITE HP15 Wragley Way HP18 Land off Holmleigh Way HP14 Chellaston Fields HP13 Boulton Moor Phase 1 Boulton Moor Phase 2 Boulton Moor Phase 3 HP8 Aston Hall Hospital, Aston on Trent EMPLOYMENT POLICY EMPLOYMENT SITE E5 The Global Technology Cluster extension – safeguarded site for employment Lees Radbourne Church Broughton Dalbury Former Pastures Hospital Sutton on the Hill DERBY Etwall Hatton Hilton Scropton Marston on Dove Findern Egginton Boulton Moor Stenson Fields Burnaston Stenson Twyford Barrow on Trent Weston on Trent Willington Kings Newton Repton Melbourne Newton Solney Bretby Ticknall BURTON ON TRENT Midway Newhall Swadlincote Walton on Trent Rosliston Coton in the Elms Castle Gresley Church Gresley Linton Overseal Netherseal Hartshorne Woodville Shardlow Aston on Trent Smisby Woodhouses 7 MELBOURNE AREA Overview The area is rural in character, containing the Key Service Village of Melbourne and a number of smaller settlements. It contains many heritage assets including numerous listed buildings, conservation areas at Melbourne and Stanton by Bridge and a historic park and garden at Melbourne Hall. The area lies partly within the National Forest and also contains the Staunton Harold Reservoir. Melbourne contains the second most important shopping centre in the district and a small industrial estate. The area is also attractive to tourists. Close by, but beyond the South Derbyshire boundary, lays the important employment sites of East Midlands Airport and the East Midlands Distribution Centre. The A514 connects Melbourne to Derby via the Swarkestone Causeway, a scheduled Ancient Monument that follows an alignment not suited to the volume and mix of traffic using it. Options have been considered for the development of an alternative route and the Derbyshire Local Transport Plan includes the proposal on a list of potential major schemes for further assessment. National Cycle Route 6 runs to the north east of Melbourne connecting to Derby and rural Leicestershire. Melbourne Area - Number of dwellings and residents in 2001 and 2011 Vision To protect and enhance the rural character and heritage assets of the area, taking advantage of the presence of the National Forest, whilst maintaining the role of Melbourne as a Key Serviced Village. 185 17 Objective 1: Protect the rural character of the area. Objective 2: Protect heritage assets and the historic character of the conservation areas. Objective 3: Accommodate appropriate tourism and leisure facilities, taking advantage of the location of part of the area within the National Forest. Objective 4: Protect the vitality and viability of Melbourne shopping centre. Objective 5: Improve accessibility by sustainable transport modes. Objective 6: Support the economic vitality of the area. Settlements in the area Key Village: Rural Villages: Melbourne Stanton by Bridge, Kings Newton, Woodhouses SUMMARY OF POLICIES: Housing • • No strategic scale growth proposed in the Melbourne Area. Further small scale residential sites may be identified in Part 2 of the Local Plan across the area guided by the Settlement Hierarchy. Employment • • No strategic scale growth proposed Allow the provision of appropriate tourist accommodation and other facilities, taking advantage of the location of part of the area within the National Forest. • Allow small scale farm diversification. Transport • Continue the establishment of cycleways and multi-user trails as part of a wider route network. Environment • Enhance and expand green infrastructure, taking advantage of the location of part of the area within the National Forest. 186 18 Shopping • Protect existing shopping and services within Melbourne town centre. Leisure and Recreation • Support new leisure, recreation and community development at Cockshut Lane and the Assembly Rooms. 187 19 A50(T) A50( T) CHELLASTON DERBY CITY STENSON Public Safety Zone (Nottingham East Midlands Airport - Runway 09 Approach) 0( T Area within The National Forest ASTON ON TRENT Conservation Area STENSON AREA WILLINGTON & FINDERN AREA Historic Park and Garden Melbourne Area Boundary A5132 SWARKESTONE WESTON ON TRENT BARROW ON TRENT INGLEBY STANTON BY BRIDGE MILTON KINGS NEWTON FOREMARKE REPTON REPTON AREA B5 87 MELBOURNE B587 WOODHOUSES NORTH WEST LEICESTERSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL B587 TICKNALL BREEDON ON THE HILL 14 A5132 TWYFORD ASTON AREA A5 WILLINGTON South Derbyshire District Boundary ) A5 A50(T) MELBOURNE Area KEY FINDERN CALKE NORTH Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. South Derbyshire District Council. OS Licence No. LA100019461.2013 MELBOURNE Area THERE ARE NO STRATEGIC HOUSING OR EMPLOYMENT POLICIES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS AREA Lees Radbourne Church Broughton Dalbury Former Pastures Hospital Sutton on the Hill DERBY Etwall Hatton Hilton Scropton Marston on Dove Findern Egginton Boulton Moor Stenson Fields Burnaston Stenson Twyford Barrow on Trent Weston on Trent Willington Kings Newton Repton Melbourne Newton Solney Bretby Ticknall BURTON ON TRENT Midway Newhall Swadlincote Walton on Trent Rosliston Coton in the Elms Castle Gresley Church Gresley Linton Overseal Netherseal Hartshorne Woodville Shardlow Aston on Trent Smisby Woodhouses