Student handbook - Eastern Michigan University

Dining Services Student Employee Handbook
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Welcome To EMU Dining Services
Eastern Michigan University Dining welcomes you as a vital member of our team!
Our goal is to provide the very best dining experience campus-wide for students, faculty and
staff. We ask that, as an important member of our team, you make every effort to ensure that this
goal is met. Above all, always project the image of a professional.
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Welcome from the Director
Welcome to Dining Services, In this handbook, you will find some brief policies and helpful
information that will inform you of the expectations of your supervisors and co-workers in trying
to achieve a superior dining service program.
These are general rules for all Dining Services employees but you will find each unit may have
specific policies and information as well. Please read this handbook carefully and you will be
responsible for abiding by all these policies as well as those of your individual unit.
Welcome To Eastern Michigan University Dining Services!
We are very happy to have you on our team.
David Carroll
Director EMU Dining Services
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Mission Statement
We are committed to providing nutritious and diverse options to the campus community and its
visitors while providing a high degree of friendly customer service.
We will be a contributing partner in hospitality for campus programs, events and activities.
Fresh, Friendly and Reliable
Provide the freshest quality foods in a clean and inviting environment with YOU as our focus.
EMU Dining Services is a team with strong commitments to success.
Employee Promise
To provide the support and tools to educate and mentor through a positive work experience.
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Welcome, we are excited to have you on board as a valuable member of the EMU Dining team!
Below are some specific guidelines and expectations for you as an employee:
Customer Service • Exceptional customer service is our commitment and must always be
implemented by all team members.
Good Work Ethics • Be on time, understand your role and perform the job you have been hired
to do. Think on your toes and remember to work smarter, not harder.
Be efficient!
Teamwork • You are now part of an organization and must learn to work well with others. Be
aware that people may be different from you. Respect this diversity and learn from others.
Respect • Be respectful of your co-workers and customers. Use proper language at all times
(swearing will not be tolerated). Cell phones are not to be used while at work.
Training • You will be trained for the job that you are expected to perform. Managers will work
with you and support your academic scheduling needs. In turn, you must show dedication,
respect and commitment to your job.
Integrity • How you perform your job can be an asset to you. Doing anything with integrity is a
powerful choice that builds self-confidence and self-esteem, while earning the respect of others.
References • Working while in college can afford you many opportunities and skills that will
benefit your future professional career. Demonstrate these skills and EMU Dining will provide
you with excellent references for the future.
This handbook is intended to provide information you will need as a member of the Dining
Services team. It is NOT all inclusive. You will receive additional information and training
within your particular unit by way of meetings, postings or email. You are expected to read this
information. Ignorance of policies is not an acceptable excuse for missing scheduled meetings,
training sessions or shifts.
If you have questions about your responsibilities or concerns about any aspect of your job, ask
your manager or supervisor. They will be happy to answer your questions or direct you to
someone who can.
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Payroll Procedures
You will fill out multiple documents at the time of hiring, as directed by your unit’s payroll
supervisor. He or she will provide you with important information about your compensation.
You will receive a Payroll Checklist as well as in-unit training on your responsibilities and
expectations regarding scheduling, Web Time Entry (WTE,) payment preference, taxes, and
proper recording of your hours worked. If you do not fill out and submit your time sheet before
the bi-weekly payroll deadline, you may not get paid and will have to wait until the next pay
period to receive back pay. Be sure to learn your payroll supervisor’s contact information, which
is posted in your unit. If you have questions, please speak with your payroll supervisor.
Scheduling and Attendance
● Schedules vary by unit. Some dining units remain open during breaks, exam weeks or
inclement weather, and you will be expected to work as scheduled.
● You are required to report to all of your shifts until the official last day of the semester unless
your manager directs you otherwise. Notify your manager in advance if your final exams
conflict with your scheduled shifts. Failure to do so will prevent you from returning to work
at any Dining Services’ unit.
● Your schedule is subject to change. Changes may become permanent for the duration of the
semester. If you find that your work schedule is interfering with your studies, let your
manager know so it can be adjusted.
● You are expected to work all of your scheduled shifts. Your attendance will be recorded in
your personnel file. You MUST request scheduled time off in ADVANCE. Speak with your
manager to find out how far in advance you need to request time off. You are responsible to
find a substitute to work for you in your absence.
● You MUST notify your manager for emergency call-offs or if running late for a shift. It is
your responsibility to understand your unit’s attendance policies and how to report absences
and tardiness.
Student Employee Uniform Policy
In order to successfully fulfill your duties as a customer-oriented food service employee, you
must maintain a high standard of neatness and cleanliness.
● You will be issued a uniform (uniforms vary by unit; usually including a shirt, hat and
● Additional/replacement uniforms will be issued as needed and you may be charged for
lost or ruined items.
● You are expected to arrive to work in your complete uniform, which must be CLEAN
and in good repair.
● All shirts should be neatly tucked into the waistband of the pants.
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● Belts, zippers, buttons, etc. should be fastened properly so clothes are not loose or sloppy.
● Unacceptable:
o No part of your undergarments should ever be visible.
o Your hairstyle must accommodate the proper fit of your hat.
o Hats are not to be worn backward or sideways.
o Hair wraps, “do-rags”, scarves and bandanas are not permitted to be worn under
your hat.
o Open toe shoes
● You may be sent home off the clock if inappropriately dressed.
● All uniforms must be RETURNED CLEAN within seven (7) days of your last day of
work. After seven (7) days, your university student account will be billed for any items
not returned. Hats are not returned for sanitary reasons.
You must provide:
Clean, un-ripped slacks or jeans, (blue, black, or khaki preferred).
A belt if the pants have belt loops.
Closed toe shoes that cover the foot completely (non-slip soled, black shoes preferred)
o Knit pants, jeggings, yoga pants, capris, flood-style pants, sweat pants, pants with
excessive pockets or zippers, etc.
o Clothing or attire must not interfere with equipment or the safe operation of
Employees are expected to meet the following standards or guidelines with respect to
personal grooming and hygiene upkeep:
● Consistent bathing and oral hygiene – Apply a deodorant/antiperspirant before coming to
● No heavily-scented perfumes, colognes or lotions.
● Clean, well-groomed hair; including facial hair. All long hair must be fully restrained in
a ponytail, bun or braid.
● Fingernails must be clean and neatly trimmed. If wearing nail polish or artificial nails,
gloves must be worn at all times. Nail jewelry is NOT allowed.
● One (1) wedding band may be worn.
● Piercings are limited to only one (1) set of earrings. They must be smaller than a quarter
in size. Facial jewelry is prohibited. CLEAR piercing retainers may be worn if desired.
● No bracelets or other jewelry may be worn while working.
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All Dining Services student employees are expected to abide by the University’s Student
Conduct Code as well as Dining work rules, the Michigan Modified Food Code and Michigan
Food Law of 2000 (revised). In training, you will also become acquainted with University
Health and Safety regulations that you are expected to follow. Please ask your supervisor if you
have questions.
Job Safety
Below are some general rules that will help maintain a safe and fun working environment as we
prepare healthy food for our customers.
● Keep your work area clean and dry to prevent slips and falls.
● Be organized to avoid having to work under pressure.
● If china or glass is broken around food, notify your supervisor immediately before
leaving to get cleaning supplies. If breakage is over a large area, get help to block off
area and then proceed to get cleaning supplies.
● Ensure that there is a visible "wet floor" caution sign when mopping floors and cleaning
up breakage and spills.
● While handling hot foods, use oven mitts only, not your apron or cleaning towels.
● Keep aisles clear of equipment. Ensure a clear path while carrying food, sharp or heavy
● Give help and get help when lifting heavy items.
● Alert others when carrying heavy objects or when coming through with hot items. For
example, call out: “Coming through Hot!”
● IMPORTANT: Always wear latex gloves if handling any situation in which blood is
● If something seems like a safety hazard or a health hazard do not hesitate to inform your
● Contact management if you have any allergy issues.
● No smoking. Smoking is not permitted inside or within 25 feet of University buildings.
Make sure to wash your hands after smoking (during an approved break and in an
approved location).
● Eating and drinking are permitted in designated areas during breaks.
● No gum chewing is permitted.
● Personal items such as backpacks, gym bags, coats, etc., are not permitted in work areas
and must be stored in designated areas. Lockers are available in most units. NOTE:
EMU Dining is not responsible for stolen items.
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On the Job Injury or Illness
In the event of any job injury or illness that requires first-aid, NOTIFY YOUR SUPERVISOR
IMMEDIATELY. Your Supervisor will have you fill out the employee section of the
Occupational Injury and Illness Form. If medical treatment is required, you must use the
University’s contracted health services supplier, Midwest Health Center (see below). If you are
unable to return to work YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY notify your supervisor. SEEK
Note: University policy prohibits staff transporting workers to the doctor or emergency room. If
you need assistance, management will contact DPS.
Monday – Friday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Midwest Health Center, P.C.
9301 Middlebelt Road
Romulus, MI 48174
After Hours and Weekends
Midwest Health Center, P.C.
4700 Schaefer
Dearborn, MI 48126
Open 24 hours – 7 days a week
Department of Risk Management
11 Welch Hall, EMU, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734.487.1357 Fax: 734.487.6827
General Emergencies
● Remain Calm - In any emergency situation, try to remain calm.
● Follow Instructions - Managers and/or DPS will be on hand as quickly as possible to
provide instructions.
● Assist Guests - All EMU Dining Services employees and unit managers are expected to
help direct guests in times of emergency. In the event of a guest injury or illness,
employees must provide initial assistance and inform the unit supervisor.
● Be Prepared - It is VERY important that you are aware of what to do in the event of an
emergency situation so that you are not putting yourself or guests in danger. Each unit
has posted emergency procedures.
● Safe Locations - Safe areas have been designated for each building and are prominently
displayed. It is your responsibility to know the location of the safest area in your building
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during an emergency. Your manager MUST always know your location in case of
Safe locations:
• The Commons, Satellites, and Dining Services Administrative Office: lower level
hallway near loading dock
• Eastern Eateries/QuickFixx: lower level storage area
• CrossRoads MarketPlace/Einstein Bros Bagels: basement hallway
• Student Center: lower level hallway near back dock
• Eagle Cafes: check with each building's management
● Choking - The State of Michigan adopts a "Good Samaritan Act" that encourages
employees to assist a choking victim without the threat of liability. In such an event, the
"Heimlich Maneuver" is the recommended procedure. Instructional posters detailing this
procedure are found in all kitchen areas.
● Severe Weather/Tornado Warning - Lead customers and staff to the recommended
safe location within the building and remain inside until given further instructions.
ASSIST DISABLED PERSONS. In the case of a tornado, stay away from windows,
doors, water faucets, sinks, bookcases, overhead light fixtures, filing cabinets and
electrical power equipment. Try to get under sturdy furniture using your arms to protect
your head and neck. Wait for emergency instructions from campus police.
● Power Outage - Remain at your work station and wait for management instructions and
● Fire Alarm - Lead staff and customers out of the building ASAP. ASSIST DISABLED
PERSONS. Each unit has a posted designated gathering area. If you have to evacuate
your building, you must report to the designated area so your supervisor can confirm that
you are safe.
● Bomb Scare - DPS will direct people where to go depending on the situation.
In any emergency contact DPS (Department of Public Safety) from a campus phone at 911
or dial 734.487.1222 from a cell phone.
Food Safety
All EMU Dining Services employees are expected to understand and follow Health Code
regulations pertaining to food safety. You will receive training and direction from your
supervisors. Food Safety is of primary importance within Dining Services. Our customer’s
health and safety, and our reputation within the University community, depends on
providing safe service.
● Washtenaw County Inspections – Per the Health Code, we will be randomly
inspected by the Washtenaw County Health Department. These inspections provide
feedback about our Food Safety efforts as well as reassurance to the community.
Dining Services takes pride in our positive record of Health Dept. inspections and
expects that you will do your part to maintain this important aspect of our Food Safety
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● Training – You will have MANDATORY training at the beginning of the semester as
well as several MANDATORY in-unit training sessions throughout the semester.
What are foodborne illnesses?
Foodborne illnesses are a group of pathogens (germs) that can cause life threatening illness to
some infected individuals.
Known as the “Big Five,” they are:
1. Salmonella typhi
2. Shigella
3. Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (E-coli)
4. Hepatitis A
5. Norovirus
These illnesses can be extremely dangerous and we require you to report any history with them
on your health forms. If you are diagnosed with a foodborne illness you must notify your
manager immediately. If you have symptoms (now or in the future), you would need to submit a
doctor’s note and form to your manager/supervisor to receive approval to return to work.
You are expected to know and follow these practices when working with food:
● Wash hands when you report to work and after using the rest room, coming back from
break, coughing into your hands, changing gloves or touching various items. Wash hands
at least every hour.
● Wear gloves to protect the foods you are preparing. Gloves must be worn when handling
ready to eat foods. Change gloves frequently.
● Always keep a sanitation bucket and clean bar towel on hand. Ensure that the sanitizing
solution is properly mixed per directions. Clean as you work -- return bar towels and
clean wash buckets, equipment and utensils to their proper places.
● Use the proper procedures, as explained during training, for the following:
o Proper labeling and dating of food.
o Proper serving and holding temperatures for food.
o Proper methods for cooling food.
o Proper methods for washing dishes, utensils and cookware. This will vary from
unit to unit depending on the type of equipment available.
● As an employee, you are responsible for cleaning up after each shift and may sign out
only after a supervisor has checked you off.
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Food Intolerance and Allergen Program
Food intolerances and allergies are a growing problem and can be a major health issue for those
affected. Dining Services makes every effort to address this issue by offering a Food Intolerance
and Allergen Program (FIAP) in collaboration with other departments on campus.
In-unit training – All EMU Dining Services students will receive in-unit training for handling
food intolerances, including the proper procedures for assisting customers and preparing food.
You will be expected to recognize and respond to customer requests in this regard. Notify your
supervisor immediately if you think that a customer or co-worker is having a reaction.
The 8 major food allergens are:
● Milk
● Eggs
● Fish
● Crustacean Shellfish
● Wheat
● Soybeans
● Peanuts
● Tree Nuts
Allergen Safety Zones – Every unit has an allergen safety zone that is used ONLY to prepare
food for people with special dietary needs. Allergic reactions to food can be life threatening to
some people. Please be respectful and follow the proper procedures with regard to these areas.
Questions - Ask your supervisor, in-unit chef, manager or email the Dining Services Food
Intolerance and Allergen Program at
Any and all content should be posted with the understanding that the information can be
redistributed through the Internet and viewed by the general public. When representing EMU in
an official capacity, faculty, staff and students are personally responsible for any content posted
or shared through social media, blogs, wikis, and any other form of user-generated content.
Do not post:
● Content that is disrespectful or has an aggressive tone
● Content containing vulgarity, obscenities or profanity
● Content that displays (even in jest) an individual getting hurt, attacked or humiliated
● Content that could be judged as racist, bigoted or demeaning to an individual, a group or
an organization
● Content that might be perceived as illegal, such as narcotics or underage drinking
● Content that represents EMU in a negative light
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Please keep the following in mind:
• Information is public. Anything you post may become public.
Office computers/devices are not allowed to be used to participate in online discussions,
unless you are an assigned manager or administrator of a social media site and/or posting
for business promotional purposes.
As an employee of EMU Dining Services, your posts, photos and discussions can be held
liable if they negatively impact EMU Dining Services or the University. This includes,
but is not limited to, photos of inappropriate behavior in an EMU uniform and/or at your
work site.
Under Michigan's Freedom of Information Act, many written communications (including
emails) to or from university employees are public records, available to the public and
media upon FOIA request.
Driving EMU Vehicles
Some student positions include the duty of driving an EMU Dining Services vehicle. If you are
assigned to drive a vehicle during your shift, you must adhere to ALL of the requirements as
noted in the Driver’s Statement of Responsibilities.
Lost and Found
Items of value must be turned in to unit managers. These items would include coats, jackets,
glasses, cell phones, university ID cards, driver's licenses, textbooks, backpacks, purses, keys,
credit cards and cash, etc. Staff may turn items in to DPS. Less valuable lost and found items
have a designated spot in each unit. These items will be held at each unit for approximately 30
days and unclaimed clothing will be donated to a local charity.
Picture Taking
Dining Services events and locations are periodically photographed. All employees have
automatically given their permission to have their photo taken while working.
Your unit will provide you with instructions on its particular program. You will be expected to
follow the unit program. Our success depends on you.
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Management reserves the right to be flexible and ensure that the consequences fit the offense. All
violations will be documented, according to individual unit policy. Some violations are more
serious than others.
Repeated violations will result in termination.
A violation of the rules below or failure to meet your obligations in terms of job performance,
personal conduct or attendance will result in disciplinary action.
Disciplinary steps are:
1) Verbal warning
2) Written warning
3) Termination
Failure to do a job assignment or follow instructions. Not completing tasks as assigned.
Rude or offensive treatment of customers.
Inappropriate language to co-workers or management.
Wasting time while on the clock.
Unnecessary loitering in unit when not on the clock.
Excessive playing around.
Unauthorized breaks.
Carelessness resulting in loss, damage or injury.
Inappropriate dress: Not wearing required uniform per unit specifications.
Closing early without authorization.
Cashiers leaving their station unattended.
Personal use of university supplies and/or equipment, including office phones,
computers, fax machines and printers.
Being in a closed building without approval.
Use of any personal electronics -- headphones, cell phones, iPads, iPods, Kindles, etc. –
is not permitted while on the clock.
● NOTE: Managers have the right to confiscate these items and return them to you at
the end of your shift. Cell phones may only be used on official breaks and left on
vibrate during your work shift.
● Unauthorized absenteeism will be recorded in your file.
● You must find a substitute to work for you if you need time off during your scheduled
● Notify your unit manager in person and well in advance if you need time off.
● Excessive absenteeism, tardiness or failure to call in and notify supervisor of tardiness or
absence may lead to termination.
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● Legal action will be taken if employees are caught stealing.
● Taking food and beverage without paying or approval is considered theft.
● Falsification of hours is also a serious offense:
1) Signing in or out for someone, having someone sign in or out on your behalf.
2) Leaving the unit without supervisor's permission.
3) Clocking in before your scheduled shift without approval.
● No call / No show – you must call in if you are going to miss work for any reason.
● Failure to attend training – a training sessions is part of your job requirements.
● Possession or consumption of any alcoholic beverages on university property. Reporting
to work under the influence or consuming narcotics or alcohol on the job. Possession,
use, distribution, sale or offering the sale of any narcotics or other drugs.
● Gambling on university property at any time.
● Possession of any weapon.
● Immoral conduct or indecency.
● Sleeping on the job.
● Theft of university, employee or customer property.
● Misuse or removal of employee lists, university records or confidential information of
any nature from university premises, without proper authorization.
● Sabotage or other deliberate damage and destruction of university property, including the
computer system and its components.
● Falsification of any company records, including those dealing with your own
● Gross discourtesy to customers. Verbal or written threats to customers or colleagues.
● Harassment, sexual harassment or assault of other employees.
● Please refer to the EMU Student Code of Conduct for additional violations.
● EMU Dining may, at any time, terminate you for any reason.
● If you choose to resign, you must provide a 2-week notice to the unit in order to leave in
good standing.
● Failure to adhere to any Eastern Michigan University or Dining Services policies and
procedures may result in termination. The list of violations included in this handbook is
not exhaustive.
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Please sign below acknowledging you have read the EMU Dining Services Handbook and agree to follow
the policies and procedures.
I have read and understand the contents of this handbook and will act in accord with these policies and
procedures as a condition of my employment with EMU Dining Services.
Print Name/ Unit
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