SYLLABUS ENGR 251: Strength of Materials (Required Course) Fall 2014 Instructor: Blair McDonald Office: RF 202 Phone: (309) 762-3999 x-62781 E-mail: Office Hours: 11:00-12:00 M-F Class Schedule: MW 9:30-10:45 Location: RF 120 and HORRABIN 83 CATALOG DESCRIPTION Introduction to stress and deformation analysis of basic structural materials subjected to axial, torsional, bending and pressure loads. 2 credit hours lecture, 1 credit hour lab. COURSE PREREQUISITES ENGR 211 Statics or PHYS 310 REQUIRED TEXTBOOK LearnSmart and Connect to accompany Mechanics of Materials 7th ed. by F.P. Beer, E.R. Johnston, J.T. DeWolf and D.F. Mazurek, McGraw-Hill; ISBN 978-0-07-339823-5 REFERENCES Experiments in Mechanics: Strain Gage Series available from Micro-Measurements Division of Vishay Precision Group, Raleigh, North Carolina; P/N 120-001599, February 2013. COMPUTER/SOFTWARE SKILLS Competency in performing and documenting scientific calculations using software such as Excel, Word and MatLab is required. Knowledge and ability to create a pdf file is required. TOPICS COVERED Stress and Strain Young’s Modulus, Shear Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio Loading conditions: axial, torsional, transverse shear, bending and combined Elongation of axial members, deflection of beams and shafts Buckling of columns Energy methods COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND RELATIONSHIP TO PROGRAM OUTCOMES (ABET Criteria 3a-3k) ABET Criteria 3: Outcome-Related Course Learning Objectives a b c d e Compute stress, strain and deformation in an axial member X X X Compute direct shear stresses Compute bending stresses Compute torsional shear stresses Compute the state of stress at a point in a loaded beam Determine stress concentration factors Determine the stress on a plane given the state of stress Compute column critical load and stress Compute the deflection of beams and shafts Prepare well documented problem solutions Utilize modern computational tools in analysis and solutions X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X f g h i j k X X Criterion 3a: an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering Criterion 3b: an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data Criterion 3c: an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs Criterion 3d: an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams Criterion 3e: an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems Criterion 3f: an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility Criterion 3g: an ability to communicate effectively Criterion 3h: the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context Criterion 3i: a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning Criterion 3j: a knowledge of contemporary issues Criterion 3k: an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice CONTRIBUTION OF COURSE TO PROFESSIONAL COMPONENT This course contributes to the engineering science component of the Engineering curriculum. Prepared by: Blair McDonald Date: 8/15/2014 2 DISCLAIMER STATEMENT All information contained in this syllabus, other than the grading, late assignment and attendance policies, may be subject to change with advance notice, as deemed appropriate by the instructor. COURSE POLICIES Attendance Students are expected to regularly attend class. When absent, they are responsible for notes, homework assignments, lab assignments, projects, exams and quizzes. Discuss medical or family emergencies with the instructor as soon as possible (preferably before missing due dates for assignments and exams) to make accommodations. Non-attending students are not automatically dropped, any student enrolled beyond the final withdrawal date but not attending will receive a final grade of F. Late Work Late work will not typically be accepted; if accepted, it will be for no more than 2/3 of the graded value. No work will be accepted a week after the due date. Electronic Devices Cell phones and all other forms of electronic communication devices, if carried into the classroom, must be turned off. The use of computers and other electronic devices during class is restricted to classroom activities and course applications. Do not record lecture materials without obtaining prior written consent of the instructor. Exam Content All quizzes and the final exam will be comprehensive. Quizzes will typically involve solving a single problem similar to recent homework or lecture material during the final 10 minutes (or less) of class. Laboratory Work Courses that include laboratory work (especially when done in groups) may require scheduling time outside of the regular class periods to accommodate supervision, utilize equipment and have sufficient time to accomplish the assigned procedures. Always obtain training prior to using any tool, chemical or equipment and never work alone in a laboratory setting. Obtain and wear protective clothing and equipment. Stay safe. No horseplay will be tolerated. Grammar, Legibility and Form All work submitted must be legible and grammatically correct. Work not conforming to acceptable formats, standards and English will not be graded. Course Grade Student letter grades will be based on the assessment of reading, practice problems, lab work, term projects, quizzes (announced and unannounced), and a final exam. The weight for the final exam is 40%, 15% for quizzes, 10% for written problems, 20% for Connects, 5% for reading (LearnSmart), and 10% for lab reports. Grading Scale: A A- 93% - 100% 90%-92.9% B+ B B- C+ C C- 87%-89.9% 83%-86.9% 80%-82.9% 3 77%-79.9% 73%-76.9% 70%-72.9% D F 60%-69.9% <60% READING AND HOMEWORK In order to fully accomplish the course outcomes, it is imperative that students focus on and develop sound problem solving skills and a broad understanding of the methods used in professional engineering practice. Reading the text and working problems are essential to learning course materials and developing professional engineering skills. In keeping with this, it is essential that students do all problems on their own. It is valuable to discuss problems in a study group or with a friend. However, each student must be able to prepare problem solutions submitted as their work on their own. The use of a solution manual is not allowed, all work turned in MUST be the student’s own work. Work that appears to be copied from a solution manual will not be graded. Most assigned work will be submitted electronically using WesternOnLine (WoL), Connect or LearnSmart; scanned work must be legible. The general policies for WIU students are available online at GENERAL GUIDELINES If you are encountering difficulties with the course, please see the instructor. Utilize the instructor’s office hours. Read assigned material and review example problems prior to attending class/lab. Plan on spending at least 3 hours outside of class per lecture hour working on assigned problems. Do not wait until the last day to start working on your homework or prepare for an exam. There will be no make-up exams – exceptions: school activities and medical excuses. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent. You are expected to have read and understood the current issue of the student handbook regarding student responsibilities and rights, policy information about procedures and what constitutes acceptable on-campus behavior. See for more information. Everyone is expected to complete their own assignments. Engineering students are expected to maintain high standards of ethical behavior. Plagiarism: using a solution manual to complete assigned work is plagiarism. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In accordance with University policy and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. For the instructor to provide the proper accommodation(s) you must obtaindocumentation of the need for an accommodation through Disability Support Services and provide it to the instructor. It is imperative that the disabled student take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor’s attention, as he/she is not legally permitted to inquire about a disability. Students who may require special assistance in emergency evacuations (i.e. fire, tornado, etc.) should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow in such an emergency. Contact Disability Support Services at 309-298-2512 for additional information. 4 COURSE OUTLINE Lec Date 1 25-Aug 2 27-Aug 1-Sep 3 3-Sep 4 8-Sep 5 10-Sep 6 15-Sep 7 17-Sep 8 22-Sep 9 24-Sep 10 29-Sep 11 1-Oct 12 6-Oct 13 8-Oct 14 13-Oct 15 15-Oct 16 20-Oct 17 22-Oct 18 27-Oct 19 29-Oct 20 3-Nov 21 5-Nov 22 10-Nov 23 12-Nov 24 17-Nov 25 19-Nov 24-Nov 26-Nov 26 1-Dec 27 3-Dec 28 8-Dec 29 10-Dec 17-Dec ENGR 251: Strength of Materials Topic Course Introduction Forces vs Stresses, Failures and FS Labor Day Strain, Young's Mod. & Poisson's Ratio Shear Strain, St. Venant's, Stress Conc. Torsion; shear stress, indeterminant Torsion, angle of twist Shafts: power, stress concentrations The elastic curve and bending stress Section def., composite sect., stress conc. Beams; shear and bending moment diag. Singularity functions Shear stress in beams Shear flow Transformation of stress and strain General state of stress Stresses in thin-walled pres. Vessels Transformation of strain; strain rosettes Principal stresses Stress due to combined loads Deflection of beams Singularity and superposition Moment area theorem Columns: Eulers Formula Centric load design Eccentric load design Thanksgiving Break Thanksgiving Break Energy Methods: strain energy Single loads Review Review Final Exam; Wednesday 8:00-9:50 Class Meets M,W from 9:30-10:45 in RF 120 Submit HW in [] to WoL prior to lecture. Read HW 1:1-5 L 1 Lab 01: Resume 2:1-5 1 2 L2 3 L3 4 L4 5 2:6-8,10,11 3:1-2 3:3 3:4-5 4:1-2 4:3-5 5:1-3 5:4 6:1 6:3, 4 7:1-2 7:3-4 7:6 7:7-9 8:1,2 8:3 9:1-2 9:3-4 9:5 10:1 10:3 10:4 11:1-3 11:5 1:7,11,19,31,38,61,65,[9] 2:12,14,19,22,[35],41 Lab 02: Tension Testing 2:47,58,[61],66,126,130,131; 3:15,21,32 Lab 03: Torsion Testing 3:35,41,[58],64,76,81,87,153 Lab 04: Bending Test for Mod of Elasticity, E-101 4:1,7,8,9,41,52,62,[192] 6 5:[11],12,18,[22],55,69,87,159 L 5 Lab 05: Poisson's Ratio, E-102 7 6:3,5,7,8,33,96,[97] 8 7:[1 through 16],20,23,29 L 6 Lab 06: Principle Stresses, E-103 9 7:[55],79,87,120,146,162 10 8:8,15,36,[39],65,69 L 7 Lab 7: Stress Concentration Factor, E-104 11 9:[1,2,3 and 4],10,31,46,53,77,81,92 12 9:[95,96,97,120],129; 10:13,24,27 L 8 Lab 8: V and P From Measured Strain, E-105 13 10:[1,6],30,71,78,113,[119] 14 11:1,4,5,9,18,73,[104],124 Homework Assignments ENGR 251: Strength of Materials Fall 2014 Instructor: Blair McDonald Office: RF 202 Phone: (309) 762-3999 x-62781 E-mail: Office Hours: 11:00-12:00 M-F Class Schedule: MW 9:30-10:45 Location: RF 120 and HORRABIN 83 The homework in this course involves working problems related to solid mechanics. Each problem is developed and selected to focus on a particular principle or topic. Working these problems provides practice in applying the principles that are being introduced/discussed in the course. The purpose of homework is to build expertise, competency and speed in making decisions, arriving at solutions and presenting knowledge. Assignments are split into two categories: the bulk of the problems worked will be submitted for credit using the McGraw-Hill Connect website; most assignments will include one or more problems to work out by hand (or using software), these will be turned in (typically as pdf files) using a Drop Box in Western on Line. All homework must be turned in prior to the due date and time for credit. Homework problems account for 30% of the overall course grade (20% for work submitted using Connect and 10% for documented work submitted through Western on Line). The problem solutions that are submitted to a Drop Box in Western on Line are to be fully documented solutions. They must be legible, include a problem statement and will typically include supporting figures. The solutions must use a standard form: 1-Problem statement, 2Figure, 3-Free Body Diagram, 4-Identify assumptions (material properties, geometry, theory, equations, etc.), 5-Identify variables (name and description), 6-A dialog/description of steps used in the solution (provide an interpretive trail or dialog for the reader, in English), 7-Clearly identify answers (underline, highlight or box in and show units). Do not crowd solutions onto a single page and do not write in margins. If any work is turned in as a paper copy (unusual), only work on the front side of the paper (no work on the back of any page will be graded, including exams). The work in this category will be graded for appearance, form, solution method and accuracy. Use the following filename convention for files submitted to the Drop Box: “ENGR˽251˽HW##˽Lname˽Fname.pdf”. Points will be taken if a different name is used. A listing of the Homework assigned for the semester is available in the Course Outline. Problems are selected from the text and are identified by chapter:problem number; problems that require showing all work and submission by Drop Box are identified in [ ]. An Excel template for most of the [ ] problems will be attached as an xls file within the Drop Box. The template will include the problem statement and supporting figures, data or tables referenced in the text. Reading Assignments ENGR 251: Strength of Materials Fall 2014 Instructor: Blair McDonald Office: RF 202 Phone: (309) 762-3999 x-62781 E-mail: Office Hours: 11:00-12:00 M-F Class Schedule: MW 9:30-10:45 Location: RF 120 and HORRABIN 83 Reading assignments are accomplished using LearnSmart. They will usually be available the week before the due date and can be done any time after they appear in Connect, but must be completed by the due date and time for credit. These assignments are 5% of the overall grade. Reading Assignments: Assignment Chapter and Sections to Read R 01 1:1-5 R 02 2:1-5 R 03 2:6-8, 10 and 11 R 04 3:1-2 R 05 3:3 R 06 3:4-5 R 07 4:1-2 R 08 4:3-5 R 09 5:1-3 R 10 5:4 R 11 6:1 R 12 6:3, 4 R 13 7:1-2 R 14 7:3-4 R 15 7:6 R 16 7:7-9 R 17 8:1, 2 R 18 8:3 R 19 9:1-2 R 20 9:3-4 R 21 9:5 R 22 10:1 R 23 10:3 R 24 10:4 R 25 11:1-3 R 26 11:5 Due Date (all by 9:15 AM) August 27 September 3 September 8 September 10 September 15 September 17 September 22 September 24 September 29 October 1 October 6 October 8 October 13 October 15 October 20 October 22 October 27 October 29 November 3 November 5 November 10 November 12 November 17 November 19 December 1 December 3 Name: Date: Project: ENGR 251 Strength of Materials Homework 25-Aug-2014 Example Solution Fall 2014 1) A 15 ft long W 10x100 structural member is to be used to support a heavy sign as shown below. The weight of the W member is 100 lbs/ft; the sign weighs 5000 lbs and will be attached to the W member 3 ft from the ends. The structural member is hung from a rigid overhead on 0.375 inch diameter steel cables (E=29000 ksi) that are attached to the ends. If the structural member is to hang level at the distances shown from the overhead after the sign is attached, how long should the two cables be made? 29' 25' STATICS: The problem is symmetrical. The force in each cable will be half the total weight of the beam and sign. 15' 3' 3' (N.T.S.) Calculate the deformations based upon the finished length: δ=PL/(AE) Cable: Left Right P= 3250 3250 lbs Cable tension, half the wt of the sign & beam; P=(5000+15*100)/2 L= 25 29 ft Finished length of cable E= 29000000 29000000 psi Modulus of elasticity for the cable d= 0.375 0.375 in Diameter of the cable 2 Cross sectional area of the cable; A=πd2/4 A = 0.110447 0.110447 in Deformation of cable; δ=PL(12)/(AE) δ = 0.304407 0.353112 in Axial stress in the cable; σ=P/A σ = 29425.98 29425.98 psi Lo = 24.97463 28.97057 ft Length to make cables to hang the sign level; Lo=L-δ/12 Lo = L-δ and δ=PLo/(AE) Calculate the deformations based upon the initial length: Cable: Left Right P= 3250 3250 lbs Half the weight of the sign and beam L= 25 29 ft Finished length of cable E= 29000000 29000000 psi Modulus of elasticity for the cable d= 0.375 0.375 in Diameter of the cable δ=P(L-δ)/(AE) δ+Pδ/(AE)=PL/(AE) δ(1+P/(AE))=PL/(AE) 2 A = 0.110447 0.110447 in δ = 0.304098 0.352754 in σ = 29425.98 29425.98 psi Lo = 24.9747 Problem Solution Example 28.9706 ft Cross sectional area of the cable; A=πd2/4 Deformation of cable; δ=PL(12)/((AE)(1+P/(AE))) Axial stress in the cable; σ=P/A Length to make cables to hang the sign level; Lo=L-δ/12 Example Homework Problem 1/1 student registration information course ENGR 251 Strength of Materials with LearnSmart instructor Blair Mcdonald section Fall 2014 online registration instructions Go to the following web address and click the "register now" button. This is a unique address for Fall 2014 Having trouble registering? Get help here: © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved.