UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA FACULTY CURRICULUM VITAE (SHORT VERSION) Name: GEBALI, Fayez Faculty or School: Engineering 1 Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering Biorgraphy Dr. Gebali is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria. His research interests include hardware security, cryptographic processors, parallel algorithms, and computer communications. Dr. Gebali received his his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering form the University of British Columbia where he was a holder of an NSERC postgraduate scholarship, his B.Sc. in Mathematics (first class honours) from Ain Shams University and B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (first class honours) from Cairo University. 2 Degrees Degree Field Institution PhD B.Sc. (Hon.) B.Sc. (Hon.) Elec. Eng. Applied Mathematics Elec. Eng. University of British Columbia Ain Shams University Cairo University Year Granted 1979 1974 1972 Title of Thesis or Dissertation The Photo-refractive Effect in Lithium Niobate and its Applications 3 Major Fields of Scholarly, Professional, and Research Interests Hardware security. Hardware implementations of crypto systems, Parallel algorithms and parallel computing. Networks on chips (NoC). Wireless networks. 4 Positions Held Prior to Appointment at University of Victora Inclusive Years Title/Position Institution/Organization Sep 2007– Aug 2008 1996 1983–1984 1979–1982 1975–1979 1972–1986 Visiting Professor Visiting Professor Research Associate Research Associate Research Assistant Instructor Kuwait University King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals University of Waterloo Simon Fraser University University of British Columbia Cairo University 1 5 Appointments at University of Victoria 6 Inclusive Years Rank Department Jul. 1991– May 1987–Jun. 1991 Jul. 1986–Apr. 1987 Sep. 1984–Jun. 1986 Professor & Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Elec. Elec. Elec. Elec. and Comp. Eng. and Comp. Eng. Eng. Eng. Puplications Books Chapters in Books Refereed Journals Refereed Conferences Technical Reports 6.1 6 10 95 185 19 Books 1. F. Gebali, “Analysis of Computer Networks”, Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2015. 2. F. Gebali, “Algorithms and Parallel Computers”, John Wiley, Chinese Translation by Tsinghua University, 2012. 3. F. Gebali, “Algorithms and Parallel Computers”, John Wiley, New York, 2011. 4. F. Gebali, “Analysis of Computer and Communication Networks”, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2008. 5. F. Gebali, H. Elmiligi and M.W. El-Kharashi, “Networks-On-Chips: Theory and Practice”, CRC Press/ Taylor and Francis Group LLC, Boca Raton, Florida, 2008. 6. F. Gebali, “Comp. Comm. Networks: Analysis and Design, Third Edition”, Northstar Digital Design Inc., Victoria, 2005. 6.2 Chapters in Books 1. Samer Moein and Fayez Gebali, “Quantifying Overt Hardware Attacks: Using ART Schema”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering vol. 330, 2015, pp. 511-516, 2015 2. F. Gebali and T. Khattab, “Power-Aware MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Wireless Sensor Networks and Energy Efficiency: Protocols, Routing and Management, Eds. K. Ragab, A. B Abdullah and N. Zaman, IGI Global, 2011. 3. A. Morgan, H. Elmiligi, M. El-Kharashi, and F. Gebali, “Bio-inspired NoC Architecture Optimization”, in Autonomic Networking-on-Chip: Bio-inspired Specification, Development, and Verification, Ed. P. Cong-Vinh, CRC Press, 2010. Plus 7 more before 2010. 2 6.3 Refereed Journal Publications 1. Fayez Gebali and Atef Ibrahim, “Low Space-Complexity and Low Power Semi-Systolic Multiplier Architectures over GF(2m ) based on Irreducible Trinomial”, Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 40, pp. 45–52, February 2016. 2. Atef Ibrahim and Fayez Gebali “Efficient Scalable Multiplier over GF(2m ) based on Trinomials”, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 2322-2326, October 2015. 3. T. Rakia, H.-C. Yang, F. Gebali, and M.S. Alouini, “Outage Analysis of Practical FSO/RF Hybrid System with Adaptive Combining”, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 1366–1369, Aug. 2015. 4. F. Gebali and A. Ibrahim, “Optimized Structures of Hybrid Ripple Carry and Hierarchical Carry Lookahead Adders”, Microelectronics Journal, accepted for publication in 10 August 2015. 5. T. Rakia, H.-C. Yang, S. Alouini and F. Gebali, Power Adaptation Based on Truncated Channel Inversion for Hybrid FSO/RF Transmission with Adaptive Combining,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 1–12, Aug. 2015. 6. Fayez Gebali and Atef Ibrahim, “Low Power Semi-systolic Architectures for Polynomial-Basis Multiplication over GF(2m ) Using Progressive Multiplier Reduction”, Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Springer, 2015, (DOI) 10.1007/s11265-015-1000-x. 10.1007/s11265-015-1000-x 7. Fayez Gebali and Atef Ibrahim, “Optimized Structures of Hybrid Ripple Carry and Hierarchical Carry Lookahead Adders”, accepted for publication in Microelectronics Journal, 2015. 8. T. Rakia, H.-C. Yang, S. Aloweini and F. Gebali, “Outage Analysis of Practical FSO/RF Hybrid System with Adaptive Combining”, IEEE Transactions on Communications. Accepted June 2015. 9. Haytham Elmiligi, Fayez Gebali, M. Watheq El-Kharashi, “Power-aware Mapping for 3D-NoC Designs Using Genetic Algorithms”, Procedia Computer Science 01/2014; 34:538-543. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs. 2014.07.065 10. Mridula Sharma, Haytham Elmiligi, and Fayez Gebali, “Performance Evaluation of Real-Time Systems”, International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 19–31, January 2015 11. Ahmed A. Morgan, Haytham Elmiligi, M. Watheq El-Kharashi, and Fayez Gebali, “Networks-onChip Architecture Customization using Network Partitioning: A System-Level Performance Evaluation“, International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 43–52, January 2015. 12. Samer Moein, Fayez Gebali and Issa Traore, “Analysis of Covert Hardware Attacks”, Journal of Convergence Volume 5, Number 3,September 2014 13. Atef Ibrahim, Fayez Gebali, and Turki Al-Somani, “Systolic Array Architectures for Sunar-Koç Optimal Normal Basis Type II Multiplier”, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration, Accepted for publications 9 September 2014. 14. Atef Ibrahim, Hamed Elsimary, and Fayez Gebali, “Low-Power, High-Speed Unified and Scalable Word-Based Radix 8 Architecture for Montgomery Modular Multiplication in GF(P ) and GF(2n )”, Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, Springer, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 7847–7863, 2014. 3 Plus 82 more before 2014. 6.4 Refereed Conference Publications 1. S. Moein, J. Subramnian, F. Gebali, T. Aaron Gulliver and M. Watheq El-Kharashi, “Classification of Hardware Trojan Detection Techniques”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES), Cairo, Egypt 23-24 December 2015. 2. S. Moein, T. Aaron Gulliver, F. Gebali and M. Watheq El-Kharashi, “Hardware Attack Risk Assessment”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES), Cairo, Egypt 23-24 December 2015. 3. S. Moein, S. Khan, T. Aaron Gulliver, F. Gebali and M. Watheq El-Kharashi , “An Attribute Based Classification of Hardware Trojans”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES), Cairo, Egypt 23-24 December 2015. 4. T. Rakia, H.-C. Yang, F. Gebali, and M.S. Alouini, “Outage Performance of Hybrid FSO/RF System with Low-Complexity Power Adaptation” IEEE Globecom 2015, Workshop on Optical Wireless Communication. San Diego, CA, 6–10 December 2015. 5. T. Rakia, H.-C. Yang, F. Gebali and M.-S. Alouini, “Joint Adaptive Modulation and Combining for Hybrid FSO/RF Systems”, IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB), Montreal, October 4–7, 2015. 6. K. Kilink, F. Gebali and K. F. Li, “Ship Detection and Property Extraction in Radar Images using Hardware”,Proc. of the IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. on Comm., Comp., and Signal Proc. (PACRIM’15), Victoria, B.C. Canada, Aug. 27–29, 2015. 7. H. El Miligi, F. Gebali, A. Morgan and W. El-Kharashi, “Traffic Analysis of Multi-Core Body Sensor Networks based on Wireless NoC Infrastructure”, Proc. of the IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. on Comm., Comp., and Signal Proc. (PACRIM’15), Victoria, B.C. Canada, Aug. 27–29, 2015. 8. A. Alzahrani, S. Moein, N. Houghton and F. Gebali, “Multithreading Implementation of CRT Based Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption”, Proc. of the IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. on Comm., Comp., and Signal Proc. (PACRIM’15), Victoria, B.C. Canada, Aug. 27–29, 2015. 9. I. Hazmi, F. Zhou, F. Gebali and T. Al-Somani, “Review of Elliptic Curve Processor Architectures”, Proc. of the IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. on Comm., Comp., and Signal Proc. (PACRIM’15), Victoria, B.C. Canada, Aug. 27–29, 2015. 10. A. Alghamid and F. Gebali, “Performance Analysis of 64-bit Carry Lookahead Adders Using Conventional and Hierarchical Structure Styles”, Proc. of the IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. on Comm., Comp., and Signal Proc. (PACRIM’15), Victoria, B.C. Canada, Aug. 27–29, 2015. 11. Atef Ibrahim and Fayez Gebali, “Novel Coprocessor for DNA Sequence Alignment in Resequencing”, 4th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications, Computers and Applications (CSCCA15), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 23-25, 2015. 12. Samer Moein and Fayez Gebali, “A Formal Methodology for Quantifying Overt Hardware Attacks”, Advances in Information Science and Computer Engineering, Dubai, Feb. 22-24, 2015, pp. 63–69. 4 13. Samer Moein and Fayez Gebali, “Quantifying Covert Hardware Attacks: Using ART Schema”, Advances in Information Science and Computer Engineering, Dubai, February 22-24, 2015, pp. 85–90. Plus 173 more before 2015. 6.5 Post Doctoral, Gaduate, & Undergraduate Student Supervision Post Doc. PhD MASc MEng Undergrad 5 0 19 12 21 14 5 15 31 Completed Current 7 Grants and Funding 1. NSERC: $570,000 2. University of Victoria: $17,000 3. MITACS Canada: $291,000 4. Networks of Centres of Excellence: $570,000 5. Other sources: $2,422,000 Total: $2,850,000 8 Administrative Activities Duration 2016 2015 2011-2015 2011 2008 2008 2008 2004–2007 2004 Activity Reviewer of of the Electrical Engineering Graduate Program at the University of Windsor Chair of the Accreditation Committee for the Electrical & Comp. Engineering Programs Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Chair Member of Faculty of Engineering Strategic Planning Committee Chair of Department of Information Technology Curriculum Committee (Kuwait University) Chair of Department of Information Technology Research Committee (Kuwait University) Member of College for Women Research Committee (Kuwait University) Member of University Senate Member of the Accreditation Committee of the Engineering Programs at the University of Victoria 5 2003-2015 2002–2007 1998–2001 1994–1995 Acting Dean of Engineering 20times few days each time Associate Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Chair of Sciences and Eng. Research and Travel Committee University Senate 6