Published July 2012 - Lake George Association

Lake George Association
Annual Report to the COMMUNITY
Membership and Financial Reports for the Fiscal Year 2011 - Published August 2012
s I complete the second
year of my presidency of the
Lake George Association, I
am looking back on all the
organization and its partners have accomplished over this brief time period.
The progress made on the West
Brook Conservation Initiative comes to mind. The new
stormwater treatment infrastructure on the south parcel is in
place, and plans for the structures and interpretation for the
environmental park are complete.
Also at the south end, construction is beginning on a
porous asphalt surface for Beach Road. The road will become
the first major roadway of its kind with this porous surface
that allows stormwater to drain through to the ground
below, and not runoff into the Lake. Together, the West
Brook Park and a new Beach Road will make a tremendous
difference to the water quality of the Lake in the south end,
greatly reducing the pollution and contaminants that enter
the Lake via stormwater.
We are close to completing the fundraising for the West
Brook project. I hope you, the members of the LGA who are
so passionate about our Lake, will do whatever you can to
donate to this historic effort.
After competing two years as LGA president, I look back
at all the summers I have spent on Lake George… 25 years
in all! I remember many wonderful times enjoying the
Lake’s beauty with my children and grandchildren. I hope
to continue to have these memorable experiences for many
years to come. Most of all, I know that the LGA is dedicated
to doing whatever it can to make sure that these experiences
won’t be just mine, but will be there for all of our children,
our grandchildren, and for all the generations to come.
LGA President
hink about what brings us to the
Lake. Is it swimming, boating,
fishing, paddling, sailing? Or is
it sitting in a comfortable chair and
watching the lake sparkle at sunset?
Or is it an early morning kayak adventure on water as calm as glass? Or is
it the solace or restorative power of the place? Or is it the
people we come back to see year after year? Or is it all of the
above? Something draws us to Lake George.
I have always believed -- and continued to in my 7 years
here at the LGA -- that the best way to ensure that we all
continue to enjoy the lake is to conserve it as best we can.
We all enjoy the use of this special resource in our own way,
but we need to do so in a way that does not preclude others
from enjoying it too -- or future users, for that matter! And
we need to protect the quality of the water.
At the LGA, our focus is on water quality above all else.
The projects and programs that the LGA accomplishes protect
the quality of Lake George water for all sorts of activities. We
have been doing that since 1885.
If something draws you to Lake George, consider a gift to
the LGA now or set up a bequest for the future. We were the
first organization to dedicate itself to protecting this special
lake. We need to be able to continue our work forever. Nothing less is acceptable.
Enjoy your time at Lake George.
Executive Director
t was a good year for the Association. Net assets (or net
worth) increased by $331,332. Our audit, prepared in
accordance with GAAP principles on an accrual basis for
non-profit organizations, is a consolidation of several
classes of assets, liabilities, income, and expense. For a more
complete understanding of the numbers, we look at them
based upon basic operations (which includes releases from
restricted grants in prior years), new grants, and investment
On a strictly accrual operating basis, we had a loss of
approximately $58,000 ($31,000 of which was non-cash),
which was about $9,000 greater than the loss budgeted for
2011. While expenses were in line with our budget, revenue
from membership and unrestricted grants was less than
We had good news on our West Brook Initiative. Our
joint loan with The Fund for Lake George was reduced
by $867,500, the bulk of which came from receipt of the
$614,000 federal grant sponsored by Senator Gillibrand.
On restricted grants that are released over a number of
years, principally from the Froehlich Foundation, we received
Investment performance for 2011 was basically flat, but
slightly higher than our investment policy benchmarks.
Many thanks to you all for your continued support.
Dan Behan, Treasurer
Bob de Buys, Chair, Finance Committee
(from audited financial statement)
(from audited financial statement)
$ 169,425
$ 152,546
Other Contributions & Support
Interest & Dividends
Special Events
Grants & Bequests
In Kind Contributions
Net Assets Released from Restrictions
$ 3,898,207
$ 4,020,414
$ 1,964,755
$ 1,098,066
$ 638,886
$ 250,748
$ 209,393
$ 205,008
Grants & Accounts Receivable
Pledges Receivable
Member Dues
Accrued Interest Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Investments - Second Century Account
Investments - Restricted Account
$ 2,904,112
Net Property & Equipment
West Brook Conservation Easement
Cash & Equivalents
Total Current Assets
Total Assets
Net Realized & Unrealized Gains/(Losses)
Total Income
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Grant Payable - West Brook Bond
$ 369,983
$ 823,522
Unrestricted Net Assets
Community Relations, Education & Info
Restricted Net Assets
Land Use Management
$ 3,196,892
Membership Development
Grants & Sub Grants
General & Administrative
$ 897,643
Net Asset Released from Restrictions
Increase/(Decrease) in Restricted Asset
$ (39,773)
$ (26,535)
Note Payable - West Brook
Total Liabilities
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
$ 3,898,207 $ 4,020,414
Program Expenses
Lake Preservation
Special Events
Total Expenses
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Unrestricted Net Assets
Grants Received
LGA 2012 Annual Report - 3
Lake Saving Projects
In 2013, Beach Road will become the
first heavily traveled road of its kind in
New York State to be paved with porous
asphalt. In 2011, the LGA helped to
fund a feasibility study to make this
exciting and historic project possible.
Vital to protecting the Lake’s water quality,
LGA lake saving projects include streambank
remediation, catch basin and dry well installation, sediment basin construction and
cleanout, and shoreline restoration.
Beach Road Porous Asphalt Project –
A First for New York State
n LGA-funded feasibility study helped make
an historic project on Beach Road a possibility.
Beginning the summer of 2012, and ending in
2013, Beach Road, at the south end of Lake George,
will be re-built with a very unconventional pavement:
porous asphalt. Upon completion, Beach Road will
become the first heavily traveled roadway in New York
State (and one of the only roads in the Northeast)
with porous asphalt.
The Beach Road project is one of the most exciting
lake saving projects in the history of Lake George. The
engineering firm of Barton & Loguidice (B&L) designed
the project, funded with state, federal, and county monies.
Porous asphalt is very effective in draining rainwater after a storm, as well as melting snow. Porous
asphalt doesn’t generate runoff and the ground below
it naturally filters out contaminants.
Stormwater is the number one source of contaminants entering Lake George. The large amount of
high intensity development in the south end of Lake
George greatly increases the volume and rate of flow
of stormwater. Many groups, including the LGA, have
worked hard to capture and treat stormwater, keeping many contaminants, such as silt, salt, and harmful
nutrients, from entering the Lake.
After hearing presentations on porous asphalt at
the 2010 North Country Stormwater Conference,
LGA Project Manager Randy Rath and Dave Wick,
then director of Warren County Soil and Water
Conservation District (WCSWCD), were convinced
porous asphalt was an excellent option for Beach
Road, which was slated for re-pavement. The two
quickly pulled together a presentation to the county,
and encouraged the county to consider this exciting,
alternative solution for the road.
The LGA invested $8,000 for a feasibility study
with the Beach Road project engineer Thomas Baird
of Barton & Loguidice. This study provided the information the county and state needed to move forward.
At the same time, Dave Wick prepared a successful
Green Innovation Grant Program application through
the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation for
additional monies to offset additional costs associated
with using porous asphalt.
The Beach Road project will be an important
demonstration of what porous asphalt can accomplish,
especially in a waterfront setting in a cold northern
climate. Many people around the state and the nation
will be watching to see how it works.
West Brook Conservation Initiative
n our 126-year history, the West Brook
Conservation Initiative is the LGA’s largest, most
important water quality remediation effort. The
West Brook watershed is the one of the largest sources
of contaminants, pollution, nutrients, and sediment
entering the south basin of Lake George.
In August of 2011, the Warren County Supervisors
reviewed design concepts for the West Brook Environmental Park created by Elan Associates as a result of
last summer’s public planning sessions. Several different features for the park were included in the proposed
concepts, including a water feature near Route 9, a
children’s environmental play area, a comfort station, a
circular central festival space for large gatherings and
parking, an elevated walkway over the brook itself, and
metered parking on West Brook Road.
During the spring of 2012, plans for the Children’s Adventure Play Area were released. Natural
play elements and site features will be organized
into four habitats: Water, Wet Woodland, Dry
Woodland, and Meadow.
In October, Glens Falls National Bank and Trust
Company pledged an additional $20,000 to the LGA
for the West Brook Conservation Initiative project,
bringing their total commitment to the project to
$25,000. A sign about the project was posted outside
at the Lake George branch of the bank.
The conceptual plan for the north parcel of the West Brook park includes: 1: Beach Road Park Entrance; 2: Skate Park; 3: Restrooms; 4. Children’s
Adventure Play Area; 5. Festival Space; 6. Route 9 Entrance; 7. Water Feature.
LGA 2012 Annual Report - 5
Lake Saving Projects
This 150-foot long sediment basin
at the mouth of English Brook was
created with financial assistance from
the LGA. The basin will slow down
the flow of water and allow sediment
to fall out prior to entering the Lake.
ward last summer when the LGA installed an AquaSwirl stormwater separator on the property. Then in
the fall a new sediment basin near the mouth of the
brook was added.
The 150-foot long sediment basin was designed by
WCSWCD with financial assistance from the LGA
and the Lochlea Estate. The basin will slow down the
flow of water and allow sediment to fall out prior to
entering the Lake. Grass pavers were also installed,
to enable future access to the site so that it can be
maintained. The basin will be cleaned out every 2 to
3 years - when it reaches about 50-75% capacity. This
equates to roughly 350-525 cubic yards of material.
Lake George Town Hall – Dry Wells
arly in 2012, an infrastructure project was completed at the Lake George Town Hall parking
lot, to address a stormwater problem. After
every storm, untreated runoff was leaving the parking
lot and flowing into a pond below the town hall. The
LGA worked with the town’s building and grounds
department, and with WCSWCD. WCSWCD suggested using two double-stacked dry wells to allow the
water to infiltrate into the ground, a solution similar to
that used in 2010 at the town highway facilities. The
town department of public works provided the labor,
WCSWCD provided project oversight, and the LGA
contributed $2,000 toward excavation work and stone.
English Brook
nglish Brook is located just north of Lake
George Village at the Lochlea Estate. It is
one of eight major brooks flowing into Lake
George. The brook has been of concern to the LGA
for many years, because intense land development has
increased the volume and velocity of stormwater runoff
in the watershed. The New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation lists the brook as sediment impaired,
and its delta is one of the largest on Lake George.
LGA’s lake saving work on the property moved for-
Projects like these at English Brook make a huge
difference to water quality, because stormwater runoff is
the major source of pollutants entering Lake George.
Responding to Tropical Storm Irene
n October 2011, Tropical Storm Irene wreaked
considerable damage on the Lake George Watershed, including many of the major streams and
tributaries leading into the Lake, such as English,
West, and Foster.
Severe erosion occurred along many of the lower
sections of these streams. Each of the streams jumped
its banks during the storm; each was unable to contain
all of the stormwater flow. The flow scoured hundreds
of cubic yards from the steambeds and streambanks,
depositing material into the Lake. Along the way,
the flow wiped out trees, pushed boulders down the
streams, flooded small buildings and homes, and even
carved a new outlet channel for English Brook. Many
landowners lost several feet of property.
In response, the LGA removed some log revetments
from Foster Brook that were moved during the storm,
along with other trees that have fallen into the brook.
On West Brook we coordinated with WCSWCD to
clean up the stream and armor some newly exposed
banks, to cut down on further erosion.
Sediment Basin Cleanout in Hague
n November 2011, three sediment basins in Hague
were cleaned out: two on Hague Brook, and a third
at the mouth of Jenkins Brook. The project was a team
effort by the LGA, WCSWCD, and the town of Hague.
The LGA provided approximately $5,000 of the
$8,000 needed for the Hague clean-outs in November.
WCSWCD provided in-kind services and project
oversight and the town of Hague provided in-kind
hauling services.
From the upper basin on Hague Brook, crews
removed 530 cubic yards of material, or roughly 31
dump trucks full. On the lower basin on Hague Brook,
285 cubic yards of material were removed, equating to
roughly 16 dump trucks full. At Jenkins Brook, 345
cubic yards of sediment were removed, roughly 20
dump trucks full. By slowing stream velocity, basins
allow sediment to drop out of suspension and be captured prior to reaching Lake George.
The LGA Catch Vac is a trailer
mounted vacuum unit used to
clean out stormwater catchments. It is rented out each summer to those who need it. This
summer the Bolton Marina used
the LGA Catch Vac to clean out all
the catch basins on the property.
(pictured left.) This was the first
time a marina has used the Catch
Vac; they were very pleased with the results. The Catch Vac continues
to be used on a regular basis each year by area municipalities.
LGA 2012 Annual Report - 7
Invasive species are a growing threat to
water quality and watershed ecosystems across
America. The LGA is active on a number of
fronts to reduce and eliminate these threats on
Lake George.
Asian Clam
ecause the threat the Asian clam poses to
Lake George is greater than that of any aquatic
invader we have faced before, a substantial
portion of LGA resources – both financial and
human – have been directed toward Asian clam
eradication efforts.
After treatment efforts off of Lake Avenue in Lake
George Village were underway in 2011, three new sites
were found in the town of Bolton: Boon Bay, Norowal
Marina and Middleworth Bay. A formal lakewide
survey was organized to inspect another 173 high risk
and suitable habitat sites around Lake George; all of
these did not have Asian clam.
Comprised of environmental and municipal groups,
including the LGA, the Lake George Asian Clam
Rapid Response Task Force installed over 1,200
benthic barrier mats to smother the clams during
the spring of 2012. The size of the infestations at
Boon Bay and Lake George Village were found by
spring surveys to be larger than expected based on the
previous fall’s survey work. Dive teams continue to
maintain the mats, and scientists are monitoring the
dissolved oxygen levels under the mats. Boon Bay,
the largest of all the sites at over 5 acres, will require
treatments again in the fall of 2012. In areas that have
been treated twice with benthic mats, once in the
spring and once in the fall, nearly 100% mortality has
been achieved.
Suction harvesting was tested as a treatment option
over a one-acre area at the Middleworth site. Suction
harvesting did not meet expectations for overall control; post treatment surveys found live clams remaining
and dispersed throughout the site.
The LGA has been directly involved in providing
maps for the treatment locations, purchasing supplies
and specialized labor, supplying personnel to perform
survey work and project oversight, and providing educational outreach in the form of signs, brochures, and a
The 2012 eradication effort is expected to cost over
The Lake George Park Commission provided
$275,000 for the 2011-12 budget. In 2012, Warren
County contributed $100,000 and the Essex County
Board of Supervisors Economic Development Committee contributed $2,500. Also, as of July 2012,
homeowners in the Boon Bay Association, under the
lead of Sandy and Ken Parker, raised $25,000 and a
matching challenge was underway.
Passing a New State Law
n July 25, 2012 Governor Cuomo signed into
law new legislation that restricts the sale, possession, and importation of invasive species.
The New York State Senate gave final legislative approval to the bill (S.6826a) in June, and the Assembly
version of the bill was passed in April.
The legislation requires the Department of Environmental Conservation, in cooperation with the
Department of Agriculture and Markets, to restrict the
sale, purchase, possession, introduction, importation,
and transport of invasive species. Working in consultation with the Invasive Species Council, the state agencies will develop regulations dealing with the disposal
and control of invasives, including a list of prohibited
species that would be illegal to knowingly possess with
the intent to sell, import, purchase, or transport.
Pulling up the mats used to smother the Asian clam is hard and dirty work.
LGA Executive Director Walt Lender testified
in support of invasive species legislation before an
Invasive Species
Asian Clam Task Force divers work
in Boon Bay during the spring 2012.
Signage, brochures, and a website - www. - were developed
by the LGA to help educate the public
about eradication efforts.
LGA 2012 Annual Report - 9
assembly committee hearing in September 2011.
The LGA then issued memorandums of support for
Assembly Bill 9422, and Senate Bill 6826, introduced
by Sen. Betty Little. In addition, the LGA worked
with the Legislative Gazette to produce a special
section on invasive species in the April 17, 2012 issue,
urging the state legislators to enact the law.
The law enables the DEC to develop a system that
would contain two lists: one of prohibited species, and
a second of regulated species. In addition, a permit
would be required for prohibited species disposal, control, research, and education. Many of our neighboring
states throughout New England have already established laws of this kind, including Vermont, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. The legislation recommends
grace periods so businesses will be able to manage
existing stock.
Warren County Passes Invasive
Transport Law – First County Law of
Its Kind in All of New York State
n September 2011 the Warren County Board of
Supervisors passed an invasive species transport
law. The LGA worked for weeks with the supervisors to help draft the law.
Violators of the law can be fined as much as $5,000
and sentenced to as many as fifteen days in jail.
The county law, a first of its kind for New York
State, makes the introduction and transport of aquatic
invasive species into any Warren County waterbody
illegal. People can transport aquatic invasives into
the county on a boat, trailer, personal watercraft, in an
aquarium, on fishing equipment, or in a bait bucket. If
a person transports aquatic invasive species on a public
road, releases invasives into a stream, pond or lake, or
launches an infested boat, they are violating the law.
The Lake George Association and the Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Planning Board designed
a sign (pictured below left) that is posted at boat launch
sites around the county.
Lake Stewards
n 2012, the Lake George Association was awarded
a $14,950 grant from the Lake Champlain Basin
Program to fund the Lake Steward program on
Lake George. This award was combined with $35,000
from the Lake George Park Commission.
Over the 2011 season, the Lake George lake stewards interacted with 8,593 boats:
• Within two weeks of their launch in Lake George,
boaters had visited 193 unique waterbodies located in
15 different states.
• Other than Lake George itself, the next most frequently visited waterbody was the Hudson River, a
waterbody with 91 different invasive species; 100 boats
inspected had been in the Hudson within two weeks
prior to launch in Lake George.
• Lake stewards collected 171 aquatic organism samples
from 125 boats and trailers, and identified 87 samples
to be invasive species.
• Four different invasive species were found: Eurasian
watermilfoil, curly-leaf pondweed, water chestnut and
zebra mussels.
• 75% of boaters reported taking spread prevention
methods before launching in the Lake.
The LGA hired and trained nine lake stewards who
were posted at five high traffic launch sites throughout
the summer: Norowal Marina, Hague Town Launch,
Mossy Point, Dunham’s Bay, and Rogers Rock. Lake
stewards inspect boats for invasive species, remove any
plant or animal species found, and educate boaters
about the threats of invasive species and how to prevent
their spread.
In 2012, the stewards also focused on water contained on board, asking boaters if they had drained all
water from hatches, bilges, live wells, and other locations prior to launch. Because even the smallest amount
of water can harbor aquatic invasive species, the stewards wanted to see boats arriving at the launch both
clean and dry.
Data is compiled and reports produced on the boats
entering Lake George, including the body of water visited within two weeks prior to the Lake George launch,
and whether spread prevention steps were taken prior
to launch.
The Clean, Drain, Dry Initiative
n 2012, a “CLEAN, DRAIN & DRY” campaign
was launched, advocated by local marina owners,
the Eastern New York Marine Trades Association, the Lake George Park Commission, the Darrin
Fresh Water Institute, the Fund for Lake George, and
the LGA. A new two-page informational flyer, Stop
Aquatic Hitchhikers, was produced by the LGA, and an
informational website,,
was created for visiting boaters.
Invasive Species
In 2012, LGA lake stewards focused
on water contained on board, asking
boaters if they had drained all water
from hatches, bilges, live wells, and
other locations prior to launch.
Because even the smallest amount
of water can harbor aquatic invasive
species, the stewards wanted to see
boats arriving at the launch both clean
and dry.
LGA 2012 Annual Report - 11
Invaders Watch - Citizen Science
uring the summer of 2011, the LGA
launched a new Citizen Science program called
Invaders Watch. Volunteers are trained to look
for and monitor non-native, invasive species along Lake
George’s shorelines, and to help prevent their spread.
The program is part of a regional effort coordinated by
the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APIPP).
The information gathered locally on Lake George will
be shared with the larger APIPP program.
Invasive Species Awareness Week
nce again, from July 9 – 13, 2012, the LGA
served as the local coordinator for the
regional Adirondack Park Invasive Species
Awareness Week, providing information and manned
exhibits at the Lake George Visitors Center and a
Plant Paddle at Dunham’s Bay. Now in its seventh
year, the LGA has coordinated the program each year
on Lake George.
Rainbow Beach Association
Establishes Own Boat Launch
Rainbow Beach members may launch boats at the
beach’s launch without inspection only if the boats
have been used exclusively on Lake George. If boats
visit waters other than Lake George, owners must provide information on how the boat and trailer have been
inspected and cleaned, prior to launch. Non-members,
guests, and renters will not be permitted to launch.
ountain Lake PBS is currently producing
a new documentary entitled LAKE DEFENDERS: The Battle to Fight Invasive
Species Threatening to Lake George Basin. The LGA is
a sponsor of the documentary, which will air on Mountain Lake PBS and other PBS stations in New York.
Segments from the full-length documentary will be
featured on the weekly news program Mountain Lakes
Journal. The program will cover: environmental and
economic dangers posed by current invasive species
in Lake George, and its tributaries; the terrestrial and
aquatic species that could threaten the Lake in the
future; and the outstanding collaborative efforts being
made to combat invasive species in Lake George.
n May 2012 Bolton Landing’s Rainbow Beach
Association adopted their own boat launching
restrictions to combat invasive species. They were
the first homeowner association on the Lake to do so.
Last summer, Walt Lender, LGA executive director,
and Emily DeBolt, LGA director of education, gave
a presentation to Rainbow Beach Association about
a variety of Lake-related topics, including what was
happening just around the corner with Asian clam in
Boon Bay. Over the winter, the LGA provided Rainbow Beach with educational materials about preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species. Rainbow
Beach then decided to take it one step further this
spring by adopting launching restrictions.
LGA Executive Director Walt Lender is interviewed for an upcoming PBS
documentary on invasive species.
Encouraging citizens to actively take part in
protecting Lake George is vital to the LGA’s
mission. Whether they are volunteering, acting as citizen scientists, learning how to create
a lake-friendly garden, or pledging to keep a
boat clean, people remember and learn best
through active engagement.
Lake-friendly Living Open House &
Native Plant Sale
uests at the LGA’s 2nd Annual Lake-friendly
Living Open House, held on Saturday, June
2, 2012, enjoyed learning about stormwater
flow, solutions for erosion and flooding, vegetative
buffers, rain gardens, permeable pavement, landscaping engineering, planning and regulations, soil testing,
alternative septic systems, septic system maintenance,
geothermal heating and cooling, and much more.
Visitors benefited from meeting a variety of local
experts face-to-face, all in one place at one time. Exhibitors included: Adirondack Landscaping; Cornell
Cooperative Extension; DeFranco Landscaping;
Fiddlehead Creek Nursery; Lake Champlain-Lake
George Regional Planning Board (LCLGRPB);
Mandy’s Spring Farm Nursery; North Country
Landscaping; Puraflo Alternative Septic Systems;
Smart-Energy Geothermal; The Sweeney Company;
Warren County Soil & Water Conservation District
(WCSWCD); Green Conscious Home and Garden;
and Saratoga Organics.
Hildy Monroe of Adirondack
Landscaping helps a guest at the
LGA Open House learn more
about rain gardens.
This year, children of all ages enjoyed experimenting
with the EM River Model, manned by staff from the
LCLGRPB and WCSWCD. The model simulates
river processes with remarkable accuracy. Used by river
scientists, educational professionals, and researchers,
the EM model demonstrates basic principles of river
behavior, subtle channel morphology, and sediment
transport processes.
LGA 2012 Annual Report - 13
The LGA’s Jill Trunko, left, and Emily
DeBolt, install a new native plant
garden at the Lake George Town Hall.
Guide to
n June 2012,
the LGA published a 22-page
four-color guide for
homeowners covering 15 strategies for
sustainable living and
landscapes to protect
Lake George. The
guide helps people
understand how to
minimize runoff,
eliminate pollutants,
and capture and infiltrate contaminants. Included is a wealth of information on such topics as lawn care, garden planning, water conservation, septic systems, and hazardous wastes.
The guide was distributed to lakefront properties and
to a variety of locations surrounding the Lake.
Lake George Town Hall
Demonstration Native Garden
arlier this year, new infrastructure was put in
place at the Lake George Town Hall parking
lot, to solve an untreated stormwater problem.
Once that project was complete, town officials
decided to take the project a step further by creating a
demonstration garden of native plants.
In the garden, visitors to the town hall will see firsthand what they can do at home to not only prevent
erosion problems on their own properties, but to
help the Lake as well. The deep roots of native plants
absorb and filter runoff more effectively than the
short roots of many turf grasses and other ornamental
plants. Because natives have evolved in our environment over many years, they have already adapted to
survive here. They are low maintenance and don’t need
lots of fertilizer, pesticides, and watering.
towns of Lake George and Queensbury are required to
follow even stricter standards. The town and village of
Lake George made it illegal to apply fertilizer containing phosphorus anywhere on property within town or
village borders. Queensbury passed a law to ban the
use of any fertilizer within 50 feet of the shoreline of
Lake George. The Queensbury law also forbids the use
of phosphorus fertilizer between 50 and 200 feet of
the Lake George shoreline.
The garden includes over 25 different native species,
both well known and less well known.
The town buildings and grounds department removed the existing sod, and prepped the town hall bed
for planting, providing compost to amend the soil, as
well as mulch. The LGA donated about $2,000 for the
native plants, which are all native to New York State.
The demonstration garden will eventually be
labeled and signage will be added to help people find
plants that will work for them.
Photo courtesy LCLGRPB
In addition, a new demonstration garden on the
grounds of the LGA featuring native plants and ecolawn seed was on display. Visitors also had the opportunity to take a look at the LGA’s on-site permeable
asphalt and interlocking pavers, and our geothermal
heating and cooling system.
Clean Boater Program
ecause the cumulative actions of boats can
have a dramatic effect on water quality, the
LGA launched a CLEAN BOATER program
this year. The program asks boaters to pledge to follow clean boating practices. Upon signing the pledge,
boaters receive A Guide to Clean Boating on the Queen of
American Lakes, with information on: fueling; oil; emissions; spills; sewage; cleaning; hull maintenance; garbage
disposal; hazardous waste; boating safety; and preventing
the spread of invasive species. The program was made
possible through a grant from the Boat US Foundation.
Over 120 boaters have signed the pledge so far.
New Phosphorus Laws in Effect
eginning in 2012, a new state law went into
effect, limiting the use of lawn fertilizers. The
new state law does not impact agricultural
fertilizer or fertilizer for gardens. But residents in the
Onsite Septic Improvement
n partnership with the Lake Champlain-Lake
George Regional Planning Board and the Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District,
the LGA offered a half-price septic system pumpout
program last summer. Residents in Bolton, Diamond
Point, Silver Bay, and Hague, with property within
500 feet of Lake George, were eligible. This program
assisted homeowners with water conservation practices and septic system maintenance on their property.
Over 88,000 gallons were pumped, including two
combined systems at Cannon Point in Diamond Point
and Bluebird Cottages Homeowner Association. In
addition, 56 individual households participated.
LGA 2012 Annual Report - 15
Our young people - the lake stewards of the
future - are a priority for the LGA. On the
Floating Classroom, in teacher workshops,
and through stream monitoring field trips
and in-classroom programs, LGA educators
teach and inspire.
filled with materials for their classrooms. Funding was
provided by International Paper.
Floating Classroom the LGA’s signature program
his half-day hands-on program typically takes
place on West Brook at the Lake George
Recreation Center. Often it is combined with
the Floating Classroom; 692 students participated in
a combined program during 2011. We also conducted
stream monitoring onsite at Queensbury School.
Students catch macroinvertebrates in the stream, learn
about healthy stream indicators, and find out how
streams influence the water quality of Lake George.
Summer recreational campers from Bolton also enjoyed stream monitoring in 2011.
ow in its 22nd year, the Floating Classroom
has reached tens of thousands of students and
adults. On board our 40-foot custom-built
catamaran, the Rosalia Anna Ashby, people can investigate different aspects of the lake’s ecosystem and learn
how to preserve this living water body. Funding from
the Helen V. Froehlich Foundation enables the LGA
to offer this highly successful program free of charge
to schools in and around the basin.
Last year a new third-grade program was developed,
following the New York State elementary science curriculum, and focusing on food webs and fish life cycles.
Project Wet - Teacher Workshop
n March, the LGA collaborated with two partners
to offer a Project WET workshop for area third
through fifth grade teachers. Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) is a nationally syndicated
program that helps integrate fun, innovative, hands-on
activities into existing science
and math curriculums.
We organized and conducted the workshop with
the Lake Champlain – Lake
George Regional Planning
Board and the Essex County
Soil and Water Conservation
District. Participating schools
received a “Treasure Chest”
This past April, LGA educators Kristen Rohne and
Jill Trunko became certified Project WILD, Project
WILD Aquatic, and Project WET facilitators.
Stream Field Trips
n 2011 we participated in the 19th Annual Warren County Envirothon Competition and helped
students from Lake George prepare. Part of the
New York State Envirothon, our local competition
is sponsored by the New York State Soil and Water
Conservation District. This competition tests students’
knowledge of natural resource issues in New York
State and cultivates student engagement in environmental issues.
Salmon in the Classroom
he Salmon in the Classroom program continued for a second year at Ticonderoga Middle
School and Whitehall High School. Designed
by Trout Unlimited, the program enables students to
raise salmon from eggs to fingerlings. Throughout the
school year, the program teaches the students how to
monitor the water quality in their classroom tank, and
how to perform stream monitoring activities to find
suitable places to release the salmon in the spring.
Working in the Schools
his past year we worked with a Lake George
Elementary after-school club for 5th - 6th
graders called the Lake Rangers. These students
worked with the LGA on the school’s property to capture and identify macroinvertebrates living in a stream.
Students also learned about the Lake George watershed
with the Enviroscape model, and participated in activities about groundwater and stormwater, invasive species,
zooplankton, and water quality indicators.
2011 Floating Classroom Participants
2,093 people in total (1,408 students)
Spring 2011: Students from Bolton Landing, Corinth, South Glens
Falls, St Mary’s Ticonderoga, Glens Falls, Hadley Luzerne, and Hartford
took part in the spring. We also had programs for the Lake George Park
Commission, participants at the NY Water and Environment Associations conference, and cub scouts from Ticonderoga.
Summer 2011 : Programs for homeowner associations, clubs,
summer camps, and the general public, including: Girl scouts from
Ticonderoga and Queensbury, Cresthaven Resort, Glenburnie, Northern
Lake George Yacht Club, Friends Point, Adirondack Camp, Huletts Landing, Ticonderoga Youth Camp, Schroon Lake, Silver Bay, Takundewide,
Holiday Point, and the Lake George Garden Club.
Fall 2011 : Students from Bethlehem Lab, Ticonderoga, Whitehall,
Putnam, Queensbury, Bolton, Lake George, Greenwich, Burnt Hills
Ballston Lake, and Hunter-Tannersville.
Environmental Field Days
n October 2011, 450 students learned about
macroinvertebrates and stream health by playing
games at the fall Warren County Environmental
Field Days, put on by Cornell Cooperative Extension.
At the spring field days in June 2012, students learned
about invasive species through a hands-on game.
Bookmark Contest
n conjunction with Lake George Village, the
LGA sponsored a Lake George Bookmark Design
Contest. Students in grades 4 - 7, within the Lake
George watershed, were eligible. In 2012, eight schools
participated: Bolton, Queensbury, Putnam, Lake
George, Whitehall, Fort Ann, Ticonderoga, and St.
Mary’s. Hundreds of copies of the winning bookmark
are printed and distributed through libraries, schools,
and other public venues. Through their designs, students try to encourage people to protect Lake George
as an important natural resource. This year’s winning
student was 5th grader Lynnaya Preuss, from Lake
George Elementary.
Through hands-on experiments on the Floating Classroom, students
learn why Lake George is so special and how humans impact water quality.
Students also learn about lake history, food chains, and invasive species.
Citizen Science - CSLAP
he Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment
Program (CSLAP) continued with LGA
coordination for an eighth year. There were
seven sampling locations, including Diamond Island,
Harris Bay, Basin Bay, Crown Island, Huletts Landing,
Gull Bay and Hearts Bay. Lake George received the
best readings for water clarity for the 2011 sampling
season, out of 98 New York lakes sampled.
Loon Census
e once again coordinated volunteers on
Lake George for the Adirondack Loon
Conservation Program’s annual census.
Seventeen groups of volunteers monitored for loons on
Lake George on July 16, 2011.
LGA 2012 Annual Report - 17
2011 LGA members - THANK YOU! - Your gifts keep Lake George beautiful
Andrea Abad and Paul
Peter Abell, DMD
Mr. Peter Abitante
Donald L. Abrams
Frank and Sharon Adamo, Jr.
George and Mary Jane Adams
Adirondack Pub & Brewery
Adirondack Triathlon Club, Inc.
Anne and Richard Adler
Emily Adler
James C. Agius
Barbara Ahern
Catherine M. Aiken
Mr. Joseph Albarelli
Fred A. Alexy
Jim and Heather Alfandre
Alison V. Craig Realty LLC
Louis Allen
Kathe and Rolly Allen
Katherine Allen
Irwin and Joan Allen
Wallace Allerdice
Robert W. Allerton
Richard Allington and Anne
Virginia Aloysi
Dr. and Mrs. Peter E. Amato
Richard and Suzanne Ambler
Salim and Ingrid Amersi
Ruth C. Anderson
Jim Anderson and Mercer
V. James Andretta
Christos and Jenny
Paul and Robyn Applebee
Barbara & George Arakelian
Arcady Bay Estates
Homeowners Assoc. Inc.
Shirley Armstrong
Kenneth and Rosemarie
Joseph Arnold
Rita H. Arnstein
Ben Aronson
Bruce and Lea Ashby
Bruce and Mary Ashby
John and Diane Asiel
Richard W. Askew
Assembly Point Association
Edith Brown Astruc
Auerbach Family
James J. Augstell
Donald B. Aulenbach
Sandra Austin
Edward and Marianne
Ayco Charitable Foundation
James Ayers
Mrs. Marie Ayers
Karen Azer
Carolyn Babinsky
Laura and Dave Bacheldor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Badenoch
Thomas Badenoch
Graham and Sheryl Bailey
Jonathan William Bain
Linda M. Baldwin
David Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Ball
Robert P. Ball
Dr. Andrew J. Bania
John P. Bania, M.D.
Cathy and Steve Barber
John and Ann Barber
Don and Ann Barbour
Rob and Joy Barcome
Carleen and Richard Baright
Roger and Fay Barrows
Deborah and Lionel Barthold
Karen and Judson Bartlett
Richard J. Bartlett
Richard and Marianne Bartlett *
John and Joanne Bartlett
Edward Bartley
Saul Basch
William and Sandra Bashant
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bast
Michael and Carol Baum
Nicholas and Grace Bavaro
Cynthia Baxter
Louis M.S. Beal & Ulrich G.
Mrs. Nancy Beard
Barbara J. Beatty
Jim and Seddon Beaty
Terry Beaty
George and Marion Beaudoin
Dr. Edward Becker
Robert and Carol Beebe
Daniel and Maryrose Behan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Behan, Sr.
John Behrens
Cynthia and Charles Beiser
Brenda and Ken Beiser
Daniel D. Belden
Colleen and Paul Bell
Patrick T. Bellantoni
Russell Bellico
Brian D. Belus
Robin Benak
Mrs. Margaret D. Bence
Jack and Priscilla Benson
Lev Bentsianov
Tony and Betty Berberian
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Bergman
Mr. William Bernard, Sr.
Dana Berntson
Susan Weber and Mark Bertozzi
Mary Ann and Michael Bette
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Beyerl
Daniel and Barbara Bianco
Gregg and Kerri Biche
Frank and Lisa Bifera
Jeff Birch and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Birney
Gail and John Bisceglia
Gary and Charleen Bivona
Stacey and Will Bixby
Black Point Road Civic Assoc.
The Honorable Robert M. Blais
Ilene and Ron Blitzer
Boathouse Bed & Breakfast
Boats By George! & Patty’s Water
Sports Boutique
Fred Boddy
Kevin and Lisa Boland
The Bollman Family
Joseph Boochever
Mr. Stephen Boochever
John and Louise Boomer
Joseph Young and Paula Ann
Arthur and Carol Borin
Constance Gillette Bosse
Brant Bottum and Laurie Zack
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Boullianne
Fred Bova
Mr. S. Lee Bowden
Joan Bowen
Stuart and Sallie Bowling
Serena G. Boyd
Patricia Boyle
Wendy and Norman Bradburn
Mathew and Eileen Brady
Robert Brady
Dick and Susan Brainard
Elizabeth Brainard
Susan L. Brainard
Muriel Brattlof
Claude and Margaret Breese
James and Judith Breitenstein
Gerard and Elaine Brennan
Lois Brennan
Erica Breslau
Bernice and Joel Breslau
Paul Breslin
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Bresonis
Ellen Briggs Kreitler
Robert Brilling
Richard and Carol Brining
Tony & Ann Brockelman/John
Steven W. Broderick
Jon and Susan Brodie
Brian and Susan Brooker
Craig Broomer
John T. Brothers
Don Brovero
The Brown Family
Lawrence P. Brown
Miriam P. Brown
Chris and Jim Brown
Mr. Thomas A. Brown
Brownell Family Partnership
Jeffry and Patricia Brozyna
Michael and Arlene Bruder
Mr. and Mrs. David Bruno
J. Buckley Bryan, Jr.
Shirley Bryant
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Bryant
Shirley and Russell Buchanan
Bob and Maureen Buhrmaster
Cindy Bulger
Mr. Bard E. Bunaes
Jerry Burke
Thomas F. Burleigh
Richard L. Burstein
Denise Bushnell
Mr. Antonio Bustamante
Dr. and Mrs. James N. Butler
Joseph and Susan Cacici
Roy Cadoo
John W. Caffry
Lynn and David Call
Dale Campbell
Gary Canale
Douglas Canfield and Jana Kolpen
Michael and Kim Cantanucci
Cape Cod Village Club, Inc.
Helen Carcio
Barbara Cardinell
Carillon Garden Club
Mary T. Carman
Dan and Jean Carnese
George and Tina Carruthers
Richard and Jane Carter
Stu and Sally Cartwright
Jack Cartwright
Matt Cartwright, Jr.
Art and Lennie Carver
James and Tenée Casaccio
Donald V. Casavant
Bob and Linda Case
Eileen Casey
Bill and Mary Casperson
Bill and Katie Casperson
Lincoln and Nancy Cathers
Candida N Smith & Carroll J
R.J. Ceglerski
Pamela and John Cembrook
Sandy Chamberlin
David Chambers
Lyle and Delight Champagne
Pam and Doug Chase
Richard D. Chase
Mike and Jen Chase
Barbara E. Chick M.D.
Aleta Chrisman
Robert Cisler
Lester I. Citrin
Louis Clairmont and Deborah
Catherine Clark
Michael and Kathryn Clarke
Roger A. Clemente
Brian Clements
Joyce Cleveland
Karin J. Close
Charles Close
Tracey M. Clothier
Bill and Betty Clough
Henry and Cheryl Clutsam
Nancy Cobb-Zoll & Keith M. Zoll
Alan F. Coffey and Janet S. Potts
Sandra Coffin
Ms. Margaret Colacino
Frank and Eileen Collins
Peter and Tina Collins
Mary Florence Collins
Ken and Annette Colloton
Jim Colloton
Marge Comstock
Tom Conerty
Hal and Michele Connolly *
Ellen and Paul Connors
Tierney, McDonnell & Conway
Robert Cook & Kealy Salomon
Cool Insuring Agency
Ken and Mary Lou Cooper
John and Stephanie Copeland
Abigail Aiken Copeland
Christopher and Deborah Corbett
Paschal A. Corbo
Tom and Lydia Cordier
Peter and Barbara Cossman
Cotton Point Association, Inc.
Eric K. Cottrell
Brian and Jenny Coughlin
Alexander J. and Eleanor C. Coulter
Robert and Sandra Coulter
Mrs. Ilse M. Covals
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cowan
James Cowie
Tony Cowles
George and Marion Cowles
Crabbs Family
David and Shirley Craig
Jane Craigie
Sy Craimer
Paul and Maggie Craney
Charlie and Kerry Crew
The Crisp Family
John and Joan Crosby
William Y. Crowell III
Carl and Elizabeth Crozzoli
Bill and Ming Crusey
Cullen - Brennan Families
Susan and Al Culliford
Charles M. Cumming
Ellen-Deane Cummins
Edward and Dorothy Curley
Julianne Currie
Patrick and Kathleen Curtin
Dennis Curtis and Judith Resnik
Clark and Lynne Curtis
Nick and Mary D’Ambrosio
Thomas and Paula D’Orazio
Joanne and Al Daloisio
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Damiani
John and Jennifer Danese
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius P. Darcy
Peggy Darrin
Susan Darrin
Louise L. Davidson
Kristin and Robert Davidson
Jim and Janet Davies
Sharon Davies
Dan Davies
Davies-Davies & Associates
Real Estate, LLC
Clifford Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Roy N. Davis
Holly and Bob de Buys
Drs. Paige and William de Buys
Amelia and Robert de Buys
Bob and Megan Dean
Ed and Ona Dechant
James J. DeFilippo
Ms Jeanne M Defliese and \ Capt
James D Huck, USN (Ret.)
Philip L. and Lenore M. Defliese
DeFranco Landscaping, Inc.
Michael and Carmen Della Bella
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald DelSignore
Rich DeMartini and Jenny Brorsen
Thomas A. Dempsey
Mr. Bernard E. Derencin
Lisa C. Derner
Penny DeRocker
Dr. Jonathan and Stormy DeSantis
Jonathan and Leah DeSantis
Barbara and Carl Desantis, Sr.
Pieter J. DeSmit
Eva M. Detmer
Peter Deutsch
Rosemarie Devine
Lari Dhein
Lorraine Dickinson
Robert and Diane Dickson
Diamond Point Boat Repair
Dick Saunders State Farm Insurance
Mike and Kathy Dier
Dietz Family
Catherine Dillingham
Col. Frank J. Dillon, Jr. (Ret.)
Tony and Ellen Dingman
Peter F. diPalma
Ira and Ann Doell *
H. Winona Doheny
Linda F. Donaldson
Ed and Janet Donoghue
Mary Beth Dopp and Robert
Donald and Brita Dorn
Jay Doumaux
Bill and Patricia Dow
Beatrice Perkins Dowd
John and Chris Doyle
Roderick O. Dressel
Terry and Christine Driessen
Sue Ann duBois
Helene and Scott Dubin & Family
Jane Dubin
Eric N. Dubrow M.D.
Gordon Duckel
Ruth Duersch
Edward and Beverly Dunleavy
Drs. Alfred E Dunlop & Lynn O
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Dutcher
Kemp and Sandy Dwenger
Rick and Barb Dzembo
Richard and Alexis Eakin
Todd, Rosemarie and Maggie Earl
Mary Earle
Anne Eaton
Mr. Robert F. Eberle
Don and Ann Eberle
Karen Eckhoff
Nina Eckhoff
Gary J. Edie
Douglas and Zenaida Edwards
Sheldon and Mary Eisenberg
Ellie Eldredge *
Mark P. Eliseo
Dr. Richard and Nancy Elkin
Herb and Annmarie Ellis
Mrs. Elizabeth Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Ellis
Gary and Patricia Ellnor
Raymond Ellor
Matthew W. Emmens
Bob and Trisha End
Steve and Liz Engels
Donald Engels
Frank W. and Kathleen V. England
Ken and Enid Engler
Steven Engler
Robert Ervien III
Salvatore Ervolina
Dr. Robert and Cheryl Evans
William A. Faber
Barry and Ellie Faber
Fairview Improvement Association,
Famosi Enterprises, Inc.
Philip and Cynthia Farbaniec
Susan and Martin Farber
Jean Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fasano
Elna Faucher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Faulkner
Zack and Sandy Fazackerley
Douglas G. Feick
Rashi and Ruth Fein
Margaret and Sam Feldman
Mr. Robert F. Fennelly
Keith and Amy Ferguson *
Cynthia K. Ferguson
Adele Ferranti
Arthur A. Ferrara
Mark J. Ferrara
Kevin Ferrick
Russ and Maureen Ferris
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fiato
Mr. August Fietkau
Stephen and Elaine Fink
G. Albert Finke
Lisa and Bruce Finkle
Matt and Denise Finley
Leo and Martha Fishel
Robert Flacke
David and Jane Floyd
Dr. and Mrs. James P. Flynn
John and Virginia Ford
Forest Bay Property Owners Assoc.
Stu Forman and Ellie Hitzrot
Carol Forno
David and Judy Forshay
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Foulke
Mrs. Ann Fowler
Frederick and Norma Fox
Mary T. Weinman
Evelyn Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Franz
Alfred and Suellen Franz
Jim and Claire Fraser
Mrs. Esther H. Frederick
Emily and Paul Frederick
Kathleen Fredrick
Frederick’s Restaurant
Dianne Freeman
Tricia and Harrison Freer
Al Freihofer
Mr & Mrs Charles C. Freihofer III
Denise Freihofer
Mrs. Jane T. Freihofer
Raymond and Sally Freud
Henry W. Frick
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Friedman
Audrey H. / Joan C. Frier
Charles G. Frink
Richard Frischmann
Ellen Frishberg and Bob Gladding
* Participant in Matching Gift Program
Chuck and Char Gosselink
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Goutos
Pauline Governale
Tim and Judy Gow
Marjorie M. Graham
Marie T. Graham
Vincent Gramuglia
Jim and Joanne Grande
Stephen A. Grant & Gretchen
Grant, M.D.’s
Michael Grasso
Carol Grasso-Lubeck and John
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Gravina
Richard W. Gray
Joe Greco
Irene Green
Anne L. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Greenwood
Greystone Engineering, PLLC
Patricia Griffith
Tom and Holly Groos
Philip M. and Laurie B. Gross
Eric and Maureen Gross
Rhona Grosser
Susan and Ken Gruskin
Fredrik J. Gude
Elizabeth Guest
Shari and Connie Guidwin
Jane Gunther
Harold and Sandra Haber
Gerald and MaryBeth Hadeka &
Andy and Judy Hadjandreas
Hadzewycz Family
Dave and Judy Haggett
Lisa and Anthony Hall
Philip and Barbara Hall
William and Diane Hall *
David Haller
Halls Boat Corporation
Tim Hanifin
Martha B. Hannon
Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Hansen
Bruce Hanson
Liz and Buzz Haraden
Harold M. Bixby, Inc
Stuart Harmon
John and Nancy Harrigan
William Harriman
Ms. Doris E. Harrington
Kenneth Harris
Mr. and Mrs. John Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Dirck D. Harrison
Walter Harrison III
Don Hart
Helen and Walter Hartl
Dr. and Mrs. Norman A. Harvey
Patricia HasBrouck
Arthur C. and Chattie B. Hatfield
Mrs. Barbara Havenick
Jane Caffry Hawn
Judith B. Hay
Allan S. Hay
The Hayes Family
Barrett Hazeltine
Karen and Sam Hazleton IV
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Heacock
& Family
William and Joan Healy
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hearburg
Betty Hedges
Chuck and Janis Heiden
Robert and Beverly Heineman
Betty B. Heintzelman
Helene E. Jones Foundation
Philip H. Henneman
Dorothy J. Henry
Barry Herbold
Victor and Yvette Hershaft
Ann Herttua
Eileen Hertz
James and Flory Hiatrides
Ellen Hill
Robert and Marilyn Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hill
Lt. John Wesley Hilt
James and Barbara Hitzrot
Michael Hmelovsky
Sarah Hoagland
Ted and Carol Hodecker
Robert Hodgkins
Cathy and John Hodgkins
Edward J. and Augusta E.
Dave and Carolyn Hoeschele
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoffman
Bill and Debbie Hoffman
Jack Hoffman
Marge Hoffman
Mr. Michael T. Hogan
Mr. Michael R. Hogan
Brian and Meredith Hogan
Stephanie Hollander
Nancy P. Hollenbeck
Robin E. Holmes
Home Place Corporation
Hon-Dah Cottage Association
Peter and Mary Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Hoopes
Helene W. Horn
Bruce W. Houseworth
Mrs. Margaret Howe
Bill Howell
Nancy Howland and Carl Bennette
Jane E. Howland & Barbara A.
Anne Howland-Coone
Tom and Sally Hoy
John and Ellen Hubbard
Ray Hudson
Glenda and Doreen Huff
Huletts Landing Property Owners
Civic Association, Inc.
Edward and Frances Hume
Paul and Patricia Hummel
Jeanette R. Hunt
William E. Hunt
James W. Hunt
Scott and Carole Hunt
Doré and Vanetta Hunter
Alma Hurwitz
Richard and Diane Hyman
David and Nancy Hyman
Nancy Munro Icke
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Ida
Vincent and Teresa Ilardi
Martin Indursky
Inwald Enterprises LLC
Inn on the Hill
Thomas Izykowski
Hague Motel/ Jim Real & Joan
Kathleen Jablonski
Keith and Sandie Jackson
Marci and Tony Jackson
Michael Jacobs
Ann Jaeger
Dr. Gerardus S. Jameson
Mr. Edward Janiak
Mr. Gerald Jannicelli
Marie F. Jappell
Tom Jarrett
Jean H. Jelliffe
Roy Jensen
China Jessup
Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Joerger
Mrs. Anne J. Johns
Ann Marie Johnsen
Robert E. Johnson and Susan L.
Johnson *
Peter C. Johnson
Mrs. Barbara M. Johnson
Amy Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson
Don and Susan Johnston
Jamie Johnstone and Kathleen
Stewart and Dianne Jones
Mary Nohara and Steve Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Jones
Wayne and Meredith Judge
Robert Kafin
Donald and Judith Kahl
Mrs. Jean O. Kahn
Eva Kahn
Stephen Kalajian *
George Kallenbach
Dr. Daniel F. Kana
John and Carol Kanis
Herbert and Beatrice Kaplan
Janet and Joel Karp
Kashman Family
Jeff and Karen Katz
Tom and Lois Kauffman
Rob, Heidi, Dylan & Aiden Kay
John and Carol Kearney
Tom Keating
Jeff and Mary Keefer
Alexander Keeler
David and Sally Kelly
Mark and Pamela Kelly
Chuck Kelsey
Mrs. Dorothy C. Kennedy
Michael and Margaret Kennedy
David L. Kent
Mary Kent
Ralph L. and Julia S. Ketcham
Thomas Kieran
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kiessling
J. Morgan Kiker
Jeffrey Killeen
Jennifer & Kenneth Killian & Family
Steve and Pat Killorin
Dr. Hazel Goodwin Kim
Dick King
Dorothy J. King
Tim and Jeannette King
Don and Claire Kinsley
Janet C. Kireker
Stephen Kirshon
Kittredge Family
Robert O. Klebe
Susan Klebl
Eleanor Kaplan Klein
Mr. Arthur A. Klein
Cathleen Lee Klein
Stephanie A Wagoner & James A
Klos Family
Bob and Christine Knarr
Jim Kneeshaw and Betty Little
Maura F. Koeneke
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Koerner
Ethel Kohlhoff
Richard and Mary Kolvek
Kenneth and Regina Konet
Ed and Lois Konikowski
Yvonne Koniowka and Family
Dr. Melodee Kopa, DVM
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Kopf
Art Korbel DPM, MD
Mrs. Judith Koretz
Donna Korkus
Vincent W. Kozel
Eric Krantz and Cheryl Tucker
Colleen Dowd Kriz
Robert A. Krueger
Nancy and Peter Kudan
Lynn and Rick Kudlack
Mrs. Marianne Kuhn
Lochlea Partners, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Harold G. Kunz
Dr. Joseph Loffredo
Cathy and Jack LaBombard
Paul and Susan Loheide
Jane A. LaBombard, P.E.
Mrs. Carol M. Longman
Margaret J. LaBombard
Mr. William M. Loring Jr.
Elizabeth and John LaBombard, R.A. Paul F. Lotters
Lawrence E. Lafferty
Mary E. Loughrey
Mr. Douglas Lafferty
Laraine Ludlow
Roland and Rachelle LaFond
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Ludwig
Lake George RV Park
Jami Jordon and Michael Luke
Lake George Steamboat Company Beth and Jay Lurie
Lakeshore Gallery
Pamela Lusignan
Lange Holdings, Inc.
Chris Lynch
Buzz and Cheryl Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lynch
Ruth and Sandy Lamb
Linda Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. Lambeth, Jr. Virginia V. Lyons
Robert Landry
Mabey Family
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Lang II
Mrs. Phyllis Mac Alpine
Douglas S. Langdon
Mr. Richard Mac Dowell
Mark Langdon
John and Amy Macionis
George Langford
Michael Macri
Mr. and Mrs. Byron J. Lapham
Patrice LeClerc and Mark
Virginia B. LaPointe
Karen and Glen Larkin
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Maddocks
Todd H. Larsen/Larsen Fund
John Madej *
Lynne Mager
Ms. Judy Larter
Roger and Joan Mahieu
Richard and Beth Lashley
C.T. Male Associates, P.C.
Nancy J. Law / Nancy A. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Mallon
Eileen Lawrence
Jerry and Maddy Malovany
Lonnie Lawrence
Joseph and Marilyn Mammola
Chip and Gayle Lawrence
Joyce Manchester
Janet Lawrence
Philip and Rebecca Mandolare
Dr. Stuart Lazarus
Bruce and Nancy Mapes
Barry Leeds
Tom and Bobbi Marchetti
John LeGere
Dyzie Marcinkevicius
Mary Legge
Daniel and Carol Margolis
Don and Audrey Lehn
Carole Mariani
Kevin Leighton
Thomas Marschner
Jeffrey and Sandi Lejuez
Peter Marshall
Marvin F. Lemery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Marshall
Richard Lemperle
Marie-Louise and Richard Lempert Mrs. John P. Martin and Family
Frederick Martin
Walt and Jane Lender
Jessica Martin
Jim Lennon
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Martin
Keith Leonard
Bernie and Lisa Martinese
Peter and Carol Letson
Larry and Louise Marwill
Lawrence and Ronnie Levin
Kevin and Mary Beth Maschewski
Howard R. Levy
Greg Mason
Hank Lewis and Family
Bill & Lynne Mason
Mr. Stephen V. Lewis
Ed and Judi Mastoloni
Peter A. Leyh
Miriam H. Mastrianni
Ann and Erik Lichter
Jeffrey P. Mastro
Margaret M. Lindner
Dr. Timothy and Pradhana Mastro
C D Lindstrom
William and Anne Marie Mather
Marion Linhart
Dick and Polly Mathews *
Andrew and Susan Liucci
Mitch and Lori Matthews
Mr. Douglas Livingston
Jason and Nicole Livingston/Ayden Christopher and Mary Mattson
Dolly and Charles Mayer, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Livornese Mayflower Realty
J. William & Margaret Bishop
Harold “Murph” and Carol McCleery
J. Barry McClennan
Mrs. Carl H. McClure III
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. McClure
Mark McCollister
Meredith McComb
Walter and Isabel McConnell
The McCormick Family
Joyce McCracken
John C. and Anne B. McDonald
Charlanne and Robert McDonough
Philip and Martha McDowell
Mrs. Bernadette McElhenny
Thomas McGrath
Laura McGrew
Joan L. McKeag
Christine M. McKee
The McKenna Family
Warren J. McLane
Philip and Barbara McLaughlin
Joseph and Anne McMahon
Jim and Trudie McMaster
Jeff and Diane McMullen
Karen Beth McNeice
James McNeil, Jr.
Suzanne and Paul McPhillips
McPhillips Insurance
McPhillips Properties LLC
Marc and Cathy Meacham
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mead
David Meath
Thomas E. Meath
Peter and Dianne Meckler
Lloyd and Toni Meeker
Edward and Elizabeth Mell
Mellman Family
Jim and Sheilagh Menzies
Jason Merlow
Robert and Jen Metivier
Barbara L. Meyer
Lauren Meyer
J. David and Lynne Michaels
Robert and Geraldine Middleton *
Donald and Anne Middleton
Earl J. Mikoloski
Pepper and Floyd Milbank
Charles and Helga Miller
Ron and Kathy Miller
Robert and Marcia Miller
John and Tracy Miller
John C. and Judy Miller
Elizabeth Miller
Joe and Colleen Milot
Albert Mitchell
Phillip and Laura L. Mitchell
Wanda Mitko
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mitola
Richard and Barbara Moccia
©Carl Heilman II
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Fritz
George and Michele Froehlich
George W. and Lesley S. Froehlich
David and Doreen Fryling & Family
Kathryn O’Keeffe and James Fuchs
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Fulco
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Fuller
Grant and Cindy Fullman
GE United Way Campaign
Zandy Gabriels
John and Deborah Gaddy
Rose Gage
Arnold Galbraith
Joseph and Joanne Gallagher
Bette Gallo
Gloria Gallo
Dan and Diana Garay
Elizabeth Garcia
Ms. Ann B. Gardiner
Robert Garfield
Michael and Janet Garry
Richard and Deborah Gasser
Bud and Toni Gates
Nicholas J. Gazetos & Melanie P.
Don and Andrea Gearing
Rod and Nema Geer
Melissa and Howard Geiger
John and Virginia Geils
Geno Germano
Ken Gethard
Fred Giardinelli
Al and Mary Jane Gilet
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Ginsburg
Barry and Leone Gipstein
Mr. Richard G. Gladu
Bob and Vicki Glandon
John and Sharon Glass
Glens Falls National Bank &
Trust Co.
John Glover
Kenneth Gnade *
Edward and Emily Goddard
Goff Family
Robert and Pamela Golde
Robert W. and Karen Golden
Nancy M. Golden
Golden Sands Resort
Calvin and Frances Goldscheider
Ann and Ely Goldsmith
Marc D. Goldstein
John and Lorie Gollhofer
Paul and Lynn Gollhofer
Neil and Jane Golub
Emma-Leigh Goodwin
David and Clair Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gorelik
Mrs. Eleanor Gorman
Michael L. Gorman
Bill and Kay Gormley
2011 LGA members and donors - THANK YOU for protecting Lake George
James and Leone Modestino
Mr. Angelo J. Molinaro
Vincent Mongelli
Dave and Claudia Montana
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Montana
Gary M. Moon
Susan and Joe Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. Milo A. Moore
Carl and Mariann Morales
Thomas J. Morhouse
Betty U. Morris
Robert and Susan Morris
George and Anne Morris
Judith Morris
Nancy D. Morrison
Phillip and Susan Morse
Charly, Lisa, & Katy
John and Theresa Murnane
Neil Murray
Ken and Sally Murray *
Emily Nagamatsu
Beth and Bill Nast
Bob and Helen Natt
Mr. Michael P. Naughton
Mr. Robert M. Nephew
Monnie Newman
Patti Nichols *
Noelle B. Nielsen
Ken and Susan Neilson
Bill and Linda Nizolek
Derek and Anna Nolan
Robert and Lona Nonni
Mr. Harvey Noordsy
Norowal Marina
North Country Landscape &
Virginia and Maynard Northup
Diana M. Nugent
Stephen and Kirsten O’Brien
O’Connor’s Resort Cottages
Charles and Marcia O’Donnell
Susan O’Hanlon
J. Timothy O’Hearn
Doris M. O’Keeffe
Patrick and Barbara O’Reilly
Michael and Marie O’Reilly
O’Sullivan’s Motel
Mr. and Mrs. James W. O’Toole
Julian and Jan Offsay
Arthur A. Oldham II
Don and Sandy Oliver
Richard and Christine Oliver
Chester T. Oliver, Jr.
Jane Olsen
Peg R. Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. John Orlando Indian Pipes
Mr. Maurice Ornstein
Bob and Natalie Oshins
Mr. Roderick H. Owens
Pacinella Family
Capt. Scott Padeni
William Pagano
Mr. Harry O. Page
Frank R. Painter
Tom and Eloise Pannell
David Parenta
Frank and Delores Parillo
John Pariseau
Frank N. Parisi
Richard and Ann Parker
Charles W. Parker, Jr.
Kenneth and Sandra Parker
Blackwood and Joan Parlin
Michael and Karyn Parzych
Vincent Passarelli
Patchett Family
John and Katherine Paterson
Lisa Payne
Eileen and Hank Pedicone
Mr. Robert Pehnke
Francey Pengra & Ed Allday
Performance Marine Service, Inc.
Barry and Lois Perlman
Joan M. Peters
John and Johanne Petersen *
Bill Petersen
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Peterson III
Mr. Peter I. Pfaffenbach
Fred Pflaum and Linda Demers
Claire M. Phillips
Donna Phillips *
Roger and Lorraine Phinney
Albert and Darcy Picchi
William and Susan Picotte
The Pierce Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Pierson
Pilot Knob Association
Pilot Knob Marina
Donald G. Piper
Pioneer Improvement Assoc. Inc.
Peggy and Murray Pitkowsky
Bill and Carol Pittman
Point Comfort Trust
Joseph Polonsky
Donald Pompliano & Kathy Taylor
Christopher Poppe
Marie T. Portela
Buzz Povall and Karen Lemmon
Bob and Sandy Powell
Robert R. Proctor
David and Gladys Prol
Sarah Prototo
Richard and Debra Provenzano
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Provost
Pucek Family Trust
Don & Gail Puckette *
Joe and Lisa Purcell
Dusty Putnam
Jack and Grace Pyle
Paul Quail
Custer R. Quick
Dr. and Mrs. Brian O’M Quinn
Jim and Gini Quirk
Spencer Raggio
Ronald Ragonetti
Mary E. Raila
Marilyn and Norm Randall
Mark Randall
Barbara and Myron Rapaport
Michael and Jo-Ann Rapaport
Bryan and Madonna Ray
Joan and Charles Reach
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Reale
Nancy Reale
Patricia Reap
Alan and Dorie Redeker
Peter Redmond
Mrs. Deanne S. Rehm
Therese C. Reichert
Bart Reickman
Audrey Reilly
Vincent and Linda Reilly
Joseph A. Reilly
Kathy and Jack Reilly
Daniel and Abigail Reingold
Jerry and Catherine Reinhart
Jim & Pat Remington
Bernard and Mary Renois
Brenda Rew
Thomas H. Reynolds
Nancy, Melony & Ken Reynolds
Beatrice Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Rhodes
Joyce and Don Rice
Kelley Richards
Vincent T. Riggi
Frank and Elva Ring
Robert and Dana Risman
Michael Rizza
Thomas and Beverly Roach
Anne and Walt Robb
Jane and Kenneth Robbins *
Karen Robbins
Hugh and Chris Roberts
Joan A. Robertson
Karen and Chris Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund H. Robinson
Mrs. Mitzi Robinson
Jack and Dorothy Robinson
Ronald and Kathryn Rock
Rockledge Properties Inc.
Mr. Glenn A. Rode
Nancy and William Rogal
Michael and Babette Rogers
Nadine and Herman Rogg
Michael and Lisa Rome
Dr. Doris Rome
Mary Ann and Ed Rooney
Ms. Emily Rooney
Gary and Christina Seldomridge
Rooster Amusements d/b/a Fun
G. Thomas Selfridge
Paul Semon
Cynthia Rosbrook
Michael Sena Family
I. J. Rosen, M.D. FABFP
Jim and Ann Marie Senese
Stuart A. Rosenberg
Wendy Severance
Richard and Joan Rosetti
Deborah S. Shannon
John and Leslie Ross *
The Sharkey Family
Richard and Helen Rosselli
Richard and Mary Sharp
John S. Ruef, M.D.
Tony and Lynn Sheeran
Lorraine Ruffing and Beverly Pozzi Shelton - D’Andrea Family
Donald E. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sheridan
Joseph Russell
Edward Sheridan
Rory, Justin, Tin, Jay and Casey
Louise Van Dyck Shipway
Louise Shoemaker
Dr. J. George Russo
Mrs. Donna G. Short
Daniel and Dianne Ryterband
John and Judy Sibilla
Robert Cook and Kealy Salomon
Mr. George L. Sicard
Howard and Mary Beth Sambrook Ann and Paul Silk
Scott and Sally Sambrook
Janet and Jack Silliman
Jim and Carol Sampson
Stephen J. Sills, M.D.
David and Priscilla Sanderspree
Property Owners of Silver Bay
Richard and Susan (DeLarm)
Errol and Lynn Silverberg
Silvermine North
Maureen and Frank Sands
Michael and Eleanor Simberkoff
Marie C. Sauerwald
Lenton D. and Barbara A. Simms
Amy and John Savage
Peter and Courtney Simon
Susan T. Sawulski
Tom and Arlene Simunek
The Scheibels, Durante, &
Frank Sinatra, Jr.
VanSlooten Families
George C. Singer
SEFA State Employ. Federated Appeal Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinkway
Harvey and Margaret Schadler
The Sinnott Family
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schaffer
Art Levy and Fred Sistarenik
John Schaninger
Fran Sloatman and Tom Harding
Edmund and Jennifer Scheiber
Dr. Bryan Smead
Mike and Patrice Schelkun
Donald and Barbara Smith
Ron and Dorothy Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Smith
Patrick and Amy Schmidt
Douglas G. Smith *
Claire K. Schmitt *
F.R. Smith & Sons Marina
James J. and Joan M. Schnabel
Patrick and Judith Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Schneible
Elaine S. Smith
Steve and Cathie Schonwetter
Elisabeth A. Smith
John and Margaret Schroeder
Wayne M. Smith
Schwab Charitable Fund
Marilyn R. Smith
Joan Schult and Cortlandt Schult
Peter and Ellen Smith
Judy and Ken Schultz
Gary A. Smith
Richard and Tymm Schumaker
Snug Harbor Marina, Inc.
Betsy Schwenker
Freda P. Solomon
Joseph J. Schwerman, MD
Don and Susie Sommer
Janice & David Scott
Henry Sommer
Wayne Scoville
Steve Soroka and Family
Kevin & Jane Scully
South Beach Assoc. of Lake
Steve and Debby Seaboyer
George, NY, Inc.
Dr. James and Elsa Sears
Nick and Joanne Spadavecchia
Ms. Beverly M. Sebold
The Spelman Familie
Mona and Richard Seeger
Joann L. Spence
Mr Don Segal & Dr Barbara
Jeffrey L. Spence
Heidi and Pete Spencer
Ted Seissen
Peter F. Spiess
Karl and Kim Seitz
Lawrence and Sheila Spraragen
Betty Spinelli and Joe Stanek
George Stanford
Mrs. Helen A. Stapley
Alice Starker
Danforth Starr
Natalie L. Starr
Mrs. Jane Stavely *
Richard F. Stein
Jay and Amy Steiner *
Alan and Lynn Steiner
Roy W. Stevens
Derwin and Bonnie Stevens
Tom and Cheri Budge Stevens
Scott and Coleen Stevens
Bruce Stewart
James and Dorothy Stewart
Stewart’s Shops
Judy Stock
Terry and Lee Storms
Mrs. Eleanor Strack
Pamela and R. Sanford Stragnell
David and Rebecca Strang
Robert Strasser
Lynne Breslau and David Straus
Lee Strichman
Victor and Neva Strom
Bertil & Lynn Stromberg
Angela and Robert Strong
John Strough
Michael D. Strutz
Joseph Strykiewicz
Bob and Bobbie Stuart
John H. Sturt, Jr.
David and Kristine Suits
Callie and Tighe Sullivan
Roger R. Summerhayes
Tor and Birgitta Sundlin
Helenmarie Sunkenberg
Jim, Kathy and Mark Suozzo
Sunrise Shores Condominum
Kathryn Tabner and Michael
John and Lee Tabner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taitel
Duane Takahashi
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Tall IV
Bruce and Sarah Tamlyn
Robert and Jean Tarrant
Michael and Debra Tasick
Dr. Judith C. Tate
Robert Tatko
Eugene and Laura Jane Tay
James Taylor & Caroline Hessberg
Judy and Greg Taylor
Joseph Taylor
John H. Taylor
Frederick C. Tedeschi
Nancy C. Teichner
Alice Buff Tepper
Frank and Nancy Tetz
The Chronicle Newspaper
The Community Foundation for
the Greater Capital Region
The Fun Spot
The Indian Tepee Gift Shop
The Sagamore Resort
Anne and David Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Thomas
& Family
Joseph Thomas
Richard and Barbara Thornton
Michael Tobey and Ann Shakeshaft
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Tobin
Robert T. Todd
Linda and Jack Toner
Kathleen Toomey
Mr. Kenneth J. Tornvall
Michael Tornvall and Heather
Luann and Jon T. Toussaint M.D.
Agostino J. Travaly *
Stephen W. Traver
Anthony J. Sr. and Jean M. Trello
Thomas Trimboli
Truist Altruism, connected
Stuart Tucker
The Tuckers
Mr. and Mrs. James Tyler, Jr.
Kirby McCaw Udall
Carole Usaj
Ed and Marilyn Valla
David H. Van Dyck
Roxa Van Dyck
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Dyck Jr.
Richard Van Dyck
Ms. Jacqueline Van Rhyn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Van Rhyn
Pat Van Valkenburgh
Kirby and Martha Van Vleet
Robert and Margaret Vanderhye
Michael and Viola Vassallo
Patricia Vaughn
Nancy Briwa Veeder
Marcia J. Verville
Judith M. Viering
Philip J. and Judith Viger
Richard and Beverly Villamil
Mrs. Dorothy S. Vilmar
Reg and Shirley Vincent
Susan Voci and Art Papier
Rhein and Gloria Vogel
Nancy R. Vogelsang
Peter Voll
Jane L. Vorel
Allen Wadler
John and Margaret Wainwright
Sophie and George Walczyk
Dayle Walden
Emory and Karen Waldrip
Richard Waldron *
Mr. George Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Walsh
Eugene and Gwendolyn Walter
Leroy S. Waltz, Jr.
Richard E. Wardwell
John and Meg Warner and Family
Marilyn M. Warner
David and Dorothy Warren *
Sandra and John Warriner
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M.
Waterhouse Jr.
Mr. Richard D. Watkins
Margaret and Gary Weale
Firm and Joan Weaver
John and Kathy Weber
Howard and Rosemary Weeber
Hugh Weed
Darcy & Kevin Weeden
Mary B. Weedon
Weiner Family
Madeline Weisenfeld
Rose Anne Weissel
Richard and Eunice Werner
John and Laura Werner
Gary Werner
William J. Werther
Bill and Ann Westervelt
West Shore Association
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wetherbee
Jeanne Whalen
John Whearty Family
Ellen Whelan
Robert and Janet Whitaker
Mr. Robert White
Roberta and John Whiteley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whiteman
David H. Wilcox & Victoria T. Zeldin
Douglas P. & Jennifer Wiley
Kathy and Ralph Wilhelm
Dean Wilkening
Linda Wilkov
Kenneth Willenbruch
Harold Williams
Drs. Joseph and Judith Willner
Roger Wilson
Adrienne Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Oliver H. Winn *
Donne-Lynn Winslow
John and Carolyn Wisniewski
Mr. and Mrs. Gert H. Wolfang
James and Jean Wolitarsky
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Wotton
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Wray
Douglas A. Wrigley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wronowski
Jean A. Yager *
Robert H. Yanney LTCOL USAF (RET)
Bruce and Sue Young
Mr. Richard Young
* Participant in Matching Gift Program
“In Honor 0f”
donations given by:
Thomas Badenoch
Daniel and Maryrose Behan
Paul J. Budlong
Chubb & Son
Lisa Derner
Caroline Dorn
Colleen Dowd Kriz
Mark Ferrara
John Glover
Alice and Tom Hamill
Art Korbel DPM, MD
Jane A. LaBombard, P.E.
Larry and Louise Marwill
Josh J. Porte
Ronald Ragonetti
Ron and Esther Roberts
Mona Seeger
Keith and Rachel Seeger
Andrew Siuda
Mary Jane and Lou Snyder
Mr. Richard Young
Todd Young
Donations above were
given in honor of:
Bruce and Mary Ashby
Bob and Dale Badenoch
John Danese
John and Jennifer Danese
Emily DeBolt
Glen Derner
Brita and Donald Dorn
Beatrice MP Dowd
Don Eberle
Arthur A. Ferrara
Judy and Dave Forshey
Kara Gallagher
Fran Norton Glover
Diamante Grezzo
Judy and Lance Hillman
Catherine LaBombard
Cheryl Lamb
Mona and Richard Seeger
Richard Seeger
Ora Siuda
Richard Young
Dick and MaryBeth Young
“In Memory Of”
donations given by:
Kenneth and Rosemarie Arnold
Terry Beaty
Robin Benak
Linda Bennett
Jeff Birch and Family
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Boyle
Roy Cadoo
Cape Cod Village Club, Inc.
Nancy Cobb-Zoll & Keith M. Zoll
Edward and Dorothy Curley
Lisa Derner
Adele Ferranti
Bette Gallo
Jacqueline and Melvin Goldstein
International Recreational &
Open Water Rowing Association
Gwen Kade
Jane and David Kadish
Herbert and Beatrice Kaplan
John and Carol Kearney
Kittredge Family
Art Korbel DPM, MD
Buzz and Cheryl Lamb
Bruce and Nancy Mapes
Barbara Mackin
Lauren Meyer
Emily Nagamatsu
Norowal Marina
Kenneth and Sandra Parker
Richard and Ann Parker
The Pierce Family
Pioneer Improvement Assoc. Inc.
Ronald Ragonetti
Rainbow Beach Association, Inc.
Marilyn and Norm Randall
Tim and Betsy Robinson
Nancy Silverman
Michael and Eleanor Simberkoff
The Sinnott Family
Allison Tucker, Mark Shiffman
and Family
Pamela Uhl
Mrs. Dorothy S. Vilmar
Douglas A. Wrigley
Donations above were
given in memory of:
Julia Beaty
Leona Beckerle
Arlene Boochever
Virginia Clark
Carla Derner
Ethel Dressel
James D. Fisk
Louis Gallo
Charles Green
Dorothy King
Salim S. Khazam
Edith and William Kittredge
Donald S. Koretz, M.D.
Pat Lamb
Andrea Lamb Lemery
Milford Lester
John MacQueen
Cliff Marsh
Jim McGinnis
Dan McGowen
Dr. Henry Nagamatsu
Theresa Nuti
Walter Perkins
Suzanne Pollock Mastro
Henry Radzyminski
Anthony Ragonetti
Ted Reale
Uli Ruehl
Mary Ruthnau
Florence and Louis Simberkoff
Arlene Shurts
Robert Shurts
Harold Tucker
Donald P. Vilmar
Alton C. Warner
John and Theresa Murnane
Derek and Anna Nolan
Performance Marine Service, Inc.
Vincent and Dolores Randazzo
Daniel and Abigail Reingold
Mrs. Mary Anne Ross
Law Offices of Paul Ryan
The Honorable Teresa R. Sayward
Robert and Joanne Strickland
Michael Toomey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Van Rhyn
T.C. Murphy Lumber Co, Inc.
Bill and Ann Westervelt
Marian and Norman Wolgin
In Kind Donations
Adirondack Boat Works
Adirondack Cotton Co.
Adirondack Extreme Adventure
Adirondack Museum
Adirondack Pub & Brewery
Adirondack Rustic Interiors
Adirondack Theatre Festival
Airway Meadows Golf Course
American Dream Vacations, Inc.
Salim and Ingrid Amersi
Bruce and Mary Ashby
Baker Landscape & Irrigation, Inc.
Bare Bones Furniture, Inc.
Event Sponsors
Bay Optical
Beckley’s Marina
Mr. Joseph Albarelli
Bella’s Delicatessen
Alison V. Craig Realty LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Bergman
Bruce and Mary Ashby
Best Western Ticonderoga Inn
James P. Brennan
& Suites
J. Buckley Bryan, Jr.
The Honorable Robert M. Blais
James and Tenée Casaccio
Boathouse Bed & Breakfast
Charles Schwab Foundation
Boats By George! & Patty’s Water
Peter and Barbara Cossman
Sports Boutique
Mr. and Mrs. Roy N. Davis
Bolton Beans
Holly and Bob de Buys
Bolton Landing Marina
Ms Jeanne M Defliese and \
Suzanne M. Brown
Capt James D Huck, USN (Ret.) Canoe Island Lodge
Steve and Liz Engels
Champlain Stone, Ltd.
Barry and Ellie Faber
Chez Pierre Restaurant
Fountain Square Outfitters
Chic’s Marina
Stephen & Jacqueline Lamondo Joyce Cleveland
Happy Software, Inc.
Cronin’s Golf Resort
Lisa and Michael Hayes
Dave’s Market
Victor and Yvette Hershaft
DeFranco Landscaping, Inc.
Paul and Jane Ingrey
Marie Denno
KB-24 Communications Inc
Diamond Point Boat Repair
Keena Staffing, Inc.
Mike and Kathy Dier
Buzz and Cheryl Lamb
Documents and Designs/
Mrs. Carolyn Malaney
Terri Jamison
Peter and Gretchen Menzies
Dunham’s Bay Resort
and Restaurant
Tony and Kris Dzikas
East Cove Restaurant
Don and Ann Eberle
Elan Planning/Design/Landscape
Architecture PLLC
Emeralds Restaurant
F.R. Smith & Sons Marina
Famiglias Italian Deli
Feigenbaum Cleaners
Fiddlehead Creek
Finishing Touches
Fit Happens
Fountain Square Outfitters
Frederick’s Restaurant
George’s Restaurant
Glenn Sculptures
Glens Falls Country Club
Glens Falls Symphony Orchestra
Gore Mountain
Michael Grasso
Green Mountain Coffee
Roasters, Inc.
Hague Firehouse Restaurant
James T. Hall
Kris Hatch
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C.
Heacock & Family
Home Made Theater (HMT)
Hot Biscuit Diner
Nancy Hyman
Inside Edge Ski & Bike Shop
J.C. Montana’s
Diane James
Jewel Boutique
Juniper Design and Goods
Thomas Kane
Lake George Auto/Marine
Lake George Camping
Equipment Company
Lake George Mirror
Lakeside Lodge and Grille
Lakeside Massage Therapy
Buzz and Cheryl Lamb
Late Show with David Letterman
Love is on Lake
Mama Riso Italian Restaurant
Maranville’s Garage
Miriam H. Mastrianni
Andrea McDonald
Charlanne and Robert McDonough
Peter and Gretchen Menzies
Michael Skurnik Wines
Millbrook Vineyards & Winery
Mohan’s Glen Dew Inc.
Mohegan Sun
Mohonk Mountain House
Bruce Mowery Sr.
Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day
Next Summer
Michael Niles
Chad Nims
Norowal Marina
Mr. James W. O’Toole
Ocean Properties, Ltd./ Samoset
Mr. and Mrs. John Orlando - Indian
Panera Bread
Pilot Knob Marina
Pizza Jerks
Rathbun Jewelers
Ms. Rachael Ray
Ray Supply
Rehm Chiropractic & Massage Clinic
Ridge Terrace Restaurant
Risky Business Fishing Charters
Riverside Village Salon
Saddle-Up Stables
Sagamore Style Hair Designs
Saratoga Performing Arts Center
Scoville Jewelers
Serendipity Boutique
Ski West Mountain
Stewart’s Shops
Sugar & Spice Country Shoppe
The Algonquin on Lake George
The Blackburn Gallery
The Boat Butler
The Boathouse Restaurant
The Colbert Report
The Country Florist & Gifts
The Culinary Institute of America
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
The Farmhouse Restaurant
The Great Escape Lodge
The Heidelberg Inn
The Hyde Collection
The Indian Tepee Gift Shop
The Sagamore Resort
Ticonderoga Country Club
Tina’s Hair Affair
Top of the World Golf Resort
Michael Vassallo
Wiawaka Holiday House Inc.
Wild Visions, Inc
Lee Woodruff
Yankee Boating Center
Yankee Trails World Travel
Joe Zarzynski
Matching Gift Companies
AXA Foundation
Bank Of America Charitable Foundation
C.R. Bard Foundation
Deutsche Bank Matching Gifts
General Electric Foundation
IBM International Foundation
Morgan Stanley
Pepsico Foundation
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
Times Square Capital Management, LLC
LGA West Brook
Initiative Donors
Grant Funders
Boat US Foundation
Essex County
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Salim and Ingrid Amersi
Helen V. Froehlich Foundation
Bruce and Mary Ashby
Henry M. Rowan Family
Bank Of America Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
J. Buckley Bryan, Jr.
Bolton Landing Marina
Josh J. Porte
Claneil Foundation, Inc.
Lake George Park Commission
George & Tina Carruthers
New England Interstate
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Water Pollution Control
Matt and Denise Finley
Stewart’s Shops
Robert Flacke
Town of Bolton Landing
Richard Frischmann
Town of Dresden
Tom Jarrett
Town of Hague
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M.
Town of Lake George
Town of Putnam
Art Korbel DPM, MD
Town of Queensbury
Frank and Mary Ellen Lasch Town of Ticonderoga
Richard and Beth Lashley
Village of Lake George
John and Johanne Petersen Warren County
United States Department of Washington County
David and Dorothy Warren
Alfred J. Baker
Ms. Evelyn F. Goldschmidt
Off Shore Owners, Inc.
Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of these lists.
Please excuse any errors or omissions and report them to
LGA staff. Thank you.
©Carl Heilman II
Richard and Janet Yulman
Florence Zager
Mr. E. Norbert and Patricia Zahm
Mary Pat Meaney and Joe
Charles and Barbara Zeese
Sherry Ziegenbalg
Mitch Zimmer
Lawrence A. Zinn
Roberta and Martin Zucker
Alfred and Georgiana Zustovich
Membership Development
he economy has not recovered as quickly as
everyone would hope. Not-for-profits continue
to suffer the effects and it is a struggle to meet
budgeted support levels. This year’s multi-faceted
approach included creativity and persistence.
In addition to regular mailed renewals, several
other prospect mailings were completed including
a mailing to property owners in all three counties
surrounding the Lake. Smaller mailings were also
developed for targeted demographics. Additional
methods of reaching members were also tested such as
personal phone calls, advertising, Floating Classroom
handouts and email blasts. A new member campaign
was put in place mid-summer through the membership
committee. This was a grass roots canvasing of
neighborhoods using neighborhood volunteers.
The results from these new and added initiatives
had a very favorable result. In 2011, we added 151 new
members to our roster.
Although many strides were made in increasing
both members and donations, we did not have the
ambitious results that we were hoping for. Ongoing
initiatives will continue to grow and expand these
efforts in the coming year. Special appeals will also
continue to increase support in all other areas such as
paying off the West Brook Conservation Initiative,
Asian Clam eradication, growing the Second Century
Fund, increasing sponsorship dollars for the summer
gala and increasing membership in the Helen V.
Froehlich Legacy Society.
We celebrated our commitment and love of the
Lake at our Summer Splash Gala in July. The evening
was a huge fundraising AND friend-raising success.
The LGA netted over $65,000 through sponsorships,
ticket sales and a very extensive silent auction. This
was done with the help of a very active and ambitious
chairperson and Committee. The event was another
sell out. Less than one week after the event, plans
were already under way for the 2012 event with our
chairperson, Cheryl Lamb, agreeing to stay on for yet
another year.
Thanks to all of our friends who became members
this year or renewed memberships, supported our gala
and have been there when we needed you most! If
you are not a current member, we ask you to consider
joining our dedicated group of supporters in our
continuing efforts to protect the Lake for the next
generation and beyond!
The promotion of the Helen
V. Froehlich Legacy Society to
our members and long-time
supporters also continues to
help ensure long-term financial
stability. The special HVF
Society pins have been a hit
and generate excitement from those wearing them
to various LGA functions. A plaque listing current
members is prominently displayed in the conference
room and at all LGA functions.
Our HVF Legacy Society members include:
J. Buckley Bryan, Jr.
Nancy Cobb-Zoll & Keith Zoll
Holly and Bob de Buys
Mike and Kathy Dier
Linda F. Donaldson
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Dutcher
David and Judy Forshay
Karen and Glen Larkin
Walt and Jane Lender
Derek and Anna Nolan
Donald G. Piper
Tyler Smith
Michael Weber
President Victor Hershaft (Bolton Landing)
Executive Vice President Robert de Buys (Hague)
Vice Presidents William Dutcher (Pilot Knob) Matt Finley
(Diamond Point) Cheryl Lamb (Bolton Landing)
Treasurer Daniel Behan, Jr. (Saratoga Springs)
Secretary Graham Bailey (Hague)
Directors Salim Amersi (Lake George) Bruce Ashby (Bolton
Landing) J. Buckley Bryan, Jr. (Bolton Landing) James N.
Casaccio (Diamond Point) Daniel Davies (Dunham’s Bay)
Michael Grasso (Lake George) H. Thomas Jarrett, PE (Glens
Falls) Cathy LaBombard (Huletts Landing) Karen Larkin
(Cleverdale) Frank Lasch (Kattskill Bay) John Schaninger
(Huletts Landing)
Emeritus Board Dr. Barbara Chick, Alison Craig, Buzz Lamb, John
Lynch, George Singer
Advisory Board George Beaudoin, Keith Ferguson, Robert Flacke, Ray
Freud, William P. Gates, Andrea Maranville, Peter Menzies, Douglas
Legal Counsel Matthew F. Fuller, Esq.
Executive Director C. Walter Lender
Director of Membership Development Nancy Cobb-Zoll
Director of Education Emily M. DeBolt
Project/GIS Manager Randy G. Rath
Watershed Educator Kristen Rohne
Educator Jill Trunko
Communications Coordinator Lynne Rosenthal
Office Manager Mona Seeger
Our Mission Statement
“Working together to protect,
conserve and improve the beauty
and quality of the
Lake George Basin.”
Please consider joining these individuals who have
arranged to leave a legacy so that future generations
will enjoy Lake George in the way we all do today.
The Lake George Association is a
501(c)(3) non-profit membership
organization, established in 1885. All
donations are tax-deductible to the
extent allowed by law.
The paper used for this annual report
was produced and donated with pride by
the employees of International Paper’s
Ticonderoga mill. The wood fiber comes from
Adirondack forests that have been managed
responsibly for more than a century and are
harvested according to the principles of the
Sustainable Forestry Initiative and the Forest
Stewardship Council.
LGA staff. Left to right: Lynne Rosenthal, Walt Lender, Kristen
Rohne, Nancy Cobb-Zoll, Jill Trunko, Randy Rath, Mona
Seeger, and Emily DeBolt.
LGA 2012 Annual Report - 23
Lake George Association
P.O. Box 408
Lake George, NY 12845
Nonprofit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 511
Glens Falls, NY
These dedicated volunteers donate their time, talents, and energy
to the planning and execution of the LGA’s essential lake protection
programs, including education and outreach, lake quality monitoring, lake saving projects, and special events. Thank you!
Cover and inside backdrop photographs provided by Carl Heilman II.
For more information on Carl’s books:
Contemporary Landscape Photography
and Lake George, as well as his workshops
on Landscape Photography and Photoshop visit:
Lake George Association /
Rolly Allen
Salim Amersi
Bruce Ashby
Jim Ashley
Graham and Sheryl Bailey
Rick and Marianne Bartlett
Beckett-Chimney Corners YMCA
Dan Behan, Jr.
Katy Boxley
Sally Boyd
Buck Bryan and
Denise Smith-Bryan
Benjamin Callahan
John Carr
Jim Casaccio
Dan Davies
Bob de Buys
David Diehl
Bill Dutcher
Ken Engler
Laura Esterling
Matt Finley
Richard Gasser
Michael Grasso
Ann Green
Tom Harding
Connie Gerarde Niles
Robin Hearburg
Victor Hershaft
Karin Hyman
Nancy Hyman
Bob Irvin
Tom Jarrett
Sally Kelly
Cathy LaBombard
Patrick Labruzzo
Buzz and Cheryl Lamb
Karen Larkin
Frank Lasch
Peter Leyh
Chris Mckenna
Joanne Mueller
Julie and Irwin Nathanson
Ken and Sandy Parker
Alex Pezzuoli
Ken and Jane Robbins
Margaret Schadler
John Schaninger
Richard Seeger
Fran Sloatman
Ron Stango
Roger Summerhayes
Anne Thomas
Dave Thomas
Kirby and Martha VanVleet
Warren County Youth Court
Susan and Roger Wilson
PO Box 408, Lake George, NY 12845 / 518-668-3558 /