Optimising Data Management (ODM): Final Report

Optimising Data Management (ODM): Final Report
1. Scope
The Optimising Data Management Project ran from October 2010 until July 2012 under the
Collaborative Campus Programme. Taking a lifecycle approach to data management, initial scoping
identified six areas where a better understanding of issues, best practice and the provision of
documentation and training were required. These covered:
Principles for data quality and re-use
College approach to digital storage
Enterprise systems data management framework
Content specific studies
Research data management framework
Digital records strategy
Appendix 1 provides a summary of the scope and deliverables of the project
2. Methodology
A change management methodology was adopted to deliver improvements to data management
processes and practices. This was achieved by documenting the existing approach, recommending
an improved workflow and supporting the change.
Surveying data types, formats and practices to determine risk, prioritisation and mitigation
Undertaking training on Enterprise Systems such as SITS, APTOS and HRMS which provided
the context for analysis and user requirements capture
Documentation of existing data management practices including data flow mapping
Establishing standards, processes and good practice to ensure a more consistent data
management approach.
Practical application of new strategies to improve data quality
Establishing accountability for core data sets
Identification of stakeholders and definition of new governance processes to maintain
Communication of new processes and raising awareness of the importance of consistent
processes and accountability
Project governance management was provided by a steering group, chaired by Dr. Trudi Darby and
comprising of senior staff representing all areas of the College. This group met five times during the
project. The project team wish to record their thanks for their time and contributions in focussing
the project and for Dr. Darby’s leadership. Monthly reports were provided to the Collaborative
Campus Task Force with summaries provided to the Collaborative Campus Programme Board.
Appendix 2 provides a list of staff consulted during the project
3. Embedding effective information and data management
An initial aim of Collaborative Campus was to devise a technical solution to support the life
cycle of information management and storage strategies for enterprise and research data. At an
early stage in the ODM project, it became clear that existing solutions in place from the Connected
Campus Programme and being developed as part of Collaborative Campus were not of a maturity
level to utilise this approach. The project therefore documented the College requirements, which
were built into a proof of concept being developed by CeRch within the JISC KINDURA project
(www.kindura.cerch.kcl.ac.uk) for use with external storage providers. This was also supplied to the
Chief Technical Officer for use in scoping internal requirements for digital storage.
Significant specific work was undertaken with three Collaborative Campus projects:
Readiness for REF, Student Business Systems and Technology Enhanced Learning . Whilst the target
goals of this work centred on data analysis and support for service delivery, it also became clear that
within Collaborative Campus, there was an underestimation of the data management support
required to support individuals in adopting new technologies.
ODM resources were allocated to work with business and project teams to consider the practical
issues that inhibit the creation of gold (or even comparable) data, the take up of new technologies at
the desktop, and facilitation amongst business owners to improve their use of information and how
it is shared.
The IM team has built trust with the business teams across College which is enabling further
effective working. Information Management staff are now:
Embedded within the KIS to HEAR project (1FTE until July 2014)
Overseeing PURE data quality mapping and validation to move from test to live (0.4FTE Aug
– Dec 2012)
Working with Dr Juliet Chester, Head of Institutional Research to deliver a College Profile to
HEFCE by May 2013
Implementing the Research Data Management Framework (0.6FTE Nov – July 2013)
Appendix 3 provides a list of links to deliverables or outcomes from the project
4. Utilisation of resources allocated
£150,000 was initially allocated to fund 3.25FTE over 12 months from October 2010 which
supported the employment of the following posts:
Information Analyst
Digital Records Officer
Training officer (0.5FTE)
Software Developer (0.75 FTE)
The project was extended to July 2012 utlising resource originally allocated to develop the technical
solution to support the life cycle of information management (see 3.1). An additional £50,000,
allocated from Collaborative Campus contingency, funded 20 TB College storage to establish a digital
records management service.
5. Conclusions
The project has demonstrated the requirement for an holistic understanding of data elements and
curation, the need for information management to be embedded in technology projects and the
value of a strategic approach to consistent data management
5.1 Holistic overview of data elements and curation
The creation of an operational data management group, facilitated by IM staff, would:
Ensure a common understanding of data elements and terminology
Ensure an understanding of how data sets are created from a range of systems
Provide a forum to resolve inconsistencies or conflicts in practice
Identify measures required to improve quality
Help build trust in College data sets.
The PCT – IT governance sub-committee would provide the strategic direction and context for this
operational approach
5.2 Embedding Information management input into technology projects
The inclusion of information and data management plans in all technology projects.
Most project plans initiated under the Collaborative Campus programme, such as PURE, did not
include effective information management measures. This resulted in delays and concerns about
reputational risk if inaccurate data was exposed.
5.3 Embed a consistent approach to strategic data management
Improved knowledge of our data holdings and issues relating to quality encourages sharing, re-use
and opportunities to release the full value of these assets. To be effective, this needs to include:
Ongoing information management support for the College’s Research Data Management
Sustained lifecycle management of student information within Student Business Systems
work such as the KIS to HEAR project
Sustained working with Head of Institutional Research on entity definitions to improve the
quality of external reporting
Full implementation of lifecycle management through implementation of data management
plans for all systems
Work in all these areas has been commenced by the Information Management team acting with
various business owners. To derive full value, this consistency of approach needs to be maintained
and the subject of regular audit.
Lindsay Ould
Project Manager, Optimising Data Management
Information Manager and Digital Archivist
December 2012