DESIGN A M ) IMPLEMENTATION OF A SINGLE PHASE BI-DIRECTIONAL DC-DC CONVERTER MEGAT AZAHARI BIN CTIIJI.AN This thesis is submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Master of Engineering (Electrical Energy and Power System) Faculty of Engineering University of Malaya AUGUST 2007 UNIVERSITY M A L A Y A ORIGINAL LITERARY W O R K D E C L A R A T I O N Name of Candidate: M E G A T A Z A H A R I BIN C H U L A N (I.C/PassportNo: 670930-08-6115) Registration/Matric No: K G D 030015 Name of Degree: M A S T E R OF E N G I N E E R I N G Title of Project Paper/Research Report/Dissertation/Thesis ("this Work"): DESIGN AND I M P L E M E N T A T I O N OF A SINGLE PHASE BI-DIRECTIONAL DC-DC C O N V E R T E R Field of Study: ELECTRICAL E N E R G Y A N D P O W E R S Y S T E M I do solemnly and sincerely declare that: (1) I am the sole author/writer of this work. (2) This Work is original. (3) Any use of any work in which copyright exists was done by way of fair dealing for permitted purposes and any excerpt or extract from, or reference to or reproduction of any copyright work has been disclosed expressly and sufficiently and the title of the Work and its authorship have been acknowledged in this Work. n (4) I do not have any actual knowledge nor ought I reasonably to know that the making of this work constitutes an infringement of any copyright work. (5) I hereby assign all every rights in the copyright to this Work to the University of Malaya ("UM"), who henceforth shall be the copyright in this Work and that any reproduction or use in any form or by any means whatsoever is prohibited without the written consent of U M having been first had and obtained. (6) I am fully aware that if in the course of making this Work I have infringed any copyright whether intentionally or otherwise, I may be subject to legal action or any other action as may be determined by UM. Candidate's Signature Date Subscribed and solemnly declared before, Witness's Signature Name: Designation: Date ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to thank Allah Almighty for blessing and giving me strength to accomplish this thesis. I also would like to acknowledge Dr. Saad Mekhilef for his continuous guidance, help and encouragement throughout the work. Without his commitment, this dissertation would not have been possible. He has helped me to concentrate all my efforts on this work and encouraged me to have the confidence in my project. Many of my accomplishments would not been realize without his dedication to work hard. Thank to Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) in providing me the financial assistant along the period of my study in this university. Special thanks and appreciation goes to all my friends especially Suhaimi, Zaihan, Fadzil, Liliwati, Mr. Rahim and people either in U M and U T H M for their help at various occasion. Lastly, my warmest thanks go to my mother and my family for their support. My highest appreciation goes to my loving wife, Saemah Ariffin, and all my loving children, Megat Hafiz, Siti Radhiah, Siti Shahirah, Nurshahida and Megat Haziq for their unconditional support and love that continuously fed my strength desire to succeed. iv ABSTRACT High frequency bi-directional dc-dc converters are currently widely used in a diversity of power electronic applications. In order to interconnect the various D C sources at different voltage levels, one requires bi-directional DC/DC converters capable of converting the voltage from one level to another whilst also able to control the direction of power flow through the converter. The use of a bi-directional dc-dc converter in motor drives devoted to Electric Vehicles (EV) allows a suitable control of both motoring and regenerative braking operations. A bi-directional arrangement of the converter is needed for the reversal of the power flow, in order to recover the vehicle kinetic energy in the battery by means of motor drive regenerative braking operations. A full-bridge, single phase inverter and converter that uses Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to control the power switches was constructed. The concept of P W M with different strategies for converter is described. The P W M was produced with a simple circuit and using several chips and devices that are easily available in the market. The P W M signals are simulated using OrCAD simulation tools. M O S F E T IRF520 is used for high frequency switching in both sides inverter and converter. An isolation transformer (ratio 1:1) is used between inverter outputs and input of bi-directional of DC-DC converter. The proposed converter has the advantages of high switching frequency, high efficiency, simple circuit, low cost and bi-directional power flow. The detailed design and operating principles are analyzed and described. The simulation and experimental waveforms for the proposed converter are shown to verify its feasibility. v T A B L E OF C O N T E N T S DECLARATION ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v T A B L E OF C O N T E N T S vi LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF S Y M B O L xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiv LIST OF APPENDICES xv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction to Power Electronics 1 1.1 Significance of Power Electronics 2 1.2 Basic switch application 3 1.3 Power Semiconductor Devices 4 1.4 Power Converters 8 1.5 Pulse Width Modulation 10 1.6 Snubber circuit for power semiconductor devices 12 1.7 Objectives of the Project 13 1.8 Outline of the thesis 13 vi CHAPTER 2 L I T E R A T U R E REVIEW 15 2.0 Introduction 15 2.1 Pulse width modulated controller 15 2.2 Digital P W M Controller 16 2.3 Soft-Switching technique 17 2.4 Reduce current stresses 18 2.5 Converter topologies 20 2.6 Zero Voltage Switching and Zero Current Switching 21 2.7 High switching frequency 22 CHAPTER 3 PULSE W I D T H M O D U L A T I O N 25 3.0 Introduction 25 3.1 Digital P W M Technique 27 3.2 Sinusoidal P W M 28 3.2.1 30 Natural Sampling Technique vii BI-DIRECTIONAL DC-DC CONVERTER CHAPTER 4 33 4.0 Introduction 33 4.1 Power semiconductor switching device 34 4.2 Switching m o d e operation 36 4.2.1 Operation Scheme 36 4.2.2 Design of inverter using O r C A D simulation tools 37 4.3 Reverse recovery characteristics 39 4.4 Snubber circuit 43 4.4.1 44 4.5 Snubber Chosen IRF 520, N-Channel Power M O S F E T CHAPTER 5 DEVOLOPMENT OF PWM 45 46 5.0 Introduction 46 5.1 Generating P W M 46 5.2 Design and implement of P W M 47 5.2.1 Precision W a v e f o r m Generator (ICL8038) 49 5.2.2 Modulating Signal 49 5.2.3 High Frequency Carrier Signal 52 5.3 Buffer 52 5.4 Comparator LM311 53 5.5 Pulse Divider 55 5.6 Gate Driver 57 viii CHAPTER 6 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION 59 6.0 Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter Circuit 59 6.1 Mode operation of the converter 61 6.2 LC Filter 62 6.3 Isolation transformer 64 6.3.1 Design of isolation Transformers 65 CHAPTER 7 SIMULATION AND E X P E R I M E N T A L R E S U L T S 66 7.0 Introduction 66 7.1 P W M OrCAD Simulation Results 67 7.2 P W M experimental results 70 7.3 Inverter simulation results 72 7.4 Experimental Results 74 7.4.1 Inverter 74 7.4.2 One directional DC-DC converter 75 7.4.3 Bi-directional DC-DC converter 76 Input and output using batteries 79 7.5 CHAPTER 8 81 CONCLUSION 8.0 Concluding Remarks 81 8.1 Author's Contribution 81 8.2 Suggestions of Area for Future Works 82 List of References 83 Appendix A 93 LIST OF FIGURES No. of figures Titles Pages Figure 1.1 Two-quadrant switches of bi-directional current 3 Figure 1.2 Power M O S F E T characteristics and its integral body 3 diode Figure 3.1 P W M signals of varying duty cycles 26 Figure 3.2 Ideal sinusoidal P W M 29 Figure 3.3 Regular symmetric sampling strategy 31 Figure 3.4 Regular Asymmetrical sampling strategy 32 Figure 4.1 Block diagram of overall interconnection for P W M and 33 Converter Figure 4.2 A Bi-directional DC-DC Converter 34 x Figure 4.3 P W M switching timing pattern 35 Figure 4.4 Scheme for converting D C to AC 36 Figure 4.5 Schematic diagram of Full bridge inverter 38 Figure 4.6 Schematic diagram of P W M 38 Figure 4.7 Output of inverter design 39 Figure 4.8 Reverse recovery characteristics 40 Figure 4.9 Reverse recovery circuit and waveform 41 Figure 4.10 Series connected snubber 44 Figure 4.11 Model of IRF520 45 Figure 5.1 Function Diagram 48 Figure 5.2 General Schematic Precision Waveform Generators 48 Figure 5.3 Complete Circuit Precision Sine Waveform Generator 50 Figure 5.4 Modulating Signals 51 Figure 5.5 High Frequency Carrier Signal 52 Figure 5.6 Ideal Buffer schematic 52 Figure 5.7 Buffer amplifier 53 Figure 5.8 Schematic of the comparator stage 53 Figure 5.9 Practical input comparator sine wave and triangle wave 54 Figure 5.10 Practical output comparator LM311 P W M generation 54 Figure 5.11 Practical output comparator LM311 P W M generation 55 (50 kHz) Figure 5.12 P W M and divider/switcher pulse 56 Figure 5.13 Practical output switcher and P W M through A N D gate 56 Figure 5.14 Output A N D gate is obtained P W M (4V) 57 xii Figure 5.15 Schematic diagram of gate driver 58 Figure 5.16 High frequency switching P WM 58 Figure 6.1 Schematic of Bi-directional DC-DC Converter 59 Figure 6.2 Output of P W M switching pattern 60 Figure 6.3 Mode operation 1 &2 61 Figure 6.4 Mode Operation 4&5 62 Figure 6.5 Pie Filter for Inverter 63 Figure 6.6 Transformer current and transformer voltage 64 Figure 7.1 Schematic diagram of single phase bidirectional 66 converter Figure 7.2 Schematic diagram of P W M generation 67 Figure 7.3(a) Sine waveform and triangle waveform 68 Figure 7.3(b) P W M signals after comparator LM311 68 Figure 7.3(c) P W M signals switching pattern 69 Figure 7.4 Sine waveform and triangle waveform 70 Figure 7.5 P W M signal 70 Figure 7.6 P W M signal before gate driver 71 Figure 7.7 P W M signal after gate driver 71 Figure 7.8 Complete P W M for full bridge switching 72 Figure 7.9 Output inverter before filter 73 Figure7.10 Output inverter after LC filter 73 Figure 7.11 Output inverter from unfiltered output 74 Figure 7.12 Output inverter from filtered output 74 Figure 7.13 Inverter and converter outputs 75 xii Figure 7.14 Inverter, voltage and current output 76 Figure 7.15 Inverter and Bi-directional D C - D C converter output 77 Figure 7.16 Input and output Bi-directional D C - D C converter 77 Figure 7.17 Output of Bi-directional D C - D C converter 78 Figure 7.18 Output Current of Bi-directional D C - D C converter 78 Figure 7.19 Bidirectional converter with external supply 79 Figure 7.20 Initial result 80 Figure 7.21 Result when applied external voltage supply 80 L I S T OF S Y M B O L S Symbols: (i Micro (10" 6 ) I Sum <d Omega (p Phase displ C Capacitanc< f Frequency k Kilo (10 3 ) L Inductor m mili (10*3) M Mega (10 6 ) xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations AC Alternating Current ADC Analog to Digital Converter ASIC Application Specific Integrator BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor CFI Current Fed Inverter CVCF Constant Voltage and Constant Frequency DC Direct Current DCM Discontinuous Conducting Mode DSP Digital Signal Processor EV Electric Vehicles GAL General Array Logic GTO Gate Turn-Off HVDC High Voltage Direct Current IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor KV Kilo-Volt MOD Modulus MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor NS Natural Sampling PAL Programmable Array Logic PWM Pulse Width Modulation PPM/°C Part Per Million RAS Regularly Asymmetric Sampling RMS Root mean square RSS Regular Symmetric Sampling SPWM Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation THD Total Harmonic Distortion TTL Transistor-transistor Logic U/D Up Down UP University Program UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply VFI Voltage Fed Inverter ZCS Zero Current Switching zvs Zero Voltage Switching LIST OF A P P E N D I X No. of appendix Title Appendix A Pictures of hardware implementation CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction to Power Electronic 1.0.1 History of Power Electronic devices Power Electronics began with the introduction of the mercury arc rectifier in 1900. This was followed by the first electronic revolution which began in 1948 with the invention of the silicon transistor. The second electronic revolution began in 1958 with the development of the thyristor. This caused the beginning of a new era for power electronics, since many power semiconductor devices and power conversion techniques were introduced using thyristors. Next, was the microelectronics revolution which gave the ability to process a huge amount of data in a very short time. The power electronics revolution which merges power electronics and microelectronics provides the ability to control large amounts of power in a very efficient manner. Power electronics have already found an important placc in modern technology and are now used in a great variety of high-power products, including motor controls, power supplies and High Voltage Direct Current (VHDC) systems [1], 1 1.0.2 Definition of Power Electronics Power Electronics is defined as the application of solid-state electronics for the control and conversion of electric power. Power Electronics is based on the switching of power semiconductor devices whose power handling capabilities and switching speeds have improved tremendously over the years. It is presently playing an important role in modern technology and is used in a variety of high power products e.g. motor controls, heat controls, light controls and power supplies. [2] 1.1 Significance of Power Electronics The demands for control of electric power exist for many years. The generation, transmission, and distribution of electric power are almost Alternating Current (AC) today. But in industry, transportation, agriculture, and everyday life often demand Direct Current (DC) power. In any technically and economically defined situation, it is necessary to provide the most suitable form of energy to meet the demand of user [3]. Power Electronics can process the power in two forms, AC and DC. For AC, it can be processed by magnitude and frequency and for DC by magnitude only [4], 2 1.2 Basic switch application m=l rrri K-K13 03710 Currentbidirectional two-quadrant switch nnti cf-rja relari Voltagebidirectional tv/o-quadrant sv/itch (a) Current •rclnra (b) voltage Figure 1.1: Two-quadrant switches of bi-directional current. / on (transistor conducts) on on (diode v H conducts) (a) Characteristics G: (b) Integral body diode Figure 1.2: Power MOSFET characteristics and its integral body diode 1.2.1 Voltage and Current bi-directional two-quadrant switches There are several characteristics of power MOSFET [2]: 1) Usually an active switch, controlled by terminal C (gate). 2) Normally operated as two quadrant switch. 3) Can conduct positive or negative on-state current 4) Can block positive off-state voltage 5) Provided that the intended ON-state and OFF-state operating points lie on the composite i-v characteristic, then switch can be realized as shown in Figure 1.2. Controllable switches can be turned on and off by low-power control signals (e.g. BJT, MOSFET, IGBT, GTO). E3 Power Semiconductor Devices Power semiconductor devices are divided into five different groups: I) power diodes II) thyristors III) power Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) IV) power Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFETs) V) insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) 1.3.1 Power Diodes A diode is a two terminal device consisting of an anode and a cathode. The diode conducts when its anode voltage is more positive than that of the cathode. If the cathode voltage is more positive than its anode voltage, the diode is said to be in the blocking mode. There are three types of power diode: i) General purpose 4 ii) High speed (or fast recovery) - used for high frequency switching of power converters iii) Schottky - have low on state voltage and very small recovery time, typically nanoseconds 1.3.2 Thyristors A thyristor is a three terminal device consisting of an anode, a cathode and a gate. It is physically made up of four layers of alternate p-type and n-type silicon semiconductor. The terminals connected to the ending p-type and the n-type layers are the anode and cathode respectively. This configuration will give three p-n junctions. When the anode is held more positive than the cathode, two of the p-n junctions are forward biased, offering very little resistance, and one is reverse biased, offering high resistance. When a small current is passed through the gate to cathode circuit, and the anode is at a higher potential than the cathode, the thyristor conducts current from anode to cathode. In other words when triggered the thyristor has approximately the same characteristics as a single diode. Once the thyristor has been turned on, the gate circuit looses control of the thyristor and the forward voltage drop across the device is very small (in the region of 0.5 to 2V). Once on, the device loses control over the anode current, and the only way to turn it off is to reduce the anode current below some value referred to as the holding value. This can be achieved in one of two ways: 5 i) by making the anode potential equal or less than the cathode potential, due to the sinusoidal nature of an ac voltage which is . called line commutation ii) 1.3.3 By using of an auxiliary as in the case of forced-commutation. Power Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) These are three terminal devices consisting of emitter, base and collector which operates as a switch in the common emitter configuration. These devices are turned-on when the base-emitter junction is forward biased with the base current sufficiently large to drive the device into saturation. Under these conditions, the collector-emitter voltage drops in a range of 0.5 to 1,5 V. If the base-emitter junction is reversed biased the device switches to the off or non-conducting state. 1.3.4 Power MOSFETs The power MOSFET is the high power version of the low power with typical ratings of tens of amperes and hundreds of volts. Both "n-channel" and "p-channel" devices are being made, but the former are available in higher ratings because the electrons have a higher mobility than holes inside the silicon crystal. Although the working principle of a power MOSFET is the same as that of its low power version, there are significant differences in the internal geometry. 6 MOSFETs have a "planar" structure. This means that all the terminals of the device are on one side of the silicon pellet. Therefore the internal current flow paths are parallel to the surface of the pellet. Power MOSFETs have a vertical structure, meaning that the current flow is across the pellet, between its power terminals, which make contact on opposite sides of it. This results in lower internal voltage drop and higher current capability. A power MOSFET can be used either as a static switch or for analog operation. The main considerations in this choice are: 1) Power MOSFET is a voltage controlled device, which requires negligible current in its control terminal to maintain the ON state. 2) Power MOSFETs have relatively shorter switching times. Therefore they can be used at higher switching frequencies. 3) The internal junction structure of a power MOSFET is such that there exists a diode path in the reverse direction across the main terminals of the switch. Therefore it is, in effect, parallel combinations of two static switches are controlled switch for forward current flow and an uncontrolled diode switch for reverse currents. The device is turned-off when the gate voltage is removed power. MOSFET possesses faster switching speeds than power BJTs. 1.3.5 Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBTs) The IGBT is a three terminal device consisting of gate, emitter and collector. It combines the low on-state voltage drop characteristics of the BJT with the excellent switching characteristics and high input impedance of the MOSFET. They are available in current 7