Leaflet S1 SBM 2015

1. Understands theoretical concepts relating to the functions of management in increasing the
efficiency of an organization.
2. Understands how to develop a management system.
3. Understands the basic principles of social sciences (sociology, economics, psychology and
anthropology) required for fully appreciating management environments.
4. Understands concepts of unity in diversity and multiculturalism.
5. Understands the basic principles of technology, mathematics and statistics.
Outlook of Student Encouraged in the Curriculum
1. Has a sense of responsibility towards own work and towards the achievement of organizational
success in conformity with ethical, legal and social obligations.
2. Has leadership qualities which comprise, among others, the ability to show initiative, to
innovate and to be prepared to take risks.
3. Has a sense of national priorities.
Kegiatan Mahasiswa di Lab Kresna Sekuritas SBM ITB
Kegiatan perkuliahan di Starbuck Coffee
The Core Learning Material
In the curriculum of the degree in management students are given a knowledge of management science
in general, the functions of management, the principles of leadership, and the ability to communicate.
Students are then required to make a contribution to a specific group following ethical guidelines and
being prepared to face the business challenges with which they are presented.
In the School of Business and Management of the Bandung Institute of Technology, team work is an
important part of the learning process and many subjects are conducted through group work (4-5
students). As future leaders students have to be able to settle differences which may arise without
provoking conflict. Team work is not only about working together but more importantly about how to
achieve one's goals as a whole team.
The curriculum makes use of several methods to increase students' knowledge in the time available:
field-trips, public performances, the writing of business proposals, practical engagement in business,
social service, guest lectures and seminars.
Gedung SBM ITB
Kegiatan mahasiswa
School of Business and Management
Programme of Study for the Degree in Management
Programme of Study for the Degree in Entrepreneurship
Comparison between the Curricula of the Degrees of Entrepreneurship and Management
Issu e
T arget Field
C onceptual A bility
A pproach
D river
G raduate Profile
Fields of Study
Perform ance
En tre p re n e u rsh ip C u rricu lu m
N ot yet existing or em bryo
D esign T hinking
1. Fledgling Entrepreneur
2. B usiness Planner
3. B usiness D eveloper
4. B usiness C onsultant and
A dviser
B usiness system s and
m odels
Launching of start-up
System s of of business
and investm ent
Innovation and
A nalysis of risk in startin g
up and developing
Increase in the num ber of
M an age m e n t C u rricu lu m
Existing or established
A nalysis
System s T hink ing
C om petition
1. Junior M anager
2. System s Planner
3. B usiness A nalyst
4. M anagem ent C onsulta nt
and T rainer
T he processes and
system s of m angem ent
System s of business
System of functional
m anagem ent
M anagem ent of
efficiency and quality
A nalysis relating to
im provem ents and risks
Increase in the efficiency of
Further information from:
or call +6222-2531923 ext. 118
School of Business & Management Building
Institut Teknologi Bandung Campus
Jalan Ganesha No.10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia
School of Business & Management
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Field Trips
Programme of Study for the Degree in Entrepreneurship
School of Business and Management
A comprehensive curriculum which includes studying, putting into practice and developing the science of the
cycle of building a business enterprise, beginning with the identification of opportunities, devising creative
concepts, planning the enterprise, and establishing it in its initial stages right up to the point of building
upon innovative ideas having calculated the relevant risks.
Management Practice “Oddisey”
Service Scape
Programme of Study for the Degree in Management
School of Business and Management
1. Understands concepts of innovation and principles of creativity in relation to the
development of products and enterprises.
2. Understands how business develops.
3. Understands the basic principles of social sciences such as sociology, economics,
psychology, anthropology and how they apply to understanding the institutions and
context of the world of business.
4. Understands the principles of management science.
5. Knows the basic principles of technology, mathematics and statistics.
Final Defence Preparation
A comprehensive curriculum which includes studying, putting into practice and developing
management science, the functions of business, the basic principles of leadership and the ability to
communicate, as well as providing students with an understanding of business ethics and the ability
to think analytically.
Outlook of the Student Encouraged in the Curriculum
To produce Graduates in Entrepreneurship who are able to apply their skills and knowledge to recognize and
grasp business opportunities, and create and develop enterprises after assessing the business risks involved.
Graduates are expected to be able to plan business models and procedures which abide by ethical protocols
in accordance with principles of business practice of universally acknowledged excellence and industrial
standards of the highest quality.
1. Has high moral standards and recognizes responsibility in conforming to business ethics.
2. Has appropriate leadership qualities such as showing initiative, risk-taking, independence,
creativity, being proactive and innovative.
3. Has a sense of national priorities when conducting business.
The Core Learning Material
Graduate Profile
· Fledgling Entrepreneur
· Business Planner
· Business Developer
· Business Consultant and Adviser
1. Able to plan business systems and models
2. Able to identify business opportunities and conduct research on the feasibility of a business and
make a business proposal.
3. Able to see through a business from the stage of preparing the market, launching the product,
managing production, human resources and finances.
4. Able to build up a business so that it develops with steady growth.
5. Able to manage risk associated with a business and its development.
6. Able to communicate and negotiate.
Entrepreneurship is the disciplinary science of the life cycle of an enterprise beginning with
conceptualization and planning right up to operating a successful business. The foundations of the
science of entrepreneurship include business models, theories of innovation, business planning,
handling of risk, investment and allocation of finances, a knowledge of negotiation and the business
legislation, the setting up and development of a business.
As distinct from management graduates who focus on increasing the efficiency of an established
business system, graduates in entrepreneurship are interested in starting up a not-yet existing
business or a business still at the embryo stage. The curriculum of a degree in entrepreneurship does
not only consist of of understanding theoretical business models and business planning but also aims to
produce graduates who are able to set up a new business and devise a strategy for the the growth of a
The curriculum for the degree in entrepreneurship contains the unique feature of including the
practical incubation of a business and constant guidance which helps students to gain planning and
business experience so that the learning process does not only consist of studying theory but also
includes directly having the experience of and operating a business.
To produce Graduates in Management who are able to conduct analyses and plan systems of
management, and are highly skilled in using management concepts and frameworks together with
technology to solve management problems in a business; who have leadership qualities and are able
to make management decisions as well skilfully communicate effectively; and are able to be
adaptive in the context of management problems which they might face.
Graduate profile
· Junior Manager
· Systems Planner
· Business Analyst
· Management Consultant and Trainer
1. Able to carry out an analysis and plan the management system of a business.
2.Able to identify management problems and use management science frameworks and
concepts to solve problems.
3.Able to operate a management system relating to the division of functions of a business.
4. Able to carry out an analysis, identify a system of optimization of resources, and take
individual and collective decisions to increase organizational efficiency
5.Able to manage risks related to the taking of managerial decisions.
6.Able to communicate effectively and adapt to the context of business problems which
may arise.