SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 1 ALABAMA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Anniston-Oxford, AL MSA........................... Auburn-Opelika, AL MSA............................ Birmingham-Hoover, AL HMFA........................ Chilton County, AL HMFA........................... Columbus, GA-AL MSA............................... Decatur, AL MSA................................... Dothan, AL HMFA................................... Florence-Muscle Shoals, AL MSA.................... Gadsden, AL MSA................................... Henry County, AL HMFA............................. Huntsville, AL MSA................................ Mobile, AL MSA.................................... Montgomery, AL MSA................................ Tuscaloosa, AL MSA................................ Walker County, AL HMFA............................ 346 342 469 298 454 378 337 399 315 284 419 469 450 391 372 382 407 521 413 479 424 396 400 398 392 456 502 532 452 373 474 525 581 459 548 488 449 486 484 435 538 567 599 586 447 626 691 737 577 729 638 574 620 620 520 737 743 794 753 558 736 709 759 661 863 662 656 768 640 536 809 877 1049 776 610 Calhoun Lee Bibb, Blount, Jefferson, St. Clair, Shelby Chilton Russell Lawrence, Morgan Geneva, Houston Colbert, Lauderdale Etowah Henry Limestone, Madison Mobile Autauga, Elmore, Lowndes, Montgomery Greene, Hale, Tuscaloosa Walker NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Baldwin......................... Bullock......................... Chambers........................ Choctaw......................... Clay............................ 433 322 361 361 362 521 365 392 381 363 619 447 435 435 435 821 536 590 552 538 940 577 609 737 669 Coffee.......................... Coosa........................... Crenshaw........................ Dale............................ DeKalb.......................... 348 353 322 336 325 397 391 365 388 345 450 435 447 435 435 616 589 536 628 579 Fayette......................... Jackson......................... Macon........................... Marion.......................... Monroe.......................... 285 361 324 282 361 331 392 349 330 392 435 435 450 435 435 Pickens......................... Randolph........................ Talladega....................... Washington...................... Winston......................... 291 362 368 361 290 361 363 369 381 331 435 435 442 435 435 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Barbour......................... Butler.......................... Cherokee........................ Clarke.......................... Cleburne........................ 363 322 380 282 365 364 365 381 391 366 437 447 458 435 439 541 536 545 521 538 557 577 563 765 669 790 662 577 762 595 Conecuh......................... Covington....................... Cullman......................... Dallas.......................... Escambia........................ 361 362 379 289 361 381 363 390 402 366 435 435 457 446 435 552 593 615 562 542 737 612 632 603 667 634 554 600 553 602 766 764 620 764 665 Franklin........................ Lamar........................... Marengo......................... Marshall........................ Perry........................... 284 291 361 385 361 367 361 384 412 384 435 435 435 465 435 586 581 563 628 563 764 763 579 691 579 581 538 596 552 521 763 669 779 737 536 Pike............................ Sumter.......................... Tallapoosa...................... Wilcox.......................... 347 291 347 361 373 372 356 381 435 435 436 435 559 581 615 552 576 763 714 737 ALASKA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS Anchorage, AK HMFA................................ Fairbanks, AK MSA................................. Matanuska-Susitna Borough, AK HMFA................ 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE 646 540 524 734 649 611 921 830 779 1326 1202 1108 1615 1269 1345 Anchorage Fairbanks North Star Matanuska-Susitna Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 2 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR ALASKA continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Aleutians East.................. Bethel.......................... Denali.......................... Haines.......................... Kenai Peninsula................. 673 771 569 569 508 765 966 702 702 581 970 1172 876 876 707 1199 1402 1230 1230 969 1236 2058 1385 1385 1241 Aleutians West.................. Bristol Bay..................... Dillingham...................... Juneau.......................... Ketchikan Gateway............... 673 673 673 687 606 765 765 765 842 774 970 970 970 1059 930 1199 1199 1199 1431 1355 1236 1236 1236 1783 1633 Kodiak Island................... Nome............................ Northwest Arctic................ Sitka........................... Southeast Fairbanks............. 648 675 673 646 569 759 867 765 745 702 999 995 970 889 876 1436 1201 1199 1295 1230 1519 1237 1236 1560 1385 Lake and Peninsula.............. North Slope..................... Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan. Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon........... Valdez-Cordova.................. 673 695 673 673 569 765 812 765 765 702 970 1067 970 970 876 1199 1276 1199 1199 1230 1236 1313 1236 1236 1385 Wade Hampton.................... Yakutat......................... 673 673 765 765 970 970 1199 1199 1236 1236 Wrangell-Petersburg............. Yukon-Koyukuk................... 673 673 765 765 970 970 1199 1199 1236 1236 ARIZONA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Flagstaff, AZ MSA................................. *Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale, AZ MSA.................. Prescott, AZ MSA.................................. *Tucson, AZ MSA................................... Yuma, AZ MSA...................................... 675 544 551 486 476 803 638 569 571 562 907 770 719 746 672 1166 1122 1048 1076 953 1471 1338 1079 1209 1168 Coconino Maricopa, Pinal Yavapai Pima Yuma NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Apache.......................... Gila............................ Greenlee........................ **Mohave........................ Santa Cruz...................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 348 447 426 551 491 426 524 473 589 492 504 689 594 695 623 699 946 816 981 908 886 974 924 1114 935 Cochise......................... Graham.......................... La Paz.......................... Navajo.......................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 410 466 476 418 475 502 477 446 596 562 572 589 823 777 809 793 1011 894 833 940 ARKANSAS METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers, AR HMFA........... Fort Smith, AR-OK HMFA............................ Franklin County, AR HMFA.......................... Grant County, AR HMFA............................. Hot Springs, AR MSA............................... Jonesboro, AR HMFA................................ Little Rock-North Little Rock, AR HMFA............ Memphis, TN-MS-AR HMFA............................ Pine Bluff, AR MSA................................ Poinsett County, AR HMFA.......................... Texarkana, TX-Texarkana, AR MSA................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 420 335 297 370 358 408 466 527 354 296 422 443 381 388 382 445 428 529 572 420 383 426 554 474 456 466 553 490 590 636 526 456 525 807 631 578 675 690 677 790 847 631 607 641 829 688 705 695 712 698 815 874 748 726 697 Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Benton, Madison, Washington Crawford, Sebastian Franklin Grant Garland Craighead Faulkner, Lonoke, Perry, Pulaski, Saline Crittenden Cleveland, Jefferson, Lincoln Poinsett Miller Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 3 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR ARKANSAS continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Arkansas........................ Baxter.......................... Bradley......................... Carroll......................... Clark........................... 348 351 339 401 363 367 408 345 402 368 456 493 456 482 474 662 663 565 608 611 681 836 599 846 629 Ashley.......................... Boone........................... Calhoun......................... Chicot.......................... Clay............................ 355 386 295 339 367 368 387 409 345 369 483 465 456 456 456 579 596 581 565 584 637 669 739 599 622 Cleburne........................ Conway.......................... Dallas.......................... Drew............................ Greene.......................... 414 379 295 338 295 414 390 409 433 412 497 456 456 521 456 681 628 581 655 667 875 683 739 913 687 Columbia........................ Cross........................... Desha........................... Fulton.......................... Hempstead....................... 300 383 339 363 357 386 384 345 364 400 462 461 456 456 468 567 672 580 599 561 649 734 599 668 644 Hot Spring...................... Independence.................... Jackson......................... Lafayette....................... Lee............................. 380 317 307 360 324 381 378 403 412 366 456 456 456 473 456 598 590 643 566 608 617 640 663 676 706 Howard.......................... Izard........................... Johnson......................... Lawrence........................ Little River.................... 348 363 295 297 360 404 364 406 364 412 456 456 456 456 473 587 599 608 561 577 606 668 726 741 676 Logan........................... Mississippi..................... Montgomery...................... Newton.......................... Phillips........................ 296 322 355 382 378 383 359 413 383 381 456 470 520 460 456 652 620 654 594 594 730 748 673 667 612 Marion.......................... Monroe.......................... Nevada.......................... Ouachita........................ Pike............................ 378 379 360 295 360 380 380 412 410 412 456 456 473 456 473 600 571 566 627 566 661 590 676 736 676 Polk............................ Prairie......................... St. Francis..................... Searcy.......................... Sharp........................... 379 379 387 382 379 411 380 401 383 380 456 456 468 460 456 593 571 660 594 581 721 590 820 667 600 Pope............................ Randolph........................ Scott........................... Sevier.......................... Stone........................... 344 296 379 380 363 369 371 380 393 364 478 456 456 456 456 674 545 631 630 599 693 800 799 730 668 Union........................... White........................... Yell............................ 390 391 377 410 392 397 469 471 456 608 640 625 789 658 645 Van Buren....................... Woodruff........................ 296 379 346 380 456 456 565 571 729 590 CALIFORNIA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Bakersfield, CA MSA............................... 485 Chico, CA MSA..................................... 473 El Centro, CA MSA................................. 471 Fresno, CA MSA.................................... 540 Hanford-Corcoran, CA MSA.......................... 495 Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA HMFA................... 789 Madera, CA MSA.................................... 496 Merced, CA MSA.................................... 458 Modesto, CA MSA................................... 564 Napa, CA MSA...................................... 754 **Oakland-Fremont, CA HMFA........................ 943 *Orange County, CA HMFA........................... 1034 524 562 533 595 527 952 521 523 623 845 1130 1161 624 678 657 702 612 1189 664 635 734 1098 1339 1392 902 956 904 1021 892 1597 965 906 1053 1519 1865 1992 1081 1141 1152 1100 1075 1921 995 1057 1216 1725 2288 2288 Kern Butte Imperial Fresno Kings Los Angeles Madera Merced Stanislaus Napa Alameda, Contra Costa Orange Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 4 CALIFORNIA continued METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE **Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, CA MSA............ 1042 Redding, CA MSA................................... 464 *Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA MSA......... 715 **Sacramento--Arden-Arcade--Roseville, CA HMFA.... 742 Salinas, CA MSA................................... 827 San Benito County, CA HMFA........................ 588 **San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, CA MSA........... 836 San Francisco, CA HMFA............................ 998 **San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA HMFA......... 939 San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles, CA MSA............... 641 Santa Barbara-Santa Maria-Goleta, CA MSA.......... 828 Santa Cruz-Watsonville, CA MSA.................... 873 Santa Rosa-Petaluma, CA MSA....................... 749 Stockton, CA MSA.................................. 602 Vallejo-Fairfield, CA MSA......................... 796 Visalia-Porterville, CA MSA....................... 481 Yolo, CA HMFA..................................... 679 Yuba City, CA MSA................................. 437 1156 540 781 846 931 796 954 1227 1103 758 924 1030 912 686 857 538 719 493 1462 657 911 1008 1069 885 1158 1536 1302 923 1037 1343 1151 846 983 625 879 606 2127 959 1294 1469 1510 1254 1688 2051 1870 1345 1366 1933 1633 1162 1378 894 1281 882 2453 1155 1512 1712 1582 1552 2036 2167 2051 1384 1559 1992 1910 1463 1698 918 1362 944 Ventura Shasta Riverside, San Bernardino El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento Monterey San Benito San Diego Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo Santa Clara San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara Santa Cruz Sonoma San Joaquin Solano Tulare Yolo Sutter, Yuba NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Alpine.......................... Calaveras....................... Del Norte....................... Humboldt........................ Lake............................ 498 548 490 455 449 559 548 496 533 527 713 659 642 701 686 1017 961 935 1005 994 1047 1060 964 1113 1107 Amador.......................... Colusa.......................... Glenn........................... Inyo............................ Lassen.......................... 537 500 428 450 437 629 502 439 471 513 826 653 578 613 674 1200 843 752 893 980 1237 1146 772 1053 1010 Mariposa........................ Modoc........................... Nevada.......................... Sierra.......................... Tehama.......................... 498 434 563 527 407 559 479 657 615 463 713 627 866 811 604 1017 893 1251 1149 878 1047 927 1522 1422 1054 Mendocino....................... Mono............................ Plumas.......................... Siskiyou........................ Trinity......................... 502 586 445 389 441 620 705 521 466 463 753 901 687 596 608 1028 1234 1002 848 834 1321 1583 1206 874 925 Tuolumne........................ 484 576 744 1028 1059 COLORADO METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Boulder, CO MSA................................... Colorado Springs, CO HMFA......................... *Denver-Aurora, CO MSA............................ 702 536 616 813 601 702 1020 759 889 1487 1083 1262 1783 1281 1471 Fort Collins-Loveland, CO MSA..................... Grand Junction, CO MSA............................ Greeley, CO MSA................................... Pueblo, CO MSA.................................... Teller County, CO HMFA............................ 533 484 517 455 561 639 485 547 479 656 775 582 670 630 863 1128 847 978 825 1257 1315 1024 1153 934 1514 Boulder El Paso Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Elbert, Gilpin, Jefferson, Park Larimer Mesa Weld Pueblo Teller Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 5 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR COLORADO continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Alamosa......................... Baca............................ Chaffee......................... Conejos......................... Crowley......................... 366 385 406 385 411 453 452 512 452 424 503 503 624 503 516 684 716 909 716 676 884 773 936 773 831 Archuleta....................... Bent............................ Cheyenne........................ Costilla........................ Custer.......................... 487 411 411 385 434 573 424 424 452 507 721 516 516 503 668 877 676 676 716 935 1132 831 831 773 1076 Delta........................... Eagle........................... Garfield........................ Gunnison........................ Huerfano........................ 477 807 619 501 385 487 942 704 551 452 574 1240 781 716 503 788 1560 964 991 716 812 2130 993 1257 773 Dolores......................... Fremont......................... Grand........................... Hinsdale........................ Jackson......................... 489 387 485 612 543 573 463 554 771 627 663 594 704 931 696 878 852 1024 1159 897 1133 977 1055 1634 1083 Kiowa........................... Lake............................ Las Animas...................... Logan........................... Moffat.......................... 411 612 367 418 392 424 771 486 419 429 516 931 539 534 538 676 1159 695 695 705 831 1634 717 805 945 Kit Carson...................... La Plata........................ Lincoln......................... Mineral......................... Montezuma....................... 411 534 411 612 427 424 652 424 771 500 516 746 516 931 577 676 1047 676 1159 689 831 1191 831 1634 920 Montrose........................ Otero........................... Phillips........................ Prowers......................... Rio Grande...................... 411 392 411 386 386 539 414 424 453 452 625 503 516 503 503 829 697 676 682 730 1028 717 831 884 775 Morgan.......................... Ouray........................... Pitkin.......................... Rio Blanco...................... Routt........................... 464 612 852 543 629 502 771 996 627 744 560 931 1311 696 968 746 1159 1821 897 1158 901 1634 2302 1083 1700 Saguache........................ San Miguel...................... Summit.......................... Yuma............................ 385 657 707 411 452 788 831 424 503 1007 1086 516 716 1468 1546 676 773 1513 1906 831 San Juan........................ Sedgwick........................ Washington...................... 489 411 411 573 424 424 663 516 516 878 676 676 1133 831 831 CONNECTICUT METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Components of FMR AREA within STATE Bridgeport, CT HMFA............................... 627 810 966 1154 1402 Colchester-Lebanon, CT HMFA....................... Danbury, CT HMFA.................................. 644 821 756 992 992 1148 1186 1374 1224 1801 *Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford, CT HMFA.... 669 801 979 1176 1460 Fairfield County towns of Bridgeport town, Easton town, Fairfield town, Monroe town, Shelton town, Stratford town, Trumbull town New London County towns of Colchester town, Lebanon town Fairfield County towns of Bethel town, Brookfield town, Danbury town, New Fairfield town, Newtown town, Redding town, Ridgefield town, Sherman town Hartford County towns of Avon town, Berlin town, Bloomfield town, Bristol town, Burlington town, Canton town, East Granby town, East Hartford town, East Windsor town, Enfield town, Farmington town, Glastonbury town, Granby town, Hartford town, Hartland town, Manchester town, Marlborough town, New Britain town, Newington town, Plainville town, Rocky Hill town, Simsbury town, Southington town, South Windsor town, Suffield town, West Hartford town, Wethersfield town, Windsor town, Windsor Locks town Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 6 CONNECTICUT continued METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Components of FMR AREA within STATE Middlesex County towns of Chester town, Cromwell town, Durham town, East Haddam town, East Hampton town, Haddam town, Middlefield town, Middletown town, Portland town Tolland County towns of Andover town, Bolton town, Columbia town, Coventry town, Ellington town, Hebron town, Mansfield town, Somers town, Stafford town, Tolland town, Union town, Vernon town, Willington town New Haven County towns of Ansonia town, Beacon Falls town, Derby town, Milford town, Oxford town, Seymour town New Haven County towns of Bethany town, Branford town, Cheshire town, East Haven town, Guilford town, Hamden town, Madison town, Meriden town, New Haven town, North Branford town, North Haven town, Orange town, Wallingford town, West Haven town, Woodbridge town New London County towns of Bozrah town, East Lyme town, Franklin town, Griswold town, Groton town, Ledyard town, Lisbon town, Lyme town, Montville town, New London town, North Stonington town, Norwich town, Old Lyme town, Preston town, Salem town, Sprague town, Stonington town, Voluntown town, Waterford town Middlesex County towns of Clinton town, Deep River town, Essex town, Killingworth town, Old Saybrook town, Westbrook town Fairfield County towns of Darien town, Greenwich town, New Canaan town, Norwalk town, Stamford town, Weston town, Westport town, Wilton town New Haven County towns of Middlebury town, Naugatuck town, Prospect town, Southbury town, Waterbury town, Wolcott town Milford-Ansonia-Seymour, CT HMFA.................. 756 877 981 1249 1371 *New Haven-Meriden, CT HMFA....................... 732 830 1003 1201 1372 Norwich-New London, CT HMFA....................... 593 704 815 998 1102 Southern Middlesex County, CT HMFA................ 740 780 992 1273 1451 Stamford-Norwalk, CT HMFA......................... 987 1202 1502 1957 2364 Waterbury, CT HMFA................................ 505 653 777 930 968 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Towns within nonmetropolitan counties Litchfield County, CT............................. 555 723 854 1097 1233 Windham County, CT................................ 510 618 744 936 993 Barkhamsted town, Bethlehem town, Bridgewater town, Canaan town, Colebrook town, Cornwall town, Goshen town, Harwinton town, Kent town, Litchfield town, Morris town, New Hartford town, New Milford town, Norfolk town, North Canaan town, Plymouth town, Roxbury town, Salisbury town, Sharon town, Thomaston town, Torrington town, Warren town, Washington town, Watertown town, Winchester town, Woodbury town Ashford town, Brooklyn town, Canterbury town, Chaplin town, Eastford town, Hampton town, Killingly town, Plainfield town, Pomfret town, Putnam town, Scotland town, Sterling town, Thompson town, Windham town, Woodstock town 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE 566 616 682 892 1198 Kent NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES DELAWARE METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS Dover, DE MSA..................................... Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 7 DELAWARE continued METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE **Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD MSA. 694 792 947 1158 1397 New Castle NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Sussex.......................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 525 572 635 869 894 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE 948 1080 1225 1580 2068 District of Columbia 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Baker County, FL HMFA............................. Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL MSA..................... Deltona-Daytona Beach-Ormond Beach, FL MSA........ Fort Walton Beach-Crestview-Destin, FL MSA........ Gainesville, FL MSA............................... Jacksonville, FL HMFA............................. Lakeland, FL MSA.................................. **Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Miami Beach, FL MSA....... Naples-Marco Island, FL MSA....................... Ocala, FL MSA..................................... Orlando, FL MSA................................... Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville, FL MSA............. Panama City-Lynn Haven, FL MSA.................... Pensacola-Ferry Pass-Brent, FL MSA................ Port St. Lucie-Fort Pierce, FL MSA................ Punta Gorda, FL MSA............................... *Sarasota-Bradenton-Venice, FL MSA................ Tallahassee, FL HMFA.............................. **Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL MSA......... Vero Beach, FL MSA................................ Wakulla County, FL HMFA........................... 327 592 483 477 498 565 449 702 667 476 630 469 492 479 556 496 625 501 622 459 471 453 639 564 558 550 643 496 805 765 491 684 574 519 522 557 520 685 556 696 554 512 503 728 702 628 626 749 571 967 861 576 782 676 594 579 706 674 824 687 838 706 569 735 989 908 916 915 940 724 1305 1070 756 979 911 820 839 933 984 1052 916 1079 879 748 755 1018 934 1006 943 1077 850 1497 1114 779 1153 1015 912 1015 962 1184 1156 943 1316 904 772 Baker Lee Volusia Okaloosa Alachua, Gilchrist Clay, Duval, Nassau, St. Johns Polk Broward, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach Collier Marion Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole Brevard Bay Escambia, Santa Rosa Martin, St. Lucie Charlotte Manatee, Sarasota Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon Hernando, Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas Indian River Wakulla NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES *Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD HMFA... FLORIDA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Bradford........................ Citrus.......................... DeSoto.......................... Flagler......................... Glades.......................... 327 425 419 509 439 454 461 429 588 468 503 511 504 739 532 623 741 608 1035 650 643 892 625 1103 694 Calhoun......................... Columbia........................ Dixie........................... Franklin........................ Gulf............................ 419 370 415 418 419 420 428 453 420 420 503 506 503 503 503 634 631 628 633 634 723 888 700 721 723 Hamilton........................ Hendry.......................... Holmes.......................... Lafayette....................... 415 398 417 415 453 476 443 453 503 531 503 503 628 638 654 628 700 787 687 700 Hardee.......................... Highlands....................... Jackson......................... Levy............................ 419 450 352 417 455 453 452 447 504 542 503 503 618 701 623 642 636 838 727 661 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 8 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 419 448 416 417 444 420 464 453 452 458 503 540 503 503 536 634 727 660 602 662 723 749 883 618 682 FLORIDA continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Liberty......................... Monroe.......................... Putnam.......................... Suwannee........................ Union........................... 419 665 417 333 389 420 810 453 454 448 503 997 503 503 503 634 1451 604 634 665 723 1553 622 695 686 Madison......................... Okeechobee...................... Sumter.......................... Taylor.......................... Walton.......................... Washington...................... 335 381 503 721 741 GEORGIA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Albany, GA MSA.................................... Athens-Clarke County, GA MSA...................... **Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta, GA HMFA......... 427 458 677 456 509 735 535 639 818 718 851 1014 741 878 1136 Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC MSA................ Brunswick, GA MSA................................. Butts County, GA HMFA............................. Chattanooga, TN-GA MSA............................ Columbus, GA-AL MSA............................... Dalton, GA HMFA................................... Gainesville, GA MSA............................... Haralson County, GA HMFA.......................... Hinesville-Fort Stewart, GA HMFA.................. Lamar County, GA HMFA............................. Long County, GA HMFA.............................. Macon, GA MSA..................................... Meriwether County, GA HMFA........................ Murray County, GA HMFA............................ Rome, GA MSA...................................... Savannah, GA MSA.................................. Valdosta, GA MSA.................................. Warner Robins, GA MSA............................. 461 430 347 469 454 438 600 381 433 403 387 449 396 411 413 561 444 491 500 468 463 496 479 476 629 399 471 405 420 487 401 444 421 607 445 500 562 519 535 584 548 526 725 458 524 486 467 542 478 494 543 676 535 594 753 740 781 719 729 651 890 667 737 641 640 668 576 591 666 897 725 862 791 911 929 845 863 670 1032 808 839 853 659 696 594 608 688 926 748 991 Baker, Dougherty, Lee, Terrell, Worth Clarke, Madison, Oconee, Oglethorpe Barrow, Bartow, Carroll, Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, Coweta, Dawson, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Heard, Henry, Jasper, Newton, Paulding, Pickens, Pike, Rockdale, Spalding, Walton Burke, Columbia, McDuffie, Richmond Brantley, Glynn, McIntosh Butts Catoosa, Dade, Walker Chattahoochee, Harris, Marion, Muscogee Whitfield Hall Haralson Liberty Lamar Long Bibb, Crawford, Jones, Monroe, Twiggs Meriwether Murray Floyd Bryan, Chatham, Effingham Brooks, Echols, Lanier, Lowndes Houston NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Appling......................... Bacon........................... Banks........................... Berrien......................... Bulloch......................... 380 381 394 376 421 413 398 427 376 436 458 458 473 458 516 558 583 575 567 619 575 664 816 585 636 Camden.......................... Charlton........................ Clay............................ Coffee.......................... Cook............................ 470 381 380 379 380 471 398 412 393 388 568 458 458 458 458 826 583 588 570 623 997 664 722 698 805 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Atkinson........................ Baldwin......................... Ben Hill........................ Bleckley........................ Calhoun......................... 381 355 300 322 380 398 428 386 376 412 458 531 461 458 458 583 634 558 567 588 664 654 573 649 722 Candler......................... Chattooga....................... Clinch.......................... Colquitt........................ Crisp........................... 380 299 381 381 380 413 365 398 411 383 458 458 458 458 458 558 549 583 548 578 575 799 664 689 596 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 9 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR GEORGIA continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Decatur......................... Dooly........................... Elbert.......................... Evans........................... Franklin........................ 339 381 381 380 394 394 393 397 413 427 519 458 458 458 473 621 578 575 558 575 690 780 593 575 816 Dodge........................... Early........................... Emanuel......................... Fannin.......................... Gilmer.......................... 361 380 299 308 445 363 412 347 428 483 458 458 458 474 538 613 588 558 567 710 630 722 714 681 857 Glascock........................ Grady........................... Habersham....................... Hart............................ Jackson......................... 328 298 450 381 471 348 411 452 412 512 458 458 541 458 569 548 635 648 547 691 644 656 949 803 902 Gordon.......................... Greene.......................... Hancock......................... Irwin........................... Jeff Davis...................... 445 381 381 381 380 449 397 397 403 413 576 458 458 458 458 689 575 575 581 558 711 593 593 709 575 Jefferson....................... Johnson......................... Lincoln......................... Macon........................... Mitchell........................ 328 343 381 381 299 365 421 397 393 379 458 469 458 458 458 548 606 575 578 549 644 633 593 780 762 Jenkins......................... Laurens......................... Lumpkin......................... Miller.......................... Montgomery...................... 328 381 400 353 347 348 414 520 411 406 458 458 617 458 458 548 615 833 573 613 644 746 924 683 701 Morgan.......................... Pierce.......................... Pulaski......................... Quitman......................... Randolph........................ 409 381 347 380 380 410 398 406 412 412 506 458 458 458 458 606 583 666 588 588 623 664 699 722 722 Peach........................... Polk............................ Putnam.......................... Rabun........................... Schley.......................... 413 374 345 447 381 414 417 349 464 393 499 508 458 539 458 714 626 665 695 578 751 647 685 838 780 Screven......................... Stephens........................ Sumter.......................... Taliaferro...................... Taylor.......................... 328 304 356 381 381 348 423 400 397 393 458 469 492 458 458 548 561 589 575 578 644 579 864 593 780 Seminole........................ Stewart......................... Talbot.......................... Tattnall........................ Telfair......................... 353 380 437 382 347 411 412 439 412 406 458 458 529 458 458 573 588 652 604 613 683 722 671 661 701 Thomas.......................... Toombs.......................... Treutlen........................ Turner.......................... Upson........................... 417 298 347 381 321 453 412 406 403 435 503 458 458 458 495 646 638 613 581 592 883 706 701 709 609 Tift............................ Towns........................... Troup........................... Union........................... Ware............................ 396 447 439 447 380 429 464 444 464 409 475 539 556 539 458 607 692 703 692 587 701 838 726 838 616 Warren.......................... Wayne........................... Wheeler......................... Wilcox.......................... Wilkinson....................... 381 328 347 347 343 397 371 406 406 421 458 458 458 458 469 575 605 613 613 606 593 804 701 701 633 Washington...................... Webster......................... White........................... Wilkes.......................... 328 381 401 381 377 393 500 397 458 458 555 458 560 578 700 575 644 780 843 593 HAWAII METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS *Honolulu, HI MSA................................. 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE 836 997 1205 1757 2069 Honolulu Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 10 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 677 921 780 1021 917 1187 1159 1588 1320 1701 HAWAII continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Hawaii.......................... Kauai........................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 627 739 753 832 845 1096 1191 1375 1306 1497 Kalawao......................... Maui............................ IDAHO METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Boise City-Nampa, ID HMFA......................... Coeur d'Alene, ID MSA............................. Gem County, ID HMFA............................... Idaho Falls, ID MSA............................... Lewiston, ID-WA MSA............................... Logan, UT-ID MSA.................................. Pocatello, ID MSA................................. 480 480 421 408 424 440 352 570 519 509 430 440 475 409 672 624 566 549 551 594 527 977 907 823 753 782 797 762 1039 1015 847 945 953 984 893 Ada, Boise, Canyon, Owyhee Kootenai Gem Bonneville, Jefferson Nez Perce Franklin Bannock, Power NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Adams........................... Benewah......................... Blaine.......................... Boundary........................ Camas........................... 409 471 681 471 417 426 479 740 479 456 537 602 821 602 569 727 860 1166 860 750 866 887 1439 887 802 Bear Lake....................... Bingham......................... Bonner.......................... Butte........................... Caribou......................... 350 354 476 389 350 404 392 500 417 404 516 503 613 532 516 733 692 867 752 733 865 715 893 894 865 Cassia.......................... Clearwater...................... Elmore.......................... Gooding......................... Jerome.......................... 417 417 354 417 417 456 431 413 456 456 569 534 543 569 569 750 771 689 750 750 802 889 843 802 802 Clark........................... Custer.......................... Fremont......................... Idaho........................... Latah........................... 389 389 389 407 419 417 417 417 436 437 532 532 532 574 528 752 752 752 687 770 894 894 894 812 891 Lemhi........................... Lincoln......................... Minidoka........................ Payette......................... Teton........................... 389 417 326 352 389 417 456 429 424 417 532 569 503 539 532 752 750 666 682 752 894 802 685 891 894 Lewis........................... Madison......................... Oneida.......................... Shoshone........................ Twin Falls...................... 417 391 350 416 376 431 392 404 417 457 534 503 516 503 579 771 730 733 662 746 889 795 865 702 883 Valley.......................... 409 426 537 727 866 Washington...................... 409 426 537 727 866 ILLINOIS METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS Bloomington-Normal, IL MSA........................ Bond County, IL HMFA.............................. Champaign-Urbana, IL MSA.......................... *Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, IL HMFA............... Danville, IL MSA.................................. Davenport-Moline-Rock Island, IA-IL MSA........... DeKalb County, IL HMFA............................ Decatur, IL MSA................................... Grundy County, IL HMFA............................ 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE 448 355 429 701 340 409 504 354 506 495 379 522 802 406 457 569 421 593 625 492 614 901 523 575 748 534 777 836 715 771 1102 626 733 970 712 978 1045 841 1059 1244 664 764 1190 734 1317 McLean Bond Champaign, Ford, Piatt Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, Will Vermilion Henry, Mercer, Rock Island DeKalb Macon Grundy Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 11 ILLINOIS continued METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Kankakee-Bradley, IL MSA.......................... Macoupin County, IL HMFA.......................... Peoria, IL MSA.................................... Rockford, IL MSA.................................. Springfield, IL MSA............................... **St. Louis, MO-IL HMFA........................... 471 408 398 431 381 513 513 409 471 486 448 559 677 492 586 616 579 694 878 613 755 806 756 905 941 635 857 830 844 967 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Adams........................... Brown........................... Carroll......................... Christian....................... Clay............................ 320 319 373 321 322 380 388 421 412 402 492 492 530 492 492 639 657 660 636 657 660 677 679 743 676 Crawford........................ De Witt......................... Edgar........................... Effingham....................... Franklin........................ 321 404 320 432 318 379 405 374 433 391 492 494 492 521 492 647 645 619 658 611 Gallatin........................ Hamilton........................ Hardin.......................... Iroquois........................ Jasper.......................... 401 401 401 366 319 408 408 408 406 396 492 492 492 492 492 Jo Daviess...................... Knox............................ Lawrence........................ Livingston...................... McDonough....................... 386 338 319 365 332 414 395 374 448 391 Mason........................... Montgomery...................... Moultrie........................ Perry........................... Pope............................ 319 409 327 319 401 Putnam.......................... Richland........................ Schuyler........................ Shelby.......................... Union........................... Warren.......................... Wayne........................... Whiteside....................... Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Kankakee Macoupin Marshall, Peoria, Stark, Tazewell, Woodford Boone, Winnebago Menard, Sangamon Calhoun, Clinton, Jersey, Madison, Monroe, St. Clair NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Alexander....................... Bureau.......................... Cass............................ Clark........................... Coles........................... 401 347 389 318 340 408 403 391 444 435 492 533 492 492 523 648 657 625 716 737 714 720 645 739 918 678 755 638 696 863 Cumberland...................... Douglas......................... Edwards......................... Fayette......................... Fulton.......................... 340 332 401 408 342 424 417 408 419 408 512 512 492 492 492 681 729 648 681 629 898 751 714 702 780 648 648 648 619 647 714 714 714 726 666 Greene.......................... Hancock......................... Henderson....................... Jackson......................... Jefferson....................... 339 410 339 332 420 377 411 397 406 431 495 492 492 511 514 627 591 621 696 647 659 612 742 866 666 492 520 492 563 492 656 691 654 672 631 676 712 675 700 825 Johnson......................... La Salle........................ Lee............................. Logan........................... Marion.......................... 401 406 353 420 359 408 438 434 421 411 492 577 522 504 492 648 728 697 692 629 714 936 811 793 693 404 410 386 417 408 492 492 503 492 492 691 590 634 594 648 713 731 770 764 714 Massac.......................... Morgan.......................... Ogle............................ Pike............................ Pulaski......................... 409 345 415 319 401 410 402 443 390 408 492 529 581 492 492 716 656 760 661 648 739 713 812 681 714 332 367 319 408 409 388 444 390 409 410 511 492 492 492 492 646 677 661 641 603 706 811 681 726 749 Randolph........................ Saline.......................... Scott........................... Stephenson...................... Wabash.......................... 320 320 339 369 401 373 413 377 431 408 492 492 495 568 492 652 666 627 679 648 800 863 659 701 714 320 319 376 374 387 443 492 492 546 614 626 676 700 645 695 Washington...................... White........................... Williamson...................... 340 401 321 390 408 375 492 492 492 632 648 709 651 714 731 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 12 INDIANA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Anderson, IN MSA.................................. Bloomington, IN HMFA.............................. Carroll County, IN HMFA........................... Cincinnati-Middleton, OH-KY-IN HMFA............... Columbus, IN MSA.................................. Elkhart-Goshen, IN MSA............................ Evansville, IN-KY HMFA............................ Fort Wayne, IN MSA................................ Gary, IN HMFA..................................... Gibson County, IN HMFA............................ Greene County, IN HMFA............................ Indianapolis, IN HMFA............................. 487 458 355 427 564 465 374 446 478 421 390 489 488 524 417 506 566 519 437 474 596 422 391 567 586 621 547 655 679 641 543 592 727 505 503 673 754 873 720 877 832 806 670 738 869 646 730 871 785 936 741 910 891 844 728 759 896 888 755 921 Jasper County, IN HMFA............................ Kokomo, IN MSA.................................... Lafayette, IN HMFA................................ Louisville, KY-IN HMFA............................ Michigan City-La Porte, IN MSA.................... Muncie, IN MSA.................................... Owen County, IN HMFA.............................. Putnam County, IN HMFA............................ South Bend-Mishawaka, IN HMFA..................... Sullivan County, IN HMFA.......................... Terre Haute, IN HMFA.............................. Washington County, IN HMFA........................ 480 469 466 411 404 484 431 486 464 326 359 383 481 474 550 473 466 495 433 487 516 382 409 428 598 602 676 563 592 598 519 586 621 503 527 503 780 768 880 785 786 806 657 700 797 602 650 619 804 790 1007 834 809 846 911 789 820 619 748 824 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Adams........................... Cass............................ Crawford........................ Decatur......................... Dubois.......................... 418 366 359 487 338 453 394 409 489 406 503 518 503 587 520 658 660 622 761 710 776 681 659 784 731 Fountain........................ Grant........................... Huntington...................... Jay............................. Jennings........................ 370 441 395 326 364 444 442 470 400 429 503 534 556 503 561 673 674 694 682 679 Kosciusko....................... Lawrence........................ Martin.......................... Montgomery...................... Orange.......................... 383 367 359 372 325 447 433 395 439 382 587 565 503 558 503 Perry........................... Pulaski......................... Ripley.......................... Scott........................... 327 435 481 371 383 436 482 415 503 525 581 525 Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Madison Monroe Carroll Dearborn, Franklin, Ohio Bartholomew Elkhart Posey, Vanderburgh, Warrick Allen, Wells, Whitley Lake, Newton, Porter Gibson Greene Boone, Brown, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Marion, Morgan, Shelby Jasper Howard, Tipton Benton, Tippecanoe Clark, Floyd, Harrison LaPorte Delaware Owen Putnam St. Joseph Sullivan Clay, Vermillion, Vigo Washington NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Blackford....................... Clinton......................... Daviess......................... DeKalb.......................... Fayette......................... 430 447 418 415 345 432 474 421 444 427 518 579 503 564 530 659 723 654 776 702 712 758 802 797 722 704 786 840 703 935 Fulton.......................... Henry........................... Jackson......................... Jefferson....................... Knox............................ 430 458 471 375 350 447 460 472 402 398 518 551 574 529 503 731 709 738 633 623 754 792 895 783 777 747 675 620 759 633 869 695 724 800 691 LaGrange........................ Marshall........................ Miami........................... Noble........................... Parke........................... 465 399 327 496 418 466 460 385 497 421 559 572 504 597 503 674 754 734 713 634 748 777 791 734 798 653 697 700 678 674 719 801 785 Pike............................ Randolph........................ Rush............................ Spencer......................... 327 418 455 327 387 419 456 387 504 503 548 504 652 717 657 652 673 740 720 673 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 13 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 422 357 359 383 481 436 440 529 632 550 552 587 762 685 679 701 784 707 788 991 INDIANA continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Starke.......................... Switzerland..................... Wabash.......................... Wayne........................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 436 397 328 361 461 431 383 425 527 567 503 532 697 710 688 722 733 792 783 744 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Steuben......................... Union........................... Warren.......................... White........................... IOWA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Ames, IA MSA...................................... Benton County, IA HMFA............................ Bremer County, IA HMFA............................ Cedar Rapids, IA HMFA............................. Davenport-Moline-Rock Island, IA-IL MSA........... Des Moines, IA MSA................................ Dubuque, IA MSA................................... Iowa City, IA HMFA................................ Jones County, IA HMFA............................. Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA HMFA.................. Sioux City, IA-NE-SD MSA.......................... Washington County, IA HMFA........................ Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA HMFA..................... 508 323 328 387 409 460 372 440 414 467 387 329 373 536 381 404 450 457 549 400 519 415 531 455 397 459 662 498 503 593 575 669 526 653 498 662 597 504 549 947 620 602 840 733 857 707 951 698 884 752 643 674 1121 830 814 955 764 955 770 1059 720 909 774 773 825 Story Benton Bremer Linn Scott Dallas, Guthrie, Madison, Polk, Warren Dubuque Johnson Jones Harrison, Mills, Pottawattamie Woodbury Washington Black Hawk, Grundy NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Adair........................... Allamakee....................... Audubon......................... Buchanan........................ Butler.......................... 340 353 372 413 353 379 388 382 414 388 498 498 498 498 498 608 645 655 642 645 679 687 685 660 687 Carroll......................... Cedar........................... Cherokee........................ Clarke.......................... Clayton......................... 338 352 372 338 353 394 388 382 387 388 520 512 498 508 498 620 662 655 608 645 Crawford........................ Decatur......................... Des Moines...................... Emmet........................... Floyd........................... 372 340 385 350 350 393 379 421 377 377 498 498 533 498 498 Fremont......................... Hamilton........................ Hardin.......................... Howard.......................... Ida............................. 371 387 425 353 372 452 388 427 388 382 Jackson......................... 352 388 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Adams........................... Appanoose....................... Boone........................... Buena Vista..................... Calhoun......................... 340 323 371 387 394 379 378 447 391 395 498 498 570 512 498 608 629 742 614 640 679 689 799 705 669 640 716 685 678 687 Cass............................ Cerro Gordo..................... Chickasaw....................... Clay............................ Clinton......................... 371 376 353 323 323 452 418 388 377 378 569 550 498 498 498 698 683 645 605 635 751 702 687 757 725 655 608 670 610 623 685 679 755 716 641 Davis........................... Delaware........................ Dickinson....................... Fayette......................... Franklin........................ 340 352 323 353 360 379 388 398 388 396 498 512 498 498 498 608 662 630 645 636 679 716 873 687 667 569 498 511 498 498 698 627 611 645 655 751 656 650 687 685 Greene.......................... Hancock......................... Henry........................... Humboldt........................ Iowa............................ 372 360 419 394 385 382 396 421 395 407 498 498 504 498 505 655 636 721 640 661 685 667 742 669 682 512 662 716 Jasper.......................... 388 423 556 707 738 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 14 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR IOWA continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Jefferson....................... Kossuth......................... Louisa.......................... Lyon............................ Marion.......................... 416 360 382 350 371 423 396 427 377 456 501 498 528 498 569 631 636 683 610 703 767 667 723 716 723 Keokuk.......................... Lee............................. Lucas........................... Mahaska......................... Marshall........................ 340 363 340 367 380 379 422 379 417 441 498 498 498 531 550 608 631 608 636 707 679 649 679 840 812 Mitchell........................ Monroe.......................... Muscatine....................... Osceola......................... Palo Alto....................... 360 340 380 350 350 396 379 470 377 377 498 498 584 498 498 636 608 719 610 610 667 679 775 716 716 Monona.......................... Montgomery...................... O'Brien......................... Page............................ Plymouth........................ 372 371 350 322 413 382 452 377 379 414 498 569 498 498 498 655 698 610 594 671 685 751 716 612 691 Pocahontas...................... Ringgold........................ Shelby.......................... Tama............................ Union........................... 394 340 371 385 340 395 379 452 407 379 498 498 569 505 498 640 608 698 661 608 669 679 751 682 679 Poweshiek....................... Sac............................. Sioux........................... Taylor.......................... Van Buren....................... 346 372 404 340 340 404 382 410 379 379 532 498 498 498 498 680 655 673 608 608 701 685 693 679 679 Wapello......................... Webster......................... Winneshiek...................... Wright.......................... 356 380 324 394 414 387 379 395 546 502 498 498 651 694 647 640 679 717 877 669 Wayne........................... Winnebago....................... Worth........................... 340 360 360 379 396 396 498 498 498 608 636 636 679 667 667 KANSAS METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Franklin County, KS HMFA.......................... *Kansas City, MO-KS HMFA.......................... Lawrence, KS MSA.................................. St. Joseph, MO-KS MSA............................. Sumner County, KS HMFA............................ Topeka, KS MSA.................................... **Wichita, KS HMFA................................ 429 510 484 333 322 426 439 430 612 498 412 378 464 492 533 703 640 512 497 568 635 679 951 934 645 669 720 816 726 1000 1124 764 778 757 930 Franklin Johnson, Leavenworth, Linn, Miami, Wyandotte Douglas Doniphan Sumner Jackson, Jefferson, Osage, Shawnee, Wabaunsee Butler, Harvey, Sedgwick NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Allen........................... Atchison........................ Barton.......................... Brown........................... Chautauqua...................... 374 390 323 390 359 379 434 389 434 400 497 532 497 532 497 659 775 661 775 640 717 934 855 934 697 Cheyenne........................ Clay............................ Coffey.......................... Cowley.......................... Decatur......................... 372 385 347 332 372 378 423 379 406 378 497 520 497 497 497 636 667 632 630 636 Edwards......................... 323 381 497 647 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Anderson........................ Barber.......................... Bourbon......................... Chase........................... Cherokee........................ 359 323 360 347 414 400 381 383 379 429 497 497 497 497 497 640 647 718 632 696 697 763 809 652 854 655 822 652 648 655 Clark........................... Cloud........................... Comanche........................ Crawford........................ Dickinson....................... 429 386 323 352 324 433 393 381 412 377 527 497 497 542 497 641 653 647 730 598 704 674 763 814 738 763 Elk............................. 359 400 497 640 697 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 15 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR KANSAS continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Ellis........................... Finney.......................... Geary........................... Graham.......................... Gray............................ 356 437 352 372 429 404 437 417 378 433 531 564 512 497 527 734 685 678 636 641 769 867 758 655 704 Ellsworth....................... Ford............................ Gove............................ Grant........................... Greeley......................... 386 455 372 429 429 393 456 378 433 433 497 549 497 527 527 653 676 636 641 641 674 722 655 704 704 Greenwood....................... Harper.......................... Hodgeman........................ Kearny.......................... Kiowa........................... 347 323 429 429 323 379 381 433 433 381 497 497 527 527 497 632 647 641 641 647 652 763 704 704 763 Hamilton........................ Haskell......................... Jewell.......................... Kingman......................... Labette......................... 429 429 386 323 323 433 433 393 381 387 527 527 497 497 497 641 641 653 647 673 704 704 674 763 693 Lane............................ Logan........................... McPherson....................... Marshall........................ Mitchell........................ 429 372 414 385 386 433 378 414 423 393 527 497 497 520 497 641 636 651 667 653 704 655 669 822 674 Lincoln......................... Lyon............................ Marion.......................... Meade........................... Montgomery...................... 386 324 347 429 356 393 378 379 433 398 497 497 497 527 497 653 664 632 641 611 674 786 652 704 761 Morris.......................... Nemaha.......................... Ness............................ Osborne......................... Pawnee.......................... 385 390 429 372 323 423 434 433 378 381 520 532 527 497 497 667 775 641 636 647 822 934 704 655 763 Morton.......................... Neosho.......................... Norton.......................... Ottawa.......................... Phillips........................ 429 322 372 386 372 433 387 378 393 378 527 497 497 497 497 641 591 636 653 636 704 869 655 674 655 Pottawatomie.................... Rawlins......................... Republic........................ Riley........................... Rush............................ 336 372 386 405 323 465 378 393 438 381 516 497 497 543 497 657 636 653 791 647 757 655 674 953 763 Pratt........................... Reno............................ Rice............................ Rooks........................... Russell......................... 324 353 360 372 372 379 393 393 378 378 497 516 497 497 497 644 707 659 636 636 760 728 679 655 655 Saline.......................... Seward.......................... Sherman......................... Stafford........................ Stevens......................... 410 372 366 323 429 412 458 378 381 433 542 529 497 497 527 722 650 624 647 641 744 787 643 763 704 Scott........................... Sheridan........................ Smith........................... Stanton......................... Thomas.......................... 429 372 372 429 370 433 378 378 433 377 527 497 497 527 497 641 636 636 641 632 704 655 655 704 651 Trego........................... Washington...................... Wilson.......................... 372 386 359 378 393 399 497 497 497 636 653 639 655 674 695 Wallace......................... Wichita......................... Woodson......................... 372 429 359 378 433 400 497 527 497 636 641 640 655 704 697 KENTUCKY METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS Bowling Green, KY MSA............................. Cincinnati-Middleton, OH-KY-IN HMFA............... Clarksville, TN-KY HMFA........................... Elizabethtown, KY MSA............................. Evansville, IN-KY HMFA............................ Grant County, KY HMFA............................. 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 391 427 466 362 374 396 467 506 485 404 437 478 568 655 563 487 543 608 757 877 814 693 670 748 892 910 838 853 728 838 Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Edmonson, Warren Boone, Bracken, Campbell, Gallatin, Kenton, Pendleton Christian, Trigg Hardin, Larue Henderson, Webster Grant Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 16 KENTUCKY continued METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH MSA.................. Lexington-Fayette, KY MSA......................... Louisville, KY-IN HMFA............................ Meade County, KY HMFA............................. Nelson County, KY HMFA............................ Owensboro, KY MSA................................. 354 420 411 399 342 350 419 504 473 400 413 390 503 622 563 479 499 513 620 836 785 615 727 712 641 862 834 689 786 754 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Boyd, Greenup Bourbon, Clark, Fayette, Jessamine, Scott, Woodford Bullitt, Henry, Jefferson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, Trimble Meade Nelson Daviess, Hancock, McLean 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Adair........................... Anderson........................ Barren.......................... Bell............................ Breathitt....................... 325 415 297 282 356 361 444 347 385 374 429 586 450 429 429 523 847 561 512 533 583 1010 618 628 557 Allen........................... Ballard......................... Bath............................ Boyle........................... Breckinridge.................... 281 352 337 361 352 365 389 365 400 354 429 480 450 525 455 573 615 562 629 608 741 693 581 649 627 Butler.......................... Calloway........................ Carroll......................... Casey........................... Clinton......................... 385 427 423 325 325 457 428 424 361 361 556 515 527 429 429 731 634 697 523 523 753 904 757 583 583 Caldwell........................ Carlisle........................ Carter.......................... Clay............................ Crittenden...................... 356 352 282 278 356 357 389 375 385 357 429 480 435 429 429 543 615 518 512 560 617 693 586 527 636 Cumberland...................... Estill.......................... Floyd........................... Fulton.......................... Graves.......................... 325 356 325 352 344 361 357 364 389 346 429 429 429 480 429 523 548 563 615 512 583 722 649 693 625 Elliott......................... Fleming......................... Franklin........................ Garrard......................... Grayson......................... 377 337 425 364 357 378 365 451 407 358 455 450 593 488 429 578 562 804 583 559 683 581 827 854 656 Green........................... Harrison........................ Hickman......................... Jackson......................... Knott........................... 323 370 352 356 356 358 372 389 374 374 429 486 480 429 429 519 637 615 519 537 579 658 693 534 557 Harlan.......................... Hart............................ Hopkins......................... Johnson......................... Knox............................ 355 319 356 280 281 382 348 356 365 339 429 429 429 429 429 528 547 538 585 605 667 637 752 601 625 Laurel.......................... Lee............................. Letcher......................... Lincoln......................... Logan........................... 356 356 356 310 381 386 374 374 424 414 429 429 429 470 460 527 537 533 563 630 720 557 557 744 698 Lawrence........................ Leslie.......................... Lewis........................... Livingston...................... Lyon............................ 278 356 337 355 419 325 374 365 356 426 429 429 450 429 505 573 537 562 552 655 590 557 581 627 679 McCracken....................... Madison......................... Marion.......................... Martin.......................... Menifee......................... 322 367 352 356 337 405 390 354 360 365 498 499 455 429 450 668 704 608 528 562 688 825 627 552 581 McCreary........................ Magoffin........................ Marshall........................ Mason........................... Mercer.......................... 356 356 385 289 390 385 360 386 370 415 429 429 465 447 471 553 528 606 652 620 568 552 788 749 730 Metcalfe........................ Montgomery...................... Muhlenberg...................... Ohio............................ Owsley.......................... 319 346 354 354 356 348 403 355 377 374 429 532 429 429 429 547 635 545 569 537 637 654 559 625 557 Monroe.......................... Morgan.......................... Nicholas........................ Owen............................ Perry........................... 319 337 439 471 356 348 365 440 537 375 429 450 576 613 429 547 562 706 825 513 637 581 778 1075 629 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 17 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR KENTUCKY continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Pike............................ Pulaski......................... Rockcastle...................... Russell......................... Taylor.......................... 363 305 356 325 282 364 337 374 361 386 438 429 429 429 429 526 529 519 523 553 541 561 534 583 726 Powell.......................... Robertson....................... Rowan........................... Simpson......................... Todd............................ 326 337 380 385 419 411 365 421 452 426 503 450 468 594 505 602 562 587 738 655 620 581 606 761 679 Union........................... Wayne........................... Wolfe........................... 380 281 356 381 343 374 459 429 429 559 556 537 588 573 557 Washington...................... Whitley......................... 352 329 354 347 455 457 608 546 627 562 LOUISIANA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Alexandria, LA MSA................................ **Baton Rouge, LA HMFA............................ 374 495 405 532 482 619 627 800 645 955 Houma-Bayou Cane-Thibodaux, LA MSA................ Iberville Parish, LA HMFA......................... Lafayette, LA MSA................................. Lake Charles, LA MSA.............................. Monroe, LA MSA.................................... New Orleans-Metairie-Kenner, LA MSA............... 416 354 431 405 368 537 419 355 494 456 416 595 520 427 548 555 517 696 683 578 703 685 686 894 778 596 892 964 708 924 Shreveport-Bossier City, LA MSA................... 419 482 563 714 737 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Acadia.......................... Assumption...................... Beauregard...................... Caldwell........................ Claiborne....................... 346 393 357 332 386 346 394 366 355 392 421 473 431 421 464 532 577 628 533 554 610 593 755 594 607 East Carroll.................... Franklin........................ Jackson......................... La Salle........................ Madison......................... 332 332 332 319 332 355 355 355 344 355 421 421 421 421 421 533 533 533 533 533 Natchitoches.................... Richland........................ St. James....................... St. Mary........................ Tensas.......................... 403 332 402 381 332 404 355 469 388 355 484 421 575 466 421 Vernon.......................... Webster......................... Winn............................ 345 338 350 380 339 379 421 429 421 Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Grant, Rapides Ascension, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Livingston, Pointe Coupee, St. Helena, West Baton Rouge, West Feliciana Lafourche, Terrebonne Iberville Lafayette, St. Martin Calcasieu, Cameron Ouachita, Union Jefferson, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, St. Tammany Bossier, Caddo, De Soto NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Allen........................... Avoyelles....................... Bienville....................... Catahoula....................... Concordia....................... 349 272 386 319 319 350 371 392 344 344 421 421 464 421 421 612 573 554 533 546 679 685 607 645 645 594 594 594 645 594 Evangeline...................... Iberia.......................... Jefferson Davis................. Lincoln......................... Morehouse....................... 348 399 349 413 357 350 409 351 426 359 421 482 421 496 446 539 595 533 645 535 554 694 547 667 579 580 533 706 609 533 749 594 727 629 594 Red River....................... Sabine.......................... St. Landry...................... Tangipahoa...................... Vermilion....................... 386 386 275 363 350 392 392 330 422 351 464 464 421 531 421 554 554 568 636 577 607 607 605 755 597 611 578 531 730 597 565 Washington...................... West Carroll.................... 349 332 353 355 421 421 561 533 578 594 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 18 MAINE METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Bangor, ME HMFA................................... 450 517 642 824 892 Cumberland County, ME (part) HMFA................. 478 570 735 878 1125 Lewiston-Auburn, ME MSA........................... 370 464 567 718 796 Penobscot County, ME (part) HMFA.................. 457 458 551 689 845 Portland, ME HMFA................................. 606 720 933 1176 1260 Sagadahoc County, ME HMFA......................... 576 576 691 834 1197 York County, ME (part) HMFA....................... 526 546 695 831 908 York-Kittery-South Berwick, ME HMFA............... 785 790 947 1379 1503 Components of FMR AREA within STATE Penobscot County towns of Bangor city, Brewer city, Eddington town, Glenburn town, Hampden town, Hermon town, Holden town, Kenduskeag town, Milford town, Old Town city, Orono town, Orrington town, Penobscot Indian Island Reservation, Veazie town Cumberland County towns of Baldwin town, Bridgton town, Brunswick town, Harpswell town, Harrison town, Naples town, New Gloucester town, Pownal town, Sebago town Androscoggin County towns of Auburn city, Durham town, Greene town, Leeds town, Lewiston city, Lisbon town, Livermore town, Livermore Falls town, Mechanic Falls town, Minot town, Poland town, Sabattus town, Turner town, Wales town Penobscot County towns of Alton town, Argyle UT, Bradford town, Bradley town, Burlington town, Carmel town, Carroll plantation, Charleston town, Chester town, Clifton town, Corinna town, Corinth town, Dexter town, Dixmont town, Drew plantation, East Central Penobscot UT, East Millinocket town, Edinburg town, Enfield town, Etna town, Exeter town, Garland town, Greenbush town, Howland town, Hudson town, Kingman UT, Lagrange town, Lakeville town, Lee town, Levant town, Lincoln town, Lowell town, Mattawamkeag town, Maxfield town, Medway town, Millinocket town, Mount Chase town, Newburgh town, Newport town, North Penobscot UT, Passadumkeag town, Patten town, Plymouth town, Prentiss UT, Seboeis plantation, Springfield town, Stacyville town, Stetson town, Twombly UT, Webster plantation, Whitney UT, Winn town, Woodville town Cumberland County towns of Cape Elizabeth town, Casco town, Cumberland town, Falmouth town, Freeport town, Frye Island town, Gorham town, Gray town, Long Island town, North Yarmouth town, Portland city, Raymond town, Scarborough town, South Portland city, Standish town, Westbrook city, Windham town, Yarmouth town York County towns of Buxton town, Hollis town, Limington town, Old Orchard Beach town Sagadahoc County towns of Arrowsic town, Bath city, Bowdoin town, Bowdoinham town, Georgetown town, Perkins UT, Phippsburg town, Richmond town, Topsham town, West Bath town, Woolwich town York County towns of Acton town, Alfred town, Arundel town, Biddeford city, Cornish town, Dayton town, Kennebunk town, Kennebunkport town, Lebanon town, Limerick town, Lyman town, Newfield town, North Berwick town, Ogunquit town, Parsonsfield town, Saco city, Sanford town, Shapleigh town, Waterboro town, Wells town York County towns of Berwick town, Eliot town, Kittery town, South Berwick town, York town Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 19 MAINE continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Aroostook County, ME.............................. 349 430 516 673 742 Franklin County, ME............................... 434 468 570 681 884 Hancock County, ME................................ 474 546 636 895 922 Kennebec County, ME............................... 375 450 560 764 816 Towns within nonmetropolitan counties Allagash town, Amity town, Ashland town, Bancroft town, Blaine town, Bridgewater town, Caribou city, Cary plantation, Castle Hill town, Caswell town, Central Aroostook UT, Chapman town, Connor UT, Crystal town, Cyr plantation, Dyer Brook town, Eagle Lake town, Easton town, Fort Fairfield town, Fort Kent town, Frenchville town, Garfield plantation, Glenwood plantation, Grand Isle town, Hamlin town, Hammond town, Haynesville town, Hersey town, Hodgdon town, Houlton town, Island Falls town, Limestone town, Linneus town, Littleton town, Ludlow town, Macwahoc plantation, Madawaska town, Mapleton town, Mars Hill town, Masardis town, Merrill town, Monticello town, Moro plantation, Nashville plantation, New Canada town, New Limerick town, New Sweden town, Northwest Aroostook UT, Oakfield town, Orient town, Oxbow plantation, Penobscot Indian Island Reservation, Perham town, Portage Lake town, Presque Isle city, Reed plantation, St. Agatha town, St. Francis town, St. John plantation, Sherman town, Smyrna town, South Aroostook UT, Square Lake UT, Stockholm town, Van Buren town, Wade town, Wallagrass town, Washburn town, Westfield town, Westmanland town, Weston town, Winterville plantation, Woodland town Avon town, Carrabassett Valley town, Carthage town, Chesterville town, Coplin plantation, Dallas plantation, East Central Franklin UT, Eustis town, Farmington town, Industry town, Jay town, Kingfield town, Madrid town, New Sharon town, New Vineyard town, North Franklin UT, Phillips town, Rangeley town, Rangeley plantation, Sandy River plantation, South Franklin UT, Strong town, Temple town, Weld town, West Central Franklin UT, Wilton town, Wyman UT Amherst town, Aurora town, Bar Harbor town, Blue Hill town, Brooklin town, Brooksville town, Bucksport town, Castine town, Central Hancock UT, Cranberry Isles town, Dedham town, Deer Isle town, Eastbrook town, East Hancock UT, Ellsworth city, Franklin town, Frenchboro town, Gouldsboro town, Great Pond town, Hancock town, Lamoine town, Mariaville town, Mount Desert town, Northwest Hancock UT, Orland town, Osborn town, Otis town, Penobscot town, Sedgwick town, Sorrento town, Southwest Harbor town, Stonington town, Sullivan town, Surry town, Swans Island town, Tremont town, Trenton town, Verona town, Waltham town, Winter Harbor town Albion town, Augusta city, Belgrade town, Benton town, Chelsea town, China town, Clinton town, Farmingdale town, Fayette town, Gardiner city, Hallowell city, Litchfield town, Manchester town, Monmouth town, Mount Vernon town, Oakland town, Pittston town, Randolph town, Readfield town, Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 20 MAINE continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Knox County, ME................................... 429 567 647 876 1011 Lincoln County, ME................................ 518 556 671 811 835 Oxford County, ME................................. 361 480 553 737 924 Piscataquis County, ME............................ 450 513 635 806 862 Somerset County, ME............................... 360 446 529 747 792 Waldo County, ME.................................. 504 541 652 799 850 Towns within nonmetropolitan counties Rome town, Sidney town, Unity UT, Vassalboro town, Vienna town, Waterville city, Wayne town, West Gardiner town, Windsor town, Winslow town, Winthrop town Appleton town, Camden town, Criehaven UT, Cushing town, Friendship town, Hope town, Isle au Haut town, Matinicus Isle plantation, North Haven town, Owls Head town, Rockland city, Rockport town, St. George town, South Thomaston town, Thomaston town, Union town, Vinalhaven town, Warren town, Washington town Alna town, Boothbay town, Boothbay Harbor town, Bremen town, Bristol town, Damariscotta town, Dresden town, Edgecomb town, Hibberts gore, Jefferson town, Monhegan plantation, Newcastle town, Nobleboro town, Somerville town, South Bristol town, Southport town, Waldoboro town, Westport town, Whitefield town, Wiscasset town Andover town, Bethel town, Brownfield town, Buckfield town, Byron town, Canton town, Denmark town, Dixfield town, Fryeburg town, Gilead town, Greenwood town, Hanover town, Hartford town, Hebron town, Hiram town, Lincoln plantation, Lovell town, Magalloway plantation, Mexico town, Milton UT, Newry town, North Oxford UT, Norway town, Otisfield town, Oxford town, Paris town, Peru town, Porter town, Roxbury town, Rumford town, South Oxford UT, Stoneham town, Stow town, Sumner town, Sweden town, Upton town, Waterford town, West Paris town, Woodstock town Abbot town, Atkinson town, Beaver Cove town, Blanchard UT, Bowerbank town, Brownville town, Dover-Foxcroft town, Greenville town, Guilford town, Kingsbury plantation, Lake View plantation, Medford town, Milo town, Monson town, Northeast Piscataquis UT, Northwest Piscataquis UT, Parkman town, Sangerville town, Sebec town, Shirley town, Southeast Piscataquis UT, Wellington town, Willimantic town Anson town, Athens town, Bingham town, Brighton plantation, Cambridge town, Canaan town, Caratunk town, Central Somerset UT, Cornville town, Dennistown plantation, Detroit town, Embden town, Fairfield town, Harmony town, Hartland town, Highland plantation, Jackman town, Madison town, Mercer town, Moose River town, Moscow town, New Portland town, Norridgewock town, Northeast Somerset UT, Northwest Somerset UT, Palmyra town, Pittsfield town, Pleasant Ridge plantation, Ripley town, St. Albans town, Seboomook Lake UT, Skowhegan town, Smithfield town, Solon town, Starks town, The Forks plantation, West Forks plantation Belfast city, Belmont town, Brooks town, Burnham town, Frankfort town, Freedom town, Islesboro town, Jackson town, Knox town, Liberty town, Lincolnville town, Monroe town, Montville town, Morrill town, Northport town, Palermo town, Prospect town, Searsmont town, Searsport town, Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 21 MAINE continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR Washington County, ME............................. 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Towns within nonmetropolitan counties Stockton Springs town, Swanville town, Thorndike town, Troy town, Unity town, Waldo town, Winterport town Addison town, Alexander town, Baileyville town, Baring plantation, Beals town, Beddington town, Calais city, Centerville town, Charlotte town, Cherryfield town, Codyville plantation, Columbia town, Columbia Falls town, Cooper town, Crawford town, Cutler town, Danforth town, Deblois town, Dennysville town, East Central Washington UT, East Machias town, Eastport city, Grand Lake Stream plantation, Harrington town, Jonesboro town, Jonesport town, Lubec town, Machias town, Machiasport town, Marshfield town, Meddybemps town, Milbridge town, Northfield town, North Washington UT, Passamaquoddy Indian Township Reservation, Passamaquoddy Pleasant Point Reservation, Pembroke town, Perry town, Princeton town, Robbinston town, Roque Bluffs town, Steuben town, Talmadge town, Topsfield town, Vanceboro town, Waite town, Wesley town, Whiting town, Whitneyville town 434 468 559 693 755 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE 700 791 950 1220 1507 Columbia city, MD HMFA............................ 1068 Cumberland, MD-WV MSA............................. 354 Hagerstown-Martinsburg, MD-WV MSA................. 442 **Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD MSA. 694 Salisbury, MD HMFA................................ 430 Somerset County, MD HMFA.......................... 424 *Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD HMFA... 948 1110 429 506 792 534 451 1080 1288 503 629 947 628 531 1225 1750 679 874 1158 778 657 1580 2039 792 971 1397 892 863 2068 Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, Howard, Queen Anne's, Baltimore city Columbia city Allegany Washington Cecil Wicomico Somerset Calvert, Charles, Frederick, Montgomery, Prince George's MARYLAND METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS *Baltimore-Towson, MD MSA......................... NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Caroline........................ Garrett......................... St. Mary's...................... Worcester....................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 480 327 608 518 497 405 631 539 581 503 822 624 786 649 1080 911 807 860 1422 970 Dorchester...................... Kent............................ Talbot.......................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 362 541 565 436 542 566 555 652 681 749 800 921 770 1074 973 MASSACHUSETTS METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS Barnstable Town, MA MSA........................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Components of FMR AREA within STATE 619 725 954 1138 1174 Barnstable County towns of Barnstable Town city, Bourne town, Brewster town, Chatham town, Dennis town, Eastham town, Falmouth town, Harwich town, Mashpee town, Orleans town, Provincetown town, Sandwich town, Truro town, Wellfleet town, Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 22 MASSACHUSETTS continued METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 491 551 636 871 895 Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH HMFA............... 1063 1128 1324 1584 1740 Berkshire County, MA (part) HMFA.................. Brockton, MA HMFA................................. 842 876 1103 1319 1653 Eastern Worcester County, MA HMFA................. 724 809 1065 1273 1869 Components of FMR AREA within STATE Yarmouth town Berkshire County towns of Alford town, Becket town, Clarksburg town, Egremont town, Florida town, Great Barrington town, Hancock town, Monterey town, Mount Washington town, New Ashford town, New Marlborough town, North Adams city, Otis town, Peru town, Sandisfield town, Savoy town, Sheffield town, Tyringham town, Washington town, West Stockbridge town, Williamstown town, Windsor town Essex County towns of Amesbury town, Beverly city, Danvers town, Essex town, Gloucester city, Hamilton town, Ipswich town, Lynn city, Lynnfield town, Manchester-by-the-Sea town, Marblehead town, Middleton town, Nahant town, Newbury town, Newburyport city, Peabody city, Rockport town, Rowley town, Salem city, Salisbury town, Saugus town, Swampscott town, Topsfield town, Wenham town Middlesex County towns of Acton town, Arlington town, Ashby town, Ashland town, Ayer town, Bedford town, Belmont town, Boxborough town, Burlington town, Cambridge city, Carlisle town, Concord town, Everett city, Framingham town, Holliston town, Hopkinton town, Hudson town, Lexington town, Lincoln town, Littleton town, Malden city, Marlborough city, Maynard town, Medford city, Melrose city, Natick town, Newton city, North Reading town, Reading town, Sherborn town, Shirley town, Somerville city, Stoneham town, Stow town, Sudbury town, Townsend town, Wakefield town, Waltham city, Watertown city, Wayland town, Weston town, Wilmington town, Winchester town, Woburn city Norfolk County towns of Bellingham town, Braintree town, Brookline town, Canton town, Cohasset town, Dedham town, Dover town, Foxborough town, Franklin city, Holbrook town, Medfield town, Medway town, Millis town, Milton town, Needham town, Norfolk town, Norwood town, Plainville town, Quincy city, Randolph town, Sharon town, Stoughton town, Walpole town, Wellesley town, Westwood town, Weymouth town, Wrentham town Plymouth County towns of Carver town, Duxbury town, Hanover town, Hingham town, Hull town, Kingston town, Marshfield town, Norwell town, Pembroke town, Plymouth town, Rockland town, Scituate town, Wareham town Suffolk County towns of Boston city, Chelsea city, Revere city, Winthrop town Norfolk County towns of Avon town Plymouth County towns of Abington town, Bridgewater town, Brockton city, East Bridgewater town, Halifax town, Hanson town, Lakeville town, Marion town, Mattapoisett town, Middleborough town, Plympton town, Rochester town, West Bridgewater town, Whitman town Worcester County towns of Berlin town, Blackstone town, Bolton town, Harvard town, Hopedale town, Lancaster town, Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 23 MASSACHUSETTS continued METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Easton-Raynham, MA HMFA........................... Fitchburg-Leominster, MA HMFA..................... 833 563 1103 646 1283 811 1534 993 2218 1079 Franklin County, MA (part) HMFA................... 471 550 681 908 1097 Lawrence, MA-NH HMFA.............................. 677 862 1042 1244 1283 Lowell, MA HMFA................................... 738 883 1135 1355 1487 New Bedford, MA HMFA.............................. 514 658 753 902 1217 Pittsfield, MA HMFA............................... 464 542 672 864 890 *Providence-Fall River, RI-MA HMFA................ 757 827 965 1155 1472 Springfield, MA HMFA.............................. 529 629 799 956 1110 Taunton-Mansfield-Norton, MA HMFA................. 644 812 992 1217 1313 Western Worcester County, MA HMFA................. 400 549 616 735 944 Worcester, MA HMFA................................ 612 704 857 1025 1087 Components of FMR AREA within STATE Mendon town, Milford town, Millville town, Southborough town, Upton town Bristol County towns of Easton town, Raynham town Worcester County towns of Ashburnham town, Fitchburg city, Gardner city, Leominster city, Lunenburg town, Templeton town, Westminster town, Winchendon town Franklin County towns of Ashfield town, Bernardston town, Buckland town, Charlemont town, Colrain town, Conway town, Deerfield town, Erving town, Gill town, Greenfield town, Hawley town, Heath town, Leverett town, Leyden town, Monroe town, Montague town, New Salem town, Northfield town, Orange town, Rowe town, Shelburne town, Shutesbury town, Warwick town, Wendell town, Whately town Essex County towns of Andover town, Boxford town, Georgetown town, Groveland town, Haverhill city, Lawrence city, Merrimac town, Methuen city, North Andover town, West Newbury town Middlesex County towns of Billerica town, Chelmsford town, Dracut town, Dunstable town, Groton town, Lowell city, Pepperell town, Tewksbury town, Tyngsborough town, Westford town Bristol County towns of Acushnet town, Dartmouth town, Fairhaven town, Freetown town, New Bedford city Berkshire County towns of Adams town, Cheshire town, Dalton town, Hinsdale town, Lanesborough town, Lee town, Lenox town, Pittsfield city, Richmond town, Stockbridge town Bristol County towns of Attleboro city, Fall River city, North Attleborough town, Rehoboth town, Seekonk town, Somerset town, Swansea town, Westport town Franklin County towns of Sunderland town Hampden County towns of Agawam city, Blandford town, Brimfield town, Chester town, Chicopee city, East Longmeadow town, Granville town, Hampden town, Holland town, Holyoke city, Longmeadow town, Ludlow town, Monson town, Montgomery town, Palmer town, Russell town, Southwick town, Springfield city, Tolland town, Wales town, Westfield city, West Springfield town, Wilbraham town Hampshire County towns of Amherst town, Belchertown town, Chesterfield town, Cummington town, Easthampton city, Goshen town, Granby town, Hadley town, Hatfield town, Huntington town, Middlefield town, Northampton city, Pelham town, Plainfield town, Southampton town, South Hadley town, Ware town, Westhampton town, Williamsburg town, Worthington town Bristol County towns of Berkley town, Dighton town, Mansfield town, Norton town, Taunton city Worcester County towns of Athol town, Hardwick town, Hubbardston town, New Braintree town, Petersham town, Phillipston town, Royalston town, Warren town Worcester County towns of Auburn town, Barre town, Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 24 MASSACHUSETTS continued METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Components of FMR AREA within STATE Boylston town, Brookfield town, Charlton town, Clinton town, Douglas town, Dudley town, East Brookfield town, Grafton town, Holden town, Leicester town, Millbury town, Northborough town, Northbridge town, North Brookfield town, Oakham town, Oxford town, Paxton town, Princeton town, Rutland town, Shrewsbury town, Southbridge town, Spencer town, Sterling town, Sturbridge town, Sutton town, Uxbridge town, Webster town, Westborough town, West Boylston town, West Brookfield town, Worcester city NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Towns within nonmetropolitan counties Dukes County, MA.................................. 742 942 1121 1340 1381 Nantucket County, MA.............................. 867 1200 1332 1593 1641 Aquinnah town, Chilmark town, Edgartown town, Gosnold town, Oak Bluffs town, Tisbury town, West Tisbury town Nantucket town 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Ann Arbor, MI MSA................................. Barry County, MI HMFA............................. Battle Creek, MI MSA.............................. Bay City, MI MSA.................................. Cass County, MI HMFA.............................. **Detroit-Warren-Livonia, MI HMFA................. Flint, MI MSA..................................... *Grand Rapids-Wyoming, MI HMFA.................... **Holland-Grand Haven, MI MSA..................... Ionia County, MI HMFA............................. Jackson, MI MSA................................... Kalamazoo-Portage, MI MSA......................... Lansing-East Lansing, MI MSA...................... Livingston County, MI HMFA........................ **Monroe, MI MSA.................................. **Muskegon-Norton Shores, MI MSA.................. Newaygo County, MI HMFA........................... Niles-Benton Harbor, MI MSA....................... Saginaw-Saginaw Township North, MI MSA............ 669 368 422 390 411 619 494 528 560 392 442 472 490 670 630 421 432 415 408 750 464 484 436 469 686 521 564 578 455 493 504 532 706 632 436 456 465 467 913 567 592 530 519 826 626 679 675 555 588 612 659 831 761 565 521 567 590 1149 817 721 708 688 986 776 866 983 664 731 813 835 1198 1008 754 705 693 707 1182 899 742 728 799 1017 800 908 1081 740 753 849 905 1458 1099 776 725 890 726 Washtenaw Barry Calhoun Bay Cass Lapeer, Macomb, Oakland, St. Clair, Wayne Genesee Kent Ottawa Ionia Jackson Kalamazoo, Van Buren Clinton, Eaton, Ingham Livingston Monroe Muskegon Newaygo Berrien Saginaw NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES MICHIGAN METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Alcona.......................... **Allegan....................... Antrim.......................... Baraga.......................... Branch.......................... 356 520 440 332 422 412 551 441 422 450 504 654 532 503 592 679 848 739 620 710 719 891 933 698 730 Cheboygan....................... 355 413 510 685 720 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Alger........................... Alpena.......................... Arenac.......................... Benzie.......................... Charlevoix...................... 332 397 400 544 461 422 451 422 545 499 503 503 503 660 553 620 695 673 824 795 698 768 745 848 821 Chippewa........................ 336 418 516 625 701 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 25 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR MICHIGAN continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Clare........................... Delta........................... Emmet........................... Gogebic......................... Gratiot......................... 369 349 387 347 420 383 415 476 415 421 503 503 593 503 503 678 662 799 615 670 698 702 846 731 749 Crawford........................ Dickinson....................... Gladwin......................... Grand Traverse.................. Hillsdale....................... 355 327 400 556 355 413 397 422 557 437 515 503 503 698 521 679 607 673 914 733 719 826 745 942 801 Houghton........................ Iosco........................... Isabella........................ Keweenaw........................ Leelanau........................ 358 410 417 347 544 418 435 451 415 545 503 503 503 503 660 654 731 724 615 824 749 759 790 731 848 Huron........................... Iron............................ Kalkaska........................ Lake............................ Lenawee......................... 418 347 436 385 420 421 415 474 421 527 503 503 526 503 647 667 615 639 658 826 810 731 659 792 901 Luce............................ Manistee........................ Mason........................... Menominee....................... Missaukee....................... 347 405 327 418 390 424 419 384 419 469 503 550 503 503 553 660 658 658 663 727 719 738 723 885 799 Mackinac........................ Marquette....................... Mecosta......................... Midland......................... Montcalm........................ 336 326 371 412 391 418 423 441 469 454 517 503 534 578 519 624 633 710 796 701 679 688 936 851 722 Montmorency..................... Ogemaw.......................... Osceola......................... Otsego.......................... Roscommon....................... 356 387 417 415 417 413 406 418 485 420 516 503 503 638 503 680 650 689 765 653 719 719 868 804 804 Oceana.......................... Ontonagon....................... Oscoda.......................... Presque Isle.................... St. Joseph...................... 367 347 356 356 419 425 415 412 412 467 507 503 504 504 551 613 615 679 679 680 654 731 719 719 763 Sanilac......................... Shiawassee...................... Wexford......................... 419 363 355 452 446 469 503 556 547 708 766 724 728 853 798 Schoolcraft..................... Tuscola......................... 347 366 424 418 503 530 660 636 719 761 MINNESOTA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Duluth, MN-WI MSA................................. Fargo, ND-MN MSA.................................. Grand Forks, ND-MN MSA............................ La Crosse, WI-MN MSA.............................. **Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI MSA..... 351 373 363 359 619 427 443 456 420 725 539 563 559 553 882 677 812 708 734 1168 862 939 963 901 1318 Rochester, MN HMFA................................ St. Cloud, MN MSA................................. Wabasha County, MN HMFA........................... 520 428 358 556 472 398 730 565 510 947 799 638 988 928 896 Carlton, St. Louis Clay Polk Houston Anoka, Carver, Chisago, Dakota, Hennepin, Isanti, Ramsey, Scott, Sherburne, Washington, Wright Dodge, Olmsted Benton, Stearns Wabasha NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Aitkin.......................... Beltrami........................ Blue Earth...................... Cass............................ Clearwater...................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 361 349 411 326 352 424 413 514 417 397 557 525 594 503 503 695 722 855 634 635 752 921 1045 653 882 Becker.......................... Big Stone....................... Brown........................... Chippewa........................ Cook............................ 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 326 326 372 385 326 386 397 423 419 414 503 503 508 503 503 630 643 608 602 630 654 665 625 621 649 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 26 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR MINNESOTA continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Cottonwood...................... Douglas......................... Fillmore........................ Goodhue......................... Hubbard......................... 368 355 346 402 352 402 423 417 472 397 503 532 520 620 503 641 771 679 789 635 671 843 851 854 882 Crow Wing....................... Faribault....................... Freeborn........................ Grant........................... Itasca.......................... 372 368 326 326 340 435 402 382 397 420 574 503 503 503 523 736 641 600 643 633 861 671 791 665 743 Jackson......................... Kandiyohi....................... Koochiching..................... Lake............................ Le Sueur........................ 368 405 326 326 447 402 415 417 414 461 503 515 503 503 555 641 694 634 630 773 671 715 653 649 797 Kanabec......................... Kittson......................... Lac qui Parle................... Lake of the Woods............... Lincoln......................... 393 331 385 352 385 461 396 419 397 419 606 503 503 503 503 756 640 602 635 602 817 750 621 882 621 Lyon............................ Mahnomen........................ Martin.......................... Mille Lacs...................... Mower........................... 384 352 417 423 337 431 397 418 435 394 530 503 503 573 503 661 635 730 710 625 680 882 752 788 644 McLeod.......................... Marshall........................ Meeker.......................... Morrison........................ Murray.......................... 468 331 404 336 368 469 396 447 400 402 581 503 519 517 503 832 640 678 618 641 859 750 698 907 671 Nicollet........................ Norman.......................... Pennington...................... Pipestone....................... Red Lake........................ 466 331 328 368 331 478 396 387 402 396 562 503 503 503 503 737 640 635 641 640 760 750 694 671 750 Nobles.......................... Otter Tail...................... Pine............................ Pope............................ Redwood......................... 331 328 403 326 385 414 390 437 397 419 503 503 564 503 503 667 613 737 643 602 688 632 760 665 621 Renville........................ Rock............................ Sibley.......................... Stevens......................... Todd............................ 404 368 404 327 363 421 402 421 410 408 519 503 519 503 504 678 641 678 606 608 698 671 698 818 808 Rice............................ Roseau.......................... Steele.......................... Swift........................... Traverse........................ 489 326 391 326 326 511 388 474 397 397 672 503 599 503 503 803 627 754 643 643 933 734 982 665 665 Wadena.......................... Watonwan........................ Winona.......................... 363 368 367 408 402 433 504 503 565 608 641 781 808 671 991 Waseca.......................... Wilkin.......................... Yellow Medicine................. 361 326 385 424 397 419 557 503 503 666 643 602 696 665 621 MISSISSIPPI METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS Gulfport-Biloxi, MS MSA........................... Hattiesburg, MS MSA............................... Jackson, MS HMFA.................................. Marshall County, MS HMFA.......................... Memphis, TN-MS-AR HMFA............................ Pascagoula, MS MSA................................ Simpson County, MS HMFA........................... Tate County, MS HMFA.............................. Tunica County, MS HMFA............................ 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 497 389 468 295 527 427 377 356 388 526 444 528 369 572 489 398 413 467 615 528 613 455 636 587 455 459 598 801 769 737 664 847 808 545 643 718 823 794 760 685 874 867 787 806 881 Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Hancock, Harrison, Stone Forrest, Lamar, Perry Copiah, Hinds, Madison, Rankin Marshall DeSoto George, Jackson Simpson Tate Tunica Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 27 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR MISSISSIPPI continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Adams........................... Amite........................... Benton.......................... Calhoun......................... Chickasaw....................... 313 364 415 373 343 433 409 465 384 421 481 455 515 455 493 577 550 618 610 591 826 625 634 763 621 Alcorn.......................... Attala.......................... Bolivar......................... Carroll......................... Choctaw......................... 378 373 370 307 373 408 384 418 344 384 455 455 481 455 455 632 610 577 604 610 800 763 846 632 763 Claiborne....................... Clay............................ Covington....................... Greene.......................... Holmes.......................... 378 377 378 345 383 379 379 379 369 443 455 455 455 455 493 571 663 571 594 590 669 684 669 626 618 Clarke.......................... Coahoma......................... Franklin........................ Grenada......................... Humphreys....................... 378 387 364 354 307 420 400 409 389 344 483 528 455 455 455 632 631 550 641 604 654 927 625 763 632 Issaquena....................... Jasper.......................... Jefferson Davis................. Kemper.......................... Lauderdale...................... 383 358 378 378 383 443 386 379 420 429 493 455 455 483 503 590 547 571 632 691 618 582 669 654 713 Itawamba........................ Jefferson....................... Jones........................... Lafayette....................... Lawrence........................ 295 378 308 407 378 402 379 357 481 379 455 455 455 593 455 601 571 599 710 571 710 669 619 731 669 Leake........................... Leflore......................... Lowndes......................... Monroe.......................... Neshoba......................... 358 295 397 377 294 386 346 407 402 397 455 455 477 455 455 547 604 693 569 541 582 711 715 609 796 Lee............................. Lincoln......................... Marion.......................... Montgomery...................... Newton.......................... 413 332 358 373 378 430 410 406 384 420 496 455 455 455 483 677 624 597 610 632 763 799 680 763 654 Noxubee......................... Panola.......................... Pike............................ Prentiss........................ Scott........................... 383 295 377 296 378 397 409 409 344 402 462 455 455 455 455 633 545 599 546 545 675 628 617 562 587 Oktibbeha....................... Pearl River..................... Pontotoc........................ Quitman......................... Sharkey......................... 361 400 377 370 383 438 401 378 396 443 534 480 455 467 493 696 586 619 559 590 716 826 637 701 618 Smith........................... Tallahatchie.................... Tishomingo...................... Walthall........................ Washington...................... 358 307 295 364 313 386 344 384 409 408 455 455 455 455 481 547 604 571 550 624 582 632 591 625 763 Sunflower....................... Tippah.......................... Union........................... Warren.......................... Wayne........................... 330 378 308 462 345 406 410 428 507 369 455 455 474 566 455 648 592 567 676 594 669 738 687 697 626 Webster......................... Winston......................... Yazoo........................... 373 343 377 384 421 399 455 493 455 610 591 543 763 621 561 Wilkinson....................... Yalobusha....................... 364 373 409 384 455 455 550 610 625 763 MISSOURI METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS Bates County, MO HMFA............................. Columbia, MO MSA.................................. Dallas County, MO HMFA............................ Jefferson City, MO HMFA........................... Joplin, MO MSA.................................... *Kansas City, MO-KS HMFA.......................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE 305 380 302 364 330 510 358 455 392 392 396 612 468 565 464 504 505 703 657 823 633 700 643 951 679 918 654 782 662 1000 Bates Boone, Howard Dallas Callaway, Cole, Osage Jasper, Newton Caldwell, Cass, Clay, Clinton, Jackson, Lafayette, Platte, Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 28 MISSOURI continued METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR McDonald County, MO HMFA.......................... Moniteau County, MO HMFA.......................... Polk County, MO HMFA.............................. Springfield, MO HMFA.............................. St. Joseph, MO-KS MSA............................. **St. Louis, MO-IL HMFA........................... 369 304 302 347 333 513 370 356 353 410 412 559 464 469 464 524 512 694 660 567 676 747 645 905 682 756 775 853 764 967 Washington County, MO HMFA........................ 355 413 464 611 681 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Adair........................... Audrain......................... Barton.......................... Bollinger....................... Camden.......................... 334 384 302 339 423 388 386 380 381 429 512 464 464 500 527 672 586 562 639 768 743 744 617 740 789 Carroll......................... Cedar........................... Clark........................... Crawford........................ Daviess......................... 404 302 342 302 372 405 359 352 383 373 511 464 464 464 464 641 644 574 618 578 Douglas......................... Gasconade....................... Grundy.......................... Henry........................... Holt............................ 342 329 372 334 372 384 358 373 388 373 464 464 464 512 464 Iron............................ Knox............................ Lawrence........................ Linn............................ Macon........................... 339 342 385 342 375 381 352 386 352 376 Maries.......................... Mercer.......................... Mississippi..................... Montgomery...................... New Madrid...................... 348 372 325 304 330 Oregon.......................... Pemiscot........................ Pettis.......................... Pike............................ Putnam.......................... Randolph........................ Ripley.......................... Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Ray McDonald Moniteau Polk Christian, Greene, Webster Andrew, Buchanan, DeKalb Sullivan city part of Crawford, Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln, St. Charles, St. Louis, Warren, St. Louis city Washington NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Atchison........................ Barry........................... Benton.......................... Butler.......................... Cape Girardeau.................. 372 303 302 384 343 373 381 359 385 399 464 464 464 464 527 578 605 644 643 681 715 625 667 688 858 715 667 677 814 715 Carter.......................... Chariton........................ Cooper.......................... Dade............................ Dent............................ 385 404 369 356 348 386 405 388 375 378 464 511 505 493 464 645 641 674 631 612 693 715 784 681 778 614 581 578 614 578 711 739 715 633 715 Dunklin......................... Gentry.......................... Harrison........................ Hickory......................... Howell.......................... 360 372 372 302 319 391 373 373 359 367 464 464 464 464 464 593 578 578 644 575 662 715 715 667 814 500 464 464 464 464 639 574 632 574 555 740 677 728 677 597 Johnson......................... Laclede......................... Lewis........................... Livingston...................... Madison......................... 406 380 342 365 339 433 381 352 366 381 525 464 464 464 500 702 607 574 620 639 790 796 677 812 740 378 373 354 356 380 464 464 464 469 464 612 578 612 603 619 778 715 706 620 637 Marion.......................... Miller.......................... Monroe.......................... Morgan.......................... Nodaway......................... 305 387 304 391 410 355 388 356 392 411 468 464 469 471 511 609 619 603 640 611 626 645 620 745 713 342 303 404 301 342 384 354 405 352 352 464 464 525 464 464 614 583 655 607 574 711 600 784 664 677 Ozark........................... Perry........................... Phelps.......................... Pulaski......................... Ralls........................... 342 345 343 397 304 384 375 370 428 356 464 492 464 476 469 614 589 642 692 603 711 865 790 757 620 313 385 367 386 481 464 610 645 627 693 Reynolds........................ St. Clair....................... 385 302 386 359 464 464 645 644 693 667 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 29 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR MISSOURI continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Ste. Genevieve.................. Saline.......................... Scotland........................ Shannon......................... Stoddard........................ 339 306 342 342 360 381 359 352 384 374 500 472 464 464 464 639 612 574 614 632 740 718 677 711 684 St. Francois.................... Schuyler........................ Scott........................... Shelby.......................... Stone........................... 401 342 385 342 342 404 352 386 352 398 485 464 483 464 526 677 574 602 574 690 705 677 712 677 759 Sullivan........................ Texas........................... Wayne........................... Wright.......................... 342 366 385 340 352 386 386 356 464 464 464 464 574 639 645 586 677 736 693 603 Taney........................... Vernon.......................... Worth........................... 439 323 372 440 384 373 556 465 464 663 651 578 844 671 715 MONTANA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Billings, MT MSA.................................. Great Falls, MT MSA............................... Missoula, MT MSA.................................. 376 344 444 447 414 511 578 531 645 780 718 836 939 864 1000 Carbon, Yellowstone Cascade Missoula NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Beaverhead...................... Blaine.......................... Carter.......................... Custer.......................... Dawson.......................... 415 336 408 328 408 484 401 424 455 424 636 508 503 503 503 823 677 678 732 678 997 773 721 758 721 Fallon.......................... Flathead........................ Garfield........................ Golden Valley................... Hill............................ 408 375 408 408 327 424 461 424 424 403 503 579 503 503 503 678 819 678 678 725 Judith Basin.................... Lewis and Clark................. Lincoln......................... Madison......................... Mineral......................... 336 400 360 415 444 401 457 442 484 503 508 571 552 636 631 Park............................ Phillips........................ Powder River.................... Prairie......................... Richland........................ 395 408 408 408 408 461 424 424 424 424 Rosebud......................... Sheridan........................ Stillwater...................... Teton........................... Treasure........................ 374 408 408 336 408 388 424 424 401 424 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Big Horn........................ Broadwater...................... Chouteau........................ Daniels......................... Deer Lodge...................... 375 370 336 408 370 390 424 401 424 424 503 539 508 503 539 623 729 677 678 729 664 783 773 721 783 721 1004 721 721 770 Fergus.......................... Gallatin........................ Glacier......................... Granite......................... Jefferson....................... 367 424 336 370 370 382 505 401 424 424 503 657 508 539 539 609 877 677 729 729 649 1151 773 783 783 677 829 764 823 809 773 856 856 997 968 Lake............................ Liberty......................... McCone.......................... Meagher......................... Musselshell..................... 441 336 408 415 408 443 401 424 484 424 537 508 503 636 503 724 677 678 823 678 780 773 721 997 721 606 503 503 503 503 725 678 678 678 678 958 721 721 721 721 Petroleum....................... Pondera......................... Powell.......................... Ravalli......................... Roosevelt....................... 408 336 370 422 408 424 401 424 460 424 503 508 539 590 503 678 677 729 773 678 721 773 783 915 721 503 503 503 508 503 621 678 678 677 678 661 721 721 773 721 Sanders......................... Silver Bow...................... Sweet Grass..................... Toole........................... Valley.......................... 360 364 408 336 408 442 392 424 401 424 552 504 503 508 503 764 659 678 677 678 856 721 721 773 721 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 30 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 408 424 503 678 721 MONTANA continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Wheatland....................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 408 424 503 678 721 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Wibaux.......................... NEBRASKA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Lincoln, NE HMFA.................................. Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA HMFA.................. Saunders County, NE HMFA.......................... Seward County, NE HMFA............................ Sioux City, IA-NE-SD MSA.......................... 417 467 481 325 387 468 531 483 402 455 596 662 580 502 597 836 884 846 667 752 1013 909 871 846 774 Lancaster Cass, Douglas, Sarpy, Washington Saunders Seward Dakota, Dixon NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Adams........................... Arthur.......................... Blaine.......................... Box Butte....................... Brown........................... 348 379 418 375 375 407 438 419 381 381 535 502 503 502 502 677 663 622 657 652 697 683 725 781 781 Burt............................ Cedar........................... Cherry.......................... Clay............................ Cuming.......................... 417 417 375 352 417 418 418 381 412 418 502 502 502 542 502 629 629 652 693 629 Dawes........................... Deuel........................... Dundy........................... Franklin........................ Furnas.......................... 325 375 379 352 379 383 381 438 412 438 502 502 502 542 502 Garden.......................... Gosper.......................... Greeley......................... Hamilton........................ Hayes........................... 375 379 418 418 379 381 438 419 419 438 Holt............................ Howard.......................... Johnson......................... Keith........................... Kimball......................... 375 418 417 379 375 Lincoln......................... Loup............................ Madison......................... Morrill......................... Nemaha.......................... 366 418 370 375 417 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Antelope........................ Banner.......................... Boone........................... Boyd............................ Buffalo......................... 417 375 417 375 378 418 381 418 381 442 502 502 502 502 582 629 652 629 652 792 650 781 650 781 920 650 650 781 805 650 Butler.......................... Chase........................... Cheyenne........................ Colfax.......................... Custer.......................... 417 379 375 417 418 418 438 381 418 419 502 502 502 502 503 637 663 652 629 622 667 683 781 650 725 601 652 663 693 663 747 781 683 805 683 Dawson.......................... Dodge........................... Fillmore........................ Frontier........................ Gage............................ 432 397 417 379 417 469 465 418 438 418 522 611 502 502 502 635 730 637 663 612 655 891 667 683 631 502 502 503 503 502 652 663 622 622 663 781 683 725 725 683 Garfield........................ Grant........................... Hall............................ Harlan.......................... Hitchcock....................... 418 379 423 352 379 419 438 424 412 438 503 502 531 542 502 622 663 664 693 663 725 683 859 805 683 381 419 418 438 381 502 503 502 502 502 652 622 637 663 652 781 725 667 683 781 Hooker.......................... Jefferson....................... Kearney......................... Keya Paha....................... Knox............................ 379 417 352 375 417 438 418 412 381 418 502 502 542 502 502 663 637 693 652 629 683 667 805 781 650 412 419 390 381 418 524 503 513 502 502 642 622 699 652 637 809 725 721 781 667 Logan........................... McPherson....................... Merrick......................... Nance........................... Nuckolls........................ 379 379 418 417 352 438 438 419 418 412 502 502 503 502 542 663 663 622 629 693 683 683 725 650 805 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 31 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NEBRASKA continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Otoe............................ Perkins......................... Pierce.......................... Polk............................ Richardson...................... 417 379 417 417 417 419 438 418 418 418 502 502 502 502 502 622 663 629 637 637 652 683 650 667 667 Pawnee.......................... Phelps.......................... Platte.......................... Red Willow...................... Rock............................ 417 352 418 347 375 418 412 419 452 381 502 542 502 502 502 637 693 732 730 652 667 805 754 753 781 Saline.......................... Sheridan........................ Sioux........................... Thayer.......................... Thurston........................ 442 375 375 417 417 466 381 381 418 418 533 502 502 502 502 651 652 652 637 629 673 781 781 667 650 Scotts Bluff.................... Sherman......................... Stanton......................... Thomas.......................... Valley.......................... 417 418 417 379 418 418 419 418 438 419 502 503 502 502 503 640 622 629 663 622 844 725 650 683 725 Wayne........................... Wheeler......................... 417 418 418 419 502 503 629 622 650 725 Webster......................... York............................ 352 354 412 418 542 547 693 664 805 798 NEVADA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Carson City, NV MSA............................... *Las Vegas-Paradise, NV MSA....................... Reno-Sparks, NV MSA............................... 528 622 596 637 728 712 767 861 880 1118 1195 1279 1348 1453 1545 Carson Clark Storey, Washoe NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Churchill....................... Elko............................ Eureka.......................... Lander.......................... Lyon............................ 570 514 447 447 472 572 559 517 517 530 718 725 659 659 698 908 903 875 875 1017 1067 1163 968 968 1048 Douglas......................... Esmeralda....................... Humboldt........................ Lincoln......................... Mineral......................... 597 447 450 447 447 734 517 528 517 517 892 659 693 659 659 1242 875 830 875 875 1376 968 854 968 968 **Nye........................... White Pine...................... 432 447 597 517 664 659 967 875 997 968 Pershing........................ 447 517 659 875 968 NEW HAMPSHIRE METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Components of FMR AREA within STATE Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH HMFA............... 1063 Hillsborough County, NH (part) HMFA............... 602 1128 611 1324 802 1584 1169 1740 1408 Rockingham County towns of Seabrook town, South Hampton town Hillsborough County towns of Antrim town, Bennington town, Deering town, Francestown town, Greenfield town, Hancock town, Hillsborough town, Lyndeborough town, New Boston town, Peterborough town, Sharon town, Temple town, Windsor town Rockingham County towns of Atkinson town, Chester town, Danville town, Derry town, Fremont town, Hampstead town, Kingston town, Newton town, Plaistow town, Raymond town, Salem town, Sandown town, Windham town Hillsborough County towns of Bedford town, Goffstown town, Manchester city, Weare town Lawrence, MA-NH HMFA.............................. 677 862 1042 1244 1283 Manchester, NH HMFA............................... 689 822 1013 1211 1383 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 32 NEW HAMPSHIRE continued METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Components of FMR AREA within STATE Nashua, NH HMFA................................... 734 863 1079 1443 1544 Portsmouth-Rochester, NH HMFA..................... 650 768 957 1263 1425 Western Rockingham County, NH HMFA................ 823 824 992 1311 1352 Hillsborough County towns of Amherst town, Brookline town, Greenville town, Hollis town, Hudson town, Litchfield town, Mason town, Merrimack town, Milford town, Mont Vernon town, Nashua city, New Ipswich town, Pelham town, Wilton town Rockingham County towns of Brentwood town, East Kingston town, Epping town, Exeter town, Greenland town, Hampton town, Hampton Falls town, Kensington town, New Castle town, Newfields town, Newington town, Newmarket town, North Hampton town, Portsmouth city, Rye town, Stratham town Strafford County towns of Barrington town, Dover city, Durham town, Farmington town, Lee town, Madbury town, Middleton town, Milton town, New Durham town, Rochester city, Rollinsford town, Somersworth city, Strafford town Rockingham County towns of Auburn town, Candia town, Deerfield town, Londonderry town, Northwood town, Nottingham town 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Towns within nonmetropolitan counties Belknap County, NH................................ 475 584 729 962 1237 Carroll County, NH................................ 526 556 733 997 1224 Cheshire County, NH............................... 583 622 780 941 1145 Coos County, NH................................... 342 447 525 737 827 Alton town, Barnstead town, Belmont town, Center Harbor town, Gilford town, Gilmanton town, Laconia city, Meredith town, New Hampton town, Sanbornton town, Tilton town Albany town, Bartlett town, Brookfield town, Chatham town, Conway town, Eaton town, Effingham town, Freedom town, Hale's location, Hart's Location town, Jackson town, Madison town, Moultonborough town, Ossipee town, Sandwich town, Tamworth town, Tuftonboro town, Wakefield town, Wolfeboro town Alstead town, Chesterfield town, Dublin town, Fitzwilliam town, Gilsum town, Harrisville town, Hinsdale town, Jaffrey town, Keene city, Marlborough town, Marlow town, Nelson town, Richmond town, Rindge town, Roxbury town, Stoddard town, Sullivan town, Surry town, Swanzey town, Troy town, Walpole town, Westmoreland town, Winchester town Atkinson and Gilmanton Academy grant, Beans grant, Beans purchase, Berlin city, Cambridge township, Carroll town, Chandlers purchase, Clarksville town, Colebrook town, Columbia town, Crawfords purchase, Cutts grant, Dalton town, Dixs grant, Dixville township, Dummer town, Errol town, Ervings location, Gorham town, Greens grant, Hadleys purchase, Jefferson town, Kilkenny township, Lancaster town, Low and Burbanks grant, Martins location, Milan town, Millsfield township, Northumberland town, Odell township, Pinkhams grant, Pittsburg town, Randolph town, Sargents purchase, Second College grant, Shelburne town, Stark town, Stewartstown town, Stratford town, Success township, NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 33 NEW HAMPSHIRE continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Towns within nonmetropolitan counties Thompson and Meserves purchase, Wentworth location, Whitefield town Alexandria town, Ashland town, Bath town, Benton town, Bethlehem town, Bridgewater town, Bristol town, Campton town, Canaan town, Dorchester town, Easton town, Ellsworth town, Enfield town, Franconia town, Grafton town, Groton town, Hanover town, Haverhill town, Hebron town, Holderness town, Landaff town, Lebanon city, Lincoln town, Lisbon town, Littleton town, Livermore town, Lyman town, Lyme town, Monroe town, Orange town, Orford town, Piermont town, Plymouth town, Rumney town, Sugar Hill town, Thornton town, Warren town, Waterville Valley town, Wentworth town, Woodstock town Allenstown town, Andover town, Boscawen town, Bow town, Bradford town, Canterbury town, Chichester town, Concord city, Danbury town, Dunbarton town, Epsom town, Franklin city, Henniker town, Hill town, Hooksett town, Hopkinton town, Loudon town, Newbury town, New London town, Northfield town, Pembroke town, Pittsfield town, Salisbury town, Sutton town, Warner town, Webster town, Wilmot town Acworth town, Charlestown town, Claremont city, Cornish town, Croydon town, Goshen town, Grantham town, Langdon town, Lempster town, Newport town, Plainfield town, Springfield town, Sunapee town, Unity town, Washington town Grafton County, NH................................ 517 569 721 970 1022 Merrimack County, NH.............................. 528 624 815 1007 1290 Sullivan County, NH............................... 440 533 679 920 994 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE 704 946 884 973 940 767 623 694 739 674 844 775 1035 934 1009 1003 937 636 792 850 676 886 925 1183 1090 1187 1133 1070 800 947 1022 852 1070 1173 1492 1321 1490 1406 1300 1048 1158 1221 1035 1323 1315 1806 1422 1757 1556 1495 1079 1397 1371 1091 1362 Atlantic Bergen, Passaic Hudson Hunterdon, Middlesex, Somerset Monmouth, Ocean Essex, Morris, Sussex, Union Cape May Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Salem Mercer Cumberland Warren 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE 485 433 418 571 458 451 721 552 503 1050 730 694 1259 823 771 Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia San Juan Dona Ana NEW JERSEY METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS Atlantic City, NJ MSA............................. **Bergen-Passaic, NJ HMFA......................... Jersey City, NJ HMFA.............................. Middlesex-Somerset-Hunterdon, NJ HMFA............. New York-Monmouth-Ocean, NY-NJ HMFA............... **Newark, NJ HMFA................................. Ocean City, NJ MSA................................ **Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD MSA. Trenton-Ewing, NJ MSA............................. Vineland-Millville-Bridgeton, NJ MSA.............. **Warren County, NJ HMFA.......................... NEW MEXICO METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS *Albuquerque, NM MSA.............................. Farmington, NM MSA................................ Las Cruces, NM MSA................................ Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 34 NEW MEXICO continued METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Santa Fe, NM MSA.................................. 559 693 843 1103 1319 Santa Fe NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Catron.......................... Cibola.......................... Curry........................... Eddy............................ Guadalupe....................... 338 380 379 304 445 381 409 393 388 451 456 456 456 456 537 664 663 617 612 674 684 720 803 743 703 Hidalgo......................... Lincoln......................... Luna............................ Mora............................ Quay............................ 338 354 378 445 379 381 446 411 451 390 456 543 456 537 456 664 684 581 674 615 Roosevelt....................... Sierra.......................... Taos............................ 378 295 540 388 368 587 456 456 650 632 666 778 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Chaves.......................... Colfax.......................... De Baca......................... Grant........................... Harding......................... 363 404 379 364 379 365 431 390 422 390 466 485 456 480 456 610 612 615 676 615 628 637 749 696 749 684 954 698 703 749 Lea............................. Los Alamos...................... McKinley........................ Otero........................... Rio Arriba...................... 378 568 360 348 406 411 661 423 412 414 456 868 556 456 489 600 1042 664 667 633 632 1073 861 803 702 782 802 802 San Miguel...................... Socorro......................... Union........................... 381 379 379 411 380 390 506 456 456 672 546 615 781 774 749 NEW YORK METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY MSA................... Binghamton, NY MSA................................ **Buffalo-Niagara Falls, NY MSA................... Elmira, NY MSA.................................... Glens Falls, NY MSA............................... Ithaca, NY MSA.................................... Kingston, NY MSA.................................. Nassau-Suffolk, NY HMFA........................... New York-Monmouth-Ocean, NY-NJ HMFA............... Poughkeepsie-Newburgh-Middletown, NY MSA.......... Rochester, NY MSA................................. Syracuse, NY MSA.................................. Utica-Rome, NY MSA................................ Westchester County, NY HMFA....................... 565 454 519 498 474 610 590 938 940 694 485 485 470 949 586 456 523 499 501 628 640 1084 1003 815 537 486 471 1132 715 546 625 599 630 735 766 1280 1133 998 656 586 567 1316 856 713 778 770 795 889 971 1699 1406 1224 788 750 695 1587 935 836 867 802 895 922 1206 1851 1556 1303 834 812 789 1957 Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie Broome, Tioga Erie, Niagara Chemung Warren, Washington Tompkins Ulster Nassau, Suffolk Bronx, Kings, New York, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Rockland Dutchess, Orange Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Wayne Madison, Onondaga, Oswego Herkimer, Oneida Westchester NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Allegany........................ Cayuga.......................... Chenango........................ Columbia........................ Delaware........................ 440 471 449 554 454 443 472 453 566 456 530 566 542 667 547 660 753 683 806 676 811 874 952 859 890 Franklin........................ Genesee......................... Hamilton........................ 438 515 482 439 516 483 524 620 580 673 769 723 745 870 838 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Cattaraugus..................... Chautauqua...................... Clinton......................... Cortland........................ Essex........................... 446 444 507 484 477 447 446 509 485 478 538 535 610 592 574 707 690 775 752 763 811 754 1007 924 830 Fulton.......................... Greene.......................... Jefferson....................... 375 479 500 457 517 501 578 630 602 692 819 776 735 892 815 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 35 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 438 445 513 488 472 470 446 514 541 478 528 537 616 694 568 668 680 811 831 736 723 743 1026 973 758 NEW YORK continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Lewis........................... Otsego.......................... Schuyler........................ Steuben......................... Wyoming......................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 444 471 484 474 461 446 483 486 475 474 535 567 583 571 556 669 754 777 733 810 747 784 803 809 883 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Montgomery...................... St. Lawrence.................... Seneca.......................... Sullivan........................ Yates........................... NORTH CAROLINA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Anson County, NC HMFA............................. Asheville, NC HMFA................................ Burlington, NC MSA................................ Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord, NC-SC HMFA............ Durham, NC HMFA................................... Fayetteville, NC HMFA............................. Goldsboro, NC MSA................................. Greene County, NC HMFA............................ Greensboro-High Point, NC HMFA.................... Greenville, NC HMFA............................... Haywood County, NC HMFA........................... Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton, NC MSA.................. Hoke County, NC HMFA.............................. Jacksonville, NC MSA.............................. Pender County, NC HMFA............................ Person County, NC HMFA............................ Raleigh-Cary, NC MSA.............................. Rockingham County, NC HMFA........................ Rocky Mount, NC MSA............................... *Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC MSA... Wilmington, NC HMFA............................... Winston-Salem, NC MSA............................. 418 447 558 565 492 487 377 418 533 436 425 440 451 445 445 438 655 409 376 672 512 466 450 522 577 613 673 526 447 419 608 452 426 462 490 476 448 439 734 433 454 706 566 531 503 596 673 680 755 588 523 503 678 557 531 531 543 535 538 530 817 513 578 811 683 615 707 799 914 857 987 835 655 711 859 772 688 681 743 751 707 633 1027 637 718 1118 957 838 746 1047 942 997 1064 988 875 734 919 797 890 793 906 882 727 726 1064 657 739 1401 984 985 Anson Buncombe, Henderson, Madison Alamance Cabarrus, Gaston, Mecklenburg, Union Chatham, Durham, Orange Cumberland Wayne Greene Guilford, Randolph Pitt Haywood Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba Hoke Onslow Pender Person Franklin, Johnston, Wake Rockingham Edgecombe, Nash Currituck Brunswick, New Hanover Davie, Forsyth, Stokes, Yadkin NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Alleghany....................... Avery........................... Bertie.......................... Camden.......................... Caswell......................... 374 385 345 371 420 439 475 437 483 421 503 562 503 570 515 660 672 602 770 629 680 794 621 789 657 Chowan.......................... Cleveland....................... Craven.......................... Davidson........................ Gates........................... 371 494 418 450 371 483 495 476 451 483 570 595 546 543 570 770 784 736 708 770 Granville....................... Harnett......................... 462 427 463 465 557 515 695 695 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Ashe............................ Beaufort........................ Bladen.......................... Carteret........................ Cherokee........................ 416 327 327 460 327 418 427 397 460 424 503 503 503 553 503 665 606 733 805 731 786 623 792 970 881 789 880 919 809 789 Clay............................ Columbus........................ Dare............................ Duplin.......................... Graham.......................... 417 352 567 417 417 420 453 568 452 420 503 503 697 503 503 660 603 921 636 660 769 620 948 656 769 827 904 Halifax......................... Hertford........................ 327 327 454 451 503 503 640 660 734 679 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 36 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NORTH CAROLINA continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Hyde............................ Jackson......................... Lee............................. Lincoln......................... Macon........................... 371 457 367 357 380 483 473 502 494 413 570 563 567 549 532 770 739 697 663 646 789 763 995 682 933 Iredell......................... Jones........................... Lenoir.......................... McDowell........................ Martin.......................... 503 421 381 361 418 507 455 383 431 443 607 544 503 557 503 804 753 601 688 651 1050 957 863 707 670 Mitchell........................ Moore........................... Pamlico......................... Perquimans...................... Richmond........................ 385 460 337 371 362 475 461 428 483 453 562 580 503 570 503 672 834 633 770 632 794 1017 651 789 652 Montgomery...................... Northampton..................... Pasquotank...................... Polk............................ Robeson......................... 417 328 367 466 359 453 443 473 467 434 503 503 563 573 503 627 640 817 716 604 883 658 842 739 672 Rowan........................... Sampson......................... Stanly.......................... Swain........................... Tyrrell......................... 493 418 390 417 371 533 427 421 420 483 592 503 515 503 570 845 699 701 660 770 902 885 763 769 789 Rutherford...................... Scotland........................ Surry........................... Transylvania.................... Vance........................... 456 415 376 329 417 458 416 452 458 418 560 527 503 507 503 670 640 672 640 603 690 798 691 675 621 Warren.......................... Watauga......................... Wilson.......................... 423 416 472 425 508 473 509 639 574 622 777 687 640 1003 728 Washington...................... Wilkes.......................... Yancey.......................... 349 368 416 470 422 418 536 503 503 643 645 601 660 672 619 NORTH DAKOTA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Bismarck, ND MSA.................................. Fargo, ND-MN MSA.................................. Grand Forks, ND-MN MSA............................ 399 373 363 418 443 456 520 563 559 753 812 708 774 939 963 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Adams........................... Benson.......................... Bottineau....................... Burke........................... Dickey.......................... 333 389 363 363 389 387 390 399 399 390 475 475 496 496 475 629 655 698 698 655 657 826 761 761 826 Dunn............................ Emmons.......................... Golden Valley................... Griggs.......................... Kidder.......................... 333 363 333 389 363 387 399 387 390 399 475 496 475 475 496 629 698 629 655 698 Logan........................... McIntosh........................ McLean.......................... Mountrail....................... Oliver.......................... 363 363 363 363 333 399 399 399 399 387 496 496 496 496 475 698 698 698 698 629 Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Burleigh, Morton Cass Grand Forks NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Barnes.......................... Billings........................ Bowman.......................... Cavalier........................ Divide.......................... 394 333 333 389 333 396 387 387 390 387 475 475 475 475 475 665 629 629 655 629 835 657 657 826 657 657 761 657 826 761 Eddy............................ Foster.......................... Grant........................... Hettinger....................... LaMoure......................... 389 389 333 333 389 390 390 387 387 390 475 475 475 475 475 655 655 629 629 655 826 826 657 657 826 761 761 761 761 657 McHenry......................... McKenzie........................ Mercer.......................... Nelson.......................... Pembina......................... 363 333 333 370 370 399 387 387 459 459 496 475 475 548 548 698 629 629 741 741 761 657 657 823 823 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 37 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NORTH DAKOTA continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Pierce.......................... Ransom.......................... Richland........................ Sargent......................... Sioux........................... 363 389 323 389 333 399 390 389 390 387 496 475 492 475 475 698 655 639 655 629 761 826 758 826 657 Ramsey.......................... Renville........................ Rolette......................... Sheridan........................ Slope........................... 353 363 363 363 333 363 399 399 399 387 477 496 496 496 475 594 698 698 698 629 752 761 761 761 657 Stark........................... Stutsman........................ Traill.......................... Ward............................ Williams........................ 338 395 370 311 309 410 397 459 386 377 475 475 548 475 475 691 658 741 656 626 835 835 823 779 663 Steele.......................... Towner.......................... Walsh........................... Wells........................... 370 389 370 389 459 390 459 390 548 475 548 475 741 655 741 655 823 826 823 826 OHIO METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Akron, OH MSA..................................... Brown County, OH HMFA............................. Canton-Massillon, OH MSA.......................... Cincinnati-Middleton, OH-KY-IN HMFA............... **Cleveland-Elyria-Mentor, OH MSA................. Columbus, OH HMFA................................. 468 385 408 427 524 445 547 404 452 506 598 517 700 533 571 655 728 655 890 688 721 877 954 823 918 829 764 910 1025 895 Dayton, OH HMFA................................... Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH MSA.................. Lima, OH MSA...................................... Mansfield, OH MSA................................. Parkersburg-Marietta, WV-OH MSA................... Preble County, OH HMFA............................ Sandusky, OH MSA.................................. Springfield, OH MSA............................... Toledo, OH MSA.................................... Weirton-Steubenville, WV-OH MSA................... Wheeling, WV-OH MSA............................... Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA MSA............. 437 354 417 343 367 454 377 419 425 333 327 398 499 419 422 419 393 468 454 466 473 408 394 446 615 503 522 528 503 568 580 561 585 503 503 541 828 620 644 685 668 736 757 725 755 628 632 681 988 641 661 713 721 762 796 932 823 682 738 734 Portage, Summit Brown Carroll, Stark Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, Warren Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Licking, Madison, Morrow, Pickaway, Union Greene, Miami, Montgomery Lawrence Allen Richland Washington Preble Erie Clark Fulton, Lucas, Ottawa, Wood Jefferson Belmont Mahoning, Trumbull NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Adams........................... **Ashtabula..................... Auglaize........................ Clinton......................... Coshocton....................... 409 406 373 396 350 425 479 401 489 422 503 618 525 542 503 666 806 683 790 650 704 888 701 927 742 Darke........................... Fayette......................... Guernsey........................ Hardin.......................... Henry........................... 326 409 354 417 348 417 471 437 454 427 503 575 503 503 517 669 692 664 630 665 689 923 683 826 686 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Ashland......................... Athens.......................... Champaign....................... Columbiana...................... Crawford........................ 361 424 356 407 415 430 461 435 429 422 557 511 548 518 503 719 657 676 641 648 739 684 727 779 709 Defiance........................ Gallia.......................... Hancock......................... Harrison........................ Highland........................ 385 342 382 336 423 441 454 446 400 424 535 503 579 503 510 675 640 787 644 687 822 840 836 662 709 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 38 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR OHIO continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Hocking......................... Huron........................... Knox............................ Marion.......................... Mercer.......................... 326 375 451 369 328 454 454 454 465 426 503 555 545 568 503 718 770 698 720 678 738 847 800 876 698 Holmes.......................... Jackson......................... Logan........................... Meigs........................... Monroe.......................... 418 431 464 418 418 419 433 469 453 419 503 519 558 503 503 663 622 702 689 618 704 641 725 710 691 Morgan.......................... Noble........................... Perry........................... Putnam.......................... Sandusky........................ 418 418 423 357 454 419 419 424 395 464 503 503 510 521 546 618 618 638 647 679 691 691 656 674 741 Muskingum....................... Paulding........................ Pike............................ Ross............................ Scioto.......................... 407 370 332 383 402 418 404 427 434 421 503 503 511 507 503 644 656 612 627 660 812 677 637 719 790 Seneca.......................... Tuscarawas...................... Vinton.......................... Williams........................ 377 342 367 423 396 399 453 429 511 527 503 532 642 667 689 704 661 687 857 778 Shelby.......................... Van Wert........................ Wayne........................... Wyandot......................... 425 327 380 418 434 391 473 419 565 503 582 503 705 612 695 690 781 632 761 710 OKLAHOMA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Fort Smith, AR-OK HMFA............................ Grady County, OK HMFA............................. Lawton, OK MSA.................................... Le Flore County, OK HMFA.......................... Lincoln County, OK HMFA........................... **Oklahoma City, OK HMFA.......................... Okmulgee County, OK HMFA.......................... Pawnee County, OK HMFA............................ **Tulsa, OK HMFA.................................. 335 325 366 305 373 432 304 381 481 381 363 394 355 374 468 342 392 520 474 451 496 451 451 571 451 456 648 631 610 725 558 594 786 612 591 866 688 701 871 683 613 891 650 608 946 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Adair........................... Atoka........................... Beckham......................... Bryan........................... Carter.......................... 376 327 375 366 399 377 366 406 368 425 451 451 451 451 481 538 586 590 583 598 554 684 791 695 641 Choctaw......................... Coal............................ Craig........................... Delaware........................ Ellis........................... 373 327 305 324 376 404 366 356 364 388 451 451 468 451 451 640 586 561 606 612 Garvin.......................... Greer........................... Harper.......................... Hughes.......................... Jefferson....................... 292 350 376 364 342 341 363 388 415 370 451 451 451 495 467 593 606 612 631 676 Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Sequoyah Grady Comanche Le Flore Lincoln Canadian, Cleveland, Logan, McClain, Oklahoma Okmulgee Pawnee Creek, Osage, Rogers, Tulsa, Wagoner NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Alfalfa......................... Beaver.......................... Blaine.......................... Caddo........................... Cherokee........................ 376 376 376 310 365 388 388 388 343 392 451 451 451 451 454 612 612 612 540 570 631 631 631 675 656 658 684 823 625 631 Cimarron........................ Cotton.......................... Custer.......................... Dewey........................... Garfield........................ 376 342 348 376 371 388 370 349 388 391 451 467 451 451 470 612 676 645 612 651 631 791 664 631 670 723 635 631 648 791 Grant........................... Harmon.......................... Haskell......................... Jackson......................... Johnston........................ 376 350 293 310 327 388 363 352 403 366 451 451 451 452 451 612 606 568 634 586 631 635 622 654 684 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 39 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR OKLAHOMA continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Kay............................. Kiowa........................... Love............................ McIntosh........................ Marshall........................ 306 350 327 334 327 378 363 366 378 366 470 451 451 452 451 649 606 586 565 586 671 635 684 641 684 Kingfisher...................... Latimer......................... McCurtain....................... Major........................... Mayes........................... 376 293 293 376 293 388 352 341 388 406 451 451 451 451 451 634 568 585 612 565 652 622 604 631 645 Murray.......................... Noble........................... Okfuskee........................ Payne........................... Pontotoc........................ 376 330 364 402 317 377 384 415 460 354 451 462 495 564 451 606 642 631 799 615 776 662 648 822 634 Muskogee........................ Nowata.......................... Ottawa.......................... Pittsburg....................... **Pottawatomie.................. 342 344 377 307 414 402 364 377 359 468 477 451 451 473 521 603 601 615 596 697 666 679 634 726 749 Pushmataha...................... Seminole........................ Texas........................... Washington...................... Woods........................... 293 293 350 373 335 352 361 420 374 358 451 451 473 455 451 568 542 598 637 656 622 558 716 701 676 Roger Mills..................... Stephens........................ Tillman......................... Washita......................... Woodward........................ 350 295 342 350 313 363 342 370 363 366 451 451 467 451 451 606 616 676 606 562 635 635 791 635 580 OREGON METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Bend, OR MSA...................................... Corvallis, OR MSA................................. Eugene-Springfield, OR MSA........................ Medford, OR MSA................................... Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton, OR-WA MSA........... Salem, OR MSA..................................... 488 461 462 455 539 468 567 560 561 540 625 520 676 697 710 679 723 622 985 1013 993 988 1053 904 1015 1165 1105 1017 1265 1090 Deschutes Benton Lane Jackson Clackamas, Columbia, Multnomah, Washington, Yamhill Marion, Polk NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Baker........................... Coos............................ Curry........................... Gilliam......................... Harney.......................... 357 389 439 412 369 415 471 505 483 429 548 597 596 583 540 797 792 871 790 746 821 912 1051 924 794 Clatsop......................... Crook........................... Douglas......................... Grant........................... Hood River...................... 405 384 380 412 415 503 494 453 483 514 622 591 584 583 640 900 800 792 790 911 928 936 980 924 940 Jefferson....................... Klamath......................... Lincoln......................... Malheur......................... Sherman......................... 460 367 460 390 412 490 431 525 445 483 555 549 670 542 583 807 768 929 784 790 909 853 1049 806 924 Josephine....................... Lake............................ Linn............................ Morrow.......................... Tillamook....................... 445 369 439 412 424 510 429 532 483 506 617 540 663 583 651 877 746 914 790 910 974 794 1132 924 937 Umatilla........................ Wallowa......................... Wheeler......................... 384 364 412 438 424 483 560 559 583 786 800 790 877 860 924 Union........................... Wasco........................... 367 424 427 475 563 592 821 841 845 1041 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 40 PENNSYLVANIA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA HMFA............... Altoona, PA MSA................................... Armstrong County, PA HMFA......................... Erie, PA MSA...................................... Harrisburg-Carlisle, PA MSA....................... Johnstown, PA MSA................................. Lancaster, PA MSA................................. Lebanon, PA MSA................................... **Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD MSA. Pike County, PA HMFA.............................. Pittsburgh, PA HMFA............................... Reading, PA MSA................................... Scranton--Wilkes-Barre, PA MSA.................... State College, PA MSA............................. Williamsport, PA MSA.............................. York-Hanover, PA MSA.............................. Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA MSA............. 523 391 421 388 482 393 458 376 694 706 548 465 415 538 380 438 398 636 428 457 438 550 400 544 449 792 734 601 519 495 599 437 503 446 753 518 506 565 693 491 670 578 947 850 719 640 594 706 526 638 541 974 679 648 676 875 618 850 784 1158 1151 894 856 753 844 691 771 681 1031 700 850 768 906 708 893 809 1397 1409 965 883 795 870 710 799 734 Carbon, Lehigh, Northampton Blair Armstrong Erie Cumberland, Dauphin, Perry Cambria Lancaster Lebanon Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Philadelphia Pike Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Washington, Westmoreland Berks Lackawanna, Luzerne, Wyoming Centre Lycoming York Mercer NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Adams........................... Bradford........................ Clarion......................... Clinton......................... Crawford........................ 461 320 408 443 391 504 428 443 444 434 603 491 491 535 491 812 614 627 640 652 900 752 655 658 744 Forest.......................... Fulton.......................... Huntingdon...................... Jefferson....................... Lawrence........................ 409 327 319 334 356 435 417 395 413 465 491 491 491 491 547 636 605 634 650 654 Mifflin......................... Montour......................... Potter.......................... Snyder.......................... Sullivan........................ 346 439 408 342 324 400 504 443 449 434 491 580 491 528 498 Tioga........................... Venango......................... Wayne........................... 421 377 478 462 412 480 514 491 603 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Bedford......................... Cameron......................... Clearfield...................... Columbia........................ Elk............................. 374 410 374 430 409 425 425 413 472 427 491 492 491 575 491 587 652 704 735 636 779 702 830 872 769 655 708 653 670 768 Franklin........................ Greene.......................... Indiana......................... Juniata......................... McKean.......................... 381 408 436 378 412 433 434 454 410 433 547 491 525 493 494 720 587 627 670 662 882 604 686 691 712 637 694 651 661 624 798 716 669 713 743 Monroe.......................... Northumberland.................. Schuylkill...................... Somerset........................ Susquehanna..................... 504 337 327 408 397 621 440 427 408 433 776 491 491 491 507 991 608 613 603 609 1109 630 674 638 672 675 620 753 722 704 849 Union........................... Warren.......................... 471 319 491 410 567 491 745 637 802 675 RHODE ISLAND METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Components of FMR AREA within STATE Newport-Middleton-Portsmouth, RI HMFA............. 623 760 939 1275 1648 *Providence-Fall River, RI-MA HMFA................ 757 827 965 1155 1472 Newport County towns of Middletown town, Newport city, Portsmouth town Bristol County towns of Barrington town, Bristol town, Warren town Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 41 RHODE ISLAND continued METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR Westerly-Hopkinton-New Shoreham, RI HMFA.......... 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Components of FMR AREA within STATE Kent County towns of Coventry town, East Greenwich town, Warwick city, West Greenwich town, West Warwick town Newport County towns of Jamestown town, Little Compton town, Tiverton town Providence County towns of Burrillville town, Central Falls city, Cranston city, Cumberland town, East Providence city, Foster town, Glocester town, Johnston town, Lincoln town, North Providence town, North Smithfield town, Pawtucket city, Providence city, Scituate town, Smithfield town, Woonsocket city Washington County towns of Charlestown town, Exeter town, Narragansett town, North Kingstown town, Richmond town, South Kingstown town Washington County towns of Hopkinton town, New Shoreham town, Westerly town 517 650 760 908 1186 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Anderson, SC MSA.................................. Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC MSA................ Charleston-North Charleston, SC MSA............... Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord, NC-SC HMFA............ Columbia, SC HMFA................................. Darlington County, SC HMFA........................ Florence, SC HMFA................................. Greenville, SC HMFA............................... Kershaw County, SC HMFA........................... Laurens County, SC HMFA........................... Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach, SC MSA.... Spartanburg, SC MSA............................... Sumter, SC MSA.................................... 360 461 529 565 521 312 372 496 323 425 533 462 414 467 500 586 613 567 400 418 539 407 461 586 478 450 531 562 663 680 632 481 484 599 500 511 684 558 498 672 753 864 857 781 578 581 791 629 646 817 702 640 691 791 1006 997 805 622 729 813 730 754 990 723 677 Anderson Aiken, Edgefield Berkeley, Charleston, Dorchester York Calhoun, Fairfield, Lexington, Richland, Saluda Darlington Florence Greenville, Pickens Kershaw Laurens Horry Spartanburg Sumter NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES SOUTH CAROLINA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Abbeville....................... Bamberg......................... Beaufort........................ Chester......................... Clarendon....................... 312 399 567 413 419 433 401 682 414 420 481 481 772 496 504 584 642 941 593 604 601 660 1000 630 688 Allendale....................... Barnwell........................ Cherokee........................ Chesterfield.................... Colleton........................ 400 398 393 340 312 433 419 394 424 389 481 481 481 481 481 597 579 576 575 680 772 749 611 844 698 Dillon.......................... Greenwood....................... Jasper.......................... Lee............................. Marion.......................... 399 423 442 329 397 406 442 480 403 398 481 508 534 481 481 601 737 637 592 584 660 760 723 741 600 Georgetown...................... Hampton......................... Lancaster....................... McCormick....................... Marlboro........................ 471 400 326 404 399 472 407 411 423 400 569 481 481 486 481 737 593 661 672 607 890 673 728 694 719 Newberry........................ Orangeburg...................... 398 400 433 433 481 481 611 597 753 740 Oconee.......................... Union........................... 315 400 369 401 484 481 600 664 852 746 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 42 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR SOUTH CAROLINA continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Williamsburg.................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 419 420 504 604 688 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR SOUTH DAKOTA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS Meade Rapid Sioux Sioux County, SD HMFA............................. City, SD HMFA............................... City, IA-NE-SD MSA.......................... Falls, SD MSA............................... NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE 321 454 387 463 383 530 455 486 496 667 597 621 721 883 752 811 805 908 774 897 Meade Pennington Union Lincoln, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Aurora.......................... Bennett......................... Brookings....................... Brule........................... Butte........................... 316 365 316 316 365 368 379 396 368 379 484 484 487 484 484 620 648 687 620 648 662 720 856 662 720 Charles Mix..................... Clay............................ Corson.......................... Davison......................... Deuel........................... 316 370 365 336 324 368 393 379 394 377 484 517 484 517 484 620 713 648 663 654 Douglas......................... Fall River...................... Grant........................... Haakon.......................... Hand............................ 316 359 324 365 352 368 374 377 379 368 484 492 484 484 484 Harding......................... Hutchinson...................... Jackson......................... Jones........................... Lake............................ 365 316 365 365 324 379 368 379 379 377 Lyman........................... Marshall........................ Miner........................... Perkins......................... Roberts......................... 316 352 324 365 352 Shannon......................... Stanley......................... Todd............................ Walworth........................ Ziebach......................... 365 316 365 352 365 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Beadle.......................... Bon Homme....................... Brown........................... Buffalo......................... Campbell........................ 403 316 355 316 352 404 368 380 368 368 484 484 501 484 484 704 620 636 620 639 799 662 756 662 759 662 907 720 713 772 Clark........................... Codington....................... Custer.......................... Day............................. Dewey........................... 324 361 365 352 365 377 422 379 368 379 484 555 484 484 484 654 717 648 639 648 772 819 720 759 720 620 638 654 648 639 662 710 772 720 759 Edmunds......................... Faulk........................... Gregory......................... Hamlin.......................... Hanson.......................... 352 352 316 324 316 368 368 368 377 368 484 484 484 484 484 639 639 620 654 620 759 759 662 772 662 484 484 484 484 484 648 620 648 648 654 720 662 720 720 772 Hughes.......................... Hyde............................ Jerauld......................... Kingsbury....................... Lawrence........................ 323 316 352 324 343 405 368 368 377 416 500 484 484 484 512 627 620 639 654 713 647 662 759 772 761 368 368 377 379 368 484 484 484 484 484 620 639 654 648 639 662 759 772 720 759 McPherson....................... Mellette........................ Moody........................... Potter.......................... Sanborn......................... 352 365 324 365 316 368 379 377 379 368 484 484 484 484 484 639 648 654 648 620 759 720 772 720 662 379 368 379 368 379 484 484 484 484 484 648 620 648 639 648 720 662 720 759 720 Spink........................... Sully........................... Tripp........................... Yankton......................... 352 316 316 343 368 368 368 407 484 484 484 529 639 620 620 694 759 662 662 713 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 43 TENNESSEE METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Chattanooga, TN-GA MSA............................ Clarksville, TN-KY HMFA........................... Cleveland, TN MSA................................. Hickman County, TN HMFA........................... Jackson, TN MSA................................... Johnson City, TN MSA.............................. Kingsport-Bristol-Bristol, TN-VA MSA.............. Knoxville, TN MSA................................. Macon County, TN HMFA............................. Memphis, TN-MS-AR HMFA............................ Morristown, TN MSA................................ Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro, TN HMFA......... 469 466 401 308 431 334 362 411 299 527 393 507 496 485 410 428 470 404 389 472 364 572 394 579 584 563 528 474 593 501 483 569 460 636 473 666 719 814 663 691 794 622 647 762 548 847 620 864 845 838 842 712 815 776 774 787 609 874 699 889 Smith County, TN HMFA............................. Stewart County, TN HMFA........................... 395 302 396 393 474 464 632 633 653 652 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Bedford......................... Bledsoe......................... Carroll......................... Clay............................ Coffee.......................... 374 301 381 372 411 458 377 382 373 412 576 460 460 460 494 721 604 567 597 670 742 622 634 615 732 Cumberland...................... DeKalb.......................... Fentress........................ Gibson.......................... Greene.......................... 381 382 372 377 299 382 383 373 385 376 460 460 460 460 460 652 664 597 578 623 Hancock......................... Hardin.......................... Henderson....................... Houston......................... Jackson......................... 381 337 322 363 372 382 376 427 364 373 460 460 498 460 460 Lake............................ Lawrence........................ Lincoln......................... McNairy......................... Maury........................... 342 316 381 299 397 382 355 382 351 496 Monroe.......................... Morgan.......................... Overton......................... Pickett......................... Rhea............................ 363 380 300 372 298 Scott........................... Van Buren....................... 382 372 Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Hamilton, Marion, Sequatchie Montgomery Bradley, Polk Hickman Chester, Madison Carter, Unicoi, Washington Hawkins, Sullivan Anderson, Blount, Knox, Loudon, Union Macon Fayette, Shelby, Tipton Grainger, Hamblen, Jefferson Cannon, Cheatham, Davidson, Dickson, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, Trousdale, Williamson, Wilson Smith Stewart NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Benton.......................... Campbell........................ Claiborne....................... Cocke........................... Crockett........................ 363 382 299 300 382 364 383 381 370 415 460 460 460 460 460 569 592 615 551 600 624 705 690 751 619 807 686 615 639 640 Decatur......................... Dyer............................ Franklin........................ Giles........................... Grundy.......................... 344 310 316 324 301 378 365 380 381 377 460 478 488 502 460 591 637 710 604 604 673 696 854 621 622 589 610 594 569 597 708 628 612 624 615 Hardeman........................ Haywood......................... Henry........................... Humphreys....................... Johnson......................... 333 386 300 382 298 412 400 352 414 371 460 523 463 460 460 623 625 554 656 617 807 687 674 677 647 460 460 460 460 611 597 569 562 664 778 633 650 579 684 801 Lauderdale...................... Lewis........................... McMinn.......................... Marshall........................ Meigs........................... 405 308 405 372 301 406 358 407 395 377 488 462 489 518 460 593 589 585 623 604 612 606 779 782 622 364 380 377 373 368 462 460 460 460 460 553 575 562 597 611 705 671 578 615 628 Moore........................... Obion........................... Perry........................... Putnam.......................... Roane........................... 403 316 308 382 403 404 381 358 383 416 483 460 462 478 483 638 607 589 688 646 658 639 606 738 663 389 373 460 460 609 597 810 615 Sevier.......................... Warren.......................... 461 372 499 376 563 484 677 649 989 771 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 44 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 334 411 460 673 811 TENNESSEE continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Wayne........................... White........................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 308 345 358 350 462 460 589 650 606 668 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Weakley......................... TEXAS METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Abilene, TX MSA................................... Amarillo, TX MSA.................................. Aransas County, TX HMFA........................... Atascosa County, TX HMFA.......................... Austin County, TX HMFA............................ *Austin-Round Rock, TX MSA........................ Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX MSA...................... Brazoria County, TX HMFA.......................... Brownsville-Harlingen, TX MSA..................... Calhoun County, TX HMFA........................... College Station-Bryan, TX MSA..................... Corpus Christi, TX HMFA........................... **Dallas, TX HMFA................................. El Paso, TX MSA................................... *Fort Worth-Arlington, TX HMFA.................... *Houston-Baytown-Sugar Land, TX HMFA.............. 398 409 362 315 476 578 425 501 373 345 497 524 575 442 550 551 419 443 449 367 477 658 477 559 430 408 562 538 640 473 589 612 528 553 535 484 574 804 570 642 493 523 686 668 777 564 725 743 687 762 780 611 762 1093 707 885 609 659 869 917 1031 809 983 990 870 854 804 629 786 1265 732 951 689 882 896 999 1249 959 1105 1245 Kendall County, TX HMFA........................... Killeen-Temple-Fort Hood, TX HMFA................. Lampasas County, TX HMFA.......................... Laredo, TX MSA.................................... Longview, TX HMFA................................. Lubbock, TX MSA................................... McAllen-Edinburg-Pharr, TX MSA.................... Medina County, TX HMFA............................ Midland, TX MSA................................... Odessa, TX MSA.................................... Rusk County, TX HMFA.............................. San Angelo, TX MSA................................ **San Antonio, TX HMFA............................ Sherman-Denison, TX MSA........................... Texarkana, TX-Texarkana, AR MSA................... Tyler, TX MSA..................................... Victoria, TX HMFA................................. Waco, TX MSA...................................... Wichita Falls, TX MSA............................. Wise County, TX HMFA.............................. 657 430 315 420 444 386 470 426 376 350 414 379 534 490 422 446 399 486 437 442 657 475 401 461 466 470 517 473 407 371 414 436 590 516 426 524 460 486 459 443 791 604 484 551 535 594 610 557 536 486 497 556 732 606 525 590 589 605 547 533 1152 879 706 720 732 841 731 666 781 700 595 795 975 796 641 808 733 757 768 651 1389 1059 827 943 753 868 841 810 925 814 612 869 1173 921 697 883 868 782 790 724 Callahan, Jones, Taylor Armstrong, Carson, Potter, Randall Aransas Atascosa Austin Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, Williamson Hardin, Jefferson, Orange Brazoria Cameron Calhoun Brazos, Burleson, Robertson Nueces, San Patricio Collin, Dallas, Delta, Denton, Ellis, Hunt, Kaufman, Rockwall El Paso Johnson, Parker, Tarrant Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, San Jacinto, Waller Kendall Bell, Coryell Lampasas Webb Gregg, Upshur Crosby, Lubbock Hidalgo Medina Midland Ector Rusk Irion, Tom Green Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Guadalupe, Wilson Grayson Bowie Smith Goliad, Victoria McLennan Archer, Clay, Wichita Wise NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Anderson........................ Angelina........................ Baylor.......................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 432 413 328 453 470 389 522 526 484 687 681 617 901 702 732 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Andrews......................... Bailey.......................... Bee............................. 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 401 373 403 412 416 404 484 484 484 648 630 650 724 798 728 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 45 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR TEXAS continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Blanco.......................... Bosque.......................... Briscoe......................... Brown........................... Camp............................ 385 402 394 385 405 414 403 396 418 406 523 484 484 527 499 687 588 645 670 681 787 705 665 769 703 Borden.......................... Brewster........................ Brooks.......................... Burnet.......................... Cass............................ 400 352 402 392 316 401 368 432 459 436 484 484 484 603 484 624 579 692 759 665 645 627 770 780 783 Castro.......................... Childress....................... Coke............................ Collingsworth................... Comanche........................ 394 394 378 394 391 396 396 435 396 420 484 484 553 484 497 645 645 796 645 633 665 665 867 665 690 Cherokee........................ Cochran......................... Coleman......................... Colorado........................ Concho.......................... 393 373 385 387 400 431 416 414 427 401 484 484 523 484 484 647 630 687 639 624 673 798 787 657 645 Cooke........................... Crane........................... Culberson....................... Dawson.......................... DeWitt.......................... 445 401 401 400 358 446 425 425 401 371 562 484 484 484 484 694 628 628 624 632 714 746 746 645 684 Cottle.......................... Crockett........................ Dallam.......................... Deaf Smith...................... Dickens......................... 328 400 361 315 373 389 401 396 401 416 484 484 523 484 484 617 624 625 703 630 732 645 641 801 798 Dimmit.......................... Duval........................... Edwards......................... Falls........................... Fayette......................... 397 334 397 318 400 398 420 398 434 453 484 484 484 489 549 659 645 659 624 682 781 686 781 647 702 Donley.......................... Eastland........................ Erath........................... Fannin.......................... Fisher.......................... 394 391 390 420 374 396 420 423 423 375 484 497 528 504 484 645 633 644 628 692 665 690 664 647 752 Floyd........................... Franklin........................ Frio............................ Garza........................... Glasscock....................... 373 362 388 373 400 416 416 476 416 401 484 502 579 484 484 630 615 733 630 624 798 739 872 798 645 Foard........................... Freestone....................... Gaines.......................... Gillespie....................... Gonzales........................ 328 318 402 409 332 389 434 428 478 378 484 489 484 628 484 617 639 628 870 704 732 659 752 896 725 Gray............................ Hale............................ Hamilton........................ Hardeman........................ Hartley......................... 374 325 385 328 394 375 411 414 389 396 484 484 523 484 484 607 593 687 617 645 627 662 787 732 665 Grimes.......................... Hall............................ Hansford........................ Harrison........................ Haskell......................... 429 394 394 388 374 471 396 396 391 375 525 484 484 515 484 684 645 645 665 692 704 665 665 685 752 Hemphill........................ Hill............................ **Hood.......................... Houston......................... Hudspeth........................ 394 315 478 465 401 396 437 516 500 425 484 484 574 560 484 645 685 836 670 628 665 748 1007 726 746 Henderson....................... Hockley......................... Hopkins......................... Howard.......................... Hutchinson...................... 411 377 360 401 404 425 401 415 405 404 559 484 507 484 485 733 672 643 680 581 756 693 890 698 722 Jack............................ Jasper.......................... Jim Hogg........................ Karnes.......................... Kent............................ 328 402 402 359 374 389 403 432 370 375 484 484 484 484 484 617 599 692 634 692 732 692 770 685 752 Jackson......................... Jeff Davis...................... Jim Wells....................... Kenedy.......................... Kerr............................ 315 401 324 402 486 408 425 435 432 526 484 484 484 484 592 590 628 643 692 764 851 746 664 770 787 Kimble.......................... Kinney.......................... 400 397 401 398 484 484 624 659 645 781 King............................ Kleberg......................... 373 414 416 442 484 497 630 726 798 875 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 46 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR TEXAS continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Knox............................ Lamb............................ Lavaca.......................... Leon............................ Lipscomb........................ 328 373 387 429 394 389 416 427 471 396 484 484 484 525 484 617 630 639 684 645 732 798 657 704 665 Lamar........................... La Salle........................ Lee............................. Limestone....................... Live Oak........................ 363 397 387 315 334 420 398 441 438 420 527 484 489 484 484 664 659 669 620 645 742 781 690 641 686 Llano........................... Lynn............................ McMullen........................ Marion.......................... Mason........................... 499 373 334 405 400 502 416 420 406 401 661 484 484 499 484 791 630 645 681 624 814 798 686 703 645 Loving.......................... McCulloch....................... Madison......................... Martin.......................... Matagorda....................... 401 402 429 400 315 425 403 471 401 414 484 484 525 484 484 628 705 684 624 705 746 727 704 645 850 Maverick........................ Milam........................... Mitchell........................ Moore........................... Motley.......................... 403 315 374 342 373 404 389 375 420 416 484 484 484 484 484 703 626 692 705 630 725 666 752 726 798 Menard.......................... Mills........................... Montague........................ Morris.......................... Nacogdoches..................... 400 385 366 362 391 401 414 468 416 489 484 523 522 502 577 624 687 659 615 689 645 787 915 739 944 Navarro......................... Nolan........................... Oldham.......................... Panola.......................... Pecos........................... 452 376 394 403 399 460 377 396 436 436 556 484 484 484 484 676 624 645 589 587 697 848 665 850 711 Newton.......................... Ochiltree....................... Palo Pinto...................... Parmer.......................... Polk............................ 401 394 408 394 402 402 396 409 396 408 484 484 507 484 484 629 676 700 645 579 848 696 720 665 596 Presidio........................ Reagan.......................... Red River....................... Refugio......................... Runnels......................... 401 400 362 334 400 425 401 416 420 401 484 484 502 484 484 628 624 615 645 624 746 645 739 686 645 Rains........................... Real............................ Reeves.......................... Roberts......................... Sabine.......................... 405 397 402 394 401 406 398 428 396 402 505 484 484 484 484 681 659 620 645 629 701 781 752 665 848 San Augustine................... Schleicher...................... Shackelford..................... Sherman......................... Starr........................... 401 400 374 394 402 402 401 375 396 438 484 484 484 484 484 629 624 692 645 706 848 645 752 665 853 San Saba........................ Scurry.......................... Shelby.......................... Somervell....................... Stephens........................ 385 319 402 391 360 414 378 403 420 368 523 484 484 497 484 687 704 696 635 666 787 773 848 690 724 Sterling........................ Sutton.......................... Terrell......................... Throckmorton.................... Trinity......................... 400 400 401 374 465 401 401 425 375 500 484 484 484 484 560 624 624 628 692 670 645 645 746 752 726 Stonewall....................... Swisher......................... Terry........................... Titus........................... Tyler........................... 374 394 372 378 402 375 396 415 448 403 484 484 484 531 484 692 645 636 638 623 752 665 796 932 807 Upton........................... Val Verde....................... Walker.......................... Washington...................... Wheeler......................... 400 344 479 456 394 401 412 512 518 396 484 486 619 574 484 624 605 797 805 645 645 704 1031 831 665 Uvalde.......................... Van Zandt....................... Ward............................ Wharton......................... Wilbarger....................... 316 427 402 388 314 430 429 407 436 375 484 525 484 484 484 631 734 603 640 621 848 755 716 660 693 Willacy......................... Wood............................ 402 363 436 367 484 484 704 705 784 848 Winkler......................... Yoakum.......................... 401 373 425 416 484 484 628 630 746 798 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 47 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 402 432 484 692 770 TEXAS continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Young........................... Zavala.......................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 316 397 367 398 484 484 614 659 714 781 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Zapata.......................... UTAH METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Logan, UT-ID MSA.................................. **Ogden-Clearfield, UT MSA........................ Provo-Orem, UT MSA................................ **Salt Lake City, UT HMFA......................... St. George, UT MSA................................ Summit County, UT HMFA............................ Tooele County, UT HMFA............................ 440 439 507 554 504 638 473 475 541 558 609 529 886 530 594 649 652 721 628 984 630 797 888 949 1031 913 1378 796 984 1073 1143 1206 1027 1726 1104 Cache Davis, Morgan, Weber Juab, Utah Salt Lake Washington Summit Tooele NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Beaver.......................... Carbon.......................... Duchesne........................ Garfield........................ Iron............................ 482 429 445 482 441 483 430 483 483 466 591 517 536 591 536 837 679 692 837 781 891 797 942 891 942 Millard......................... Rich............................ Sanpete......................... Uintah.......................... Wayne........................... 482 450 482 417 482 483 477 483 454 483 591 597 591 503 591 837 802 837 660 837 891 974 891 743 891 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Box Elder....................... Daggett......................... Emery........................... Grand........................... Kane............................ 375 445 445 446 482 459 483 483 486 483 578 536 536 539 591 764 695 695 695 837 889 942 942 946 889 Piute........................... San Juan........................ Sevier.......................... Wasatch......................... 482 445 482 499 483 483 483 584 591 536 591 769 837 695 837 919 891 942 891 1104 VERMONT METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS Burlington-South Burlington, VT MSA............... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Components of FMR AREA within STATE 596 660 828 1060 1188 Chittenden County towns of Bolton town, Buels gore, Burlington city, Charlotte town, Colchester town, Essex town, Hinesburg town, Huntington town, Jericho town, Milton town, Richmond town, St. George town, Shelburne town, South Burlington city, Underhill town, Westford town, Williston town, Winooski city Franklin County towns of Bakersfield town, Berkshire town, Enosburg town, Fairfax town, Fairfield town, Fletcher town, Franklin town, Georgia town, Highgate town, Montgomery town, Richford town, St. Albans city, St. Albans town, Sheldon town, Swanton town Grand Isle County towns of Alburg town, Grand Isle town, Isle La Motte town, North Hero town, South Hero town Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 48 VERMONT continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Towns within nonmetropolitan counties Addison County, VT................................ 472 591 711 935 1247 Bennington County, VT............................. 471 590 687 895 1052 Caledonia County, VT.............................. 446 463 581 736 762 Essex County, VT.................................. 459 515 626 798 936 Lamoille County, VT............................... 465 559 651 907 1143 Orange County, VT................................. 496 560 652 908 936 Orleans County, VT................................ 334 462 516 652 819 Rutland County, VT................................ 425 556 647 855 1095 Washington County, VT............................. 467 547 684 924 1034 Windham County, VT................................ 553 577 758 916 944 Addison town, Bridport town, Bristol town, Cornwall town, Ferrisburg town, Goshen town, Granville town, Hancock town, Leicester town, Lincoln town, Middlebury town, Monkton town, New Haven town, Orwell town, Panton town, Ripton town, Salisbury town, Shoreham town, Starksboro town, Vergennes city, Waltham town, Weybridge town, Whiting town Arlington town, Bennington town, Dorset town, Glastenbury town, Landgrove town, Manchester town, Peru town, Pownal town, Readsboro town, Rupert town, Sandgate town, Searsburg town, Shaftsbury town, Stamford town, Sunderland town, Winhall town, Woodford town Barnet town, Burke town, Danville town, Groton town, Hardwick town, Kirby town, Lyndon town, Newark town, Peacham town, Ryegate town, St. Johnsbury town, Sheffield town, Stannard town, Sutton town, Walden town, Waterford town, Wheelock town Averill town, Avery's gore, Bloomfield town, Brighton town, Brunswick town, Canaan town, Concord town, East Haven town, Ferdinand town, Granby town, Guildhall town, Lemington town, Lewis town, Lunenburg town, Maidstone town, Norton town, Victory town, Warner's grant, Warren's gore Belvidere town, Cambridge town, Eden town, Elmore town, Hyde Park town, Johnson town, Morristown town, Stowe town, Waterville town, Wolcott town Bradford town, Braintree town, Brookfield town, Chelsea town, Corinth town, Fairlee town, Newbury town, Orange town, Randolph town, Strafford town, Thetford town, Topsham town, Tunbridge town, Vershire town, Washington town, West Fairlee town, Williamstown town Albany town, Barton town, Brownington town, Charleston town, Coventry town, Craftsbury town, Derby town, Glover town, Greensboro town, Holland town, Irasburg town, Jay town, Lowell town, Morgan town, Newport city, Newport town, Troy town, Westfield town, Westmore town Benson town, Brandon town, Castleton town, Chittenden town, Clarendon town, Danby town, Fair Haven town, Hubbardton town, Ira town, Killington town, Mendon town, Middletown Springs town, Mount Holly town, Mount Tabor town, Pawlet town, Pittsfield town, Pittsford town, Poultney town, Proctor town, Rutland city, Rutland town, Shrewsbury town, Sudbury town, Tinmouth town, Wallingford town, Wells town, West Haven town, West Rutland town Barre city, Barre town, Berlin town, Cabot town, Calais town, Duxbury town, East Montpelier town, Fayston town, Marshfield town, Middlesex town, Montpelier city, Moretown town, Northfield town, Plainfield town, Roxbury town, Waitsfield town, Warren town, Waterbury town, Woodbury town, Worcester town Athens town, Brattleboro town, Brookline town, Dover town, Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 49 VERMONT continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Towns within nonmetropolitan counties 521 584 687 935 1112 Dummerston town, Grafton town, Guilford town, Halifax town, Jamaica town, Londonderry town, Marlboro town, Newfane town, Putney town, Rockingham town, Somerset town, Stratton town, Townshend town, Vernon town, Wardsboro town, Westminster town, Whitingham town, Wilmington town, Windham town Andover town, Baltimore town, Barnard town, Bethel town, Bridgewater town, Cavendish town, Chester town, Hartford town, Hartland town, Ludlow town, Norwich town, Plymouth town, Pomfret town, Reading town, Rochester town, Royalton town, Sharon town, Springfield town, Stockbridge town, Weathersfield town, Weston town, West Windsor town, Windsor town, Woodstock town 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Radford, VA HMFA........ Charlottesville, VA MSA........................... Danville, VA MSA.................................. Franklin County, VA HMFA.......................... Giles County, VA HMFA............................. Harrisonburg, VA MSA.............................. Kingsport-Bristol-Bristol, TN-VA MSA.............. Louisa County, VA HMFA............................ Lynchburg, VA MSA................................. 469 535 340 313 314 434 362 444 432 513 643 390 375 408 482 389 504 443 575 761 503 483 483 586 483 574 534 789 986 627 578 616 821 647 687 658 1010 1091 674 615 850 843 774 707 735 Pulaski County, VA HMFA........................... *Richmond, VA HMFA................................ 367 625 387 678 483 757 692 1010 744 1206 Roanoke, VA HMFA.................................. *Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC MSA... 428 672 456 706 589 811 747 1118 816 1401 Warren County, VA HMFA............................ *Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD HMFA... 451 948 524 1080 653 1225 918 1580 946 2068 Winchester, VA HMFA............................... 472 490 647 893 919 Montgomery, Radford city Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Nelson, Charlottesville city Pittsylvania, Danville city Franklin Giles Rockingham, Harrisonburg city Scott, Washington, Bristol city Louisa Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, Campbell, Bedford city, Lynchburg city Pulaski Amelia, Caroline, Charles, Chesterfield, Cumberland, Dinwiddie, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, King and Queen, King William, New Kent, Powhatan, Prince George, Sussex, Colonial Heights city, Hopewell city, Petersburg city, Richmond city Botetourt, Craig, Roanoke, Roanoke city, Salem city Gloucester, Isle of Wight, James, Mathews, Surry, York, Chesapeake city, Hampton city, Newport News city, Norfolk city, Poquoson city, Portsmouth city, Suffolk city, Virginia Beach city, Williamsburg city Warren Arlington, Clarke, Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudoun, Prince William, Spotsylvania, Stafford, Alexandria city, Fairfax city, Falls Church city, Fredericksburg city, Manassas city, Manassas Park city Frederick, Winchester city Windsor County, VT................................ VIRGINIA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 50 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR VIRGINIA continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Accomack........................ Augusta......................... Bland........................... Buchanan........................ Carroll......................... 330 421 402 402 401 452 433 416 416 436 508 565 483 483 483 617 808 616 616 579 760 929 684 684 644 Alleghany....................... Bath............................ Brunswick....................... Buckingham...................... Charlotte....................... 314 413 415 402 402 402 429 428 434 434 483 533 499 483 483 587 736 622 621 621 612 888 861 785 785 Culpeper........................ Essex........................... Grayson......................... Halifax......................... Highland........................ 599 388 402 314 413 610 479 416 436 429 722 590 483 483 533 934 803 616 649 736 992 828 684 849 888 Dickenson....................... Floyd........................... Greensville..................... Henry........................... King George..................... 402 443 416 372 604 431 482 451 387 606 483 534 500 483 728 630 743 604 619 1059 648 940 750 710 1090 Lancaster....................... Lunenburg....................... Mecklenburg..................... Northampton..................... Nottoway........................ 388 415 316 388 402 477 428 394 477 434 581 499 486 581 483 715 622 596 708 686 769 861 795 769 785 Lee............................. Madison......................... Middlesex....................... Northumberland.................. Orange.......................... 313 426 388 388 387 378 475 477 477 533 483 574 581 581 593 621 794 708 708 863 657 820 769 769 1041 Page............................ Prince Edward................... Richmond........................ Russell......................... Smyth........................... 327 468 388 315 399 382 469 477 417 434 501 564 581 483 483 646 675 708 591 613 666 904 769 610 794 Patrick......................... Rappahannock.................... Rockbridge...................... Shenandoah...................... Southampton..................... 400 426 386 398 349 436 475 434 426 483 483 574 483 521 535 598 794 703 695 662 616 820 847 770 942 Tazewell........................ Wise............................ Buena Vista city................ Covington city.................. Franklin city................... 402 402 386 314 349 403 410 434 402 483 483 483 483 483 535 620 628 703 587 662 701 792 847 612 942 Westmoreland.................... Wythe........................... Clifton Forge city.............. Emporia city.................... Galax city...................... 392 314 314 416 401 478 398 402 451 436 603 483 483 500 483 827 633 587 604 579 852 850 612 750 644 Lexington city.................. Norton city..................... Waynesboro city................. 386 402 421 434 410 433 483 483 565 703 628 808 847 792 929 Martinsville city............... Staunton city................... 372 421 387 433 483 565 619 808 710 929 WASHINGTON METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS Bellingham, WA MSA................................ Bremerton-Silverdale, WA MSA...................... Kennewick-Richland-Pasco, WA MSA.................. Lewiston, ID-WA MSA............................... Longview, WA MSA.................................. Mount Vernon-Anacortes, WA MSA.................... Olympia, WA MSA................................... Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton, OR-WA MSA........... Seattle-Bellevue, WA HMFA......................... Spokane, WA MSA................................... *Tacoma, WA HMFA.................................. Wenatchee, WA MSA................................. 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE 517 555 457 424 403 516 522 539 612 411 532 469 571 623 498 440 506 638 586 625 698 481 621 497 716 767 625 551 588 792 749 723 840 634 774 628 1045 1098 845 782 857 1083 1088 1053 1187 870 1128 847 1177 1199 1001 953 977 1352 1315 1265 1450 987 1269 975 Whatcom Kitsap Benton, Franklin Asotin Cowlitz Skagit Thurston Clark, Skamania King, Snohomish Spokane Pierce Chelan, Douglas Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 51 WASHINGTON continued METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Yakima, WA MSA.................................... 436 511 661 871 918 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Yakima 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Adams........................... Columbia........................ Garfield........................ Grays Harbor.................... Jefferson....................... 366 377 377 378 472 436 440 440 444 579 559 581 581 583 708 750 785 785 821 1029 774 937 937 844 1059 Clallam......................... Ferry........................... Grant........................... Island.......................... Kittitas........................ 414 366 372 538 422 458 433 443 540 492 596 559 573 651 648 871 750 774 947 868 898 774 795 1143 901 Klickitat....................... Lincoln......................... Okanogan........................ Pend Oreille.................... Stevens......................... 488 366 406 366 363 495 433 489 433 437 588 559 575 559 558 826 750 787 750 764 850 774 866 774 835 Lewis........................... Mason........................... Pacific......................... San Juan........................ Wahkiakum....................... 408 459 401 578 406 522 540 432 621 504 627 647 566 768 589 838 884 803 1104 858 876 1047 834 1348 984 Walla Walla..................... 377 440 581 835 861 Whitman......................... 408 449 583 823 1008 WEST VIRGINIA METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Boone County, WV HMFA............................. Charleston, WV HMFA............................... Cumberland, MD-WV MSA............................. Hagerstown-Martinsburg, MD-WV MSA................. Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH MSA.................. Jefferson County, WV HMFA......................... Morgantown, WV MSA................................ Parkersburg-Marietta, WV-OH MSA................... Weirton-Steubenville, WV-OH MSA................... Wheeling, WV-OH MSA............................... Winchester, VA HMFA............................... 299 396 354 442 354 404 416 367 333 327 472 387 432 429 506 419 544 433 393 408 394 490 459 540 503 629 503 620 512 503 503 503 647 568 688 679 874 620 905 664 668 628 632 893 629 708 792 971 641 1090 787 721 682 738 919 Boone Clay, Kanawha, Lincoln, Putnam Mineral Berkeley, Morgan Cabell, Wayne Jefferson Monongalia, Preston Pleasants, Wirt, Wood Brooke, Hancock Marshall, Ohio Hampshire NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Barbour......................... Calhoun......................... Fayette......................... Grant........................... Hardy........................... 353 336 382 402 402 369 400 383 465 465 459 485 459 522 522 601 630 568 684 684 633 724 610 848 848 Jackson......................... Logan........................... Marion.......................... Mercer.......................... Monroe.......................... 336 320 328 381 381 400 389 420 396 414 485 459 504 459 459 630 564 603 621 572 Pendleton....................... Raleigh......................... 402 387 464 412 524 464 684 593 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Braxton......................... Doddridge....................... Gilmer.......................... Greenbrier...................... Harrison........................ 353 318 353 364 395 369 405 369 415 396 459 478 459 459 475 601 576 601 552 595 633 681 633 726 665 724 580 734 786 592 Lewis........................... McDowell........................ Mason........................... Mingo........................... Nicholas........................ 362 383 381 299 381 392 396 389 403 414 459 459 459 459 459 576 626 582 578 584 592 795 621 751 639 848 610 Pocahontas...................... Randolph........................ 381 362 396 363 459 468 562 604 666 621 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 52 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 336 318 336 381 383 400 405 400 396 396 485 478 485 459 459 630 573 630 562 626 724 681 724 666 795 WEST VIRGINIA continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Ritchie......................... Summers......................... Tucker.......................... Upshur.......................... Wetzel.......................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 336 381 353 298 300 400 414 369 373 409 485 459 459 459 459 630 572 601 616 584 724 592 633 636 665 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Roane........................... Taylor.......................... Tyler........................... Webster......................... Wyoming......................... WISCONSIN METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Appleton, WI MSA.................................. Columbia County, WI HMFA.......................... Duluth, MN-WI MSA................................. Eau Claire, WI MSA................................ Fond du Lac, WI MSA............................... Green Bay, WI HMFA................................ Iowa County, WI HMFA.............................. Janesville, WI MSA................................ Kenosha County, WI HMFA........................... La Crosse, WI-MN MSA.............................. Madison, WI HMFA.................................. *Milwaukee-Waukesha-West Allis, WI MSA............ **Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI MSA..... Oconto County, WI HMFA............................ Oshkosh-Neenah, WI MSA............................ Racine, WI MSA.................................... Sheboygan, WI MSA................................. Wausau, WI MSA.................................... 459 404 351 363 439 458 389 431 572 359 510 496 619 374 406 460 366 363 472 472 427 434 471 468 454 503 596 420 636 591 725 453 478 538 470 453 586 621 539 542 567 590 597 627 739 553 752 706 882 503 566 675 555 558 845 838 677 734 745 830 713 821 1016 734 1009 890 1168 651 743 840 686 745 869 865 862 765 808 855 734 845 1169 901 1250 916 1318 679 962 921 842 824 Calumet, Outagamie Columbia Douglas Chippewa, Eau Claire Fond du Lac Brown, Kewaunee Iowa Rock Kenosha La Crosse Dane Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington, Waukesha Pierce, St. Croix Oconto Winnebago Racine Sheboygan Marathon NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Adams........................... Barron.......................... Buffalo......................... Clark........................... Dodge........................... 387 334 358 325 512 425 422 406 384 513 525 503 519 503 618 684 642 658 688 782 705 660 687 708 845 Dunn............................ Forest.......................... Green........................... Iron............................ Jefferson....................... 391 387 377 344 441 422 425 406 401 516 529 525 533 503 680 771 684 677 644 815 Lafayette....................... Lincoln......................... Marinette....................... Menominee....................... Oneida.......................... 374 419 419 396 383 394 420 453 444 419 507 503 503 540 550 649 732 659 696 703 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Ashland......................... Bayfield........................ Burnett......................... Crawford........................ Door............................ 388 344 344 418 378 390 401 401 447 483 503 503 503 503 581 639 644 644 624 780 866 668 668 769 875 792 705 790 668 1027 Florence........................ Grant........................... Green Lake...................... Jackson......................... Juneau.......................... 337 417 384 358 339 406 418 440 406 418 503 503 510 519 521 640 651 668 658 686 672 883 814 687 707 728 755 679 772 968 Langlade........................ Manitowoc....................... Marquette....................... Monroe.......................... Pepin........................... 417 342 396 353 358 418 401 444 412 406 503 527 540 543 519 663 630 696 689 658 723 784 772 753 687 Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 53 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR WISCONSIN continued NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Polk............................ Price........................... Rusk............................ Sawyer.......................... Taylor.......................... 391 344 344 344 344 457 401 401 404 401 600 503 503 503 503 738 644 644 644 644 761 668 668 668 668 Portage......................... Richland........................ Sauk............................ Shawano......................... Trempealeau..................... 449 354 388 346 395 455 395 516 408 397 543 503 592 503 503 719 645 796 628 687 740 665 821 721 708 Vernon.......................... Walworth........................ Waupaca......................... Wood............................ 399 454 347 340 401 534 436 418 503 696 530 518 636 869 692 630 693 896 713 690 Vilas........................... Washburn........................ Waushara........................ 387 344 396 425 401 444 525 503 540 715 644 696 737 668 772 WYOMING METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Casper, WY MSA.................................... Cheyenne, WY MSA.................................. 358 458 392 483 495 612 720 833 868 1073 Natrona Laramie NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Albany.......................... Campbell........................ Converse........................ Fremont......................... Hot Springs..................... 396 440 322 388 396 453 474 398 390 414 575 531 495 495 495 789 719 675 620 646 836 783 870 791 773 Lincoln......................... Park............................ Sheridan........................ Sweetwater...................... Uinta........................... 433 368 395 325 345 459 422 426 395 435 522 497 523 495 495 697 624 669 692 676 825 823 816 718 802 Weston.......................... 396 414 495 646 773 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 685 735 898 1308 1564 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Big Horn........................ Carbon.......................... Crook........................... Goshen.......................... Johnson......................... 396 322 396 410 393 414 385 414 411 409 495 495 495 495 504 646 620 646 610 640 773 754 773 840 765 Niobrara........................ Platte.......................... Sublette........................ Teton........................... Washakie........................ 396 396 436 674 396 414 414 459 751 414 495 495 532 945 495 646 646 696 1246 646 773 773 825 1282 773 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR GUAM NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Pacific Islands................. NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES PUERTO RICO METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Aquadilla-Isabela-San Sabastian, PR MSA........... 292 317 352 452 507 Arecibo, PR HMFA.................................. Barranquitas-Aibonito-Quebradillas, PR HMFA....... 292 293 317 316 352 352 480 448 562 515 Caguas, PR HMFA................................... 300 325 362 502 605 Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Aguada, Aguadilla, Añasco, Isabela, Lares, Moca, Rincón, San Sebastián Arecibo, Camuy, Hatillo Aibonito, Barranquitas, Ciales, Maunabo, Orocovis, Quebradillas Caguas, Cayey, Cidra, Gurabo, San Lorenzo Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010 SCHEDULE B - FY 2006 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR EXISTING HOUSING PAGE 54 PUERTO RICO continued METROPOLITAN FMR AREAS 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Fajardo, PR MSA................................... Guayama, PR MSA................................... Mayagüez, PR MSA.................................. Ponce, PR MSA..................................... San Germán-Cabo Rojo, PR MSA...................... San Juan-Guaynabo, PR HMFA........................ 333 293 332 352 302 333 363 316 360 382 314 363 403 352 400 423 364 403 586 499 478 588 476 526 706 619 660 670 513 626 Yauco, PR MSA..................................... 293 309 352 444 565 NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES Adjuntas........................ Culebra......................... Las Marías...................... Salinas......................... Utuado.......................... Counties of FMR AREA within STATE Ceiba, Fajardo, Luquillo Arroyo, Guayama, Patillas Hormigueros, Mayagüez Juana Díaz, Ponce, Villalba Cabo Rojo, Lajas, Sabana Grande, San Germán Aguas Buenas, Barceloneta, Bayamón, Canóvanas, Carolina, Cataño, Comerío, Corozal, Dorado, Florida, Guaynabo, Humacao, Juncos, Las Piedras, Loíza, Manatí, Morovis, Naguabo, Naranjito, Río Grande, San Juan, Toa Alta, Toa Baja, Trujillo Alto, Vega Alta, Vega Baja, Yabucoa Guánica, Guayanilla, Peñuelas, Yauco 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 292 292 292 292 292 316 316 316 316 316 352 352 352 352 352 482 482 482 482 482 523 523 523 523 523 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 475 540 495 646 600 831 749 1030 857 1076 St. John........................ Coamo........................... Jayuya.......................... Maricao......................... Santa Isabel.................... Vieques......................... 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 292 292 292 292 292 316 316 316 316 316 352 352 352 352 352 482 482 482 482 482 523 523 523 523 523 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 540 646 831 1030 1076 VIRGIN ISLANDS NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES St. Criox....................... St. Thomas...................... Note 1: The FMRs for unit sizes larger than 4 BRs are calculated by adding 15% to the 4 BR FMR for each extra bedroom. Note 2: 50th percentile FMRs are indicated by an * before the MSA name. Two ** indicate 50th percentile FMRs for areas that did not meet 50th percentile requirements in the August 25, 2005 notice. 11/2/2010