Current CSPA Issues and Projects

Current CSPA Issues and Projects
Impacting the Aerosol Products Industry
D. Douglas Fratz
Senior Science Fellow &
Aerosol Products Division Staff Executive
March 21, 2013
SATA Spring Meeting
Marriott Perimeter Center
Atlanta, Georgia
Washington, DC - USA
“Why You Must
Play to Win”
Today’s Presentation
• CSPA General Committee Issues
and Projects
• CSPA Aerosol Products Division
Issues and Projects
• CSPA Affiliates Issues and Projects
CSPA General Committee
Issues and Projects
• California Air Quality Plans and Regulations
•CSPA Air Quality Committee and Alliance for Responsible Regulation
• California Safer Consumer Products Regulation
• CSPA SAC Green Chemistry Task Force and State GAAC
• Ingredient Communication
• CSPA Chemicals Management Team and State GAAC
• CSPA Consumer Products Ingredient Dictionary
• CSPA Dictionary Nomenclature Committee and Advisory Committee
Air Quality Issues and Projects
• Air Quality Committee – 250 Members
• Co-Chairs: Catherine Jacobson, Greg Johnson, Chris Pearce
• 6 AQC Task Forces Include Reactivity & LVP Task Force
• Chairs: Laura Keller (Exxon) and Don Fontaine (Dow)
• AQC Aerosol Coatings and Adhesives Task Force
• Chair: Greg Johnson (Sherwin-Williams) and Catherine Jacobson (3M)
• Alliance
for Responsible Regulations (ARR)
• 13 Consumer Product Association Partners
Alliance for Responsible Regulation
Trade Association Partners
Adhesives & Sealants Council
American Coatings Association
American Chemistry Council
American Cleaning Institute
Automotive Specialty Products Alliance
Consumer Specialty Products Association
Eastern Aerosol Association
International Fragrance Association North America
ISSA (International Sanitary Supply Assoc.)
Midwest Aerosol Association
National Aerosol Association
Personal Care Products Council
Western Aerosol Information Bureau
South Coast AQMP and CARB SIP
• 2012 South Coast Air Quality Management Plan
(2012 AQMP)
• Approved in December 2012
• CTS-04: Consumer Product LVPs (CARB) REMOVED!
• Small Further VOC Reduction Measures Retained
• 2013 California State Implementation Plan Update
(2013 SIP Update)
• Approved in January 2013
• Next SIP Revision: 2015 (Lower Ozone Standard)
CSPA AQC and ARR Science Team
LVP and VOC Defense Efforts
ARR Science Team Formed in September 2012 - 30+ Scientists
Scientific Critique of South Coast Evaporation Study
Science Team Meeting with South Coast Scientists
CSPA Research Ideas Submission to CARB
Science Team Request for Conceptual Proposals
CARB Preproposals Solicitation
Science Team Meeting with CARB Scientists
Science Team Critique of South Coast LVP Presentation
Schedule for Coordination of
ARR ST and CARB Research Projects
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
9 Proposals
Research Plan
ARR ST Approval
ARR Approval
Begin Research
Final Results
CARB Solicitation
3 Proposals
Research Plan
Proposals Released
Research Screening
Board Approval
Begin Research
Final Results
CARB 2013 Amendments
• Aerosol Coatings Regulation
• New MIR Standards
• Reductions in General Categories Only
• Many New Definitions and Provisions
• Most Restrictive Limit
• Method 310 Hydrocarbon Mixtures
• Consumer Products Regulation
• New VOC Standards for Aerosol Adhesives
• Paint Thinners and Multi-Purpose Solvents
• Revised Category Definitions
• Include Aerosol Products – 10% Limit
• Issue: Bright Line Between Rules; No Dual Regulation
CARB 2013 Amendments
• CSPA Proactive Changes Being Sought
• Clarify Line Between Consumer and Manufacturer-Use Products
• Clarify Line Between General/Multipurpose and Specialty
• Clarify That Concentrates Can Have Dilutions for Multiple Limits
• Extension for 10% Limit for Multipurpose Lubricants
• Schedule for Completing 2014 Amendments
• February – 2nd Workshop/New Draft Proposals
• March – Written Comments Due
• April – 3rd Workshop
• May – Proposed Rule
• June – Rule Adoption
Retailer VOC Compliance Initiative
• 2010 - 2012 - Wal-Mart VOC Compliance Data Call-Ins
• 2012 – Wal-Mart to CSPA: Work with The Wercs
• CSPA Critique of The Wercs Coatings VOC Portal
• CSPA Agrees to Assist The Wercs on Making Portal Reliable
• 2013 – Wercs Agrees to Work with CSPA to Improve VOC Portal
• Assure Consumer Products Categories and Limits Are Accurate
• Assure Ingredients Consistent with CSPA Dictionary
• CSPA VOC Compliance Webinars
Other 2013
Air Quality Initiatives
• 2014 Ozone Transport Commission (OTC) Model Rule
• Utah Consumer Products Regulation
• VOC Limits in Green Seal Standards
• Canadian Consumer Products Regulation
DTSC Safer Consumer Products Regulation
Key CSPA Concerns About SCP
• Inadequate protection of confidential business information
& trade secrets
• Practical Quantitation Level & lack of de minimus threshold
• Alternative Analyses Process
Potential cost and barriers
Inappropriate timelines
Removal of certified assessors is improvement
Public review & comment raises confidentiality & trade issues
• Product-Chemical Identification and Prioritization Factors
• Duplication and overlap of regulations
• Concerns with Candidate Lists
Ingredient Communication
Current Status
• New York State DEC Still Focused on Fracking
• Federal Legislation in Senate and House Expected
• California Legislation in 2013?
• EPA OPP 25(b) Inert Ingredients Disclosure PR 12/31/12
• CSPA Developing Comments - Due April 1, 2013
• EPA DfE Most Recent Ingredient Communication Fully
• CSPA Consumer Products Ingredient Dictionary
Second Update of Second Edition out in June!
CSPA Consumer Product
Ingredient Dictionary Project
• Second Edition - May 2012
• First Update of Second Edition – October 2012
• Second Update of Second Edition – June 2013
• Includes ~500 Ingredient Monographs
– ~1000 Trade Names, ~1900 Technical Names Defined
• Valuable Reference for R&D/Regulatory
– VOC/LVP Status for All Ingredients
– Synonyms, CAS #’s, Trade Names
– Generic Names Needed for Proprietary Ingredients
• More Information:
• New Additions: DfE Status, 25b Status, more!
What Can You Do?
• Purchase Dictionary at
• File Ingredient Applications
• Use and Reference Dictionary in Company Ingredient
– Free Public Access to Dictionary Indices
• CAS Numbers Index, Trade Name Index, Technical Name Index
• Join CSPA Dictionary Advisory Committee
• Become Dictionary Sponsor and Participate on
Nomenclature Committee
Aerosol Products Division
Issues and Projects
• NCWM Net Quantity Declaration Issue
• CSPA Comments to DOT on COSTHA Petition
• CSPA/RILA Initiative with EPA on RCRA
• Aerosol Fire Codes – NFPA 30B and IFC
• CSPA Aerosol Recycling Promotion Campaign
• International Liaison Meeting & Congress
• EPA Aerosol Sector Stakeholder Workshop
• Aerosol Sunscreen Flammability Testing
• CSPA Aerosol Pressurized Product Survey
National Conference on Weights & Measures
Net Quantity Declaration Issue
• Aerosol Products (and Similar Terms) Defined
in Numerous Federal & State Regulations
• FTC Regulations per NIST Handbooks 130/133
Require Net Weight for Aerosol Products
• CSPA Consensus Position for BOV Aerosols:
Dual Weight/Volume or Just Weight Allowable
• NCWM Prefers Net Weight But Remains Open
CSPA Comments to DOT
on COSTHA Petition
• Council on Safe Transportation of Hazardous Articles
(COSTHA) Petition to DOT in 2012
• International Harmonization of Aerosol Definition
• Standard Criteria for Hot Water Bath Exemption (BOVs)
• DOT Considering Petition, Asked CSPA for Comments
• CSPA Comments in March or April 2013
• Agree on Aerosol Definition (Propellant-Only Products)
• Concerns with Specific Criteria for Exemptions
• Recommend Special Permit Consolidation
Issues CSPA is Seeking to
Have Addressed by DOT
• Potential Barriers to International Trade Due to Differences
in Definition of Aerosol Between DOT and EU, UN, ICAO, etc.
• Include Propellant-Only Products (Dusters, etc.)
• More Than 20 Current Special Permits for Aerosol Products
• Plastic, BOV, Metal Aerosols
• Various Alternative Testing in Lieu of Hot Water Bath
• Various limitations regarding contents flammability
CSPA/RILA Initiative with EPA on RCRA
• Goal to Increase Materials Recovery for Rejected (Filled)
Aerosol Products
• CSPA Providing Support for Walmart and RILA Proposals to
EPA to Decrease RCRA Barriers to Sending Rejects for Recovery
• CSPA/RILA Meeting in November 2012 with EPA to Provide
Answers to Questions About Current Aerosol Technology and
Reject Aerosol Recycling and Materials Recovery
• EPA Plans to Issue Notice in June or July 2013 to Solicit
Public Comments to Resolve Retailer Issues
Aerosol Fire Code Issues
• NFPA Code 30B Revision 2012-2014
• Aerosol Cooking Spray Classification
• Plastic Aerosol Container TIA
• All Fire and Building Code Issues Coordinated in
CSPA APD Manufacturing & Storage Standards Committee
• Numerous CSPA Committee Members Participating on
NFPA 30B Technical Committee
• International Fire Code
• Inclusion of Plastic Aerosol Container TIA
NFPA Code 30B Issues to Be Resolved
• Plastic Aerosols Coverage
• CSPA TIA Submitted in 2011 and Approved 2012
• Allow Storage of No-Flammables Products as Level 1
• Issue Raised with Below-4-Ounce Exemption (L2/L3)
• Aerosol Cooking Sprays
• Change in 30B Resulted in Level 3 Classification
• CSPA/ISEO TIA Submitted in 2012 and Nearing Approval
• FM Testing in 2012/2013 to Demonstrate Lower Level
• Aerosol Products vs. Aerosols Terminology
• Inclusion of BOVs in 30B (CSPA Analysis: 30B Better Than 30)
CSPA Aerosol Recycling
Promotion Campaign
• Goals of Campaign
• Increased Acceptance in Curbside Recycling and Consumer Recognition
• Increased Use of “Please Recycle” Logo on Aerosol Products
• 2012 Division Marketer/Filler Survey on Current Labeling – 30-50%
• 2012 Survey Identified Barriers to Labeling as
• FTC and EPA Regulations (Need to Assure Compliance)
• Label Space (Replace CFC Labeling?)
• Ongoing Efforts
• Assure That Sufficient Data Exists on Recycling Availability to Justify
Unqualified Claim to “Please Recycle When Empty”
• Standardize Logos and Claims
• Promote Product Labeling in Compliance with FTC Green Guides
• Provide CAPCO with Information to Promote Consumer Awareness
International Liaison Meeting
and International Aerosol Congress
• FEA Meetings in Madrid, Spain – September 23
• Numerous Issues of Interest
• International Aerosol Congress - September 24-26
• 3-Day Congress and Exhibition
• International Liaison Meeting – September 27
• CSPA Delegation Representing USA
• Full Day Discussion by Aerosol Industry Representatives
from Around the World
EPA Aerosol Sector
Stakeholder Workshop
• Office of Atmospheric Programs Stratospheric Protection Division
• March 19, 2013 Meeting in Washington, DC
• CSPA APD Atmospheric Policy Committee
• Chairs: Phil Lapin (Falcon Safety) and John Leuszler (DuPont)
• Information Exchange
• Transition to Ozone-Depleting Alternatives
• Aerosols One of Eight Sectors
• Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP)
• Many CSPA APD Members Participated
Aerosol Sunscreen
Flammability Testing
• 2012 Incident Relating to Residual Flammability
• BOV Aerosol Skin Sprays
• Canada Asking for Safety Testing
• No Standard Testing Protocol
• Company Inquiry: Could CSPA Develop?
• CSPA APD Tests and Standard Methods Committee?
• CSPA Product Ingredient Review (PIR) Program?
CSPA Aerosol Pressurized
Product Survey
• 2012 Aerosol Fillings/ Containers/ Valves
• Aerosol Units Filled and Components Delivered
• Total USA and Total North America
• USA + Canada + Mexico = North America
• 62nd Annual Survey!
• Comprehensive 16-Page Report
• Release: May 9, 2013
• CSPA Mid-Year Meeting Aerosol Products Division Program
CSPA Affiliates Update
• Product Ingredient Review (PIR)
• 37 Active Joint Venture Projects
• Plastic Aerosol Research Group (PARG)
• Consumer Aerosol Products Council (CAPCO)
• and Social Media: Twitter and Facebook
• Promoting Aerosol Recycling and Recyclability - NSTA
• Keep America Beautiful Niche Recycling Webinar
• Partnering with ACE
• Alliance for Consumer Education (ACE)
• - –
• Inhalant Abuse, Poison Prevention, Disease Prevention
• Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Linked In
• Latest Super Hero Partner: Batman!
Summary and Conclusions
• Handling these critical issues and projects
successfully is essential for our industry.
• These issues will not solve themselves.
• Your help is needed.
Thank You! Questions?
Senior Science Fellow &
Aerosol Products Division Staff Executive
Consumer Specialty Products Association
Washington, DC - USA