Criminal Justice 2014–2015 Catalog CLA DEC 2013 Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd 151 Lorong Chuan #02-08 New Tech Park (Lobby H) Singapore 556741 Tel (65) 6410 1200 Fax (65) 6410 1208 e-mail Cengage Learning Asia introducing the new . . . Cengage Technology Editions are being launched to support educators and learners in making a smooth transition from print to digital learning and instruction. These hybrid editions combine full ebooks or digital solutions packages with print editions for maximum flexibility and benefits, including: enhanced student-teacher interactions engaged students, improved learning experiences and better outcomes a growing and interconnected pool of best-selling titles from Cengage Learning Cengage Technology Editions offer the best in print and digital content to create the kinds of blended learning experiences that are fast gaining popularity among students. These editions provide hybrid alternatives to best-selling titles from Cengage Learning in disciplines such as Business and Economics, Science and Mathematics, Social Sciences and Humanities, and more. Engage with Us! Email • Contents Criminal Justice Corrections������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2 Courts and Law����������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 Criminal Justice Administration����������������������������������������24 Criminology��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25 Ethics in Criminal Justice���������������������������������������������������� 32 Introduction to Criminal Justice���������������������������������������34 Issues in Criminal Justice����������������������������������������������������46 Juvenile Delinquency/Juvenile Justice������������������������������57 Police���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������60 Policy��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 74 Research Methods and Statistics���������������������������������������75 Security����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 77 Terrorism��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 78 Women and Criminal Justice���������������������������������������������� 79 Combined Author/Title Index���������������������������������������������81 Order form/pricelist is available upon request through Cengage Learning Representative. Special price requests for class adoption are subject to approval. Please contact your Cengage Learning Representative for details. Information contained in this catalog is correct at the time of printing. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. Criminal Justice Corrections corrections operates for juveniles as compared with adult populations. • In addition to increased coverage of special populations, the second edition includes expanded and enhanced coverage of many other important and emerging topics in the field of corrections. These include the effects of the U.S. economy on correctional policies and strategies, evidence-based policies and practices, privatization of corrections and correctional facilities across the country, diversion strategies for nonviolent offenders, and the latest developments in juvenile sentencing and juvenile corrections. FEATURES AMERICAN CORRECTIONS IN BRIEF, 2E Todd R. Clear, Rutgers University; George F. Cole, University of Connecticut; Michael D. Reisig, Arizona State University; Carolyn Petrosino, Bridgewater State University A condensed, more accessible version of the bestselling corrections book on the market, AMERICAN CORRECTIONS IN BRIEF, 2nd Edition, introduces students to the dynamics of corrections in a way that captures their interest and encourages them to enter the field. The brief paperback format of this book makes it more approachable, and the well-respected author team includes several pedagogical elements to promote students’ success. Complete with valuable careerbased material, insightful guest speakers, illuminating real-world cases, and uniquely even-handed treatment of institutional and community sanctions, the text examines the U.S. correctional system from the perspectives of both the corrections worker and the offender, providing students with a well-rounded, balanced introduction to corrections. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Expanded coverage of “special populations” appears in two new chapters. In the first of these, Chapter 9, “Special Populations,” readers will find dramatically expanded discussion of elderly prisoners, prisoners with HIV AIDS, mentally ill prisoners, and long-term prisoners. This more comprehensive chapter also includes a new section on sexual minorities. • The second new chapter (Chapter 12) in this edition focuses on juveniles, providing much more detailed coverage of juvenile correctional populations and expands the description of the special way that • To provide maximum learning reinforcement and student success, each chapter’s learning objectives are carefully integrated within the text, matched to end-of-chapter summary sections, and linked to corresponding quiz/test items. • “Focus On. . .” boxes bring to life the real-world relevance of the issues discussed in the text. These boxes--organized by topic into Correctional Technology, Correctional Policy, and Correctional Practice--use vivid, in-depth accounts by correctional workers, journalists, prisoners, parolees, and the relatives of those who are in the system. • To reflect the way the corrections system has evolved in recent decades, the authors devote three chapters to community corrections, more than any other corrections textbook on the market. • “Careers in Corrections” features present information on various career paths in corrections. The material includes the nature of the work, required qualifications, earnings, and job outlook--providing valuable insight into who plays what role. • “Myths in Corrections” sidebars address common myths and misconceptions about corrections and criminal justice, providing an interesting and effective way to engage students, stimulate class discussion, and encourage critical thinking. • Unique, highly praised “Do the Right Thing” insets present scenarios in which ethical questions arise. Students examine the issues and consider how they would act in such a situation. CONTENTS Part I: CORRECTIONAL CONTEXT. 1. What Is Corrections? 2 2. Punishment of Offenders. Part II: CORRECTIONS IN THE COMMUNITY. 3. Jails. 4. Probation and Intermediate Sanctions. 5. Probation Supervision. Part III: INSTITUTIONAL CORRECTIONS. 6. Prisons. 7. Prison Experience. 8. Management and Staffing. 9. Special Populations. Part IV: CORRECTIONAL ISSUES. 10. Reentry and Community Supervision. 11. Legal Issues and the Death Penalty. 12. Juvenile Corrections. 13. Corrections Today and Tomorrow. © 2015, 400pp, Paperback, 9781285458427 AMERICAN CORRECTIONS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 10E Todd R. Clear, Rutgers University; George F. Cole, University of Connecticut; Michael D. Reisig, Arizona State University Long at the forefront of the course AMERICAN CORRECTIONS, 10E, International Edition has been a trusted resource for introducing students to the dynamics of corrections in a way that captures their interest and encourages them to enter the field. Complete with valuable career-based material, insightful guest speakers, illuminating real-world cases, and uniquely even-handed treatment of institutional and community sanctions, the text examines the U.S. correctional system from the perspectives of both the corrections worker and the offender, providing students with the most well-rounded, balanced introduction to corrections available. NEW TO THIS EDITION FEATURES • Crucial community corrections material previously presented in Chapter 21 (and often skipped as a result) now appears in Chapter 8, “Probation,” and Chapter 9, “Intermediate Sanctions and Community Corrections.” This change results in early, thorough coverage of all aspects of surveillance and control in the community, and reduces the number of chapters from 23 to 22. • Each chapter opens with a high-interest vignette-nearly all of them new--based on today’s headlines and designed to draw students into the chapter material. Topics include recent actions of Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff, Joe Arpaio (Chapter 7); the April 2011 charges brought against New Jersey correctional officer Luis Roman (Chapter 11); and the “Moms and Babies” program at the Decatur Correctional Center in Illinois (Chapter 12). • To further enhance the relevancy of text content and hone student’s critical thinking skills, chapter openers are linked to one or two new critical thinking insets in the chapter. These activities--suitable for student reflection, group work, and writing assignments-connect the real-world case to a specific topic, and pose questions that challenge students to apply what they are learning. For instance, the feature for Chapter 7 on jails revisits the story of Sheriff Arpaio, and asks students to consider the advantages and disadvantages of electoral accountability for jail administrators. • The Focus on Correctional Policy and Focus on Correctional Practice boxes have been refreshed to emphasize evidence-based practices in corrections, especially in the high-profile areas of probation, intermediate sanctions, and parole. The guest perspective of U.S. Probation Officer Scott Talbot explains this new orientation and its importance in the field. • Each chapter has been thoroughly updated in response to reviewer feedback, with the most dramatic enhancements being in the areas of community corrections, re-entry into the community, prison overcrowding, and the implications of state budgetary restrictions on the correctional system. This edition also presents expanded and clarified coverage on the theoretical basis of policies, particularly in community corrections. • Each part opens with a Guest Perspective that ties correctional innovations and ideas to the topics found in the upcoming part. Written by experts in various corrections subfields, these insightful essays cover innovations in such hot areas as prisoner re-entry into the community and evidence-based practices, 3 further enhancing the book’s real-world orientation. • Providing for maximum reinforcement and student success, chapters begin with numbered learning objectives that are carefully matched to end-ofchapter summary sections--as well as linked to corresponding quiz and test items. • Focus on . . . boxes bring to life the real-world relevance of the issues discussed in the text. These boxes--which cover People in Corrections, Correctional Policy, and Correctional Practice--use vivid, in-depth accounts by correctional workers, journalists, prisoners, parolees, and the relatives of those who are in the system to illuminate chapter topics. • Myths in Corrections sections address common myths and misconceptions about corrections and criminal justice, providing an interesting and effective way to engage students, stimulate class discussion, and encourage critical thinking. • Careers in Corrections boxes, found in appropriate chapters throughout the book, focus on a particular correctional occupation. The material includes the nature of the work, required qualifications, earnings and job outlook, plus a source for more information. This feature gives students valuable insight into who plays what role in the corrections field. CONTENTS Part I: THE CORRECTIONAL CONTEXT. 1. The Corrections System. 2. The Early History of Correctional Thought and Practice. 3. The History of Corrections in America. 4. The Punishment of Offenders. 5. The Law of Corrections. 6. The Correctional Client. Part II: CORRECTIONAL PRACTICES. 7. Jails, Detention and Short-Term Incarceration. 8. Probation. 9. Intermediate Sanctions and Community Corrections. 10. Incarceration. 11. The Prison Experience. 12. Incarceration of Women. 13. Institutional Management. 14. Institutional Programs. 15. Release from Incarceration. 16. Making It: Supervision in the Community. 17. Corrections for Juveniles. Part III: CORRECTIONAL ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES. 18. Incarceration Trends. 19. Race, Ethnicity, and Corrections. 20. The Death Penalty. 21. Community Justice. 22. American Corrections: Looking Forward. © 2013, 624pp, Paperback, 9781111841621 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Wadsworth; Ann Short, Northern Virginia Community College COMMUNIT Y CORRECTIONS: CURRENT PERSPECTIVES FROM INFOTRAC® includes timely articles on Supervision & Management, Re-Entry & Partnerships, Prison Alternatives, House Arrest & Electronic Monitoring, Restitution, Treatment, Sober Living House, Boot Camp and Gender Specific Issues. These articles are an ideal supplement to our Corrections and Community Corrections texts. Along with the reader, students are given access to an entire library’s worth of reliable sources with INFOTRAC®® College Edition, an online university library of more than 5,000 academic and popular magazines, newspapers, and journals. FEATURES • This short reader includes articles on Current Perspectives in the field of Community Corrections. CONTENTS PART I: COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS: SUPERVISION & MANAGEMENT. 1. Using Technology to Monitor Offenders: A Community Corrections Perspective. 2. Research into Practice: Bridging the Gap in Community Corrections . 3. Leveraging the Criminal Justice System to Reduce Alcohol- and Drug-Related Crime: A Review of Three Promising, and Innovative Model Programs. 4. Dealing with Violations in the 21st Century. PART II: RE ENTRY & PARTNERSHIPS. 5. Program Helps Ex-Inmates Adjust to New Life. 6. Pre-and Post-Release Services: Inmate Health Care and Communicable Diseases. 7. Maximizing Inmate Employment Success in the BOP. 8. Youth Services Teams with Universities for Sex Offender Programs. PART III: PRISON ALTERNATIVES. 9. Sentencing Commission Approves Guidelines On 4 Prison Alternatives. 10. Making Crime Control Pay: Cost-Effective Alternatives to Incarceration. 11. More than Three-Quarters (77 percent) of Adults Believe Alternatives to Incarceration Do Not Decrease Public Safety. 12. Alternatives to Prison: Government Alternative Imprisonment Program to Cut Cost. PART IV: HOUSE ARREST AND ELECTRONIC MONITORING 13. Judge Puts New Limits on Hate-Crime Suspect: Oregon State Man Under House Arrest. 14. SecureAlert, Inc. Partners with Bahamian Ministry of National Security to Deliver Electronic Monitoring Services to a Minimum of 500 Offenders. PART V: RESTITUTION. 15. Under ‘Dolan,’ Court Authorized to Impose Restitution After 90-Day Statutory Deadline. 16. Supreme Court: Judges Have Leeway on Criminal Restitution Deadline. 17. Virginia Beach Devises New Plan to Collect Restitution from Criminals. 18. Judge Orders Viewer of Child Pornography Posted On the Internet to Pay Restitution to the Victim. PART VI: TREATMENT . SEX OFFENDERS. 19. Treatment at La Macaza Clinic: A Qualitative Study of the Sexual Offenders’ Perspective. 20. Successful Transitions from Institution to Community: Reentry and the Washington State Sex Offender Treatment Program. DRUGS. 21. Similar Outcomes for Day Hospital and Community Residential Treatment Patients. 22. Factors Associated with Treatment Compliance and its Effects on Retention Among Participants in a Court-Mandated Treatment Program. 23. One-Year-Old Reform Saves 1,000 Drug Offenders from Prison, According to Preliminary Estimates. PART VII: SOBER LIVING HOUSES. 24. Sober Living Houses Associated with Good Outcomes for Drug and Alcohol Dependence. PART VIII: BOOT CAMP. 25. Realigning Illinois Fiscal Priorities in Juvenile Justice. 26. Special Courts Offer Alternatives to Jail Sentences: Officials Monitor Offenders, Ensuring They Get Treatment. PART IX: GENDER SPECIFIC ISSUES. 27. Addressing Gender Issues Among Staff in Community Corrections. 28. Treating Female Perpetrators: State Standards for Batterer Intervention Services. © 2012, 208pp, Paperback, 9781111828325 COMMUNITY-BASED CORRECTIONS, 10E Leanne Fiftal Alarid, University of Texas-San Antonio Objective, comprehensive, and completely up-to-date, the tenth edition of best-selling COMMUNITY-BASED CORRECTIONS provides an excellent introduction to the procedures, practices, and personnel involved in community-based corrections. Students learn about the wide array of effective punishments and treatment programs that constitute alternatives to incarceration, and which are designed to meet the level of risk posed by, and the needs of, each individual. These include probation, parole, electronic monitoring, house arrest, day-treatment centers, boot camps, restitution, fines, and other options. The book’s balanced approach reflects a strong emphasis on practical and legal matters, and places the programs in their historical, philosophical, social, and legal context. Input from professionals in the field gives students invaluable insight into real-world practice. NEW TO THIS EDITION • In Chapter 1, coverage of theories related to community correctional goals has been expanded to include specific deterrence; rehabilitation through risk, needs, and responsivity; and restorative justice. The chapter also introduces an integrated theory of probation (the participation process model). • Chapter 2 now includes material on the purpose of probation (formerly Box 1.1 in the previous edition) to highlight the functions of probation at a more opportune spot. In addition, this chapter now introduces deferred adjudication/diversion so that students gain a better understanding of how modern day diversion developed from the suspended sentence. The early discussion of diversion is also fitting for the case study at the end of the chapter. • Reflecting the recent increase in literature related to 5 pretrial release and supervision, Chapter 4 contains updated coverage on the most recent findings in this area, including an introduction to the Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS) for pretrial. • Chapter 5, “Classification and Supervision,” includes increased coverage on emergent practices, such as motivational interviewing, to be in line with evidencebased practices. The ORAS for community supervision has been incorporated into this chapter, replacing the Wisconsin Risk and Needs instrument. The interstate compact section has been completely rewritten and updated. • Chapter 7 incorporates the most recent and updated literature on revocation as well as solutions for reducing revocation through graduated sanctions. • Chapters 10 and 11 on restorative justice and reentry into the community, respectively, have been significantly revised and expanded to ensure the most current treatment of these crucial community corrections issues. Particularly noteworthy enhancements have been made to the sections on conferencing, reparation boards, victim impact panels, and collateral consequences. • Chapter 13 contains new sections on two approaches that work with juveniles and their families--functional family therapy and multisystemic therapy. • An all-new Chapter 14, “Bringing It All Together: Practical Solutions for Community-Based Corrections,” presents a solution-based agenda for applying the theories introduced in Chapter 1; for instance, specific deterrence through community supervision. The participation process model is applied by tying together concepts of communication, casework strategies, and leverage. Restorative solutions include justice reinvestment and restoring civil rights to offenders who want to legitimately move on with their lives. FEATURES • Providing for maximum reinforcement and student success, chapters begin with numbered learning objectives that are linked to corresponding quiz and test items. • A decision-making theme gives students opportunities to apply what they learn to real-world scenarios via case studies that appear in every chapter. Written by field practitioners, these exercises combine theory with real-life practice and can be used in class discussions or as a basis for writing assignments. CONTENTS Part I: OVERVIEW OF EVOLUTION OF COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS. 1. An Overview of Community Corrections: Goals and Evidence Practices. 2. How Probation Developed: Chronicling Its Past and Present. 3. History of Paroles and Mandatory Release. Part II: TECHNIQUES OF EVIDENCE-BASED COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL SUPERVISION. 4. Pretrial Supervision, Sentencing, and Presentence Investigation Report. 5. Classification and Supervision. 6. Community Supervision for Offenders with Special Needs. 7. Community Supervision Modification and Revocation. Part III: ENHANCEMENTS AND GRADUATED SANCTION. 8. Residential Community Supervision Programs. 9. Nonresidential Graduated Sanctions. 10. Economic and Restorative Justice Reparations. Part IV: SPECIAL ISSUES IN COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS. 11. Prisoner Reentry: Collateral Consequences, Parole, and Mandatory Release. 12. Career Pathways in Community Corrections. 13. Juvenile Justice, Probation, and Parole. 14. Bringing It All Together: Practical Solutions for Community-Based Corrections. © 2015, 400pp, Paperback, 9781285458397 CORRECTIONS TODAY, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 2E Larry J. Siegel, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Clemens Bartollas, University of Northern Iowa CORRECTIONS TODAY, International Edition is a briefer, visual, paperback alternative to expensive hardback Introduction to Corrections texts, ideal for instructors who are looking for course materials that present numerous real-world concepts and applications. It examines the field of corrections 6 through the lens of students who are giving serious thought to a career in the field or are now working in corrections while seeking an advanced degree in order to obtain a promotion and/or switch job paths. CORRECTIONS TODAY, International Edition offers the most practical, engaging, career-focused, and authoritative introduction to corrections available. NEW TO THIS EDITION • A unique new boxed feature in most chapters, “Evidence-Based Corrections,” highlights evidencebased policies and practices. For example, the box in Chapter 5 discusses a jail-based assessment and treatment project that is being tested in Iowa, focusing on caring for jail inmates suffering from substance abuse and criminal thinking. Chapter 10 features Arizona’s Getting Ready Program, a commonsense approach to pre-release preparation designed to reduce post-release recidivism by giving inmates better coping skills for dealing with the shock of reentry. • “Careers in Corrections” boxes are more closely tied to the chapter narrative and extensively revised with new information that emphasizes criminal justice education (e.g., how to prepare for a career in “x”). For example, in Chapter 7, “The Prison Experience: Males,” students learn how to prepare for a career as a correctional officer. In Chapter 15, “Today’s Corrections Professional,” they learn how to prepare for a career as an internal affairs investigator. • Expanded discussions illuminate such key topics as alternatives to confinement and the increase in community-based corrections, net widening, the current economic crisis and its impact on corrections, technology and technological advances in corrections, probation effectiveness, and how the expansion of programs and services in corrections has been effective in reducing recidivism. Coverage of terrorism has been updated and revised to focus exclusively on issues of terrorism in corrections, versus more general discussions such as types of terrorist groups and torture. FEATURES • Gripping, current, high-profile cases are the subject of the text’s real-life chapter opening vignettes capture student interest and encourage reading. Chapter 5, for instance, describes the case of Dr. Conrad Murray, who was found guilty of manslaughter in the death of his patient, Michael Jackson. Murray was sentenced to four years in county jail because of the recent sentencing realignment requiring that involuntary manslaughter cases not be served in state prison. The Chapter 6 vignette discusses state prison closings resulting from the first decline in state prison populations since 1977, and how this change is affecting local economies. • “TechnoCorrections” boxes, updated and increased in number from five to seven, provide comprehensive information about the latest technologies. Topics include a New Jersey pilot project concerning round-the-clock Global Positioning System (GPS) monitoring for the state’s most dangerous registered sex offenders; and possible future technologies, such as scanning devices that can help detect illegal contraband, devices that use radio waves to track prisoner and staff movements, and computer programs that may help predict where problems are most likely to occur within correctional institutions. • Careers in corrections are spotlighted with such features as “Voices Across the Profession” in every chapter, which include interviews of working professionals; “Careers in Corrections” boxes highlighting various career opportunities, the background required to pursue them, potential earnings, benefits, and the future job outlook; and end-of-chapter “Thinking Like a Corrections Professional” activities that challenge students to think critically and problem solve about dilemmas they are likely to face on the job. • “Correctional Life” inserts give students a firsthand glimpse of what it is like to do time at prisons of the past or the present. The settings examined include the historic Eastern State Penitentiary as well as today’s supermax prisons, a life sentence, and a death row experience. Also featured are an average day in the life of a probation officer, and the challenge of an inmate preparing his or her case for appeal. • Provocative “Myth/Fact” boxes present popular myths (i.e., “prison rehabilitation efforts are a failure”) followed by a fact that has been supported by research in the field, and are sure to generate lively discussion and debate in the classroom. • Several chapters have timelines covering the important events that shaped the history of corrections. These 7 features give students a sense of the past, tie the past to the present, and offer a glimpse of what the future may bring. For example, one timeline depicts the U.S. Supreme Court’s most important decisions on the death penalty, offering an indication of the direction the Court is likely to take on the issue in the future. CONTENTS Part I: WHY DO WE PUNISH? 1. The Correctional System. Part II: HOW DO WE PUNISH? 2. Sentencing and the Correctional Process. Part III: HOW DO WE CORRECT IN THE COMMUNITY? 3. Community Corrections: Diversion and Probation. 4. Intermediate Sanctions. Part IV: WHERE DO WE PUNISH? 5. The Jail. 6. Correctional Institutions. 7. The Prison Experience: Males. 8. The Prison Experience: Females. 9. Prisoners’ Rights. Part V: HOW DO WE REHABILITATE? 10. Correctional Programs and Services. 11. Parole and Release to the Community. Part VI: WHAT ARE SPECIAL NEEDS POPULATIONS? 12. Special Prison Populations. 13. Capital Punishment and the Death Row Inmate. 14. The Juvenile Offender. Part VII: WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF CORRECTIONS? 15. Today’s Corrections Professional: Characteristics, Challenges, and Opportunities. © 2014, 416pp, Paperback, 9781133934257 varying points of view of the corrections system. Personal accounts from prisoners--and one of the authors--spotlight the brutal aspects of prison life and the intent of the U.S. to create a “prison industrial complex”. The authors, one of whom served 10 years in prison before becoming a noted criminologist in the field, present the material in a powerful but compassionate manner. Completely current, the Fourth Edition includes updated statistics and coverage of such key issues as sex offenders, immigration, the impact of the war on terror, and more. The book’s strong research foundation and reader-friendly presentation make it an ideal resource for a wide variety of courses. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New! Each chapter now includes an opening vignette based on a recent high-profile case or issue in the news to help students make the connection between theory and real-world application. • New! Keeping this book on the cutting edge, the Fourth Edition includes coverage of such key topics as plea bargaining, sex offenders, juveniles in adult prisons, special populations, immigration, the impact of the war on terror, and more. • New! To provide maximum learning reinforcement, learning objectives are listed at the beginning of each chapter. FEATURES IT’S ABOUT TIME, 4E America’s Imprisonment Binge James Austin, The JFA Institute; John Irwin, Professor Emeritus, San Francisco State University Based on extensive research, IT’S ABOUT TIME: AMERICA’S IMPRISONMENT BINGE, 4e offers a compelling argument illustrating how the U.S. attempts to lower crime by using our correctional system as the primary solution. The book’s comprehensive coverage exposes students--many for the first time--to the • Offering comprehensive yet balanced coverage, IT’S ABOUT TIME: AMERICA’S IMPRISONMENT BINGE, 4e delivers a critical analysis of the U.S. prison system and the damage it imposes on prisoners. • Completely current, the text provides the most upto-date statistics available on crime rates, criminal justice expenditures, and the overall state of the prison system. • The text draws from real-world, firsthand accounts-including the personal experiences of one of the authors--to give students a rare insider’s look into modern prison life. CONTENTS 1. Our Imprisonment Binge. 2. Who Goes to Prison. 3. The Imprisonment of Children and Women. 4. The Private Prison Binge. 5. Doing Time. 6. Super Max. 7. Release. 8. The Correctional Treatment Industrial Complex. 9. The Three Strikes and You’re Out Movement. 10. It’s About 8 Time. Index. © 2012, 288pp, Paperback, 9780534615963 Courts and Law AMERICA’S COURTS AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 11E David W. Neubauer, University of New Orleans; Henry F. Fradella, California State University-Long Beach The premier choice for Courts courses for decades, this popular text offers a comprehensive explanation of the courts and the criminal justice system, presented in a streamlined, straightforward manner that appeals to instructors and students alike. Neubauer and Fradella’s crisp and clear writing, characterized by the organization of material into brief sections within chapters, ensures that readers gain a firm handle on the material. At the same time, the text’s innovative “courtroom workhouse” model, which focuses on the interrelationships among the judge, prosecutor, and defense attorney, brings the courtroom to life. AMERICA’S COURTS AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, 11E, International Edition has long been known for the way it gives students a true glimpse what it is like to work within the American criminal justice system. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Completely revised and thoroughly updated, AMERICA’S COURTS AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, 11E, International Edition is now a 17-chapter text (versus 19 chapters in the previous edition), which aligns more easily with the average semester length. Reorganizing and streamlining material not only yields a briefer book with fewer chapters, it also results in earlier coverage of lower courts, including traffic offenses, justices of the peace, and municipal courts – issues which students often find among the book’s most engaging and relevant. • Increased coverage of contemporary issues facing America’s courts includes media coverage of trials, forensics and its effect on juries and courtrooms, the CSI effect, decision-making and tracking technology, wrongful conviction, and much more. • The ever-increasing role of technology has been greatly expanded throughout the text, with discussion of how technology has affected the courts in ways ranging from electronic monitoring of offenders to social media in the courtroom. • Updated features in each chapter provide a contemporary lens for students to understand the dynamics and complexities affecting America’s courts today. “Law, Courts and Media,” “Case-Up Close,” and “Courts and Controversy” boxes include topics such as Is It Time to End the War on Drugs?, Should DUI and Distracted Driving Prosecutions Be Increased?, Should Juveniles Be Tried as Adults?, The Casey Anthony Trial, American Gangster, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, and many other contemporary examples and issues. FEATURES • This best-selling text on criminal courts features a unique emphasis on courthouse dynamics, which gives students a true sense of “being in the courthouse.” • The book’s unique themes--the law on the books, the law in action, and the law in controversy--provide students with a means of focusing on important issues and how to think critically about them. • “Case Close-Up” boxes in each chapter present an important court decision that has affected our nation’s criminal justice system. These boxes also highlight the dynamic nature of courts in the United States. • The Eleventh Edition features three appendices: the U.S. Constitution; An Overview of the United States Constitution, focusing on those parts of the Constitution that describe the judicial system; and Legal Reasoning, an explanation of adjudication as the formal process by which legal disputes are judicially resolved in courts of law. • “Courts and Controversy” boxes deal with contentious issues in the criminal courts system and how these issues are resolved. • To provide maximum learning reinforcement, each 9 chapter begins with numbered learning objectives that are carefully matched to the text discussion and the end-of-chapter summary (Chapter Review). The Chapter Review is also linked to corresponding quiz/ test items in the accompanying Test Bank. CONTENTS 1. Courts, Crime, and Controversy. 2. Law and Crime. 3. Federal Courts. 4. State Courts. 5. The Dynamics of Courthouse Justice. 6. Prosecutors. 7. Defense Attorneys. 8. Judges. 9. Defendants and Victims. 10. From Arrest and Bail to Arraignment. 11. Disclosing and Suppressing Evidence. 12. Negotiated Justice and the Plea of Guilty. 13. Trials and Juries. 14. Sentencing Options. 15. Sentencing Decisions. 16. Appellate and Habeas Corpus Review. 17. Juvenile Courts. © 2014, 648pp, Paperback, 9781285062242 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, 6E J. Scott Harr, Metropolitan State University and Normandale Community College; Kären Matison Hess, Normandale Community College; Christine Hess Orthmann; Jonathan Kingsbury, St. Cloud State University Unrivaled in its simplicity and skill-building pedagogy, market-leading CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, 6th Edition, thoroughly explains the complexities of the U.S. Constitution and the criminal justice system. Extremely student friendly, the text avoids “legalese” and is packed with real-world illustrations. Its unique and effective pedagogical framework for concept mastery helps readers develop a solid understanding of key issues and concepts, while more than 200 plainly written, summarized cases introduce readers to pertinent cases in a nonintimidating manner. The text devotes considerable time to the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, exploring their application to issues relevant to criminal justice: reasonable search and seizure, double jeopardy, and testifying against oneself. The sixth edition includes expanded discussions of the First and Second Amendments as well as cutting-edge coverage of such high-profile topics as immigration, terrorism/homeland security, death row, and many others. NEW TO THIS EDITION • This edition has been streamlined, with the number of chapters reduced from 14 to 13. At the same time, it includes expanded coverage of the First and Second Amendments, updates to all Supreme Court and lower court decisions and cases as appropriate, and increased coverage of the post-9/11 policing environment. • New “Myth/Reality” marginal insets correct misperceptions on text-related topics. For example, a myth in Chapter 1 states that the U. S. government is a democracy, followed by the reality that the Constitution established the U.S. government as a republic. A myth in Chapter 3 states that when the Supreme Court denies certiorari, it is effectively upholding the ruling of the court below it, thus setting precedent. The reality: When certiorari is denied, the Court is expressing neither approval nor disapproval of the lower court’s ruling--it is simply refusing to consider the case. • New “Case in Brief” snapshots accompany key cases, encapsulating the decision and its ramifications for students who struggle with case law and language. For example, a box in Chapter 6 quickly summarizes the basic issue in the 2010 case McDonald v. City of Chicago (“Is the Second Amendment applicable to the states?”) and the decision (“Yes.”). FEATURES • “In the News” boxes use recent headline cases to vividly illustrate chapter material. • “Constitutional Law in Action” features offer additional examples of key chapter concepts in practice--including proper and improper police actions and the results--and are concluded with debate questions to stimulate critical thinking and class discussion. • Each chapter begins with 8-12 numbered learning objectives that are matched to individual bullet 10 points in the end-of-chapter summary for maximum learning reinforcement. In addition, each item in the accompanying Test Bank is linked to a learning objective. • The authors’ signature four-point learning system helps students truly master chapter concepts. The beginning of each chapter includes “Do You Know?” questions that present key concepts and learning objectives, while “Can You Define These Terms?” lists provide key words students need to know to understand the chapter material. Highlights throughout each chapter answer the questions. In addition, end-of-chapter material includes a summary and discussion questions, which further reinforce key chapter concepts while encouraging students to critically examine those concepts. • The text presents small segments of case law so as to avoid overwhelming students. • Chapter 6, “The Second Amendment: The Gun Control Controversy,” provides an extensive examination of an individual’s right to bear arms, a topic not typically covered with any depth by constitutional law texts designed for criminal justice and political science departments. CONTENTS 1. An Historical Overview. 2. An Overview of the U.S. Legal System. 3. The U.S. Supreme Court: The Final Word. 4. Equal Protection under the Law: Balancing Individual, State, and Federal Rights. 5. The First Amendment: Basic Freedoms. 6. The Second Amendment: The Gun Control Controversy. 7. The Fourth Amendment: An Overview of Constitutional Searches and Seizures. 8. Conducting Constitutional Seizures. 9. Conducting Constitutional Searches. 10. The Fifth Amendment: Obtaining Information Legally. 11. The Sixth Amendment: Right to Counsel and a Fair Trial. 12. The Eighth Amendment: Bail, Fines, and Punishment. 13. The Remaining Amendments and a Return to the Constitution. Epilogue. Appendix A: The United States Constitution and Amendments. Appendix B: Reading Legal Opinions. Appendix C: Briefs of Marbury and Miranda. Appendix D: Shepardizing a Case. Appendix E: Legal Research. © 2015, 528pp, Hardback, 9781285457963 CRIMINAL EVIDENCE, 8E Judy Hails, California State University, Long Beach Practical and reader-friendly, the eighth edition of CRIMINAL EVIDENCE continues to offer students comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of all evidentiary topics common in criminal proceedings in a brief, affordable format. The text thoroughly explores constitutional issues essential to the collection and seizure of admissible evidence and legal interrogation, carefully outlining concepts and processes applicable to every state and pointing out where great interstate variation exists or specific state codes may have a strong impact. The text also covers current trends and topics that students will likely encounter in the real world, such as terrorism and homeland security, scientific evidence, Federal Rules of Evidence, hearsay, and the appellate system. Realistic case scenarios prepare students to apply their knowledge and skills in the real world as working law enforcement professionals. Available with InfoTrac® Student Collections http:// NEW TO THIS EDITION • Virtually all new chapter-opening cases ( Jerry Sandusky, Conrad Murray, Roger Clemens, and many more) vividly illustrate chapter content with a high profile, real-world example to highlight key concepts, enhance relevancy, and draw students into the chapters. • Expanded coverage of forensic- and technologyrelated evidentiary matters keeps the book on the cutting edge of the field (see especially Chapters 7, 8, and 14). • Updated coverage of terrorism and homeland security in Chapter 14, including wiretapping, surveillance outside the United States, and more. 11 FEATURES • The court system--including the interaction of the prosecutor and law enforcement--are discussed in detail in an introductory chapter (Chapter 2), providing students with crucial understanding of how evidence is used and why certain policies are in place. • Writing assignments in every chapter based on relevant and compelling real-life cases help students apply chapter material. • “Myth vs. Reality” features that explore common misconceptions about evidence and law enforcement procedures and contrast them with actual policies and facts teach key points of law in an especially memorable and interesting way. • Key definitions appear in boldface when they are first used and are also placed in easy-to-understand itemized lists to help students learn key terms and concepts. CONTENTS 1. Introduction. 2. The Role of the Courts. 3. The Adjudication Process. 4. Types of Evidence. 5. Direct and Circumstantial Evidence. 6. Witnesses. 7. Crime Scene Evidence and Experiments. 8. Documentary Evidence, Models, Maps, and Diagrams. 9. Hearsay and Its Exceptions. 10. Privileged Communications. 11. Developing Law of Search and Seizure. 12. Field Interviews, Arrests and Jail Searches. 13. Plain View, Consent, Vehicle, and Administrative Searches. 14. USA PATRIOT Act, Foreign Intelligence, and Other Types of Electronic Surveillance Covered by Federal Law. 15. Self-Incrimination. 16. Identification Procedures. 17. Preparing the Case for Court. © 2014, 640pp, Paperback, 9781285062860 CRIMINAL EVIDENCE, 8E Principles and Cases, International Edition Thomas J. Gardner; Terry M. Anderson, Creighton University School of Law CRIMINAL EVIDENCE: PRINCIPLES AND CASES, 8E, International Edition delivers the key rules of evidence in criminal matters as well their interpretations and applications, and is especially useful for students planning a career in law enforcement or law. Comprehensive without being encyclopedic or overwhelming, the text gives students the rationale behind the rules and demonstrates how law enforcement officers apply them on the job. This text includes many of the features that popularized Gardner and Anderson’s best-selling CRIMINAL LAW, International Edition such as high-interest examples, “key concepts” boxes, and case excerpts that engage students and make the topics more relevant. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The Eighth Edition is more accessible than ever with the addition of such helpful student learning tools as end-of-chapter key case and key terms lists as well as easy-to-read bulleted summaries. • Significantly revised coverage of hearsay in Chapters 7 and 8 clarifies this difficult, often confusing topic for students. • Expanded coverage of the exclusionary rule (Chapter 9), confessions (Chapter 12), search warrants and computers (Chapter 15), scientific evidence (Chapter 18), and many other topics keeps the book on the cutting edge of the field. FEATURES • Give students a head start on finding a career in the criminal justice system with CRIMINAL EVIDENCE: PRINCIPLES AND CASES, 8th Edition, a concise yet 12 thorough text that’s ideal for a traditional, semesterlong course. • Expose your students to brief excerpts from key cases rather than overwhelming them with longer sections of black letter law. • Intrigue your students with the clear, engaging, and accessible style this text is known for, along with highly informative examples of the major points in evidence law. • Ensure that students understand the most important topics taught in your course with the highlighted and boxed key concepts throughout the text, which are especially helpful when students cover the more difficult concepts. CONTENTS Part I: INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL EVIDENCE. 1. History and Development of the Law of Criminal Evidence. 2. Important Aspects of the American Criminal Justice System. 3. Using Evidence to Determine Guilt or Innocence. 4. Direct and Circumstantial Evidence and the Use of Inferences. Part II: WITNESSES AND THEIR TESTIMONY. 5. Witnesses and the Testimony of Witnesses. 6. Judicial Notice and Privileges of Witnesses. 7. The Use of Hearsay in the Courtroom. 8. Exceptions to the Hearsay Rule. Part III: WHEN EVIDENCE CANNOT BE USED BECAUSE OF POLICE MISTAKES OR MISCONDUCT. 9. The Exclusionary Rule. 10. Where the Exclusionary Rule Does Not Apply. 11. Evidence Is Admissible if Obtained During an Administrative Function Under the “Special Needs” of Government. 12. Obtaining Statements and Confessions for Use as Evidence. 13. The Law Governing Identification Evidence. 14. Obtaining Physical and Other Evidence. 15. Obtaining Evidence from Computers or by Use of Search Warrants, Wiretapping, or Dogs Trained to Indicate an Alert. Part IV: CRIME-SCENE, DOCUMENTARY, AND SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. 16. The Crime Scene, the Chain of Custody Requirement, and the Use of Fingerprints and Trace Evidence. 17. Videotapes, Photographs, Documents, and Writings as Evidence. 18. Scientific Evidence. © 2013, 560pp, Paperback, 9781133492221 CRIMINAL LAW, 12E Thomas J. Gardner; Terry M. Anderson, Creighton University School of Law Highly accessible and student friendly, Gardner and Anderson’s CRIMINAL LAW, 12th Edition, combines a traditional presentation and organization with a prescriptive approach to teaching criminal law. The longtime market leader--a favorite of professors and students alike for over three decades--is ideal for instructors who want a more narrative, descriptive approach with fewer lengthy case excerpts. The text exposes students to the language of criminal law without overwhelming them, while delivering comprehensive coverage of all the major components of substantive criminal law. Thoroughly updated, the twelfth edition of this proven classic features compelling coverage of current issues and cases and plentiful learning tools that help students of all backgrounds quickly master even complex legal topics. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The twelfth edition offers new and updated topic coverage in key areas such as environmental crime, terrorism, cybercrime, forensics in the courtroom, gun rights, immigration, LGBT rights, intelligence centers, and human trafficking. It also includes current technology-related topics such as sexting, cyberbullying, video surveillance/voyeurism, and identity theft. • Each chapter opens with a high-interest vignette-many of which are new to this edition--that invites students into the material by spotlighting its relevancy. Vignettes feature such riveting, current cases as the James Holmes movie theater shooting, the University of California-Davis pepper-spray incident, Somalian anti-piracy efforts, a false claim in California regarding the Congressional Medal of 13 Honor, and other topics. • Providing the most up-to-date coverage available, this edition features updated Supreme Court and state cases that are current through 2013. FEATURES • Driving home key concepts and helping students maximize their study efforts, end-of-chapter summaries appear as bullet-point lists that are matched to chapter-opening Learning Objectives. • A longtime market leader, Gardner and Anderson’s CRIMINAL LAW masterfully balances comprehensive coverage of substantive criminal law topics with a presentation and writing style that make the material engaging and accessible--even for students with little or no legal background. • Brief case excerpts provide helpful exposure to the actual language of the courts within the context of key chapter concepts while minimizing the risk of overwhelming students with excessive amounts of dense legal documentation. • Vibrant concept boxes, graphs, and photographs enhance visual appeal while complementing the narrative, encouraging student interest, and supporting different learning styles. In addition, end-of-chapter review problems--”Case Analysis and Writing Assignments”--facilitate critical thinking, case analysis, and the development of writing skills. • Making extensive use of court opinions--frequently U.S. Supreme Court opinions--and case citations, the text clearly illustrates how courts interpret and apply criminal statutes within their jurisdiction. Citations of important decisions on key points of criminal law are included to guide students who may conduct additional research. • A favorite of instructors and students alike, numerous “Case Close Up” excerpts use detailed factual statements and extended discussion of the court’s reasoning to examine its analysis of a difficult or emerging criminal law issue--giving students behindthe-scenes insight into the inner workings of the court system. CONTENTS Part I: BASIC CONCEPTS OF CRIMINAL LAW. 1. Criminal Law: Purposes, Scope, and Sources. 2. Jurisdiction. 3. Essential Elements of a Crime. 4. Criminal Liability. 5. Criminal Responsibility and the Capacity to Commit a Crime. 6. The Law Governing the Use of Force. 7. Other Criminal Defenses. 8. Criminal Punishment. 9. Free Speech, Street Crimes, and the Bill of Rights. Part II: CRIMES AGAINST THE PERSON. 10. Homicide. 11. Assault, Battery, and Other Crimes Against the Person. 12. Sexual Assault, Rape, Prostitution, and Related Sex Crimes. Part III: CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY. 13. Theft. 14. Robbery, Burglary, and Related Crimes. 15. White Collar Crime, Cyber Crime, and Commercial Crime. Part IV: OTHER CRIMINAL CONDUCT. 16. Drug Abuse and Alcohol-Related Crime. 17. Terrorism. 18. Organized Crime and Gangs. 19. Immigration Crimes, Contempt, and Other Crimes Against the Government. Appendix A: Applicable Sections of the U.S. Constitution. Appendix B: Glossary of Legal Terms. Case Index. General Index. © 2015, 560pp, Hardback, 9781285458410 CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 8E John M. Scheb; John M. Scheb, II, University of Tennessee, Knoxville CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE, International Edition offers intriguing cases, critical developments, and a broad coverage of law and procedures. This eighth edition discusses recent Supreme Court decisions and headline cases, as well as important updates to criminal laws and statutes in the post-9/11 world, including white-collar crime, cybercrime, terrorism, standards of proof, the PATRIOT Act, and much more. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The eighth edition offers new information on Supreme Court decisions, securities fraud, terrorism, standards of proof, WMD/The PATRIOT Act, immigration law, and other timely topics. • There are several new pedagogical features for this edition, including chapter-opening vignettes designed 14 to spark the reader’s interest and provide context for what the chapter will cover; and shaded boxes labeled “Jurisprudence” that offer summaries of important Supreme Court decisions pertaining to specific issues of criminal law and procedure. In addition, key terms are now defined in the margin for easier student learning, and a listing of all of the key cases covered in that chapter is provided as well. • “Substantive Criminal Law” sections survey the substantive criminal law from its common-law sources to its modern statutory development. • “Law Enforcement and Criminal Procedure” sections examine law enforcement and criminal procedure. Interrogation, and Identification Procedures. 17. The Pretrial Process. 18. The Criminal Trial. 19. Sentencing and Punishment. 20. Appeal and Postconviction Relief. © 2014, 832pp, Paperback, 9781285070131 FEATURES • Each chapter features numbered learning objectives that correspond to extensive end-of-chapter summary sections, providing maximum learning reinforcement. • A list of key terms in each chapter provides students with specific goals, a clear structure, and a useful context for concepts covered. • The accompanying Test Bank and Companion Website include links to test and quiz items. • Side bar features direct students to information on where and how they can locate recent law and Supreme Court developments, how to brief cases, and also provide explanations of interesting cases that illustrate key issues. • The “Legal Foundations of Criminal Justice” section provides students with a clear and concise background on the basic concepts, terminologies, and actors in the criminal process. CONTENTS Part I: LEGAL FOUNDATIONS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE. 1. Fundamentals of Criminal Law and Procedure. 2. Organization of the CJ System. Part II: THE SUBSTANTIVE CRIMINAL LAW. 3. Constitutional Limitations on the Prohibition of Criminal Conduct. 4. Elements of Crime and Parties to Crimes. 5. Inchoate Offenses. 6. Homicidal Offenses. 7. Other Offenses against Persons. 8. Property Crimes. 9. White Collar and Organized Crime. 10. Vice Crimes. 11. Offenses against Public Health and the Environment. 12. Offenses against Public Order, Safety, and National Security. 13. Offenses against Justice and Public Administration. 14. Criminal Responsibility and Defenses. Part III: LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. 15. Search and Seizure. 16. Arrest, CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE, 4E An Overview Ronald J. Bacigal, University of Richmond; Mary Kelly Tate, University of Richmond Law School Introduce students to the essentials of substantive criminal law and criminal procedure in a single book. Bacigal/Tate’s CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE: AN OVERVIEW, 4TH EDITION will challenge students with a clear and concise presentation of legal concepts while equipping them with the procedural knowledge to succeed in a variety of career settings. The streamlined organization is suitable for a single-course overview of the criminal justice system, while the topic coverage is thorough enough to support two separate courses covering substantive and procedural law. This book first defines criminal responsibility and addresses major felonies recognized in most, if not all, jurisdictions. The second half details procedural aspects of the entire criminal justice system, from arrest to appeal and habeas corpus, with special emphasis on the U.S. Constitution’s fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments. A wealth of summaries and excerpts from court cases emphasize the practical application of this book’s narrative account. This edition introduces some emerging topics and increases coverage of ethical issues, such as the impact of electronic communications on the discovery process. New Learning Objectives and new Sidebar features draw attention to key concepts, while concept summary charts, new practice exercises, essays and integrated discussion questions help 15 students apply what they’ve learned. A Companion Website provides complete online instructional resources, including updates on rulings, to help you introduce criminal law and procedure with the detail students need for success. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOCUS READERS’ ATTENTION ON KEY CONCEPTS WITHIN EACH CHAPTER. Specific Learning Objectives reinforce the most important concepts and law practices within each chapter to direct students’ review and study. • NEW PRACTICE EXERCISES AND ESSAYS HELP READERS APPLY CONCEPTS IN HANDS-ON ENVIRONMENT. Updated discussion questions and practice exercises encourage critical thinking about key legal issues. Two new essay assignments in every chapter provide opportunities to frame detailed arguments and demonstrate comprehension. • NEW “SIDEBAR” FEATURES ADD CURRENT PERSPECTIVE ON KEY LEGAL CONCEPTS. Newlycreated Sidebars highlight and clarify significant concepts from the chapter to increase legal understanding. • FRESH EMPHASIS ON EXCERPTS OF STATUTES HELPS READERS FULLY UNDERSTAND LEGAL CHANGES AND RULINGS. The authors have thoroughly updated the text with new excerpts and explanations to ensure students gain a full understanding of criminal law practices today. • UPDATED ILLUSTRATIONS, SAMPLE FORMS, AND MEANINGFUL EXHIBITS CLARIFY KEY POINTS. Recognized for a clear, reader-focused presentation, this edition continues to clarify even the most difficult legal concepts and rulings with useful illustrations, sample forms, and new informative exhibits. • UPDATED COMPANION WEBSITE PROVIDES INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES AND THE LATEST RULINGS. The Companion Website is more helpful than ever with all of your Instructor Resources at your fingertips, including an online Instructor’s Manual, PowerPoint® slides, computerized Test Bank and more. You’ll also find the latest relevant Supreme Court decisions to keep your course as current as possible. STUDENTS WHILE EQUIPPING THEM TO SUCCEED. This text effectively balances brevity and clarity with a thorough presentation that focuses on the concepts and practices your student need to understand. • BRIEF EXCERTS FROM IMPORTANT COURT CASES ENSURE COMPREHENSION. Excerpts from court cases throughout this book help students fully understand important rulings without extraneous, and possibly distracting, detail. • WEALTH OF CASES ILLUSTRATE KEY CONCEPTS. New and varied cases throughout this edition clearly demonstrate legal principles and concepts in actual practice today. • COV E R AG E O F CO N T E M P O R A R Y TO P I C S ADDRESSES ISSUES IN THE NEWS TODAY. Students will find discussions of electronic video surveillance and the Patriot Act, the Model Penal Code, terrorism, the “federalization” of criminal procedure, the right to die and assisted suicide as well as coverage of the triggerman concept in capital cases. CONTENTS 1. Defining and Proving Crimes. 2. Essential Elements of Crimes. 3. Parties to a Crime and Inchoate Offenses. 4. Defenses. 5. Crimes Against a Person. 6. Crimes Against Property and Habitation. 7. Crimes Against Public Order and Public Morality. 8. Introduction to Procedure and the Right to Counsel. 9. Seizures of a Person and Identification Procedures. 10. Search and Seizure of Property. 11. Government Monitoring of Communication and the Fourth Amendment Exclusionary Rule. 12. Interrogation and Self-Incrimination. 13. Preliminary Stages of the Prosecution. 14. Pretrial Motions. 15. Trial. 16. Verdict, Punishment, and Judicial Review. Glossary. © 2015, 416pp, Paperback, 9781133591887 FEATURES • STREAMLINED, CLEAR PRESENTATION CHALLENGES 16 New Edition in July 2014 maximum learning reinforcement. FEATURES CRIMINAL LAW, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 6E Judge John M. Scheb; Dr. John M. Scheb, II, Professor of Political Science, University of Tennessee Current, engaging, and succinct, CRIMINAL LAW, International Edition, describes both the reasoning behind criminal law and the practical applications of that law. This successful and time-tested text couples a classic organization and traditional presentation of case law with cutting-edge coverage of recent trends in law. The authors’ combined legal and practical experience provides students with firsthand insights into the American legal system, while simple, non-legal language makes this text easier to read than other law books. Featuring relevant cases-in-point throughout, the authors encourage students not only to learn but also to think about and understand the law. The text also utilizes extensive case material, covers the historical background of criminal law, and includes the latest Supreme Court decisions. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New! Each chapter opens with a vignette featuring a high profile or controversial case to capture students’ interest and help them see the relevance and realworld application of the material. • New! This edition includes expanded coverage of high-profile topics such as terrorism, homeland security, and white-collar crime as well as updated and expanded coverage of issues such as misdemeanor and traffic crimes and drug courts which have evolved considerably in recent years. • New! Each chapter begins with bulleted learning objectives that are carefully matched to end-of-chapter summary sections and linked to corresponding quiz or test items in the accompanying Test Bank providing • Each chapter contains an outline delineating the major topics covered in the chapter to enhance student comprehension. Beginning with Chapter 3, each chapter includes boxes labeled “Case in Point,” a concise summary of cases illustrating key concepts. • Throughout the book, a number of insightful Sidebar discussions furnish relevant information without disrupting the flow of the text, while key terms are identified in boldface type throughout each chapter and defined at the end of the chapter as well as in an expanded glossary. • A set of Questions for Thought and Discussion and one or more hypothetical problems (Problems for Discussion and Solution) to test understanding and stimulate classroom discussion are included along with an option to pursue a web-based research activity. • Appendix A, “Access to the Law through Legal Research” includes up-to-date guidance on researching law through the Internet and computerized services for students and instructors who wish to venture into the realm of legal research. CONTENTS PART I: LEGAL FOUNDATIONS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE. 1. Fundamentals of Criminal Law and Procedure. 2. Organization of the Criminal Justice System. PART II: THE SUBSTANTIVE CRIMINAL LAW. 3. Constitutional Limitations on the Prohibition of Criminal Conduct. 4. Elements of Crimes and Parties to Crimes. 5. Inchoate Offenses. 6. Homicidal Offenses. 7. Other Offenses Against Persons. 8. Property Crimes. 9. White-Collar and Organized Crime. 10. Vice Crimes. 11. Offenses against Public Health and the Environment. 12. Offenses against Public Order, Safety, and National Security. 13. Offenses against Justice and Public Administration. 14. Criminal Responsibility and Defenses. © 2012, 528pp, Paperback, 9781111356453 17 • Real-world forms and documents included in most chapters enhance the text’s relevancy for today’s career-minded students. • Expanded coverage on such hot topics as syndrome defenses, feticide, insanity defenses, terrorism/ homeland security, immigration law, lesser crimes such as drugs and sex offenses, and social media and the law provides students with real-world insight. FEATURES CRIMINAL LAW, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 11E Joel Samaha, University of Minnesota Providing the undergraduate criminal law course with a nationally acclaimed blend of analysis and illustrative cases, Joel Samaha’s CRIMINAL LAW, International Edition has been the textbook of choice among instructors for 30 years. Praised for his clear, concise, and engaging writing style, Samaha presents criminal law using a combined text/casebook approach. The text is known for its methodical, careful explanations of traditional law categories as well as its inclusion of both classic and contemporary cases. Packed with the latest topics and cases—and accompanied by a powerful collection of teaching and learning resources—the Eleventh Edition is even more effective in helping students understand and think analytically about the underlying principles and policies that specific cases illustrate. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Extensively updated case coverage includes discussion of, to name a few, GeorgiaCarry.Org, Inc. v. Georgia (2011), testing the constitutionality of a Georgia ban on carrying guns in churches; Lawrence v. Texas (2003), concerning the constitutionality of a Texas statute forbidding certain sexual acts between two persons of the same sex; and State v. Ninham (2011), concerning the sentence of life in prison without parole for a 14-year-old convicted of murder. • Numerous new chapter-opening vignettes draw students into the material by spotlighting today’s highest-profile topics—sexsomnia, shaming, the Castle Doctrine, physician assisted suicide, and many others. • An all-new running glossary provides an invaluable review and study tool for students. • Helping students focus on key topics, chapteropening learning objectives are called out in text margins and re-visited in the end-of-chapter summary. Objectives are also integrated into the Test Bank and other supplements that accompany the text. • Unique “Ethical Dilemma” boxes in each chapter put students in the role of decision maker, challenging them to apply the legal concepts presented in the chapter to real-world situations. • The entire Bill of Rights is included in the appendix, providing a handy reference for students. • Samaha’s popular text/casebook approach gives you ultimate flexibility in organizing your course. It enables you to pick and choose the extent of case coverage you want while still enjoying the advantage of this bestseller’s superb and comprehensive coverage of case law. • Clear and accessible for the student, Samaha’s CRIMINAL LAW also is impeccably accurate, casedriven, and comprehensive for your teaching needs— understandably making it the text of choice at colleges across the country. CONTENTS 1. Criminal Law and Punishment: An Overview. 2. Constitutional Limits on Criminal Law. 3. The General Principles of Criminal Liability: Actus Rea. 4. The General Principles of Criminal Liability: Mens Rea, Concurrence, and Causation. 5. Defenses to Criminal Liability: Justifications. 6. Defenses to Criminal Liability: Excuses. 7. Parties to Crime and Vicarious Liability. 8. Inchoate Crimes: Attempt, Conspiracy, and Solicitation. 9. Crimes Against Persons I: Criminal Homicide. 10. Crimes Against Persons II: Criminal Sexual Conduct, Bodily Injury, and Personal Restraint. 11. Crimes Against Property. 12. Crimes Against Public Order and Morals. 13. Crimes Against the State. Appendices (Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights). Glossary. Bibliography. 18 © 2014, 540pp, Paperback, 9781285067728 access to definitions of key terms and concepts— ensuring they have a solid understanding before progressing to new topics. • Expanded coverage of today’s high profile issues includes detailed discussions of bail, use of force, special needs searches, voir dire, stop and frisk, racial profiling, seizures of text/email messages, the USA Patriot Act, the use of technology in law enforcement, and much more. FEATURES CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, 9E Law and Practice, International Edition Rolando V. del Carmen, Sam Houston State University Extremely practical, CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: LAW & PRACTICE, International Edition is a favorite among instructors and students alike because of its clear and crisp writing style, extensive use of engaging pedagogy, and unique ability to cover procedure completely and accurately without bogging students down in irrelevant minutiae. The completely updated Ninth Edition is packed with new features, insightful legal information, current police topics, and the most recent Supreme Court rulings. It also offers expanded coverage of such high-profile issues as use of force, special needs searches, voir dire, stop and frisk, racial profiling, seizures of text/email messages, the USA Patriot Act, technology, and much more. Maintaining this trusted book’s proven relevance for law enforcement officials and other criminal justice professionals, the Ninth Edition continues to provide a wealth of case briefings, hypothetical cases, real-world examples, sample police forms, and learning tools. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Completely current, the Ninth Edition of the popular CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: LAW & PRACTICE, International Edition reflects the latest issues and developments from the field. Updated case coverage throughout keeps pace with current law and procedure and includes such recent cases as Safford v. Redding (2009), Arizona v. Gant (2009), J.D.B. v. North Carolina (2011), and many more. • An all-new marginal glossary gives students quick • To provide maximum learning reinforcement, each chapter begins with learning objectives that are carefully matched to end-of-chapter summary sections and linked to corresponding quiz/test items in the accompanying Instructor’s Manual, Test Bank, and CourseMate website. • Helping readers sharpen their critical-thinking skills, “In Action” boxes and brief hypothetical cases in every chapter present practical scenarios and thoughtprovoking discussion questions that challenge students to apply the chapter’s key concepts to reallife examples and arrive at well-reasoned conclusions. • A wealth of examples from real-world situations faced by law enforcement officials provides a practical look at legal guidelines on criminal procedure that is complete and accurate without bogging students down in minutiae. Extremely reader-friendly with a clear presentation, this text makes law enforcement concepts easy to understand and apply. • Rich pedagogical aids integrated throughout the text include introductory chapter outlines, key terms, definitions of legal terms, key cases, hypothetical cases, and case briefs. The U.S. Constitution is included in an appendix for easy reference. • “Future Trends in Law Enforcement Procedures” boxes cover topics such as terrorism, profiling, and exigent circumstances, making the core chapter material even more relevant and exciting for today’s students. CONTENTS PART I: INTRODUCTION. 1. The Court System and Sources of Rights. 2. Overview of the Criminal Justice Process. PART II: LEVELS OF PROOF AND THE EXCLUSIONARY RULE. 3. Probable Cause and Reasonable Suspicion. 4. The Exclusionary Rule. PART III: SEARCHES AND SEIZURES OF PERSONS. 5. Stop and Frisk and Stationhouse Detention. 6. Arrests and 19 Use of Force. PART IV: SEARCHES AND SEIZURES OF PROPERTY. 7. Searches and Seizures of Things. 8. Motor Vehicle Stops, Searches, and Inventories. 9. Plain View, Open Fields, Abandonment, and Border Searches. PART V: IDENTIFICATIONS, CONFESSIONS, AND ADMISSIONS. 10. Lineups and Other Means of Pretrial Identification. 11. Confessions and Admissions: Miranda v. Arizona. PART VI: CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND THE CONSEQUENCES OF POLICE MISCONDUCT. 12. Basic Constitutional Rights of the Accused During the Trial. 13. Sentencing, the Death Penalty, and Other Forms of Punishment. 14. Legal Liabilities and Other Consequences of Police Misconduct. 15. Electronic Surveillance and the War on Terror. Appendixes. A. Guide to Case Briefing. B. The Case of Minnesota v. Dickerson—A Full Reprint. C. Thirty Suggestions on How to Be an Effective Witness. D. The Constitution of the United States. Case Index. Name/Subject Index. © 2014, 656pp, Paperback, 9781285062914 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, 9E Joel Samaha, University of Minnesota This straightforward introduction to criminal procedure combines case excerpts with clear, detailed legal discussion and analysis to give students a solid understanding of the field. The book’s longtime success can be attributed to its widely acclaimed author and his unique ability to help readers grasp the complexities of law by clearly presenting all sides of an issue. Dr. Samaha has a passion for wanting students to understand why procedures are as they are--instead of simply memorizing them. As a result, while most criminal procedure texts focus exclusively on “how to,” Samaha combines “how” and “why.” The Ninth Edition addresses the entire criminal procedure process--from search and seizure to post-conviction sentencing and review by appellate courts--while providing extensive case updates and new or expanded coverage of such key topics as the changing political nature of the Supreme Court, forensic evidence, terrorism, enhanced interrogation, military courts, immigration law, mass domestic violence, gun control, and more. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Updated throughout, this edition presents expanded and/or updated coverage of such key contemporary issues as the changing political nature of the Supreme Court, forensic evidence, terrorism, enhanced interrogation, military courts, immigration law, mass domestic violence, gun control, and many other topics. • “You Decide” boxes in every chapter put students in the role of law enforcement decision maker, challenging them to apply the legal concepts presented in the chapter to controversial real-world dilemmas such as the acceptable use of force or standyour-ground laws. • New “Criminal Procedure in Action” boxes introduce compelling court decisions in context and give students a concrete sense of the real world applicability of these cases for criminal justice professionals. • All-new chapter openers feature high-interest vignettes about recent events, drawing students into the chapter material and enhancing relevancy by helping them understand how basic criminal procedure topics evidence themselves in the real world. FEATURES • Providing maximum learning reinforcement, each chapter begins with numbered learning objectives that are carefully matched to end-of-chapter summary sections and linked to corresponding quiz and test items. • “White Collar Crime: The Other World of Criminal Procedure” boxes in most chapters keep students on the cutting edge by presenting real-world criminal law issues from this increasingly high-profile area, which is overlooked in other criminal procedure texts that focus exclusively on traditional “street” crime. • Going well beyond the words in the principles, doctrines, and rules of criminal procedure examined in the text, “Case Excerpts” teach students to understand concepts by applying them to the facts 20 of specific cases. Questions following each excerpt test students’ knowledge and understanding of the principles, doctrines, and reasoning presented in the excerpt. Case Questions prompt students to evaluate, criticize, and propose alternatives to the parties’ arguments and the decisions of the court as presented in the excerpt. • Providing students with an excellent overview, Samaha’s classical perspective illustrates how the constitutional principles of criminal procedure have endured for centuries--even while courts and legislatures adapt them to meet society’s everchanging needs. traditional presentation of case law with cuttingedge coverage of recent trends in law and procedure. The authors’ combined academic and practical legal experience provides students with firsthand insights into the American legal system, while ample pedagogy and uniquely accessible writing make the text very student friendly. Utilizing extensive case material, this book covers the historical background of criminal procedure and includes the latest Supreme Court decisions and other developments in criminal justice today. This is one of two updated “splits” of the combined CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE, Eighth Edition (c. 2014), by the same authors. NEW TO THIS EDITION CONTENTS 1. Crime Control in a Constitutional Democracy. 2. Criminal Procedure and the Constitution. 3. The Definition of Searches and Seizures. 4. Stop and Frisk. 5. Seizure of Persons: Arrest. 6. Searches for Evidence. 7. Special Needs Searches. 8. SelfIncrimination. 9. Identification Procedures. 10. Remedies for Constitutional Violations I: The Exclusionary Rule and Entrapment. 11. Constitutional Violations II: Other Remedies Against Official Misconduct. 12. Court Proceedings I: Before Trial. 13. Court Proceedings II: Trial and Conviction. 14. After Conviction. 15. Criminal Procedure in Crises Times. © 2015, 704pp, Hardback, 9781285457871 • Updated throughout, the seventh edition offers new information on Supreme Court decisions, securities fraud, terrorism, standards of proof, WMD/The PATRIOT Act, immigration law, and other timely topics. • A new boxed feature, “Jurisprudence,” summarizes important Supreme Court decisions pertaining to specific issues of criminal procedure. • Key terms are now defined in the margin, providing students with a useful context for learning concepts as well as a convenient study and review aid. • Each chapter includes a listing of all of the key cases covered in the chapter. • “Law Enforcement and Criminal Procedure” sections examine legal procedures as they relate to the discussion at hand, such as search and seizure, the criminal trial, and sentencing and punishment. FEATURES CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, 7E Judge John M. Scheb; Dr. John M. Scheb, II, Professor of Political Science, University of Tennessee Building on the strengths of prior editions, CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, Seventh Edition, includes updated cases and added real-world examples. This successful and time-tested text couples a classic organization and • Each chapter opens with a vignette featuring a high profile or controversial case to capture students’ interest and help them see the relevance and realworld application of the material. • High profile topics covered include the use of TASERs by police, liability of police officers, changes to the Miranda warning, the death penalty, standards of appellate review, motions practice, rules of evidence, and DNA evidence as a basis for post-conviction relief. • A “Hypothetical Problems” section at the end of each chapter presents scenarios that challenge students to apply what they have learned to real-life situations. The topics are also ideal for prompting classroom discussion or for writing assignments. 21 • Each chapter begins with bulleted learning objectives, which are matched to end-of-chapter summary sections and linked to corresponding quiz or test items in the accompanying Test Bank to provide maximum learning reinforcement. • Beginning with Chapter 3, “Case in Point” boxes provide concise summaries of cases that illustrate key concepts. CONTENTS Part I: LEGAL FOUNDATIONS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE. 1. Fundamentals of Criminal Law and Procedure. 2. Organization of the Criminal Justice System. Part II: LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. 3. Search and Seizure. 4. Arrest, Interrogation, and Identification Procedures. 5. The Pretrial Process. 6. The Criminal Trial. 7. Sentencing and Punishment. 8. Appeal and Post-Conviction Relief. Appendix A: The Constitution of the United States. © 2015, 384pp, Paperback, 9781285459042 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE FOR THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROFESSIONAL, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 11E John N. Ferdico; Henry F. Fradella, California State University-Long Beach; Christopher Totten CRIMINAL PROCEDURE FOR THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROFESSIONAL, 11E, International Edition is the most accurate, up-to-date, and readable criminal procedure text available. Authors John N. Ferdico, Henry F. Fradella, and Christopher Totten clarify potentially confusing and obscure legal matters using clear and concise explanations of criminal procedure law and the reasoning behind the law. They translate the complexity of the subject matter into simple, straightforward guidelines and recommendations, illustrated with interesting examples of actual cases. The book’s uniquely practical, real-life approach makes it an ideal reference book for current and future criminal justice professionals. From individual rights to arrest, search and seizure, confessions, and pretrial identifications, this best seller provides students with all the information they need to understand the legal rights, duties, and liabilities of law enforcement professionals. NEW TO THIS EDITION • In response to suggestions from users, the Eleventh Edition has been reduced in length by 20%, focusing on core course content and salient issues while adding new material on areas of growing importance in criminal procedure. • New and updated topics include bail and plea bargaining (Chapter 2); electronic surveillance (Chapter 5); computer forensics, GPS tracking, cell-site data searches, monitoring of social networking sites, and data stored in the computers in motor vehicles (Chapter 5); DNA searches (Chapter 6); and the USA PATRIOT Act and the war on terrorism (Chapter 8). • A new Chapter 5 focuses on searches for electronically stored information and electronic surveillance, with coverage of computer forensics, GPS, Facebook, and other cutting-edge technological trends. The chapter also includes discussions of FISA (especially as related to the 2008 amendments to the law and the USA PATRIOT Act), Title III, and the Bush Administration’s authorization of NSA wiretapping. • A new Chapter 15, “Criminal Trials, Appeals, and Other Post-Conviction Remedies,” presents expanded coverage of criminal trials. Previously located in Chapter 2, the text’s discussion of the trial process now appears after procedures have been discussed earlier in the book. The new chapter also features coverage of the rules of evidence and streamlined materials on sentencing and corrections. • New “Criminal Procedure in Action” boxes make chapter discussions more accessible and relevant to students. Topic examples include Are Strip Searches of Students at Schools Reasonable? (Chapter 6), Police Roadblocks--Are “Safety Checkpoints” Permissible? (Chapter 8), and United States v. Warford, which concerns helicopter surveillance (Chapter 10). 22 FEATURES • Each chapter begins with concrete learning objectives and a brief introduction to provide students with specific goals, a clear structure, and a useful context for the concepts to be discussed. • The authors don’t think criminal justice professionals should have to read and interpret lengthy, complicated court opinions in order to determine the powers, duties, limitations, and liabilities associated with the performance of their jobs. Consequently, the book is written in a clear and concise narrative to make it as understandable as possible. • Case excerpts provide authoritative statements of legal principles, explanations of the “reasons behind the rules,” and examples of the application of the law to real-life scenarios. • Consistent pedagogy aids students in learning and retaining core content. Features include Key Points after each major section of text, which are tied to the chapter-opening Learning Objectives; Discussion Point boxes that promote critical thinking; Criminal Procedure in Action boxes to assist students in putting concepts into practice; and key terms presented in boldface type throughout the text. CONTENTS Part I: FRAMEWORK FOR THE STUDY OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. 1. Individual Rights Under the United States Constitution. 2. Criminal Courts, Pretrial Processes, and the Exclusionary Rule. 3. Basic Underlying Concepts: Privacy, Probable Cause, and Reasonableness. Part II: SEARCH WARRANTS, ARRESTS, STOPS, AND FRISKS. 4. Criminal Investigatory Search Warrants. 5. Searches for Electronically Stored Information and Electronic Surveillance. 6. Administrative and Special Needs Searches. 7. Arrests, Searches Incident to Arrest, and Protective Sweeps. 8. Stops and Frisks. Part III: EXCEPTIONS TO THE SEARCH WARRANT REQUIREMENT. 9. Consent Searches. 10. The Plain View Doctrine. 11. Search and Seizure of Vehicles and Containers. 12. Open Fields and Abandoned Property. Part IV: INTERROGATIONS, IDENTIFICATIONS, TRIALS, AND POST-CONVICTION REMEDIES. 13. Interrogations, Admissions, and Confessions. 14. Pretrial Visual Identification Procedures. 15. Criminal Trials, Appeals, and Other Post-Conviction Remedies. LAW AND COURTS Current Perspective from InfoTrac® George Ackerman, Police Academy at Palm Beach State College Edited by George Ackerman of the Police Academy at Palm Beach State College, LAW AND COURTS: CURRENT PERSPECTIVES FROM INFOTRAC® includes concise, timely articles on the federal and state courts, crime, civil law, and the role of prosecutors and defense attorneys in the criminal courts. These articles are a perfect supplement to our Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, and Courts texts. Along with the reader, students gain access to an entire library’s worth of reliable sources with INFOTRAC®® College Edition, an online university library of more than 5,000 academic and popular magazines, newspapers, and journals. FEATURES • This short reader includes articles on law and courts. CONTENTS 1. Overview of Courts and the Law. 2. Courts, Crime and Controversy. 3. Law and Crime. 4. Federal and State Courts. 5. Civil Law. 6. Criminal Courts – Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys. © 2011, 150pp, Paperback, 9780495912330 © 2013, 672pp, Paperback, 9781133308362 23 Criminal Justice Administration CRIMINAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATIONS, 6E Administration and Management Stan Stojkovic, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; David Kalinich; John Klofas, Rochester Institute of Technology Providing cutting-edge coverage of modern management theory, CRIMINAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATIONS: ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT, 6th Edition, emphasizes the application of management techniques appropriate to each area of the criminal justice system. Known for its thoroughness, accessibility, and practicality, the book focuses on the both the “hows” and “whys” of management techniques, equipping readers with the skills, knowledge, and solid understanding they need to effectively deal with the management challenges they will face in their own careers. Completely current and relevant, this edition includes thoroughly updated research and statistics as well as coverage of such key topics as civil liability, political power, ethics, budgeting, employee rights, and more. Chapters begin with timely vignettes that immediately draw readers into management concepts and theory, while insight from actual Criminal Justice professionals is featured throughout the text. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Updates throughout the text reflect the latest developments and practices in the field. New and expanded topics include the history of criminal justice administration (added at reviewers’ request to provide context to the study of criminal justice administration), public service motivation, “scanning the environment” (a process by which planners and managers proactively identify changes in environmental forces that will constrain agency goals, objectives, operations, and practices), rights of employees, and job design. There’s also an expanded definition of leadership. • Part openers, new to this edition, draw together the themes presented in the chapters and provide a bigpicture survey of the book’s content. • A new feature, “Think Like an Administrator,” appears in each chapter. The scenario and accompanying questions present a typical work challenge--such as motivating an unmotivated employee or planning for the use of cognitive-behavioral approaches to treating prisoners--and require students to apply concepts presented in the chapter. FEATURES • The book provides students with an overview of the criminal justice system, an approachable discussion of theory, and insight into how management issues touch each area, helping them gain a firm foundation of knowledge about the management role. Its focus on the practical “hows” and “whys” of management techniques equips students with skills to effectively deal with the real-world issues they will face on the job. • Each chapter begins with a vignette based on a high-profile case or recent issue in the news, helping students easily make the connection between theory and real-world application. • Work Perspective features bring chapter content to life with the viewpoints of those who work or have worked in the criminal justice system as administrators. • Numerous case studies, case study questions, and discussion questions make the book thought provoking, relevant, and applicable to real-world situations. New case study topics in this edition include dealing with computer crimes (Ch. 3) and creating intelligence systems in corrections (Ch. 4). • To provide maximum learning reinforcement, each chapter’s learning objectives are carefully integrated within the text, matched to end-of-chapter summary sections, and linked to corresponding quiz/test items in the accompanying Test Bank and Companion Website. CONTENTS Par t I: THE NATURE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATIONS. 1. Basic Concepts for Understanding Criminal Justice Organizations. 2. Structure of 24 Criminal Justice Organizations. 3. The Criminal Justice System in Its Environment. Part II: INDIVIDUALS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATIONS. 4. Problems of Communication. 5. Motivation of Personnel. 6. Job Design. 7. Leadership. 8. Personnel Evaluation and Supervision. Part III: GROUP BEHAVIOR IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATIONS. 9. Occupational Socialization. 10. Power and Political Behavior. 11. Organizational Conflict. Part IV: PROCESSES IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATIONS. 12. Decision Making. 13. Organizational Effectiveness. 14. Change and Innovation. 15. Research in Criminal Justice Organizations. © 2015, 560pp, Hardback, 9781285459011 Criminology • Every chapter has been updated. Some of the new material includes discussions of the problem of defining crime; Benjamin Rush, neoclassical theory, moral insanity, and the M’Naghten Rule; practical applications of Lombroso’s criminal anthropology; personality and crime; Zimbardo and situational factors; Sampson’s “collective efficacy”; Messner and Rosenfeld’s institutional anomie theory; and Anderson’s subcultural theory. FEATURES • A PRIMER ON CRIME AND DELINQUENCY THEORY includes a comprehensive survey of the key crime and delinquency theories in a brief, low-priced paperback. • Covering more than just the basics of criminological and delinquency theories, this text looks at the philosophical assumptions on which these theories are based, how theories can be judged in relation to each other, and the policy implications of the theories. • With unbiased coverage, this text includes the strengths and common criticisms of the various theories. CONTENTS A PRIMER ON CRIME AND DELINQUENCY THEORY, 3E Robert M. Bohm, University of Central Florida; Brenda L. Vogel, California State University Long Beach This slim volume offers a comprehensive survey of the major criminological and delinquency theories, including their philosophical foundations, policy implications, empirical support, and criticisms. A PRIMER ON CRIME AND DELINQUENCY THEORY can be used as a primary text or as a supplement for other texts, anthologies, or collections of journal articles. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Empirical assessment of each of the theories, highlighting key research. • Former Chapter 6 on Sociological Theories has been divided into Macrosociological Theories (new Chapter 6) and Microsociological Theories (new Chapter 7). 1. AN INTRODUCTION TO THEORY. What Is Theory? Testing Theories. The Problem of Defining Crime. Why Is Theory Important, or Why Study Crime and Delinquency Theory? 2. CLASSICAL AND NEOCLASSICAL THEORY. Enlightenment Philosophy and Classical Theory. Beccaria. Rational Choice Theory. A Critique of Classical Theory. Neoclassical Theory. 3. POSITIVIST THEORIES. Positive Philosophy. The Influence of Empirical or Experimental Science. Major Differences between Positivism and Classicism/ Neoclassicism. General Problems with Positivist Theories. 4. BIOLOGICAL THEORIES. Physiognomy and Phrenology. Criminal Anthropology. Body Type Theories. Heredity Studies. Modern Biocriminology. General Problems with Biological Theories. 5. PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES. Intelligence and Crime. Psychoanalytic Theories. General Problems with Psychoanalytic Theories. Personality and Crime. Humanistic Psychological Theory. 6. MACROSOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES. The Theory of the Chicago School or Social Disorganization Theory. Situational Crime Prevention and Routine Activities Theories. Functionalism. Anomie Theories. 7. MICROSOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES. Learning 25 Theories. Subcultural Theories. Social Control Theories. 8. CRITICAL THEORIES. Interactionism and Labeling Theory. Conflict Criminology. Radical Criminology. Feminist Criminology. British or Left Realism. Peacemaking Criminology. Postmodern Criminology. 9. CONCLUSION: INTEGRATED THEORIES, DEVELOPMENTAL THEORIES, AND BEYOND. Integrated Theories. Developmental Theories. Problems with Integrated and Developmental Theories. Conclusion. References. Name Index. Subject Index. © 2011, 208pp, Paperback, 9780495807506 include bystander intervention that led to tragedy, a deadly incident of road rage, identity theft suffered by a prominent figure, survivors seeking reconciliation with the offender, persons using a gun to save their own lives, and the motor vehicle theft of a truck in the president’s entourage. • To keep the book on the cutting edge of the field, the author has expanded coverage of human trafficking, crimes on campus, identity theft, stalking, motor vehicle theft, prison attacks, and similar high-profile issues. • New chapter-opening learning objectives help students focus on and master key concepts and theories as they are presented in each chapter. FEATURES CRIME VICTIMS, 8E An Introduction to Victimology, International Edition Andrew Karmen, John Jay College of Criminal Justice A first in the field when initially published and now a true classic, CRIME VICTIMS: AN INTRODUCTION TO VICTIMOLOGY, 8E, International Edition offers the most comprehensive and balanced exploration of victimology available today. The author examines the victims’ plight, carefully placing statistics from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report and Bureau of Justice Statistics National Crime Victimization Survey in context. The text systematically investigates how victims are currently handled by the criminal justice system, analyzes the goals of the victims’ rights movement, and discusses what the future is likely to hold. This Eighth edition expands coverage of human trafficking, crimes on campus, identity theft, stalking, motor vehicle theft, prison attacks, and similar high-profile issues. NEW TO THIS EDITION • This new edition presents the very latest data about victimization and includes fresh high profile cases that brought about criminal justice reforms. These • The text “humanizes” victims, particularly through the inclusion of compelling cases that illustrate their plight. This makes an already well-written text more engaging, and allows students to comprehend the challenges that face victims and their advocates, rather than simply remember details. • Discussion questions at the end of each chapter help instructors launch a dialogue on controversial issues covered in the chapter. The questions can also be used for essay assignments for instructors who emphasize developing writing skills in their classes. • Critical thinking questions at the end of each chapter give students the opportunity to argue and evaluate opposing points of view. • Suggested research questions at the end of each chapter provide instructors with a list of possible term papers that are intriguing, relevant, and practical. • Boxes in the text inspire a deeper discussion of key topics and invite research into intriguing subjects, such as “The System’s Shortcomings from a Victim’s Point of View,” and “The Most Serious Shootings On Campus”. CONTENTS 1. What Is Victimology? 2. The Rediscovery of Crime Victims. 3. Victimization in the United States. 4. Violent Crimes: Murders and Robberies. 5. The Victims’ Contribution to the Crime Problem. 6. Victims and the Criminal Justice System: Cooperation and Conflict with the Police. 7. Victims and the Criminal Justice System: Cooperation and Conflict with Prosecutors, Judges, and Corrections Officials. 8. Children as Victims. 9. 26 Victims of Violence by Lovers and Family Members. 10. Victims of Rapes and Other Sexual Assaults. 11. Additional Groups of Victims with Special Problems. 12. Repaying Victims. 13. Victims in the Twenty-First Century: Alternative Directions. © 2013, 560pp, Paperback, 9781133492276 CRIMINOLOGY, 5E The Core Larry J. Siegel, University of Massachusetts, Lowell It’s no mystery why Larry Siegel remains THE bestselling author in Criminal Justice. Professor Siegel is known for presenting real-life stories of crime, criminals, and the hottest debates in the field. And CRIMINOLOGY: THE CORE, Fifth Edition, does not disappoint. Clear, engaging, and completely current, this four-color paperback is also concise and affordable. The text effectively uses real-world material to clarify concepts and theories, equipping students with a solid foundation in modern criminology. Grounded in Siegel’s signature style--cutting-edge theory plus meticulous research--this book covers all sides of an issue without taking a political or theoretical position and provides a broad view of the interdisciplinary nature of the field. This edition includes the latest insights into political crime; terrorism; white-collar, blue-collar, and greencollar crime; cyber crime; transnational crime; and many other topics . NEW TO THIS EDITION • A new Chapter 11 examines two important emerging crime types--political crime and terrorism. A variety of political crimes are reviewed, including treason, espionage, and state political crime. New coverage of terrorism includes how terrorism is defined, the history of terrorism, types and organization of terrorist groups, what motivates terrorists, and how the government has responded to the threat of terror. • A completely revised Chapter 12 addresses the causes, nature, and control of some of today’s most wide-ranging and consequential economic crimes: blue-collar, white-collar, and green-collar. Major forms of blue-collar crime (larceny, burglary, arson), whitecollar crime (business fraud, chiseling, exploitation, influence peddling, corporate crime), and greencollar crime (worker safety/environmental crimes; illegal logging, wildlife exports, and fishing; dumping and polluting) are discussed in detail. New sections discuss theories of white-collar and green-collar crimes. • Chapter 14 on cyber crime and transnational crime is also new. It covers the concept and forms of cyber crime, including illegal copyright infringement, computer fraud, distributing illegal or dangerous goods and services, denial-of-service attacks, Internet securities fraud, identity theft, etailing fraud, cyber vandalism, and cyber warfare, as well as the extent and costs of cyber crime and efforts to control it. The chapter also covers transnational gangs and cyberspace, the characteristics and activities of transnational organized crime groups, and efforts to control global illegal activity. FEATURES • “Policies and Issues in Criminology” boxes show how criminological ideas and research can be put into action. The features include actual examples of research, discussions of the future policy implications of such research, and questions that promote critical thinking. For example, a new box in Chapter 7 discusses the long-term consequences of being labeled a criminal. • “Profiles in Crime” features present actual crimes that help to illustrate the position or views within the chapter. For example, “Crime of the Century: Bernard Madoff Investment Securities LLC” discusses the greatest securities fraud in the history of the United States. • Chapter Learning Objectives spell out what students should learn in each chapter, and are reinforced through their linkage to end-of-chapter summaries as well as all of the text’s ancillary materials. • A strong framework of study tools in every chapter maximizes student success, helping readers 27 retain what they learn and encouraging them to think critically about what they read. Study tools include “Thinking Like a Criminologist” role-plays, “Checkpoints”, “Connections” boxes to help students link concepts from chapter to chapter, “Critical Thinking” questions, and more. CONTENTS Part I: CONCEPTS OF CRIME, LAW, AND CRIMINOLOGY. 1. Crime and Criminology. 2. The Nature and Extent of Crime. 3. Victims and Victimization. Part II: THEORIES OF CRIME CAUSATION. 4. Rational Choice Theory. 5. Trait Theory. 6. Social Structure Theory. 7. Social Process Theory. 8. Social Conflict Theory. 9. Developmental Theory. Part III: CRIME TYPOLOGIES. 10. Violent Crime: Interpersonal Violence. 11. Terrorism and Political Crime. 12. Property Crimes: White-Collar, Blue-Collar, and Green-Collar. 13. Public Order Crimes. 14. Cyber Crime, Technology, and Transnational Crimes. © 2015, 528pp, Paperback, 9781285068909 CRIMINOLOGY, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 11E Larry J. Siegel, University of Massachusetts, Lowell Siegel’s best-selling CRIMINOLOGY, International Edition, provides a comprehensive analysis of criminological theory, crime typologies, and the criminal justice system. Renowned for its unbiased presentation of theories, issues, and controversies, this edition presents cutting-edge, seminal research, as well as up-to-the-minute policy and newsworthy examples. Still the gold standard for criminology courses, Siegel’s text now addresses contemporary topics such as transnational/global crime, political crimes, “green” crime and “green criminology,” and the “new millennium order of criminality.” With its updates and array of supplements, CRIMINOLOGY, International Edition, offers a powerful set of teaching and learning tools for instructors and students alike. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New! This edition features expanded coverage of many important topics, such as the causes of violence, transnational/global crime, political crimes, “green” crime and “green criminology”--eco issues and crime, corporations involved in ecological crimes, how ecological crises affect criminal behavior-environmental crimes (the criminal investigation into the BP oil spill), and the “new millennium order of criminality,” illustrating how prominent issues are closely tied to our increasingly technology-driven society • New! Part III, Crime Typologies, now includes coverage of two emerging criminological issues: global and environmental crime (Chapter 13) and transnational organized crime (Chapter 15). These two newly expanded chapters address the fact that crime is evolving in the new millennium and that criminologists must be aware of emerging trends and patterns. • New! A more student friendly Chapter 1 now focuses exclusively on what criminology is, what criminologists do, ethics, and a basic overview of crime and criminal law. (Historical coverage from the old Chapter 1 is now integrated throughout the text; the theory chapters provide historical coverage of each major theoretical school as the theory is presented.) • New! The Eleventh Edition of CRIMINOLOGY now has even more case studies and numerous new examples in every chapter to illustrate the concepts and theories of criminology. Every chapter features two to three “Profiles in Crime,” most of which are new to this edition. To name just a few, readers will find coverage of Robert Moffat (IBM executive who pleaded guilty to securities crimes), the Deepwater Horizon environmental disaster, Philip Markoff (infamous “Craigslist Murderer”), debit card skimming devices, and much more. • New! The “Thinking Like a Criminologist │An Ethical Dilemma” features are all new to this edition. Now integrated into each chapter, they introduce a new ethics focus and include an array of activities the instructor may assign for students to work through, including individual writing assignments, group 28 activities, and pro/con debates. FEATURES • Still the most broad-based, balanced presentation of criminology theory, law, policy, and practice available, Siegel’s CRIMINOLOGY, Eleventh Edition, offers a unique, cutting-edge feel and an unbiased presentation of theories, issues, and controversies. Unrivaled, it remains the gold standard for criminology courses. • To provide maximum learning reinforcement, each chapter now begins with numbered learning objectives that are carefully matched to end-of-chapter summary sections and linked to corresponding quiz/test items in the accompanying Test Bank, CourseMate Website, and Study Guide. • Renowned for his unbiased presentation of theories, issues, and controversies, Siegel avoids ideological biases and encourages students to weigh the evidence and form their own conclusions. He focuses on showing students the connection between criminological theory and the formulation of criminal justice policy. • Proven box features like “Connections” help students link issues and questions addressed in one chapter to other topics in the text. “The Criminological Enterprise” focuses on important new research efforts in criminology. “Policy and Practice in Criminology” describes crucial policy issues and innovative programs. “Race, Culture, Gender, and Criminology” boxes explore research on how diversity influences crime. • The popular “Profiles in Crime” case studies illustrating a particular criminological theory or topic from the chapter have been expanded. CONTENTS Part I: CONCEPTS OF CRIME, LAW, AND CRIMINOLOGY. 1. Crime and Criminology. 2. The Nature and Extent of Crime. 3. Victims and Victimization. Part II: THEORIES OF CRIME CAUSATION. 4. Rational Choice Theory. 5. Trait Theories. 6. Social Structure Theories. 7. Social Process Theories. 8. Social Conflict, Critical Criminology, and Restorative Justice. 9. Developmental Theories: Life Course and Latent Trait. Part III: CRIME TYPOLOGIES. 10. Interpersonal Violence. 11. Political Violence and Terrorism. 12. Property Crime. 13. Enterprise Crime: White-Collar and Green-Collar Crime. 14. Public Order Crime: Sex and Substance Abuse. 15. Crimes of the New Millennium: Cyber-Crime and Transnational Organized Crime. Part IV: THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. 16. Criminal Justice: Process and Perspectives. 17. Police and Courts: Investigation, Arrest and Adjudication. 18. Punishment and Correction. © 2012, 752pp, Hardback, 9780495912644 CRIMINOLOGY, 11E Theories, Patterns, and Typologies, International Edition Larry J. Siegel, University of Massachusetts, Lowell The bestselling text on the market CRIMINOLOGY: THEORIES, PATTERNS, AND TYPOLOGIES, 11E, International Edition delivers the most comprehensive, in-depth analysis of criminological theory and crime typologies available. Offering unparalleled breadth and depth of coverage, the text is unrivaled in its strong research base and currency. Two all-new chapters focus on some of the hottest issues in the field today: green and transnational crime. Packed with realworld illustrations, the Eleventh Edition is completely updated and includes cutting-edge seminal research, up-to-the-minute policy, newsworthy examples, and hundreds of new references. A proven author and authority in criminal justice, Dr. Siegel is renowned for his unbiased presentation of theories, issues, and controversies. Avoiding ideological biases, Siegel encourages students to weigh the evidence and form their own conclusions. New learning tools maximize students’ success in the course, while a careers website gives them a clear vision of the opportunities ahead. In addition, the new “Instructor Approved” Test Bank and online Lesson Plans provide instructors with powerful, timesaving tools. 29 NEW TO THIS EDITION • Chapter 15, now entitled “Crimes of the New Millennium,” is completely revised and focuses on the development and activities of contemporary crossnational and transnational crime groups, including Eastern European gangs, Latin American and Mexican drug cartels, and Asian transnational crime groups. A new section shows that these gangs--whose members often use cell phones and the Internet to communicate and promote their illicit activities--are a product of the cyber age. A new “Race, Gender and Culture in Criminology” feature examines drug production and trafficking in the golden triangle. • Chapter 13, “Enterprise Crime: White Collar and Green-Collar Collar Crime,” has been broadened to divide crimes of illicit entrepreneurship into two categories: white-collar and green-collar. New discussions examine green-collar crimes (involving environmental harm), forms of green crime, and the enforcement of environmental laws. Coverage includes illegal logging, illegal wildlife exports, illegal fishing, illegal dumping, and illegal polluting. Two new sections cover the mortgage swindles that threatened to destroy the financial system and the foreclosure rescue scams designed to prey upon people who obtained mortgages and could not make payments. • Expanded coverage of the evolution of criminal law in Chapter 1 includes recent cases regarding stalking laws, prohibiting assisted suicide, registering sex offenders, and clarification of rape laws; recent laws affecting the use of technology in peoples’ daily lives, environmental protection, and legalization of marijuana; and changes in both substantive and procedural criminal laws in the aftermath of 9/11. • Chapter 2, “The Nature and Extent of Crime,” has expanded coverage of the role socialization and social structure play in explaining racial differences in crime rates. A new section on immigration and crime discusses the effects of legal changes on limits to immigration and/or public opinion. This new material cites recent research findings showing that immigrants have lower crime rates than native born Americans. • Chapter 8, “Social Conflict, Critical Criminology, and Restorative Justice” includes discussion of state (organized) crime--criminal acts committed by elected or appointed state officials in pursuit of their jobs as government representatives. A “Criminological Enterprise” (“Mass Deception”) covers Scott Bonn’s new book in which he argues that the George W. Bush administration manufactured public support for war on Iraq. Other new sections cover crime and social institutions, illegal domestic surveillance, and human rights violations. Sections on Left Realism are updated and expanded. FEATURES • “Profiles in Crime” insets present case studies of actual criminals and crimes to help illustrate the position or views within the chapter. By popular demand, the feature is expanded in this edition, presenting even more real-life “from the headlines” criminal cases. Chapter 2 presents a profile highlighting the 2009 case of a Harrisburg, Pennsylvania-based prostitution ring that was broken up by Federal, State and County investigators. Chapter 10’s profile tells how Jeffrey Conroy and six other Long Island, New York teenagers decided to hunt and assault Hispanic men, which led to murder. • “Criminological Enterprise” boxed review important issues in criminology and reflect the field’s major sub-areas, measuring crime, creating theory, crime typologies, legal theory, and penology. For instance, a box in Chapter 4 covers recent work of criminologist Scott Jacques, who investigated the forms of drug market retaliation and found they followed a rational pattern. A box in Chapter 7 discusses the work of Rand Conger, a leading expert on family life who has been involved with community studies examining the influence of economic stress on families, children, and adolescents. • “Policy and Practice in Criminology” boxes show how criminological ideas and research can be put into action. For example, a box in Chapter 2 discusses The Crime Analysis Tactical Clearing House (CATCH), an innovative mapping program that supports local law enforcement agencies in analyzing crime series and patterns using a number of crime mapping and analysis software applications and techniques. A box in Chapter 8 discusses Victim Offender Reconciliation in Denver, Colorado, a program designed in response to a summer of violence in the metro Denver area. • “Race, Culture, Gender, and Criminology” boxes cover issues of racial, sexual and cultural diversity. For example, a feature in Chapter 2 entitled On the Run 30 looks at the life of inner city kids who spend their time avoiding the police. A new “Race, Gender and Culture in Criminology” feature in Chapter 15 examines drug production and trafficking in the golden triangle. • “Thinking Like a Criminologist: An Ethical Dilemma” boxes present challenging questions or issues for which students must use their criminological knowledge to answer or confront ethical dilemmas. Applying the information learned in the text will help students begin to “think like criminologists.” CONTENTS Part I: CONCEPTS OF CRIME, LAW, AND CRIMINOLOGY. 1. Crime and Criminology. 2. The Nature and Extent of Crime. 3. Victims and Victimization. Part II: THEORIES OF CRIME CAUSATION. 4. Rational Choice Theory. 5. Trait Theories. 6. Social Structure Theories. 7. Social Process Theories: Socialization and Society (new title). 8. Social Conflict, Critical Criminology, and Restorative Justice. 9. Developmental Theories: Life Course, Latent Trait, and Trajectory (new title). Part III: CRIME TYPOLOGIES. 10. Interpersonal Violence. 11. Political Crime and Terrorism. 12. Property Crime. 13. Enterprise Crime: White-Collar and Green Collar Crime (new chapter). 14. Public Order Crime: Sex and Substance Abuse. 15. Crimes of the New Millennium: Cybercrime and Transnational Organized Crime (new chapter). © 2013, 640pp, Paperback, 9781133307563, SEXUAL OFFENSES AND OFFENDERS, 2E Theory, Practice, and Policy, International Edition Karen J. Terry, John Jay College of Criminal Justice This comprehensive text examines the unique characteristics of sexual offenses and the resulting laws that pertain specifically to them, including the causes and treatment of sexual offenses as well as the policy implications of research outcomes. Sexual offenders are often treated differently than other offenders (by both the community and the criminal justice system) as a result of public scorn and recidivism. This distinctive book answers the call for thorough, research-based information on this inherently controversial subject. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Two all-new chapters are included in this edition--one on sexual offending in institutional settings (such as the Church, prison, and the military), and the other on sexual offending and the Internet. • High-profile cases--including Jerry Sandusky, Genarlow Wilson, Justin Berry, and others--are discussed in depth, enhancing the book’s relevancy by showing how the theory and policy presented in the text apply in the real world. • Expanded coverage of important topics includes discussions of assessment/treatment (e.g., probation/ therapist collaboration, polygraphs, and worker burnout), child pornography/prostitution, offender re-entry into the community, sentencing, human trafficking, and many others. FEATURES • This text offers the most comprehensive coverage of sex offenders and their treatment by the criminal justice system of any other book on the market. In addition to providing information on the investigation and prosecution of sexual offenders, it also presents a thorough discussion of the definition, incidence, and prevalence of sex offenses. • Noted sex abuse scholar Karen Terry has done extensive research in the area and was the principal investigator on the Catholic Church sex abuse study, which was commissioned by the U.S. Bishops’ National Review Board and released in the spring of 2004 by John Jay College of Criminal Justice. • Part II, “Responses to Sexual Offenders,” examines the policing, supervision, and management of sexual offenders as well as the important issue of reducing recidivism, reflected in states’ constant implementation or modification of laws to better manage the behavior of sex offenders. • The text addresses legal issues such as Megan’s Law and Sexually Violent Predator legislation, and goes into great detail about why people abuse--including theories, the offense cycle, and issues related to the 31 maintenance of offending behavior. • To help students synthesize and retain material, the text includes comprehensive Chapter Summaries. End-of-chapter Discussion Questions promote critical thinking and the sharing of ideas in the classroom. Ethics in Criminal Justice CONTENTS Part I: UNDERSTANDING SEXUAL OFFENDING: INCIDENCE, PREVALENCE, AND CAUSES. 1. Sexual Offenses and Offenders. 2. Historical Perspectives on Sexual Offending. 3. Etiology of Sexually Deviant Behavior. 4. Cycle of Sexual Violence. Part II: OFFENDER TYPOLOGIES, SPECIAL GROUPS OF OFFENDERS, AND VICTIMS. 5. Types and Typologies of Sexual Offenders. 6. Juvenile Offenders. 7. Child Pornography, Prostitution and Predators. 8. Sexual Offending in Institutional Settings. 9. Victims. Part III: RESPONSES TO SEXUAL OFFENDERS: TREATMENT, PUNISHMENT, AND COMMUNITY REGULATIONS. 10. Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offenders. 11. Management and Supervision of Sex Offenders in the Community. 12. Registration and Community Notification Laws. 13. Controlling the Sexually Violent Predator. © 2013, 384pp, Paperback, 9781133528692 CURRENT PERSPECTIVES Readings from InfoTrac™ College Edition: Ethics in Criminal Justice Michael Whalen, South University Give your students access to an entire library’s worth of reliable sources with InfoTrac® College Edition, an online university library of more than 5,000 academic and popular magazines, newspapers, and journals. This edition of InfoTrac focuses on Ethics in Criminal Justice. Selected by Michael Whalen of South University, these articles provide a perfect supplement to our Criminal Justice texts. FEATURES • This text groups recent articles about Ethics in Criminal Justice into subtopics for ease of reference and comparison. CONTENTS Preface. PART I: LAW ENFORCEMENT: PRACTICE AND POLICY. 1. Man Arrested on Charges of Using Internet to Solicit Sex from Teen. 2. Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. 3. Breaking the Blue Wall. 4. Police Volunteers and Ethics. 5. Hollywood Inquiry Snares 3 More Officers. 6. Civil Rights Group Faults How Police are Policed. 7. Prosecutors Say Corruption in Atlanta Police Department is Widespread. 8. Law Enforcement Ethics Do Not Begin When You Pin on the Badge. PART II: THE COURTROOM WORKGROUP: ETHICS IN THE SYSTEM. 1. Looking Anew at Campaign Cash and Elected Judges. 2. Charged PA Judge to Seek 2nd Term. 3. ATLA Members’ Code of Conduct. 4. Attorney-Client Privilege Keeps Wrong Man in Prison. 5. The Reality of Political Prisoners in the United States. 6. No Gatekeeper of Justice. 7. 32 Judge Orders Trial for Ex-DA Charged in Embezzlement. PART III: SENTENCING AND CORRECTIONS: ETHICAL PUNISHMENT AND TREATMENT. 1. Civil Commitment for Convicted Criminals. 2. Another Chance? 3. Prisons Rife with Physical Abuse. 4. Idaho Prisoners Abused at Private Texas Prison. PART IV: GOVERNMENT POLICIES: WHEN ETHICS COLLIDE WITH NATIONAL SECURITY. 1. FBI Surveillance Capability More Extensive Than Once Thought. 2. Military Expands Intelligence Role in U.S. 3. Roundup of Aliens After 9/11 Ruled ‘Crude’ But Lawful. 4. Family Deported After Boy’s Arrest at School. 5. Immigration Agents Close by in Crackdown on Criminals. 6. Tortured Reasoning. InfoMarks: Make Your Mark. © 2009, 108pp, Paperback, 9780495597773 boxes spotlighting recent examples of misconduct. In addition, for those studying or contemplating a career in criminal justice, real-life cases and situations demonstrate the significance of ethics in today’s world of criminal justice. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Completely current to reflect the latest developments from the field, ETHICAL DILEMMAS AND DECISIONS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 8E, International Edition offers expanded coverage of the war on terror, privatization, community corrections, the death penalty, all things CSI, the impact of the economic slowdown on the CJ system, the misuse of power/discretion by elected officials and/or other public servants, the “future” of ethics in the CJ system, and more. • The new edition features an increased number of inchapter Dilemma boxes, which now break down the law, policy, and ethics issues for each scenario. Popular with instructors and students alike, the Dilemma boxes examine scenarios involving such issues as the use of expert witnesses, racial profiling, prosecutor discretion, client-lawyer confidentiality, and more. FEATURES ETHICAL DILEMMAS AND DECISIONS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 8E Joycelyn M. Pollock, Texas State University-San Marcos Packed with current, real-world examples, ETHICAL DILEMMAS AND DECISIONS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 8E, International Edition offers comprehensive, balanced, and practical coverage of ethics across all three arms of the criminal justice system: the police, the courts, and corrections. Readers not only find coverage of the philosophical principles and theories that are the very foundation of ethical decision-making, but also the latest challenges and issues in criminal justice--the war on terror, privatization, community corrections, the death penalty, the effect of the economic slowdown on the CJ system, the misuse of power/discretion by elected officials and/or other public servants, and much more. The text provides a wealth of hands-on exercises as well as such insightful features as “In the News” • “In the News” boxes focus on real-life examples of misconduct and the effects of misconduct, including Citizens For Responsibility and Ethics (CREW)’s “The Most Corrupt Members of Congress, 2011” report, Greg Smith’s “Why I’m Leaving Goldman Sachs” open letter, the financial cost of sweetheart deals in Chicago and Ohio, sentencing juvenile defendants to life without parole, the shooting of Trayvon Martin, intelligence-led policing in Florida, and more. • Unique student-centered learning tools help improve retention and mastery of challenging concepts, theories, and issues. Each chapter begins with numbered learning objectives that are carefully matched to end-of-chapter summary sections--as well as linked to corresponding quiz items in the accompanying CourseMate and Test Bank. In addition, a running glossary within the chapters defines key terms when they first appear in the text. • Featured in-context for each chapter, Dilemmas present scenarios that help students apply the principles being discussed, while the analysis of the legal, policy, and ethical aspects of each dilemma help them learn to consider multiple facets of any 33 given situation. • “Quote and Query” insets stimulate critical thinking by revisiting actual quotes from historical and contemporary figures in criminal justice and asking readers to answer the relevant questions. • “Policy” boxes in each chapter give students insight into public policy decisions with highly charged ethical considerations, such as the future of Affirmative Action. Introduction to Criminal Justice CONTENTS PART I: ETHICS AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. 1. Morality, Ethics, and Human Behavior. 2. Determining Moral Behavior. 3. Justice and Law. 4. Becoming an Ethical Professional. PART II: POLICE. 5. The Police Role in Society: Crime Fighter or Public Servant?. 6. Police Discretion and Dilemmas. 7. Police Corruption and Misconduct. PART III: LAW. 8. Law and Legal Professionals. 9. Zealous Advocates. 10. Justice and Judicial Ethics. PART IV: CORRECTIONS. 11. The Ethics of Punishment and Corrections. 12. Discretion and Dilemmas in Corrections. 13. Correctional Professionals: Misconduct and Responses. PART V: ETHICAL CHOICES IN TODAY’S WORLD. 14. Making Ethical Choices. © 2014, 512pp, Paperback, 9781285062839 CJ3 (WITH COURSEMATE PRINTED ACCESS CARD), 3E Larry K. Gaines, California State University, San Bernardino; Roger Miller, Institute for University Studies Arlington, Texas Created through a “student-tested, faculty-approved” review process, CJ3 is an engaging and accessible solution to accommodate the diverse lifestyles of today’s learners at a value-based price. Widely respected in both academia and law enforcement, authors Gaines and Miller deliver solid coverage in an innovative format that is ideal for the needs of today’s tech-savvy, on-the-go learners. Appealing to a broad range of learning styles, CJ3 also includes a full suite of unique learning tools, including quizzes, games, videos, flashcards, and more--all just a click away. The result is a book that is much more engaging and manageable for today’s criminal justice students than other texts. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The most significant change to this edition is the dramatically streamlined organization--featuring a reduction in the number of chapters from 17 to 14--which is better suited to what can typically be covered in a one-term course. • A new end-of-chapter review section plus unique “You Be the [profession]” boxes, such as “You Be the Police Officer” or “You Be the Parole Officer,” provide students with opportunities to test and apply their understanding of chapter concepts. • A new emphasis on social media throughout the text--via marginal insets as well as “Social Media Tips” enhancements to the Careers boxes--keeps students on the cutting edge. 34 FEATURES • Every 4LTR Press solution comes complete with an engaging print textbook, tear-out review cards, an interactive digital solution (CourseMate), and an eBook--all of which were directly influenced by student focus groups and surveys as well as interviews with faculty and students. • Shorter, comprehensive chapters in a modern design present content in a more engaging and accessible format without minimizing coverage for your course. • Tear-out Review Cards at the back of the Student Editions provide students a portable study tool containing all of the pertinent information for class preparation. • Instructor Prep Cards at the back of the Instructor’s Edition make preparation simple. These detachable cards for each chapter offer a quick map of chapter content, a list of corresponding PowerPoint® and video resources, additional examples, and suggested assignments and discussion questions to help you organize chapter content efficiently. • Every 4LTR Press solution comes with CourseMate, the interactive digital component that offers a full suite of unique learning tools that appeal to different learning styles. Quizzes, flashcards, videos, and more are only a click away. • CJ3 offers all of the content and resources you expect with a supplements package that is second to none, including an Online Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank as well as the PowerLecture™ presentation tool on CD/DVD. CONTENTS Part I: THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. 1. Criminal Justice Today. 2. Criminology/Measuring Crime. 3. Inside Criminal Law. Part II: THE POLICE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT. 4. Law Enforcement Today. 5. Problems and Solutions in Modern Policing. 6. Police and the Constitution. Part III: CRIMINAL COURTS. 7. Courts and the Quest for Justice. 8. The Criminal Trial. 9. Punishment and Sentencing. Part IV: CORRECTIONS. 10. Probation and Intermediate Sanctions. 11. Prisons and Jails. 12. Behind Bars. Part V: SPECIAL ISSUES. 13. Juvenile Justice System. 14. Terrorism, Cybercrime, and White Collar Crime. © 2015, 384pp, Paperback, 9781285460482 CJUS (WITH REVIEW CARD AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE COURSEMATE WITH EBOOK PRINTED ACCESS CARD) Laura Myers, Western Carolina University; Larry Myers, Western Carolina University; Joel Samaha, University of Minnesota Created through our unique “student-tested, facultyapproved” review process, CJUS is a concise, dynamic text designed to introduce today’s visual learner to essential criminal justice concepts. This brief, affordable paperback includes a full suite of learning aids to accommodate the busy, diverse lifestyles of today’s learners, including and interactive flash cards, quizzes, games, videos, and more – features that allow students to study wherever they are, whenever they have time. From its abbreviated, no-nonsense title to its engaging, effective content, CJUS is the perfect introductory criminal justice text for modern learners. FEATURES • The hallmark of CJUS is an engaging design perfect for visual learners – featuring dynamic illustrations and ripped-from-the-headlines photos to bring the material to life as well as prominent, crisp headers and short, tight narrative sections to help readers quickly identify key concepts. • Streamlined coverage of concepts results in chapters that are half as long as they are in most college textbooks – making learning more enjoyable and effective for the average student today. • Essential learning tools – marginal glossaries, integrated learning objectives, robust, informative photo captions, and thorough end-of-chapter summaries – are retained, while boxes and other marginal items, which are typically ignored by students, have been omitted. • Chapter concepts are brought to life with the help of gripping real-world chapter-opening vignettes 35 and plentiful in-chapter discussion of cutting-edge, headline cases and examples. • Each chapter includes a detachable card for convenient, quick review and class preparation. Student cards contain all pertinent review information, including key terms, definitions, learning objectives, and section summaries. Instructor cards feature chapter outlines, topics and terms covered, lecture launchers, listings of available videos and multimedia resources, student projects, and more. Students can access downloadable flashcards and more at the book companion site: CONTENTS 1. Criminal Justice in the United States. 2. Crime and Criminals. 3. Explanations of Criminal Behavior. 4. Criminal Justice and the Law. 5. Missions and Roles of the Police. 6. Policing Strategies. 7. Police and the Law. 8. Courts and Courtroom Work Groups. 9. Proceedings before Trial. 10. Trial and Guilty Pleas. 11. Sentencing. 12. Community Corrections. 13. Prisons, Jails, and Prisoners. 14. Prison Life. 15. Juvenile Justice. © 2010, 256pp, Paperback, 9781439043936 gain contributes to the country’s high rate of violent crime. Featuring a very clear and accessible writing style, this is a theory book that students will actually understand. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The authors have updated statistics, data, and research references to reflect the most current information available. • Expanded discussion of timely, high-profile topics includes financial scandals such as the recent conviction of Bernie Madoff as well as the changes in U.S. social life instigated by the September 11th terrorist attack. • The Fifth Edition addresses the recent (post 1990s) decline in crime rates and the current risks of criminal victimization in major U.S. cities. FEATURES • This text is a seminal work in criminological theory. Institutional anomie theory, developed by Messner and Rosenfeld and the foundation of this text, is now cited in virtually every current Criminology text. • A very clear and accessible writing style makes this a theory book that students will actually understand. • Brief and affordable, this text is a great accompaniment to mainstream Criminology texts as well as to other paperbacks used as a collection in Criminological Theory or Social Problems courses. CONTENTS CRIME AND THE AMERICAN DREAM, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 5E Steven F. Messner, University at Albany, State University of New York; Richard Rosenfeld, University of Missouri-St. Louis Preface. 1. A Society Organized for Crime. 2. By Any Means Necessary: Serious Crime in America. 3. Ships in the Night: Theoretical Perspectives in Contemporary Criminology. 4. Culture, Institutional Structure, and Crime. 5. Strengthening Social Institutions and Rethinking the American Dream. References. Index. © 2013, 176pp, Paperback, 9781133528647 Authored by Steven Messner and Richard Rosenfeld, both highly respected scholars and researchers CRIME AND THE AMERICAN DREAM, 5E, International Edition is the seminal work in a major segment of criminological theory. The foundation of the book is institutional anomie theory (an offshoot of Mertonian anomie theory), which the authors posit helps to explain why America’s over-emphasis on the pursuit of materialistic 36 broadened to cover a wide range of professions in the criminal justice field. New topics such as “You Be the Police Officer” and “You Be the Defense Attorney” spotlight a wealth of different career choices and facilitate scenario-based active learning. FEATURES CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN ACTION, 7E The Core, International Edition Larry K. Gaines, California State University, San Bernardino; Roger LeRoy Miller, Institute for University Studies, Arlington, Texas Concise, career focused, and completely up to date, the exciting new CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN ACTION: THE CORE, 7E, International Edition delivers the most accessible, applied, and real-world introduction to the field available today. Gripping photos and an engaging magazine-like layout make this succinct text ideal for a fast-paced course and visual learners. Covering topics and cases straight from today’s headlines, the text puts students in the middle of the action with vivid, relatable examples that demonstrate the core principles of the American justice system at work. Reflecting reviewer feedback, the text combines just the right depth of coverage with innovative media resources and a wealth of learning tools that appeal to a variety of learning styles. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Chapter 14, “Today’s Challenges in Criminal Justice,” features a major update of such cutting-edge issues as cybercrime, white-collar crime, homeland security, and immigration. • Social media tips have been added to the “Careers in Criminal Justice” boxes as well as to the text’s margins to educate students about how they can utilize social media tools to their best advantage--and perhaps more importantly, how future employers are utilizing them. • Updated throughout, this edition discusses such hot new topics as touch DNA (Chapter 5), community dispute resolution centers (Chapter 7), the expanding role of community corrections, the impact of the economic slowdown on the system, and many others. • The popular “You Be the Judge” feature has been • Succinct yet thorough, this concise 14-chapter text provides instructors with the class time they need to discuss the individual components of the criminal justice system as well as career opportunities for students. • Helping students immediately connect with key concepts, each chapter opens with learning objectives that are carefully matched to bulleted lists of key points in the end-of-chapter summaries. Learning objectives are also linked to corresponding quiz/test items in the Test Bank, CourseMate website, Student Study Guide, and PowerPoint slides--providing maximum learning reinforcement. • Recognized for its captivating style and content, CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN ACTION: THE CORE, 7E, International Edition delivers intriguing, up-tothe-minute stories and case studies. In addition, its reviewer-praised photo program offers riveting photographs that engage today’s visually oriented student. • Giving students an up-close, realistic view of opportunities in today’s market, “Careers in Criminal Justice” boxes profile criminal justice professionals who offer first-person accounts of their jobs. These boxes--coupled with the Careers in Criminal Justice Website--help students understand the breadth of rewarding careers available in the criminal justice field. • Each question in the Instructor Approved Test Bank has been carefully reviewed by experienced criminal justice professors for quality, accuracy, and content coverage-- meaning instructors can be certain they are working with an assessment and grading resource of the highest caliber. CONTENTS 1. Criminal Justice Today. 2. Causes of Crime. 3. Inside Criminal Law. 4. Law Enforcement Today. 5. Challenges to Effective Policing. 6. Police and the Constitution. 7. Courts and the Quest for Justice. 8. The Criminal Trial. 9. Punishment and Sentencing. 10. Probation and 37 Community Corrections. 11. Prisons and Jails. 12. Behind Bars: The Life of an Inmate. 13. The Juvenile Justice System. 14. Today’s Challenges in Criminal Justice. © 2014, 496pp, Paperback, 9781285069197 CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN ACTION, 8E Larry K. Gaines, California State University, San Bernardino; Roger LeRoy Miller, Institute for University Studies, Arlington, Texas As riveting and current as today’s headlines, CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN ACTION, Eighth Edition, is designed with today’s busy students and instructors in mind. Concepts make sense to students, thanks to vivid straight-fromthe-headlines vignettes at the beginning of every chapter and plentiful real-world examples throughout. Choosing what’s important to remember is a snap with each chapter’s numbered objectives, which are reinforced throughout the chapter as well as in the book’s supplementary items. Thinking critically and writing become less intimidating for students with the guidance of practical writing activities. Reviewers praise the book’s crisp, clear topic coverage as much as its engaging magazine-style design and captivating writing, which combine to draw students--even today’s visual learners--into the material. Updated throughout, the Eighth Edition includes more material on victims, a stronger emphasis on domestic terrorism, a new emphasis on social media, and more. NEW TO THIS EDITION • All-new chapter opening vignettes help students see the relevance of chapter material and draw them into the reading. Examples include a look into the possible reasons behind James Holmes’ actions in 2012 when he killed 12 moviegoers and wounded 58 others in Colorado (Chapter 2); two sides of law enforcement’s relationship with social media (Chapter 6); and an explanation for the jail sentence handed down in 2012 to Dharun Ravi, convicted of invasion of privacy and bias intimidation for viewing Tyler Clementi-who later committed suicide--with another man via a webcam (Chapter 11). • Chapters 16 and 17 from the seventh edition have been combined into a single chapter, “Today’s Challenges: Cyber Crime, White Collar Crime, and International Terrorism.” This change reduces the total number of chapters to sixteen, providing a better match for semester-length classes. • Chapter 3, “Defining and Measuring Crime,” presents a major new focus on victims in the criminal justice system. Victimization also has a greater presence where appropriate throughout the text. For example, Chapter 1 contains an introduction to victim issues, Chapter 11 addresses the role that victims play in determining punishment, Chapter 12 discusses the role that victims play in the parole decision, and Chapter 15 includes a discussion of juvenile victims. • A new social media feature in the margins directs students to their browser to search for a website--the FBI’s Twitter account, for example, or the Electronic Privacy Information Center’s Facebook page--where they can access a ready stream of information concerning various aspects of American criminal justice. • New “Social Media Career Tips” have been added to each “Careers in CJ” feature to familiarize students with the ways in which these new tools can be both helpful and harmful to Criminal Justice professionals. • New “Countering Domestic Terrorism” features address this growing threat, discussing homegrown terrorists, the diversity of hate, protecting sensitive installations, and much more. • The material on parole has been moved to Chapter 12 and combined with coverage of probation. A new Chapter 12 title, “Probation, Parole, and Community Corrections,” reflects this change. • The layout of each chapter title page more clearly connects the Learning Objectives to the chapter’s headings. Each chapter continues to have eight to ten Learning Objectives, which are placed within the margins of the chapter to highlight the content, and then used as the basis for the chapter summary. This effective integrated system of Learning Objectives reinforces student understanding and aids in learning 38 assessment. FEATURES • CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN ACTION remains the most career-oriented text available--with plentiful firstperson accounts of criminal justice jobs to expose students to the wide range of rewarding careers available in the field as well as to essential facts on each career choice, including job qualifications, annual salary range, and the new Social Media Career tips described above. • “CJ and Technology” coverage, while easily identifiable, is integrated into the narrative so students are less likely to skip over technological innovations that are crucial to today’s criminal justice system. Examples include the use of biometrics in police work, the use of transdermal alcohol testing, and the future of fingerprinting. CONTENTS Part I: THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. 1. Criminal Justice Today. 2. Causes of Crime. 3. Defining and Measuring Crime. 4. Inside Criminal Law. Part II: THE POLICE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT. 5. Law Enforcement Today. 6. Challenges to Effective Policing. 7. POLICE AND THE CONSTITUTION: RULES OF LAW ENFORCEMENT. Part III: CRIMINAL COURTS. 8. Courts and the Quest for Justice. 9. Pretrial Procedures: The Adversary System in Action. 10. The Criminal Trail. 11. Punishment and Sentencing. Part IV: CORRECTIONS. 12. Probation, Parole, and Community Corrections. 13. Prisons and Jails. 14. Behind Bars: The Life of an Inmate. Part V: SPECIAL ISSUES. 15. The Juvenile Justice System. 16. Today’s Challenges: Cyber Crime, White Collar Crime, and International Terrorism. © 2015, 640pp, Hardback, 9781285458984 CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN AMERICA, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 7E George F. Cole, University of Connecticut; Christopher E. Smith, Michigan State University; Christina DeJong, Michigan State University In CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN AMERICA, 7E, International Edition George Cole, Christopher Smith, and new coauthor Christina DeJong have accomplished much within a brief format. They provide discussion of today’s hottest careers, international comparisons, writing challenges, and real-world applications--all within a unique interdisciplinary framework. This concise introductory criminal justice text shows students the field’s real-world opportunities while giving them a broad understanding of how and why public policy impacts criminal justice as it is practiced today. Created as an alternative to more expensive, encyclopedic introductory texts, this reader-friendly best seller incorporates ideas, themes, and theories from criminology, sociology, law, history, psychology, and political science. In addition to a strong interdisciplinary emphasis, CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN AMERICA, 7E, International Edition teaches students to become better citizens by helping them think critically about what justice means in our society and how individuals can play a role in defining that meaning. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Unique new coverage illuminates the ways in which the downturn of the U.S. economy, and resulting budget reductions, are affecting all segments of the criminal justice system. Discussions examine staff and budget cuts in police departments and courts, the shifting of police resource allocation strategies, reductions in enforcement of lesser offenses, initiatives to reduce the use of imprisonment through community corrections, expanded parole, reentry 39 planning, the cost differences between probation and imprisonment, and the effects of cutbacks on the testing of criminal evidence. • The Seventh Edition incorporates an increased emphasis on critical thinking. New critical thinking questions and assignments have been added to each set of “Checkpoint” questions throughout the text. These brief “Stop and Analyze” sections ask students to analyze and briefly give reasons for their conclusions about a key, debatable issue raised in that section of the book. Additionally, critical thinking questions have been added to each “What Americans Think” feature to better link those features to the issues and discussions in the chapters in which they appear. • “Question of Ethics” features are all new. Rather than simply posing hypothetical scenarios with obvious answers as many books do, each one now uses a recent news story about an actual event to bring timely, relevant ethical questions to the fore. To enhance critical thinking, students are asked to place themselves in the roles of police chiefs, judges, and other officials--and use those perspectives to present policies and action steps to address the “real world” ethical problems. • Additional “Policy Debates” sections--which encourage lively discussion and debate by describing a policy issue such as aggressive policing or the death penalty and outlining its pros and cons--have been included to heighten currency. For example, the “Policy Debate” box in Chapter 3 looks at the question of whether or not ex-felons’ gun ownership rights should be restored. FEATURES • To provide maximum learning reinforcement, each chapter begins with numbered learning objectives that are carefully matched to end-of-chapter summary sections and linked to corresponding quiz or test items in the accompanying Test Bank, PowerPoint® slides, CourseMate website, and Study Guide. • The authors’ widely lauded interdisciplinary approach draws on research from criminology, law, history, sociology, psychology, and political science. This treatment facilitates a deeper understanding of the American criminal justice system by examining subjects such as social systems, social problems, determinants of individual behavior, government processes, policy making, and conceptions of morality and justice. • “Close-up” essays and other real-life examples throughout the text draw on material from newspaper articles, court decisions, first-person accounts, and other current sources to show students the human implications of criminal justice policies and procedures. • “Technology Issues in Criminal Justice” features in each chapter show students how the police, courts, and corrections have made the criminal justice system more effective through the use of innovations such as nonlethal weapons, patrol car computers, behavior modification, stalker trackers, and other advanced technology. • Interactive “What Americans Think” features throughout the book give students the opportunity to review public opinion polls on controversial issues and then go online to vote for themselves. “Inside the Criminal Justice System and Beyond: One Man’s Journey,” a serialized essay by Chuck Terry that concludes each part of the book, provides a rare insider’s look at the steps in the criminal justice process. • “Careers in Criminal Justice” boxes feature profiles of people working in the field and current information on real-world job qualifications, outlooks, salaries, and more, such as growing opportunities with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency of the Department of Homeland Security. CONTENTS Part I: CRIME AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. 1. The Criminal Justice System. 2. Crime and Crime Causation. 3. Criminal Justice and the Rule of Law. Part II: POLICE. 4. Police. 5. Policing: Contemporary Issues and Challenges. 6. Police and the Law. Part III: COURTS. 7. Courts and Adjudication. 8. Pretrial Procedures, Plea Bargaining, and the Criminal Trial. 9. Punishment and Sentencing. Part IV: CORRECTIONS. 10. Corrections. 11. Community Corrections: Probation and Intermediate Sanctions. 12. Incarceration and Prison Society. Part V: SPECIAL ISSUES IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE. 13. Reentry into the Community. 14. Technology and Criminal Justice. 15. Juvenile Justice. Appendix: Constitution of the United States: Criminal Justice Amendments. References. Glossary. Name Index. Subject Index. 40 © 2014, 560pp, Paperback, 9781285072692 ESSENTIALS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 9E Larry J. Siegel, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; John L. Worrall, University of Texas at Dallas One of the few bestselling introductory criminal justice texts written by professors who actively teach the undergraduate course each year, ESSENTIALS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, Ninth Edition, is uniquely attuned to the needs of today’s students and instructors. This brief introduction to the criminal justice system provides students with thorough, objective coverage of all the latest research in the field, cutting-edge topical and case discussions, and the richest examination of career options to be found in a criminal justice text-all in fewer than 500 pages. The text is ideal for those who want the proven reliability of Siegel and Worrall’s authorship in a shorter, paperback presentation. Impeccable scholarship is made accessible through the use of integrated learning objectives, plentiful visuals, and a unique “Reality-Check” theme designed to disabuse students of the incorrect notions, perceptions, and biases they bring to the class as a result of what they see on television or the Internet. And now, a unique new focus on understanding ethical issues gives students opportunities to grapple with ethical concerns faced by agents of the criminal justice system in their professional lives. NEW TO THIS EDITION • A new focus on understanding ethical issues gives students unparalleled opportunities to grapple with many of the ethical concerns faced by agents of the criminal justice system in their professional lives. • Each chapter begins with a new real-life case vignette that reflects an ethical challenge in criminal justice. For example, Chapter 3 opens with the story of Jennifer Jorgensen, who was sentenced to three to nine years in prison for a car crash in which she was driving without a seatbelt, causing the death of her unborn child. The discussion reflects on the ethics of the case, i.e., is it fair to charge someone like Jorgenson with manslaughter even though she had no intent to kill her unborn child? • In support of the stronger emphasis on ethics, new “Ethical Reflections” boxes throughout each chapter challenge students to apply their own sense of ethics to everyday decision-making. These boxes provide further discussion and reinforcement of the ethical issue introduced in the chapter opener. • Revised “Ethical Challenge” features now include more background information, making these activities more approachable for students and more easily assignable for instructors. These features present controversial topics in criminal justice and ask students to address the ethical dilemma posed by the issue in an essay. • New “WebApps” throughout the book offer a variety of activities for further research and reading, identifying websites that contain valuable information to enrich the textual material. • “Careers in Criminal Justice” boxes include a new “Reality Check” section that discusses the potential pitfalls of the career area, as well as what might disqualify a person from the career or job being highlighted. New careers introduced in this edition include Loss Prevention Specialist in Chapter 4 and Crime Analyst in Chapter 5. FEATURES • The “CSI effect” deals instructors one of their greatest challenges. The text’s myth-busting “RealityCheck” theme meets the challenge head on, helping students replace the fiction they’ve seen on television or the Internet with a solid understanding of the realities of the criminal justice system. Chapter-opening “RealityCheck” statements highlight common misperceptions about crime and the American criminal justice system. Throughout the chapter, marginal “RealityCheck” insets spotlight where these myths are countered or dispelled. Focus questions encourage critical thinking and discussion. • Providing maximum reinforcement and promoting student success, chapters begin with numbered learning objectives that are carefully matched to end-of-chapter summary sections--as well as linked 41 to ancillary quiz and test items. • “Criminal Justice and Technology” boxes review some of the more recent scientific advances that can aid the justice system. In Chapter 12, for example, “Monitoring People and Places in Prison” looks at how technology now enables prison administrators to keep track of dangerous inmates and also monitor the most dangerous places on the prison grounds. • “Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice” boxed features highlight evidence-based criminal justice policies and practices, helping students to think critically about current justice issues. For example, a box in Chapter 2 reviews the issues surrounding gun control and the Constitution, another in Chapter 11 looks at the problems faced by elderly inmates, and a box in Chapter 12 discusses criminal records and reentry success. CONTENTS Part I: THE NATURE OF CRIME, LAW, AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE. 1. Crime and Criminal Justice. 2. The Nature of Crime and Victimization. 3. Criminal Law: Substance and Procedure. Part II: THE POLICE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT. 4. Police in Society: History and Organization. 5. The Police: Role and Function. 6. Issues in Policing: Professional, Social, and Legal. Part III: COURTS AND ADJUDICATION. 7. Courts, Prosecution, and the Defense. 8. Pretrial and Trial Procedures. 9. Punishment and Sentencing. Part IV: CORRECTIONS AND ALTERNATIVE SANCTIONS. 10. Community Sentences: Probation, Intermediate Sanctions, and Restorative Justice. 11. Corrections: History, Institutions, and Populations. 12. Prison Life: Living in and Leaving Prison. Part V: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN AMERICAN CRIMINAL JUSTICE. 13. Juvenile Justice in the Twenty First Century. 14. Criminal Justice in the New Millennium. © 2015, 496pp, Paperback, 9781285441528, INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Wadsworth; Todd Scott, Schoolcraft Community College INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE: CURRENT PERSPECTIVES FROM INFOTRAC® includes timely articles on the Criminal Justice System, Police and Law Enforcement, Courts and the Adjudication System and the Correctional System. These articles are an ideal supplement to our Introduction to Criminal Justice texts as it provides current examples and goes into more detail about current issues. Along with the reader, students are given access to an entire library’s worth of reliable sources with INFOTRAC®® College Edition, an online university library of more than 5,000 academic and popular magazines, newspapers, and journals. FEATURES • This short reader includes articles on Current Perspectives in the field of Criminal Justice. CONTENTS SECTION I: CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. CRIME DECLINE. 1. US Crime Rate is Down: Six Key Reasons. 2. Report: Gov’t has Huge Intelligence Force. 3. Palm Beach County’s High-Tech Security Hub Tracks Terror Threats and Crime. SECTION II: POLICE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT. ETHICAL BEHAVIOR. 4. Ramsey Beefs Up Philadelphia Police Ethics Strategies. 5. Breaking the Law to Enforce It: Undercover Police Participation in Crime. 6. Corruption Cases Tainted Philadelphia Police in 2010. 7. Problems, Sure. Broken? Not These Everyday Heroes: Debate: How Should the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department be Fixed. 8. City’s Integrity Squad Disbanded; Ex-Chief Says it Was Effective. USE OF FORCE. 9. Force Data Show Taser Becoming Most Used: A Eugene Police Report Finds that the Use Of Pepper Spray is Falling. 10. Police 42 Investigations of the Use of Deadly Force Can Influence Perceptions and Outcomes. 11. Teaching Police When to Use Deadly Force. EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES 12. Weber State Developing Blimp for Police. 13. Tapping in to Tablets: Knox County Sheriff’s Detectives Find iPads Helpful with Investigations. 14. Memphis Police Department Reduces Crime Rates with IBM Predictive Analytics Software. 15. City of Gary Expands ShotSpotter Gunshot Location System. EVIDENCEBASED POLICING. 16. GIS Prevalent at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium. 17. My Search as a Cop for Justice in a Flawed Criminal System. 18. On The Block: A Pilot Program in Oakland, California, Combines Community Policing with Social Services and Gets AtRisk Young Men Off the Street. 19. How to Fix America’s Broken Criminal Justice System. 20. Violent crime cut 40 percent in Lopezville area.. SECTION III: COURTS AND THE ADJUDICATION SYSTEM. ETHICAL BEHAVIOR OF JUDGES AND PROSECUTORS. 21. When Defendants Are Threatened to Plead Guilty. 22. Casualties of Justice. SENTENCING STRATEGIES. 23. Jefferson County Court One of Six in the Country Selected for NHTSA Alcohol Anklet Case Study. 24. Commission Proposes Changes to Sentencing Guidelines. THE MIRANDA RULE. 25. Supreme Court cases 2009-2010 term. 26. High Court to Hear Appeal in Murder of Toddler, Young Woman. 27. Prosecutors’ legal strategy advances in murder case. ALTERNATIVE COURTS. 28. Asylum Philadelphia: A look at the Overburdened Philadelphia. 29. Wellness Courts Help Alaskans with Addiction Access Treatment. 30. DWI Court Offers Jail Alternative: Program Saves County Money. SECTION IV: CORRECTIONAL SYSTEM. ETHICAL BEHAVIOR OF CORRECTIONAL PERSONNEL. 31. Probation Workers Investigated in Carjacking. 32. Inmate Being Force-Fed, Lawyer Says. 33. Ex-con tells of sex forced on him. USE OF FORCE. 34. An examination of Legal Cases Involving the Use of Tasers and Stun Guns on Pretrial Detainees. 35. Inmate’s Plight a Travesty. EVIDENCE-BASED CORRECTIONS. 36. Community Supervision in Oklahoma Goes Evidence Based. 37. Investing in Healthy Communities: Together, in Partnership, We Have a Responsibility to Society and to Offenders to Continue Developing and Evaluating Efficient, Effective, and Cost-Conscience Methods of Delivering Valid, Evidence-Based Treatment and Programs. 38. Empirically Supported Reentry: Review and Prospects. 39. From good intentions to evidence-based: paving the right road. COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS. 40. Leveraging the Criminal Justice System to Reduce Alcohol- and Drug-Related Crime: A Review of Three Promising, and Innovative Model Programs. 41. Toward Fewer Prisoners & Less Crime. 42. Stimulus Money to Fund Program for Residents on Parole, Probation. SPECIAL POPULATIONS. 43. Crisis Intervention Teams Adapted To Correctional Populations. 44. Dodge Correctional Hospice Program Gives ‘Comfort Care’ to Dying Inmates. 45. State No. 1 in Treatment of Pregnant Inmates. © 2012, 320pp, Paperback, 9781111828332 INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 14E Larry J. Siegel, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; John Worrall One of the few bestselling introductory criminal justice texts written by professors who actively teach the course to large numbers of undergraduates each year, INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE, International Edition, is uniquely attuned to the needs of today’s students and instructors. Known for its authoritative, solidly researched content, the exciting new edition of Siegel and Worrall’s text delivers the most comprehensive, cutting-edge coverage of criminal justice available. Extremely student friendly, the text’s balanced and objective presentation is packed with provocative real-world examples and the latest developments from the field. A crisp writing style— together with integrated multimedia resources and vivid illustrations—deftly guides readers through the intricate workings of the police, courts, and correctional systems; the concepts and processes of justice; and key policy issues. 43 NEW TO THIS EDITION • A new feature, “The Victim Experience,” provides a brief story of a real experience, a big picture section that places the experience in context, and a classroom exercise. For instance, “From Vigilantism to United Victims” in Chapter 5 discusses victims who band together and take matters into their own hands. The feature discusses citizens who assisted police (such as Philadelphians who set up cameras to help catch perpetrators of a rash of vandalism in their neighborhood), as well as situations in which victims acted independently and became vigilantes, like Bernhard Goetz. • Expanded coverage of private policing and private security, loss prevention, and asset protection makes the text ideal for introductory criminal justice courses in the growing number of departments that are increasing their emphasis on these issues in the wake of municipal budgetary cutbacks. • Based on reviewer feedback, Part Three has been streamlined by combining materials formerly in Chapters 9 (courts and judiciary) and 10 (prosecution and defense) into a new chapter, “Court Structure and Personnel”. This change provides even more balanced treatment across the topics of police, courts, and corrections. FEATURES • Each chapter opens with fascinating accounts of high-profile, real-life cases illustrating key concepts, encouraging students to immediately begin absorbing and applying course material. • To provide maximum learning reinforcement, each chapter’s learning objectives are carefully integrated within the text, matched to end-of-chapter summary sections, and linked to corresponding quiz/test items in the accompanying Test Bank, Study Guide, and CourseMate (the book’s website). • Each question in the “Instructor Approved” Test Bank is carefully reviewed by experienced instructors for quality, accuracy, and content coverage. The “Instructor Approved” seal appears on the front cover of the supplement as our assurance that instructors are working with an assessment and grading resource of the highest caliber. • “Professional Spotlight” part openers exemplify the text’s emphasis on career opportunities in the field. These “guest speaker” openers feature professionals offering some insight or experience that puts their criminal justice career in a positive light. • Several other features throughout the text help students understand and apply what they are learning within a realistic and current criminal justice context, including: • -”Key Cases” reflect the latest developments in case law and highlight important cases in policing, courts, corrections, juvenile justice, and homeland security. • -”Evolution of Case” use a particular case to show how the law has evolved over time with related decisions and cases. CONTENTS Part I: THE NATURE OF CRIME, LAW, AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE. 1. Crime and Criminal Justice. 2. Nature and Extent of Crime. 3. Understanding Crime and Victimization. 4. Criminal Law. Part II: THE POLICE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT. 5. Police History and Structure. 6. Police Organization, Role, Function. 7. Issues in Policing. 8. Police and Rule of Law. Part III: COURTS AND ADJUDICATION. 9. Court Structure and Personnel. 10. Pretrial and Trial Procedures. 11. Punishment and Sentencing. Part IV: CORRECTIONS. 12. Community Corrections: Probation, Intermediate Sanctions, Restorative Justice. 13. Corrections History, Institutions, Populations. 14. Prison Life. Part V: CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE. 15. Juvenile Justice. 16. Crime and Justice in the New Millennium. © 2014, 736pp, Paperback, 9781285069128 44 THE AMERICAN SYSTEM OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 14E George F. Cole, University of Connecticut; Christopher E. Smith, Michigan State University; Christina DeJong, Michigan State University This classic best seller, commonly referred to as “The Eagle,” helps students discover the meaning of justice in our society and identify the roles individuals play in the criminal justice system. Examining criminal justice through an interdisciplinary lens, THE AMERICAN SYSTEM OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 14th Edition, presents elements from criminology, sociology, law, history, psychology, and political science, and challenges students to balance the mechanics of the system with its human components. The text offers a relevant introduction to the field with solid scholarship and approachable writing, and holds student attention with current, compelling events and cases. The combination of these elements helps prepare students to participate in the system as citizens and future criminal justice practitioners. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Thoroughly updated, this edition also includes a new emphasis on the importance of evidence-based practice in criminal justice. The contemporary effort to apply systematic social science research to shape criminal justice policies and practices is highlighted through numerous examples in “New Directions in Criminal Justice Policy features.” Topics include evidence-based practices concerning the release of sex offenders into the community, the physical and psychological well-being of police officers, police patrol emphases on “hot spots” and problem-oriented policing, and public surveillance technology. • The “Question of Ethics” features at the end of each chapter are all new, and now emphasize examples drawn from news reports. Topics include police honesty in conducting stops and filing reports on crimes, questioning suspects, use of force, and judges’ behavior. These features give students an opportunity to role play and hone their ethical decision-making skills. Each “dilemma” presented is followed by a “Critical Thinking and Analysis” writing exercise. • New technology topics include emerging issues such as transnational cybercrimes, the epidemic of smartphone thefts, police use of predictive software, license plate readers, and domestic use of aerial drones for law enforcement purposes. There is also new material on transnational crimes, recurring victimization, decriminalization of marijuana, use of smartphones by patrol officers, specialized courts, terrorism, and many other key topics. FEATURES • Each chapter includes several “Stop and Analyze” critical thinking features. These higher-order questions check students’ understanding of what they have just read; some questions challenge students to develop arguments and conclusions about their own positions. “Debating the Issue” sections within the text’s boxed inserts can be used to spur classroom discussion or as writing assignments. • “Technology and Criminal Justice” features highlight important new technologies that affect the system today. For example, Chapter 2 provides a discussion of the ways in which technologies such as cell phones and social media are being used both in the commission of, and in the investigation of, criminal activities. In Chapter 9, a boxed feature introduces technological innovations in jail administration. • The text’s primary themes--1) criminal justice as a social system, including multiple subsystems, and 2) criminal justice as an interdisciplinary endeavor based on criminology, sociology, law, history, psychology, and political science--broaden your students’ perspectives on criminal justice. • “Civic Engagement: Your Role in the System” expands on the civic engagement theme introduced in Chapter 1. After presenting real-life examples, this feature prompts students to apply what they are learning to a deeper exploration of the topic, and then compare their response to real-world results via the Internet. • Because public opinion plays an important role in the policy-making process in a democracy, the text 45 features unique “What Americans Think” insets to engage students through the use of public opinion polls on controversial criminal justice issues. This feature allows students to see how their opinions compare with the national perspective. • “Close Up” boxes provide real-life examples that draw on newspapers, court decisions, first-person accounts, and other current sources, illustrating how theory plays out in practice as well as the human implications of policies and procedures in criminal justice. • “New Directions in Criminal Justice Policy” delivers unparalleled coverage of policy issues, showing how criminal justice policy affects the system as well as the role of public opinion in policy formation. CONTENTS Part I: CRIME AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. 1. Crime and Justice in America. 2. Victimization and Criminal Behavior. 3. The Criminal Justice System. 4. Criminal Justice and the Rule of Law. Part II: POLICE. 5. Police. 6. Police Officers and Law Enforcement Operations. 7. Policing: Contemporary Issues and Challenges. 8. Police and Constitutional Law. Part III: COURTS. 9. Courts and Pretrial Processes. 10. Prosecution and Defense. 11. Determination of Guilt: Plea Bargaining and Trials. 12. Punishment and Sentencing. Part IV: CORRECTIONS. 13. Corrections. 14. Community Corrections: Probation and Intermediate Sanctions. 15. Incarceration and Prison Society. 16. Reentry Into the Community. Part V: THE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM. 17. Juvenile Justice. © 2015, 800pp, Hardback, 9781285458991 Issues in Criminal Justice COMPARATIVE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 5E Harry R. Dammer, The University of Scranton; Jay S. Albanese, Virginia Commonwealth University With its innovative topical approach, bestselling COMPARATIVE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS, 5E, International Edition offers a comprehensive analysis as it compares the various criminal justice systems throughout the world using six model countries: China, England, France, Germany, Japan, and Saudi Arabia. The text illustrates the different types of law and justice systems while exploring the historical, political, economic, social, and cultural influences on each system. This unique approach examines important aspects of each type of justice system--common law, civil law, socialist law, and sacred (Islamic) law--to give students a thorough understanding of the similarities and differences of each system without overloading them with too much information. Completely up to date, the Fifth Edition includes the latest trends and issues in international juvenile justice, policing, and terrorism, including expanded coverage of such high-profile topics as human trafficking, Internet pornography, identity theft, transnational policing, and more. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Completely up to date and reflecting the latest issues and trends from the field, COMPARATIVE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS, 5E, International Edition offers expanded coverage of such high-profile issues as human trafficking, Internet pornography, identity theft, organized crime, terrorism, transnational policing, and more to keep students on the cutting 46 edge of the field. • Chapter learning objectives help students focus on the most important concepts as they read. Objectives are linked to comprehensive bullet-point summaries at the ends of chapters to reinforce students’ retention of key concepts. • Each chapter now opens with a high-interest vignette that draws students into chapter material and vividly illustrates the relevance of the upcoming chapter content. The Courts and Legal Professionals. 8. After Conviction: The Sentencing Process. 9. After Conviction: The Problem of Prison. 10. Terrorism. 11. Transnational Organized Crime. 12. Juvenile Justice in International Perspective. © 2014, 400pp, Paperback, 9781285067872 FEATURES • COMPARATIVE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS, 5E, International Edition is the only book of its kind that devotes a separate chapter to international crime trends, which includes data on crime victimization in 30 countries and 33 world cities as well as homicides in 54 countries. • Making instant connections with students, “Comparative CJ at the Movies” boxes in every chapter summarize recent movies dealing with comparative criminal justice issues--giving students hands-on experience applying text material to realistic scenarios. • Spotlighting recent news of crime and criminal justice in comparative contexts, critical thinking exercise boxes in every chapter challenge students to put chapter concepts into real-world practice. • Giving students a truly global perspective, the text’s unique topical arrangement uses six specific model countries to compare, contrast, and illustrate a variety of criminal justice systems. England depicts the common law system, France the unitary civil law system, Germany the federal civil law system, Saudi Arabia the Islamic law system, Japan a hybrid but distinctive system, and China socialist law. • The authors’ innovative approach is both historical and political in its intriguing demonstration of how each country’s system of justice is the product of that nation’s distinctive historical and political events and culture. Economic and social factors are also taken into account. CONTENTS 1. Introduction. 2. Measuring and Comparing Crime In and Across Nations. 3. Families of Law. 4. Six Model Nations. 5. Law Enforcement: Functions, Organization, and Community Involvement. 6. Criminal Procedure. 7. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT, 2E A History of the Criminal Justice System, International Edition Mitchel P. Roth, Sam Houston State University Authoritative and engaging, CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: A HISTORY OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, International Edition delivers a comprehensive examination of the history of the criminal justice system. Roth begins with a discussion of system’s roots in the ancient world and Great Britain and carries the narrative all the way through the 21st Century and the impact of terrorism and white collar crime on today’s criminal justice institutions. Written by a historian and criminologist, the text goes in depth to demonstrate how history has shaped the present criminal justice system and how it affects public policy being established today. It offers intriguing insight into the people--such as Robert F. Kennedy and J. Edgar Hoover--and events-like the Innocence Project--that impacted the evolution of the American system. In addition to its thorough coverage of history, the Second Edition explores the issues challenging today’s system, such as Ponzi schemes, medical marijuana, the Second Chance Act, faith-based initiatives, prison gangs, and much more. Covering criminal justice both chronologically and topically, CRIME AND PUNISHMENT couples recent trends with historical analysis to equip readers with a thorough understanding of today’s criminal justice system. 47 NEW TO THIS EDITION • More than 30 new vignettes illustrate the contributions to the criminal justice system made by a wide variety of individuals and events: Robert F. Kennedy as attorney general; NYC Constable Jacob Hays; J. Edgar Hoover and organized crime; the Kansas City Massacre; the Kefauver hearings; COINTELPRO; the RICO Act; anarchism in America; Western town marshals; the Innocence Project; Piracy; Colonial Blue Laws; “Pleading the Belly”; wiretapping; Ponzi schemes; and more. • Thoroughly revised, Chapter 14 illustrates the impact of the age of terrorism on the American criminal justice system, including the Patriot Act and its reauthorization, the Department of Homeland Security, torture, rendition, and military tribunals. It also includes an updated section on white collar crime--the subprime mortgage scandal, Enron, Bernard Madoff, the return of the Ponzi scheme, etc.-- and features new material on prison gangs, the aging prison population, AIDS and other prison health issues, the lethal injection debate, medical marijuana, the Second Chance Act, and life without parole. • Chapter 13 includes late-breaking coverage of recent criminal justice issues, such as faith-based initiatives, restorative justice, and prison gangs. CONTENTS PREFACE. 1. From Customs to Codes: Criminal Justice in the Ancient World. 2. English Criminal Justice Traditions (570-1725). 3. Criminal Justice in Early America (15971740). 4. Criminal Justice in Revolutionary Times (17181797). 5. Criminal Justice in the New Nation (1777-1834). 6. Criminal Justice in Antebellum America (1817-1857). 7. Criminal Justice in Civil War America (1856-1876). 8. Criminal Justice in Victorian America (1870-1901). 9. Criminal Justice in the Progressive Era (1898-1928). 10. Criminal Justice in the Crisis Decades (1919-1938). 11. Criminal Justice at Mid-Century (1941-1959). 12. Nationalization of Criminal Justice (1960-1979). 13. Criminal Justice at the End of the Twentieth Century (1980-2000). 14. Criminal Justice in the Age of Terrorism (2000-2010). GLOSSARY. WHO’S WHO IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE HISTORY. INDEX. © 2011, 408pp, Paperback, 9780495812692 FEATURES • Covering criminal justice both chronologically and topically, this engaging text helps students grasp key events in the history of the criminal justice system while connecting closely with policy issues in today’s society. • CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: A HISTORY OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, 2e truly equips students with the whole story. This comprehensive text includes both recent trends and historical analysis, providing students with the bigger picture of the history of criminal justice--from Neolithic times to the present--and also emphasizing the changes and the influences over time. • Critical thinking questions and Internet resources included at the end of each chapter encourage students to link material beyond the specific chapter content. • In each chapter, a Point/Counterpoint discussion uses first-person accounts to illustrate an important criminal justice debate from the period. DRUG USE AND ABUSE, 8E A Comprehensive Introduction, International Edition Howard Abadinsky, St. Johns University Packed with the latest data and research, the powerful new Eighth Edition of Howard Abadinsky’s DRUG USE AND ABUSE: A COMPREHENSIVE INTRODUCTION, 8E, International Edition delivers a thorough, interdisciplinary survey of all aspects of drug and alcohol abuse. The text draws from the many disciplines of history, law, pharmacology, political science, social work, counseling, psychology, sociology, and criminal justice--resulting in the most comprehensive, authoritative single source available. The author explores the history of drugs, their impact on society, the pharmacological impact of drugs on the body, drug policy implications, the criminal justice system response, the drug business, law enforcement, theories 48 of use, as well as the effects, treatment, and prevention of abuse. New coverage includes nonmedical use of prescription drugs, synthetic substances, the use of stimulants to treat PTSD and ADD, medical marijuana, the connection between drug trafficking and terrorism, and an updated analysis of the United States drug policy. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Each chapter now opens with a high-interest vignette that draws students into the material and illustrates the relevance of the upcoming chapter content. The vignettes include stories about infants addicted to drugs, the discovery of a drug tunnel between Mexico and California, the effects of LSD on a leukemia patient’s depression, Russia’s “City without Drugs” treatment methodology, and more. • Chapter learning objectives guide students in focusing on the most important concepts as they read. Objectives are linked to comprehensive bullet-point summaries at the end of each chapter to reinforce student retention of key concepts. • More student friendly than ever, the new Eighth Edition combines the chapters on psychological and sociological theories to better explain drug use through an integrated viewpoint. It also combines the chapters on drug prevention and treatment to elaborate more on the various models utilized to prevent and treat drug use. • Reflecting the latest developments and emerging issues from the field, the new edition includes updated coverage of the prevalence of drug use and users, the nonmedical use of prescription drugs, the use of stimulants to treat PTSD and ADD, medical marijuana, the illegal drug business in Afghanistan and Mexico, the connection between drug trafficking and terrorism, global responses to drug use, an updated analysis of the United States drug policy, and more. In addition, new sections cover synthetic substances, opioid antagonists, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, Kratom, and more. theories of drug use. • The author draws from his real-life experiences in the field as well as the classroom to bring the most comprehensive, student-friendly text available. Before becoming a professor at St. Johns University, Dr. Howard Abadinsky served as an inspector for the Cook County, Illinois, sheriff for eight years and as a New York state parole officer and senior parole officer for 15 years. • Accessible and suitable for introductory level students, the text begins each chapter with eyeopening quotes related to drug usage, policy, and system responses that motivate students to read on. • In-text learning tools such as chapter objectives and end-of-chapter summaries help improve student comprehension. In addition, key concepts and figures set off in the margins along with insightful boxes and tables all work together to help students identify crucial points. CONTENTS 1. An Introduction to Drug Use and Abuse. 2. The Biology of Psychoactive Substances. 3. Depressants. 4. Stimulants. 5. Hallucinogens, Marijuana, Inhalants, and Prescription Drugs. 6. Psychology and Sociology of Drug Use. 7. Preventing and Treating Drug Use. 8. History of Drug Use and Drug Legislation. 9. Drug Trafficking. 10. Drug Laws and Law Enforcement. 11. United States Drug Policy. 12. Decriminalization, Legalization, and Harm Reduction. © 2014, 416pp, Paperback, 9781285070407 FEATURES • Equipping students with a thorough overview and solid understanding of the subject matter, DRUG USE AND ABUSE: A COMPREHENSIVE INTRODUCTION, 8E, International Edition delivers current, informative, and balanced coverage of the history, policy, and 49 New Edition in May 2014 MEDIA, CRIME, AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 4E Ray Surette, University of Central Florida MEDIA, CRIME, AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE, International Edition is the definitive text on media and criminal justice. Its scholarship is impeccable, its style direct and approachable, and its format engaging and complete with visual examples and a collection of sidebar material that complements the main discussions. With the ever-increasing role of media in both reporting crime and shaping it into infotainment, the importance of the interplay between contemporary media and the criminal justice system is greater today than ever before. Author Ray Surette comprehensively surveys this interplay while emphasizing that people use mediaprovided knowledge to construct a picture of the world, and then act based on this constructed reality. FEATURES • Helps students become critical media consumers by highlighting and correcting common misconceptions regarding the mass media’s effects on crime and justice. • Offers a scientific yet approachable treatment of the subject, with a well-researched and thorough review of the relevant empirical and legal data on the criminal justice system, the media’s influence on attitudes, the media’s impact on crime, and media-designed programs to reduce crime. • Examines all forms of media, including TV, film, newspapers, music, advertising, and “new media.” CONTENTS 1. Predators, Pictures and Policy: An Introduction. 2. Social Constructionism. 3. Crime and Criminality. 4. Crime Fighters. 5. The Courts. 6. Corrections. 7. Crime Control. 8. The Media and Criminal Justice Policy. 9. Media and Crime and Justice in the Twenty-First Century. Glossary. References. Index. Image Credits. © 2011, 304pp, Paperback, 9780495812883 NEW TO THIS EDITION • Includes expanded, in-depth discussion of “new media,” such as Twitter and YouTube, throughout the text, and enhanced discussions of media and whitecollar crime, the CSI effect, and victims of crime in the media. • Contains numerous visuals and contemporary examples throughout to help students make connections to the substantive points found in each chapter. • Discusses recent media crime and justice events and associated personalities, including Michael Jackson’s death, Tiger Woods, the Grand Theft Auto game, Court TV, the Amanda Knox Italian murder trial, the Casey Anthony child murder case, Paris Hilton’s jail term, Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo prisons, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s terrorist trial, and more. ORGANIZED CRIME, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 10E Howard Abadinsky, St. Johns University Ever dynamic, organized crime continues to change. Efforts to combat one aspect of the phenomenon, the American Mafia, have reached high levels of prosecutorial success--resulting in a decline in the organization’s relative importance. Meanwhile, criminal organizations operating on a global scale have become more sophisticated and more threatening, and additional crime groups have been added to the pantheon we refer to as organized crime. Reflecting changes that have occurred in recent years, this edition 50 updates information and analyses of organized crime as well as efforts to deal with it. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Each chapter now opens with a high-interest vignette that draws students into the material and illustrates the relevance of the upcoming chapter content. • Chapter learning objectives guide students in focusing on the most important concepts as they read. Objectives are linked to comprehensive bulletpoint summaries at the ends of chapters to reinforce students’ retention of key concepts. • Updated and expanded coverage of outlaw motorcycle clubs appears in Chapter 10, with a particular emphasis on the five most important clubs. Two clubs-the Pagans, who have ties to the American Mafia, and the Mongols, a rapidly expanding and especially violent organization--are discussed for the first time in this edition. • This edition presents thoroughly updated information on ethnic crime groups and all-new material on human trafficking, extortion, cybercrime, counterfeiting, and arms dealing (Chapter 11); and coverage of updated statutes (the Sherman Anti-Trust and Landrum-Griffin Acts, etc.) in Chapter 14. FEATURES 6. Latin American Organized Crime. 7. Black Organized Crime. 8. Asian Organized Crime. 9. Russian Organized Crime. 10. Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs. 11. Organized Crime: “Goods and Services”: Gambling, Loansharking, Theft, Fencing, Sex, Trafficking in Persons, Arms, and Counterfeit Products. 12. Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking. 13. Organized Crime in Labor, Business, and Money Laundering. 14. Organized Crime: Statutes. 15. Organized Crime: Law Enforcement. Conclusion. © 2013, 496pp, Paperback, 9781133491071 New Edition in June 2014 SENSE AND NONSENSE ABOUT CRIME, DRUGS, AND COMMUNITIES, 7E A Policy Guide, International Edition Samuel Walker, University of Nebraska, Omaha • ORGANIZED CRIME provides a uniquely gripping and realistic analysis of its subject, informed by the author’s first-hand information from his personal experience as a parole officer and supervisor in New York City, his work for the Sheriff’s Office in Cook County, Illinois, and hours of interviews with organized crime figures. • Consistently praised for its clear analysis of the definitions and attributes of organized crime, the text is also known for its careful use of theory, substantial research, and avoidance of sensationalism. • Streamlined historical and theoretical coverage makes the text especially engaging and student-friendly, while remaining comprehensive and providing context for an understanding of modern organized crime. CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Organized Crime. 2. Development of Organized Crime in the United States. 3. The American Mafia. 4. Explaining Organized Crime. 5. Italian Organized Crime and the Albanian Connection. Samuel Walker’s SENSE AND NONSENSE ABOUT CRIME, DRUGS, AND COMMUNITIES, International Edition was one of the first books to challenge common misconceptions about crime, and the new Seventh Edition remains uniquely effective at doing so. Described as a “masterful critique” of American policies on everything from crime control, to guns, to drugs, this incisive text cuts through popular myths and political rhetoric to confront both conservative and liberal propositions in the context of current research and proven practice. The result is a distinctly lucid, research-based work that stimulates critical thinking and enlivens class discussions. This engaging text captures the full complexity of the administration of justice while providing students with a clear sense of its key principles and general patterns. NEW TO THIS EDITION • A new section on state sex offender registration, notification, and residency restriction laws cites substantial evidence indicating that these restrictions 51 are not effective, because they apply to many offenders who are not serious predators and do not pose a risk to the community, they overwhelm criminal justice officials and prevent them from effectively monitoring offenders who pose a genuine recidivism risk, and they often prevent people from finding a decent place to live. • New and expanded coverage of drug courts discusses them in the context of other relevant programs in policing and prosecution in order to develop a central theme of carefully designed, narrowly focused, problem-oriented approaches, giving the current edition a more positive and hopeful orientation, rather than merely emphasizing what does not work. • The Seventh Edition of SENSE AND NONSENSE ABOUT CRIME, DRUGS, AND COMMUNITIES restores the cartoons that were a distinctive and popular feature of earlier editions, updating this favorite element with an entirely new set of amusing and insightful illustrations by cartoonist Frank Irwin, which give the book an appealing new look. CONTENTS PART I: THINKING CLEARLY ABOUT CRIME. 1. Crime and Policy: A Complex Problem. 2. Models of Criminal Justice. 3. The Going Rate. 4. The Prediction Problem PART II: GET TOUGH: THE CONSERVATIVE ATTACK ON CRIME. 5. Unleash the Cops! 6. Deter the Criminals. 7. Lock ‘Em Up. 8. Close the Loopholes. PART III: THE MIDDLE GROUND: VICTIMS AND GUNS. 9. Protect Crime Victims. 10. Control Gun Crimes. PART IV: Reform: The Liberal Prescription. 11. Treat ‘Em! 12. Building Justice and Compliance with the Law. PART V: THE DRUG PROBLEM. 13. Sense and Nonsense About Drugs. PART VI: PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: CRIME AND COMMUNITY. 14. Crime and Community. © 2011, 416pp, Paperback, 9780495812685 FEATURES • The groundbreaking original edition of SENSE AND NONSENSE ABOUT CRIME, DRUGS, AND COMMUNITIES was one of the first books to challenge common misconceptions about crime and to pointedly criticize policies based on those misconceptions, and each subsequent edition has built on this legacy of honest assessment and research-based analysis. • With a strong emphasis on current research and proven practices, Walker cuts through popular myths and political rhetoric to challenge both liberal and conservative policies and the underlying beliefs and assumptions that give rise to them. • A full chapter, entitled “Crime and Community,” provides an extensive discussion of communityfocused crime prevention policies, including community prosecution, offender re-entry programs, and problem-oriented policing, offering students valuable information and insights related to these important topics. • Walker employs an engaging, reader-friendly writing style that enables him to clearly and vividly communicate even complex ideas about how the criminal justice system operates and the ways it is affected by politics. SERIAL MURDERERS AND THEIR VICTIMS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 6E Eric W. Hickey, California State University, Fresno This text provides an in-depth, scholarly, and broadbased examination of serial murderers and their victims. Featuring coverage supported by extensive data and research, the book profiles some of the most prominent murderers of our time, addressing the highest-profile serial killer type--the sexual predator-as well as a wide variety of other types (male, female, team, healthcare, and serial killers from outside the U.S.). Author Eric Hickey examines the lives of over 400 serial murderers, analyzing the cultural, historical, and religious factors that influence our myths and stereotypes of these individuals. He describes the biological, psychological, and sociological reasons for serial murder and discusses profiling and other law enforcement issues related to the apprehension and disposition of serial killers. 52 NEW TO THIS EDITION • This edition includes expanded coverage of such highprofile issues as child offenders, school and workplace killings, crime scene and forensic analysis, the social construction of serial murder, serial murderers in prison, new techniques in investigation, and more. • Included for the first time are chapter learning objectives, which are linked to a comprehensive bullet-point summary at the end of each chapter. • Significantly revised and expanded coverage of profiling in Chapter 13 includes updated coverage of prominent methods, problems with profiling, the BAU’s activities, typologies used to examine serial murderers, and other topics. FEATURES • Many profiles of serial killers, as well as vignettes, attract students’ interest and prepare them for class discussions. • The text provides a thorough analysis of the lives of male, female, and team serial killers through examination of individual cases, typology construction, and explanatory models. • Profiling the offenders as well as the offended, the author addresses the victims and survivors of serial murder and its impact on communities. • An in-depth, research-based account of serial murderers introduces students to the seriousness of the topic and debunks myths and stereotypes surrounding the perception of serial killers. • Profiles of the various types of serial killers introduce students to the assorted patterns of killing. CONTENTS 1. Introduction: The Phenomenon of Serial Murder. 2. Cultural Development of Monsters, Demons, and Evil. 3. Psycho-Genetics of Serial Murderers. 4. Social Construction of Serial Murder. 5. Sexual Predators, Paraphilia, and Murder. 6. Healthcare Killers. 7. The Male Serial Murderer. 8. Team Killers. 9. The Female Serial Murderer. 10. Victims. 11. Serial Murder from a Global Perspective. 12. Interviewing Serial Murderers. 13. Profiling, Apprehension, and Disposition of Serial Killers. © 2013, 512pp, Paperback, 9781133492252 THE COLOR OF JUSTICE, 5E Race, Ethnicity, and Crime in America, International Edition Samuel Walker, University of Nebraska, Omaha; Cassia Spohn, Arizona State University; Miriam DeLone, Fayetteville State University Comprehensive and balanced, THE COLOR OF JUSTICE, International Edition is the definitive book on current research and theories of racial and ethnic discrimination within America’s Criminal Justice system. The best and the most recent research on patterns of criminal behavior and victimization, police practices, court processing and sentencing, the death penalty, and correctional programs are covered giving students the facts and theoretical foundation they need to make their own informed decisions about discrimination in the system. Uniquely unbiased, THE COLOR OF JUSTICE makes every effort to incorporate discussion of all major race groups found in the United States. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New! Chapter 1 is significantly revised to provide a better foundation and starting point for race, ethnicity, and social class. • New! Keeping this book on the cutting edge, this edition includes more recent statistics, current cases, and high-profile topics such as intersectionality, racial profiling, minorities as justice officials/professionals, gangs, hate crime, terrorism, immigration, and human trafficking. • New! The new edition has greatly expanded coverage of immigration and the controversy over immigration and crime. The discussions sort through today’s political debates to present an objective view based on the best and most recently available data. FEATURES • Rather than focus exclusively on one or two specific minority groups, the authors strive to discuss a 53 wide variety of racial minorities – Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, and more – to give students a more complete perspective. • “In the Courts” boxes in most chapters provide an indepth examination of a recent court case. • In addition to thorough coverage of racial issues in the courts and law enforcement, the text also includes thorough discussion of community-based and institutional corrections. • Valuable learning tools to help students master the material: instructive figures and tables, chapter goals and conclusions, and informative boxed material and discussion questions. CONTENTS 1. Race, Ethnicity, and Crime: The Present Crisis. 2. Victims and Offenders: Myths and Realities About Crime. 3. Race, Ethnicity, Social Structure, and Crime. 4. Justice on the Street? The Police and Minorities. 5. The Courts: A Quest for Justice During the Pre-Trial Process. 6. Justice on the Bench? Trial and Adjudication in Adult and Juvenile Court. 7. Race and Sentencing: In Search of Fairness and Justice. 8. The Color of Death: Race and the Death Penalty. 9. Corrections: A Picture in Black and White. 10. Minority Youth and the Criminal Justice System. 11. The Color of Justice. Selected Bibliography. Index. © 2012, 560pp, Paperback, 9781111356484 WHITE COLLAR CRIME, 2E Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Wadsworth; Danielle Lively-Neal, University of Nebraska, Kearney WHITE COLLAR CRIME: CURRENT PERSPECTIVES FROM INFOTRAC® includes timely articles on Trends, Occupational and Avocational Crime, State-Corporate Crime and Crimes of Globalization, Finance Crime, Enterprise Crime, Contrepeneurial Crime, Technocrime, Victims of White Collar Crime, Theories, Policing and Regulating White Collar Crime, Prosecuting and Defending White Collar Crime, and Consequences for White Collar Crime Criminals. These articles are an ideal supplement to our white collar crime texts as it provides current examples and goes into more detail about current issues. Along with the reader, students are given access to an entire library’s worth of reliable sources with INFOTRAC®® College Edition, an online university library of more than 5,000 academic and popular magazines, newspapers, and journals. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Articles have been updated. FEATURES • This short reader includes articles on Current Perspectives in the field of White Collar Crime. CONTENTS PART I: STUDYING TRENDS IN WHITE COLLAR CRIME AND ASSESSING ITS COSTS. 1. Remarks by Lanny A. Breuer, Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division at the American Bar. Association National Institute on White Collar Crime. 2. The Changing Nature of U.S. Card Payment Fraud: Industry and Public Policy Options. PART II: OCCUPATIONAL CRIME AND AVOCATIONAL CRIME. 3. Corruption in Asian Countries: Can It Be Minimized? 4. Cracking Down 54 on Corporate Crime. PART III: STATE-CORPORATE CRIME AND CRIMES OF GLOBALIZATION. 5. White Collar Crime: The Worldwide Rise in Corruption Monitoring. 6. The Globalization of Crime: R Team of Futurists Examines the Waysin Which Crime Has Become Globalized and How the Worlds of Legitimate and Illicit Finance Intertwine. 7. Internet War Crimes Tribunals and Security in an Interconnected World. PART IV: FINANCE CRIME. 8. Financial Institutions Fraud. Twenty-Fifth Edition of the Annual Survey of White Collar Crime. 9. The Savings and Loan Debacle, Financial Crime, and the State. PART V: ENTERPRISE CRIME, CONTREPRENEURIAL CRIME, AND TECHNOCRIME. 10. Computer Crimes. Twenty-Fifth Edition of the Annual Survey of White Collar Crime. 11. Data Security, Privacy, and Identity Theft: The Economics Behind the Policy Debates. 12. The CFO’s Role in Managing Cyber Risk. 13. Riskiest Cities for Cybercrime: Findings, Better Business Bureau Statistics, Aging Population Puts UK Economy At Risk. PART VI: STUDYING VICTIMS OF WHITE COLLAR CRIMES. 14. Government of Canada Introduces Legislation to Stand Up for Victims of White-Collar Crime. 15. Government Whistleblowers: Crime’s Hidden Victims. 16. But Doctor, I Still Have Both Feet! Remedial Problems Faced By Victims of Medical Identity Theft. PART VII: EXPLAINING WHITE COLLAR CRIME: THEORIES AND ACCOUNTS. 17. Nobody Gets Hurt? Moral Outrage Against Bribery. PART VIII: POLICING AND REGULATING WHITE COLLAR CRIME. 18. Microsoft and National White Collar Crime Center Make Digital Forensics Tool Available to U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies. 19. Self-Detection: So Key, So Difficult. 20. Whistleblowing and White Collar Crime Why Ireland Needs Legislative Change: Ireland Could Learn Useful Lessons from the Protections Afforded to Whistleblowers in Other Jurisdictions.. 21. Feds Ready to Tackle Cybercrime: New Law Gives U.S. Another. PART IX: PROSECUTING, DEFENDING, AND ADJUDICATING WHITE COLLAR CRIME. 22. White Collar Crime’s Gray Area: The Anomaly of Criminalizing Conduct Not Civilly Actionable. 23. Get the Down and Dirty On Practicing White-Collar Crime Law. 24. White-Collar Crime. PART X: CONSEQUENCES FOR WHITE COLLAR CRIME CRIMINALS. 25. Go Directly to Jail: White Collar Sentencing After the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. © 2012, 416pp, Paperback, 9781111828172 WHITE COLLAR CRIME IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 4E David O. Friedrichs, University of Scranton This comprehensive text helps students understand the problems involved in studying white collar crime, explanations for crime, the principal focus of the crimes, and the character of the legal and criminal justice response to the crime. NEW TO THIS EDITION • This revision includes much wholly new material, ranging from global surveys on white collar crime to oil royalties’ frauds to fraud in the arts market to “economic hit men” to credit repair frauds. • The new edition includes careful, thorough updating to reflect the latest theoretical and research developments– including general strain theory and control balance theory – and such concepts as the “generative world” of white collar crime, and the role of “lure” in such crime. Much of the latest criminological scholarship on white collar crime is addressed, not only by American, Canadian, British and Australian criminologists, but also by Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Belgian, Dutch and Swedish criminologists. • This updated edition includes discussion of the latest noteworthy cases and events-such as new legislative initiatives (e.g., consumer product safety), the failure of ratings agencies in policing the securities markets, the adoption of deferred prosecution agreements by the government, and the use of social licenses. FEATURES • As the most comprehensive text available on the topic, TRUSTED CRIMINALS, International Edition covers research and theory of white collar crime at the systemic, organizational, and individual levels. 55 • The author focuses on acts by corporations, retailers, professionals, and employees, as well as a range of other entities and social actors, from states to international financial institutions to swindlers. • In addition to its impeccable scholarship, the book is designed to be as reader-friendly as possible, with each chapter including chapter summaries, key terms, and discussion questions, as well as interesting examples of white collar crime to further engage students. CONTENTS 1. The Discovery of White Collar Crime. 2. Studying White Collar Crime and Assessing its Costs. 3. Corporate Crime. 4. Occupational Crime and Avocational Crime. 5. Governmental Crime: State Crime and Political White Collar Crime. 6. State Corporate Crime, Crimes of Globalization, and Finance Crime. 7. Enterprise Crime, Contrepreneurial Crime and Technocrime. 8. Explaining White Collar Crime: Theories and Accounts. 9. Law and the Social Control of White Collar Crime. 10. Policing and Regulating White Collar Crime. 11. Prosecuting, Defending, and Adjudicating White Collar Crime. 12. Responding to the Challenge of White Collar Crime. Appendix: White Collar Crime in Films (Lawrence Nichols). References. Name Index. Subject Index. © 2010, 496pp, Paperback, 9781439036280 gang typologies, descriptions of gang activities, and various intervention strategies for dealing with gangs. NEW TO THIS EDITION • An all-new chapter on adult gangs (Chapter 6) provides an extensive discussion of this important topic, focusing especially on prison and biker gangs. The chapter facilitates the use of this text in a broaderbased Gangs course than has been the case with previous editions. • Chapter 10, “Community and National Responses to Gangs,” has been thoroughly rewritten and now features in-depth discussion of such noteworthy new gang prevention programs as the L.A. Plan, G.R.E.A.T., L.A. Bridges, Homeboys Industries, and others. • Chapter 8, “Gangs in Context: Inequalities in American Society,” has been substantially revised to incorporate the recession that began in 2008, including discussion of how these changes in our economy have impacted gangs. FEATURES • This text has a distinctive unifying theme: the relationship between gang formation and inequalities based on social class, race, and gender. • In providing comprehensive, balanced coverage of gangs and gang activities, the book features an accessible, student friendly writing style appropriate for both undergraduate and graduate-level courses. • Chapter 2, “What do Gangs and Gang Members Look Like?” offers a clear and concise summary of the various classifications of gangs. CONTENTS YOUTH GANGS IN AMERICAN SOCIETY, 4E Randall G. Shelden, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Sharon K. Tracy, Georgia Southern University; William B. Brown, Western Oregon University INTRODUCTION A BRIEF HISTORY OF GANGS 1. What Is a Gang and How Many Are There? 2. What Do Gangs and Gang Members Look Like? 3. The Gang Subculture. 4. Criminal Activities of Gangs. 5. Girls and Gangs. 6. Adult Gangs. 7. Why Are There Gangs? 8. Gangs in Context: Inequality in American Society. 9. Legal Responses to Gangs. 10. Community and National Intervention Strategies. 11. Conclusions. © 2013, 384pp, Paperback, 9781133049562 This comprehensive and widely respected survey of the literature on gangs and gang activities in America includes theoretical perspectives on why gangs exist, 56 Juvenile Delinquency/Juvenile Justice JUVENILE DELINQUENCY, 5E The Core, International Edition Larry J. Siegel, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Brandon C. Welsh, Northeastern University Succinct but thorough and cutting edge, Siegel and Welsh’s JUVENILE DELINQUENCY: THE CORE, International Edition presents theory, policy, relevant legal cases, and the latest research in a value-priced, student-friendly paperback. This brief text is acclaimed for its authority and balance as well as the authors’ ability to completely engage students in the juvenile delinquency course. In fewer than 500 pages, Siegel and Welsh help students understand the nature of delinquency, its causes and correlates, and current strategies being used to control or eliminate its occurrence. NEW TO THIS EDITION • A new Chapter 11, “Delinquency Prevention and a Comprehensive Juvenile Justice Strategy,” introduces social and developmental perspectives on delinquency prevention, reviews effective prevention strategies, and highlights evidence-based prevention programs. It also covers the contemporary juvenile justice system, introduces the major stages in the justice process, analyzes differences between adult and juvenile justice systems, examines features and benefits of a comprehensive juvenile justice strategy, and explores issues facing the future of delinquency prevention and juvenile justice. • The Fifth Edition includes the latest coverage available on relevant court cases, including the recent Supreme Court ruling on warrantless searches (Arizona v. Gant) as well as the Supreme Court ruling that abolished the juvenile death penalty (Roper v. Simmons). • New chapter-opening vignettes (“Real Cases/Real People”) describe real-life situations in which an atrisk youth worked his or her way out of delinquency. These stories are also tied to the material in the chapter with all-new, thought-provoking critical thinking activities entitled “Looking Back to ______’s Story.” • New Review Questions at the end of each chapter provide opportunities for student self-assessment. • New group work activities in every chapter provide collaborative learning opportunities. For instance, one activity has students select and analyze a famous case from a particular theoretical perspective; another involves viewing a relevant film or TV show (e.g. “The Wire”) and discussing elements that relate to the theories discussed in the chapter. • New writing assignments in the “Applying What You Have Learned” sections present hypothetical cases for students to analyze. FEATURES • The text’s popular “Focus On” boxed features highlight controversial issues and important research from the field. Topics include sexting, cyber-bullying, waivers, life sentences for juveniles, race and gender delinquency, and a new review of a 2011 study on factors and learned attitudes that lead to delinquency. • Offering personal insight from real people in the field, “Professional Spotlight” features give students an up-close, real-world view of careers in action. These profiles provide guest perspectives from a variety of professionals in the juvenile justice system—including a probation officer, judge, CASA, school resource officer, and many others—who showcase the day-today job responsibilities of readers’ potential careers. • Reflecting trends from the field and emphasizing intervention strategies for at-risk juveniles, “Juvenile Delinquency: Prevention|Intervention|Treatme nt” explores the successes behind programs like Communities That Care, a community-based delinquency prevention program that follows a rigorous, multilevel planning process; Homeboy Industries, founded by a Jesuit priest who believed people are happier when employed; and—new to this edition—the Practical Academic Cultural Educational (PACE) Center for Girls, a gender-responsive, school- 57 based program in Jacksonville, Florida. • Providing maximum reinforcement and student success, chapters begin with numbered learning objectives that are carefully matched to headings in the chapter narrative (through the integration of “CheckPoints”) as well as linked to corresponding quiz items in Criminal Justice CourseMate (the book’s website) and the Study Guide. CONTENTS 1. Childhood and Delinquency. 2. The Nature and Extent of Delinquency. 3. Individual Views of Delinquency: Choice and Trait. 4. Sociological Views of Delinquency. 5. Developmental Views of Delinquency: Life Course and Latent Trait. 6. Gender and Delinquency. 7. The Family and Delinquency. 8. Peers and Delinquency: Juvenile Gangs and Groups. 9. Schools and Delinquency. 10. Drug Use and Delinquency. 11. Delinquency Prevention and Juvenile Justice Today. 12. Police Work with Juveniles. 13. Juvenile Court Process: Pretrial, Trial, and Sentencing. 14. Juvenile Corrections: Probation, Community Treatment, and Institutionalization. © 2014, 480pp, Paperback, 9781285067629 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY, 12E Theory, Practice, and Law Larry J. Siegel, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Brandon C. Welsh, Northeastern University Unrivaled in its current coverage of topics, the twelfth edition of best-selling JUVENILE DELINQUENCY: THEORY, PRACTICE, AND LAW provides an in-depth analysis of the theories of delinquency, environmental issues, juvenile justice issues, and the juvenile justice system. Praised both for its authority and balance as well as for the authors’ ability to engage students in the course, the twelfth edition presents cutting- edge, seminal research, as well as up-to-the-minute policy and newsworthy examples. Siegel and Welsh offer a timely and objective presentation of juvenile delinquency theory and juvenile justice policy issues by examining opposing sides of controversial aspects of delinquency and delinquency programs in an evenhanded, unbiased way. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New “Cyber-Delinquency” boxes feature discussions about how computers and technology have impacted the lives of young people, focusing on topics such as the pressures of social media, cyber-bullying, “sexting,” and the online availability and juvenile use of prescription drugs. • New “Professional Spotlight” boxes describe the careers of people who work in the field of juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice. These features provide students with a “here-and-now glimpse” of what professional opportunities are available in the areas of delinquency treatment, prevention, and intervention. • The schools and delinquency chapter (Chapter 10) has been significantly updated and expanded with up-to-date coverage of recent events related to school shootings, school violence, bullying and bullying prevention programs, policies for reducing crime in schools, and increased law enforcement presence in schools. • This edition includes expanded and updated coverage of important topics and developments in delinquency and juvenile justice in America; for example, recent shifts in juvenile sentencing laws, female delinquency trends, and the increase in violent crimes being committed by female juveniles. FEATURES • Contemporary and thoroughly updated, the book presents numerous examples in every chapter, including the latest research, trends, and up-to-date reviews of recent legal cases and policy initiatives. High-profile current issues such as bullying, recent developments in juvenile sentencing law, the increase in violent crimes being committed by female juveniles, police/juvenile interaction, and many other topics keep the book on the cutting edge of the discipline. • Real-world case file assignments (“Youth Stories”) in each chapter present a brief, real-life case 58 accompanied by critical thinking questions and activities, enhancing the relevancy of the text material and better preparing students for the types of challenges they may face if they pursue a career in the criminal justice system. • An emphasis on evidence-based policies and practices--what works--is accomplished through “Evidence-Based Practice: Prevention/Intervention/ Treatment” boxed features, which discuss such innovative projects as the popular restorative justice initiative “Family Group Conferencing (FGC)” and the groundbreaking Homeboy Industries. • Engaging boxed features provide additional information on topics important to the field. “Focus on Delinquency” covers controversial issues and exciting new research, while “Policy and Practice” discusses major initiatives and programs concerning juvenile justice. • Each chapter includes a “Case Profile” box that discusses a real-life situation in which an at-risk youth worked his or her way out of delinquency. Stimulating critical-thinking boxes tie these real-life stories back to the chapter material. • “Viewpoint” writing assignments in each chapter present a hypothetical case for your students to analyze and write about after researching issues on the Web with the guidance of the “Doing Research on the Web” feature. CONTENTS Part I: THE CONCEPT OF DELINQUENCY. 1. Childhood and Delinquency. 2. The Nature and Extent of Delinquency. Part II: THEORIES OF DELINQUENCY. 3. Individual Views of Delinquency. 4. Social Structure, Process, Culture, and Delinquency. 5. Social Reaction, Social Conflict, and Delinquency. 6. Developmental Theories of Delinquency: Life Course, Latent Trait, and Trajectory. Part III: SOCIAL, COMMUNITY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES ON DELINQUENCY. 7. Gender and Delinquency. 8. The Family and Delinquency. 9. Peers and Delinquency: Juvenile Gangs and Groups. 10. Schools and Delinquency. 11. Drug Use and Delinquency. 12. Delinquency Prevention: Social and Developmental Perspectives. Part IV: THE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM. 13. Juvenile Justice: Then and Now. 14. Police Work with Juveniles. 15. Juvenile Court Process: Pretrial, Trial, and Sentencing. 16. Juvenile Corrections: Probation, Community-Treatment, and Institutionalization. 17. Delinquency and Juvenile Justice Abroad. © 2015, 720pp, Hardback, 9781285458403 JUVENILE JUSTICE, INTERNATIONAL EDTION, 6E Kären M. Hess; Christine H. Orthmann; John Paul Wright, University of Cincinnati A highly accessible, student-friendly text, JUVENILE JUSTICE, 6E, International Edition offers a practical and comprehensive look at the juvenile justice system. The text explores various programs and processes that exist in today’s field, including prevention efforts through school and community-based programs. The Sixth edition features a prestigious new coauthor--John Paul Wright from the University of Cincinnati--and provides a new emphasis on evidence-based practice and other cutting-edge issues such as cyberbullying, school violence, female delinquency, and more. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New coauthor John Paul Wright--a highly respected scholar and teacher at one of the nation’s most prestigious schools of criminal justice--brings a new level of academic authority to this classic bestseller. • New emphasis on evidence-based practice keeps this text’s coverage on the cutting edge of the field. • Updated throughout, this edition includes new and expanded discussion of high-profile topics like cyberbullying, school violence, female delinquency, victimization of juveniles, and many others. FEATURES • Known for its student friendliness, JUVENILE JUSTICE is regarded as one of the most accessible, practical, and comprehensive overviews of the system available. • Time-tested pedagogy in the text includes “Do You 59 Know” questions, “Can You Define” terms, discussion questions, and integrated tables/figures that reinforce key concepts. • Cutting-edge “In the News” sidebars on high-profile issues such as cyberbullying enhance the book’s relevancy for today’s students. CONTENTS 1. Juvenile Justice: Definitions, Measurement and Process. 2. The History and Philosophy behind the Juvenile Justice System. 3. Theories of Delinquency and Juvenile Offending. 4. Youth in Society: Developmental Risks and Protective Factors. 5. Juvenile Victims. 6. Juvenile Offenders. 7. Youth Gangs. 8. The Police and Juveniles. 9. Pretrial Services and Diversion. 10. The Juvenile Court. 11. Juvenile Corrections. 12. Preventing Delinquency and Recidivism. 13. Juvenile Justice at a Crossroads: The Accelerating Call for Reform. © 2013, 464pp, Paperback, 9781133491118 Police illustrates the Five W’s and One H of Journalism, email correspondence, letter writing, performance reviews, proofreading, and much more. A STREET OFFICER’S GUIDE TO REPORT WRITING is an essential resource for new officers, criminal justice students, and seasoned professionals who want to improve their report-writing skills. FEATURES • Accessible Format: A STREET OFFICER’S GUIDE TO REPORT WRITING makes readers feel like they are part of a conversation with the authors, turning a typically dry topic into one that is more appealing and easy to understand. • ‘Four Pillars’ Approach: Using the recognizable ‘Four Pillars’ model (Clear, Concise, Complete, Accurate), readers achieve strong results quickly, and build a solid foundation they will use for life. • True-to-life examples: Woven throughout the material, multiple examples based on the authors’ experiences give meaningful context to the lessons, bringing readers out of the book and into the precinct. • Practical exercises: Readers get hands-on experience by writing practice reports and honing them according to the “Four Pillars.” • Unforgettable Stories: More than a textbook, A STREET OFFICER’S GUIDE TO REPORT WRITING is an entertaining read laced with pop culture, humor, and real-life law enforcement stories that make retaining the material effortless. CONTENTS 1. And Away We Go 2. CLEAR. 3. CONCISE. 4. COMPLETE. 5. ACCURATE. 6. CONCLUSION. A STREET OFFICER’S GUIDE TO REPORT WRITING © 2013, 192pp, Paperback, 9781111542504 Frank Scalise; Douglas Strosahl Written by experienced police officers in an engaging, conversational tone, A STREET OFFICER’S GUIDE TO REPORT WRITING teaches effective writing by examining and demonstrating the ‘Four Pillars’ of a well-written report (Clear, Concise, Complete, and Accurate).Packed with examples as well as stories from the authors’ own experience, the book demonstrates the critical importance of writing skills in the field of criminal justice, as well as the positive effects of these skills on professional success. The book also 60 AN INTRODUCTION TO POLICING, 7E John S. Dempsey, State University of New York (SUNY); Linda S. Forst, Shoreline Community College, Seattle Washington Introduce students to the challenges, excitement and rewards of law enforcement today with Dempsey and Forst’s AN INTRODUCTION TO POLICING, 7th edition. Written by law enforcement veterans with extensive first-hand experience in all areas of policing, this engaging, comprehensive book blends practical information with pertinent theory. The authors examine today’s most current issues and topics, including homeland security, recent terrorism incidents, the controversial Secure Communities Program by DHS, ATF’s Fast and Furious gun program, the latest advances in policing technology, and more. Readers find the latest in academic and practitioner research as well as the most current applications, statistics, court cases and information on law enforcement careers introduced through memorable learning features. This edition features increased coverage of small and rural departments while maintaining critical foundational coverage students need to fully understand who police are, what they do and how they do it. Extensive examples from police departments throughout the nation and world and essays from respected law enforcement veterans offer insights into crucial law enforcement issues and challenges. Help students keep pace with the latest policing techniques and industry trends with this book’s inviting approach and comprehensive support, including the resourcerich CourseMate website. AN INTRODUCTION TO POLICING, 7th edition, is an essential read for anyone considering a career in law enforcement today. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Expanded content HIGHLIGHTS THE CHALLENGES OF rural/small-town policing. Increased emphasis on smaller adepartments prepares readers to face a diversity of policing situations. • updated statistics and Cases reflect the latest policing challenges. Students gain a realistic perspective of the challenges and issues in policing today with the latest information and new cases throughout this edition. • THE LATEST DISCUSSIONS OF CURRENT EVENTS ADDRESS ISSUES CRITICAL IN POLICING TODAY. Updates highlight the most recent terrorism data and incidents (Ch. 15). New discussion explores the controversial Secure Communities Program by DHS and the ATF’s Fast and Furious gun program as well as the new Contacts between Police and the Public, 2008 (released October 2011). Readers also examine how recent fiscal concerns have impacted policing. • NEW INFORMATION ON TECHNOLOGY PREPARES READERS TO UTILIZE THE LATEST POLICING TOOLS. A wealth of the latest technology information and insights (Ch. 14) equips readers with both specialized knowledge and practical applications. • Expanded discussions of diversity PREPARE READERS FOR WORK IN TODAY’S LAW ENFORCEMENT ENVIRONMENT. This edition details the history of women and minorities in policing and features new information including the new IACP pregnancy policy and an innovative recruitment program in Vermont targeting women. • COURSEMATE WEBSITE MAXIMIZES STUDENT ENGAGEMENT. Criminal Justice CourseMate is available for An Introduction to Policing, 7th edition. This CourseMate includes: Engagement Tracker (in the instructor version), a first-of-its-kind tool that monitors student engagement in the course, an interactive eBook, with highlighting, note taking and search capabilities, interactive learning tools including: Quizzes, Flashcards, Videos, and more! FEATURES • “Guest Lectures” by RESPECTED LAW ENFORCEMENT practitioners OFFER UNMATCHED INSIGHTS. These “Guest Lectures” from well-respected veterans of law enforcement in the field offer practitioner-based insights into crucial law enforcement issues and challenges, such as the border patrol and the impact of homeland security on small-town forces. • “You Are There” FEATURES BRING READERS INTO THE CENTER OF SIGNIFICANT HISTORIC EVENTS. These engaging features invite readers into detailed 61 examinations of historical policing events and their impact on the field of law enforcement today. • “On the Job” FEATURES PROVIDE REALISTIC INSIGHTS INTO LAW ENFORCEMENT CAREERS. Both authors draw upon their own first-hand law enforcement experience to provide detailed descriptions and important insights into pursuing a career today in policing. • Review EXERCISES, Web Exercises, AND LEARNING CHECK QUESTIONS ENSURE MASTERY OF CONCEPTS. Review Exercises, Web Exercises and Learning Check questions at the end of each chapter enable readers to take learning a step further with important review and exploration opportunities. CONTENTS PART I: POLICE HISTORY AND ORGANIZATION. 1. Police History. 2. Organizing Public Security in the United States. 3. Organizing the Police Department. PART II: THE PERSONAL SIDE OF POLICING. 4. Becoming a Police Officer. 5. The Police Role and Police Discretion. 6. Police Culture, Personality, and Police Stress. 7. Minorities in Policing. 8. Police Ethics and Police Deviance. PART III: POLICE OPERATIONS. 9. Patrol Operations. 10. Investigations. 11. Police and the Public. 12.Police and Their Clients. 13. Police and the Law. PART IV: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN POLICING. 14. Computers, Technology, and Criminalistics in Policing. 15. Homeland Security. Glossary. Bibliography. Index. © 2014, 624pp, Paperback, 9781133594703 COMMUNITY POLICING, 7E Partnerships for Problem Solving Linda S. Miller; Kären M. Hess; Christine M.H. Orthmann With a strong focus on problem solving and communitypolice partnerships, this comprehensive text provides a practical, up-to-date guide to effective community policing. After a thorough introduction to the history and philosophy of the movement that has profoundly shaped modern police operations, the authors strongly emphasize practical strategies and essential skills to help readers apply effective, real-world problem solving within their communities. The seventh edition maintains this trusted text’s proven strengths while introducing valuable updates and innovations, including new material on key trends and practices such as community and officer diversity, ethics and corruption, CompStat and hot-spot policing, andcitizen oversight of police, as well as new features exploring the impact and importance of technology. Practical, engaging, and current, this one-of-a-kind text is also supported by a full range of supplemental teaching and learning tools, making it an indispensible resource for law enforcement students and professionals alike. NEW TO THIS EDITION • All-new “Technology and Policing” feature explores how evolving technology is affecting the ways police partner with the community to solve problems. • The seventh edition has been thoroughly updated with current data and statistics, including information on minority and women officers, police departments with community policing mission statements, citizens reporting contact with police, perceived use of excessive force, COPS Office funding, and population data from the 2010 census related to increasing ethnic diversity within communities. • New and revised content for the current edition 62 includes material on officer diversity, public-private police partnerships, CompStat and hot-spot policing, geospatial statistical analysis and routine activity theory, citizen oversight of police, ethics and corruption, budget issues, and much more. • Numerous new “Ideas in Practice” vignettes present real-world examples to illustrate the varied ways law enforcement agencies throughout the country are applying the principles of community policing. FEATURES • Comprehensive without being overwhelming, this proven text provides an in-depth introduction to both the fundamental principles and modern practices of community policing, including a strong focus on problem solving and community-police partnerships. • Drawing on their own experience as police professionals—as well as numerous real-world examples from officers and departments around the country—the authors maintain a highly practical focus to help readers prepare for success in law enforcement. • “On the Beat” feature in each chapter presents the comments and experiences of an active police officer, helping students appreciate the real-world relevance of what they have read and consider the perspective of someone in the field every day. • To help students master and apply the material, every chapter includes proven learning tools such as chapter objectives, important terms, key concepts, discussion questions to hone critical thinking, and a summary for review and self-assessment. • Online research exercises in each chapter encourage students to access the Gale Emergency Services Database (available for separate purchase) to gather and synthesize information—essential skills for officers in modern law enforcement. CONTENTS Part I: AN OVERVIEW. 1. The Evolution of Community Policing. 2. Inside Police Agencies: Understanding Mission and Culture. 3. Understanding and Involving the Community. 4. Problem Solving: Proactive Policing. 5. Implementing Community Policing. Part II: BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS AND TRUST. 6. Communicating with a Diverse Population. 7. Building Partnerships: A Cornerstone of Community Policing. 8. Forming Partnerships with the Media. Part III: COMMUNITY POLICING IN THE FIELD: COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS. 9. Early Experiments in Crime Prevention and the Evolution of Community Policing Strategies. 10. Safe Neighborhoods and Communities: From Traffic Problems to Crime. 11. Community Policing and Drugs. 12. Bringing Youths into Community Policing. 13. The Challenge of Gangs: Controlling Their Destructive Force. 14. Understanding and Preventing Violence. 15. Understanding and Preventing Terrorism. 16. What Research Tells Us and a Look to the Future. © 2014, 544pp, Hardback, 9781285096674 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, 10E Christine Hess Orthmann; Kären M. Hess Known for its accessibility, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, 10th Edition delivers a field-based approach to modern investigative principles and practices that is strongly grounded in current research. The 10th edition features contributions from law enforcement practitioner Sergeant Henry Lim Cho, as well as an updated art program. Demonstrating techniques and practical applications, the book introduces well-established tools, practices, and policies alongside the latest innovations in technology and science to give readers a broad perspective of criminal investigations today. Numerous pedagogical elements, illustrations and graphics, and a strong supplements package including CourseMate help students practice and master techniques and key concepts. Examples and case citations show readers how investigations affect the world around them. Topics covered include D.N.A. evidence, terrorism and homeland security, the C.S.I. Effect, cybercrime, federal law enforcement investigations, crimes against children, forensics and physical evidence, investigative photography and sketching, identity theft, white-collar crime, ethics, and more. 63 NEW TO THIS EDITION • New contributor: Sergeant Henry Lim Cho of the Rosemount (Minnesota) Police Department adds the perspective of a working law enforcement practitioner. Sergeant Cho has worked in the field of criminal justice for more than 10 years and is an experienced crime scene investigator. • Updated art program: New illustrations, tables and photos bring the key concepts to life. • Exciting New Content: Expansive new coverage includes a brief history of and major advances in criminal investigation; media advisory cards;expanded discussion of digital photography and photographic equipment;; digital report writing and citizen online reporting; consent to search; Advanced Fingerprint Identification Technology; using D.N.A. to solve property crime; collecting D.N.A. evidence; collecting shoe and tire impressions in snow; and more. • Criminal Investigation CourseMate: NEW CourseMate with additional learning tools, including video, and an interactive eBook. • Gale Emergency Services Database Assignments: Readers can practice research and writing skills with the new Gale Emergency Services Database writing assignments for every chapter. FEATURES • Technology Innovations: Lead stimulating in-class discussions with these boxed features, which highlight the most recent advancements in criminal investigations, such as Laptop Lineup; paperless reporting;G.P.S. photo mapping; virtual autopsies using M.R.I. scanning; searchable video surveillance; and a new prototype method for detecting fingerprints with X-rays. • Reliable Material: Get unmatched coverage with CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, 10th Edition, which always delivers the latest detailed updates on technology, statistics, laws, procedures and practices, and more. • Student-Friendly, Best-Selling Coverage: Wellwritten and easy to read, with a field-based perspective grounded in current research, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, 10th Edition is the book of choice for criminal justice courses at any level. • Useful Instructor Supplements: An Instructor’s Edition, instructor website and Engagement Tracker on CourseMate give you the tools you need to track your students’ engagement and help them succeed. • Interactive Learning Tools: Give students more ways to study with the accompanying WebTutor and CourseMate supplements. CONTENTS Section I: INTRODUCTION. 1. Criminal Investigation: An Overview. Section II: BASIC INVESTIGATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES. 2. Documenting the Crime Scene: Note Taking, Photographing, and Sketching. 3. Writing Effective Reports. 4. Searches. 5. Forensics/ Physical Evidence. 6. Obtaining Information and Intelligence. 7. Identifying and Arresting Suspects. Section III: INVESTIGATING VIOLENT CRIMES. 8. Death Investigations. 9. Assault, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Elder Abuse. 10. Sex Offenses. 11. Crimes Against Children. 12. Robbery. Section IV: INVESTIGATING CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY. 13. Burglary. 14. Larceny/ Theft, Fraud, and White-Collar Crime. 15. Motor Vehicle Theft. 16. Arson, Bombs, and Explosives. Section V5: OTHER CHALLENGES TO THE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR. 17. Computer Crime. 18. A Dual Threat: Drug-Related Crime and Organized Crime. 19. Criminal Activities of Gangs and Other Dangerous Groups. 20. Terrorism and Homeland Security. 21. Preparing for and Presenting Cases in Court. Appendix A: Patrol Crime Scene Management Checklist. Appendix B: Washington, DC, Metropolitan Police Department Homicide Case Review Solvability Chart. Appendix C: Sudden InCustody Death: An Investigator’s Checklist. Appendix D: Death Scene Checklist. Appendix E: Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Cold Case Solvability Criteria. Appendix F: Sample Form for Reporting Bias Crime. Glossary. Author Index. Subject Index. © 2013, 752pp, Hardback, 9781133018926 64 and more. • New Supreme Court cases discussed include Virginia v. Moore, Melendez-Diaz v Massachusetts; Arizona v. Johnson; Michigan v. Fisher; Florida v. Powell; Maryland v. Shatzer; and 9th Circuit Court of Appeals 2009 case of Brady v. McPherson. FEATURES INTRODUCTION TO LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 10E Kären Matison Hess, Normandale Community College; Christine Hess Orthmann INTRODUCTION TO LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE, International Edition provides your students with comprehensive information on both law enforcement and the criminal justice system, all in one convenient book. This very practical, applied book not only examines the role of police within the larger criminal justice system but it also introduces your students to the other components of that system such as the courts, corrections, and juvenile justice. INTRODUCTION TO LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE, International Edition has a uniquely accessible writing style with many real-world examples and has a “boots on the street” perspective. This new edition includes an extensive discussion of data-driven strategies and policing, such as CompStat policing, intelligence-led policing and evidence based policing. Your students will also learn about controversies surrounding immigration law enforcement and several new Supreme Court cases affecting law enforcement and the criminal justice system. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Contributions by Sergeant Henry Lim Cho of the Rosemount (Minnesota) Police Department add a “boots on the street” perspective. • The InfoTrac assignments have been replaced with assignments from the Gale Emergency Services Database. • New topics of discussion include data-driven policing; self-initiated tasks; homelessness as part of the hate crime discussion; controversial issues related to DNA analysis; detention continuum from stop to arrest; • Easy-to-read writing style aids comprehension. • Engaging, structured learning environment facilitates mastery of the material. • Provides not only a comprehensive look at policing, but also an introduction to the other components of the criminal justice system such as the courts, corrections, and juvenile justice, providing readers with an understanding of the role of police within the larger criminal justice system. CONTENTS Part I: THE EVOLUTION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE. 1. A Brief History: The Evolution of Law and Our Criminal Justice System. 2. The American Quest for Freedom and Justice: Our Laws. 3. Crime in the United States—Offenses, Offenders and Victims. Part II: CONTEMPORARY LAW ENFORCEMENT. 4. Contemporary Policing: An Overview. 5. Patrol: The Backbone of Policing. 6. Specialized Roles of Police. 7. Policing after 9/11: Traditional, Community and Data-Driven Policing. Part III: CHALLENGES TO THE PROFESSION. 8. Policing within the Law. 9 Gangs and Drugs: Threats to Our National Security. 10. Terrorism and Homeland Security. 11. Issues Concerning Police Conduct. 12. Becoming a Law Enforcement Professional. Part IV: COURTS AND CORRECTIONS: LAW ENFORCEMENT’S PARTNERS IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. 13. Courts. 14. Corrections. Appendixes. Glossary. © 2012, 640pp, Paperback, 9781111309084 65 MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION IN LAW ENFORCEMENT, 6E Kären Matison Hess, Normandale Community College; Christine Hess Orthmann MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION IN LAW ENFORCEMENT, 6th edition is a practical and straightforward book that focuses on law enforcement managers and supervisors, their jobs, and the complicated interrelationships between members of the law enforcement team and the communities they share. This new edition adds Chief Shaun LaDue as a contributor to give a practitioner’s perspective to management and supervision. Additionally, the text has an increased emphasis on leadership and has been reorganized to begin the text focusing on management. The text focuses on post-9/11 policing and includes research on the effects of 9/11 as well as data driven policing, including CompStat policing, intelligence-led policing and evidence based policing. The text also includes discussions on the effects of the current economic crisis on law enforcement, including two 2009 PERF studies and reports. MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION IN LAW ENFORCEMENT, 6th edition presents a comprehensive overview of the responsibilities of law enforcement leaders and covers everything from the newest principles in policing to the exciting technological aids changing the face of law enforcement today, preparing readers to become tomorrow’s leaders. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Shaun LaDue, Chief of Police in Owatonna, Minnesota, provides a “boots on the street” perspective as well as an emphasis on leadership. • Chapters are reorganized to better facilitate teaching and learning, with Management topics first and Community Policing integrated into Chapter 2. • Coverage includes a new focus on post-9/11 policing, research on the effects of 9/11, and data-driven policing. • Updated topics include discussions in several chapters on the effects of the current economic crisis on law enforcement. • Expanded topics include local response to illegal immigration, difficulty in recruiting new officers, Homeland Security and Terrorism. • The new text design features a second color for increased visual appeal. FEATURES • Presents a comprehensive, but not overwhelming, overview of the responsibilities of law enforcement leaders and illustrates the best-known methods and practices of police leadership and management while also turning an eye to the future. • Built on three themes: participatory leadership and empowerment; enlisting citizen assistance in improving community safety; and accepting change as inevitable and moving to a more humanistic, participatory model of law enforcement. • Accessible style with a solid foundation in the latest research, guiding readers through the complexities of management and administration in law enforcement. • Outstanding coverage of conflict resolution, police stress, and the theory and practical applications of culture and growth. CONTENTS Par t I: MANAGEMENT, SUPERVISION, AND LEADERSHIP: AN OVERVIEW. 1. Management, Supervision and Leadership. 2. The Organization and Structure of American Policing. 3. The Police Mission: Getting the Job Done. Part II: BASIC MANAGEMENT/ PERSONAL SKILLS. 4. Communication: A Critical Management Skill. 5. Decision Making and Problem Solving. 6. Time Management: Minute by Minute. Part III: MANAGERS AND THE SKILLS OF OTHERS. 7. Training and Beyond. 8. Promoting Growth and Development. 9. Motivation and Morale. Part IV: MANAGING PROBLEMS. 10. Discipline and Problem Behaviors. 11. Complaints, Grievances and Conflict. 12. Stress and Related Hazards of the Job. Part V: GETTING THE JOB DONE . . . THROUGH OTHERS. 13. Deploying Law Enforcement Resources and Improving Productivity. 14. Budgeting and Managing Costs Creatively. 15. Hiring 66 Personnel and Dealing with Unions. 16. Measuring Performance: Assessment and Evaluation. 17. Challenges in Managing for the Future. Appendices. Glossary. Photo Credits. Author Index. Subject Index. © 2012, 608pp, Hardback, 9781439056448 FEATURES • Contains clear and specific discussion of organization theory as it applies to the paradox-ridden role of being a police leader. • Contains realistic examples from the true-to-life world of leadership in police work. • Includes discussion and analysis of cutting-edge, creative ideas about police assessment and accountability. • Encourages reflection with discussion questions, example scenarios and additional reading suggestions at the end of each chapter. • Includes cumulative lists of concepts and rules of thumb to apply in practice. CONTENTS PARADOXES OF LEADERSHIP IN POLICE MANAGEMENT Douglas Perez, State University of New York (SUNY) at Plattsburgh, New York ; Michael Barkhurst, Athens County Correctional Facility, Athens, Georgia PA R A D O X E S O F L E A D E R S H I P I N P O L I C E MANAGEMENT helps current police leaders, and wouldbe leaders, as they strive to effectively direct a group of unique and powerful individuals: police officers.. The work day of a police officer is replete with paradox, making the job of leading police difficult and potentially frustrating. This book provides real life examples based on a theoretical framework. PARADOXES OF LEADERSHIP IN POLICE MANAGEMENT discusses the police officer’s experience including the multiple, conflicting, and sometimes vague nature of police functions and goals; the creation of mission statements; organizational structures; teaching communication skills to young officers; coaching and mentoring police officers; and the complicated job of assessing the job done by law enforcement. The book also deals with the development of police ethics, comparative accountability mechanisms, and alternative modes of discipline, expanding these discussions into a threetiered view of police leadership (the roles of sergeant, middle manager, and chief). The book concludes with a practical, realistic list of ideas and ideals that can be used for taking action. Each chapter concludes with example scenarios, discussion questions, and additional reading suggestions. 1. Introduction. Part I: ORGANIZATION. 2. The Paradoxes of Police Work. 3. Cleaving to the Mission. 4. Structure. Part II: OPERATING PRINCIPLES. 5. Teaching Communication. 6. Motivation – Coaching and Closing Gaps. 7. Assessment. Part III: OFFICER BEHAVIOR. 8. Ethics. 9. Accountability. 10. Discipline. Part IV: THE CHALLENGE OF LEADERSHIP. 11. The Three Tiers of Leadership. 12. Bringing it All Together. © 2012, 387pp, Paperback, 9781435488076 PARADOXES OF POLICE WORK, 2E Douglas W. Perez, Platsburgh State University, New York Through the eyes of a former police officer, Paradoxes of Police Work, 2nd edition leads the reader through the policies and inherent contradictions of law enforcement as described with real cop experiences and realities. In “tell it like it is” fashion, this book offers examples of real-life situations that occur constantly in the day-to-day operations of “routine” patrol and offers glimpses into the frustrations and stresses of law 67 enforcement careers. Paradoxes of Police Work, 2nd edition tackles subjects that many academic texts and field books too often ignore. Controversial issues are often glossed over in other books, but their importance cannot be dismissed. Confronting them can lead to a better understanding of the profession, which can in turn create better professionals. Whether the book is used as a reader to support an academic course or in law enforcement training, the thought-provoking and insightful topic coverage clarifies the paradoxes in modern police work. Paradoxes of Police Work, 2nd edition is strongly suggested for introductory courses and academies, as well as for anyone considering a career in law enforcement. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New chapters include Media Imagery; Subculture; Three Traditional Styles of Police Organization; Community Oriented Policing; Selection; Education and Training; Accountability; Leadership; and Professionalism. • Expanded material on paradoxes outside the individual personal experience: police systems organization and administration; police leadership; community oriented policing; and the drive toward genuine professionalism in police work. • Each chapter is now accompanied by an initial outline, a “Key Terms” section, a “Discussion Questions” section, and an “Additional Reading” section. • A companion website has been added with an instructor’s manual, computerized test bank and PowerPoint lecture slides. FEATURES as a “Paradox Box” that concisely sums up the central paradox discussed in the chapter. • New chapters include Media Imagery; Subculture; Three Traditional Styles of Police Organization; Community Oriented Policing; Selection; Education and Training; Accountability; Leadership; and Professionalism. • A companion website has been added with an instructor’s manual, computerized test bank and PowerPoint lecture slides. • Price point is appropriate for practitioners, where resources are more limited, as well as for students, who may have to purchase this in addition to their core text. CONTENTS Acknowledgements. Introduction. PART ONE – IN THE BAG: THE POLICE OFFICER’S EXPERIENCE. Chapter One: Goals: What Are We Doing Out There? Chapter Two: Stereotyping. Chapter Three: Discretion. Chapter Four: Due Process. Chapter Five: Coercive Power. Chapter Six: Media Imagery. Chapter Seven: The Subculture. PART TWO – ORGANIZATIONAL STYLES. Chapter Eight: Paramilitarism. Chapter Nine: Three Traditional Styles of Police Organization. Chapter Ten: Community Oriented Policing. PART THREE – POLICE ADMINISTRATION. Chapter Eleven: Selection. Chapter Twelve: Education and Training. Chapter Thirteen: Accountability. PART FOUR – FUTURES. Chapter Fourteen: Leadership. Chapter Fifteen: Professionalism. Epilogue. © 2011, 368pp, Paperback, 9781435496828 • Written by an experienced former police officer, this book tackles a subject too often ignored; using field examples of paradoxical issues and situations officers face daily and opening classroom dialogue on these often controversial topics. • Includes material not only related to the individual officer experience, but also those associated with: police systems organization and administration; police leadership; community oriented policing; and the drive toward genuine professionalism in police work. • Each chapter is now accompanied by an initial outline, a “Key Terms” section, a “Discussion Questions” section, and an “Additional Reading” section; as well 68 FEATURES POLICE (WITH CRIMINAL JUSTICE COURSEMATE WITH EBOOK PRINTED ACCESS CARD), 2E John S. Dempsey, State University of New York (SUNY); Linda S. Forst, Shoreline Community College, Seattle Washington Created by the continuous feedback of a “studenttested, faculty-approved” process, POLICE, 2nd Edition delivers a visually appealing, succinct print component, tear-out review cards for students and instructors and a consistent online offering with CourseMate that includes an eBook in addition to a set of interactive digital tools, all at a value-based price and proven to increase retention and outcomes. Updated with true-to-life photography, POLICE, 2nd Edition offers a practical perspective of law enforcement, thoughtprovoking examples and forty years of insight from the authors’ firsthand experiences in police work and police education. Better yet, the CourseMate to accompany the 2nd Edition of POLICE is packed with video clips, quizzing, flash cards, games, and other selftest features designed to maximize reader success. The instructor companion website simplifies course and exam preparation. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Striking Images: Newly updated with vivid, true-tolife photos, POLICE, 2nd Edition depicts the exciting world of police work with accuracy and in full color. • Videos: The CourseMate to accompany the second edition of POLICE brings chapter topics to life with select video clips. • Modern, Streamlined Content: Reviewed and revised for even greater readability, all chapter material reflects the latest research and statistics available. • New Issues and Examples: POLICE, 2nd Edition has been updated to include new issues and topics for more stimulating classroom discussions. • An innovative combination of content delivered both in print and online provides a core text, an interactive eBook and a wealth of comprehensive multimedia teaching and learning assets directly influenced by feedback from student focus groups and surveys, and from interviews with faculty and students. • Shorter, comprehensive chapters in a modern design present content in a more engaging and accessible format without minimizing coverage for your course. • Chapter In Review Cards at the back of the Student Editions provide students a portable study tool containing all of the pertinent information for class preparation. • Instructor Prep Cards at the back of the Instructor’s Edition make preparation simple with detachable cards for each chapter, offering a quick map of chapter content, a list of corresponding PowerPoint and video resources, additional examples, and suggested assignments and discussion questions to help you organize chapter content efficiently. • CourseMate, offering an interactive eBook in addition to a full suite of unique learning tools that appeal to different learning styles, is available to students with the purchase of a new book. Quizzes, flashcards, video clips, and more are only a click away. • All of the content and resources you expect with a supplements package that is second to none including convenient instructor tools: Additional instructor materials include an online instructor’s manual and computerized test bank created exclusively for POLICE, 2nd Edition. CONTENTS Part I: POLICE HISTORY AND ORGANIZATION. 1. Police History. 2. Organizing Security in the United States. 3. Organizing the Police Department. Part II: THE PERSONAL SIDE OF POLICING. 4. Becoming a Police Officer. 5. The Police Role and Police Discretion. 6. Police Culture, Personality, and Police Stress. 7. Minorities in Policing. 8. Police Ethics and Police Deviance. Part III: POLICE OPERATIONS. 9. Patrol Operations. 10. Investigations. 11. Police and the Community. 12. Community Policing: The Debate Continues. 13. Police and the Law. Part IV: CRITICAL ISSUES IN POLICING. 14. Computers, Technology, and Criminalities in Policing. 15. Homeland Security. 69 © 2013, 288pp, Paperback, 9781133016656 practicing law enforcement administrator, addressing the specific topics covered. FEATURES • Chapter opening learning objectives convey the key issues in each chapter. • Study Questions at the end of each chapter help readers review important chapter topics. CONTENTS POLICE ADMINISTRATION, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 3E Larry K. Gaines, California State University, San Bernardino; John L. Worrall, University of Texas at Dallas POLICE ADMINISTRATION, International Edition, is a comprehensive yet easy to read, up-to-date introduction to police administration for academic courses and for practitioners preparing for a promotional exam. Practical applications and case studies, usually from specific departments, fully support the theoretical concepts. “On the Job” boxes highlight insights by working police administration professionals. Court cases are provided throughout to promote understanding of legal concepts which apply to the various aspects of administration. The book’s real-world focus, backed up by theory, allows students to understand key issues such as conflict resolution, human resources, budgeting and collective bargaining. Actual documents, materials and forms that are used in law enforcement organizations across the country supplement the chapters, giving another layer to the training provided by this text. Current topics of terrorism and homeland security concerns, along with accountability and management of stress and fatigue are covered to equip students with a complete understanding of the intricacies of Police Administration. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Decision Point boxes provide short descriptions of problems or situations relating to the chapters, followed by questions that test reader understanding. • Chapter 3 is devoted entirely to homeland security and its effects on, and relationship to, police administration. • “On the Job” features in every chapter are written by a Part I: THE NATURE AND SETTING OF POLICE ADMINISTRATION. 1. Introduction to Police Administration. 2. The Environment of Police Administration. 3. Police Administration and Homeland Security. Part II: ORGANIZATIONAL PERSPECTIVES. 4. Foundations of Police Organization. 5. Contemporary Organizational Theories and Management Systems. Part III: PEOPLE IN THE POLICE ORGANIZATION. 6. Police Leadership. 7. People in the Police Organization. 8. Communication, Negotiation, and Conflict Resolution. 9. Managing Stress and Fatigue. 10. Police Human Resource Management. 11. Labor Relations. Part IV: CONTROL PROCESSES IN POLICE MANAGEMENT. 12. Control and Productivity in the Police Setting. 13. Planning Program and Budgeting. 14. Accountability. 15. Change. © 2012, 640pp, Paperback, 9781111309053 POLICE CRIME CONTROL STRATEGIES Larry Hoover, Sam Houston State University POLICE CRIME CONTROL STRATEGIES is a practical, realistic, one-of-a-kind book that provides readers with a balanced assessment of approaches to police crime reduction. Written by an expert in the field of law enforcement, this book covers the strengths and weaknesses of a variety of approaches including 70 crime-specific, community-oriented, problem-oriented, hot spot targeting, concentrated patrol deployment, broken windows enforcement, and intelligence-guided. Opening chapters trace the accumulating evidence for the substantial impact upon crime that focused police efforts can have. Community and problemoriented programs are reviewed in the context of their employment for crime reduction. State-ofthe-art strategies are organized by three targeting foci: geographic, offense, and offender. The role of investigative units in proactive crime reduction is critically assessed and Compstat as a framework receives special attention. Also discussed are crime strategy meetings, and staffing and deployment for crime control. Care is taken to review both the successes and failures of structured efforts both in suburban environments and major cities so that readers are provided with an unbiased overview of policing in the real world. Advantage Plus for Blackboard. Criminal Justice CourseMate with Engagement Tracker is available for Police Crime Control Strategies. CONTENTS 1. Police Crime Control Strategy Development. 2. The Police Effect on Crime. 3. The Role of Community Policing. 4. Focusing Community- and ProblemOriented Approaches on Crime Reduction. 5. A Typology of Crime Reduction Strategies. 6. Geographic Targeting Strategies. 7. Offense Targeting Strategies. 8. Offender Targeting Strategies. 9. Compstat and Crime Control. 10. Conducting Crime Strategy Meetings. 11. The Resurrection of Sherlock Holmes. 12. Staffing for Crime Control. 13. Deployment for Crime Control. 14. Limitations on the Police Role. 15. Evaluating Strategic Impact. © 2014, 320pp, Paperback, 9781133691624 FEATURES • This book presents an unbiased review of multiple approaches to police crime reduction so that students gain a solid understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. • The development of science in policing is covered chronologically in the opening chapters in order to provide students with a framework for the material they will encounter later in the book. For example, coverage includes O.W. Wilson’s “Police Administration,” the turbulent ‘60s, and today’s emphasis upon deployment guided by GIS analysis. • Crime interdiction initiatives are organized into a typology-- geographic concentration, offense targeting, and offender oriented -- in order to provide students with meaningful and contrasting perspectives. • This innovative book includes two complete chapters on the evolving role of Compstat, from its origins in New York to today’s widespread adaptations. Two additional chapters review first allocation and then deployment for crime control. • Students are given multiple opportunities to practice and review the material through Review Questions, Real World Scenario exercises, Application Activities, learning objectives, and key term definitions. • A r o b u s t s u p p l e m e n t p a c k ag e i n c l u d e s a PowerLecture™ DVD for instructors and WebTutor POLICE OPERATIONS, 6E Theory and Practice Kären M. Hess; Christine H. Orthmann; Henry Lim Cho Created specifically for police operations courses, this trusted text provides a focused, practical introduction to the key principles and practices guiding the operations of modern police departments. While maintaining its proven instructional approach and strong focus on community- and problem-oriented policing, the sixth edition of POLICE OPERATIONS: THEORY AND PRACTICE reflects the latest trends and research shaping the day-to-day operations of progressive police departments. A new “Perspectives from a First-Line Supervisor” feature shares practical, applied information. Highlights include new and revised information on evolving technology, the police officer hiring process, how police use websites 71 and social media to communicate with the public, patrol techniques, cultural diversity, cell phone use and laws, hazardous materials response, federal emergency response agencies, and cyberterrorism. The authors complement this wealth of information with an appealing writing style, numerous photos and illustrations, and real-life examples to engage students’ interest, enhance learning, and demonstrate the professional relevance of chapter material. Now better than ever, this convenient text is an ideal resource for law enforcement students and professionals who want an accessible, up-to-date guide to essential principles and current trends and practices in police operations. NEW TO THIS EDITION • In addition to new and updated “Officer’s Perspective” boxes showcasing real cases and experiences, the sixth edition includes a new “Perspective of a FirstLine Supervisor” feature that provides additional real-world examples to help students appreciate the professional applications of chapter material. • A new “Technology in Policing” feature highlights current and emerging technology that students can expect to encounter as law enforcement professionals, as well as the ways technology is affecting day-to-day police operations. • Extensive updates reflect the latest research and statistics, including reports on traffic crash fatalities, police-public contacts and arrests, school violence, domestic violence victimization; the Philadelphia Foot Patrol Experiment; and studies on bullying and the value of DNA evidence in property crimes investigations. • The authors explore numerous recent court rulings relevant to police operations, including Arizona v. Gant (2009), Florida v. Powell (2010), and United States v. Jones (2012), providing students with a thoughtful, up-to-date analysis of legal proceedings that will influence their experiences as law enforcement professionals. • New material throughout the text describes important recent trends and developments in the field, including the FBI’s Advanced Fingerprint Identification (or Information) Technology (AFIT), police response to the “Occupy” movement,the police officer hiring process, rolling domestics, sovereign citizens and homegrown violent extremists (HVEs), hazardous materials response, how the Fourth Amendment governs police action, cyberterrorism, using websites and social media for public communications, and more. FEATURES • This innovative text was created specifically for police operations courses, providing a thorough introduction to key principles and practices, current data and trends, and real-world cases and applications in one convenient, affordable package. • The authors explore both essential law enforcement concepts and practical police procedures, covering important processes such as dealing with HAZMAT incidents, critical infrastructure failures such as bridge collapses, responding to terrorist threats or attacks, and dealing with pandemics. • Chapter material is structured to support effective learning, with “Do You Know” questions that open each chapter by introducing key concepts and learning objectives, integrated features and highlights to reinforce those concepts, and end-of-chapter material that summarizes and reviews them. • Exercises in every chapter encourage students to hone their critical thinking skills and apply what they have learned by writing realistic policies and procedures, considering the applications of chapter material to real-world cases, and formulating responses to challenging discussion questions. CONTENTS Part I: THE BASICS BEHIND EFFECTIVE POLICE OPERATIONS. 1. Police Operations in Context. 2. Communication: The Foundation of Police Operations. 3. Operational Skills: Performing within the Law. Part II: GETTING THE JOB DONE: BASIC POLICE OPERATIONS. 4. Patrol: The Backbone of Police Operations. 5. Traffic: Policing in a Country on the Move. 6. Crime, Disorder and Quality-of-Life Issues: Responding to the Call. 7. Violence: At Home, in the Classroom, on the Job. 8. Emergency Situations: When Disaster Strikes. 9. Terrorism: From Hometown Security to Homeland Security. Part III: SPECIALIZED POLICE OPERATIONS. 10. Criminal Investigation. 11. Responding to Children and Juveniles: Our Nation’s Future. 12. Gangs and Drugs: Two National Threats. Part IV: THE PERSONAL SIDE OF POLICE OPERATIONS. 13. Physical and Mental Health Issues: Keeping Fit for Duty. 14. Liability and Ethics: Is It Legal? Is It Moral? 72 © 2014, 576pp, Hardback, 9781285052625 sections on Special Populations and Policing the Globe. • S o c i o l o g i c a l a p p r o a c h d e e p e n s s t u d e n t s’ understanding of modern police work. • Pedagogical features, including learning objectives, review questions, and discussion questions, aid in students’ understanding of the material and provide thought-provoking topics for classroom discussion. • Case studies illustrate policing in other countries. CONTENTS POLICING AND SOCIETY: A GLOBAL APPROACH, INTERNATIONAL EDITION Michael J. Palmiotto, PhD, Wichita State University; N. Prabha Unnithan, PhD, Colorado State University Policing and Society: A Global Approach, International Edition covers a wide range of topics related to policing, with strong sociological analysis and an emphasis on global concepts and issues. This well-organized, reader-friendly book includes comprehensive coverage of important issues such as police corruption, use of excessive force, and police subculture. The book’s unique international approach includes guest-written “International Perspectives” and various case studies, examples, and analogies illustrating policing here and in other countries. Students are able to compare and understand policing methods, challenges, and solutions across nations and cultures—and develop a broader outlook on law enforcement worldwide. Policing and Society: A Global Approach, International Edition reflects the current state of policing and where the forefront of policing will be in the coming years. With this book, students not only develop an understanding of law enforcement on a local, regional, and national level, but also gain a deeper appreciation of issues on a larger scale, in the international community. The text’s combined global and sociological perspective provides students with the knowledge and competence to better understand global law enforcement issues in a post 9/11-era. FEATURES • International/global perspective emphasizes the importance and need for cultural awareness for all criminal justice professionals. • New and relevant topics in law enforcement include 1. Perspectives on the Police. 2. Police and Social Control. 3. Police and Social Institutions. 4. Police and the Criminal Justice System. 5. Police Bureaucracy. 6. Police and Crime Fighting. 7. Police, Order Maintenance and Service. 8. Police Discretion. 9. The Police Subculture. 10. Police and the Community. 11. Police and Crime Prevention. 12. Police and Special Populations. 13. Police Corruption. 14. Police Use of Excessive Force. 15. Policing the Globe. 16. The Future of Policing. © 2011, 336pp, Paperback, 9781111128241 PROFESSIONALISM IN POLICING: AN INTRODUCTION David J. Thomas, Florida Gulf Coast University, College of Professional Studies Professionalism in Policing: An Introduction will provide your students with a good understanding of the police officer’s role in American society today. This accessible book will give your students insight into the real world of policing by addressing such topics as racial profiling, police brutality, education, police socialization and leadership. Professionalism in Policing: An Introduction also includes the topics of criminal law and ethics, which are fundamental to policing but missing from other books on the topic. Your students will be 73 Policy presented with real-life scenarios where they get to be the decision maker, while learning to understand that the decisions they will make as police officers may have a lasting impact on their lives, as well as on their communities. The author has a strong academic and practical background. In addition to teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and at a police academy for 25 years, he also has field experience as a police officer, sheriff, and conservation officer. FEATURES • Flow of chapters allows students to examine every aspect of policing and provides them with a roadmap through the profession, beginning with history and ending with the future of policing. • Realistic scenarios based on actual police incidents help students understand key concepts and think critically about situations that could arise. • “Doc’s Words of Wisdom” box at the beginning of each chapter shares the author’s insight into the challenges that officers face daily. • Discussion questions and suggested research topics at the end of each chapter expand students’ decisionmaking skills and comprehension of the material. • Companion website includes an Instructor’s Guide, Test bank and PowerPoint slides for instructors; and internet exercises, web links and tutorial quizzes for students. CONTENTS About the Author. Preface. 1. The History of Policing. 2. Ethics. 3. Police Socialization. 4. The Police Organization. 5. Patrol Operations. 6. Investigations. 7. Use of Force. 8. Terrorism. 9. Education. 10. Career Development. 11. Future of Law Enforcement. 12. Appendix A: Organization of Interest. 13. Appendix B: Terrorism Resources. © 2011, 384pp, Paperback, 9780495091899 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORY AND RESEARCH, 2E Richard Rosenfeld, University of Missouri-St. Louis; Kenna Quinet, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI); Crystal A. Garcia, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE THEORY, 1/e is an outstanding anthology of social institution-focused essays ideal for stimulating discussions and debates in the classroom. This collection features all 26 proposals and response essays presented at the American Society of Criminology’s 2010 annual meeting, on the major social institutions – family, education, religion, the economy, and the political system – and features a lead paper and commentaries on the paper written by subject experts. The book’s concise format makes it an invaluable resource for those wanting to incorporate current research and critical thinking into their criminology and criminal justice curricula. FEATURES • Featuring a foreword by ASC President Richard Rosenfeld, this collection includes essays from some of the leading criminologists in the field as well as promising young scholars. The book is a concise resource for those wanting to incorporate current research into their criminology and criminal justice curricula, and can serve not only as a postmeeting reference, but also as a mainstream text for undergraduate Policy courses. CONTENTS Part 1: FAMILY. Part 2. EDUCATION. Part 3. RELIGION . Part 4. ECONOMY. Part 5. POLITY. 74 © 2012, 400pp, Paperback, 9781111771812 3. OJJDP Develops Strategy to Reduce Juvenile Violence. 4. Why We Can’t Wait: The Juvenile Court in the New Millennium. © 2010, 208pp, Paperback, 9781439036723 Research Methods and Statistics POLICY IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Michael Fischer, Norfolk State University Save time, save money, and eliminate the trek to the library and long waits for reserved readings with InfoTrac® College Edition, an online university library of more than 5,000 academic and popular magazines, newspapers, and journals. This edition of InfoTrac focuses on Criminal Justice Policy. These articles provide a perfect supplement to our Criminal Justice texts. CONTENTS PART I: FIXING BROKEN WINDOWS AND COMMUNITY POLICING. 1. How to Win the War Against Crime. 2. Focus on Community Policing. PART II: 1. Fraud Inc. 2. The Lure of White-Collar Crime. 3. The Challenge of White Collar Sentencing. PART III: SPECIALTY COURTS. 1. How Drug Courts Reduce Substance Abuse. 2. What Works and What Does Not: Drug Courts. 3. Problem-Solving Courts: From Innovation to Institutionalization. PART IV: INCARCERATED WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN. 1. Attachment Disorders: Review and Current Status. 2. Childhood Attachment and Adult Attachment in Incarcerated Adult Male Sex Offenders. 3. Mother/Child Bonding: Incarcerated Women Struggle to Maintain Meaningful Relationships with their Children. 4. Babies Behind Bars. 5. Developing Correctional Facilities for Female Juvenile Offenders: Design and Programmatic Considerations. PART V: SERIOUS JUVENILE OFFENDERS. 1. Childhood Predictors of Adult Criminality: A Meta-Analysis Drawn from the Prospective Longitudinal Literature. 2. Wayward Youth, Super Predator: An Evolutionary Tale of Juvenile Delinquency from the 1950s to the Present. BASICS OF RESEARCH METHODS FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIMINOLOGY, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 3E Michael G. Maxfield, John Jay College of Criminal Justice; Earl R. Babbie, Chapman University A concise paperback based on Maxfield/Babbie’s bestselling, RESEARCH METHODS FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIMINOLOGY, this “basics” version combines accessibility and a conversational writing style with Michael G. Maxfield’s expertise in criminology and criminal justice. In fewer than 400 pages, BASICS OF RESEARCH METHODS FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIMINOLOGY, International Edition introduces students to the core of criminal justice research. It utilizes the most current, real data and features coverage of such key issues as ethics, causation, validity, field research, research design, and more. The Third Edition includes expanded coverage of web-based research and how to access and utilize new CJ data sets. Balancing coverage of both qualitative and quantitative methods, the text is packed with real-world examples, practical applications, and Internet research exercises. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Reflecting the latest developments in the field, the exciting new Third Edition includes significantly expanded coverage of qualitative research. 75 • New! New material on writing proposals and reading research articles helps students sharpen these important skills for real-life practice. • Completely current, the Third Edition is packed with real-world examples that have been extensively updated throughout. • New! Each chapter begins with 8-12 numbered learning objectives carefully matched to individual bullet points in the end-of-chapter summary for maximum learning reinforcement. Each item in the accompanying Test Bank and Companion Website quiz section is also linked to a specific learning objective. FEATURES • Succinct yet thorough, BASICS OF RESEARCH M E T H O D S F O R C R I M I N A L J US T I C E A N D CRIMINOLOGY delivers excellent coverage of conceptualization and operationalization, sampling, crime data, ethical problems and criminal justice research, and other key topics. • Extremely relevant, the authors’ coverage of policy analysis reflects the trend toward a more analytic perspective in justice agencies, giving students valuable insight into the issues they will face in a career in the field of criminal justice. • Helping students completely master the material, the text includes extensive, top-caliber pedagogical aids, including real-world examples, outlines, figures, key term definitions, chapter summaries, and review questions and exercises. • Some end-of-chapter exercises require students to solve research problems using the Internet, giving them hands-on experience using online resources for timely, high-quality data. CONTENTS 1. Criminal Justice and Scientific Inquiry. 2. Ethics and Criminal Justice Research. 3. General Issues in Research Design. 4. Concepts, Operationalization, and Measurement. 5. Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs. 6. Sampling. 7. Survey Research and Other Ways of Asking Questions. 8. Field Research. 9. Agency Records, Content Analysis, and Secondary Data. 10. Evaluation Research and Problem Analysis. 11. Interpreting Data. © 2012, 368pp, Paperback, 9781111356491 RESEARCH METHODS FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIMINOLOGY, 7E Michael G. Maxfield, John Jay College of Criminal Justice; Earl R. Babbie, Chapman University Now with even more real-world examples throughout and comprehensive coverage of qualit ative methods, the Seventh Edition of the market-leading RESEARCH METHODS FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIMINOLOGY combines the scholarship, accuracy, and conversational tone of Earl Babbie’s best-selling THE PRACTICE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH with Mike Maxfield’s expertise in criminology and criminal justice. Providing the most comprehensive, authoritative introduction to criminal justice research available today--and enhanced by new examples, research, applications, and built-in study tools--this edition continues its focus on getting students to DO research. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Each chapter now opens with a high-interest vignette that draws students into the material and illustrates the relevance of the upcoming chapter content. • An all-new chapter on qualitative interviewing (Chapter 10) plus additional discussion of other important qualitative research methods in Chapter 11 (on field research) addresses critical social science methodology with incomparable depth and breadth. • Thorough coverage of preparing a research proposal and conducting a literature review has been incorporated into Chapter 1 to better equip students for advanced study. An increased number of realworld examples and expanded coverage of the use of technology in research methods, including the use of social media, enhance the book’s relevancy for today’s students. 76 FEATURES • Chapter-opening numbered learning objectives are matched to end-of-chapter summary sections and linked to corresponding quiz items in Criminal Justice CourseMate (the book’s website), the Instructor’s Manual, and the Test Bank to provide students with maximum reinforcement of key concepts. • New examples from student research and published studies appear throughout the book. Mike Maxfield illustrates the rewards and challenges of research by using recent examples of his own students’ research and as well as new examples from studies on human trafficking, how people form attitudes about sex offenders, and car theft. • A marginal glossary of key terms immediately reinforces student understanding. • A “Focus on Applied Research” feature throughout the book reflects today’s greater emphasis on applied research, and emphasizes Maxfield and Babbie’s main focus--getting your students to DO research. • A “Putting It All Together” section on racial profiling, “Driving While Black,” appears in each chapter, enabling students to see how research unfolds. Each chapter’s installment reinforces and applies that chapter’s specific research methods and topics. CONTENTS 1. Crime, Criminal Justice, and Scientific Inquiry. 2. Foundations of Criminal Justice Research. 3. Ethics and Criminal Justice Research. 4. General Issues in Research Design. 5. Concepts, Operationalization, and Measurement. 6. Measuring Crime. 7. Experimental and Quasi-experimental Designs. 8. Sampling. 9. Survey Research. 10. Qualitative Interviewing. 11. Field Research. 12. Agency Records, Content Analysis, and Secondary Data. 13. Evaluation Research and Problem Analysis. 14. Interpreting Data. © 2015, 496pp, Hardback, 9781285067841 Security INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE SECURITY, 2E John Dempsey, State University of NY - Empire College This uniquely practical introduction to private security emphasizes professionalism and ethics and demonstrates how public law enforcement and private security work in tandem to solve problems and protect both individuals and businesses. INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE SECURITY focuses on practical, real-world concepts and applications and includes detailed coverage of everything from industry background and related law to premise, retail, business, employment, and information/computer security as well as investigation, surveillance, and even homeland security. Throughout, the emphasis is on providing students with a clear sense of the numerous career opportunities available in this rapidly expanding field – including realworld insight on how to get a job in private security, concrete information on the skills needed, and succinct overviews of day-to-day job responsibilities. NEW TO THIS EDITION • INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE SECURITY offers new “Ethics in Security” boxes, enhancing the book’s real-world orientation by spotlighting codes of ethics and related materials from ASIS, NASCO, TSA, Guardsmark, NAPPS, and other national agencies, organizations, and corporations that students will likely interact or affiliate with on the job. • In response to user feedback, the 2nd Edition features a dramatic expansion of physical security with the addition of an all-new chapter that covers retail and convenience stores, fast food restaurants, shopping centers, industrial facilities, public/private utilities, 77 hotels, banks, and entertainment facilities. • The updated text includes expanded coverage of exciting technology-related security and issues – biometrics and surveillance, cyberstalking, fingerprinting and electronic monitoring, fraud, cybercrime, computer viruses, and data security. Terrorism FEATURES • INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE SECURITY provides “You Are There” features that take students back to the past, placing them in the center of a historical event to review the fact pattern in a particular case or to gain a firsthand sense of significant developments. • The book’s unique real-world orientation is heightened through “Jobs in Security” boxes that spotlight actual employment positions in the private security industry as well as “Private Security Connections” boxes that offer information on private organizations, associations, and resources. • To help students master the material, chapter-opening objectives are included and linked to bulleted endof-chapter summaries and are followed by a wealth of review and practice materials like learning checks, application exercises, and Internet activities. CONTENTS Part I: PRIVATE SECURITY HISTORY, BUSINESS, AND CONCEPTS. 1. The History and Professionalization of Private Security. 2. The Business of the Private Security Industry. 3. Private Security Concepts, Tools, and Systems Integration or Convergence. 4. Private Security Law. Part II: PRIVATE SECURITY CATEGORIES. 5. Premise Security. 6. Retail Security and Loss Prevention. 7. Personal Security. 8. Employment-related Security. 9. Information and Computer Security. Part III: PRIVATE SECURITY OPERATIONS. 10. Investigative Security. 11. Surveillance and Undercover Operations. 12. Public and Private Partnerships for Security. 13. Homeland Security. © 2011, 480pp, Paperback, 9780495809852 TERRORISM AND HOMELAND SECURITY, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 8E Jonathan R. White, Grand Valley State University Written by acclaimed national terrorism expert Jonathan R. White, the market-leading TERRORISM AND HOMELAND SECURITY, 8E, International Edition is widely recognized as the most comprehensive, balanced, and objective text available for the course. Packed with engrossing examples and cutting-edge discussions, the Eighth Edition continues to provide a theoretical and conceptual framework that enables your students to understand how terrorism arises and how it functions. White discusses the most sophisticated theories of the world’s best terrorist analysts, while still focusing on the domestic and international threat of terrorism and the basic security issues surrounding terrorism today. The text gives essential historical (pre1980) background on the phenomenon of terrorism and the roots of contemporary conflicts, includes detailed descriptions of recent and contemporary conflicts shaping the world stage, and presents theoretical and concrete information about Homeland Security organizations. NEW TO THIS EDITION • A streamlined 16-chapter organization makes it easier to get through the entire text in a traditional-length college term--ensuring that instructors aren’t forced to omit key homeland security coverage due to time constraints. • All-new chapter-opening vignettes draw students into chapter material with today’s highest-profile topics--the Navy SEAL attack on Osama bin Laden, the expanding role of women in terrorist organizations, 78 Iranian nuclear weapon development, the Arab Spring’s impact on Palestine, and many others. • In addition to bullet-style summaries linked back to chapter-opening objectives, new paragraph-style “Chapter Take Away” sections at the end of each chapter focus student attention on the important conclusions that can be drawn from the material and offer a glimpse into the future. • Streamlined coverage of historical material throughout the text allows for expanded treatment of compelling current issues, examples, research, and tactics without increasing the text’s overall length. • Expanded discussion of current issues and challenges includes women’s expanding role in terrorist organizations, financing terrorist activities, the nexus of drugs and terrorism, media influence on homeland security, Joseph Kony, and many other topics. FEATURES • “Critical Engagement” features in every chapter highlight a current controversy, giving students the opportunity to sharpen their critical thinking skills by grappling with real-world challenges. • Providing maximum learning reinforcement, each chapter’s Learning Objectives are carefully matched to end-of-chapter summary sections and linked to corresponding quiz/test items in the accompanying Test Bank and CourseMate. Each discussion is enhanced with diagrams and flow charts to illustrate key concepts and keep students visually engaged. • Many chapters feature “Another Point of View” sidebars--reflecting the fact that issues in terrorism and homeland security often go beyond a simple twosided debate. These sidebars introduce controversial opinions and alternative understandings of social processes, giving students a deeper understanding of all the challenges involved. • Terrorism frequently blurs the line between law enforcement and national security intelligence. The text’s unique emphasis on intelligence helps students see the difference. Sections in Part IV spotlight law enforcement intelligence systems, fusion centers, and national security intelligence--equipping students with a solid understanding of today’s intelligence initiatives. CONTENTS Part I: AN INTRODUCTION TO ISSUES IN TERRORISM. 1. Terrorism Defined. 2. The Social Underpinnings of Terrorism. 3. The Organization and Financing of Terrorism. 4. Terrorism and the Media. 5. Gender Roles, Tactics, and Force Multipliers in Terrorism. 6. The Roots of Modern Terrorism. Part II: INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM: NATIONAL AND ETHNIC MOVEMENTS. 7. Long-Term Separatist Terrorism. 8. Nationalistic and Endemic Terrorism. 9. Background to the Middle East. 10. Terrorism in Israel and Palestine. Part III: INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM: IDEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS. 11. Revolutionary, Counter Revolutionary, and Religious Terrorism. 12. Al Qaeda and Jihadist Networks. Part IV: DOMESTIC TERRORISM AND HOMELAND SECURITY. 13. Domestic Terrorism. 14. An Introduction to Homeland Security. 15. Law Enforcement and Homeland Security. 16. Homeland Security and Constitutional Issues. 17. Security, Terrorism, and the Future. © 2014, 528pp, Paperback, 9781285062273 Women and Criminal Justice THE INVISIBLE WOMAN, 4E Gender, Crime, and Justice Joanne Belknap, University of Colorado at Boulder The definitive text for the course, Belknap’s THE INVISIBLE WOMAN: GENDER, CRIME, AND JUSTICE covers women and the criminal justice system with a focus on three major areas: (1) female offenders and their treatment by the criminal justice system; (2) female victims of crime; and (3) female employees of the agencies of the criminal justice system. Thoroughly updated with new research and statistics, the fourth edition covers such timely and important topics as 79 restorative justice, gender-responsive programming, sex trafficking, pathways research, Intimate Partner Abuse (IPA)/Domestic Violence (DV), and stalking. NEW TO THIS EDITION • This edition is carefully updated throughout with new research and statistics. • The author has added more material on restorative justice, gender-responsive programming, sex trafficking, pathways research, Intimate Partner Abuse (IPA)/Domestic Violence (DV), stalking, and other timely and important topics. • A new table of relevant global studies is included in each chapter. For instance, the table in Chapter 4, “A Gendered Account of Women’s and Girls’ Offending,” summarizes approximately 20 studies on topics such as prostitution in China, drunkenness in France, methamphetamine use in Guam, property and violent offenses in Canada, and maternal filicide in Italy. • Chapter 2 in the third edition, “Critiquing Criminological Studies,” has been divided into two chapters. The new Chapter 2, “A Critique of Mainstream/”Malestream” Theories,” is more traditional. The new Chapter 3, “Feminist and ProFeminist Theories,” discusses theories such as general strain theory and cycle of violence theory as well as a recent development-research that tests general strain theory, pathways, and/or life course theories in the same study. These theories offer ways to assess how both girls’ and boys’ life experiences are likely related to their subsequent offending. critical race feminism, older women, and legal and non-legal immigrants. CONTENTS 1. The Emergence of Gender in Criminology. Part II: WOMEN’S and GIRLS’ OFFENDING. 2. A Critique of Mainstream/”Malestream” Theories. 3. Feminist and Pro-Feminist Theories. 4. A Gendered Account of Women’s and Girls’ Offending. 5. Processing Women and Girls in the Criminal Legal System. 6. Incarcerated Women and Girls. Part III: GENDER-BASED ABUSE (GBA). 7. Gender-Based Abuse (GBA): A Prevalent and Global Phenomenon. 8. Focusing on Sexual Abuse. 9. Intimate Partner Abuse and Stalking. Part IV: WOMEN WORKING IN THE CRIMINAL LEGAL SYSTEM. 10. Women Working in Prisons and Jails. 11. Women Working in Policing and Law Enforcement. 12. Women Working in the Courts. Part V: CONCLUSIONS. 13. Effecting Change. © 2015, 656pp, Paperback, 9780495809135 FEATURES • Built on the powerful theme of “invisible women” and featuring a strong feminist perspective, this text offers a comprehensive survey of the significant research on female offenders, victims, and criminal justice employees. • Written by a respected scholar and researcher, the book is more than a reader. In addition to pulling together and analyzing the multidisciplinary research in the field, the author discusses existing theories and provides students with a meaningful basis for understanding the subject matter. • The text is sufficiently compact to be assigned with other texts, yet comprehensive enough to be used on its own. • The book covers such topics as drug addiction/use, 80 Combined Author/Title Index A A Primer on Crime and Delinquency Theory, 3e, p.25 A Street Officer’s Guide to Report Writing, p.60 Abadinsky, Drug Use and Abuse, International Edition, 8e, p.48 Abadinsky, Organized Crime, International Edition, 10e, p.50 Ackerman, Law and Courts, p.22 Alarid, Community-Based Corrections, 10e, p.5 America’s Courts and the Criminal Justice System, International Edition, 11e, p.9 American Corrections in Brief, 2e, p.2 American Corrections, International Edition, 10e, p.3 An Introduction to Policing, 7e, p.61 Austin/Irwin, It’s About Time, 4e, p.8 B Bacigal/Tate, Criminal Law and Procedure, 4e, p.15 Basics of Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology, International Edition, 3e, p.75 Belknap, The Invisible Woman, 4e, p.79 Bohm/Vogel, A Primer on Crime and Delinquency Theory, 3e, p.25 C CJ3 (with CourseMate Printed Access Card), 3e, p.34 CJUS (with Review Card and Criminal Justice CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card), p.35 Clear/Cole/Reisig, American Corrections, International Edition, 10e, p.3 Clear/Cole/Reisig/Petrosino, American Corrections in Brief, 2e, p.2 Cole/Smith/DeJong, Criminal Justice in America, International Edition, 7e, p.39 Cole/Smith/DeJong, The American System of Criminal Justice, 14e, p.45 Community Corrections, p.4 Community Policing, 7e, p.62 Community-Based Corrections, 10e, p.5 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems, International Edition, 5e, p.46 Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System, 6e, p.10 Contemporary Issues in Criminological Theory and Research, 2e, p.74 Corrections Today, International Edition, 2e, 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Perspectives, p.32 D Dammer/Albanese, Comparative Criminal Justice Systems, International Edition, 5e, p.46 del Carmen, Criminal Procedure, International Edition, 9e, p.19 Dempsey, Introduction to Private Security, 2e, p.77 Dempsey/Forst, An Introduction to Policing, 7e, p.61 Dempsey/Forst, POLICE (with Criminal Justice CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card), 2e, p.69 Drug Use and Abuse, International Edition, 8e, p.48 E Essentials of Criminal Justice, 9e, p.41 Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice, International Edition, 8e, p.33 F Ferdico/Fradella/Totten, Criminal Procedure for the Criminal Justice Professional, International Edition, 11e, p.22 Fischer, Policy in Criminal Justice, p.75 Friedrichs, White Collar Crime In Contemporary Society, International Edition, 4e, p.55 G Gaines/Miller, CJ3 (with CourseMate Printed Access Card), 3e, p.34 Gaines/Miller, Criminal Justice in Action, International Edition, 7e, p.37 Gaines/Miller, Criminal Justice in Action, 8e, p.38 Gaines/Worrall, Police Administration, International Edition, 3e, p.70 Gardner/Anderson, Criminal Evidence, International Edition, 8e, p.12 Gardner/Anderson, Criminal Law, 12e, p.13 H Hails, Criminal Evidence, 8e, p.11 Harr/Hess/Hess Orthmann/Kingsbury, Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System, 6e, p.10 Hess Orthmann/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 10e, p.63 Hess/Hess Orthmann, Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, International Edition, 10e, p.65 Hess/Hess Orthmann, Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement, 6e, p.66 Hess/Orthmann/Cho, Police Operations, 6e, p.71 Hess/Orthmann/Wright, Juvenile Justice, International Edtion, 6e, p.59 Hickey, Serial Murderers and Their Victims, International Edition, 6e, p.52 Hoover, Police Crime Control Strategies, p.70 81 Combined Author/Title Index Introduction to Criminal Justice, p.42 Introduction to Criminal Justice, International Edition, 14e, p.43 Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice,International Edition, 10e, p.65 Introduction to Private Security, 2e, p.77 It’s About Time, 4e, p.8 J Juvenile Delinquency, 12e, p.58 Juvenile Delinquency, International Edition, 5e, p.57 Juvenile Justice, International Edtion, 6e, p.59 K Karmen, Crime Victims, 8e, p.26 L Law and Courts, p.23 M Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement, 6e, p.66 Maxfield/Babbie, Basics of Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology, International Edition, 3e, p.75 Maxfield/Babbie, Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology, 7e, p.76 Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice, International Edition, 4e, p.50 Messner/Rosenfeld, Crime and the American Dream, International Edition, 5e, p.36 Miller/Hess/Orthmann, Community Policing, 7e, p.62 Myers/Myers/Samaha, CJUS (with Review Card and Criminal Justice CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card), p.35 N Neubauer/Fradella, America’s Courts and the Criminal Justice System, International Edition, 11e, p.9 O Organized Crime, International Edition, 10e, 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Samaha, Criminal Procedure, 9e, p.20 Scalise/Strosahl, A Street Officer’s Guide to Report Writing, p.60 Scheb/Scheb, II, Criminal Law and Procedure, International Edition, 8e, p.14 Scheb/Scheb, II, Criminal Law, International Edition, 6e, p.17 Scheb/Scheb, II, Criminal Procedure, 7e, p.21 Sense and Nonsense About Crime, Drugs, and Communities, International Edition, 7e, p.51 Serial Murderers and Their Victims, International Edition, 6e, p.52 Sexual Offenses and Offenders, 2e, p.31 Shelden/Tracy/Brown, Youth Gangs in American Society, 4e, p.56 Siegel, Criminology, International Edition, 11e, p.29 Siegel, Criminology, 5e, p.27 Siegel, Criminology, International Edition, 11e, p.28 Siegel/Bartollas, Corrections Today, International Edition, 2e, p.6 Siegel/Welsh, Juvenile Delinquency, 12e, p.58 Siegel/Welsh, Juvenile Delinquency, International Edition, 5e, p.57 Siegel/Worrall, Essentials of Criminal Justice, 9e, p.41 Siegel/Worrall, Introduction to Criminal Justice, International Edition, 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