Amp Energy Drink Media Plan - Molly Singraber's Portfolio

Amp Energy Drink
Media Plan
Amanda Gilpin
Alexandra Morris
Jenny Morris
Laura Pope
Molly Singraber
Table of Contents
Executive Summary...................................................................................... 1
Situation Analysis ....................................................................................2-14
Amp Background Information ................................................................2-3
Current Look & Feel of Advertising .......................................................4-6
Industry Information: Category Trends....................................................... 7
Competitor Information............................................................................8-9
External Information – Trends Influencing the Industry .......................... 10
Current Users............................................................................................. 11
Geographical Emphasis............................................................................. 12
Seasonality and Timing ............................................................................. 13
Consumers and Consumer Decision Making Process............................... 14
SWOT Analysis........................................................................................... 15
Primary Research ..................................................................................16-19
Target Audience.....................................................................................20-22
Media Plan..............................................................................................23-28
Objectives & Budget ................................................................................ 23
Scheduling ................................................................................................. 24
Media Mix: Traditional ............................................................................. 25
Media Mix: Non-traditional ...................................................................... 26
Rationale.................................................................................................... 27
Metrics....................................................................................................... 28!
Creative Strategy ...................................................................................31-33
Reference Page .......................................................................................34-35
Appendix A: Competitors ........................................................................ 36
Appendix B: CDI/BDI Chart................................................................37-44
Appendix C: Survey Data ...................................................................45-48
Appendix D: Geographic List of Student Group Sponsorships ............... 49
Appendix E: Media Flow Chart/GRPs.................................................50-51
Executive Summary
In our breakdown of PepsiCo’s Amp Energy drink, we’ve concluded that the company could
use a marketing strategy with an edge. The energy drink industry implements similar strategiestargeting millennial men with corporate sponsorships. Energy drink companies have traditionally
been supporters of active sport users. Amp’s advertising strategies have successfully proven
themselves to be generic. The strong budget for the 2013 year gives room for flexibility and an
increase in market share. PepsiCo stands strong and holds the brand at a higher level than Monster.
While all the data says men drink energy drinks, we found in our primary research that
women are not uninterested users. In fact, women are looking for a product geared towards them,
especially when they are focusing on their studies. Amp is looking to expand its usage outside of
their traditional audience and this plan targets Asian American Females 18-24. Our research gives
reason to target not only a different racial makeup but also a different gender within that audience.
We propose a media plan that leverages word-of-mouth advertising in sponsorships of college
student organizations and social media platforms. The emphasis Asian American’s place on family,
education, and community also plays into our media plan with our in-language television spots,
yellow-page ads, and plan to give away college scholarships. These various forms of media will
accomplish our marketing and advertising objectives to increase awareness and sales.
The opportunity to recruit a new consumer base will set Amp apart from its competitors
since current energy drink consumers are brand switchers who struggle to foster brand loyalty. In
our creative ads we will relay a message that Amp energy drink is linked with the trusted PepsiCo.
brand; a tradition and a past-time. Amp is ready to gain brand loyal Asian consumers who will
spread the word to their peers about the “Dew” like energy drink.
Amp Background Information
Company & Brand
Amp energy drinks have been available to the public since of 2001. The drink was created
by Pepsi Co and paired with Mountain Dew to be successful in the action sports market. It is an
energy drink that has the taste of Mountain Dew gaining it some popularity among loyal Mountain
Dew users. In 2006, Amp helped PepsiCo reach the third highest sales within the energy drink
realm. From 2009, Amps estimated sales have totaled $281,608,000 and their average sales are
$1,347,000 dollars.
Amp is under the category of energy drinks and targets college students, young adults, and
athletes seeking a quick boost of energy throughout their daily tasks. PepsiCo has found that young
adults live a fast pace lifestyle so Amp energy drinks offer four times the caffeine, which enters the
blood stream faster causing a quicker effect. Amp’s research found that the best way to sell their
product was to create a few variations. These three variations are called Focus, Active, and Amp
Boost. By cutting down to three, the company believed that they could reach a versatile group. Amp
Active is targeted for people who needed a boost during their workouts, Amp Focus is targeted for
young adults in the work force, and Amp Boost is targeted for students who need a lift when
studying for exams.
Drinks come in three sizes, 8.4 oz, 16 oz, and 24 oz. The cost of an 8.4 oz can is roughly
around $1.50, which is 0.18 cents per ounce. The flavor is similar to that of Mountain Dew and is
known for being sweet, sugary, and having a pleasant after taste. Amps competitors such as Red
Bull charges $1.89 dollars for their 8.4 oz can and Monster charges $1.50 for their 7.75 oz can.
Therefore Amp is giving the lowest price compared to its competitors, which can be a beneficial
tool for campaigning.
Amp is sold in over 200 countries but its main focus is in the United States. It is distributed
in retail stores like gas stations, grocery stores, and vending machines. Purchases can be made also
by typing in their personal zip code into in order to find the closest location to
purchase the product. Canada and North America are the most popular regions when it comes to
Amp sales.
The company spends about $8.6 million in advertising. These dollars are strategically placed
within sponsoring sporting events and athletes as opposed to traditional methods like billboards,
commercials, and print. In the past is has been a successful campaign strategy; however, it is now
time to reach different markets and in order to reach potential new users more modern and
interactive forms of advertising should be used.
Current Look & Feel of Advertising
AMP Energy was initially distributed under the Mountain Dew brand, but since 2009, it has
been produced and labeled under its own stand-alone trademark name. Spending 8.6 million dollars
in advertising annually, most of the budget is spent on the sponsorship of various sporting events
and athletes. Since 2008, AMP Energy has sponsored NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. In 2009,
AMP Energy released a limited edition Dale Earnhardt Jr. themed energy drink which was a
combination of three flavors: orange, lime and berry. In 2012, Hannah Teter, Olympic women’s
halfpipe champion, joined the Amp energy brand as a promotional figure. Her involvement with the
brand centered around a Amp energy juice drink quilt that will be donated to Teter’s charity,
Hannah’s Gold Foundation. Again in 2010, Amp became the official sponsor of the Word Extreme
Cage fighting competition. Taking their involvement with the World Extreme Cage fighting further,
Amp energy drink sponsored Urijah Faber, bantamweight Ultimate Fighting Champion (UFC).
Their current advertising takes charge in the market by sponsoring these in-your-face sports:
UFC fighting, U.S. Open Snowboarding Championships, and NASCAR racing. These sponsorships
allow Amp energy’s current advertising tactic to be one that is pushing the consumer out the door to
act versus an approach of engaging the consumer to the advertisements themselves. They give the
feel that the consumer needs to rush to get their energy. The Pepsi brand aims to energize the media
as much as the drink would energize a consumer.
Slogan: “How do you Amp yourself?”
Description: Current ads promote each flavor of the beverage as an action. The example given
shows Hannah Teter performing a snowboard trick with the headline: “Hannah Teter is Relaunch.”
Relaunch represents one flavor of Amp energy.
Slogan: “Amp yourself”
Description: In their commercial media executions, Amp energy uses the slogan “Amp yourself” to
relate to a number of circumstances. These circumstances include, a goalie’s reaction time, jumpstarting a car, and a reality commercial of a day-in-the-life of UFC fighter, Urijah Faber. Each
commercial spot plays on the ability of the individual to “amp themselves” after drinking Amp
energy drink
Slogan: “Rethink energy”
Description: The current Facebook banner advertisements for Amp energy drink prompt the
consumer to “like” the page and then “rethink” how they view their energy. They also use the site as
an interactive medium by holding contests with their members. The most current advertisement
through a contest asks the consumer to take a picture of themselves with an Amp energy beverage
while sporting a beard or mustache. This is pushing the consumer to action.
Description: The current goal of Amp energy drink’s sponsorships is to relate the brand to positive
faces in the sporting world. As mentioned earlier, UFC, snowboarding, and NASCAR are a few of
the target markets that PepsiCo chose to promote the Amp energy drink brand.
THEME: The advertising executions by Amp energy drink all create an overarching theme of
“pushing” advertisements. They see the consumer as an outlet for the energy drink. They want the
consumer to feel motivated to reach for the shelves whether they are relating to the advertisements
or not. The Amp energy drink campaigns are interested in promoting action instead of interaction.
Industry Information & Category Trends
The energy drink industry has been on the rise since 2009 where consumers began spending
34% more than the previous years in the category. Energy drinks alone account for 22% of all drink
sales within the United States. Some of the bigger brands are Red Bull and Monster. Pepsi saw the
potential in the category and believed that the power of energy drinks added with the taste of
Mountain Dew would be a successful product. However, they were the latecomers to the industry,
with Red Bull being the first to enter the industry and make a “splash.” The first brand name on the
market is still enjoying market success. It is a definite weakness that Pepsi will have to work hard
for the name of their product to be recognized and associated with quality.
Energy drinks and shots are making a strong appearance. Energy shots went up more than
896 million dollars in sales, taking up 7.63% of the industry according to Chicago-based market
research firm SymphonyIRI Group’s InfoScan numbers from convenience store channel. Major
brands such as 5-hour Energy, Monster, and others posted solid gains.” (Reill, 2012)
Gary Hemphill, a senior vice president at Beverage Marketing Corp.’s information services
division, said the core market for energy shots have been younger males, but that appeal is evolving.
“Energy is a need that spans both sexes and a wide range of ages,” he said. “So the energy-products
consumer has begun to broaden well beyond the original core consumer, and companies have begun
to market their products accordingly.”
Between 2006-2007, American’s spent $744 million on energy beverages accounting for
34% increase in spending over the year’s prior. From 2001-2006, the market grew 516% with over
3.2 billion dollars in sales. The category did extremely well in single unit purchases. 80% of these
sales come from convenience stores and gas stations. There is evidence that women are drinking
energy shots more than men, showing an opportunity for Amp to target females.
Competitor Information
The energy drink category is considered a very competitive market. Although, there is one
brand that stands out among the rest, the remaining energy drink brands have a lot of potential in the
market and have a decent share size of that market. There are three direct competitors that Amp
competes with, and they are Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar. These are the top three brands
because they have the three highest markets share percentages and have sales above Amp. There are
a few indirect competitors with energy drinks, and they are products that can fulfill the same energy
kick that energy drinks provide. These indirect competitors are 5-hour energy, sports drinks, and
coffee. 5-hour energy is the product that most closely resembles energy drinks; therefore, we will
conduct research on this product as well. (See Appendix A)
Red Bull: is a functional beverage with a unique combination of high quality ingredients to
vitalize the body and mind. (RedbullUSA) Perceived as the drink that gives you wings. It can be
purchased in convenient stores, mixed with alcohol at bars, and is sold in 20 packs online. With a
large budget, Red Bull’s advertisements and promotions include television commercials, event and
team sponsorships, street ads, and billboards. Red Bull has a strong share of voice in television,
allowing them to spend most of their advertising dollars on this outlet.
Monster: is a can of the meanest energy drink, which delivers twice the buzz of a regular energy
drink. ( Monster is a big supporter of extreme sports and concerts, and
promotes their product through sponsorship of these events. They have increased their budget in the
past year to try and attack Red Bull through more advertisements and promotions. While Monster
advertises mostly through business to business advertising, their small share of voice in this
category suggest they allocate more of their media budget through other outlets to try and surpass
Red Bull.
Rockstar: is the world’s most powerful energy drink blended with herbs to provide an energy
boost to those who lead active lives such as athletes and rock stars. Rockstar promotes its product
through sponsorships of active events such as BMX racing, bull riding, surfing, etc. They allocate
most of their media dollars to newspaper and Internet to promote their product to their young target
5-hour energy: is made for hard working people to help provide a quick and easy shot of energy
to last up to 5 hours. Their product is aimed towards working adults and they promote to this target
through television advertisements and billboards. 5-hour energy also puts their product on display at
check out lines and cash registers to emphasize point of purchase decisions.
$52 million for 2013
$20 million for 2013
$27 million for 2013
Media Mix 2011
35% Cable TV
30% Network TV
94% Business to Business
56% Newspaper
44% Internet
Share of Voice 2011
26% Cable TV
54% Network TV
5% Business to
12% Newspaper
External Information – Trends Influencing the Industry
• Society’s increasing concern for health and wellness.
• Trends toward health foods (natural or organic) could force energy drink companies to shift
their product’s positioning to appeal to the health-conscious consumers.
• Mainstream brands have begun to release low carbohydrates, sugar free, and diet versions of
their drinks.
• Other energy drink companies has emerged and positioned themselves as a “natural”
product, offering drinks with herbal ingredients like green tea extract and Acai natural energy
• US has set a limitation on the maximum caffeine per serving in energy drinks. As a result,
any companies have increased the amount of caffeine ounces per can by including two servings
in one can.
• The instability of our economy over the past years: influence of the recession and postrecession causes economic uncertainty in the market.
• Outlook is bright because in 2011, the new product count nearly doubled compared to
the previous year.
• Sales of energy drinks and shots have remained relatively strong for the last few years,
but the same core group of customers continues to buy them.
• Energy drink market under investigation for deceiving customers about the ingredients and
health value of their products.
• Companies overstating the benefits of exotic-sounding ingredients while understating the
role of caffeine. Many of the energy drinks do not indicate the amount of caffeine contained in
one bottle. Investigators are looking into whether the addition of ingredients like guarana—
another source of caffeine—violates laws that ban putting multiple sources of caffeine in one
beverage without disclosing the overall amount.
Current Users
Men: 62.5%
Women: 37.5 %
18-24: 26.7 %
25-34: 29.1%
35-44: 22.1%
45-54: 13.4%
55-64: 5.5%
65+: 3.2%
White: 65 %
Black: 15.8%
Asian: 3.2%
Other: 16.3 %
Relationship Status:
Single: 43.4%
Married: 42.2%
Divorced: 14.4 %
Grad School Plus: 19.2%
Some College: 31.3%
Graduated High School: 31.5%
Twelfth Grade or Less: 18%
Employed: 76.2%
Non Employed: 23.8%
Sales and Office Occupations
Construction and Maintenance
Amp users have a wide range of
household incomes
Own Home: 54.5%
Rent Home: 44.7%
Live Free of Rent: 0.8%
Parents: 38.9%
Have no children in Household: 48.2%
Have children in Household: 51.8%
Internet Usage:
Heavy Internet users: 20.8%
Any Access To Internet: 85.6 %
Internet Access at Home: 66.6%
Magazine Usage:
Heavy Users: 27 %
Main magazine publications they use
are Automotive, General Editorials,
Home Service, Sports, and Women’s
Radio Usage:
Heavy Radio Users: 25.4%
Main radio formats they listen to are
Country, Soft Adult Contemporary,
CHR, and Urban.
Television Usage:
Light Users: 21.8%
Many of the current users fall into the
lighter usage of television. Of the
users that do watch television, Sport
channels were overwhelmingly
Newspaper Usage:
Read any daily newspaper: 37.2%
Read any one daily newspaper: 29.5%
Geographical Emphasis
Current Amp Energy Geographic Focus
• Coast and Central Regions
• Urban and liberal cities
• States with a range in climate and terrain
So what?
• Amp energy brings in the most sales in these areas
• Street teams liven up these areas to promote the brand in its most populated areas
Where does this leave Amp Energy geographically, today?
• Most potential for Asian American audience lies in:
Chicago, Los Angeles, Honolulu, New York, San Francisco
Market Name
Chicago, IL
Honolulu, HI
Los Angeles, CA
New York, NY
San Fran, CA
HH (000)
Amp User (000)
(See Appendix B for complete CDI/BDI Chart)
CDI Index
Seasonality and Timing
One particular facet of our target age audience (18-24) includes education seekers. Asian
American females are statistically shown to be in pursuit of an education, which drove our
strategy to look at college activity (Furirchi et. al., 250).
When are peak times for Amp Energy Drink Sales?
• August
• November
• December
• March
• April
• May
Current Seasonality and Timing Plan
• Promotion in best time for Asian American Females in academia
• Remove stigma of energy drinks with positive correlations to education
• Encourage brand promotion for peak times of sales interaction
Consumers and Consumer Decision Process
What are consumers looking for in energy drinks?
• Amount of caffeine per serving
• Something to “stay awake” to
study/part longer
• Health is NOT their main
concern: willing to sacrifice a
few calories for time doing their
favorite hobby or getting
through the work day
• A low thought, low decisionmaking effort
• Flavor variety is the most important consideration
Key Consumer Purchasing Insights
“All energy drink companies that
“Those energy drinks with
wish to have influence in society
lower prices that provide the
must meet the following criteria:
same benefits are likely to be
low-cost, low consumer
more favorable.”
involvement, familiar brands, little
thought, search, or time given to
“Energy drink needs are satisfied
when consumers like the flavor,
price, and positive effects on
his/her cognitive performance and
Buyers use sources like the
Internet for becoming familiar
with a brand but not for
purchasing results-centered
products like energy drinks.
SWOT Analysis
-Variety of flavors
-PepsiCo. renowned soft drink
-Likability of Mountain Dew
flavor and after taste
-Creative name of product and
its association with music
-Latecomer to the market
-Low brand awareness
-Target too segmented for
future growth, narrowly
skewed towards alternative,
extremist men
-Current branding strategies
too similar to competitors
-Consumer spending happens
consistently year round.
-Non-traditional media,
internet & gaming
-Strong SOV
-New product exposure
directed away from typical
male audiences.
-“Health focused” consumers.
-Rise of new and different
energy brands.
-In-store availability
-Current consumers as brand
Primary Research
Research Objectives
• To determine what qualities users look for in energy products: taste, appearance, energy
boost, etc.
• To gauge where Amp stands in relation to other brands in the energy drink market in the
minds of all consumers.
• To uncover specific consumer behavior and the decision making process when it comes
to buying energy drinks.
• To expose the common forms of media usage in men/women ages 18-24.
For our primary research we compiled two surveys on and distributed them
both to over 300 people for completion, but only 110 submitted answers. You can see in
Appendix A the variety of styles of questions asked in our survey including likert, rank-order,
semantic differential, and open-ended. We chose to conduct surveys because they provide
objective data that can reach a mass of people. Interviews and focus groups would have been
more difficult because focus groups can be influenced by one participant and therefore affect the
answers of the others participating. The survey was easy to put together and allowed us to reach
a larger randomized sample.
(See Appendix C for full survey questions and analysis)
Survey Results
Key Finding
Almost everyone who completed the survey has consumed an energy drink at least once.
These results suggest the majority of those surveyed are more likely to consume energy drinks in
the future.
Key Finding
The highest percentage of those surveyed consume energy drinks when mixed with alcohol, then
to get that extra boost in the evening, and lastly to stay alert while studying.
These results signify that consumers would be persuaded to consume energy while studying or
out on the social scene. It also signifies opportunity to promote Amp for boosts in the morning
and staying alert at work.
0# 10# 20# 30# 40# 50# 60#
Key Finding
The top three mediums ranked the highest among those surveyed were Smartphones, social
media, and television. The least used medium was Internet blogs.
These results suggest that Amp should not focus on advertising through blogs, news sites, and
magazines. The most efficient ways to reach our target audience will be through Smartphones,
social media, and television.
Key Finding
The majority of those who completed this survey were females (82.4%)
This information shows that what we gathered through our survey will help us target females
more successfully.
Key Finding
Majority of those surveyed were not aware that Amp is owned by Pepsi Co.
This information signifies lack of greater Brand Awareness and an opportunity to use the large
PepsiCo. name to help promote Amp to a larger market.
Survey Take Away Points:
1. Amp does not dedicate enough of its advertisements to women, who were
showing a large percentage of buying power.
2. The PepsiCo. Brand name does not carry as strong of a weight with Amp
as it does with its other drink products, which could be hurting the marketing
and brand awareness.
3. The best way to reach our audience is through technology and social
4. Energy drinks are consumed in a single sitting for studying purposes or as
a part of the social scene.
Target Audience- Asian American Women in Academia
Description of our audience in general:
Asian American Females in college or recent college grads; in their twenties and still
dependent on their parents. Specifically, we will hone in on Chinese and Filipino women,
because they make up 40% of the 8 million people female population. These students often deal
with major academic pressures. After getting accepted into college, they are expected to excel
academically so that they can ultimately land a professional job that guarantees money and
stability. Their parents play a big role in choosing their major and pushing them to work hard in
college. These women are renting apartments with money their parents give them and using their
own money for entertainment or fashion mostly. Their parents also pay for their expensive taste
in cars. These women are trend shoppers and have a preference for well-known brands. They are
media sophisticates with heavy Internet and social media usage.
Geographic Segmentation: Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, Chicago.
We recognize the size and the power of the largely untapped market of more than 17
million Asian Americans. In our survey we had a large amount of responses from female energy
drink users who expressed interest in a product specifically geared towards their gender. No
other energy drink is tapping in to the lucrative female market and we see this as a possible
cornering of the market. These affluent, well-educated individuals are an impressionable and
easily targetable audience. They want to create their own world in the U.S. separate from that of
their parents; they are creators. They cling to Asian culture with in-language advertising but they
still strive to be a unique part of American culture, using “chameleon behavior.” They will aid in
the sales objective, since they are the fastest growing demographic regarding buying power in
the U.S. The most potential we see in this group is the likelihood they will become brand loyal,
as they have a high preference for brand names such as PepsiCo.
Scope of audience from U.S. Census:
According to U.S. Census data from March of 2012, There is an estimated 17.3 million
U.S. residents of Asian descent. This group comprises 5.6 percent of the total population. To
give a rough estimate of Asian American Females we would target with this campaign we used
Gender data from the 2010 Census population. We estimate 3,650,000 people in our scope.
There are 5.6 million Asians in the state of California alone; the largest Asian population
in the 2010 Census, followed by New York (1.6 million). Hawaii had the highest proportion of
Asians (57 percent).
“A Day in the Life”
A late night studying for her finance exam, Kristi Chu awakes, groggy, grouchy and not
even close to being ready for the day. It’s the busiest time of the spring semester and she just
wants it to be spring break already. All she wants is a full 5 hours of sleep and for her parents to
lay off about her interviews and studying. Finals, papers, and job hunting are all creeping up on
her and on top of that she is not a morning person. She gets on Facebook, where she has adjusted
her language settings to Chinese, to chat with her friends online before going to class. She grabs
a water bottle and decides to drink lemon water for breakfast. She’s trying to lose weight because
she thinks all her studying is causing her to gain stress weight. While she’s in her economics
class she browses online at Zara for new business professional attire and then eBay for a new
iPhone5 case. is her last online shopping site, where she can buy She gets on the bus
to go home after class and plays with her iPhone app games. While she’s home the rest of the
night she turns on her Netflix online, grabs a Diet Pepsi for caffeine, and tries to multi-task doing
homework. All this stress from homework makes her depressed and tired. As she lies down at
night and tries to forget about all her duties she reads her favorite fashion magazine, Audrey.
Media Plan- Objectives
Marketing Objective:
Increase sales of Amp by 25% among Asian American females within the first six months of the
campaign. We will do so by finding and targeting these new female users to buy more as
opposed to focusing on frequency with the current audience.
Advertising Objective:
To establish 35% overall brand awareness for 18-24 year old Asian American Women
Media Objective:
Boost Amp awareness by reaching 80% of Asian American women in Academia an average of 3
during the academic periods March-May, August-September, and November-December.
Amp energy drink will provide you with the extra boost needed during the day or night while
giving you the exceptional taste of mountain dew and the reliability of the Pepsi Brand.
Media Plan- Budget
Based on our $25,000,000 budget for the year 2013 the advertising spending will follow the
percentages outlined in the graph below:
2013 Expenditure Per Vehicle Selection
Television- 25%
Print- 20%
Online/Digital- 30%
Non-Traditional- 25%
Media Plan- Scheduling
Spot Advertising:
• Ad spending during periods of high demand; spring final exam times on
college campuses (November, December, March, April, May).
• September and August start of the new school year and student group
• Not necessary to have heavy ad exposure in the summer months, as that is
when drink consumers are outside enjoying the weather. Weather is their
form of energy, not our caffeinated drink.
• The months in which we will use the highest amount of our budget and most
of our advertising will be based around college student’s curriculum.
See Appendix E for Full Media Flow Chart
Media Plan- Media Mix
1) Digital/Rich Media
Search Engine Advertising (Google, Yahoo, Bing)
Rich Media Advertising (Facebook, YouTube)
Banner Advertising (,
2) In-Language TV
TV Asia
3) Print
-US Weekly
-SAPNA Magazine
Yellow-Page Directories
Media Plan- Media Mix
4) Sponsorships
-Music Festivals
-College Asian American Student Organizations
(See Appendix D for list of all universities and sponsored groups)
5) Online Facebook & Twitter Campaign
-Scholarship Competition for Asian American women
entering undergraduate or graduate school.
-You must like our fan page and then fill out the
application posted on the page
-You get additional points when your scholarship is
reviewed for
the number of likes you can get for the fan page
-Twitter updates will be sent out from the Amp page too during the summer when
students are getting ready to apply and receive scholarships.
6) Street Team “Amp Camp”
-Drive green colored vehicles and give out free samples on city streets.
-College campus raffles giving away concert tickets
-Tailgate at football games on college campuses with a tent with Amp logo
-Visit business offices and college classrooms to hand out free samples
Media Mix Rationale
-83% of Asian Americans watch live television,
which is too big of the population to ignore.
-Because a large majority of our target audience
live in locations such as California, New York,
and Chicago we can make smaller buys in local
markets and not have to worry about national
-Television is becoming one of the most
influential advertising tactics because of the
combination of sound, music, and pictures that
create a story for the brand.
-TV creates a sense of community in users, and
that is an important factor for Asian Americans
-Extreme concentration of Asian Americans
makes them easy to reach through spot TV ads.
-Print ads with PepsiCo visuals and the Amp
name will help familiarize the Asian American
target with the American Brand.
-Asian American 18-24 year olds show a high
interest in fashion and status brands from
-Audrey magazine launched in March 2003 in
response to the growing demand for a highquality publication that serves Asian American
-Women look to visual print ads when trying to
find hip new brands, such as Amp energy.
-Sponsorships of Asian American Student
Organizations within college campuses and
musical festivals for up-and-coming college
artists will allow us to reach our media objective.
-The street team allows for more engagement of
the brand directly with our target audience.
-Sampling is a strong promotional tactic that will
get the product into consumers’ hands with little
-Press releases sent out to major college
newspapers by an AMP PR agent will increase
brand preference if human-interest element is
included for the female target.
-Our primary surveys showed many Asian
American women use Facebook as a tool to keep
in contact with friends from their home country,
family, and new friends that they have
accumulated within America. Social media is the
most cost-effective way to spread Amp image by
word-of-mouth marketing.
-Scholarship on social media ties into the Asian
American definition of success and growing
educational importance.
-Interactivity- two way communication with the
-The top products purchased online amongst
Asian Americans remains as apparel and
books. Banner ads placed on the Zara shopping
website will hopefully catch the eye of our
female Asian and non-Asian buyers since they
are interested in Fashion.
-Asian Indians and Chinese spend the most
hours on the Internet and young Asian
Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 are
the heaviest Internet users.
-High reach potential
-Numerous creative options
• Spot television reach can be determined by ratings and frequency can be met by seeing
the ratings of each show.
• The circulation of the magazines will evaluate by how many viewers there are for each
• QR codes will be placed on our magazine ads for users to scan and get a coupon for
Amp. Success can be measured by how many visitors the code receives and then how
many people redeem the coupon.
• For online advertising on websites such as Bing, Yahoo, and Google, we will measure the
traffic of the websites and the amount of clicks.
• To measure the advertising on Facebook, we will evaluate the number of click-throughs.
• Scholarship reach will be determined by how many applicants there are for the
• Amount of Facebook likes the page receives and number of people who sign up for the
Facebook contest will show how well our brand is doing in the online realm.
• Sponsorship success can be measured by handing out surveys to the college students who
attended or hosted the Amp event. General positive comments and a high intent to
purchase quotient from the surveys will be the metrics.
Creative Strategy
Competition: Where are they now?
Rockstar uses sponsorships to get their message out to the consumer. They use social media sites
like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter to promote their sponsored sports by interacting with the
consumer through contests, promotional teams, and special events. Through commercial
advertising, Rockstar uses the consequences of drinking the beverage to promote the benefits of
“drinking responsibly.” Overall, their advertisements have a reoccurring theme of flash, and
Red Bull:
Red Bull energy drink advertisements work around the slogan “Gives you wings.” This slogan
ties together their sponsored events, media campaigns, and special events. The theme of their
current advertising campaigns relate the ability for individuals to do more than they ever though
they could. Their advertisements show that consumes can achieve the impossible by drinking
Red Bull; that the energy they receive from Red Bull can give them abilities beyond their wildest
5 Hour Energy:
The 5 Hour Energy brand holds its advertisements in a niche
market. Their take on the “energy shot” prompts their
advertisements to be viewed as shorter, in-your-face, and to the
point. They focus their efforts on a bullet-point approach to show
the consumer the benefits they will receive immediately and
without fluff. Their overarching theme is quick results.
The Monster brand has the look and feel that stresses the extremes of life. Their advertisements
use the black can as an overarching theme. They promote the dark colors and neon flavor names
to draw the consumer in with intrigue. They hold a place in the media through TV, digital, and
sponsored events.
Key Insight:
Consumers need to understand that Amp energy drink is a good source of energy in moderation.
It is a community charged brand for the college student. Amp will provide consumers with a
better understanding of the Pepsi Co. ownership of Amp as well as highlight its dedication to
college students.
Creative Summary
Who is our Target
• Academia Seekers
• Asian American Females in their twenties
• Those who long for extra energy in their day-to-day lives to meet academic pressure
• Located in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, and Chicago.
Where are we now in the mind of this person?
• We are seen an energy drink that holds a variety of flavors.
• We are related to popular sporting events, such as UFC fighting.
• We are seen as a sugary, unhealthy beverage that promotes poor nutritional choices.
Where is our competition in the minds of this person?
• Our competition is associated with sponsored events like UPROAR festival or Flugtag.
• They are seen as a “cousin” to our brand as ones that is readily available in convenience
• They are seen as leaders in the energy drink industry.
Where would we like to be in the mind of the person?
• More than just an energy drink, we are a brand that is creating a movement to increase
energy levels and productivity for the eager academic consumers.
What is the consumer promise, “the big idea”?
• Our promise to consumers is that Amp energy drink will provide the extra energy boost
needed during the day or night while giving the exceptional taste of mountain dew and
the reliability of the Pepsi Brand.
What is the supporting evidence?
• Amp energy drink sponsors events like NASCAR to promote the brand and the benefits
of its ingredients.
• Amp energy drink uses its relation to mountain dew to show how flexible the drink is in
mainstream media.
What is the tone for this advertising?
Creative Take Away Points:
-Highlight the association between the taste of PepsiCo’s Mountain Dew and Amp energy drink.
-Use social media- more engagement in college towns, focusing on finals stress as well as
sponsoring student organizations.
-Tie Amp together with the concept of Asian “tonic drinks,” which inspired the energy drink
industry in the early 1980s. Less acculturated Asian women will feel more of a connection with
the brand if they know it comes from a concept back home.
Brand Personality:
Energy is a fine tool. Those who have it exhaust it. Those who long for it cannot obtain it. This
vicious cycle needs to end. There are overwhelming options to achieve this energy anomaly.
Coffee, soda, pills; where does the madness end?
The answer is with Amp energy drink. The PepsiCo born drink, Amp shares similarities with its
cousin Mountain Dew, which brings familiarity and satisfaction to the taste buds. In a world
where options of how to gain energy are wearing you out, choose the simplest choice. Just as you
work each day to contain your energy, Amp energy drink takes the struggle out of your hands by
putting that energy into a can.
Say goodbye to the guessing game of soda brands, coffee prices, and dangerous pills. Open a can
of Amp energy drink today and join the movement to get your energy back.
Creative Concepts
TAGLINE: “Join the movement”
Launch a social media campaign that associates Amp energy drink with a
scholarship program for college students.
Facebook advertisement:
HEADLINE: “Dewing our Dewty”
COPY: Amp energy drink asks you to join the movement to get your energy back. We recognize
that you are a hard-working student and that you have educational needs that can be trying on
your pocketbook. Amp energy drink wants to put ease back into your educational regime by
launching our “Join the Movement” scholarship program. This program will give you a fighting
chance to excel after college. For details and to apply please visit our website:
Banner advertisement:
HEADLINE: “Green with Giving”
YouTube advertisement:
SPOT: 15 seconds
During a regular school day a teacher is speaking in a Charlie Brown teacher voice (wah, wah,
wah) to a classroom of bored students. A street team for Amp energy drink storms into the room.
They give out amp energy drink samples. They read the copy from the Facebook advertisement:
Amp energy drink asks you to join the movement to get your energy back. We recognize that
you are a hard-working student and that you have educational needs that can be trying on your
pocketbook. Amp energy drink wants to put ease back into your educational regime by launching
our “Join the Movement” scholarship program. This program will give you a fighting chance to
excel after college.
They write the website ( on the board and leave in a flash.
TAGLINE: “Join the Movement”
TACTIC: The Amp energy brand will aim to sponsor Asian American student
run organizations to promote scholarship and academics. This will allow the
consumer to relate Amp energy drink to academics and educational success.
VISUAL: Fusion of amp energy with a clock, textbook, Pepsi can, and party
HEALINE: Fuse your opportunities
TAGLINE: “Pepsi. We Dew Amp”
COPY: You’re tired. You have been studying for hours for a test that will be over in fifty
minutes. The library has become synonymous to home; your laptop has become your pillow. It is
hard for us to watch as you waste away hours without relief. Join the movement to end the
madness. Amp energy drink provides a way for you to enjoy a refreshing beverage with the
outcome of lasting energy. We can’t help to cancel your tests, but we can help you get through
them. Amp energy gives you the escape you need to get through long, endless hours. Take your
study time back. Dew Amp.
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U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census Brief - Overview of Race and Hispanic Origin
Appendix A
Brand positioning
Red Bull
Category leader with
42% of the market
share. Creating the
energy drink
category in the
Has an innovator image.
“Gives you wings.” The
hip drink to provide you
with energy with or
without alcohol. Small,
sleek can, so you can
finish it in a single sitting.
Brand awareness
percentage is in the high
Holds 29% of the
energy drink market
share. Started in
2002, so behind Red
“Unleash the beast,” seen
as substitute for soda and
more than just a regular
boost of energy, like Red
Bull. Not as much of an
adult beverage. Brand
awareness is 39%
11.4% of the market
Seen as an energy drink
for a much younger
audience, not so much
adults. Brand awareness
is 14%
In 8 years, retail
sales have reached
$1 billion. Holds
90% of the energy
shot market
An energy shot, one
serving to give the
working adult energy to
get through the day. Less
flashy than other energy
drinks. Very simple
5 Hour Energy
Company promotion
Promotion through sponsorship
of extreme sporting events,
cultural events, concerts, TV
spots and outdoor marketing
such as a street team “Wings
team” of attractive females
handing out the product.
Finally, purchased the New
York Red Bulls, a Major
League Soccer Team. Now
spends over 20 million annually
for advertisements.
Not widely advertised in the
media but sponsors many
sporting events and positioned
as getting “double for the same
price,” compared to Red Bull.
Promotes to people who are “on
the go”
Sponsors UPROAR festivals
which has hard rock and heavy
metal bands, also sponsors UFC
fighters to attract a more
differentiated audience. Has ties
with Playboy where potential
models can apply at their
events. Does not advertise
nationally, but reinforces and
differentiates its target market
from the rest of the industry.
Began to sponsor NASCAR
events, puts media dollars
towards TV ads. TV
commercials are aimed towards
the working consumer who
needs the energy for their job.
Company pricing,
offering, and
Current users
Present in 164
countries, with the
same strong image
all around the
world. Sold in
stores, events, bars
and online in the 8
oz cans.
Target market consists of a
younger demographic. Hip
youngsters, students, and some
Has the 27 different
drinks under the
Monster umbrella
in North America.
Has also expanded
Target customer is a man between
ages 14-26. Major consumers are
athletes, gamers, and artists who
need that extra energy compared
to normal people
About two dollars a
can. Only sells in
the 16 oz can.
Mainly teens, college kids, and
young adults. Tried to branch out
by attracted more females by
introducing Rockstar Pink, a low
calorie, low sugar drink.
Sold in drug and
convenient stores
where the customer
can easily find it
Young adults looking for constant
energy (unlike energy drinks with
burnout) throughout the day and
not consuming too much sugar.
Small player for younger people
but successful for office worker or
middle aged group
Appendix B
Appendix C
Through secondary data we collected an array of information regarding Amp energy drink and the
behaviors of people who consume the product. We gathered much about the current, predominantly
white male consumers but we wanted to know specifically why users choose Amp, if they know Amp
is under Pepsi Co, and what distinguishes Amp from other brands in the consumer decision process.
Also, with our primary research we hoped to reach the Asian American demographic and see what
they are looking for in energy products. In essence, we needed to answer what the buying cycle is for
Amp consumers so we can properly segment the Asian-American population and position our product.
AMP Energy Drink Part I
1. Have you ever consumed an energy drink (at least one time)?
2. How often do you drink energy drinks?
-More than once a week
-Once a week
-Once a month
-Once a year
3. When you do drink energy drinks, why do you drink them? Check all that apply.
-Energy boost in the morning
-Energy boost in the afternoon
-Energy boost in the evening
-Recharge after going to the gym/exercising
-Mixed with alcohol
-To pull an all-nighter
-To stay alert when studying
-To stay alert on the job
4. Please rank the following features from most important (1) to least important (6) when
evaluating energy drinks.
-Availability in store
-Brand Name
-Energy Boost
5. Where do you buy energy drinks from when you buy them? Check all that apply.
-Convenience stores (ex: Walgreens, CVS)
-Grocery stores (ex: Walmart, Jewel Osco)
-A bulk warehouse store (ex: Sam’s Club, Costo)
-Gas stations (ex: Marathon)
-Online (ex: sites such as Amazon, Ebay, etc.)
-Other (please specify)
6. Please rank the following in terms of where you buy energy drinks the most, (1) being the
most (6) being the least.
-Convenience stores (ex: Walgreens, CVS)
-Grocery stores (ex: Walmart, Jewel Osco)
-A bulk warehouse store (ex: Sam’s Club, Costo)
-Gas stations (ex: Marathon)
-Online (ex: sites such as Amazon, Ebay, etc.)
-Other (please specify)
7. When buying energy drinks what quantity do you purchase?
-1 single can (16-24oz)
-6 pack
-12 pack
-24 pack
-Other (please specify)
8. How important is it to you that energy drink advertising appeal to your race or ethnicity?
-Very important
-Very unimportant
9. What do you think is the tone of Amp energy drinks? Check all that apply.
10. Do you consume energy drinks with another drink or food item? If so, please provide the
-Yes (please specify)
What Survey #1 Revealed:
The first survey asked 10 questions that would tell us about how those who took our
survey viewed and consumed energy drinks. These questions elaborated on how often they
consume energy drinks, in what situation they consume them in, where they buy them, and
what tone Amp Energy drinks have.
Almost 100% of those we surveyed have consumed an energy drink (90%)
A large portion consumes energy drinks only once a month (38%).
When consuming energy drinks, it is mostly during the evening (46.6%) or mixed with
alcohol (63.6%).
The features found most important to the audience, ranked from most important to least:
taste, price, energy boost, availability, brand name, and packaging.
Convenient stores such as Walgreens and CVS were the places where most of the audience
purchased energy drinks.
83.3% of those surveyed only purchase 1 single can at a time.
Appealing to race and ethnicity is unimportant (72.7%).
Most of those surveyed say Amp’s tone is lively and dangerous, yet unhealthy,
Energy drinks are not consumed with food
AMP Energy Drink Part II
1. Please rank the following forms of media in terms of your personal media usage, (1) being
the most used (9) being the least used.
-Print Newspaper
-Social Media (Facebook, Twitter)
-Internet News Sites (Wall Street Journal Online, NYT Online)
-Internet Browsing (Google, Bing, Yahoo)
-Internet Blogs
2. Did you know Pepsi Co. is the owner of Amp Energy Drinks?
3. What unique qualities would make an energy drink stand out among competitors?
4. FEMALES ONLY. What would be a good strategy for marketers to implement to make
energy drinks appealing to you?
5. MALES ONLY. What would be a good strategy for marketers to implement to make
energy drinks appealing to you?
6. Gender
7. What is your age?
-18 to 24
-25 to 34
-35 to 44
-45 to 54
-55 to 64
-65 to 74
-75 or older
8. What race do you identify yourself as?
-Asian American
-African American
-Native American
-Other (please specify)
9. FUN QUESTION! What do you want to be when you grow up?
What Survey #2 Revealed:
In the second survey, of 9 questions, we asked questions more about the demographics
and psychographics of those we surveyed. We added one question about how much people
associate Amp with Pepsi Co to see if we can discover how strong the link is between the two.
The questions asked survey takers to rank their media usage, how energy drinks could appeal to
them, and their age and race. From these questions we are able to see how to go about targeting
our audience, what media to use, and what strategy to implement.
Smartphones are the most popular medium for personal media usage
Following smartphones, other forms of media ranked from most used to least used were as
follows: Social Media (Facebook, Twitter), Internet browsing (Yahoo, Google, Bing),
Television, Magazine, Print Newspaper, Radio, Internet News Sites (Wall Street Journal, NY
Times online), and Internet Blogs.
Majority of those surveyed did not know Pepsi Co. is the owner of Amp. 85.7% were
unaware Amp is under the Pepsi Co. domain.
To make more energy drinks stand out among competitors, they need to have better taste,
hold sponsored events on college campuses, make sure it is safe and be endorsed by
celebrities or doctors, and have low calories.
To appeal effectively to women, energy drinks must: advertise low calories and low sugar,
appeal to working women, make it have a fruitier taste, advertise towards women, and
making the package friendlier and more girly.
To appeal effectively to men, energy drinks must: become more healthy since many men are
concerned with appearance and health conditions, market at music festivals and concerts,
have a better taste, and prove they are healthy.
82.4% of those surveyed were female.
94% of those surveyed were ages 18-24.
69.2% of those who completed the survey identified themselves as Caucasian and 20.9.3% as
Asian American.
Appendix D
New York:
Columbia University:
Asian American Alliance
New York University
Asian American Women’s Alliance
Syracuse University:
Asian Students In America (ASIA)
-University of Southern California
Student Coalition For Asian Pacific Empowerment
South Asian Business Association
Asian American Business Association
University of California, Berkeley
Asian American Association (AAA)
Asian American Public Leaders
Asian Business Association (ABA)
University of California, Los Angeles
Asian Greek Counsel
Asian American Studies Graduate Student Association
" Hawaii pacific University
o Japanese Circle
o The Siam Club
o Korean Student Organization
" University of Hawaii at Manoa
o Chinese Students and Scholars Association
" U of I
o Asian American Association (AAA)
o Asian Pacific American Coalition
o C-U Times Student Association (CUTSA)
" Northwesterno Asian Pacific American Coalition
" University of Chicago
o Asian Pacific American Coalition
Jan Feb Mar
Appendix E
June July Aug Sept
Oct Nov
Females 18-24
Total Cost
(In Millions)
Search Engine
(Google, Yahoo,
Rich Media
Local TV
TV Asia
U.S. Weekly
18.2 18.2
0.06 0.06
Street Teams
Social Media
(Facebook &
Gross Rating
___________ _________
24.16 24.16