Section 9-Dual Credit

IMPACT Institute has established agreements with Ivy Tech Community College, Vincennes
University and Trine University to grant college credit to students enrolled in the proceeding
programs administered by the IMPACT Institute. Students shall receive credits based upon
successful completion of the courses as determined by final grades and skills competency. Students
will be dually enrolled at their home high school as well as the institution where they have applied.
Find following the most current listing of credits available to Vocational students.
2013-14 Dual Credit & Certifications
Auto Body Collision Repair
1st Year Students
• Vincennes University Body 100 Body Repair I-5 credits
• Vincennes University Body 100 Lab-Body Repair Lab-4 credits
2nd Year Students
• Ivy Tech AUBR103 Automotive Paint Fundamentals-3credits
• Inter-Industry Conference on Automotive Repair (ICAR) Certificate
Automotive Technology
Mike Prater’s Students
• Ivy Tech AUTC109 Engine Performance I-3 credits
• Ivy Tech AUTC122 Braking Systems-3 credits
Terry Helm’s Students
• Ivy Tech AUTC101 Steering & Suspension-3 credits
• Ivy Tech AUTC113 Electrical & Electronic I-3 credits
• Automotive Youth Education Systems (AYES)~Earned time towards Certification
• ASE~ Earned time towards Certification
The IMPACT Institute has a policy of providing equal opportunity. All courses are open to all students regardless of race, color,
gender, disabilities or national origin including limited English proficiency.
Computer Aided Drafting
1st Year Students
• Vincennes University DRAF140 Introduction to CAD-3 credits
• Vincennes University ARCH141 Introduction to Arch. CAD-3 credits
• Ivy Tech DESN 102 Technical Graphics – 3 credits
• Ivy Tech DESN 103 CAD Fundamentals – 3 credits
2nd Year Students
• Ivy Tech DESN104 Mechanical Graphics-3 credits (Mechanical Students)
• Ivy Tech DESN108 Residential Design-3 credits (Architectural Students)
• Vincennes University ARCH221 Adv. Architect Software Applications-4 credits
• Vincennes University DRAF120 Computers for Technology-2 credits
Construction Trades
1st Year Students
• Ivy Tech BCOT104 Floor & Wall Layout Construction-3 credits OR
• Ivy Tech BCOT105 Roof Construction-3 credits
• Ivy Tech CONT102 Construction Material-3 Credits (based on type of structure)
• Ivy Tech CONT101 Intro. To Construction Technology-3 credits
2nd Year Students
• Ivy Tech BCOT113 Interior Trim-3 credits
• Ivy Tech BCOT114 Exterior Trim-3 credits
1st Year Students
• Vincennes University COSM100 Cosmetology 1-7 credits
• Vincennes University COSM150 Cosmetology 2-7 credits
2nd Year Students
• Vincennes University COSM200 Cosmetology 3-7 credits
• Vincennes University COSM250 Cosmetology 4-9 credits
• State Board of Cosmetology Licensure
Criminal Justice
Noble County:
• Vincennes University LAWE100 Survey of Criminal Justice - 3 credits
• Vincennes University LAWE106 Introduction Traffic Control – 3 credits
Steuben County:
Trine University LE103 Introduction to Criminal Justice - 3 credits
Trine University LE313 Police Administration – 3 credits
Vincennes University LAWE100 Survey of Criminal Justice - 3 credits
Vincennes University LAWE106 Introduction Traffic Control – 3 credits
The IMPACT Institute has a policy of providing equal opportunity. All courses are open to all students regardless of race, color,
gender, disabilities or national origin including limited English proficiency.
Criminal Justice continued
• Heartsaver CPR & First-Aid Certification
Culinary Arts
1st Year Students
• Ivy Tech HOSP101 Sanitation & First Aid-3 credits
• Ivy Tech HOSP104 Nutrition – 3 credits
2nd Year Students
• Ivy Tech HOSP105 Intro. To Baking-3 credits
• Serv-Safe Certification
• Heartsaver CPR & First-Aid Certification
Health Occupations Education
Ivy Tech HLHS101 Medical Terminology-3 credits
Ivy Tech HLHS100 Intro. To Health Careers-3 credits
• Healthcare Provider CPR Certification
Interactive Media
1st Year Students
• Ivy Tech VISC105 Video and Sound – 3 credits
• Ivy Tech VISC115 Introduction to Computer Graphics – 3 credits
2nd Year Students
• Ivy Tech VISC102 Fundamentals of Imaging – 3 credits
• Ivy Tech VISC116 Electronic Illustrating – 3 credits
Marine Mechanics
• Code of Conduct Certification
• Hassle Free Boating Certification
• Shop Management Certification
• Electrical & Ignition Technical Certifications
• Bombardier Essentials Certifications
Precision Machining
1st Year Students
• Vincennes University PMTD117 Basic Machining I-3 credits
• Vincennes University PMTD118 Basic Machining II-3 credits
The IMPACT Institute has a policy of providing equal opportunity. All courses are open to all students regardless of race, color,
gender, disabilities or national origin including limited English proficiency.
Precision Machining
2nd Year Students
• Vincennes University PMTD110 Manufacturing Processes-2 credits
• Vincennes University PMTD110L Manufacturing Processes Lab-1 credit
Primary Health Care
Ivy Tech HLHS107 Certified Nursing Asst. (CNA)-5 credits
Ivy Tech HLHS112 Home Health Aide Bridge (Must earn CNA to be eligible) – 2 credits
• Indiana State Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
• Heartsaver CPR & First-Aid Certification
1st Year Students
• Ivy Tech INDT114 Introductory Welding-3 credits
• Vincennes University WELD101 Oxyacetylene Welding-4 credits
2nd Year Students
• Vincennes University WELD102 Shielded Metal Arc-4 credits
• Vincennes University WELD103 Gas Metal Arc Welding-3 credits
• American Welding Society (AWS) Certification
The IMPACT Institute has a policy of providing equal opportunity. All courses are open to all students regardless of race, color,
gender, disabilities or national origin including limited English proficiency.