Section Review Answers Chapter 1 Section 1 1. Chemistry is the study of matter and its changes. Physics is the study of forces and energy and their interaction with matter. 2. Science is knowledge about the nature of things that is obtained by doing experiments. Technology is the application of science. Improving technology involves finding a use for a scientific discovery. However, some scientific discoveries cannot be made until a certain technology exists. 3. A scientific law describes how things work based on experimental observations. Examples may vary, but could include the laws of gravitation and the conservation of matter. 4. A law summarizes an observation; a theory explains observations. 5. A scientific theory may change if new discoveries are found that cannot be explained by the theory, but are supported by experimental evidence. A new theory that can explain both the new and the old observations would take the place of the old theory. 6. A model is used to study or make predictions about an object or situation the model represents. One example of a model is a computer model that is used to design bridges and buildings. 7. He did not give up after his experiment did not give the results he expected. Instead, he asked more questions and performed more experiments to learn what was causing the glow. 8. A guess or opinion is usually an unsupported statement. A scientific theory uses repeatedly tested results to explain observed events. 9. Your answer may vary. Section 2 1. A hypothesis is a possible answer to a question that can be tested. An example would be, “I can pass the test if I study at least 5 hours.” 2. No experiment should be called a failure since an experiment that produces unexpected results provides a chance to learn something new. 3. An SI base unit is a single unit while a derived unit is a combination of base units. Base units include: seconds, meters, kilograms, kelvins, amperes, moles, and candelas. Examples of derived units include meters squared (m2) and milliliters (mL, cm3). 4. Answers may vary. Sample answers: mass: solid food items, people, and mail; volume: liquid food items, gasoline, shampoo; length: rope, distance, height 5. The scientific method involves critical thinking in that it entails thinking about a problem and making objective judgments about results. 6. It is much easier to determine which factor your experiment depends on if you only check one factor at a time. If you change more than one thing and something unexpected happens, you will not know what caused the result. 7. There are still scientific theories that have not been verified because the tools needed to test these theories do not yet exist. 8. The correct answer is that both weigh the same. A reason for an incorrect answer might be that mass is confused with volume or density, and a given volume of feathers would be much lighter than the same volume of lead. 9. a. 50 kg _ (1,000 g/1 kg) = 50,000 g b. 4,630 _g _ (1 g/1,000,000 _g) = 0.00463 g 10. 0.42 km _ (1,000 m/km) = 420 m Section 3 1. Line graphs are best for continuous changes. 2. Pie charts show the parts of a whole. An example is the percentages of the different types of music that make up a CD collection. 3. Scientists use significant figures because they indicate how precise their calculations really are. 4. The throws were precise because they all hit the dartboard near the same spot. However, they were not accurate because they were not close to the bull’s eye. 5. a. 1.54 _ 104 mm3 b. 2.05 _ 103 mL 6. a. 9.20 _ 107 m2 b. 9.66 _ 10-5 cm2 7. a. 1.2 _ 103 cm3 b. 2.6 _ 102 m/s End of chapter Review Answers Using Key Terms 2. Physical science is no longer the study of only the nonliving world. As knowledge has increased, scientists have learned that the discoveries in one area are applicable to another. For example, chemistry, a physical science, applies to living beings. This field of study is called biochemistry. 3. It has been observed repeatedly, and it does not attempt to explain why the sun sets in the west. 4. The rotation of Earth causing the sun to set could be considered a scientific theory because it is a tested, possible explanation of why the sun sets in the west. 5. Mass is a quantity of matter, whereas weight is the force with which Earth’s gravity pulls on that quantity of matter. 6. Scientific notation would be used to express 35 nanometers in terms of meters because it is 0.000000035 m. Using scientific notation decreases the number of zeros that need to be written and decreases the possibility of errors in calculations. 7. The measured mass of the elephant is accurate because it is very close to the actual weight of the elephant. Understanding Key Ideas 8. d 9. b 10. a 11. d 12. c 13. a 14. c 15. b 16. b 17. b Math Skills 27. a. 2.2 _ 104 mg b. 3.7 _ 10-6kg 28. a. 2.6 _ 1014 A•s b. 6.42 _ 10–7 m3/s 29. a. 7.4 m b. 362.00 s 30. a. 133 m2 b. 210 L/min