City y of Bakersfiield Animal Care Centerr 201 S. Mou unt Vernon A Avenue Bakersffield, CA 933307 661-83 32-PETS(73887) VOLUN NTEER WA AIVER A AND RELE EASE By siigning below w, I hereby accept a posittion as a Vollunteer for thhe Bakersfieeld SPCA/ City of o Bakersfieeld (“COB”), upon the fo ollowing term ms, conditioons and undeerstandings: Terms and a Condiitions 1. My servicces to the Baakersfield SP PCA/COB arre provided strictly in a voluntary capaccity as a Vollunteer, and without w any express or iimplied prom mise of salarry, comp pensation or other paymeent of any kiind whatsoevver. My servicces are furnished withou 2. ut any employyment-type benefits inclluding employment insu urance prograams, workerr’s compensaation accruall in any form m, vacations or sicck time. I will fam 3. miliarize myself and comp ply with the Bakersfieldd SPCA’s/CO OB’s policiees p ap pplicable to Volunteers. In particulaar, I fully unnderstand thaat the and procedures Bakersfield SPCA A/COB expeects high standards of m moral and ethiical treatmennt of animals underr its care. I will w adhere strictly s to theese standardds in my capaacity as a voolunteer. 4. I understaand that the Bakersfield B SPCA/COB, without nootice or heariing, may termiinate my serv vices as a Vo olunteer at any a time, witth or withouut reason. Release R 1. I understaand that the handling h of animals a and other Volunnteer activitiies on behalff of thee Bakersfield d SPCA/COB may placee me in a hazzardous situaation that coould result inn injury y or illness to t me or dam mage my perssonal properrty. On behaalf of myselff, and my heirs,, personal reepresentativees and assign ns, I hereby rrelease, discharge, indem mnify and hold harmless thee Bakersfield d SPCA/COB and its Diirectors, Mayyor, Councill, officers, gents from any a and all cllaims, causees of action aand demandss of any employees and ag k or unk known, arisiing out of orr in connection with my Volunteer naturre, whether known activiities on behaalf of the Bak kersfield SP PCA/COB. 2. Understan nding that pu ublic relation ns are an impportant part of a Volunteeer’s activiities on behaalf of the Bak kersfield SP PCA/COB, I hereby authhorize the Baakersfield SPCA A/COB to usse any photo ographs of me m in its posssession for puublic relations purposes. I ask the Bakersfi field SPCA/C COB to use reasonable r eefforts to givve me advancce notice of s use, butt such notificcation is not a condition to release phhotographs ffor public any such relatiions purposees. Date Sig gnature of Volunteer V Signatture of Bakeersfield SPCA A/COB Repp. If you y are unde der 18, we mu ust have you ur parent orr legal guarddian’s signature below: Parent orr Legal Guaardian (of ( Volunteeers 17 and Y Younger) As a parent or leg gal guardian n of the above-named Voolunteer, I heereby give coonsent for hild or ward d, as the casee may be, to become b aV Volunteer for Bakersfieldd SPCA/COB B my ch as described in th he above Vollunteer Agreeement and, by the signaature below, join in and d by the term ms and condiitions of the Release aboove. agreee to be bound Date Prrint Name Signnature of Parrent or Legall Guardian