Value Innovation Program for Product Planning of Samsung Electronics ’08. 06. 04 VIP Center, Samsung Electronics Dong-Joon Kim, PhD, CVS, TRIZ Specialist, 6σ BB Review of past work { Creative VE activities using Value Curve z Conclusions by Byungmo Yang at SAVE 2005 { Using Value Curve (W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne) z z { We could easily decide which functions should be eliminated or created, and raised or reduced The Cross Functional Team could understand the product strategic concept more easily We will further develop the use of the Value Curve and FAST diagram technique z z More effective activities can be achieved through the exact performance measurement We also accumulate these data to improve the effects of VE activities Review of past work { Creative VE activities using Value Curve z at SAVE 2005 by Byungmo Yang Review of past work { Creative VE activities using Value Curve z Conclusions by Byungmo Yang at SAVE 2005 { Using Value Curve (W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne) z z { We could easily decide which functions should be eliminated or created, and raised or reduced The Cross Functional Team could understand the product strategic concept more easily We will further develop the use of the Value Curve and FAST diagram technique z z More effective activities can be achieved through the exact performance measurement We also accumulate these data to improve the effects of VE activities Fortune(2005) BusinessWeek(2006) Sweden Business Daily Dagens Industri(2007) Financial Times(2005 & 2008) “Samsung Electronics has institutionalized the use of the strategy canvas in its key business creation decisions by establishing the Value Innovation Program Center in 1998.” - Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne 22:17 Samsung’s Blue Ocean Approach Blue Ocean Strategy Samsung Electronics Tipping Point Leadership Head Body Arms & Legs Cognitive hurdle Resource hurdle Motivational hurdle Political hurdle Corporate Business Innovation Value Innovation Value Innovation Activity Buyer Value↑ & Costs ↓ (Differentiation & Cost reduction ) Fair Process Engagement Explanation Expectation Clarity GWP ( Great WorkPlace ) Samsung’s Value Innovation LOCK’EM UP GUIDING HAND MIX’EM UP SET A DATE DO THE MATH Daily routines can interrupt the flow of great ideas, so Samsung isolates its development teams in the VIP Center-and requires all members to work there for weeks on end, until the project is completed. Some 50 specialists work at the Center, helping teams stay focused on the problems at hand, develop various alternative solutions, and reach a consensus when it’s time to make a decision. Brainstorming is most successful when a wide variety of viewpoints is represented. So Samsung gathers teams of engineers, designers, and planners from across the company to develop new products. Deadlines force teams to make tough choices and overcome disagreements that can slow down progress. Each team is given a timetable for progress and a fixed date for the project’s completion. Team members draw “value curves”, graphs that rank attributes such as a product’s sound or picture quality on a scale from 1 to 5. These help the team set priorities and differentiate Samsung’s products from rivals. Source: BusinessWeek(2006) Samsung’s Value Innovation Value Innovation is achieved only when the whole system of reality, identity, and image of a team project is properly aligned. Reality Value Innovation Identity Image Reality Identity Image - What actually exists in life from a subjective or objective view - What we intend to be in the future from a corporate view - Planning & Production - What Customers might imagine - Expectations based on past & present reality from a subjective view Objectives for Value Innovation Program { { { { Activate CFT (Cross Functional Team) activities in the initial stage of the New Product Development process Encourage communication and ownership among CFT members Formulate strategy for organization execution Build team projects into hit products through Value Innovation Characteristics of the Value Innovation Program { Analysis of Customers’ Behavioral Psychology from a Zero Base { Logic of Product Planning in New Product Development { Logical Decision-Making { Recognition of Anticipated Problems : Risk Management Flow of the Value Innovation Program Awakening Exploration Strategy Fair 6 Paths 1. Alternative Industries 2. Strategic Groups within Industries 3. Chain of Buyers 4. Complementary Product & Service Offering 5. Functional or Emotional Appeals to Buyers 6. Time Forming CFT Reframing the project Observing/Understanding Customers Decision Making by management Strategy Fair One Strategy Canvas Redefining Value Systemizing Report Systematizing Concept Step 1. Visual Awakening Compare your business with your competitors’ by drawing your “as-is” strategy canvas. See where your strategy needs to change. example) As-is strategy canvas HIGH Premium Low-end LOW Price Capability Energy Saving Design Optional Function Ease of Use Premium Space Step 2. Visual Exploration Go to the field to explore the six paths to creating blue oceans Observe the distinctive advantages of alternative products and services See which factors you should eliminate, create, or change example) Customer observation Step 3. Visual Strategy Fair Draw your “to be” strategy canvas based on insights from field observations. Get feedback on alternative strategy canvases from customers, competitors’ customers, and noncustomers. Use feedback to build the best “to be” future strategy example) To-be strategy canvas ‘The fashion icon’ HIGH New Product B-Alternative LOW Price Sound Easy of use Easy to get Moblility Capacity Storage Optional Function Movie Step 4. Visual Communication Distribute your before-and-after strategic profiles on one page for easy comparison. Support only those projects and operational moves that allow your company to close the gaps to actualize the new strategy. example) Link to development through QFD As-Is To-be Distribute strategy canvas Communicate strategy House of Quality Pareto CFT (Cross Functional Team) Activity Best Practice: Bordeaux LCD TV TV (Overall) – No.1, Sales Amount & Vol. FP TV – No.1, Sales Amount & Vol. LCD TV – No.1, Sales Amount & Vol. (DisplaySearch, 3Q 2006) Sharing Best Practices Annual Value Innovation Awards: reward best practices CEO, CTO, Corporate Business Innovation, Finance, Marketing, and Staff Summary Successful Value Innovation Execute with companywide innovation activities Æ Corporate Business Innovation Go with the organization’s work process Try out at least one project following the BOS framework, sequence, and tools before making judgment : to form training and adoption strategy within the organization Implication No such thing as a completely different innovation tool - Additional work is always needed to customize it for your organization Even the best tools need work to use them innovatively Value Innovation ideas start from noticing the everyday things and viewing in a different angle