JOHN ABBOTT A TO Z ABORIGINAL STUDENT RESOURCE CENTRE The John Abbott College Aboriginal Student Resource Centre, located in Herzberg 417, offers many accommodations and services to Aboriginal students: ∙ Comfortable, Inviting Space where you can study, relax, share experiences and meet friends. ∙ Computers, printers and other resources to help with your studies. ∙ Opportunity for you to meet with an Academic Advisor to assist you when selecting your courses. ∙ Orientation and Study Skills Workshops designed especially for you. ∙ Tutoring for assignments and subject matters. ∙ Counselling to help you deal with problems and adjust to the College environment. ∙ Communication with your sponsoring school board or education centre. ∙ Liaison with teachers. The Resource Centre is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ACADEMIC ADVISING SERVICES The Academic Advisors provide information and answer questions about: ∙ Pre-University and Career Programs offered in the CEGEP system, particularly at John Abbott College. ∙ John Abbott Academic Policies and Procedures, such as registration, course load, course correction, course and College withdrawals, standing and advancement, cours commandites, change of program, mid-semester assessments, advanced standing. ∙ Course Selection through individualized program planning to meet personal and educational goals. This includes summer courses. ∙ University Programs, admission requirements, cote de rendement au collégial (CRC scores), application procedures and deadlines and general university information including program structures, scholarships, residence and tuition fees. ∙ University Applications to programs in Arts, Science, Commerce, Communication, Engineering, Law, Medicine and other professional programs. ∙ Career Opportunities and the educational qualifications required for certain career paths. You are encouraged to meet with an Academic Advisor in Student Services, Herzberg 148, early in your stay at the College by appointment Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or for quick questions 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. daily. ACADEMIC COUNCIL Academic Council gives advice to the College on academic matters. Comprised of representatives from various sectors of the College – faculty, administration, non-teaching professionals, support staff and students – the Council meets regularly during the academic year. There are three students elected by the student body on Council. All meetings are open to the College community. ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS The College monitors your academic progress every semester. ∙ Academic Probation: To be considered in good academic standing and to be allowed to register for the following semester, students must pass a minimum of 50% of the regular course load for their program as indicated on their Program Planner. If you do not meet these minimum requirements, you will be placed on academic probation. Reminder: you will be permitted a maximum of two probationary semesters. ∙ Career Program Policy: In addition to the probation policy, if you are enrolled in a career program or the Fine Arts program, you must pass 50% of your career program courses in any given semester as indicated on your planner to remain in your program. If you fail the same career course twice, you will also be required to leave your program. You may appeal to the Program Committee when there are extenuating circumstances. Note: Some career programs (e.g., Nursing, Theatre) have additional requirements. For specific information, contact the Chairperson of your program. Need more info? Pick up the “Academic Requirements” flyer in Student Services (Herzberg 148) or speak to a Counsellor. ACADEMIC RESOURCES The Academic Resources Division provides resources and activities related to the overall success of both day and continuing education students. Academic Resources staff work towards improving the transition of students into college life and to promote, maintain and advance student success in the classroom and beyond. ADMISSIONS John Abbott College is affiliated with the Service régional d’admission du Montréal métropolitain (SRAM) that serves as a clearing house for the processing of applications, however it is the College who evaluates and decides who will be admitted. Students must apply online to SRAM by the March 1st deadline for the fall semester and November 1st for the winter semester. ( There is a $30.00 non-refundable application fee. Please note: John Abbott College Day Division students who are currently registered are not required to re-apply each semester, however students who interrupt their studies for one or more semesters must re-apply through SRAM. Students attending the College in the Continuing Education Division must apply through SRAM. AGORA The Agora (“meeting place” in Greek) is the hub of John Abbott’s lunchtime activities as well as the site of special events and displays. A walk by the Agora will introduce you to interesting educational programs and activities every day of the week! Everything that takes place in this multipurpose area is coordinated through the Student Activities Department. Drop by Herzberg 159 with your ideas and suggestions. ATTENDANCE VALIDATION After September 19 in the fall and after February 14 in the winter you must confirm your attendance in each of your courses. To do this, you must access the Attendance Validation module on Omnivox at the following Internet address: . Failure to confirm your attendance in or indicating that you are no longer attending one or more courses does not mean that you will be deregistered from the course(s). If you do not confirm your attendance using the Omnivox module, you will still receive a grade for whatever work you have completed in that (those) course(s). AUDITOR An “auditor” is a student officially registered in the College who wishes to attend a course without seeking to obtain credits. You may be admitted as an “auditor” at the discretion of the teacher. Request for audit forms can be obtained from the Registrar’s Office and must be signed by both the teacher and the student and returned to the Registrar’s Office no later than the course drop deadline each semester. Students who audit a course may not register for that same course in the future. Need more info? Drop by the Registrar’s Office, Herzberg 128. AWARDS A number of awards are presented to students at the end of each academic year in recognition of academic achievement, excellence in athletics and contribution to campus and student life. ∙ Academic Awards Convocation is held in June for graduating students. Students on the Honour Roll and the Dean’s List are recognized and Academic Departments present Department Awards to their top students. Both John Abbott and external scholarship winners are announced. The prestigious Governor General’s Academic Medal is awarded to the graduating student with the highest overall academic average. The highest honour bestowed by the College at Convocation is the Outstanding Achievement Award. This award is presented to a graduating student with an academic average in the top one percent combined with significant involvement in student life outside the classroom. For more information about recognition of academic achievement at John Abbott, check under the headings “DEAN’S LIST” and “HONOUR ROLL”. ∙ Athletic Awards The Athletic Awards Night is held annually in mid-April. Three or four awards (i.e., Most Valuable Player, Team Player, Most Improved Player, Top Rookie) are given to the leading athletes of each intercollegiate team. In addition, there are eight major College-wide awards presented to student athletes. The Dr. Al Légaré Memorial Community Service Award recognizes the top Islander team in terms of community involvement. The athlete with the highest academic average receives the Academic Achievement Award and the team with the highest combined academic average receives the Team Academic Award. Awards for Outstanding Performance by a Female Rookie and Outstanding Performance by a Male Rookie are presented to first-year Islander standouts. Also recognized are the Outstanding Performance by a Female Athlete and the Outstanding Performance by a Male Athlete. The Jeff Mills Memorial Cup, the highest athletic award given at John Abbott, is presented to the athlete who displays outstanding leadership abilities coupled with strong athletic and academic skills as well as contribution to the College community. ∙ Student Life Awards The Service Awards Reception takes place in early May each year. Involved students throughout the John Abbott community are recognized for their contributions to student life at the College. Traditionally, Service Awards have been given to students with a significant involvement in service organizations, student clubs, volunteer groups, special projects, etc. In addition, one, two or possibly three students are honoured each year with an Outstanding Service Award. This award is presented to students who show excellent leadership, organizational and communication skills and a sense of commitment, responsibility and dedication to their fellow students. BANKING Besides the Bank of Montréal in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, there are bank machines in the entrance of the Casgrain Centre (CIBC), the foyer of Stewart Hall (CIBC) and the lobby of Laird Hall (RBC). BICYCLES ON CAMPUS Cyclists are welcome on campus but you are not permitted to lock your bicycles to trees, signs, park furnishings, lamp-posts, etc. or to bring your bikes inside the buildings. Please use the bicycle racks provided. BIOLOGY LEARNING CENTRE If you could learn material through osmosis, it would be at the Biology Learning Centre, located at AME-317 and AME-318. The room is filled with posters, displays, specimens, and a good selection of textbooks and Biology journals. You have access to three-dimensional models (i.e., skeletons), microscopes and slides. The Centre is the perfect place to review your lab assignments since all the necessary specimens and equipment are made available. It is also where students meet with tutors and do their group projects for Biology. Computers are also available for data analysis, word processing and reviewing course material. The Centre is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. BOARD OF GOVERNORS The College is governed by a nineteen-member Board of Governors appointed by the Minister of Education. It is the highest decision-making body in the institution. The Board appoints the Director General and the Academic Dean, approves academic programs, determines the College budget and student fees, and approves the College bylaws, policies and regulations. Board membership includes two student representatives elected by the student body – one pre-university student and one career program student. The Board meets at least 6 times every year and meetings are open to the College community. BOOKSTORE The Bookstore is located next to the Stewart Hall Cafeteria. You may purchase textbooks, supplies, sportswear, souvenir items and Opus cards. Students are required to bring their booklist and student ID/number with them in order to purchase books and /or course fees. Payment method is cash, VISA, MasterCard or Interac. Students using debit cards should ensure that their daily limits are sufficient to cover the cost of their purchases. There are no refunds without a receipt or if you have written in or damaged the books. Books can be purchased on-line by visiting our website at The Bookstore (Stewart Hall 147) regular hours are Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. BUS PASSES The STM comes to campus early in the Fall semester to provide Opus cards for students who are under 18 years of age, or between 18 and 25 years of age (privilege card for monthly passes only), as of October 31 of the current academic year. These cards enable students to buy monthly bus passes and individual tickets at reduced rates. If you miss the STM day in the Agora, drop by Student Activities, Herzberg 159. You can buy monthly passes or individual bus tickets on your Opus card, both student and adult, at the Bookstore in Stewart Hall 147. BUSINESS LEARNING CENTRE Located on the second floor of Hochelaga in HO-212, this Centre is for Business Administration and Commerce students to study, work on projects or receive assistance in business courses. A variety of study guides, practice tests, textbooks, solutions manuals and other reference materials is available. The Centre is equipped with nine computers connected to the Internet. Software programs include MS Office, Quick Tax, Simply Accounting and MS Project. The Lab Technician is available for free tutoring Monday to Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Students are welcome to drop by or make an appointment. CAREER COUNSELLING Counsellors can help you learn more about your interests, abilities and values, as well as exploring career areas through discussion, testing and on-line career resource programs. Career Counselling is offered to students individually or in a workshop. You can sign up throughout the year in Student Services, Herzberg 148. CAREER INFORMATION The University and Career Information Centre, located in Student Services (Herzberg 148), provides you with up-to-date information to enable you to make career choices and decisions concerning educational and career planning. There is a good collection of pamphlets and books describing occupations and careers as well as Internet access for online university or college applications. A technician is available to help you find what you are looking for. CARPOOLING Carpooling is defined as an arrangement in which two or more people share a vehicle for transportation. It’s a great way to save money and to reduce your footprint on the environment. Informal carpooling is a personal arrangement between a driver and one or more passengers. This includes family members commuting together or someone offering an occasional ride to another person. Staff and Students are welcome to consult the Informal Carpooling module on My JAC portal for this type of ride sharing. Formal carpooling is an arrangement whereby two or more participants (student and/or staff) regularly commute together in one vehicle. Participants reside in different households, often share commuting costs and take turns driving. Carpool groups must meet the minimum compliance and eligibility criteria in order to apply and be considered for a carpooling permit. For more information, consult the Omnivox carpooling module. CHANGE OF ADDRESS You are expected to notify the Registrar’s Office of any change of address, telephone number, or e-mail address. To do so, you must update your address using the Omnivox Service. Go to and click on the Personal Information module. CHANGE OF PROGRAM Change of Program request forms are available from the Registrar’s Office. Students must submit their st st request along with all necessary documentation by March 1 for the fall semester and November 1 for the winter semester. Need more info? Speak to an Academic Advisor in Student Services or an Admissions Officer in the Registrar’s Office. CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM Cheating and plagiarism are extremely serious academic offences which adversely affect this core value and are unacceptable at John Abbott College. Students are expected to conduct themselves accordingly and must be responsible for all of their actions. A student having been found to have cheated or plagiarized will be required to meet with the Dean of Academic Systems. Upon receipt of a second report of cheating or plagiarism, the student may be suspended from the College. ∙ Cheating means any dishonest or deceptive practice relative to exams, tests, quizzes, lab assignments, research papers or other forms of evaluation tasks. Cheating includes, but is not restricted to, making use of or being in possession of, unauthorized material or devices and/or obtaining or providing unauthorized assistance in writing exams, papers or any other evaluation task, and submitting the same work in more than one course without the teacher’s permission. ∙ Plagiarism is the intentional copying or paraphrasing (expressing the ideas of someone else in one’s own words) of another person’s work or the use of another person’s work or ideas without acknowledgement. Plagiarism can be from any source including books, magazines, electronic or photographic media, web pages or online material, or another student’s paper or work. For cheating or plagiarism, the teacher will assign the student a zero on an evaluation task or fail the student in the course on a final evaluation task. Cases of cheating and plagiarism are reported to the Dean of Academic Systems. Upon receipt of a second report of cheating or plagiarism, the student may be suspended from the College for up to a period of two years. Need more info? Read the IPESA (Institutional Policy on Evaluation of Student Achievement) on the John Abbott web site under Current Day Students. CHEMISTRY STUDY AREA The Chemistry Study Area is located on the fourth floor of the Anne-Marie Edward Science building and is open Monday to Friday. If you want a quiet place to study, why not try it? Student tutors are available during posted hours to answer questions for Chemistry 001, 003, NYB and NYA courses. This room contains Chemistry textbooks, study guides, and other reference manuals as well as 6 computers. CLASSES - THINGS YOU MUST KNOW ∙ Assignments You are expected to complete and turn in all assignments by the deadline. If you are unable to do so, you must discuss your reasons with your teacher in advance of the deadline. ∙ Attendance Attendance at all classes, labs, workshops, clinics and fieldwork is compulsory. Read your Course Outline carefully, paying attention to the attendance requirements specified for each course. If you exceed the specified number of unexcused absences, you may face a variety of consequences which can include automatic failure in the course, refusal of permission to write final exams, etc. ∙ Authorized Absence If you are absent from class for health or emergency situations, you must inform your teacher immediately. If you are going to be absent for five days or more, you are advised to also call the Registrar’s Office. In the case of long term absences for extenuating circumstances (three weeks or longer), you may request an “Authorized Absence” by submitting complete documentation to the Registrar. If you miss a significant part of the course due to an authorized absence, you may still fail the course or receive a permanent incomplete. Need more info? Drop by the Registrar’s Office, Herzberg 128. ∙ Behaviour Expectations Class time is limited, and each student at John Abbott is entitled to the very best educational experience in every class. It is important that the atmosphere of each classroom, lab, workshop or clinic be as conducive as possible to the learning process. With apologies to the vast majority who are already well aware of how such an atmosphere is created and maintained, the following guidelines are established. Inappropriate classroom behaviour includes the following: ∙ Speaking while another person (teacher or student) has the floor (i.e., is addressing the class as a whole). ∙ Reading or writing about subjects which are not part of the current class discussion. This includes doing homework for another course, reading the newspaper, etc. ∙ Using IPODS, MP3 players, cell phones or other electronic devices (pagers, etc.) not related to the course. ∙ Arriving late, leaving early, leaving the room for any non-emergency without having had the courtesy to make this known at the beginning of class. ∙ Eating or drinking in class or labs. ∙ Threatening,harassing, or offensive behaviour towards any person in the class. ∙ Referring directly or indirectly to someone else in the class in a rude manner or using offensive language. ∙ Cancellations To find out if a class is cancelled, check the class cancellations posted on the Omnivox Class Cancellation module. You may also let the system phone you by activating the class cancellation notification module in the Omnivox Services for students. If your teacher has not arrived at the starting time of the class, you are expected to remain in class for 15 minutes before leaving. ∙ Late Arrivals You are expected to arrive at all classes, labs, workshops, clinics and fieldwork on time. ∙ Meetings with Teachers You are encouraged to meet with your teacher if you are having difficulty in a course. If you are unable to meet your teacher during his or her regular office hours, then you must arrange an appointment. ∙ Time Classes begin on the hour or half hour and end 10 minutes prior to the hour or half hour. CLOSING OF THE COLLEGE During the course of the year, in the event of adverse weather conditions or circumstances beyond the College’s control (e.g., power blackout, severe snowstorm, employee strike), the College may have to close. The College will contact the entire community via the intercom and will post notices on My Jac Portal and on the College web site at . If the College cannot open because of a major snowstorm or other unforeseen event, radio and TV stations will be advised in the morning and an announcement will be posted on My Jac Portal and the college web site. CLUBS A wide variety of student clubs have existed over the years depending on student interests, including the following: ∙ Artistic Anime, Drama, Film Making, Improve, Life Drawing, Locus (literary magazine), Singing ∙ Athletic/Recreational Aerobic Fitness, Aquafit, Badminton, Bodybuilding, Breakdancing, Kayak, Outdoor Adventure, Rock Climbing, Squash. ∙ Educational Amnesty (human rights), Astronomy, Bacchus (alcohol awareness), Debating, HEAL (environmental concerns), Free the Children, GALA, JACtivists, Science, Stock Market ∙ Multicultural Arab, Chinese, South Asian, Spanish ∙ Political Model United Nations, Young Liberals ∙ Religious Christian Fellowship, Hillel, Muslim, Pagan ∙ Social Bridge, Chess, Gamers You are very welcome to join any of these clubs or to start a new one. There is always room for one more! Check with Student Activities, Herzberg 159, or SUJAC, Penfield 101. COFFEE HOUSE - OVAL The Oval is an on-campus coffee house located in the Herzberg basement, H-052. It offers coffee, teas, juices and light lunches in an easy- going atmosphere where you may enjoy a relaxed discussion or a game of chess. It is a great place to work on a group project. There is wireless Internet access. COLLEGE HOURS During the academic year, College buildings are open Monday to Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.; Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. On weekends and holidays, access is given to staff from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with John Abbott ID. Staff without ID must obtain written permission from their Chairperson. This permission must be sent to Security before 3:00 p.m., Friday. Students are only permitted to access specific labs and study areas if prior authorization from faculty has been received by Security. Access is given through Herzberg main entrance only. Summer Hours, from mid-June to mid-August - Monday to Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. , Friday from 7:00 a.m. to noon. COMMISSIONER OF OATHS Government agencies and other organizations sometimes require a formal written statement, affidavit or sworn declaration to attest a fact. To do this, you must see a Commissioner of Oaths who will provide the service free of charge. In the College, you may see the Financial Assistance Officer (Herzberg 139) or the Administrative Assistant in Student Services (Herzberg 148). COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT All students must successfully complete a Comprehensive Assessment, specific to their program of study, in order to be eligible to graduate. This Comprehensive Assessment may take many forms (examination, major research project, integrating activity, portfolio, etc.) and is a graduation requirement in addition to the successful completion of all course work. Details of each Comprehensive Assessment can be found in the John Abbott Course Calendar. The Comprehensive Assessment is usually completed in the student’s graduating semester. For more information on the Comprehensive Assessment contact the Chairperson of your program or the Associate Dean responsible for your program. COMPUTER RESOURCES Computers are available to students on a drop-in basis in the Penfield Computer Centre, located on the rd 3 floor of the Penfield building. A schedule is posted at the entry. Each student has a personal storage space (My Documents) with a capacity of 75 MB on the student server. This space is cleaned out on June 30 of each year. It is the students’ responsibility to make backup copies. Each student has a printing ration of 150 pages per year with a maximum of 20 pages per job and 5 copies at a time. You can purchase extra pages at the Library in 40 page increments. You must log on to your account on the John Abbott Student Network to gain access to the computers and carefully follow the instructions displayed on your computer screen. The P.C.C. is open Monday to Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Desktops and Laptops are also available in the Library. COMPUTER SCIENCE LABS If you are a Computer Science Technology student or if you take a concentration or a complementary course in Computer Science, Computer Labs (Penfield 322, 325, 326 and 327) are available for you to do your homework. Non-Computer Science students may also use the lab computers, without printing privileges, if the computer is not required for a class or a Computer Science student. As these Labs are used both for classes and homework, please check the schedule posted on the Lab door before entering. When the Labs are used for homework, it is on a drop-in basis. A Lab Technician is available for help in the Lab area. The Labs are typically open Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CONFIDENTIALITY Your records, grades and cumulative transcripts are confidential and given only to you. If you are less than 18 years of age, your transcript and other information will be released to your parent(s) or guardian(s) upon written request only. Your appointments with Student Services personnel such as academic advisors, counsellors, nurses and doctors are also confidential. CONTINUING EDUCATION The Centre for Continuing Education offers adult members of the community a wide variety of educational opportunities in support of their lifelong learning needs for career advancement and personal development. Continuing Education is the place for adults to register in individual courses, enhance their IT skills, have their non-academic prior learning assessed for credit or enrol in fast-track intensive AEC programs. A wide range of non-credit courses is also offered. The Centre, located in Brittain Hall, is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information, call 514 457-5036, or visit the website at . CONVOCATION Each June, John Abbott College formally honours all graduates who have completed their studies during the past academic year. If you are eligible to graduate, you will receive an invitation to attend the Convocation ceremonies. A fee will be charged to cover the cost of gowns and other expenses. COUNSELLING SERVICES Staffed by professional Counsellors and Psychologists, Counselling Services offers you the following: ∙ Career Counselling including: interest testing, computer career programs, exploration of careers and decision making. ∙ Personal Counselling for a wide variety of concerns including: family problems, depression, shyness, anxiety, relationships, sexual abuse, drug and alcohol abuse and other matters. ∙ Educational Counselling in areas such as: procrastination, exam anxiety, time management, dealing with teachers and speaking in front of groups, as well as monitoring students on academic probation. ∙ Classroom Workshops on themes such as: communication skills, career planning, stress management, giving oral presentations. You can meet a Counsellor in Student Services (Herzberg 148) on a drop-in basis or by appointment Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. COURSE ADD/EXCHANGE Using the Omnivox Registration Module, students may attempt to add/exchange courses for preferential reasons during the course add/exchange weekend which typically occurs after the first week of classes. This is the only opportunity to add/exchange a course for personal preference and course space availability is extremely limited. Students must obtain an updated copy of their schedule and are advised to verify their progression chart to ensure they are correctly registered. For more information, check under the heading ”COURSE CORRECTION”. COURSE CALENDAR The College produces a Course Calendar once a year. Included are course descriptions for courses that are offered or will be offered, College policies and procedures, academic rules and regulations, as well as information on College services. Current and previous Course Calendars are available on the College’s website under Current Students, Registrar’s Office. Every year, students will receive a copy of their program calendar via Omnivox identified as a “document intended for you”. COURSE CORRECTION (FOLLOWING REGISTRATION) You must register during your assigned registration appointment time. Corrections to your registration are only allowed for pedagogical reasons such as: incorrect placement in a language course, incorrect placement in a science or math course, receipt of a corrected mark for a recently completed high school or college course or to correct diploma requirement deficiencies to allow you to graduate. These corrections are made as soon as possible only during the first week of classes and must be made through an Academic Advisor in Student Services. Changes to registration for preference reasons are only allowed during the Course Add/Exchange week-end. See Academic Advising for clarification. COURSE DEREGISTRATION (DROP) POLICY th You may drop a course beginning on the first day of classes and up to September 19 for the fall th semester and February 14 for the winter semester. If you miss the deadline to drop a course and you stop going to class, you will receive a failing grade. To drop a course, you must use the Omnivox Registration Module. Before you decide to drop a course, you are advised to speak to your teacher and/or an Academic Advisor in Student Services. Students on academic probation must speak to a Counsellor before dropping a course. COURSE FAILURES The College monitors your academic progress every semester. ∙ Probation Policy You are reminded that all students must pass at least 50% of the regular course load for their program every semester. ∙ Career Program Policy In addition to the probation policy, career program and Fine Arts students must pass 50% of their career program courses to remain in their program. Students who fail the same career course twice will also be asked to leave the program. You may appeal to the Program Committee when there are extenuating circumstances. Note: Some career programs (e.g., Nursing, Theatre) have additional requirements. For specific information, contact the Chairperson of your program. Unfortunately, your transcript will follow you to university and in some cases, accumulating failures at CEGEP may disadvantage you when applying to university. If you are having difficulty in a course, you are advised to speak to your teacher, the Student Success Animator, an Academic Advisor and/or use the services offered by the various Learning Centres. Need more info? Pick up the “Academic Requirements” flyer in Student Services or speak to a Counsellor. COURSE LOAD POLICY You will find the regular course load for your program indicated on the progression chart if you are a career program or pre-university program student. These progression charts are on Omnivox. You are encouraged to register for a full course load, however, if you need to register in fewer courses, you may do so, but you must be registered in a minimum of 12 hours of class time per week to maintain full-time status. This includes core and compulsory courses in your program. Keep in mind the minimum number of courses you must pass to avoid being on academic probation. If you would like to register for one additional course, you must pass the regular number of courses in the previous semester and obtain an additional course waiver from an Academic Advisor. If you are in your graduating semester, you may register for one additional course automatically. Intersession courses count as winter semester courses but do not count in your course load for the winter semester. Need more information on any course load issues? Speak to an Academic Advisor. COURSE OUTLINES (PLANS D’ÉTUDES) During the first week of every semester, you will receive a course outline for each course in which you are registered. This very important document describes the objectives of the course, the course content, the competencies to be attained, the methods used in instruction, the evaluation procedures, the bibliography, and the teacher’s office hours. Read your course outlines very carefully. It is important to keep copies for your own personal records as universities request them to evaluate equivalencies and/or transfer credits. There is a fee for each additional course outline copy you request after you leave the College. You will find reference copies of the course outlines in the Library. COURSE SELECTION You must register for the courses indicated for each semester according to your progression chart. You may also view program planners on the Registrar’s Office web page under Registration Resources. It is up to you to correctly choose courses to meet diploma and university entrance requirements. Need more info? Speak to an Academic Advisor before you register. COURSES TAKEN AT ANOTHER CEGEP (COMMANDITES) If you are planning to take courses at another CEGEP, you must first see an Academic Advisor to obtain permission and to complete a Cours Commandite form. Failure to obtain the required form may result in your not obtaining credit for the course taken at the other CEGEP. CRC - COTE DE RENDEMENT AU COLLÉGIAL The “Cote de Rendement au Collégial” (CRC) is a statistical tool used by Québec universities in the analysis of CEGEP students’ records for Admission purposes. The calculation takes into consideration primarily CEGEP marks, but also (to a lesser extent) Secondary IV and V marks. It establishes your position in a course relative to that of your classmates, and makes statistical adjustments taking into consideration the strength of your class versus that of other classes having taken the same course. Knowing your CRC may give you some indication of your chance for acceptance into competitive university programs with admission quotas. The CRC average is recalculated twice each year (March and October). Additional information on your CRC score can be found on the Omnivox site or by seeing an Academic Advisor. CREDIT SYSTEM Each course is identified with a number, title, ponderation and credit value in the John Abbott Course Calendar and in the Schedule of Classes. A credit is equal to three hours of learning activities (teaching, laboratory, fieldwork or workshop and homework) per week. Need more info? See the John Abbott Course Calendar or the Schedule of Classes. CULTURAL DIVERSITY The Cultural Diversity Office located in Herzberg 159 serves as a resource for staff and students. Its mission is “to ensure that the rich cultural diversity of John Abbott College’s population is appropriately represented in its programming, services, and activities.” The office collaborates with faculty and staff to create educational activities that expand beyond the classroom. All students are encouraged to get involved in the planning and organizing of events. DATES AND DEADLINES All the important dates and deadlines from the first to the last day of classes, examination dates, holidays, etc. are published in Important Dates and Deadlines in the Schedule of Classes and on the Web. DAYCARE CENTRE The “CPE du Campus” Daycare, located at the corner of Lakeshore Road and Maple Avenue, is open to the children of John Abbott students. Children from 3 months to 5 years old are accepted depending on availability. For further information, call the Director at 514 398-7951. DEADLINES You are responsible for meeting all College deadlines. All deadlines are strictly enforced and published every semester in the Important Dates and Deadlines in the Schedule of Classes and on the Web. DEAN’S LIST If you are one of the top 35 students in the College based on overall average, regardless of your program, you will be placed on the Dean’s List. To be eligible for this honour, you must have followed all the courses that are required by your program for the semester. The list of names is exhibited in a display case on the first floor of the Herzberg Building and a reception is held each semester to honour the students and their parents. Dean’s List students may also invite to the reception one of their teachers or other college staff member who has made a difference during their course of study. For more information about recognition of academic achievement at John Abbott, check under the headings “HONOUR ROLL” and “AWARDS”. DENTAL CLINIC The Dental Clinic, located in the Stewart East Building, provides an affordable opportunity to maintain good oral health right here on campus! The following services are provided by dental hygiene students under the supervision of licensed dental hygienists and dentists: dental exam, X-rays, cleaning of teeth and fluoride application ($35.00); fillings ($25.00-$30.00); sealants ($5.00); sport mouthguard ($20.00) tooth whitening ($150.00) The Dental Clinic is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To make an appointment, call 514 457-5010. DIFFICULTIES IN COURSES As soon as you begin to have difficulties in a course, you are advised to speak to your teacher, the Student Success Animator (H-162) or an Academic Advisor (H-148) and to use the services offered by the various Learning Centres. DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS A DEC is the French acronym for “Diplôme d’Études Collégiales” and is issued by the Minister of Education on the recommendation of the College. An AEC, issued by the College, is the acronym for “Attestation d’Études Collégiales”. It is not true that any course you pass will automatically count towards a college diploma. Check your diploma requirements every semester with an Academic Advisor before you register. In your graduating semester make sure you are on the graduating students list in the Registrar’s Office. To obtain a DEC, in addition to the required number of courses students must also pass the Ministerial Examination of College English and a John Abbott Comprehensive Assessment specific to each program. Need more info? Speak to an Academic Advisor in Student Services. EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION All the information you need to set some educational goals is available in the University and Career Information Centre in Student Services, adjacent to the Reception area. There are calendars and pamphlets for trade schools, college and university programs, specialized institutions and programs such as exchange and language programs. Also available is the Internet access for online applications and information on Canadian colleges and universities. ELEVATORS There are a few elevators throughout the campus, which are not available to the general community. If you have a temporary medical condition you can go to the Receiving department (H-127) to inquire about signing out an elevator key. You must present your ID card and a $20.00 refundable deposit. Students with permanent or long-term mobility problems should contact the Learning Centre (H-129) E-MAIL The College does not provide students with an official e-mail address. If you require a College address, rd contact the ITS helpdesk situated on the 3 floor of the Penfield building. EMERGENCY - ACCIDENT OR MEDICAL In the case of an accident or a medical emergency on campus, please follow these procedures: ∙ Ask for Assistance from a staff member and/or a security officer (all security officers are trained in First-Aid and CPR). ∙ If an Ambulance Is Required, call Security at local 7777, or 514 398-7777 (Security is open 24 hours). You can also use the Yellow SOS intercom (indoors) or the Red Light - Yellow box intercom (outdoors). ∙ Do Not Take It Upon Yourself to call Urgences-santé (911). Security will make all the necessary arrangements. ∙ Remain Calm and, after having asked for assistance, stay with the victim until help arrives. EMERGENCY EVACUATION Once the fire alarm starts, you must evacuate the premises immediately in an orderly and systematic fashion as indicated on the evacuation plans posted in all the corridors throughout the buildings or as directed by the fire marshals. You may not re-enter the buildings until the fire alarm stops ringing or until you hear the all clear signal over the intercom. EMERGENCY TELEPHONES For your safety on campus, emergency phones are provided inside and outside the buildings. Interior emergency phones are located in the hallways and are marked with yellow SOS signs. To connect to the Campus Security Office, simply open the plastic cover, press and then release the button. Exterior emergency telephones are installed in the parking lots and outside certain buildings. These telephones are yellow and have red indicator lights located above them. Once the emergency button is pressed (no dialing required), communication is automatically established with the Campus Security Office which is open 24 hours a day. You are encouraged to use the emergency telephones to report medical or other emergencies, or any other situations (e.g., vandalism, thefts, suspicious activities) requiring the intervention of Campus Security. If the situation necessitates an ambulance and/or the intervention of the police, Campus Security will make the call(s) immediately. EMPLOYMENT CENTRE The Employment Centre is located in Herzberg 138 and offers the following services: ∙ Jobs: Helps you locate part-time jobs while you study, and full-time jobs for summer. The service works closely with graduating students to obtain full-time employment upon graduation. Job postings are available through My JAC Portal - Employment Centre-Jobs under Omnivox Services. ∙ Jobs on Campus: Many College departments hire students during the semester. To help students succeed academically, jobs will not exceed 12 hours per week. To be eligible to work on campus students must be in good academic standings (not be on academic probation). Jobs on campus are posted on the website but students must apply in person at the Employment Centre. ∙ Labour Market, Occupational and Employer Information: Provides you with everything you need to know about work programs, exchanges, volunteer opportunities as well as information regarding work prospects, educational requirements and employer profiles. Computers are available on-site with useful Internet links. We organize Career Fair and Job Fairs. ∙ Job Search Workshops: Includes instruction and individual critique of résumé writing, interview techniques and telephone skills, plus more helpful tools and tips for today’s job search market. The Employment Centre is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ENGLISH SECOND LANGUAGE SERVICES In the Fall semester, first semester students studying in English for the first time are eligible for free one-to-one tutoring or study group sessions through the Learning Centre in Herzberg 117. Students are informed through Omnivox, the JAC Portal, the Daily Info, and through their English classes early in the Fall semester about the service and how to obtain a tutor. EQUIVALENCES, EXEMPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS If you have studied in a post-secondary institution such as another college (non-CEGEP) or university or have changed your program, you may be eligible to receive some credit for courses previously passed in the form of equivalences or substitutions. You may also be eligible for equivalences for some courses taken in senior high school in provinces other than Québec. Need more info? Speak to an Academic Advisor in Student Services. EVALUATION OF STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT If you wish to learn more about your rights and responsibilities regarding the evaluation of your academic performance, you should read the Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA). It includes topics such as the marking system, attendance, submission of work, confidentiality, grade reviews, cheating and plagiarism, academic standards, academic rights and responsibilities, evaluation for a diploma. This document is available on the College website. EXAM PROCEDURE It is important for all students who write exams to read and follow the exam procedure. It is published in the Info along with the Exam Schedule or it can be found on the Registrar’s Office web page. The procedure deals with ID cards for exams, calculators, electronic devices and coats in the exam room, the timing of exams and other “need to know” facts. EXTRA COURSES You will not be permitted to register for courses outside of your program at your registrations appointment time. If you would like to request permission to take an extra course, you must speak to an Academic Advisor to discuss the reasons for your request. If the reason is valid, you will need to ask permission from the Dean of Academic Systems. Registration in the extra course(s) will be allowed, space permitting, once registration is over. You will have to pay tuition fees of $6.00 per credit hour for these th th courses. Fees are due no later than September 19 for the fall semester and February 14 for the winter semester. Need more information? Speak to an Academic Advisor in Student Services. FAX SERVICE If you need to send a fax while at the College, you may do so at Human Resources Services, Stewart Hall 100C. It will cost you $1.00 for the first page plus 50 cents for each additional page. Long distance charges (if applicable) are extra. For Quebec and Ontario 50 cents per minute, the rest of Canada 75 cents per minute and for the U.S. a dollar per minute, for oversees faxes a flat rate of $3.00 per page. Cash payments only. Arrangements can also be made, on an exceptional basis, to receive faxes at the College for a fee of 50 cents per incoming page. Human Resources Services is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Faxing hours are from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. and from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. FEES You are required to pay a variety of fees in order to attend John Abbott. All students pay the same fees each semester before picking up a registration package. A small number of students will be required to pay more fees after registering depending on the courses chosen. No money should be collected in the classroom by the teachers. All fees are listed in the Schedule of Classes and may be paid by cash, cheque, money order, Master Card, VISA or bank cards (Interac, Instabank, etc.). Be sure to verify the deadlines to pay your fees because late fees add up quickly. There is a $25.00 College charge for each cheque returned by the bank. ∙ Registration Fee The Registration Fee ($20.00 per semester for full-time day students and $5.00 per course for part-time day students) pays for all the costs associated with the Omnivox registration process and related services. Students who do not register by the last published day for registration will be required to pay an additional Late Registration Fee of $50.00. ∙ Educational Support Fee Student Services and the Student Union (SUJAC) jointly administer the Educational Support Fee ($25.00 per semester for full-time day students and $6.00 per course for part-time day students) through the Student Activities Committee (SAC). This fee pays for ID cards, the AGENDA, Orientation, the Learning Centre, the College and Career Information Centre and Academic Advising Services. ∙ Student Services Fee Student Services and the Student Union (SUJAC) jointly administer the Student Services Fee ($52.00 per semester for full-time day students and $13.00 per course for part-time day students) through the Student Activities Committee (SAC). This fee is used to pay for Counselling Services, the Student Employment Centre, Financial Assistance Services and the Health and Wellness Centre. ∙ Student Association Fee Student Services and the Student Union (SUJAC) jointly administer the Student Association Fee ($45.00 per semester for full-time day students and $12.00 per course for part-time day students) through the Student Activities Committee (SAC). This fee pays for SUJAC, student clubs, student newspaper and radio, social and cultural programs, intercollegiate sports, intramural sports and recreation, entertainment in the Agora, special projects and events, Legal Advisory Services, the Sports and Recreation Department and the Student Activities Department. ∙ User Fees The College charges an administrative fee to students who benefit from any of the following services: • • • second copy of an unofficial student transcript duplicate of course description duplicate receipts $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ∙ reproduction of archived documents attestation of attendance course description mailed to outside institutions ID replacement agenda book replacement convocation foreign student health insurance accident insurance mailing of diploma athletic team membership student club membership social, cultural and educational trips career counselling testing job placement interview simulations and workshops study skills, English Exit Exam workshop cafeteria, bookstore, residence, parking, etc. photocopies, faxes, printing and e-mail fines for parking, late books and AV material tuition tax receipts (amended copies) $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $10.00 $5.00 $50.00 Approx. $600.00 Approx. $30.00 Variable $10.00 - $900.00 $3.00 - $100.00 $3.00 - $500.00 $25.00 $2.00 - $10.00 $20.00 Variable Variable Variable $10.00 Extra Course Fees You will not be permitted to register for courses outside of your program at your registration appointment time. If you would like to request permission to take an extra course, you must speak to an Academic Advisor to discuss the reasons for your request. If the reason is valid, you will need to ask permission from the Dean of Academic Systems. Registration in the extra course (s) will be allowed, space permitting, once registration is over. You will have to pay tuition fees of th $6.00 per credit hour for these courses. Fees are due no later than September 19 for the fall th semester and February 14 for the winter semester. Need more info? Speak to an Academic Advisor in Student Services. ∙ International Student Fees Student Visa Holders must pay a $50.00 fee when admitted to the College if they apply from outside Canada. Tuition fees, established by the Québec Ministry of Education, are as follows: ∙ All Pre-University Programs (Arts and Science, Science, Social Science, Science and Social Science Double DEC, Creative Arts, Literature and Languages, Fine Arts, Liberal Arts) and Police, Correctional Intervention, Information and Library, Business Administration, Publication Design and Hypermedia and Computer Science: $5096.00 per semester for full-time students / $24.78 per hour for part-time students. . Theatre and Engineering,: $6,597.00 per semester for full-time students / $32.14 per hour for part-time students. ∙ Dental Hygiene, Nursing and Pre-Hospital Emergency Care: $7,899.00 per semester for full-time students / $38.43 per hour for part-time students. The International Student Fees are subject to change. ∙ Out-of-Province Fees for Non-Residents For out of province students who are not Québec residents, tuition fees are set at $1319.00 per semester for full-time students / $6.44 per hour for part-time students. The Out of Province Fees for Non-Residents are subject to change. ∙ Post-DEC Fees If you have a DEC and are planning to continue at John Abbott to obtain pre-requisite courses for university admission, you will have to request a change of program to 080.04 (outside program of study) and pay tuition fees of $6.00 per credit hour. For example, a 75-hour Math course would cost $450.00. If you are continuing in a professional program, this does not apply to you. Post-DEC Fees are subject to change. ∙ Late Payment Fee Payments made after the established deadlines will be subject to a $50.00 late payment penalty. ∙ Refunds Certain student fees (Educational Support, Student Services and Student Association) are refundable if the student withdraws from the College: ∙ Up to but not including the first day of class ∙ From the first day of class and up to the official withdrawal deadline ∙ After the official withdrawal deadline 100% 50% 0% FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES Financial Assistance Services (FAS) provides all essential information on the different financial assistance programs to which John Abbott students may apply. FAS provides advice on the options available to students and assistance with the various application procedures for financial aid. The following financial assistance programs can be accessed through FAS: ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Government Student Loans and Bursaries Program John Abbott College Bursary and Scholarship Funds Canadian Second Language Bursary Program Off-Campus Scholarship and Bursary Programs FAS also offers services to registered students who are experiencing major financial difficulties that are putting their studies in jeopardy. Students in this situation should meet with the Financial Assistance Officer: ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Work/Study Program Textbook Lending Program Student Assistance fund Food Bank Other Services Available: ∙ ∙ ∙ Commissioner of Oaths Budgeting Information Information on Community and Government Resources More information is available at and on the community page of Financial Assistance Services on the JAC Portal. Financial Assistance Services is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Herzberg 139. consultations are confidential. All FIRST YEAR STUDENTS If you are a first semester student at John Abbott, special programs and services are available to help facilitate your transition from High School to CEGEP. In August, you are invited to attend Orientation, a program designed to introduce you to the College’s services, resources and facilities, and to prepare you for the start of the academic year. Early in the semester, many academic departments hold welcoming activities to provide you with an opportunity to meet the faculty. A Student Success Animator is available to help students having difficulty adjusting to College (transition from high school to college, facing future career decisions, etc.). Free tutoring is available in various academic departments and in the Learning Centre. Special tutoring is offered to English Second Language (ESL) students. An “Early Alert” program is in place to help students in difficulty at the start of the semester. Midway through the fall and winter semesters, academic feedback (Mid-Semester Assessment) is provided to all students indicating their progress in each course. FOOD SERVICES ∙ Cafeteria Located in Stewart Hall, the Cafeteria is open Monday to Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and serves hot nutritional meals (breakfast and lunch) at reasonable prices. The Cafeteria includes a salad bar, self-serve soup and chili counter, a Panini Sandwich counter and a self-serve Pasta Bar. ∙ Munch Box This snack bar, located in the Casgrain Centre, is open Monday to Thursday 7:45 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Friday 7:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and serves Panini sandwiches, pre-made salads, fast food, soups, ice cream and frozen yogurt. The Munch Box also includes a Starbucks Coffee outlet. ∙ Vending Machines The vending machines, supplied with a variety of snacks, soft drinks and dairy products, are located in several areas of the campus: Brittain basement, Casgrain basement and first floor, Dental Clinic, Herzberg basement, second floor and fourth floor, Hochelaga second floor corridor, Stewart Hall first floor, Anne Marie Edward Science Building first floor and Penfield basement. If you lose money in the machines, report this to the Manager of the Munch Box in the Casgrain Centre or to the Cashier in the Cafeteria in Stewart Hall. Your money will be refunded. There are seven change machines located next to the vending machines in various buildings. For more information including menus, please refer to the College web site . FOUNDATION Established in 1999, the John Abbott College Foundation was created to support the College’s mission to provide an excellent education for its students within a stimulating learning environment that will enhance their development and potential for success in society. Through its fundraising activities, the Foundation provides opportunities for students through the funding of scholarships, bursaries and financial assistance. The Foundation is responsible for all fundraising programs that provide longer term endowment funds, and supports the construction and renovation of facilities as well as access to technology, with a view of promoting an optimal learning environment. If you would like more information or would like to get involved with the Foundation and its activities, please visit the office in Stewart Hall (SH-023). FRENCH LEARNING CENTRE - CAF If you need help in French (writing, reading, comprehension, speaking), the “Centre d’aide en français” is there for you. There, you will find dictionaries, grammar books, workbooks and many other reference books, as well as computers equipped with word processing, spelling and grammar programs, software to practice oral French, etc. But, above all, you will find volunteer French tutors who are available to help improve your French, oral or written. The “CAF” is located in the basement of Penfield (P-004) and is open every class day. For more information, contact any teacher in the French Department. GRADE REVIEW POLICY If you feel the grade you received for a course was not fair, you can appeal to have it changed. Before making this appeal, you must first talk to your teacher about it, explaining your reasons. If you cannot come to an agreement and wish to pursue the matter, you must go to the Registrar’s Office and complete a Final Grade Review request form. You must submit this form to the Registrar’s Office within four weeks of the first day of the next semester. Need more info? Drop by the Registrar’s Office, Herzberg H-128. GRADES At the end of every semester, you will be assigned a grade for each of the courses for which you are registered in that semester. The passing grade is 60%. You can access your grades via Omnivox. GRADING SYSTEM The College uses a numerical grading system in which a minimum pass mark is 60%. A student who earns a course mark of 60% or higher is entitled to receive College credit for the course. The levels (A to F, Excellent to Fail) provide the student and the general public with an understanding of the meaning of the numerical grade. 90 80 70 60 0 - 100% 89% 79% 69% 59% A B C D F Excellent Very Good Good Pass Fail GRADUATING FROM CEGEP A diploma request is automatically issued for students in their final semester based on their Omnivox Progression Chart. Each semester, a graduation list is posted in the Registrar’s Office. Students must verify their graduation status. Convocation, the graduation ceremony, is held in the second week of June. Invitations to graduating students are sent out in April. Official diplomas, from the Québec Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sports, are mailed to the College three months later. Students are notified by mail when their diploma has arrived at the College. GRIEVANCE POLICY If you have a problem involving a teacher, you should first try to resolve the issue directly with him or her. You may also get assistance in resolving your problem from the Academic Department Chairperson. If you are still not satisfied with the solution, there is a way to file a formal complaint or “grievance”. The Student Union, SUJAC can provide you with all the necessary information and a Grievance Submittal Form. The Program Dean responsible for your program will hear your grievance. Formal grievances may be submitted at any time but not later than March 15 for grievances arising in the preceding fall semester and October 15 for grievances arising in the preceding winter and summer semesters. Need more info? Pick up a copy of the Grievance Policy at the offices of SUJAC, the Program Deans, or the Registrar. HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTRE The Health and Wellness Centre (Herzberg 139) offers you the following free and confidential services: ∙ Consultations: Individual, couple or group consultations for concerns and/or needs related to health, such as: general health problems, mental health, nutrition, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, etc. ∙ Health Screening and Testing: Including blood pressure, pregnancy tests, sexually transmitted disease testing and HIV testing. ∙ General Clinics: Held twice a week throughout the academic year, by appointment. ∙ Health Education: Health promotion and prevention of illness is a major concern. Special programs on various health related topics such as AIDS, contraception, STD, sexual health, substance abuse, nutrition, self-care, sexual assault, lifestyles, etc. are presented on campus throughout the year. If you have special health needs, you are encouraged to visit the Health and Wellness Centre to obtain the assistance required. The Centre is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. HONOUR ROLL You will be named to the Honour Roll if you meet all the following criteria: final grade average of 80% or over, in the top 10% of your program, no mark under 75%, no more than one course under the normal course load for that semester and taking at least two concentration courses in the program. Names of honourees are posted each semester on the first floor of Herzberg. For more information about recognition of academic achievement at John Abbott, check under the headings “DEAN’S LIST” and “AWARDS”. HOUSING SERVICES Housing Services provides on-campus apartments and information about off-campus accommodations: ∙ On-Campus The Stewart Apartments offers convenient, on-campus living for 191 full-time students in 53 st self-contained units. The application deadline for August admission is the preceding May 1 . Applications should be made online via our webpage. Inquiries concerning January admission should be directed to the Housing Services Office in SA-113. Priority for acceptance into Stewart Apartments will be given to Québec residents. The general criteria for acceptance will be based on distance from, and accessibility to, the College. ∙ Off-Campus Throughout the year, Housing Services (SA-113) operates an off-campus housing service which: ∙ Locates Rooms and Apartments in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue and surrounding areas (along bus routes). ∙ Provides You With Listings of available accommodations on the Housing Services web page. This list is updated regularly and can be accessed by typing “Housing” into the search option on the College web site. ∙ Advises You on Leasing Agreements with potential land-lords. The Housing Services Office is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ID CARDS ID cards are given free of charge to all first-year students at the beginning of the academic year. You are asked to keep your ID card throughout your stay at John Abbott. The cards are updated every semester in the Agora for returning students during the first or second week of classes. A fee of $10.00 will be charged for a replacement card or a replacement update sticker. Throughout the semester, you may obtain an ID card from Student Activities, Herzberg 159, at times indicated on the Portal. ID cards remain the property of John Abbott College and must be surrendered to College authorities upon request. John Abbott ID cards are required for: ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ admission to College functions printing and photocopy borrowing library materials and audiovisual equipment use of athletic equipment and facilities ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ obtaining loan certificates and bursary cheques buying bus and train passes at reduced rates modification or inquiry regarding usernames/passwords of student network accounts writing end-of-term exams security INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES The Information Technology Services are located on the third floor of Penfield. These services are comprised of the College IT help desk, dedicated labs for Computer Science Technology and Publications and Hypermedia Design Technology (PDHT) as well as Multi-Purpose Labs. INSURANCE ∙ Accident Insurance Accident insurance is available to all full-time students at inexpensive rates. Full time coverage for a year, 24 hours per day, anywhere in the world is $11.00 for women and $20.00 for men. Premiums may vary from year to year. The exact cost is deter-mined by August 1st each year. If you are interested in purchasing Accident Insurance or if you have any questions, drop by Student Activities, Herzberg 159. ∙ International Student Insurance Participation in the insurance plan is mandatory for all eligible foreign students. International students must purchase health insurance through this College plan. The College does not accept any health insurance bought through other providers. Students who need help completing Claims Forms, can come to the Office of International Programs, Herzberg 416. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS The International Office, located in Herzberg 416, provides support to all John Abbott’s international students. The Office manages Health insurance, provides information referral and assistance on visas, off campus work permits, academics, and other matters of particular concern to international students. For more information, contact the International Programs Office international or call 514 457-6610 ext. 5469. INTERNET Wireless internet service is available to students throughout the College. Computers are available on a drop-in basis in the Penfield Computer Centre, located on the third floor of the Penfield building. Desktops and Laptops are also available in the Library. For information on how to access online Omnivox Services, check under the heading “MY JAC PORTAL”. All John Abbott College students must respect and follow the Policy on the Appropriate Use of Computing Resources which can be found at LANGUAGE RESOURCE CENTRE The Language Resource Centre is the place to improve your language skills. Resources include materials used in the Spanish, Italian, German, Mandarin, French and English courses: textbooks, dictionaries, literature, music, interactive software and audio programs, computers with Internet and wireless access, multilingual office tools and applications. Peer tutors are available at various times during the week for individual consultations. The drop-in lab, located in the basement of Penfield (P-006), is open Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. LEARNING CENTRE The Learning Centre, located in Herzberg 117, is staffed by professionals and learning skills technicians and offers you the following services: ∙ College Success Skills Workshops that emphasize effective approaches to managing time, note-taking in class, writing term papers, studying for exams, coping with exam anxiety and improving reading skills. ∙ Classroom Workshops on any of the above topics or on any other subject related to learning and studying. ∙ Individual Consultations on improving learning and studying attitudes and habits. ∙ Peer Tutoring in subjects as varied as Chemistry, Economics, History, Physics, Psychology and Quantitative Methods. ∙ Read and Write Lab to assist English Second Language students or anyone having difficulties with English (writing, reading, vocabulary, grammar, essay development, etc.) ∙ Ministerial Exit Exam preparation. The Learning Centre is open Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. LEARNING CENTRES (ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS) For information about the various Learning Centres operated by the academic departments, check under the following headings: BIOLOGY LEARNING CENTRE BUSINESS LEARNING CENTRE CHEMISTRY STUDY AREA COMPUTER CENTRE COMPUTER SCIENCE LABS FRENCH LEARNING CENTRE - CAF LANGUAGE RESOURCE CENTRE MATH LAB, STUDY AREA AND HELP CENTRE NURSING LAB PHYSICS STUDY AREA SOCIAL SCIENCE DROP-IN LAB WRITING CENTRE LEGAL ADVISORY SERVICES A private attorney is available free of charge in Student Services in an advisory capacity, on alternate Thursdays. Legal advice is given in areas such as general contractual and lease law, family and youth protection law, civil and criminal law, auto insurance and traffic infraction, administrative law and immigration. See the Student Services receptionist in Herzberg 148 to make an appointment with the lawyer. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION If you need a recommendation letter from a teacher or an Academic Advisor for university admission or scholarship applications, you must start this time-consuming process well in advance of the deadline. Need more info? Speak to an Academic Advisor in Student Services. LIBRARY SERVICES The Library (L-101) offers you the following: ∙ Book loans, maximum 10, for a period of 2 weeks. One renewal possible. Charges applied for items returned late. ∙ E-books accessible 24/7 via the library webpage ∙ Journal collection. Online indexes to journals, thousands of magazines, scholarly journals and newspapers available electronically and in paper ∙ Library instruction sessions may be requested by teachers for their classes, including hands on training in computer labs for all participating students ∙ Photocopiers available, i.d. card or print card needed ∙ Reference desk, assists and teaches library users to locate appropriate academic resources and to use library materials ∙ Study rooms for group work ∙ ∙ Study zones in the library (2), – Silent and Moderate Conversation, students Twenty-four computers available, access to b/w printers ∙ WIFI available accommodating up to 370 A valid John Abbott ID card is required to borrow library materials. The Library is open Monday-Thursday 8am-6pm, Friday 8am-4pm, during the fall and winter semesters. LOCKERS Lockers are made available on Omnivox one week prior to the start of classes. All lockers must be shared by two students. Students must use the assigned College locks only – no personal locks are allowed. Exchange of lockers or locks is prohibited. The College is not responsible for thefts. All lockers must be cleared out by the end of May each year. If you have a problem with your lock or locker, report to the Receiving Department (H-127) LOST AND FOUND Student Services maintains a Lost and Found Service in Herzberg 148. Bring in articles you have found or check to see if something you lost has been turned in. Unclaimed items will be sold in the Agora with the proceeds going to the Student Assistance Fund. MATH LAB, STUDY AREA AND HELP CENTRE ∙ The Math Lab (Herzberg 203) has course texts, solutions manuals, study guides, alternate texts, teachers’ course files and math software. You may use these materials in the Lab or Study Area. Please note that your John Abbott ID card is required to borrow materials. Tutoring by student peers is available to first year students. Please see the Math Lab attendant for more information. The Math Lab is open Monday to Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ∙ The Math Study Area (Herzberg 200) may be the place for you if you are looking for a place to study. It can accommodate about 28 students. Some students regularly use this area as a place to work between classes or to discuss math problems with classmates. Most Math teachers’ offices are located here. Sometimes, if several students have questions on a particular topic, a teacher will hold an impromptu workshop session in the Study Area. The Study Area is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ∙ The Math Help Centre (H-203/H-222), staffed by teachers, is open Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. MEDIA SERVICES Located on the second floor of the Library (L-201), Media Services offers you the following: ∙ Camcorders & voice recorders can be borrowed overnight for class projects ∙ CDs can be borrowed overnight ∙ Equipment can be booked for classroom presentations ∙ Extensive film collection for student in-house use at viewing stations ∙ Laptops for a two hour loan in-house use ∙ Streaming academic videos accessible 24/7 via the library webpage ∙ Study rooms available for two hour period A valid John Abbott ID card is required to borrow media or equipment. Media services is open Monday-Thursday 8am-6pm, Friday 8am-4pm, during the fall and winter semesters. MESSAGES FOR STUDENTS Messages for students are posted in the corridor next to Student Activities, Herzberg 159. In the case of an emergency (e.g., a death or grave illness in the family, a serious accident, an urgent critical matter, etc.), the Director of Student Services or his representative will interrupt a class or lab to advise the student. MID-SEMESTER ASSESSMENT FOR STUDENTS Your teachers will be assessing your work in each class during the first seven weeks of your first semester and again in your second semester. Based on your academic performance for each course, you will be assigned one of the following categories and notified of the results through the Portal: Highly Satisfactory, Satisfactory, Marginal Pass/at Risk of Failing, Not Attending, Work-term internship/Stage. Depending on your assessment, you may need to meet with an Academic Advisor (H-148) to discuss your progress. MINISTERIAL “EXIT EXAM” All students must write and pass the Ministerial Examination of College Language of Instruction (in English or French, depending on eligibility) in order to graduate. It is scheduled in mid-December and mid-May every year. There is also an August sitting of the exam. Detailed information regarding this exam is located on the Ministry of Education website at eprv_uniforme . For more information, see the Registrar’s Office, the English Department web page, or go to the Learning Centre (Herzberg 117), where preparatory workshops are offered approximately one month before the exam. A textbook entitled “Exit with Success” can be purchased from the Bookstore. It will help you prepare for the Exam. MY JAC PORTAL My JAC Portal is your College entry point to secure online access of information from your academic file as well as information about student related services. Log in to the My JAC Portal from the John Abbott website or via . Online services include course registration, validation of course attendance, reporting a change of address, access to your current schedule, Lea – the Omnivox classroom, grades, progression chart, required book lists, tax receipts, mid-semester assessment, lockers, parking decals, MIOs, carpooling etc. Important notices from the College will be posted on this portal, so to keep up to date; log in at least once a day. NEWSPAPER - BANDERSNATCH Bandersnatch, your student newspaper funded by the Student Association Fee, is published twice a month. It covers stories about John Abbott issues and events. It also deals with general student concerns. If you enjoy writing, want to learn how to lay out a newspaper page or want to take photographs, drop by the Bandersnatch office, Herzberg 041, or attend a meeting as announced on the portal. Bandersnatch will provide you with the opportunity to get involved. NOISE IN THE CORRIDORS John Abbott does not have one central locker room so your lockers are located throughout the hallways. Some are close to classrooms and offices. Please respect the academic process by not making disturbing noise while near the classrooms or offices. NURSING LAB & LEARNING CENTER The Nursing Department creates a hospital environment in their labs. The Nursing Lab and Learning Centre have many of the materials you need for your courses. There are textbooks, computers, mannequins and other lab equipment to be used for practice and for your learning. The Learning Center is also the study area for nursing students. A Lab Technician is there to help you. The Lab is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. OMNIVOX Omnivox Services are accessed by logging in to the My JAC Portal. Omnivox provides you with interactive services to manage all aspects of your student record (change of address, grades, your personal schedule, registration, fee payment, etc.). Access to Omnivox requires your student number and password and is available by internet, by using the interactive kiosks located in the Casgrain Foyer near the Munch Box or the one outside the Registrar’s Office. A new mobile application is also now available. Services are available in English or French. The Registrar’s Office uses Omnivox to communicate with students. You are advised to view the “Information Intended for You” module and read your MIOs on a regular basis. OMNIVOX CLASS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LÉA) LÉA is a user-friendly environment where you will find tools designed to help improve your learning experience. In addition to your grades, teachers can now securely provide you with course documents, a calendar of class events, assignments, discussion forums, announcements, recommended websites, information on your absences and teacher availability. OMNIVOX MESSAGING SYSTEM (MIO) Messaging in Omnivox (MIO) is a complete messaging service available through the My JAC Portal, which you can use to communicate with your teachers and fellow classmates. When you log in to the My JAC portal, you will be notified if you have messages waiting and you can even monitor whether a message that you sent has been read. Students are responsible for the correspondence sent from their MIO accounts. Do not give out access to your account. Distributing, disseminating or storing images, text or materials on your account that might be considered discriminatory, offensive or abusive, or that are in breach of the Student Code of conduct is considered unacceptable. ORIENTATION Orientation sessions for all new students are held in August. Designed to facilitate the transition from High School to CEGEP, orientation activities help you learn about campus facilities, services and available resources. Also covered are strategies for success in College. Copies of the AGENDA are distributed at Orientation. New students also have the opportunity to obtain their ID cards, purchase required books for the fall semester, have a guided tour of the campus and enjoy a barbecue and refreshments while socializing with fellow students and staff members. PARKING Please note that the number of parking places is limited and that purchasing a decal does not guarantee a space. Students who wish to park on campus must purchase a parking decal. Once you have registered, you can purchase your parking decal by credit card (Visa or MasterCard) using the Omnivox Parking module. You have the option of purchasing a decal for one year or only one semester. The fee for an entire academic year parking decal is $200.00 and for one term is $120.00. Decals for motorcycles are sold at $20.00 per semester. Continuing Education students must purchase a pay/month pass at the cost of $24.00 per month. Continuing Education students must purchase a pay/month pass at the cost of $29./month. To pick up your parking decal, go to the Security Office (located in Laird Hall, L-101), with your JAC ID card (or your final Registration Printout), your driver’s licence, the vehicle registration and your reservation number (obtained once the transaction on Omnivox is complete). Students who live in Stewart Apartments must purchase a decal specifically designed for their parking area. Limited day parking is available in the upper gravel parking lot and after 10:15 a.m. In the back of Brittain Hall. You must purchase a parking pass at a cost of $6.00 per day at the Pay and Display machine located in the upper gravel parking lot. If your vehicle or motorcycle is parked illegally on campus (without a valid parking decal or temporary day pass), a $42.00 municipal ticket will be issued to you. If you have a valid parking decal and you are parked in a zone not specified for the status of your decal, you will be issued a $20.00 internal parking violation. PHOTOCOPY SERVICE There are three card operated photocopiers located at the Library main level,(L-101). The Bookstore is able to deposit money on either your JAC Student ID Card or on a Debit Photocopy Card. PHYSICS LEARNING CENTRE The Physics Learning Centre (AME-S219) is an area for students to study and work together on assignments. A tutor is available in the Learning Centre, Monday to Thursday from 10:00 to 4:30 to help you. For quiet individual study or work supervised by a teacher AME-205 is also available. POST OFFICE There is a Canada Post Office in the lobby of Laird Hall. You may buy stamps, mail regular or express letters, or send express post or parcels. You cannot, however, receive mail at the College unless you live in Stewart Apartments. The Post Office is open Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. POSTING NOTICES There are approximately 25 bulletin boards throughout the College. All notices on these boards must be approved by a member of the Student Activities Department in Herzberg 159. No commercial advertising is permitted. The only exception to the rule is the “Free Wall” situated near the English Department in Penfield. Posting is unregulated on this board, but please be tasteful. PRINTING SERVICE The Printing Service is in the basement of Herzberg, (H-006). If you require transparencies, colour copies, binding, or have a print job that is too large for the photocopiers located in the Library, you may wish to use this service area. Printing can be processed from a USB, CD, or hard copy. Bring your document(s) in advance to establish a completion time/date. On line submission will soon be available. The Printing Service is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. PROBATION (ACADEMIC) If you do not pass 50% of the regular course load for your program, you will be on probation and must meet with a Counsellor to sign a probation contract. Probation is a trial period (usually one semester) in which you are given a chance by the College to meet the minimum requirements for academic success. The Counsellor (and the contract) will tell you how many courses you need to pass to get off probation, and what steps you should take to improve your academic standing. You are also encouraged to meet with the Student Success Animator or an Academic Advisor. If you do not pass the required number of courses during your probationary semester, you will be asked to leave the College for two semesters before you will be eligible to reapply to John Abbott. There is no guarantee you will be readmitted. Need more info? Pick up the “Academic Requirements” flyer in Student Services or speak to a Counsellor. PROBATION APPEALS (ACADEMIC) If you fail your probationary semester and are suspended from the College for one academic year (two semesters), you may appeal this ruling in writing to the Probation Review Committee when there are serious extenuating circumstances. The final appeal is to the Academic Dean. Need more info? Speak to a Counsellor in Student Services. PROGRESSION CHART The progression chart is an Omnivox tool to help you plan your selection of courses in your program. It shows you the courses you have taken and passed, the courses that you are currently registered in, and the courses that you have left to take. If you register for a course not counting towards your program this will be indicated at the bottom of your progression chart as “off the academic path”. You may access your progression chart using Omnivox. If you are having trouble understanding your progression chart see an Academic Advisor. PROOF OF ENROLLMENT/REGISTRATION If you need a form completed confirming that you are enrolled at John Abbott College as a full-time student, go to the Registrar’s Office. This service is free. If you require a letter attesting to your status at the College, requests for letters of attendance may be done using the Omnivox Document Request Module. There is a $5.00 fee which is payable on-line at the time of your request. Requests may also be done in person at the Registrar’s Office. RADIO STATION - CSKY CSKY is the student-run radio station on campus funded by your Student Association Fee. Experience what it is like to be “on the air”. Various positions such as news reporters and program DJs are available at the station. CSKY is a great training ground if you think you might want to go into broadcast journalism. The music shows and news reports are heard in the Munch Box, Student Lounge and various other locations throughout the College. If you are interested, check out the offices in Herzberg 032 and 034 or attend a meeting as announced on the Portal. RECYCLING You can help the environment by recycling, using the recycling stations located throughout the College. The stations are divided into three streams – one container takes non-soiled paper and cardboard, a second takes refundable cans and plastic bottles (all the money collected goes to needy John Abbott students) and the third one is for all other cans, plastics and glass. There are also battery recycling stations located at Shipping and Receiving (H-127) and in front of the Stewart Cafeteria entrance. REGISTRAR’S OFFICE The Registrar’s Office, located in Herzberg 128, is responsible for admissions, registration, scheduling, student records and convocation. This is where you may request a Change of Program, obtain a letter of attendance, have proof of registration/enrollment forms completed, request a final grade review, or inquire about the Ministerial Exit Exam procedures, etc. The office is open Monday to Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with extended hours during peak periods. REGISTRATION Students register once each semester using the Omnivox Course Registration Module. Information about registration is provided to each student by the Registrar’s Office on Omnivox under “Information Intended For You.” REGISTRATION (LATE) If you do not register during the regular registration period, you may request a Late Registration appointment, space permitting, at the Registrar’s Office. You will be charged a $50.00 fee for late registration. RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS At certain times of the year, students choose to be absent from classes or other College activities to observe religious holidays. From the IPESA: Student Responsibilities point 14 “students who wish to observe religious holidays must inform their teacher of their intent, in writing, within the first two weeks of the semester. You must make appropriate arrangements for missed assignments, tests, etc. “ RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Board of Governors of the College is mandated by the CEGEP Act to adopt the regulations necessary for the effective functioning of the institution. The Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities and the Student Code of Conduct cited below are part of the Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline Procedures approved by the Board in order to protect the College community and further the College’s educational mission. Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities As citizens, John Abbott College students enjoy the same basic rights as do all citizens and are bound by the same responsibilities to respect the rights of others. In joining the John Abbott community, students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with College standards designed to perpetuate its educational mission and purpose. Free inquiry, expression and assembly are guaranteed to all students. Students have the right to freely pursue their respective educational goals and functions. It is the College’s responsibility to assure, as far as possible, the resources and atmosphere which these require. Students are also free to organize their personal lives and behaviour, subject only to the law, established College policies and rules, and the stipulations of the Student Code of Conduct. Willful or irresponsible damage, loss of College, student or staff property, and all disruptive, offensive or irresponsible behaviour by students, shall be considered detrimental to or acting against the rights of the College community. All students involved in such acts shall be dealt with according to the provisions of this policy. Breaches of College policies, rules or violations of the Student Code of Conduct which are also breaches of the law may be dealt with in the courts. It is understood that any individual who is victim of a crime on College premises or at College functions may, independently, file a police report. The Director General, on behalf of the College, also reserves the right to lay charges or refer the matter to the proper law enforcement agency. However, if the College is involved or affected internally, these breaches of College policies, rules or violations of the Student Code of Conduct will be dealt with by the Director of Student Services or the Director of Continuing Education in accordance with the provisions of this policy regardless of whether or not individuals are charged in the courts. Student Code of Conduct The Student Code of Conduct is designed to ensure that all the members of the John Abbott community may exercise their rights. It is also intended to provide students, through fulfilling their responsibilities, with the opportunity to become good citizens. Consistent with these goals, reasonable efforts will be made to foster the personal and social development of those students who are held accountable for violations of College regulations. Students are subject to disciplinary action in all cases involving breaches of College policies, rules or general misconduct including specifically, but not limited to, the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • attempted or actual theft, damage or loss of College, staff, campus visitor or student property; vandalism, defacement or destruction of College grounds, buildings, facilities or equipment; unauthorized entry into campus facilities or entering College property outside of authorized hours, misuse of equipment or unauthorized removal of College furnishings to another location; failure to assure the security of books or equipment borrowed from the College; unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys; misuse or abuse of the College telephone system, computers, Internet or Omnivox; failing to immediately vacate a building when a fire alarm is sounded; setting off a false fire alarm , tampering with the fire alarm system or intercom system; false reporting of an emergency; endangering the health, safety or well-being of any person; possession or use of dangerous materials, weapons or ammunition; mischief, disturbing the peace, disrupting or obstructing College functions; hazing or unauthorized initiation; unruly, disorderly, disruptive, offensive, or irresponsible behaviour; insults, verbal abuse, harassment, intimidation (including “cyber bullying”), coercion or threat to any person; physical threat, extortion (including “taxing”), abuse, aggression, assault or battery of any person; stalking, psychological harassment, sexual harassment or sexual assault of any person; malicious libel, slander or defamation of character; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • propagation of hate literature, promotion of hatred in ideas or actions, racism or sexism; gambling of any sort; public nudity, engaging in indecent or grossly immoral acts; smoking, consumption of food or beverages, or playing cards/games in areas where it is prohibited; public intoxication, unauthorized possession, use, distribution or sale of alcoholic beverages; possession or use of narcotics or other controlled substances except as expressly permitted by law; manufacture, distribution or sale of narcotics or other controlled substances; possession or use of drug-related paraphernalia; unauthorized use of the College name, logo or letterhead; forgery, alteration or unauthorized use of any College document, record or ID card, or presentation to the College of altered, forged or false documents; fraud, use of counterfeit money or any unauthorized banking/monetary transactions to pay for College fees, goods or services; unauthorized flyer distribution, displays, advertising, selling, solicitation or unauthorized commercial activities on College premises; tampering with the elections of any College-recognized student organization; misappropriation or misuse of student organization funds; knowingly and willfully abusing a position of trust; counselling, inciting, aiding, being a party to, or deliberately concealing another person's misconduct; making false statements or furnishing false information to a College official enquiring into an allegation of misconduct; failure to properly identify oneself, refusal to produce an ID or failure to comply with the directives of a staff member or security officer acting in the performance of his/her duties; violation of federal, provincial or municipal law on College premises or at College functions; all other acts judged to be against the rights of the College community; violation of the terms of any disciplinary sanctions imposed in accordance with the Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline Procedures. You may obtain a complete copy of the Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline Procedures from Student Services, Herzberg 148, or SUJAC, Penfield 101. It contains additional information concerning general procedures, the role of the Director of Student Services and the Director of Continuing Education, interim suspension, disciplinary actions and sanctions (i.e., warning, reprimand, apology, loss of privileges, restitution, fine, disciplinary probation, suspension, expulsion), and the right of appeal. The Director of Student Services is responsible for the application of this policy. Serious misconduct or breeches of College policies or violations of the Student Code of Conduct should be reported to the Director of Student Services (Herzberg 148) or the Director of Continuing Education (BH-119). RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES (ACADEMIC) The Institutional Policy on Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA) delineates the academic rights and responsibilities of all John Abbott students. Student Academic Rights All John Abbott students have the right to: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Receive a printed course outline that follows the criteria in the Course Outline format Policy; Have their learning evaluated in a competent, professional and confidential manner; Be informed of what is being evaluated and the type of evaluation scheme being used; Diagnostic feedback on basic skills within the first three weeks of the course; Receive the results of at least one graded evaluation task before the drop deadline of the semester so that they can seek extra help, if necessary; For DEC students, receive a Mid-Semester Assessment (MSA) in accordance with College procedures; Receive the results of evaluation, for regular day division courses, within two weeks. For evaluations at the end of the semester/course, the results must be given to the student by the grade submission deadline. For intensive courses (i.e.intersession, abridged courses), timely feedback must be adjusted accordingly; Receive feedback on an assignment before the next assignment is given (if similar) except for final evaluation tasks; Discuss the results of an evaluation with the instructor. See the actual evaluation scheme with specific written feedback for all major evaluations tasks; Have access to all of his/her work that has been submitted for evaluation; work being returned should be left in a secure, non-public area; Have the results of evaluation kept confidential; Equity of workload and evaluation procedures, (including marking criteria and grade apportionment) in all sections of the same course. Appeal a final grade to the Grade Review Committee (refer to Article 11.3) A transcript listing all the courses in which she/he has registered and the final grades obtained in each of these courses. All John Abbott students in their first year of CEGEP have the right to: • • Feedback on basic skills in the first weeks of the semester so that they can seek extra help if necessary. A mid-semester assessment. Student Academic Responsibilities All John Abbott students have the responsibility to: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Follow the rules and regulations specific to their programs of study, included in their course outlines and found in IPESA. Respect their teachers’ right to determine course content, methodology and evaluation within the guidelines set by the Ministry of Education, Leisure and Sport (MELS) and constraints established by the academic departments and IPESA. Take action to solve academic problems, which they may encounter in their courses, by communicating with their teachers or by seeking help through College services such as the Student Union of John Abbott College.. Be honest and refrain from cheating, plagiarism and other dishonest or deceptive behaviour. Attend class, in order to satisfy all academic objectives defined in the course outline; Remain informed about what takes place in their regularly scheduled classes even when they are absent. Arrive to class on time and remain for the duration of scheduled classes and activities. Provide the appropriate documents as justification of a prolonged absence; Take the necessary measures to make up missed assignments due to absence; Wait for the teacher for 15 minutes after the scheduled beginning of a class, unless they have been notified otherwise. Submit neat, legible and coherent assignments within the assigned deadlines with appropriate identification. Ensure that assignments are submitted according to the teachers’ instructions and retain a copy of work submitted as a protection against loss. All work submitted should be left in a secure, non-public area; Be informed of procedures and deadlines for registration and course change provided by the College; Inform teachers, in advance, of anticipated absences, including religious holidays. Students who wish to observe religious holidays must inform their teacher of their intent, in writing, within the first two weeks of the semester; Write tests and final examinations at the times scheduled by the teacher or the College. In case of examination time conflicts, present themselves to the Registrar’s Office to complete an Examination Conflict Form; Be informed and respect, all College examination practices and procedures; Be available for examinations up to the last day of the final examination period as specified in the current Academic Calendar; Keep all assessed materials returned to them for at least one month past the grade submission deadline in the event that they would want to request a grade review; SAINTE-ANNE-DE-BELLEVUE Historic Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue is a beautiful and welcoming waterfront community. John Abbott College is proud to be part of it. The College wishes to maintain good relations with the town and its citizens. In this regard, we appreciate your assistance in fostering this positive relationship by respecting the local environment, being conscious of noise levels, keeping the community clean and observing the laws that govern good behaviour. SCHEDULES Once your registration is complete, and has been verified to be correct, you will be able to obtain your personal student schedule from Omnivox. Schedules can be obtained the day after your registration appointment. SCHEDULE OF CLASSES The Schedule of Classes is produced electronically every semester and it is posted on the Registrar’s webpage. It lists all of the pre-university, pathways and General Education courses that will be taught in a specific semester, indicating the days, times and teachers assigned to those sections. SCHOLARSHIPS Information about Bursaries and Scholarship for students attending the College is available on the community page of Financial Assistance Services on the JAC Portal. Information about university academic scholarships is available in the University and Career Information Centre, Herzberg 148. Application deadlines are often published on the Portal. Competition is keen so the higher your marks, the better your chances for success. If you need help finding scholarship applications for Québec or Ontario universities, visit the University and Career Information Centre in Student Services. For more detailed information or assistance, you are encouraged to see an Academic Advisor. SECONDHAND BOOKS You may post or view second-hand books you wish to sell or buy via your John Abbott Omnivox page. Books to sell may be added at any time and should be deleted as soon as they are sold. SECURITY Campus Security Officers are responsible for the safety and surveillance of the campus, the application of College rules, including traffic, parking, smoking and the response to emergency situations. You must comply at all times with requests and/or directives from Campus Security. There is a Security post located at the main entrance of Herzberg. The central Campus Security Office is located at Laird Hall, Room 101, and is open 24 hours per day. Telephone: 514 457-6610, local 5226 or 514 398-7770. In an emergency, 514 398-7777 or use one of the emergency phones located inside or outside of the College. You can call Campus Security from any indoor payphones at no charge by dialling 514 398-7777. For more information to obtain a complete listing of the College’s emergency procedure log onto www. or click on Emergency Procedures. SEXUAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL HARASSMENT It is the position of the College not to tolerate any form of sexual/ psychological harassment. In an effort to eliminate such occurrences, a Sexual/Psychological Harassment Policy has been adopted by the College. If you have a complaint or would like to discuss a problematic situation, you can see one of the Sexual/Psychological Harassment Resource Persons (Counsellors) in Student Services. You may then decide how to proceed. Help is available if you need it. All discussions are strictly confidential. Copies of the Sexual/Psychological Harassment Policy are available in Student Services (Herzberg 148), SUJAC (Penfield 101) and various other locations throughout the College. SIR PROGRAM The objective of the SIR Program is to showcase the values, skills and competencies that are developed through community involvement. It offers students the possibility of having their involvement in campus life or in their communities officially recognized on their transcript. It can be used to show students’ accomplishments on university or scholarship applications. In order to be eligible, students must meet the following 4 main criteria: ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Be involved a minimum of 60 hours per semester Be registered as a full time student during the semester when the activity took place Be academically successful during the semester when the activity took place The activity must be done on a strictly voluntary basis Both on and off campus activities are eligible and grouped into the following categories; community and social, cultural and artistic, entrepreneurial, sports and athletics, scientific, academic and political. Students can obtain more information and an application booklet by speaking with the SIR Coordinator in the Student Activities Dept. (H-159). SMOKING John Abbott College is a smoke-free environment. As per the Québec Law on Tobacco and College policy, smoking is not permitted inside any John Abbott building. Smokers must smoke outside, at a minimum distance of nine (9) metres from any door. SOCIAL SCIENCE DROP-IN LAB For use by Social Science and Commerce students, the Lab is located in Herzberg 431. Computers, textbooks, study guides, and reference materials are available for course-related problems, research, and applications. Software includes Microsoft Office, SPSS, E-Stat (available on line), and Inspiration. The Lab is connected to the Internet. A Lab Technician is available Monday to Friday. During the semester, peer tutors are also available at posted times. SPECIAL NEEDS SERVICES If you are a student with a visual, hearing or mobility impairment, have been diagnosed with learning disabilities or have chronic medical/mental health concerns, you can receive certain specialized services. Services may include the use of a laptop or desktop computer as well as text enlargement and braille software. In appropriate circumstances, special accommodations can be provided for note takers, exam writing, tutors, sign interpreters or materials on tape. In addition, assistance may be provided with course selection, seating arrangements, or other accommodations determined by professional documentation and Special Needs Services. Special Needs Services is located in Student Services (Herzberg 129) and is open Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. SPORTS AND RECREATION Sports and Recreation is located in Casgrain 128 and provides opportunities for all students to participate in a wide variety of athletic and recreational activities: ∙ Intercollegiate Sports The John Abbott Islanders have gained an excellent reputation throughout the province and indeed, the country, for the many outstanding athletic teams produced over the years. As a member of the Réseau du sport étudiant du Québec (RSEQ), the College offers intercollegiate athletic competition in the following sports: ∙ Women Basketball, Ice Hockey, Rugby, Soccer, Flag Football, Volleyball ∙ Men Basketball, Football, Rugby, Soccer, Volleyball ∙ Mixed Cross-Country Running, Golf, Swimming ∙ Club Sports Synchronized Swimming, Baseball, Cheerleading ∙ Intramural Sports Intramural Sports at John Abbott are organized activities designed to meet all levels of aspiration and skill, with the emphasis on fun. Team games are normally played from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. weekday afternoons during the winter semester. The following Intramural Sports are offered at John Abbott: ∙ ∙ Leagues Basketball Cosom Hockey Mini Outdoor Soccer One-Day Tournaments McGill Intramural Festival Badminton (singles & doubles) Mini Volleyball Dodgeball Refer to the Info, the Intramural Bulletin Board in the Casgrain Centre and the website at for starting dates. ∙ Recreation There are numerous recreation programs offered at John Abbott to encourage as many students as possible to participate and exercise. You can enjoy swimming and weight training every day. At lunch hour, the arena is available for skating, followed by shinny hockey. Six squash and two racquetball courts can be used at certain times of the day. In addition, the Equipment Room in the Casgrain basement, C-0069, has different kinds of equipment (e.g., badminton racquets, basketballs, footballs, frisbees, softballs, volleyballs) that can be signed out for use when the gyms are free or the sun is shining. You are reminded that proper footwear is required at all times in the gym and courts. For additional information about Intercollegiate Sports, Intramural Sports or Recreation, check with the Sports and Recreation Department in Casgrain 128. It is open Monday to Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. SPORTS CENTRE The Student Services Division is responsible for the overall operation of the John Abbott College Sports Centre. This facility is comprised of three large gymnasia, a dance studio, two weight training rooms, a twenty-five metre pool, squash courts and two playing fields including the synthetic Memorial Field. The activity areas are used in the daytime primarily for Physical Education classes and Sports and Recreation programs. On evenings and during weekends, these facilities are open to the public. Users may purchase day passes or multi-use pass cards. Yearly memberships are available to students and staff at half price. Several types of memberships are available: pool, weight room, squash/ racquetball and combinations of same. The swimming program offers lessons and activities for all levels. The facility is open seven days a week except during the summer when it is closed weekends. The Sports Store sells squash racquets and balls, swimming goggles, eye guards, shorts and T-shirts at competitive prices. For information and service, go to the Equipment Room counter in the basement of Casgrain Centre C-0069 or call 514 457-2737. If calling to inquire about swim programs, please call 514 457-6610, local 5325 or e-mail . For information about recreational activities, intramural and intercollegiate sports, check under the heading “SPORTS AND RECREATION”. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Student Activities is located in Herzberg 159 and provides you with educational, cultural and social activities and events outside the classroom. An attempt is made to respond to your needs and at the same time to encourage you to come forward and indicate the type of activities you would enjoy. ∙ Agora: All events held in this multipurpose area are either planned by or booked through Student Activities. ∙ Clubs: Student Activities works with the Student Union in the development and organization of clubs such as: Aerobic Fitness, Chess, Model United Nations, Rock Climbing, etc. ∙ Information: Many events provide you with information which will be valuable to you during your stay at John Abbott and in the future: debates, displays, field trips, guest speakers, Homophobia Awareness Day, Multicultural Week, seminars, etc. ∙ Ombudsman: The Student Activities Advisors act as informal ombudsmen. If you feel that any of your interests in the College have been compromised, you may see the Advisors who will help you solve the problem. ∙ Service Organizations: The Student Activities Advisors work closely with students involved in the Student Union (SUJAC), student newspaper (Bandersnatch) and student radio station (CSKY). ∙ Social: Some events are offered for entertainment: Comedians, Oval Coffee House, Winter Carnival, etc. Student Activities is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. STUDENT ACTIVITY COMMITTEE (SAC) SAC is the committee that allocates your Student Fees (Educational Support, Student Services and Student Association). These fees are $122.00 per semester for full-time day students and $31.00 per course for part-time day students. The fees are subject to change. The committee is chaired by the Vice-President Finance of SUJAC and is comprised of two Student Congress Members, the Director of Student Services and the Chairperson of the Student Activities Department. Check under the heading “FEES” for information on how the Student Fees are spent. STUDENT AMBASSADOR PROGRAM The Admissions Office recruits a group of students every year to represent John Abbott College through the High School Liaison Program. Among other things, Student Ambassadors are volunteers who assist with tours of the College, accompany an Admissions representative during high school visits and help with various College functions such as the annual Phone-a-Thon, Open House, Orientation and Parents’ Night. If you are interested in volunteering your time to provide high school students with first-hand information about what it is like to be a College student, then drop by the Admissions’ Office, Herzberg 128. STUDENT ASSISTANCE FUND Proceeds from various fundraising events and generous donors provide the means by which Financial Assistance Services is able to assist financially underprivileged students with such basics as food, shelter and textbooks. Students who are experiencing major financial problems are encouraged to meet with the Financial Assistance Officer to discuss their situation. Fundraising activities are organized by the John Abbott College Foundation and the Financial Assistance Officer is responsible in allocating the funds to students who are in financial need. STUDENT GOVERNMENT - SUJAC The main function of SUJAC (Student Union of John Abbott College) is to promote and defend students’ rights and interests, thus helping to make John Abbott a better place for students. SUJAC is the official liaison between the students and the College, giving students a voice in College policies. SUJAC works on your behalf and informs you on relevant student affairs issues and pertinent College matters. SUJAC (Penfield 101) consists of the Executive and Congress. ∙ The Executive and SUJAC Coordinator are ready to help you with any concerns you might have. Overseeing the entire functioning of the Student Union is the President. He or she is elected in April of the previous academic year as are the four Vice-Presidents. The Vice-President Internal is responsible for all student clubs and several in-school activities at John Abbott and also handles non-academic grievances. The Vice-President Academic is the person to see for information concerning teacher grievances and grade reviews. The Vice-President Finance is Chairperson of the Student Activities Committee and handles financial matters pertaining to SUJAC and the various student organizations. The Vice-President External takes care of external affairs, particularly intercollegial relations with student governments of other colleges. ∙ The Congress has responsibility for voicing students’ concerns at College committee meetings and conducting surveys and petitions to determine students’ opinion on various issues. Congress meetings are held weekly and are open to all students. Each Congress member represents 125 students. To become a Congress member, pick up a nomination form at the SUJAC office. SUJAC’s door (Penfield 101) is always open. You do not have to wait for Open House to visit. The Office is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. STUDENT SERVICES The Student Services Division and the Academic Resources Division provide comprehensive programs, activities and services which directly support the College’s educational mission and respond to student needs. Focussing on the enhancement of student learning and personal development, Student Services is also concerned with the general quality of student life on campus and student engagement. Student Services Departments and the Academic Resources are located along “Main Street” in the Casgrain Centre, Herzberg Building and Stewart Hall. To learn more about the various services offered to you, check the information under the following headings: ACADEMIC RESOURCES: ABORIGINAL STUDENT RESOURCE CENTRE ACADEMIC ADVISING SERVICES LEARNING CENTRE SPECIAL NEEDS SERVICES STUDENT SUCCESS SERVICES UNIVERSITY AND CAREER INFORMATION CENTRE STUDENT SERVICES: COUNSELLING SERVICES CULTURAL DIVERSITY EMPLOYMENT CENTRE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTRE HOUSING SERVICES LEGAL ADVISORY SERVICES SPORTS AND RECREATION SPORTS CENTRE STUDENT ACTIVITIES STUDENT STATUS (FULL-TIME) To receive free tuition, you must be registered for a minimum of 12 hours per week or four courses that apply to your program during the semester. Students are advised to register for the regular course load for their program. The regular course load is printed on the Program Planner for your program or can be found on your progression chart. STUDENT SUCCESS SERVICES Student success is a priority at John Abbott College. The Student Success Animator welcomes all first semester students and offers the following services: ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ One-on-One Consultations in developing strategies for academic success. Extra Support for students on probation or at risk of failing. In-Class, Group, and Individual Orientation Sessions to facilitate the transition from high school and using college resources. Outreach Activities to students, faculty, and parents to promote student success. You can meet the Student Success Animator in Herzberg 162, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. SUMMER SCHOOL Information about summer courses offered at John Abbott is normally available in March or April at the Registrar’s Office, as well as on the Registrar’s web page and the My JAC Portal. Watch the Portal and the Info for information on summer courses and the registration procedures. You will find the summer schedules for the other CEGEPs in the College and Career Information Centre. To register for a course at another CEGEP, you must obtain a Cours Commandite form from an Academic Advisor in Student Services. There are costs associated with taking summer courses. TAX RECEIPTS Canada Education Deduction Certificates (Form T2202A) and Québec Education Deduction Certificates (Relevé 8) containing information for all taxation years since 2004 are available on-line through Omnivox Services for students. Regarding the most recent taxation year, the forms are available on-line as of early February. For taxation years prior to 2004, duplicate copies are available from the Accounting Department (Stewart Hall 209) for a $5.00 handling fee (per year requested). TEACHERS’ OFFICE HOURS The teachers’ availability to students is indicated in your course outlines and office hours are usually posted on the teachers’ office doors and on Omnivox. THE INFO The Info is an information-packed bulletin published each week and made available throughout the College at convenient locations. You can also view The Info online. The next week’s Info is posted at “Current Students”, “The Info”and on the Portal. Be sure to make a habit of reading it to keep up with “what’s happening” on campus. It will answer most of your questions. If you wish to submit a message, bring it to Student Activities, Herzberg 159, prior to 10:30 a.m. Friday for publication the next week, or email it to . THEATRE PRODUCTIONS John Abbott has two theatres located in the Thérèse Casgrain Centre; the Casgrain Theatre on the main floor with entrances through the lobby (next to the Munch Box) and the Studio Theatre in the basement. There are at least four plays or musicals presented each year by students in the Theatre Department with, on some occasions, presentations by visiting companies. Tickets may be purchased at Student Activities in Herzberg 159, or at the Box Office one hour prior to showtime. For reservations and/or information, please call 514 457-2447. For group sales/rates, please call 514 457-6610 ext. 5425. TRANSCRIPTS You will receive a cumulative transcript (bulletin cumulatif) listing the courses in which you were registered and the final grades you obtained in each course at the end of your graduating semester of if you cease to attend the college. You may request an unofficial transcript at the Registrar’s Office at any time. If you need to send an official transcript to another institution, you may complete a Request to Forward Transcript form in the Registrar’s Office or you may make your request using the Omnivox Document Request module. You are encouraged to submit your request well in advance of the deadline – allow ten working days during peak periods. TRANSPORTATION John Abbott College is serviced by STM bus lines, CIT off-island bus lines and the Montréal-Rigaud CP train line. ∙ Buses The 419 is the express bus between Fairview Pointe Claire and John Abbott (bus stop located just east of the Hochelaga building). The 405 and 411 are the express bus between the Lionel Groulx Metro Station and John Abbott (bus terminal located on Lakeshore Road). The express buses operate on week days with the 411 running only during the morning and afternoon rush hours. The 200 bus runs between Fairview and John Abbott (along Lakeshore, Saint-Charles, Hymus and Saint-Jean) every day of the week from early morning to early evening. The 211 bus runs between Lionel Groulx and John Abbott (along Lakeshore, Cartier, Autoroute 20, Dorval Station and Autoroute 20) from early morning until late at night every day of the week. The 212 bus runs between the Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue train station and John Abbott (along Lakeshore, Sainte-Anne and Pacifique) every day of the week from early morning to late at night. CIT La Presqu’Ile busses run between John Abbott and Ile Perrot, Pincourt and the Vaudreuil train station, weekdays during the morning and afternoon rush hours. Student Activities, Herzberg 159, has bus schedules on hand at all times, or go to or . ∙ Trains The commuter trains travel daily at scheduled times between Lucien-L’Allier in Montréal and the Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Station, a 12-minute walk from the campus. An STM bus (line 212) runs between the train station and the College throughout the day. Train schedules are available in Student Activities, Herzberg 159. ∙ Cars and Motorcycles Students may drive to John Abbott but because of the limited numbers of parking spots on campus, car pooling, biking and walking are encouraged. If you need more information about parking on campus, check under the heading “PARKING”. TUTORS Peer tutoring is available to you free of charge at the Learning Centre (Herzberg 117), the Read and Write Lab (Herzberg 119), the Writing Centre (Library, Room 019), the Math Lab (Herzberg 203), the Biology Learning Centre, the Chemistry Study Area, the Physics Study Area, the Social Science Drop-In Lab (Herzberg 431), the French Learning Centre - CAF (Penfield 004) and the Language Resource Centre (Penfield 006). To offer your help as a volunteer peer tutor in one of the above centres, contact the person in charge at the location indicated. Opportunities for employment as a tutor are possible once a student has gained experience and training through one of these projects. High Academic scores are mandatory. For more information, contact the Learning Centre in Herzberg 117. If you wish to hire your own private tutor, go to the Employment Centre in Herzberg 138. TV STUDIO AND SOUND STUDIO These studios are located in the basement of Casgrain and include all odd numbered rooms between C-0039 and C-0057. The use of the TV and Sound studio facilities and equipment is restricted to students registered in specific C.A.L.L. program courses. UNIVERSITY AND CAREER INFORMATION CENTRE This resource centre located in Student Services offers you the following educational and career information to help you make career choices and decisions concerning your future education: ∙ University Calendars and Catalogues: A collection of Canadian university and college calendars plus American university directories is available. Help accessing this information online is also available. ∙ Internet Access: Helpful sites to get information about universities, colleges and scholarships as well as web access for online applications. Just prior to the major university application deadlines, workshops are held to help students with their on-line University applications. ∙ SAT and TOEFL information. ∙ Scholarship Information and application forms for students presently in CEGEP as well as for students headed to university. ∙ Career Information: Books and pamphlets on Career Planning, Women’s Careers, Career Fields and numerous occupations. Also available is reference material describing specific occupations, the required academic qualifications, job futures, market trends and forecasts. Centre hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. UNIVERSITY INFORMATION ∙ Admissions/Language Tests If you need to write an admission test such as the SAT, DAT or TOEFL you can pick up the handout on Admission Tests in the University and Career Information Centre, Student Services. ∙ Information and Applications The University and Career Information Centre located adjacent to the reception area in Student Services is the place to go for all the information you need about choosing a university program and completing application forms. A technician will provide you with reference assistance. ∙ On-Campus Visits of University Representatives During the Fall semester, you are encouraged to meet the representatives from the different universities visiting on-campus. This is an excellent opportunity for you to get your information first-hand. Visits are advertised on the Student Portal and through Academic Advising. VIP PROGRAM The Very Involved People Program encourages you to become involved and active in Student Services and Academic Resources Departments. There are many programs you can participate in (e.g., tutor in the Learning Centre, office assistant in the Employment Centre, health promotion assistant in the Health and Wellness Centre, (AASIP) Athlete Academic Student involvement and the University and Career Information Centre). Benefits include personal growth and development, career-related experience, letters of recommendation upon request and personal satisfaction from making a contribution to student life. You may obtain more information from the Student Services and Academic Resources Departments. WEBSITE Check out the John Abbott website at for all kinds of information about the College. “Current Students” is geared especially for you! Go to the Student Activities section and read The Info online or see what’s happening in the Agora. Find out up-to-date information on sports, intramural and intercollegiate teams in the Sports and Recreation section. Or, access registration resources by clicking on the Registrar’s Office. Check out the Student Services section which provides information about all the departments in Student Services. The web page is changing all the time with new information and services being added. WRITING CENTRE The number of reading and writing assignments you have each month increases when you reach CEGEP. If you are having trouble with reading assignments, tutors are here to assist you. If you are not sure about your writing skills, bring a rough draft of your work to the Writing Centre located in the Library, LB-021, for a peer tutor to go over it with you and make suggestions. Tutors can also help you explore ideas and organize your papers. If English is not your mother tongue, there is also specific help to improve your skills. You can book individual appointments, drop in or be assigned an individual tutor to work with you weekly through the Centre. The reading and writing skills you acquire will help you in your career pursuits or at university, so use the Writing Centre to your advantage. Appointments for tutorials can be made in the English Department, at Penfield 138A. Drop-in times are also available. All tutorials are free. We also have online tutoring. Just cut and paste your assignment and your teacher’s instructions into a MIO and send to: Online Writing Centre. A tutor will get back to you, often in less than 24 hours. The Writing Centre (LB-021) is open Monday to Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. STRATEGIES FOR STUDENT SUCCESS ORGANIZATION IS EVERYTHING Welcome to college. Welcome to independence and autonomy. Welcome to the chance of exploring new and interesting subjects, joining clubs, teams and activities and meeting new friends and seeing old ones again. But college also includes the world of deadlines, final exams, research papers and, of course, hours of studying. Sometimes you will feel that there are simply not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything you set out to do – from homework and your part-time job, to team practices and just socializing with friends. Being organized is the key to a fulfilling and rewarding experience in college. Here are some suggestions on becoming – and remaining – organized. ORGANIZING YOUR STUDY SPACE Finding a quiet yet comfortable place to study is a priority. It doesn’t matter if you use a table in the corner of the library, a desk in your own room or even the kitchen table; it should be a regular place where you can concentrate. Keep these suggestions in mind: ∙ Find a Place with minimal distractions and good lighting. ∙ Use a Large Work Area with enough room for your books, binders and reference materials. ∙ Avoid Easy Chairs and sofas as places to study. ∙ Don’t Study in Front of the TV or with loud music on; silence or background music is best. Turn your electronic devices “off”. ORGANIZING YOUR STUDY TIME Organizing your activities is essential to success in college. Being organized will allow you to accomplish all the things you want to do. Keeping track of your assignments, readings and tests will ensure that you remain in control. Here are some steps to effective organization and time management: ∙ Enter All Test Dates, assignment due dates and other information in your AGENDA. ∙ Schedule Fixed Blocks of Time; this includes class time, work time, and other commitments. ∙ Schedule Regular Study Time when your ability to concentrate is at its peak. ∙ Schedule Some Time Every Week for large projects due later on in the semester. ∙ Take a Few Minutes on Sunday night to make a “To Do” list for the week; assign tasks to specific days and record these in your AGENDA. ∙ Use the Breaks in Your Schedule to study or work on assignments; you may be able to accomplish a lot more during these times than you can at night. ∙ Study in Short Segments with a 10-15 minute break in between; don’t consider marathon study sessions – they simply do not work. ∙ Set Clear Starting and Stopping Times for assignments. ∙ Tackle the Hardest Subjects or assignments first and remember... keep your schedule realistic and flexible. ORGANIZING YOUR READING College textbooks! They put a bulge in your knapsack and a dent in your wallet. They not only make for heavy carrying but also for heavy reading. You might ask yourself: How can I be expected to learn all of the information found inside? How can I tell what’s important? How do I know what to study? Keep in mind that textbooks are organized to help – not hinder – your understanding of the material. You, as reader, must also develop a sound and organized approach to reading the chapters. Try these steps to develop an organized reading system for textbooks: ∙ Survey the chapter before you read it. Read the title, the introduction, and the summary carefully. Read the headings, subheadings, and any marginal notes. Notice any visual aids (pictures, graphs, etc.) and focus on the italicized or bold print words. ∙ Write Questions for each bold heading and subheading. You can create a question based on the following: who, what, when, where, why, which, or how. Finding the answers will help you concentrate on what you are reading. ∙ Read the information one paragraph at a time. Be sure to ask yourself: What did the author say? What is the main point of the paragraph? What are the important details? ∙ Record the important information in note form. You can highlight or underline the most important information, make margin notes, or record notes on a separate sheet of paper. ∙ Recite the information. This will help clarify the information; it will also help you avoid learning by rote; you will better understand the information because you are using your own words. ∙ Review the information learned in the chapter. Frequent review will help keep the information fresh and easily retrievable. ORGANIZING YOUR LECTURE NOTES You will quickly discover that it is not possible to write down everything your teacher says during a lecture. In fact, your job is only to take down the main ideas or key information in an organized and meaningful manner. If you focus on organizing your lecture notes, then they will be much easier to read, edit, and review after class. Follow these tips on how to organize your notes: ∙ Read Your Text or other assigned reading before class. You will be able to anticipate the important ideas and be more familiar with any new vocabulary. ∙ Arrive on Time and be ready to begin along with the instructor. ∙ Sit in the Front of the Class where there are fewer distractions.∙ ∙ Write Down Key Words and phrases in outline style: main ideas next to the margin and secondary ideas indented. ∙ Use Abbreviations: e.g., according to = acc. to, and = &, without = w/o, etc. ∙ Review Your Notes soon after class. Consult with a classmate to compare ideas, decide what is important and add anything you missed. ∙ Don’t Recopy Your Notes; reciting them out loud is a better study technique. ORGANIZING YOUR APPROACH TO TAKING EXAMS Although exams often make students nervous and anxious, you can do well if you prepare adequately before the test and remain in control during the test. Of course, frequent reviewing is the best study method. However, during the exam, try some of the following suggestions: ∙ Survey the Exam first and budget your time. Figure out how long you have for each question or section. ∙ Read the Directions and the questions very carefully. Highlight the key words in the questions. ∙ Answer the Easy Questions First. This will increase your confidence and you can then spend more time on the difficult questions. ∙ In Multiple-Choice Tests, make sure you read all of the options before marking your answer. If you come across a question you don’t know, use your ability to reason: eliminate the options you know are wrong or just plain silly. ∙ In Essay Exams, plan what you want to include by making an outline first. As you write, periodically check back to the question to make sure you are not straying. Your essay should have an introduction, body and conclusion. Write legibly so your instructor doesn’t have to decipher your handwriting. Finally, make sure you give yourself a few extra minutes to proofread for errors. SEEKING ASSISTANCE Being well-organized in college is certainly a key to being a successful and confident learner. The Learning Centre offers College Success Skills Workshops and How to Study Groups. It also provides Reading Skills Seminars, Individual Consultations and Peer Tutoring. Academic support of all kinds can be found in the Learning Centre. For further reading strategies, writing suggestions or study tips, drop by the Learning Centre in Herzberg 117. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS Alcoholics Anonymous ................................................... 514 376-9230 Ambulance (Urgences-santé) ....................................................... 911* Campus Security............................................................ 514 398-7777 CLSC de Vaudreuil-Dorion ............................................ 450 455-6171 CLSC Lac-Saint-Louis ................................................... 514 697-4110 CLSC Pierrefonds .......................................................... 514 626-2572 Consumer Protection ..................................................... 514 253-6556 Drug Help and Referral Line ....................................... 1 800 265-2626 Fire ................................................................................................ 911* Friends for Mental Health............................................... 514 636-6885 Gamblers Anonymous ................................................... 514 484-6666 Health Line/Info santé ..................................................................... 811 Human Rights & Youth Rights ....................................... 514 873-5146 Lakeshore General Hospital .......................................... 514 630-2225 Legal Aid Information ..................................................... 514 873-3562 Montréal Sexual Assault Centre .................................... 514 934-4504 Narcotics Anonymous .................................................... 514 490-0333 Passports Canada ...................................................... 1 800 567-6868 Police ............................................................................................ 911* Québec Ombudsman.................................................. 1 800 463-5070 Québec Poison Control Centre ................................... 1 800 463-5060 Rental Board .................................................................. 514 873-2245 Social Insurance Number............................................ 1 800 206-7218 SOS Conjugal Violence .............................................. 1 800 363-9010 STM Bus Rates and Schedules ..................................... 514 288-6287 Suicide Action Montréal ................................................. 514 723-4000 Sun Youth ...................................................................... 514 842-6822 Tel-Aide .......................................................................... 514 935-1101 Tel-Jeunes ..................................................................... 514 288-2266 West Island Crisis Centre .............................................. 514 684-6160 West Island Women’s Shelter ....................................... 514 620-4845 Youth Family Protection ................................................. 514 935-6196 * On campus, always call Campus Security first at 514 457-6610, local 7777 or 514 398-7777.