Student Handbook for Curtin College

This handbook has been
designed to assist you
during your studies at
Curtin College.
Getting Started
Student Conduct
Student Support
Student Life
Campus Facilities
International Students 29
General Information
Dear Student,
Congratulations on being accepted
into Curtin College and commencing
an exciting and rewarding study
pathway to Curtin University.
The most important thing to remember
if you are having any difficulties, is to let
somebody at Curtin College know so that
we can try and help you.
Whether you are an international student
coming from a culture and an environment
that is different from Australia’s, or you
are a local student, settling into your
studies and feeling comfortable in a new
environment may take a little time.
This Handbook has been designed to assist
you in your studies at Curtin College. We
hope that you enjoy your time with us,
both as a student of Curtin College and as
a member of Curtin University.
Ensuring you have a rich and rewarding
experience during your studies at Curtin
College is very important to us. If you
do have difficulties (either academic or
personal) Curtin College has a lot of great
support services and committed staff to
Mr Andrew Crevald
College Director and Principal
assist you.
1 Vision
To educate with passion, for our
students and their success at Curtin
University and in the future.
2 Mission
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We welcome you into the Curtin
College community and wish you
every success with your studies.
Curtin College will be the first choice pathway
college for students wishing to progress to
degree courses at Curtin University.
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Welcome to
Curtin College
Orientation will help prepare you for your
time at Curtin College so that you will feel
comfortable and confident when starting
your studies with us.
All students may be asked to show their
student card at any time on campus to
verify enrolment, and must present their
card during examinations.
During orientation you will learn about the
College and the services available to you
on campus; have the opportunity to ask
questions about your course; be shown how
to use the Curtin College Student Portal
and where to access information about
your units of study; and other relevant
Student cards can be obtained from Curtin
University Student Central – Building 101.
You must take your current Curtin College
timetable and photo identification (e.g.
passport or drivers licence) to get your card.
Orientation is also the opportunity to meet
other students that you will be studying
with. Our Orientation Leaders are current
or past students who have been selected by
staff to assist throughout the day, and can
answer questions about life at Curtin College.
Student Cards
All Curtin College students must obtain
a student card which has a number of
uses. This card not only identifies you as a
current Curtin College student, it also acts
as a library card, and access card to the
College (Building 205) and its computer labs.
Page 3
Public Transport
Concession Card
All full-time students are eligible for
concession fares on public buses, trains
and ferries operated by Transperth.
To obtain concession fares you must have
a concession SmartRider card.
Students can obtain a SmartRider card
from various Transperth agencies and also
from the Curtin Bookshop (Building 200).
Cards can be activated via the Student Portal.
Students must carry a Student ID card with
them at all times when using your SmartRider
card, otherwise they could be issued with a fine.
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For more information on SmartRider cards
or public transport timetables, please visit
the Transperth website:
P: 13 62 13
Parking is offered to all students on campus
through a Pay As You Go system.
Students are required to register their
vehicle via the following website:
Four parking zones are available:
• Green zone | All day | $3 per day
• Yellow zone | All day | $4 per hour
• Orange zone | 4 hour | $1 per hour
• Blue zone | Visitors | $3.40 per hour
When you arrive at campus you need to
register the start of your parking session
via your mobile phone. If using timed
parking zones you must also end your
parking session via your mobile phone.
For further information, visit Curtin Parking
in Building 115, or their website:
of week 2 of each study period, changes
after this date will require approval from
an academic adviser. Appointments can be
made at reception.
Once your timetable has been created you
must adhere to the times as attendance is
recorded at every class.
Academic Calendars
The College has two different study calendars.
Students studying Certificate IV,
Tertiary Access Program, Diploma of
Commerce; Arts & Creative Industries;
and Built Environment follow the
trimester calendar.
Students studying the Diploma of
Engineering, IT or Health Sciences
follow the semester calendar.
The calendars listing the start and
end dates of each study period can
be downloaded from the Curtin
College website:
Click to view Academic Calendar for
Trimester Students >
Click to view Academic Calendar for
Semester Students >
During Orientation you will select your
subjects and create your timetable. Please
note that rooms and class times are
subject to change so you must regularly
check to see if your timetable has been
Timetables can be adjusted until Friday
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Your Rights &
Student Conduct
It is important to understand what is
considered acceptable behaviour for
students at Curtin College. Although it is
typical in Australia to have an informal
relationship between staff and students
certain obligations apply to you; as a
Curtin College student it is expected that
you will:
• attend all your classes,
• actively participate in all your classes,
• check the student portal daily, be well
informed and respond to emails,
• meet with fellow students for group
work times as arranged, unless
prevented by genuine illness,
• submit assignments on time,
• abide by the College’s rules and
• pay your tuition fees by due dates,
• familiarise yourself with the College’s
• keep your contact details and personal
details up to date on the student
Classroom Etiquette
Decisions concerning matters of both
classroom management and assessments
ultimately lie with lecturers. However,
students are encouraged to speak with
Page 5
their Lecturers should they have concerns
about their attendance, academic
performance or class participation for a
particular unit.
Students who are unable to resolve issues
directly with their Lecturer can seek
advice and assistance from the Program
Coordinator, or the Student Advisory
Mobile Phones
Please ensure your mobile phone is
switched off during lectures, around
teaching areas and in the library.
Discipline and Misconduct
All students are expected to conduct
themselves in a quiet and orderly manner
at all times and respect the rights, property
and privacy of others.
Students in breach of the common rules of
discipline within an academic environment
will be referred to the Academic Director.
Where a breach of discipline is particularly
serious or deemed to be misconduct, the
College’s Misconduct Committee may meet
to discuss and resolve the matter. Students
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College Policies are available on the
Student Portal and at:
For more details refer to the Student
Misconduct Policy on the Curtin College
Student Contact Details
or via the following links:
All students are required to provide a
current Australian address and phone
number on the Student Portal and must
update these details whenever they change.
If you are an international student on a
student visa you are required to provide
the College with an Australian address
and a telephone number within 7 days
of commencing classes or moving to a
new residence. You must also provide the
College with your address in your home
If you are under 18, please refer to the
Under-age Students (Minors) section in
this handbook for details on how to change
your contact details.
Students are entitled to protection of
their privacy. Curtin College has security
systems, policies and procedures in place
to ensure student’s personal information is
If you wish to change your privacy settings,
please complete the Request to View
or Change Personal Information form
available from the Student Portal (Forms &
Info/Forms & Documents/Service Related).
We recommend that you read our Privacy
Policy on the Curtin College website.
Page 6
• Academic Integrity Policy
• Admissions and Student Selection
• Appeals Policy
• Assessment and Moderation Policy
• Awards and Graduation Policy
• Bullying Harassment & Discrimination
• Code of Conduct
• Complaints Policy
• Conceded Passes Policy
• Copyright Policy
• Credit for Recognised Learning Policy
• Deferral and Withdrawal Policy
• Disability Policy
• English Language Support Policy
• Enrolment Policy
• Entry Requirements Policy
• Equal Opportunity Policy
• Family Bursary Policy
• Health and Safety Policy
• IT Acceptable Use Policy
• Late Submissions Guidelines
• Lost Property Policy
• Notifying Designated Authorities
• Privacy Policy
• Progress & Attendance Policy
• Progression Rules for all Courses
• Quality and Continuous Improvement
• Refund Policy
• Records Management Policy
• Scholarship Policy
• Student Misconduct Policy
< Home
Links to Curtin College Policies
may be expelled or suspended from the College
on the recommendation of the Misconduct
Committee to the Academic Director.
Index >
Links to Curtin College Policies
• Student Welfare, Counselling &
Support Policy
• Supplementary Assessment Policy
• Transfer Between Registered Providers
• Tuition Assurance Local students
• Tuition Assurance International
• Tuition Fees and Charges Policy
• Under-age Student Management
Regular class attendance is important for
academic success. Attendance at Curtin
College is monitored and where attendance
falls below 80%, students will be reported
to the Academic Director.
It is very important that you attend all
your classes. However, there may be times
that you may have valid reasons for not
attending your class (for example: if you
are sick). If this is the case then you have
the may either attend a repeat class in
the same week (if it is available) or apply
to have your absence approved. Students
must complete an Explained Absence Form
which is available on the Student Portal
under Forms & Info/Forms and Documents/
This form must be signed by your lecturer
and submitted to reception within ten days
of the missed class.
For more details refer to the Progress &
Attendance Policy on the Curtin College
Academic Integrity
Students at Curtin College enter an
academic environment which is bound
by certain rules of behaviour. Academic
Page 7
integrity refers to the fact that students
must uphold certain principles and follow
the rules of behaviour of the academic
Curtin College is committed to ensuring
that all students behave with academic
integrity. Therefore, it is essential that
students understand the principles
underlying academic integrity and behave
in a manner according to these principles.
Academic Misconduct is regarded as a
serious offence and includes:
•Unauthorized collaboration,
•Cheating in Tests/Examinations,
•Theft of other students’ work
(including any copying),
•Copying of visual representations,
(cartoons, line drawings, photos,
paintings, computer programs,
images, tables and graphs).
Plagiarism means presenting the work or
property of another person as one’s own,
without appropriate acknowledgement or
referencing. Students face serious penalties
for plagiarism depending on the level.
Penalties may include:
• Zero for the assignment,
• Failure of the unit and/or
• Suspension from the course.
Each offence is recorded in the student
notes and in the plagiarism records
sheet; be aware that each offence counts,
regardless of which subject it occurs in.
Cheating is considered dishonest conduct
in any assessment. For more details refer
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to the Academic Integrity Policy and
Student Misconduct Policy on the Curtin
College website.
Turnitin is online web-based text-matching
software that works by comparing
electronically submitted papers to billions
of pages of content located on the Internet
and proprietary databases as well as the
work of other students whose papers have
also been submitted into the system.
Curtin College uses this software to provide
a valuable addition to existing methods
supporting the College’s Academic Integrity.
When student papers are submitted to
Turnitin, the paper will become a permanent
online record of the work. Sections of
the papers that match other sources are
highlighted and identified. This generates
an Originality Report which is made
available to the Lecturer concerned. The
Lecturer will determine the quality of the
Originality Report and use it to assess
whether parts identified by Turnitin as
non-original may be reasonably considered
as plagiarism. Students will be advised by
their Lecturer whether they are required to
submit their assessment to this system.
For further information about using
Turnitin please contact your lecturer or
course coordinator. General information
about the Turnitin program can be found at
Students should use the CHICAGO 16th
Edition referencing style when preparing
assignments. More information can be
found on this style from the Library
www website:
Page 8
Students have the right to appeal any
academic decision that affects them,
and the College has formal processes for
dealing with these. There are four separate
processes depending on whether the appeal
is related to:
In class Assessments
Upon notification of the mark awarded for
an assessment item, a student who believes
that their result is incorrect or unfair may
submit an appeal against their mark.
Final Result Appeal
Upon notification of the final result,
students who believe that their result is
incorrect or unfair may submit an appeal
against their mark.
Termination and Conditional Status
A student who has received notification of
their terminated or conditional academic
status may appeal this decision.
Appeal Against Admission
Anyone dissatisfied with the outcome of
their application to attend Curtin College,
can appeal this decision.
For more details refer to the Appeals Policy www
on the Curtin College website.
Under-age Students
If a student at the College is under the age of
18 Australian law considers them to be a minor
and as such the College takes special interest in
the welfare and development of minors.
International Students
Prior to having a student visa issued, a student’s
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parent/s or legal guardian/s have to satisfy the
College that appropriate arrangements have
been made for accommodation, welfare and
general support for the student whilst they are a
minor studying at the College.
A Student Advisor will contact the local
carer of the minor each study period to
check that the minor is keeping to the
arrangements that have been approved
by their parents and the College prior to
Minors must not move from their approved
accommodation without first providing
a letter from their parents stating they
approve of the new accommodation,
welfare and general support arrangements.
It is a requirement under law that ALL
students keep Curtin College informed of
living arrangements.
If you do not wish to stay in home stay
accommodation arranged by the College
or with your parents, then your parents or
legal guardians can appoint a Local Carer
for you to live with. Your Local Carer must:
•be living in Perth,
•be at least 21 years of age,
•be readily available for the student,
•have Working with Children and/or
Police clearance.
For more information please refer to the
Under-age Student Management Policy on
the Curtin College website.
Late Arrival
Diploma students must be enrolled and
ready to commence study at the College by
the end of week one.
students must be enrolled and ready to
commence study at the College by the end
of week two.
Attendance is taken from week one regardless
of when the student enrols. Students failing
to return to study on time will be withdrawn
from their course. International students may
be reported to DIBP for non-commencement
of studies. Students that have enrolled but
fail to return to study may incur a financial
penalty upon withdrawal.
For more details refer to the Enrolment
Policy and Refund Policy on the Curtin
College website.
Course Withdrawal
A student may request to withdraw from
their course at any time during the study.
They must discuss the matter with a
member of the Student Advisory team. The
Student Advisor will provide information
on the ramifications of withdrawing so the
student can make an informed decision.
If a student wishes to proceed with their
withdrawal, the College will cancel their
International Students
The College will cancel the CoE(s) pertaining
to offer provided to the student. This will
include any CoE issued for study at Curtin
University if the student has a packaged
For more details refer to the Deferral and
Withdrawal Policy on the Curtin College
Certificate IV and Tertiary Access Program
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academic or financial penalty for dropping
a unit before the end of week 4.
After end of week 4 but before end
of week 9 - you may drop a unit by
submitting an Enrolment Variation Form
at Reception or making an appointment to
speak to an Academic Advisor. Academic
penalty: a grade of ‘W’ will be given. No
unit refund granted.
After end of week 9 - Academic penalty:
Trimesterised Students
Certificate IV, Tertiary Access Program,
Diploma of Commerce; Arts & Creative
Industries; Built Environment.
Students select units at the commencement
of each trimester via the Student Portal which
is accessed via the Curtin College website.
Diploma students should refer to the Course
Information brochure on the student portal
for the specified units required for the
degree they intend to undergo at Curtin
University and select units for their Diploma
Enrolment changes can be made according
to the following time line:
Before end of second week - you may
change your enrolment (adding or dropping
units) via the Student Portal. No units can
be added after the end of the second week.
After end of second week but before
end of Week 4 - you may drop a unit by
submitting an Enrolment Variation Form
at Reception or making an appointment to
speak to an Academic Advisor. There is no
Page 10
a grade of ‘F’ will be given. No unit refund
Semesterised Students
Diploma of Engineering, IT, and Health
Science Students
Enrolment procedures differ for Engineering,
IT and Health Science students. Details on
how to enrol are given out in orientation and
enrolment meetings before the semester
begins. Enrolment details and dates are
displayed in the Course Information section of
the Student Portal. Students may be required
to complete enrolment forms and select units
online as part of their enrolment process.
General Information
It is each students responsibility to ensure
that they enrol in the correct units required
to progress to the degree they wish to
pursue at Curtin University. Unit selection
information is available from the course
information brochures available on the
Curtin College website.
The College reserves the right to cancel
or withdraw units at its discretion.
Classes will only run if there is sufficient
enrolment numbers. In the event that
a class is cancelled, students may be
required to change to another class on a
different day or time.
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For more details refer to the Enrolment
Policy and Refund Policy on the Curtin
College website.
detailed in the unit outline. Assessments
may include assignments or essays, tests
or exams and oral presentations.
If you are an international student you
must be enrolled in at least 3 full load
subjects each study period to comply
with your student visa requirements.
Assessments can be submitted to reception
by the time and date as specified in the
unit outline or directly to the Lecturer.
Students must complete and attach an
‘Assignment Cover Sheet’, which can be
downloaded from the Portal (Forms & Info/
Forms & Documents). If reception is closed,
assessments can be submitted to the Late
Drop Box which is located in the Lecturers’
staff room door on Level 2 in Building 205
(Room 205.227). Assessments submitted
here will be stamped as received the next
working day.
You are only permitted to enrol in fewer
than 3 subjects if you have fewer than
3 subjects remaining to complete your
course or the Academic Advisor or
Academic Director has approved this on
the basis of academic intervention or
compelling and compassionate grounds.
Unit Outlines
A unit outline provides
information regarding unit
content, learning outcomes,
assessment dates, resource
requirements and contact information for
Lecturers/Coordinators of the unit.
Once enrolled in the unit, the student can
access the unit outline electronically under
the Moodle tab in the Student Portal.
It is important to retain all outlines for
future reference, especially if you decide
to change to another university where you
may be able to apply for transfer of credit. If
you wish to obtain previous study periods’
unit outlines, you can ask at Reception. Fees
may apply (see Fees below).
Each unit taught at Curtin College conducts
regular assessments throughout the study
period. The specific information, type and
frequency of assessments for each unit are
Page 11
Students should refer to unit outlines
for information on late submissions and
requests for extensions.
Lecturers will distribute marked assessments
in class, or will advise students of other
arrangements. Uncollected assessments
will be disposed of.
Text Books
The details of the textbooks you require
are detailed in each unit outline. The Curtin
University Bookshop stocks a wide range
of textbooks, stationery, art material,
computer equipment and much more.
Second-hand book sales
The College holds second-hand book
sales in Week 1 & 2 of each study period.
Students can purchase or sell used
textbooks for a significant discount on
new book. Details on the dates of the book
sales are sent to students via email and
advertised on posters around the College.
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The Curtin Student Guild also operates a
Second-hand Bookshop where students
can buy and sell used textbooks and other
study equipment including lab coats,
calculators and lecture pads. Secondhand textbooks can often be purchased for
considerably less than new books. The shop
is located in Building 106.
Examinations are conducted at the end of
each study period under supervision. An
exam timetable will be made available at
least two weeks before the examination
period. Students must attend scheduled
exams for their unit of study.
For more details refer to the Student Exam
Rules and Conduct available on the student
portal (Forms & Info/Forms & Documents).
Deferred Exams
As a result of exceptional circumstances
it is sometimes possible to undertake
a deferred exam. Deferred exams are
allowed when students can demonstrate
extraordinary personal circumstances
which are beyond their control which has
the potential to adversely affect their
ability to complete exams. Deferred tests
and examinations are granted at the
discretion of the College and there is no
guarantee that the application will be
approved. There may be a fee for a deferred
If you need to apply for a deferred exam,
you must complete the ‘Assessment
Deferral’ form available from the student
portal and submit it to reception or an
Academic Advisor within two days of
the originally scheduled test or exam.
Page 12
All supporting documents (for example:
medical certificates) must be attached to
the form.
For more details refer to ‘Student Exam
Rules and Conduct’ available on the
student portal (Forms & Info/Forms &
Supplementary assessments may only
be approved by the Board of Examiners
for students who have attempted all
assessments in a unit but have failed and
received a mark of not less than 45% (not
available for all service taught units in
the Diploma of Engineering or Diploma of
Health Science). Supplementary assessment
may only be granted to students with
Good Standing or Conditional academic
status. Students granted a supplementary
assessment will be notified by the College
through their student e-mail.
For more details refer to the Supplementary www
Assessment Policy on the Curtin College
High Distinction
High Distinction
High Distinction
Conceded Pass
Pass Grade Only
< Home
Index >
Not Complete (Fail)
Result Annulled Due
to Misconduct
Pass with
Fail with
Grade Not Submitted
Deferred Assessment
Academic Status
All students commence their course with
an academic status of ‘Good Standing’.
However less than satisfactory academic
performance will result in a review of
the status to either ‘Conditional’ or
1 or 2)
Curtin College monitors the academic
progress of each student’s performance
throughout their studies. Students are
assigned a status according to their
academic achievements in each study
period as detailed below:
Student may lodge an appeal against their
academic status in accordance with the
Appeals Policy.
For more details refer to the Progress and
Attendance Policy and the Appeals Policy
on the Curtin College website.
Page 13
The student is
achieving satisfactory
course progress and is
permitted to continue
in the course or has
changed to a new
course following the
of the College and is
permitted to re-enrol.
The student is at
risk of not achieving
satisfactory course
progress but is
permitted to continue
in the course and to
re-enrol, under specific
conditions set out
by the Curtin College
Board of Examiners.
The student has not
achieved satisfactory
course progress and is
terminated from the
College. The student
is not permitted to
continue or to change
course without formal
approval from the
College. International
students with
terminated status
will be in ‘default’ of
their Student Visa
Condition 8202
‘Achieving Satisfactory
Course Progress’.
The College will carry
out its regulatory
requirements and
report these students
as required under law.
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Index >
Extension Units at
Curtin University
Students in their final study period of the
Diploma with a maximum of two units to
complete may be permitted to enrol in
Curtin University second year extension
units (extension study). Extension units are
not offered across all courses and may be
limited by visa conditions.
In order to be eligible, students must have
a course average of 65% and must meet
with an Academic Advisor or Program
Coordinator to obtain a permission letter.
For more information please refer to the
Progression Rules for all Courses on the
Curtin College website.
Students who graduate from their Diploma
course will be presented their awards at an
annual ceremony. Invitations are sent to
graduating students via email. If graduating
students are unable attend the ceremony,
awards can be collected from reception or
students can request for the documents to
be mailed to a nominated address.
Awards that have not been collected
within 1 year of graduation will be sent to
the student’s permanent home address
recorded on the student database. Reprints
after this date will incur a $20 fee. The
College is not responsible for any returned
mail due to incorrect addresses recorded on
the student records.
by the Australian Skills Quality Authority
(Certificate IV) and Tertiary Education
Quality and Standards Agency (Diploma).
Statement of Academic Record
A Statement of Academic Record
(transcript) is a complete record of all
completed and attempted units. Students
will be issued with a transcript when they
graduate or withdraw from the College.
Extra copies of your Award or Statement of
Academic Record can be ordered at a cost
of $20 per copy.
For more details refer to the Awards and
Graduation Policy on the Curtin College
Curtin University
Curtin College students may use most of
Curtin University’s facilities.
Upon successful completion of the Diploma,
Curtin College students are eligible to enter
Curtin University as a year 2 student in the
associated degree. Students are required
to submit an application to commence
studies at Curtin University. A seminar is
held between weeks 8 to 12 for all Diploma
students in their final study period at
Curtin College. Students will be notified by
email of the session date and time.
On successful completion of a Certificate IV
or a Diploma, students will be issued with
a testamur (graduation certificate) that
is nationally recognized and accredited
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Index >
Curtin College provide support to students
as they adjust to living and studying in
Australia. The College can assist in resolving
problems which may affect the successful
completion of studies. Talking to staff and/
or other professionals is a good way to help
resolve issues which can affect a students
personal life or study. However, students
must be active in seeking information, asking
questions, and reading the correspondence
sent to them by Curtin College.
Please see the Student Portal and posters
around the College for more information.
Personal problems, concerns and worries
are a normal part of our lives, especially
for students adjusting to life in a new
environment. Stress, concerns or personal
problems are very common and can have a
significant impact on well-being and health
and also on academic performance.
If you are experiencing a personal problem
or are worried about something, it is
important you speak to someone.
Many students find it helpful to speak to
family or friends about problems they are
having. In some cases this works. However,
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Index >
there comes a point that despite the efforts
of those around you, you still feel like
things are not changing, negative thoughts
abound or you feel out of control of certain
aspects of your behaviour.
The Student Advisory Team are available to
confidentially discuss any general concerns
or issues you may have. It is not always
about looking for solutions; sometimes just
talking issues through can help.
Problems that students often discuss
• General stress, anxiety and worry
• Family problems (e.g. divorce, death
or illness of a family member)
• Health issues (e.g. long term illness,
• Accommodation (e.g. being evicted,
unsuitable living arrangements)
• Legal issues (e.g. being involved in an
accident, understanding contracts)
• Financial (e.g. inability to pay tuition
If the Advisors are unable to assist you
they can also refer you to a professional
who can help (e.g. Curtin Counselling).
Adjusting to a New Environment
Curtin College has qualified staff to support
you as you adjust to living and studying in
Australia and/or to assist you in resolving
problems which may affect the successful
completion of your studies.
Talking to qualified staff and/or other
professionals is a good way to help resolve
issues which are affecting your personal life
or study.
Every student adapts to the new environment
differently. Upon arriving in Australia you
may feel confused and tired or anxious.
Page 16
It is also possible that you feel excited or
Over the initial weeks and months of
coming to Curtin College it is likely that
you will experience other emotions that are
quite different to the way you felt initially
(or are feeling now).
There is a process that students may go
Stage 1: Honeymoon Phase
Often this is characterized by a sense of
excitement because everything is new. This
might be during Orientation or the first few
weeks of the study period.
Stage 2: Culture Shock
As the academic demands of College
begin to appear, you might begin to feel
overwhelmed and perhaps worried.
You may be experiencing a new language,
a new climate, new friends, new food, new
ways of learning and also a new sense of
independence. This often happens about
week four or five.
Stage 3: Initial Adjustment
This is when you start to feel that
everything is becoming familiar. You begin
to feel more confident about adjusting to
the new culture and the College.
Stage 4: Mental Isolation
Even though you were starting to feel
more comfortable it is sometimes possible
that there is another period afterwards
where you continue to experience further
concerns. This can be because whilst you
are starting to adjust to the environment
and your new independence, you may start
to worry that you are losing stable values
and beliefs, rather than developing more
flexibility in integrating new ones.
< Home
Index >
Stage 5: Acceptance, Integration,
and Connectedness
Finally, you continue to connect
with students and staff in your new
environment, and become more integrated
into the College culture.
On Friday of week 1 and 2, Curtin College
run orientation workshops to help students
settle in and manage their workload. These
workshops are free and involve learning
how to manage communication from the
college, making the most out of Moodle,
finding out about what’s on in Perth and
learning about academic integrity.
New students are encouraged to come
along and ask questions.
More information is available at reception.
Academic Master
The Academic Master Series workshops are
available to all students, at both Certificate
and Diploma levels. The free workshops are
a great way to help students get more out
of their studies at Curtin College and later
at Curtin. Run throughout the study period,
they cover topics that are very useful in
helping students develop necessary study
skills to gain better grades and use time
more efficiently.
The one-hour workshops are available at
lunch-times throughout the week. Topics
include how to manage your time, how
to study effectively, how to research and
reference, how to deliver oral presentations
and how to write essays and reports.
Session information is advertised on
Page 17
posters throughout the College, and on the
Student Portal.
University Readiness Program
The University Readiness Program (URP)
is a free support program offered for
Certificate IV and Tertiary Access Program
students at Curtin College.
In COM201A and COM202A, students
will be required to write an English test.
If students do not do well in the English
language test, they will have to attend
URP2. URP2 is compulsory for students
that have not demonstrated competency in
the English Language test (PELA). The main
aim of the unit is to develop the English
communication skills that students will
need to succeed in a tertiary environment.
Students will learn some of the key skills
they will need for effective written and
spoken communication, and will be given
practice in all four English language skills
(listening, speaking, reading and writing).
The unit also clarifies some common
grammar problems and provides input on
useful vocabulary. The URP2 unit consists
of one four-hour class from weeks 3 to 9
of each trimester. The class runs as an
interactive workshop and students are
expected to actively participate in all class
activities including discussions, pair work
and group work. Students will be advised by
email if they are required to attend UPR2.
Academic Language
Enrichment Program
ALEP is a free program offered to Diploma
students to help further develop their
academic and English language skills.
It is a 9 week course, starting in week 3 of
the study period and ending in week 11.
< Home
Index >
The course focuses on a variety of academic
literacy skills such as referencing, academic
writing, critical reading strategies and the
development of written and oral English
language skills. ALEP also has a strong
focus on building students’ disciplinespecific and academic vocabulary so that
they are better prepared for success in
their Diploma courses. ALEP is pre-requisite
course for some students however, students
can also self-select ALEP.
Academic Drop In
The Academic Drop in sessions are free
one on one consultation sessions with a
learning skills advisor to help student with
specific academic issues. The learning skills
advisor can help students with academic
writing and reading skills, referencing
assessments, structuring reports and
essays, researching assessments, and
English Language support. These sessions
are available to all students at Curtin
college and do not require making an
appointment. These sessions begin in week
3 of every trimester and end in Week 12.
Students will be seen on a first come first
served basis. For more information on
venue and times please see reception or
posters around the College.
Academic Peers
Academic Peer Program is designed to
give students the opportunity to help one
another with their studies. Academic Peers
are Curtin College students who have done
well in one or more subjects (achieved
70% or more) and are willing to share their
knowledge, skills and experience with other
students on a voluntary basis.
If you are having difficulties with a
Page 18
particular unit, you can access help from
an Academic Peer. This is a great way
to get the most out of your studies – it
is also a fun and an easy way to meet
other students and to make friends. The
Academic Peer Program does not replace
the Lecturers and Academic Advisors role.
If you do well in your studies you could be
invited to become an Academic Peer. As
an Academic Peer you will be able to help
other students by sharing your knowledge
and enthusiasm. Details about how to
become an Academic Peer or how to get
assistance from an Academic Peer are
available from the Student Portal.
To find a peer for your unit, check the
Moodle homepage. If no peer is listed ,
Maths Clinic
The Mathematics Clinic is designed to help
students who are having difficulty with
their mathematics in any study area or
would like some assistance with their unit.
If students have problems with theory or
specific exercises, or would like assistance
from the start of their studies, attend the
clinic to for assistance – no appointment
For more information on venue and times
please see reception or posters around the
Disability Service
Curtin College is committed to creating
a teaching and learning environment
which promotes dignity, acknowledges the
right to privacy and confidentiality, and
promotes an awareness of the needs and
< Home
Index >
rights of students with disabilities.
The College has developed a policy to
ensure that students and staff with
a disability and/or medical condition
(‘disability’) receive reasonable
adjustments and support that is
appropriate to their disability.
For more details refer to the Disability
Policy on the Curtin College website.
Medical Emergencies
If you have a medical emergency you can
call ‘000’ for life threatening situation.
Public hospitals also have a 24 hour
Accident and Emergency departments
where you can visit and be treated
according to the urgency of your condition.
The Western Australian Health Department
also provides a toll free 24 hour, seven day
a week health advice line – Health Direct
Australia. Qualified Staff provide immediate
professional advice on how urgent a health
concern is and what to do about it. To
contact this service dial 1800 022 222.
Curtin University Health Services
Curtin University Health Service is located
on campus and offers a comprehensive
range of services including: general practice
and patient care, help concerning accidents
and sudden illness on campus, nursing care
such as dressings to injuries, vaccinations
(travel, childhood, allergy), nutritional
advice management of sports injuries,
comprehensive lifestyle advice including
information on sexually transmitted
diseases and drugs.
Page 19
< Home
Index >
Curtin Health Centre is located in Building
109, and appointments can be made by
calling (08) 9266 7345.
Curtin University Counselling
Curtin Health Services runs a professional
counselling service for students and staff.
For Curtin College students the service is
free and confidential.
Curtin Counselling is located in Building
109 (second floor). Appointments can be
made directly with Curtin Health Services
by calling (08) 9266 7850 or by referral by
Curtin College staff.
Your Safety
On Campus
Curtin Security provide a number security
services to staff and students on campus,
including escorts to transport, mechanical
assistance for vehicles, and dealing
emergency incidents.
Students can also download the SafeZone
App. SafeZone is a FREE app for all students
and staff that connects you directly to the
University’s Security team when you need
help or first aid.
Students can also contact Curtin Security
for assistance on campus by dialling (08)
9266 4444, or visiting the office in building
115. Download the SafeZone app FREE at or from the iTunes App
Store or Google play.
Students are reminded to:
• Avoid walking alone at night and
travel with a friend whenever possible,
there is safety in numbers.
• Use pathways that are well lit
and avoid taking short cuts to your
Page 20
destination if they are dark and
• If carrying a purse or bag hold it
close to you or tucked under your arm.
Students are advised not to carry large
amounts of money at any given time.
• Be very wary if you are on your own
and someone asks for help.
• Never take strangers in your car.
• Be alert to your surroundings, be
confident, look positive and be alert.
For more details refer to the Security page
on the Curtin University website.
Off Campus
Dial 131 444 for Police assistance
when it’s not a life threatening
emergency, for example:
• reporting a disturbance or breach of
the peace (domestic violence incident
or antisocial behaviour);
• report something that has happened
in the past;
• report a property related incident for
insurance purposes; or
• making a complaint against police or
another individual
Crimes can also be reported by ringing
Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or filling
in an online form on the Police website
Australian Emergency Assistance
Call 000 in an emergency or life
threatening situation when urgent police,
fire or ambulance assistance is needed, for
• A serious crime is in progress, being
witnessed or just committed;
• Any situation where life or serious
injury is threatened;
< Home
Index >
• A car accident where people are
trapped or seriously injured;
• A serious air, rail or water incident;
• Any incident which poses an
immediate threat of danger to people
or property; or
• An explosion or bomb incident or
• A house or car is on fire.
For further information on keeping on Safe
and Secure see:
For further information on what to do after
a burglary see:
Free Bus Service
The university operates a Campus Courtesy
Bus and Curtin College Access Bus Service
(CABS) during university semester dates
which is free to all Curtin College and Curtin
University students.
For more details refer to the Bus Service
page on the Curtin University website.
Public Transport
Curtin University has a bus station located
on campus offering seven different public
bus transport routes, with some connecting
to train services. Due to limited parking
on campus student should consider using
public transport.
Visit the Transperth website for timetables
and other public transport information.
The campus has a range of facilities to
cater for cyclists, including bike racks
Page 21
and secure enclosures. It is
recommended that students
purchase a good quality bike lock
to reduce the risk of having your
bike stolen.
For more details refer to Cycling to Curtin
on the Curtin University website.
Student Leaders &
The Student Leaders play a role in
improving the overall experience for
students studying at Curtin College. Their
roles include planning, organizing, and
running social and sporting activities for
you! For details on upcoming activities and
events, check out the Curtin College Official www
Fan Page on Facebook.
The Student Leaders also represent the
interest of students by raising issues to
the college in matters affecting student
experience and well-being.
Becoming a Student Leader or Mentor
is an excellent opportunity for students
to further develop skills in leadership,
teamwork and time management which are
highly valued by employers. To become a
Student Leader you must possess strong
leadership, organizational and timemanagement skills and a commitment
to developing and improving the student
experience at the College.
For more details on Student Leader
and Mentor recruitment email Student
Experience Officer on email or Facebook:
Student Activities
The Student Experience Officer organises a
range of activities such as soccer matches,
< Home
Index >
badminton tournaments, table tennis and
snooker competitions, ten pin bowling,
music club, gaming tournament and video
For more information all of the events and
activities, email
or check out Curtin College Facebook and
Twitter page. Students will be sent emails
inviting them to participate in each event.
Getting Involved
Curtin University Student Guild
Curtin College students
are able to join the
Curtin Student Guild as
Associate Members.
Details on benefits of
being a Guild Member and how to join can
www be found at
The Curtin Student Guild also coordinates
many student based clubs.
These include:
• Academic – for students studying
specific disciplines
• International – representing students
of similar nationalities
• Social – for students who simply want
to meet others (e.g.. Country Students
• Special Interest – for students who
share a common interest
• Religious – for students wanting to
share their faith
Clubs are a great way to meet other
students with similar interests, beliefs or
backgrounds. They are also a great way to
find support, make new friends and adjust
more quickly to a new environment.
Page 22
Curtin Volunteers
Curtin Volunteers! (CV!) aim to provide
opportunities for personal and professional
development and encourage education
through experience. CV! is Australia’s
first and largest student-run volunteering
organisation. CV! has been assisting
students, staff, and the wider community
to experience the many benefits of
volunteering since its inception in 1994.
No matter your background or skill set, CV!
has a volunteering program for you.
For further information visit the CV!
office in Building 303, room 265 or go to
their website at
Council for International Student of
Western Australia
Council for International Student of
Western Australia (CISWA) is an external
organisation that also organises a variety
of activities for students in Perth.
The College conducts regular surveys for
current and graduated students in order
to gain valuable feedback on their entry to
the College, and the services and facilities
offered at the campus. The College uses
this feedback to enhance the experience
for current and future students. Feedback
is provided to students via the “What you
said” page on the Student Portal.
< Home
Index >
Computer Labs
All current students have
access to the five
computer labs located in
Building 205 on Levels 2
and 3. Curtin College
students have access to the Curtin College
wireless network only.
Curtin College has five modern, wellequipped computer laboratories, which
are monitored with video surveillance.
Students have access to these facilities for
personal use at times displayed on notice
boards at the commencement of each
study period. There are, however, strict
rules that apply to these labs at all times
as outlined below:
• No food or drink is permitted in the
• Only Curtin College students with
valid Student ID’s are permitted to use
the computer labs.
• Students should not hold the lab
doors open or prop them open.
• Students should only use the
computers for academic purposes.
• Students are to keep their access
codes and passwords private and not
share them with anyone.
Page 23
• Students are not to use the Internet
for unlawful purposes or to harass/
annoy other students.
If you do not adhere to these rules you may
be banned from using the labs.
Any student caught vandalizing the labs,
tampering with or stealing computer
equipment could be charged by the police
and their enrolment with Curtin College
could be terminated and legal action may
be taken.
Black and white printing is available in all
Curtin College labs. Students must pay for
printing and are charged at a rate of 10 cents
per page. All new students receive $10 credit
(100 free pages). Printing credits can be
purchased at Level 1 Reception (min $10).
Colour printing or photocopying can be done
at Curtin Robertson Library.
Common Room
The Curtin College Student Common room
(located between Buildings 205 and 206
on Level 2) is available for all students to
study, eat lunch and relax with friends. It is
air-conditioned and is equipped with a sink,
microwaves, a fridge and a kettle.
An internal phone is on the wall next to the
notice board for on-campus communication.
Students can use this phone to contact
< Home
Index >
reception by dialling 4888, or to contact
Curtin Security by dialling 4444.
Students may use the notice boards in the
Common Room, however notices must
be in English and must be stamped at
reception prior to being displayed.
The Robertson Library is situated on
the Bentley campus at Curtin College
University, with collections and facilities
spread over five levels.
Curtin College students are
permitted to use the library
lending facilities, however
are unable to access the
library computers for any work other than
searching the library catalogue. The library
combines online resources with a quality
collection of print materials to support
teaching, learning and research. Most
electronic resources are available 24 hours
a day. Friendly library staff can assist with
all information needs.
You will need your current Curtin College
Student ID Card to borrow books from the
Library. You can borrow up to 20 books for
6 weeks. However all items are subject to
Chaplaincy Services
Students at both the College and University
have access to free and confidential
chaplaincy services which are provided
for the benefit of the Curtin community.
Visiting Chaplains from a diversity of
religious orientations are active on campus.
Presently these include various Christian
traditions including Anglican, Baptist and
Roman Catholic and other traditions such
as Baha’i, Buddhist and Muslim. A prayer
and meditation space and a reflection
garden are available for people of any faith.
For more details refer to the Faith services
and facilities page on the Curtin University
Food & Beverage
There are at least 11 different eateries on
the Curtin campus with choices including
cafés, canteens and a tavern that regularly
stages live music. Students who are
members of the Curtin Student Guild will
receive discount at some outlets.
Online Library Access
Curtin College students are able to access
online resources through the following link:
card (e.g. C9000….), and the password is
the student’s date of birth written in the
following numerical sequence YYYYMMDD
(e.g. 19900131)
To log in students must their enter their
student id as shown on their student
Page 24
Curtin Stadium
Curtin’s new indoor, multi-purpose, health,
recreation and events facility offers a coed gymnasium, ladies studio and group
fitness studio with spin room, a sports
hall and two outdoor volleyball courts.
Curtin College students are welcome to
become members of the facility with spin
< Home
Index >
room, a sports hall and two outdoor
volleyball courts. Curtin College students
are welcome to become members of the
For more details refer to the Curtin
Stadium page on the Curtin University
Tuition Fees
Continuing students are required to pay
their tuition fees before the study period
commences. Students who are unable to
pay their tuition on time should contact
the Finance department at the College as
soon as possible to avoid having their
enrolment cancelled.
For information on your tuition fees,
please see reception or email fees@
Curtin College is an approved FEE-HELP
provider. FEE-HELP is a loan scheme that
assists eligible fee paying student’s pay
all or part of their tuition fees. Australian
Citizen or students holding a Permanent
Humanitarian Visa studying a Diploma
program at Curtin College may be eligible
for FEE-HELP (the scheme is not available
for Certificate IV or Tertiary Access
Programs). For further information
on FEE-HELP, pick up a brochure and
application form from reception.
Page 25
< Home
Index >
Curtin College merit scholarships are
awarded each study period. A student
www with the highest grade point average
in four or more subjects (100 credit
points) will each receive a scholarship.
The winner of the scholarship will receive
full tuition for the next period of study
with Curtin College (please note that
scholarships do not include the ‘degree’
programs at Curtin University).
For more information please refer to the
Scholarship Policy on the Curtin College
Other Fees
Document Reprints (e.g.
Academic Transcripts or
$20 per
Confirmation of study
(free for
Unit Outlines
$5 each
Credit card payment will attract a 1.5%
For more information on how to pay
your fees, please pick up a flyer from
Reception, or download one from the
Student Portal [Forms & Info/Forms and
Curtin College Refund Policy provides
guidance to prospective, commencing
and continuing students on the
circumstances under which students are
eligible for fee refunds.
For more information please refer to
the Refund Policy on the Curtin College
How to pay
Students can pay fees by using a credit
card, bank draft, BPay, personal cheque,
or EFTPOS. Curtin College is unable to
accept cash payments over the counter
for any amount greater than $50.
Payments by telegraphic transfer must
be done well in advance of the fees
deadline as often these take up to 5 days
to reach the College. Please remember
to include bank transfer fees and your
student ID with any transfer. A copy
of your transaction receipt should be
emailed to
Page 26
< Home
Index >
Students Conciliator
The Department of Education Services
(WA) offers a free mediation/conciliation
service through the International Student
Conciliator. The Conciliator attempts to
resolve disputes between international
students and institutions, as part of the
institutions’ internal complaints and
appeals procedure.
For example, a student may be
dissatisfied with some aspect of the
education that is being offered by the
institution and requests an explanation
or review.
The Conciliator is able to discuss issues
of concern at any stage of the internal
complaints and appeals procedure,
however, will not become actively
involved in the case until the parties
have attempted to resolve the dispute
themselves and that attempt has failed.
Overseas Student
Health Cover
International students studying at Curtin
College must have Overseas Student
Health Cover (OSHC) as a condition
of their student visa. OSHC is a basic
health insurance product designed to be
equivalent to Medicare (for Australian
citizens). It covers emergency medical
conditions, public hospitals and most of
the cost of visiting a doctor.
Curtin College arranges health insurance
through a preferred OSHC provider –
Allianz Global Assistance. OSHC cover
arranged through Curtin College is only
valid for period noted on your policy or
Allianz membership card.
Students can order their own Membership
card via the Allianz website :
Students will need their membership
number, which can be obtained from
Students are permitted to have OSHC
cover with another provider as long as
it meets the Australian Government
criteria. Proof of cover must be provided
to the College otherwise you will
automatically be billed for cover through
To find a doctor or view the services
covered by Allianz, visit their website.
Your Student Visa
If you are in Australia as an international
student you will have received a visa
which allows you to study in Australia.
Page 27
< Home
Index >
All student visas have conditions or rules
attached to them which you must follow.
You can see a list of all the conditions at
aspx Failure to adhere to these rules
could mean that you will be asked to
leave Australia and have your visa taken
from you.
Please note that Curtin College is not
allowed to give advice about immigration
matters but we will be happy to help you
find any information that you might need.
Contact Details
Building 205,
Curtin University
Kent Street
Bentley 6845
Western Australia
P: +61 8 9266 4888
F: +61 8 9266 4889
Opening Hours
The Curtin College office and reception
area are open at the following times:
8:00am to 4:00pm
8:00am to 4:30pm
8:00am to 4:30pm
8:00am to 4:30pm
8:00am to 4:00pm
The office may also be closed at other
times due to staff meetings or other
events, including some public holidays.
Students will be advised of closures via
the student email account and notices at
Page 28
< Home
Index >
Student Portal
The Student Portal contains important
information relevant to studies such as
emails, unit outlines, course notes and
enrolment details and future events.
The Portal also contains personal
information, results, timetable, fees
calculator, fees balance, and attendance
for each student. Students receive their
own login and password to access these
details. This information is provided to
students at orientation.
You can access the Student Portal via the
College’s website or directly at
Students need to check the Student
Portal daily to read important notices
and access emails from Curtin College
At all times during an emergency follow
the instructions of the Lecturer or
Building and Floor Wardens.
1. On hearing the alert tone, collect
personal belongings and immediately
leave the building via the nearest and
safest emergency exit route. Obey all
instructions by wardens and emergency
services at all times. All doors should be
closed (but not locked) on leaving.
person until emergency services arrive.
3. Walk quickly and calmly to the
designated assembly area for your
building or as advised by a Warden or
Fire and Rescue Services personnel.
4. Remain at the assembly area (in
groups) until instructed to leave by a
Warden or Fire and Rescue Services
5. Do not re-enter the building until
informed that it is safe to do so by a
Warden or Fire and Rescue Services
personnel. Do not enter the building
when the alarm is sounding.
Smoke Free
Curtin University is a
Smoke Free campus.
This means that no one is not able to
smoke anywhere on campus including
buildings and outdoor areas. If you need
to smoke you will need to leave the
campus. Anyone caught smoking on
campus may incur a $100 fine.
Campus Map
An interactive campus map can be found
on the Curtin University website.
2. To assist persons with a disability ask
them how you can help. Do not attempt
to carry or hurry people. In multi-storey
buildings, assist to the nearest fire
isolated stairwell, ensure the building
warden is advised and wait with the
Page 29
< Home
Index >
Room 311a
Level 3
Stairs to
Level 3 &
Ground Floor
Room 310b
Room 310a
Level 2
Stairs to
Level 2 &
Ground Floor
Stairs to
Level 3 &
Ground Floor
Stairs to
Ground Floor
Stairs to
Level 2
Curtin University
is a
clean air campus
Smoking is
not permitted
Page 30
Level 1 Ground Floor
Stairs to
Level 3 &
Ground Floor
< Home
Index >
Academic Calendars
Academic Drop In Sessions
Academic Language Enrichment
Program (ALEP)
Academic Master Series
Academic Integrity
Academic Peers
Academic Status
Campus Map
Chaplaincy Services
Common Room
Computer Labs
Concession Card
Contact Details
Course Withdrawal
Curtin Stadium
Curtin University
Deferred Exams
Disability Service
Emergency Evacuation
Extension Units at Curtin
Feedback Management
Food & Beverage Outlets
Getting Involved
How to pay
International Students Conciliator 29
Late Arrival
Maths Clinic
Orientation Workshops
Other Fees
Overseas Student Health Cover
Public Transport 3
Smoke Free
Student Activities
Student Cards
Student Conduct
Student Leaders & Mentors
Student Portal
Supplementary Exams
Text Books
Tuition Fees
Under-age Students (Minors)
Unit Outlines
University Readiness Program
Your Safety
Your Student Visa
Information contained in this document is current at time of issue and may be subject to
change throughout the year.