Marketing Analysis for Customer Value Management An Overview October 2004 Dilip Soman Hong Kong University of Science and Technology What is this course all about? • Taking marketing beyond the 3C’s and 4P’s to the creation and management of value • Adding some science to what most people think is art • Looking at the evolution of marketing thought and applications over the time • Looking at efficiency in addition to effectiveness • Developing a modeling approach to structuring and solving marketing situations 2 What is Customer Value Management? • Managing a business as a portfolio of customers • Adapting and delivering offering to meet their needs • Being able to measure and influence value over time • Developing internal systems to coordinate offerings to the customer 3 Marketing Analysis: Our Roadmap Overview: Customer Value Management (CVM) Quantifying Value Services Identifying & Developing Good Customers Brand Value Customer Dynamics & Loyalty Value Pricing Executing CVM Channel Value 4 Marketing Analysis: Our Roadmap Overview: Customer Value Management (CVM) Quantifying Value Identifying & Developing Good Customers - Acquisition & Retention Costs - LTV and EVC - RFM - Market Research - Database Mktg Services Customer Dynamics & Loyalty Executing CVM - Marketing Budget allocations - Loyalty Programs Brand Value Value Pricing - Brand Equity - Brand Value - Measurement - Power Pricing - Customization - Dynamic Pricing - Market Making Channel Value - Channel Pricing - Downstream value 5 Marketing Analysis: Our Roadmap 1&2 Overview: Customer Value Management (CVM) Quantifying Value Identifying & Developing Good Customers 3 3/4 Services Brand Value 5 Customer Dynamics & Loyalty Executing CVM 4 Value Pricing 6/7/8 Channel Value 9&10 6 Course Web Page Don’t forget the tilda NO “bm” NOT Lowercase 7 Evaluation 1 • Group Assignment 40 points – Case analysis of Tweeter etc. – Guidelines and format given in syllabus guidelines (5 pages of text + exhibits) – No presentations – Prepare your report in a Question / Answer format – Due before class begins on Sunday, October 17. • Groups will also work together on the pricing game on Sunday! 8 Evaluation 2 • Final Examination 40 points – Take home analysis of “The Medicines Company” case (Case will be distributed next week) – Preparation questions are given on pg. 7 of the syllabus (5 pages of text + exhibits) – Due Friday, November 5th, 2004 in the EMBA office 9 Evaluation 3 • Class Participation 20 points 10 Marketing Analysis: Our Roadmap Overview: Customer Value Management (CVM) Quantifying Value Identifying & Developing Good Customers Services Brand Value Customer Dynamics & Loyalty Value Pricing Executing CVM Channel Value 11 Marketing Analysis: Our Roadmap 1&2 Overview: Customer Value Management (CVM) 1) Emerging marketing philosophies 2) Marketing research and intelligence 3) Customer management 4) Relationship marketing and customization 5) An example 12 Marketing Analysis: Our Roadmap 1 Overview: Customer Value Management (CVM) 1) Emerging marketing philosophies 13 The Evolution of Marketing Philosophy Product Orientation Success will come to those organizations that bring to the market goods and services that they think will be good for the public. Sales Orientation Success will come to those organizations that best persuade their customers to accept their offerings rather than competitor’s (or none at all). 15 Marketing Myopia • Inability to look beyond the product offering and to consumer needs, Levitt (HBR 1960, 1975) Company Don’t want Want Black & Decker Xerox MTR Airlines Drill Bits Photocopiers Trains Route network Holes Copies Transport Easy Connections 17 The Evolution of Marketing Philosophy Customer Orientation Success will come to those organizations that best determine the perceptions, needs and wants of target markets and best satisfy them through the design, communication, pricing and delivery of appropriate offerings. Company activities: Understanding customers, continuous improvement, focus on quality, measuring satisfaction Elements of Marketing Strategy • Product / Market Selection – Segmentation, targeting, positioning – Good positioning: Recall + Uniqueness + Reason to buy • The 3C and 4P framework – Company, Customer, Competitor – Product Policy and Brand Management – Pricing Policy – Place (Distribution) Policy – Promotion (Communication) Policy 19 Marketing Analysis: Our Roadmap 1&2 Overview: Customer Value Management (CVM) 1) Emerging marketing philosophies 2) Marketing research and intelligence 18 Market Research • • • • • Reduces uncertainty Provides basis for segmentation Monitors changes over time Can give reasons underlying behavior But, could suffer from biases 19 Problems with Market Research • Consumers may not have insights into their own decision making processes • Manner of asking question influences answer (leading question, loaded question, social norms) • Asking intention changes behavior • Cost of marketing research is rising as labor costs increase (data collection) • The economies of scale are not very significant (Video) 20 The Evolution of Marketing Philosophy Intelligence Orientation Success will come to those organizations that understand each customer as a unique source of demand and are able to create offerings that maximize value to both customer and the organization Company activities: Information systems, decision aids and decision support systems, customer tracking, lifetime value assessment Marketing Analysis: Our Roadmap 1&2 Overview: Customer Value Management (CVM) 1) Emerging marketing philosophies 2) Marketing research and intelligence 3) Customer management 22 Evolution in Customer Management • Tiered marketing: Customize based on historical data • Prediction Models: Customize based on predicted future consumption • Behavioral Shaping: Customize marketing to narrow gap between predicted and observed behaviors 25 Dilip’s variant of Revenue Models for Marketing: Where can we add value? Revenue = Total market x Market share x Yield Mkt Development Value Share / Competitive Market Share = Trial Rate x Repurchase Rate Store sales = Traffic x Transactions Website Revenue: Clickthrough x Quality 26 The Customer Life Cycle A Prospect Trial Warm Prospect Repeat Purchase “Loyal” Cheaper to serve Referrals R Cross-purchase Price premium for value services 29 Cash Flow over a Customer’s Lifetime 6 5 4 2 7 Price Premium Increased Spend 3 1 Reduced Cost Referrals Base Profit -2 Acquisition Cost Years 30 Value Creation The two sides of the value coin EVC and LTV: Two sides of a relationship Low No basis for relationship Firm is good at value creation but poor at value extraction High Value of Customer EVC = Expected Value to a Customer LTV = Lifetime Value of a Customer Customers are valuable to firm, but may have no incentive to purchase Bliss point for sustainable long term relationship Low High Expected Value to Customer 32 Lifetime Value of a Customer V = Σt (Rt - Ct) / (1+ i)t Net Value = V - A Where R = Revenue C = Cost to Serve T = Lifetime of the Customer A = Acquisition Cost Expected Value to Customer The dollar benefit - in present value terms to your customer if he uses your product instead of the best current option 30 Chicken Dilemmas Cages Feeding Trough 31 The Value of Experiences • The Economics of Emotional Experiences – Consumers are coherently arbitrary – They fall prey to anchoring effects, and are driven by market prices – Value of experiences is a function of: • • • • • Trend over time Unexpected benefits and ability to “read my mind” End state Peak experience (highlights) Good (ambiguous?) positioning 32 The Causal Link Product and Service Value of Experience or EVC LTV 33 Marketing Analysis: Our Roadmap 1 Overview: Customer Value Management (CVM) 1) Emerging marketing philosophies 2) Marketing research and intelligence 3) Customer management 4) Relationship marketing and customization 34 1-to-1 or Relationship Marketing The Peppers and Rogers Principles 1) Identification: Without a unique identifier, relationships are not possible. 2) Differentiation: Ask “why are customers different’” not “why are products different?” 3) Interactivity: The goal should be to engage customers in a dialogue 4) Customization: Mass customization technologies are key. 35 How to Customize: Different Systems 1) Rule Based: Refinement and improvement of targeting - Triggered promotions - Individual reports 2) CASE (Computer Assisted Self Explication) This screen collects data on cutoffs and importance weights of attributes. This screen measures tradeoffs between attributes (further validation of the importance weights) This screen collects data to validate the decision model The agent makes recommendations…... 3) Endorsement: Decision is aided by providing information or opinions to the customer 4) Collaborative Filtering: - Since attributes are difficult to quantify, CASE may be difficult to implement - Instead, the agent profiles the customer and tries to find others with the same profile - The agent then recommends products that have been purchased by similar customers 46 Marketing Analysis: Our Roadmap 1 Overview: Customer Value Management (CVM) 1) Emerging marketing philosophies 2) Marketing research and intelligence 3) Customer management 4) Relationship marketing and customization 5) An example 44 The Story of King Soopers Micromarketing in the Grocery Business 45 King Soopers • Supermarket chain - 86 stores in Colorado • Division of Kroger in Colorado • Three trends starting 1996: – Growth of discounters • Walmart, Target – Category killers • Petsmart, Wild Oats – Eroding customer loyalty • “Multiple shopping lists” behavior • Strategies for reversing trends: – Building bridges from core competencies (produce, meat, dairy, foods + convenience) to other categories – Focus on values offered in salient anchor categories 46 The Micromarketing Model The Loyalty Program 1) Customer Tiers 2) Tiered Pricing 3) Card based merchandising 2 1 Loyalty Card The Relationship Program 1) Customized Promos 2) Customized Discount 3) Customized cross-ruff merchandising Card Marketing 1) Discounts and noclip couponing 2) Affinity partners 3) Super credit card Database Management 4 3 1) Hardware / Storage 2) Data warehousing 3) Market basket analysis 4) Tracking and triggering 47 Summary • Marketing is moving into an intelligence era • Relationship marketing involves understanding the need of each customer as a unique source of demand • The customer lifecycle captures various stages in the evolution of this relationship. • Profits and revenues can be raised by adding value, not merely by increasing share or market size • Customization is important in businesses with high levels of heterogeneity along needs and value 48 Summary • The four key factors of relationship marketing are identification, differentiation, interactivity and customization. – The first may be the trickiest • A relationship approach is especially easy in situations where: – The nature of the products typically imply multiple visits or contacts with the marketer – Customers vary in needs and volumes – Identification is easy, data is relatively easy to obtain – A large fraction of customers value service 49 What is the PV of a perpetuity of $A? What is the NPV if d = discount rate and g = growth rate? 50