(1929-1990), Communist/Socialist Literature (S0631)

S0631 Rawick, George P. (1929-1990)
Communist/Socialist Literature
Addenda, 1926-1982
276 Folders
This collection is available at The State Historical Society of Missouri. If you would like
more information, please contact us at shsresearch@umsystem.edu.
This collection is stored off site. Please allow 3-5 business days for retrieval.
In June 2001, the Thomas Jefferson Library donated a collection of political pamphlets
collected by Dr. George Rawick, a history professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis
until his death in 1990 (see collection S0630).
The pamphlets, brochures, small magazines and other literature in this addenda reflect
communist and socialist viewpoints on a many topics. They primarily date from the 1930s to
the 1950s. The Pamphlets series is divided into the following topics: Africa (f.1) ; Africans (f.
2-8); Atomic Bomb (f. 9); Britain (f. 10-13); Capitalism (f. 14-17); China (f. 18-24) ;
Communism (f. 25-43); Cuba (f. 44) ; Czechoslovakia (f. 45); Education (f. 46); Fascism (f.
47); France (f. 48-51); Germany (f.. 52-59); Greece (f. 60); Hungary (f. 61-62); India (f. 6364); Interlingua/Esperanto (f. 65-74); Iran (f. 75); Iraq (f. 76); Ireland (f. 77); Israel (f. 78-81);
Japan (f. 82); Korea (f. 83); Labor (f. 84-92); Latin America (f. 93); Literature (f. 94);
McCarthyism (f. 95-100); Mexico (f. 101); Other (f. 102-111); Peace (f. 112-121);
Philippines (f. 122); Poland (f. 123); Psychoanalysis (f. 124); The Rosenbergs (f. 125);
Socialism (f. 126-128); Soviet Union (f. 129-179); Spain (f. 180-189); United Nations (f.
190); War (f. 191-192); Women (f. 193); Youth (f. 194-200). The Journals series (f. 201-276)
is arranged alphabetically by journal title.
The collection is divided into two series: 1. Pamphlets, 1926-1982, arranged alphabetically by
topic; 2. Journals, 1926-1974, folders 201-276, arranged chronologically.
BOX 1 (121445)
Dadoo, Dr. Y. M. and Dr. S. M. Molema. Onward to Freedom: A Call to the People of South
Africa. Presidential address by Dr. Y. M. Dadoo, President, South African Indian Congress
and Opening Address by Dr. S. M. Molema, Treasurer-General, African National Congress,
delivered at the 20th Conference of the South African Indian Congress held at Johannesburg,
January 25-27, 1952.
Jack, Dr. Homer A. Reaction and Revolt in South Africa Today. Reprint from The Christian
Century September 17, 1952.
Kenyatta, Jomo. Kenya: The Land of Conflict. Panaf Service Ltd., n.d.
Matthews, Z. K. Racial Conflict in South Africa: Can it be Settled Peacefully? Discussion
held December 7, 1952.
Michelet, Raymond. African Empires and Civilisation. Panaf Service Ltd., n.d.
Paton, Alan. South Africa Today. (Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 175) Phelps-Stokes Fund,
Second printing, August 1954.
Resistance Against Fascist Enslavement in South Africa. New York: Council On African
Affairs, May 1953.
Robeson, Paul and Max Yergan. For a New Africa: Proceedings Conference on Africa. New
York: Council on African Affairs, April 14, 1944.
South Africans: For Peace, For Friendship, For Human Rights. Johannesburg: The Joint Hon,
Secretaries, S. A. Festival Committee, n.d.
Yergan, Max. Africa in the War. New York: Council on African Affairs, n.d.
Aptheker, Herbert. America's Racist Laws: Weapon of National Oppression. Masses &
Mainstream, Inc., 1951.
-----. The Negro People in America. New York: International Publishers, 1946.
-----. The Negro Today. New York: Marzani & Munsell, Inc., 1962.
-----. The Negro Woman. n.d.
Baldwin, Roger N. Human Rights-World Declaration and American Practice. (Public Affairs
Pamphlet No. 167) Public Affairs Committee, 3rd printing, May 1953.
Benedict, Ruth and Gene Weltfish. The Races of Mankind. (Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 85)
Public Affairs Committee, Second revised edition, February 1951.
Bradley, Hugh. Next Steps in the Struggle for Negro Freedom. New York: New Century
Publishers, November 1953.
Brown, Lloyd L. Stand Up For Freedom! The Negro People vs. The Smith Act. New York:
New Century Publishers, March 1952.
Burnham, Louis. Behind the Lynching of Emmet Louis Till. New York: Freedom Associates,
Inc., December 1955.
Cable, George W. A Southerner Looks at Negro Discrimination. New York: International
Publishers, 1946.
The Communist Position on the Negro Question. New York: New Century Publishers, 1947.
Coolidge, David. The New York Elections and The Fight Against Jim Crow. New York:
Workers Party Campaign Committee, 1945.
Davis, Benjamin J. In Defense of Negro Rights. New York: New York State Committee,
Communist Party, January 1950.
-----. The Negro People on the March. New York: New Century Publishers, 1956.
-----. The Path of Negro Liberation. New York: New Century Publishers, April 1947.
-----. Upsurge in the South: The Negro People Fight for Freedom. New York: New Century
Publishers, April 1960.
Dean, Elwood. The Story of the Trenton Six. New York: New Century Publishers, December
Douglass, Frederick. Negroes and the National War Effort. New York: Workers Library
Publishers, April 1942.
Draper, Harold. Jim Crow in Los Angeles. Los Angeles: Worker's Party, December 1946.
DuBois, W. E. B., Behold the Land. Birmingham, Alabama: Southern Negro Youth Congress,
October 20, 1946.
Ford, James W. and James S. Allen. The Negroes in a Soviet America. New York: Workers
Library Publishers, June 1935.
Groveland U.S.A. New York: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People,
August 1949.
Hall, Gus. Marxism and Negro Liberation. New York: New Century Publishers, May 1951.
Harris, Abram L. The Negro Worker: A Problem of Vital Concern to the Entire Labor
Movement. (Progressive Labor Library Pamphlet No. 3) New York: National Executive
Committee of the Conference for Progressive Labor Action, 1930.
Huberman, Leo and Paul M. Sweezy. On Segregation: The Crisis in Race Relations Two
Nations-White and Black. Monthly Review Pamphlet Series No. 11, Reprinted from Monthly
Review, n.d.
Illinois Conference of Branches of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People, Annual Convention. Cairo, Illinois: National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People, October 17-18, 1953.
Jerome, V. J. "The Negro in Hollywood Films." Political Affairs February 3, 1950.
Jim Crow is the Enemy: Negro Youth! Fight for Freedom! New York: Young Peoples
Socialist League, n.d.
Jim Crow "Justice" in Korea: The Case of Lieutenant Leon Gilbert. New York: Trade Union
Youth Committee For the Freedom of Lieut. Gilbert, c. 1950.
Jim Crow on the Run! Negro Bus Drivers Today, Negroes in the War Industries Tomorrow.
New York: Workers Party and Young Peoples Socialist League, n.d.
Jones, Claudia. Ben Davis: Fighter for Freedom. New York: National Committee to Defend
Negro Leadership, November 1954.
Kingston, Steve. Frederick Douglass: Abolitionist, Liberator, Statesman. Brooklyn, New
York: National Negro Congress, n.d.
Landis, Kenesaw M. Segregation in Washington: A Report of The National Committee on
Segregation in the Nation's Capital. Chicago, Illinois: National Committee on Segregation in
the Nation's Capital, 1948.
March on Washington Movement: Proceedings of Conference Held in Detroit. September 2627, 1942.
Merriam, Eve. Montgomery, Alabama, Money, Mississippi and Other Places. New York:
Cameron Associates, 1956.
"My Friends" A Fireside Chat on the War. New York: Workers Party, June 1940.
North, Joseph. Behind the Florida Bombings. New York: New Century Publishers, February
Patterson, William L. We Demand Freedom! New York: Civil Rights Congress, November
Perlo, Victor. The Negro in Southern Agriculture. New York: International Publishers, 1953.
Perry, Pettis. Negro Representation-A Step Towards Negro Freedom. New York: New
Century Publishers, March 1952.
-----. The Party of Negro and White. From his summation speech to the jury in the thoughtcontrol Smith Act trial at Foley Square, New York, January 13, 1953.
-----. White Chauvinism and the Struggle for Peace. New York: New Century Publishers,
A Petition to the United Nations on Behalf of 13 Million Oppressed Negro Citizens of the
United States of America. New York: National Negro Congress, June 6, 1946
Pritt, D. N. At the Moscow Trial. New York: International Publishers, 1937.
Progress and Reaction: NAACP Annual Report. New York: National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People, 1955.
Raymond, Harry. Save Willie McGee. New York: New Century Publishers, February 1951.
Report of the Citizens Emergency Conference for Interracial Unity. New York: The
Executive Committee Pursuant to Conference Resolution, September 25, 1943.
"Report on Civil Liberties, January 1951-June 1953: "We Hold These Truths..." Freedom,
Justice, Equality. American Civil Liberties Union, November 1953.
Richardson, Beulah. A Black Woman Speaks...of White Womanhood, of White Supremacy,
of Peace. Chicago, Illinois: American Women for Peace, 1951.
Robeson, Paul. For Freedom and Peace. New York: Council on African Affairs, June 19,
-----. Forge: Negro-Labor Unity for Peace and Jobs. Chicago, Illinois: Harlem Trade Union
Council, August 1950.
-----. The Negro People and the Soviet Union. New York: New Century Publishers, January
Segregation and the Schools. (Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 209) Public Affairs Committee,
Incorporated, First edition, June 1954.
The Struggle Against White Chauvinism. New York: National Education Department,
Community Party, September 1949.
Wilkerson, Doxey A. The Negro People and the Communists. New York: Workers Library
Publishers, April 1944.
Winston, Henry. Black and White-One Class, One Fight: The Role of White Workers in the
Struggle Against Racism. New York: New Outlook Publishers, April 1972.
Allen, James S. Atomic Energy and Society. New York: International Publishers, 1949.
First in the World! An Illustrated Description of the Soviet Atomic Electricity Station. Soviet
News Booklet No. 2, London, 1956.
Pisarzhevsky, Oleg. Atoms for Peace in the Soviet Union. Soviet News Booklet No. 11,
London, April 1956.
Unmeasured Hazards: An Analysis of the Effects of Tests of Atomic and Thermonuclear
Weapons. London: World Federation of Scientific Workers, 1956.
"World Control of Atomic Energy-15 Months After." Brief for Action Washington, D.C.:
League of Women Voters, November 15, 1946.
Allen, James S. The Cartel System. New York: International Publishers, 1946.
The British Colonies in 1949. British Information Services, January 1950.
Bulganin, N. A. and N. S. Khrushchev. Visit to Burma and Afghanistan. New York: New
Century Publishers, February 1956.
Cornforth, Maurice. Readers' Guide to the Marxist Classics. London: Lawrence & Wishart
Ltd., Reprinted 1954.
Dunham, Barrows. Thinkers and Treasures. Monthly Review Pamphlet Series No. 10,
Reprinted in Monthly Review, n.d.
Erickson, James. Political Economy Illustrated. Philadelphia: The Rationalist Press, 1956.
The European Recovery Program and Britain. British Information Services, May 1949.
Fox, Ralph. The Class Struggle in Britain, Part I: 1880-1914. New York: International
Publishers, n.d.
-----. The Class Struggle in Britain, Part II: 1914-1923. New York: International Publishers,
Goslin, Ryllis Alexander and Omar Pancoast Goslin. Rich Man, Poor Man: Pictures of a
Paradox. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1935.
Hall, Gus. A Lame Duck in Turbulent Waters: The Next 4 Years of Nixon. New York: New
Outlook Publishers, December 1972.
Kuczynski, J. and M. Heinemann. British Workers in the War. New York: International
Publishers, 1943.
Kumleben, Gerhard. Politics of Reason: No. 1, The Just State. Manchester: Public Life, 1927.
Labor Research Association. Monopoly in the United States: Facts Revealed by the TNEC
Investigation. New York: International Publishers, 1942.
Moore, E. Questions of the Day: No. 1, Capitalist "Equality." London: Public Life, 1931.
Morris, George. How Wall Street Picks Your Pocket. New York: New Century Publishers,
October 1946.
Nelson, Leonard. Politics of Reason: No. 2, The Better Security. Manchester: Public Life,
Pollitt, Harry. Looking Ahead. London: The Communist Party, 1947.
Smirnov, A. Normalization of World Trade and the Monetary Problem. Moscow: Foreign
Language Publishing House, 1952.
Trotsky, L. Where is Britain Going? London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., Reprinted
October 1926.
BOX 2 (121446)
Allen, James S. Who Owns America? New York: New Century Publishers, June 1946.
Essays on Socialist Realism and the British Cultural Tradition. Arena Publication, n.d.
Foster, William Z. The Twilight of World Capitalism. New York: International Publishers,
Frederick, J. George. The Scandal of American Banking. Girard, Kansas: Haldeman-Julius
Publications, 1931.
Hall, Gus. Capitalism on the Skids to Oblivion: The People's Struggle for a New Beginning.
New York: New Outlook Publishers, April 1972.
-----. The Crisis of U.S. Capitalism and the Fight Back: Report to the 21st Convention of the
Communist Party U.S.A. New York: International Publishers, 1975.
Jelset, Christ. Money and Money Reforms. Chicago, Illinois: Charles H. Kerr & Company,
Keracher, John. Producers and Parasites. Chicago, Illinois: Charles H. Kerr & Company,
Kumleben, Gerhard. Politics of Reason: No. 3, Justice in Industry Through Socialist Market
Economy. Manchester: Public Life, 1928.
Labor Research Association. Billionaire Corporations: Their Growth and Power. New York:
International Publishers, 1954.
Mandel, Ernest. The Generalized Recession of the International Capitalist Economy. n.d.
Mikoyan, A. I. The Camp of Socialism and the Camp of Capitalism. Moscow: Foreign
Language Publishing House, 1950.
Peace Year Book 1951. London: National Peace Council, Festival edition, 1951.
Perlo, Victor. High Prices and High Profits: How They Affect Your Wages and Living Costs.
New York: New Outlook Publishers, December 1973.
Rochester, Anna. American Capitalism: 1607-1800. New York: International Publishers,
-----. The Nature of Capitalism. New York: International Publishers, 1946.
Seligman, Prof. Edwin R. A., Fenner Brockway, and Prof. Scott Nearing. Capitalism,
Socialism, Communism: A Debate. Linden, New Jersey: Political Science Pocket Library,
February 2, 1930.
Sweezy, Paul M. et al. The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism. New York: Science &
Society, n.d.
Weiss, Max. What Price Profits? New York: New Century Publishers, April 1947.
Aptheker, Herbert. Freedom in History. New York: New Century Publishers, July 1958.
-----. The United States and China: Peace or War? A Political Affairs Pamphlet, New York:
New Century Publishers, October 1958.
Browder, Earl. China and the U.S.A. New York: Workers Library Publishers, October 1937.
-----. Civil War in Nationalist China. Chicago, Illinois: Labor Unity Publishing Association,
Can Colonialism Reform? An Analysis of the Bell Report on the Philippines. New York:
Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy, n.d.
Chen, Lin. China's Fight for National Liberation. New York: Workers Library Publishers,
October 1938.
Chen, Po-ta. Mao Tse-Tung on the Chinese Revolution. Peking, China: Foreign Language
Press, 1953.
Chien, Chia-chu. State Capitalism in China. This article is reprinted from the Chinese
publication People's China, n.d.
Chin, Li-tse and George F. Green. China-The Prey? The Social, Economic, and Political
Background of the Chinese People. London: International Publishing Company, 1938.
China's Youth March Forward. Peking, China: Foreign Languages Press, 1950.
Chinese Youth Enjoys a Happy Life. All-China Federation of Democratic Youth, 1953.
Chou, En-lai. Report on the Work of the Government. Peking, China: Foreign Languages
Press, 1954.
Chu, Teh. On the Battlefronts of the Liberated Areas. Peking, China: Foreign Languages
Press, 1952.
The Common Program and Other Documents of The First Plenary Session of the Chinese
People's Political Consultative Conference. Peking, China: Foreign Languages Press, 1950.
Culture and Education in New China. Peking, China: Foreign Languages Press, n.d.
Culture, Education, Health in New China. Peking, China: Foreign Languages Press, 1952.
Hardyman, Hugh. Report from China. Los Angeles, California: Southern California Peace
Crusade, n.d.
Hu, Chiao-mu. Thirty Years of the Communist Party of China: An Outline History. London:
Lawrence & Wishart Ltd, 1951.
Liu, Shao-chi. Internationalism and Nationalism. Peking, China: Foreign Languages Press,
-----. On Inner-Party Struggle. New York: New Century Publishers, June 1952.
-----. On the Party. Peking, China: Foreign Languages Press, Third edition, January 1951.
-----. The Political Report of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the
Eighth National Congress of the Party. Peking, China: Foreign Languages Press, 1956.
Mao, Tse-tung. Problems of Art and Literature. New York: International Publishers, 1950.
Mao, Tse-tung et al. China: The March Toward Unity. New York: Workers Library
Publishers, May 1937.
The Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China. Peking, China: Foreign Languages
Press, 1950.
Miff, P. Heroic China. New York: Workers Library Publishers, Second printing, April 1937.
Powell, John W. Formosa: Fact and Fiction. n.d.
Our Chinese Ally. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1944.
Second Session of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Peking,
China: Foreign Languages Press, 1958.
Teng, Hsiao-ping. The Constitution of the Community Party of China: Report on the
Revision of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China. Peking, China: Foreign
Languages Press, 1956.
Teng, Ying-chao. Women of China Build for Peace. China: All-China Democratic Women's
Federation, November 1952.
This is the IUS. Prague: International Union of Students, 1953.
Wang, Ming. China Can Win! The New Stage in the Aggression of Japanese Imperialism and
the New Period in the Struggle of the Chinese People. New York: Workers Library
Publishers, November 1937.
Warren, Susan. Formosa. This article is a reprint from New World Review, March 1955.
Wu, Hsiu-chuan. People's China Stand for Peace. New York: Committee for a Democratic
Far Eastern Policy, December 1950.
-----. Proposed Text of Speech by China's Delegate to the U.N. Political and Security
Committee. New York: Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy, December 16, 1950.
The Young Builders of New China: The Visit of the Delegation of the WFDY to the Chinese
People's Republic. World Federation of Democratic Youth, n.d.
The American Way: To Jobs, Peace, Democracy. New York: New Century Publishers, March
Aptheker, Herbert. Why Defend the Rights of Communists? New York: New Century
Publishers, October 1949.
Bishop, Hillman M. The American League Against War and Fascism: A Study in Communist
Tactics. Revised edition, 1937.
Casey, James. The Crisis in the Communist Party. New York City: Three Arrows Press, n.d.
Communist League of America. War and the 4th International: Draft Theses Adopted by the
International Secretariat of the International Communist League. New York: Pioneer
Publishers, July 1934.
Dennis, Eugene. The Case for the Communist Party: Opening Statement to the Jury. New
York: New Century Publishers, April 1949.
-----. "Dangerous Thoughts": The Case of the Indicted Twelve. New York: New Century
Publishers, October 1948.
-----. In Defense of Your Freedom: Summation in the Trial of the Eleven Communist
Leaders. New York: New Century Publishers, October 1949.
Dobb, Maurice. Marx as an Economist. New York: International Publishers, 1945.
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley. Stool-pigeon. New York: New Century Publishers, July 1949.
-----. The Twelve and You: What Happens to Democracy is Your Business, Too! New York:
New Century Publishers, September 1948.
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley et al. 13 Communists Speak to the Court. New York: New Century
Publishers, March 1953.
Foster, William Z. In Defense of the Communist Party and the Indicted Leaders. New York:
New Century Publishers, July 1949.
Green, Gilbert. Marxism and the World Today. New York: New York State Committee,
Communist Party, January 20, 1944.
Ideas for a New Party: Provisional Declaration of Principles, National Educational
Committee for a New Party. Chicago, Illinois: National Education Committee for a New
Party, 1946.
National Education Department, Communist Party. Theory and Practice of the Communist
Party. (Marxist Study Series: 1, First Course) New York: New Century Publishers, June
Sering, Paul. What is Folksocialism? A Critical Analysis. (L.I.D. Pamphlet Series) New
York: League for Industrial Democracy, February 1937.
BOX 3 (121447)
Adnersen & Resner (Attorneys for Applicant, Communist Party of the U.S.A.). Memorandum
of Law in Support of Motion to Intervene, No. 23,673W, In the Matter of Harry Renton
Bridges on Habeas Corpus. Communist Party of the United States of America, by William Z.
Foster, its National Chairman, and Earl Browder, its General Secretary, Applicant for
Intervention. In the Southern Division of the United States District Court for the Northern
District of California.
Arnot, R. Page. An Introduction to Political Economy. London: Lawrence & Wishart Ltd.,
Third edition, n.d.
Berenberg, David P. Socialist Fundamentals. New York: Rand School Press, Second edition,
The Big Plot: Proof of the Justice Department's Plan to Jail 21,105 Americans. New York:
National Non-partisan Committee, n.d.
Bolshevism or Communism: On the Question of a New Communist Party and the "Fourth"
International. Chicago, Illinois: United Workers Party of America, 1934.
Boyer, Richard O. If This Be Treason. New York: New Century Publishers, 1948.
Browder, Earl. Communism and Culture. New York: Workers Library Publishers, August
-----. The Communist Party of the U.S.A.: Its History, Role and Organization. New York:
Workers Library Publishers, May 1941.
-----. The Democratic Front: For Jobs, Security, Democracy and Peace. Workers Library
Publishers, June 1938.
-----. New Steps in the United Front. Report on the Seventh World Congress of the
Communist International Delivered at Madison Sq. Garden in New York City. New York:
Workers Library Publishers, November 1935.
-----. The 1940 Elections: How The People Can Win. New York: Workers Library
Publishers, May 1939.
-----. Report on the Central Committee to the Ninth National Convention of the Communist
Party of the U.S.A. New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1936.
-----. Social and National Security. New York: Workers Library Publishers, December 1938.
-----. A Talk About the Communist Party. New York: Workers Library Publishers, December
-----. What is Communism? New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1936.
Browder, Earl and George E. Sokolsky. Is Communism a Menace? A Debate Between Earl
Browder and George E. Sokolsky. New York: New Masses, April 1943.
Browder, Earl et al. Shall the Communist Party Change Its Name? New York: The National
Committee, Communist Party, February 1944.
Burns, Emile. Introduction to Marxism. London: Lawrence & Wishart Ltd., 1952.
-----. What is Marxism? Great Britain: Richard Clay and Company, Ltd., Reprinted, January
Burt, Eric. Eyes on Washington! A Program for People's Legislation-What Labor and the
People Can Do to Influence Congress in 1956. New York: New Century Publishers,
December 1955.
Cachin, Marcel. Science and Religion. New York: International Publishers, 1946.
The Case of Carl Marzani. New York: Committee in Defense of Carl Marzani, n.d.
Castro, Fidel. The Declaration of Havana. September 2, 1960.
Central Committee Plenum. Thesis and Resolutions for the Seventh National Convention of
the Communist Party of U.S.A. March 31-April 4, 1930.
Cestare, Frank. Meet the Young Communist League. New York: Young Communist League
U.S.A., March 1943.
Constitution of the Communist Party of the United States of America. New York: New
Century Publishers, April 1957.
Declaration of Independence: Communist Party Resolution for the Constituent Assembly.
Communist Party, 1946.
Dennis, Eugene. Is Communism Un-American? 9 Questions About the Communist Party
Answered. New York: New Century Publishers, March 1947.
Draft Resolution for the 16th National Convention of the Communist Party, U.S.A. A
Political Affairs Pamphlet, New York: New Century Publishers, 1956.
Duclos, Jacques. Communism, Science and Culture. New York: International Publishers,
Engles, Frederick. The Fourteenth of March, 1883. New York: International Publishers, 1933.
The Farm Crisis. New York: New Century Publishers, June 1955.
15 Years of the Communist International. New York, Workers Library Publishers, 1934.
Foster, William Z. Communism versus Fascism. New York: Workers Library Publishers,
June 1941.
-----. The Crisis in the Socialist Party. New York: Workers Library Publishers, November
-----. The Meaning of the 9-Party Communist Conference. New York: New Century
Publishers, November 1947.
Foster, William Z. et al. Marxism-Leninism vs. Revisionism. New York: New Century
Publishers, February 1946.
From the Fourth to the Fifth World Congress: Report of the Executive Committee of the
Communist International. London: Communist Party of Great Britain, 1924.
Fuchik, Julius. Notes From the Gallows. New York: New Century Publishers, 1948.
Hall, Gus. Which Way for Young Americans? New York: Challenge, October 1950.
Henderson, Fred. The Case for Socialism. Los Angeles, California: Levin & Weisenberg, n.d.
Jerome, V. J. Grasp the Weapon of Culture! New York: New Century Publishers, 1951.
Kahn, Albert E. Vengeance on the Young: The Story of the Smith Act Children. Hour
Publishers, First edition, June 1952.
Kammari, M. D. Socialism and the Individual. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing
House, 1950.
Kantorovitch, Haim. Problems of Revolutionary Socialism. New York: American Socialist
Monthly, n.d.
Kovda, V. A. Great Construction Works of Communism and the Remaking of Nature.
Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1953.
Kuczynski, Jurgen. 300 Million Slaves and Serfs: Labor Under the Fascist New Economic
Order. New York: International Publishers, 1943.
Larkin, J. Crate. From Debt to Prosperity: The Proposals of Social Credit. New York: New
Economic Press, Second edition, n.d.
Lenin, V. I. The Foundation of the Communist International. New York: International
Publishers, 1934.
-----. "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder, An Attempt at a Popular Discussion
on Marxist Strategy and Tactics. New York: International Publishers, 1934.
Lenin, Nicolai. "Left" Communism: An Infantile Disorder. The Toiler, n.d.
Liebknecht, Wilhelm. No Compromise: No Political Trading. Chicago, Illinois: Charles H.
Kerr & Company, 1919.
Lovestone, Jay. People's Front Illusion: From "Social Fascism" to the "People's Front." New
York: Workers Age Publishers, n.d.
Luxemburg, Rosa. Reform or Revolution. New York: Three Arrows Press, 1937.
Magil, A. B. Socialism: What's In It For You. New York: New Century Publishers, Revised
edition, March 1947.
Main Political Resolution Adopted by the 16th National Convention of the Communist Party,
U.S.A. New York: New Century Publishers, April 1957.
Manuilsky, D. Z. Engels: In the Struggle for Revolutionary Marxism. New York: Workers
Library Publishers, April 1936.
-----. The Work of the Seventh Congress of the Communist International. New York:
Workers Library Publishers, May 1936.
-----. The World Communist Movement. New York: Workers Library Publishers, June 1939.
Marx, Karl and Friedrich Engels. The Communist Manifesto. New York: International
Publishers, Eleventh printing, 1939.
-----. Communist Manifesto. Chicago, Illinois: Charles H. Kerr & Company, n.d.
Minor, Robert. The Heritage of the Communist Political Association. New York: Workers
Library Publishers, August 1944.
Neuman, Heinz. "Marx and Engels on Revolution in America." The Little Red Library No. 6
Chicago, Illinois: Daily Worker Publishing Company, n.d.
Olgin, M. J. Why Communism? Plain Talks on Vital Problems. New York: Workers Library
Publishers, 1935.
The Path to Peace, Progress and Prosperity. Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of
the Communist Political Association. New York: Communist Political Association, 1944.
People Must Come First in Chicago. Election Platform, Communist Party of Illinois, Issues
and Stakes in the 1959 City Elections, 1959.
Perry, Pettis. The Communist Party: Vanguard Fighter for Peace, Democracy, Security,
Socialism. New York: New Century Publisher, April 1953.
Petersen, Arnold. Karl Marx and Marxian Science. New York: New York Labor News
Company, 1943.
Primer on Communism. (Freedom Pamphlets) Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1951.
Proceedings, 16th National Convention, Communist Party, U.S.A. New York: New Century
Publishers, May 1957.
Report of Resolutions Committee to the Communist National Convention. New York:
Communist National Convention, May 1943.
Sobolev, A. I. People's Democracy, A New Form of Political Organization of Society.
Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1954.
Socialist Handbook 1937. Chicago, Illinois: Socialist Party U.S.A., 1937.
Solomon, Charles and George Gordon Battle. A Debate on Individualism-Socialism Between
Hon. Charles Solomon and Hon. George Gordon Battle. New York: Political Science Pocket
Library, September 13, 1931.
Stages in the History of the Communist Party: A Political Review. New York: Workers
Library Publishers, May 1943.
Sullivan, John Francis, Andrew J. Biemiller, and Maynard C. Krueger. The National
Industrial Recovery Act. Chicago, Illinois: Socialist Party of America, July 29, 1933.
BOX 4 (121448)
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Box 14
American Association of Scientific Workers Newsletter, Philadelphia, April 1956
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American Freeman, Girard, Kansas, 2/27/32
American Mercury, January 1934
Anglo-Soviet Journal, Volume XIII, Number 1, Spring 1952
La Battala, Organo Del Partido Obrero De Unificacion Marxista, VII, 236, 1936
The Benjamin Rush Bulletin, No. 2, May 1949; Vol. I, No. 3, Fall 1949; Vol. I, No. 4,
Summer 1950
Bill of Rights Journal, December 1969
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12, 1966
Challenge, Vol. I, No. 4, April 1950
Chase Economic Bulletin, Vol. VII, No. 3, June 21, 1927
China Monthly Review, June 1952; August 1952; April 1953; April 1955; October 1955
Clarity, NY State Communist Party, No. 1, undated; No. 2, undated; Summer, 1940; Spring,
1942; Summer 1942; Winter 1942; Winter 1942-1943
The Communist, Vol. XI, No. 5, May 1932; Vol. XVI, No. 2, February 1937; Vol. XVI, No.
7, July 1937; Vol. XVII, No. 12, December 1938; Vol. XVIII, No. 9, September 1939; Vol.
XVIII, No. 11, November 1939
The Communist, Vol. XIX, January 1940; Vol. XX, June 1941; Vol. XXII, No. 4, April 1943;
Vol. XXII, No. 9, September 1943; Vol. XXIII, No. 1, January 1944; Vol. XXIII, No. 4,
April 1944; Vol. XIX, No. 1, January 1940
The Communist International, Vol. XV, No. 12, December 1938; No. 10, 1940; No. 1, 1940;
No. 12 1940
Contemporary Issues, Vol. 3, 11 Summer 1952; 12, June-August 1952; Vol. 4, 13,
November-December 1952; 14, February-March 1953
Critics Group Dialectics #2; #4 (article by Paul Lafargue)
Critics Group Series 7, Philosophy of Art of Karl Marx, 1938
Democratic Digest, June 1954
Der Einzige Weg, #1, December 1937; #3, March 1938
District 1 Champion, February 1954
Le Drapeau Rouge, No. 41, July 1948
Experimental Community Exchange, Vol. II, No. 1, April 1951; No. 2
Far East Reporter, "Asia and World Peacce, Whither Japan", 1952; Bandung, 1955; "China
Uncivilized?"; "India's Progress", nd.
Far East Spotlight, Vol. IV, No. 1, June 1948; Americanism and Anti-Colonialism; China's
People Build Industry; Conflict in Indo-China; A Documented Record...Who Started the
Korean War?; A Letter from an American in China; Mr. Dulles' Troubled Peace; Racism and
the War in Korea; US Dilemma in Japan; What Price The Korean War?
Forward (in Cyrillic), Volume 4 (13), 1951; Volume 1-2 (14), 1951; Volume 3-4 (15), 1951;
Volume 5-6 (17-18), 1951
Freedom, The Anarchist Fortnightly, February 21st, 1948; August 18, 1951; July 5, 1952
La Gauche, May 1948; June 1948; August 1948; November 1948
Headline Series, Foreign Policy association, No. 99, May-June 1953
Industrial Democracy, Vol. V, No. 7, October 1937
Information Bulletin Issued by the International Bureau for he Fourth International, July 1937
International Correspondence, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 1946
International Information Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 2, March 1947
International of Youth, Volume 1, No. 1; March 1935; No. 6
International Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, February 1937; Vol. 2, No. 3 April 1937; Vol. 2, No. 4,
May 1937
The Internationalist
Interne, Journal Association of Internes and Medical Students, 1951
Jewish Affairs, Vol. 1, No. 14, December 15, 1946
Jewish Life, November 1955; January 1956; March 1956; May 1956; June 1956; August
1956; October 1956; November 1956; December 1956; February 1957; March 1957; April
1957; May 1957
Box 15 (121510)
Labor Action, August 28, 1950; September 4, 1950; March 12, 1951; July 23, 1951
Letter to Labor Action from H. D. Coleman, August 29, 1950
Labor Age February 1928; March 1928; April 1928; May 1928; June 1928; July 1928;
August 1928; September 1928; October 1928; November 1928; December 1928;
January 1929; December 1929; January 1930; April 1930; May 1930; July 1930;
August 1930; September 1930; October 1930; November 1930; December 1930; January
1931; February 1931; March 1931; April 1931
May 1931 (St. Louis Rank and File convention) ; July 1931; August 1931; September 1931;
October 1931; November 1931; Labor Age, December 1931;
January 1932; February 1932; March 1932; April 1932; July 1932; August 1932; September
Labour Monthly, December 1952; February 1953; March 1953; April 1953; June 1953
Labour Monthly, July 1953; August 1953; September 1953; October 1953; November 1953
Labour Monthly, December 1953; January 1954; February 1954; March 1954; November
1954; December 1954
Labour Monthly, January 1955; February 1955; March 1955; April 1955; May 1955
Labour Monthly, August 1955; November 1955; December 1955; January 1956; February
1956; March 1956
Labour Monthly, April 1956; May 1956; June 1956; July 1956; September 1956; October
Labour Monthly, November 1956; December 1956; January 1957; February 1957; March
1957; April 1957; May 1957; January 1958; June 1960; Labor Unity, February 1932; Let
Freedom Ring, Volume 1, No. 2, Dec.-Jan., 1953-54; Liberty, January 27, 1940 (Trotsky
Box 16 (121511)
Mainstream, September 1956; December 1956; January 1957; February 1957
Mainstream, March 1957; April 1957; May 1957; June 1957; January 1958
Mainstream, September 1958; October 1959
Marxism Today, September 1960
The Marxist, Third Number, July 1926
Marxist Miscellany, Volume 6; Volume 7; Volume 8
The Marxist Quarterly, January-March 1937; April-June 1937; October 1954; Volume 2, No.
2, April 1955
Marxist Study Courses 1, 2 and 9
Masses and Mainstream, June 1950; July 1950; August 1950
Masses and Mainstream, September 1950; October 1950; November 1950; December 1950
Masses and Mainstream, January 1951; February 1951; March 1951; April 1951
Masses and Mainstream, May 1951; June 1951; July 1951; August 1951
Masses and Mainstream, August 1951; October 1951; November 1951; December 1951
Masses and Mainstream, January 1952; March 1952; April 1952; May 1952; June 1952
Masses and Mainstream, June 1953; September 1954; May 1956; July 1956; August 1956;
Memorandum On Youth Work and Policy, November 29, 1945
The Militant, July 23, 1932; January 21, 1933; September 30, 1933
Box 17 (121512)
The Modern Quarterly, Vol. XI, No. 4, Fall 1939; Volume 2, No. 4, Autumn 1947; Volume 3,
No. 1, November 1947; Volume 5, No. 3, Summer 1950; Vol. 5, No. 4, Autumn 1950
Monthly Review, reprint from February 1951; Vol. 6, No. 2, June 1954; Vol. 7, No. 11,
March 1956; Vol. 8, No. 6, October 1956; Vol. 8, No. 7, November 1970; Vol. 8, No. 8,
December 1956; Vol. 8, No. 9, January 1957;
Monthly Review, Vol. 8, No. 10, February 1957; Vol. 9, No. 1, May 1957; Vol. 9, No. 2,
June 1957; Vol. 9, 3 and 4, July-August 1957; Vol. 9, No. 6, October 1957;
Monthly Review, Vol. 9, No. 7, November 1957; July-August 1958; Vol. 13, No. 5,
September 1951; Volume 26, No. 10, March 1975; Volume 26, April 1975
New Foundations, Vol. 7, No. 2, Spring 1954; New Frontiers, Vol. IV, No. 5, September
New International, May-June 1951; July-August 1951; September-October 1951; NovemberDecember 1953; January-February 1954; Fall 1957
New International Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. V, December 1936; Vol. 2, No. 1, March 1937;
Supplement, 1944
New Spark, May1, 1948
New University Thought, Spring 1960; Spring 1961
New World Review, November 1955; June 1957; July 1957
Newsletter of the European Association for American Studies, No. 17, 1974-76
Orientacao Socialista, No. 18, October 1947
Our America, January 1933
Box 18 (121513)
Political Affairs, June 1949; July 1950; August 1950; September 1950; October 1950;
December 1950
Political Affairs, June 1951; July 1951; January 1952; July 1952; January 1952; July 1952;
August 1952;
Political Affairs, September 1952; November 1952; December 1952
Political Affairs, January 1953; May 1953; March 1953; October 1954; November 1954;
September 1955; October 1955; November 1955
Political Affairs, January 1956; February 1956; March 1956; October 1956; December 1956
Political Affairs, December 1957; April 1959; May 1959;
Political Affairs, March 1960; April 1960; May 1960; June 1960; July 1960
Political Affairs, February 1961; March 1961; April 1961; June 1961; October 1961;
November 1961
Political Affairs, November 1972; November 1973; July 1974
Quatrieme Internationale, September-October 1938; January-February 1947; March-April
1947; May-June 1947; July-August 1947
Promethean Review, January-February 1959; March-April 1959; October-November 1959
The Protestant, July-August-September 1950
Race Relation News, November 1952
Report On Germany, 5th Quarterly, October 1-December 1950; 7th Quarterly, April 1, 1951
Roll Call, November 1953
Round Table, University of Chicago, March 2, 1952; December 6, 1953; December 13, 1953;
January 10, 1954; January 31, 1954; February 7, 1954; February 14, 1954; March 7, 1954;
March 28, 1954; April 18, 1954; April 25, 1954; May 9, 1954; June 13, 1954; June 20, 1954;
October 10, 1954; January 9, 1955; February 20, 1955; May 15, 1955
Box 19 (121514)
Science & Society, Summer 1947; Winter 1947; Spring 1948; Summer 1948;
Science & Society, Winter 1948; Spring 1951; Winter 1951; Summer 1953;
Science & Society, Spring 1954; Summer 1954; Fall 1954; Spring 1955;
Science & Society, Summer 1955; Fall 1955; Winter 1955; Spring 1956;
Science & Society, Summer 1956; Spring 1957; Summer 1957; Spring 1959; Spring 1961
Shafto the Sneak
Socialist Appeal, June 1936; August 1936; September 1936; October 1, 1936; November 1,
1936; December 1936; December 15, 1936; January 1937; February 1937; March 1937
Socialist Clarity, March 1, 1937
Socialist Review, November-December 1939; Spring 1940
Soviet Review, February 1961: March 1961
Steel Sparks, May 1953
Studies on the Left, Fall 1959; 1961
Town Meeting, March 1, 1949
UE Steward, April-May 1954
Tribune, January 5, 1945; January 12, 1945; January 26, 1945
UnserWort, December 1940; April 1941
Vanguard, November 1937
La Verite, July 1939
WAY Forum, September 1955
Who Killed Pat Corcoran and Why? Socialist Party of Minneapolis
World Marxist Review, January 1960; March 1960; May 1960; June 1960; April 1960; June
1961; August 1961; May 1975
World Survey November 1941; January 1942; March 1942; April 1942; May 1942; April
1950; July 1950
World Youth, August 1950; October 1950; December 1950; January 1951; June 1951;
November 1952; December 1952; February 1953; April 1953; June 1953
Yale Review, Summer 1938
Young Communist League Builder, March-April 1933; June 1933; September 1933
Youth Review, Spring 1953
Yugoslav Fortnightly June 15, 1949; July 15, 1949; August 1, 1949; March 3, 1950; April 21,
1950; May 5, 1950; May 26, 1950
from the Onyx Foundation, Atlanta, GA (added 11/8/06):
The American Worker by Paul and Ria Stone, 1972 (first edition 1947)
Facing Reality by CLR James and Grace C. Lee, 2006
A History of Pan-African Revolt by CLR James, 2005
Invading Socialist Society by CLR James, F. Forest, and Ria Stone, 1972 (first edition 1947)
Marxism and the Intellectuals by J. R. Johnson, 5/62
Modern Politics by CLR James, 1973
Negro Americans Take The Lead, 9/64
State Capitalism and World Revolution by CLR James, 1986
Africa, f.1
Africans, f. 2-8
Atomic Bomb, f. 9
Britain, f. 10-13
Capitalism, f. 14-17
China, f. 18-24
Communism, f. 25-43
Cuba, f. 44
Czechoslovakia, f. 45
Education, f. 46
Fascism, f. 47
France, f. 48-51
Germany, f. 52-59
Greece, f. 60
Hungary, f. 61-62
India, f. 63-64
Interlingua/Esperanto, f. 65-74
Iran, f. 75
Iraq, f. 76
Ireland, f. 77
Israel, f. 78-81
Japan, f. 82
Korea, f. 83
Labor, f. 84-92
Latin America, f. 93
Lipsitz, George, f. 1-279
Literature, f. 94
McCarthyism, f. 95-100
Mexico, f. 101
Other, f. 102-111
Peace, f. 112-121
Philippines, f. 122
Poland, f. 123
Psychoanalysis, f. 124
Rawick, George, f, 1-276
The Rosenbergs, f. 125
Socialism, f. 126-128
Soviet Union, f. 129-179
Spain, f. 180-189
United Nations, f. 190
War, f. 191-192
Women, f. 193
Youth, f. 194-200
Kenn Thomas and Sonya McDonald
August 2001