Guidance Notes Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) CEnvP—an initiative of the EIANZ CEnvP CL Specialist THESE GUIDANCE NOTES ARE FOR PRACTITIONERS APPLYING FOR STANDARD CENVP CONTAMINATED LAND These guidelines are for Practitioners applying for CEnvP Contaminated Land Specialist CRITERIA PART A: Administration PART B: Qualifications PART C: Ethical Conduct PART D: Referees PART E: Work Experience PART F: Commitment to CPD PART G: Further Evidence PART H: Statement of Claim APPLICATION PROCESS CERTIFICATION PAYMENT POST The establishment of a specialist Contaminated Land (CL) certification under the CEnvP Scheme will help promote sound CL practice by recognising ethical and professionally competent CL practitioners within Australia and New Zealand. This should lead to improved confidence and outputs in professional CL practice. A CEnvP (CL Specialist) applicant must first meet the requirements for CEnvP certification. It is not necessary to be a CEnvP at the time of application. SECTIONS MINIMUM The Certified Environmental Practitioner Scheme has implemented certification categories to recognize specialist areas of practice in the environmental sector requiring unique subsets of competence and ethical standards. BOARD OF FEES NOMINAL CHECKLIST 2 Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) For the purposes of Certification, “Contaminated Land Practice” is considered to be: “a specialised professional area involving a number of disciplines. Practitioners must have a range of competencies and be able to recognise the need for supporting professional advice beyond their own expertise when assessing contamination and its effects on land use and the environment. The extent to which these competencies are required varies with the level and nature of work being carried out by the professional. For example, the professional may be operating as an accredited auditor, a third-party reviewer, a specialist professional certifying work under statute or an environmental consultant involved in carrying out contaminated site assessments. The complexity of contamination issues will vary on individual sites from a single known contaminant with limited site distribution to sites with multiple contaminants of unknown vertical and lateral spread, off-site impacts and obvious human health and environmental risks. Professional assessments of site contamination deal with health and environmental issues of concern to landowners, occupiers, regulators, local government, planning authorities and the public. These assessments are required by regulatory and planning authorities for the management of contaminated land and in development approval processes.” This description makes it clear that a CL practitioner must have the ability to draw together knowledge from a variety of sources and disciplines.1 1 National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure 1999 (April 2013), NEPC 2013, Canberra. Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) 3 MINIMUM CRITERIA FOR CL SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION THE CL SPECIALIST REQUIREMENTS ARE: An environment-related degree and evidence thereof. Ten years of full time equivalent experience in CL practice during the last fifteen years. At least the most recent three years must be supported by documentary evidence such as reports or other publications. Nomination by three respected environmental professionals who are willing to act as referees for the candidate. Evidence that the candidate is a respected, competent, ethical and active member of the profession in the form of at least two referee statements (with at least one external to the applicant’s current place of employment), a detailed curriculum vitae, reports, publications, citations, conference/seminar presentations, etc. Evidence of and ongoing commitment to training and professional improvement (at least 100 points of training, professional improvement, service to professional practice over a two year period). Fifty percent must be directly related to CL practice. A signed and witnessed statement of claim covering qualifications, experience, ethics, commitment and the accuracy of the materials provided to the Certification Board. These Guidance Notes are provided to assist prospective applicants assess their eligibility for CEnvP (CL Specialist) certification and complete the necessary application requirements. To further assist applicants with the application process, answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) can be found on the CEnvP website, 4 Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) KEY PROFICIENCIES OF CL SPECIALISTS Due to the cross-disciplinary nature of CL work, a CEnvP CL Specialist must have the ability to apply knowledge and experience in numerous aspects. The following abilities must be demonstrated by a CL Specialist in their written application and interview. PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCY Competency to lead and integrate multidisciplinary CL studies at all scales and to look beyond mere regulatory compliance to promote best practice. Methods for scoping and prioritising relevant environmental and health issues, relative importance and investigations required to address them. Thorough knowledge and application of the CLA-related law and other regulatory instruments in the jurisdiction(s) in which the Specialist operates. Thorough knowledge and application of best practice CL guidance, including guidance from other jurisdictions. A detailed knowledge of many of the following contaminated land investigation and assessment fundamentals, with an ability to understand when a gap in knowledge exists and knowledge must be sought from elsewhere: air quality (volatile emissions and dust) assessment relating to contamination; assessment of impacts on groundwater from contaminated sites; contaminant fate and transport; environmental chemistry; environmental sampling; environmental and human toxicology; geology and hydrogeology; human health and ecological risk assessment relating to contamination; identification of contaminants of concern from past industrial land uses; remediation technologies and geo-technology; and soil science. Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) 5 A detailed understanding of published guideline values and their limitations, particularly the jurisdiction-specific policy embedded within the values. An understanding of site-specific assessment where using published guidelines is not appropriate or does not give the best solutions. Thorough knowledge of contaminated land management techniques available, including institutional management tools, remedial options for soil, groundwater and soil gas, and the environmental impacts of these options. An appreciation of the emerging issues, trends and techniques in CL nationally and internationally. Knowledge of commercial and contractual issues associated with land redevelopment and land/property transfer as affected by land contamination. Thorough knowledge of health and safety issues, including workplace safety law, associated with conducting CL related work. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS Effective and efficient CL requires robust interpersonal skills across a range of stakeholders, and entails the ability to: 6 Demonstrate communication skills required for effective stakeholder engagement, collaboration and consultation, including communication of risks, or lack of risks, presented by land contamination. Clearly express complex concepts and ideas, orally and in writing. Develop effective working relationships with stakeholders, including property owners/developers, contractors, consultants, general public, community groups and local and central government regulators. Understand and address conflicting viewpoints of different stakeholders. Exercise perception and judgment in dealing with complex and sensitive issues. Act ethically. Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) NOTES FOR PRACTITIONERS APPLYING FOR CENVP AND CL SPECIALISATION CONCURRENTLY Practitioners can apply for both CEnvP and CL Specialist certification at the same time. An applicant will not be recommended for CL Specialist certification, however, unless they are also deemed eligible by the Panel for standard CEnvP certification. Please see the Checklist (Column B) on Page 19 for required documentation. A one-time non-refundable CEnvP Certification Application fee PLUS the Specialist Certification fee applies (refer to payment), and is due at the time of application. NOTES FOR CURRENT CENVPS UPGRADING Please see the Checklist (Column A) on Page 19 for required documentation. A one time non-refundable CEnvP Specialist Certification fee applies, and is due upon submission in order for a candidate’s application to be considered. NOTES FOR CONTAMINATED LAND AUDITORS APPLYING Contaminated land auditors accepted by an environmental regulatory agency, under relevant legislation, are considered to have been suitably assessed and need only submit an abridged application for CL Specialist. Reduced application and renewal fees also apply for auditors. Please see the Checklist (Column C) on Page 19 for required documentation. A one time non-refundable CEnvP Specialist Certification fee applies, and is due upon submission in order for a candidate’s application to be considered. Applicants who are certified under another environmental professional membership based scheme, may also be eligible for submission of an abridged application and a reduced application fee. Please contact the Program Manager at for further information. Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) 7 PART A ADMINISTRATION & PAYMENT The application form must be completed in full and forwarded with: ORIGINAL PAGES the application fee (see the fees table at supporting evidence of claim (complete with signatures and certified copies of qualifications) Please ensure that all parts are completed and signed where indicated. Completed application forms can be submitted by post, online or via email. Email your application to The size of documents sent electronically should be restricted to 20mb. Note: you are required to post the witnessed ‘Part H: Statement of Claim’ and certified copies of your qualification documents to the address below. Both items will need the original certifying/witness signatures on the hard copy. ONLINE Upload your scanned application form to applications.php#upload. Remember to enter your Full Name in the ‘description’ box. The size of documents sent electronically should be restricted to 20mb. Note: you are required to post the witnessed ‘Part H: Statement of Claim’ and certified copies of your qualification documents to the address below. Both items will need the original certifying/witness signatures on the hard copy. POST COMPLETED APPLICATIONS EMAIL You are required to post the witnessed ‘Part H: Statement of Claim’ and certified copies of your qualification documents to the CEnvP office. Both items will need the original certifying/witness signatures on the hard copy. Forward whole application to: Certified Environmental Practitioner Scheme Suite 109, 685 Burke Road Camberwell VIC 3124 AUSTRALIA Incomplete or flawed applications will be delayed until all missing materials are received, and may result in an application being held until the following intake. 8 Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) PART B EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS An environment degree or a degree with a substantial environmental component will generally constitute the minimum requirement. In the case of the latter, further information verifying the environmental content must be provided (e.g. a transcript or academic record). An environment-related degree and evidence thereof. In exceptional circumstances, ten years of appropriate work experience may be submitted in lieu of a suitable tertiary qualification. Evidence of these qualifications in the form of certified copies is required (see for suggested Authorised Signatories in Australia, and public/1957/0088/latest/DLM314584.html in New Zealand). A certified A4 sized copy must be posted to CEnvP. Do not send your original testamur/parchment as it will not be returned. Current CEnvPs applying for Specialist Certification do not need to provide evidence of their educational qualifications. Contaminated land auditors accepted by an environmental regulatory agency, under relevant legislation, will need to provide evidence of their accreditation. A certified A4 sized copy must be posted to CEnvP. Do not send your original accreditation document as it will not be returned. PART C STATEMENT OF ETHICAL CONDUCT Ensure that the form is fully completed, and you have signed and dated in the relevant boxes showing you understand and agree to abide by the EIANZ Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) 9 PART D REFEREES Three respected environmental professionals willing to act as referees are required. Each must have known the applicant for at least two years. The applicant must include information on referees’ qualification, employment and relationship to the applicant. Referee Reports must be provided from at least two of the nominated referees, including: Nomination by three respected environmental professionals who are willing to support application. an experienced CL practitioner who is a CEnvP CL Specialist or would be eligible to apply for CEnvP CL Specialist themselves an environmental professional external to the applicant’s current place of work who is familiar with the applicants work on one or more of the ‘Four Examples of Professional Proficiency’ provided in PART G. PART E WORK EXPERIENCE In order to be eligible for CEnvP CL Specialist status, an applicant must have ten years of full-time relevant/related experience in the functional areas of CL during the last 15 years in three or more of the following areas: 10 Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) Scoping, designing, conducting and project management of complex CL investigations; Conduct or review site-specific risk assessments; Development or implementation of risk management or remedial strategies, including preparation of monitoring plans, site management plans and remedial action plans; Participation in stakeholder engagement and risk communication, including public meetings; Preparation and presenting independent expert evidence in environmental planning or court hearings; Acting as an independent reviewer or auditor (or similar), preferably as part of a statutory process; Contributing to CL policy development; or Teaching and research in CLA. Ten years of full time equivalent experience in CL practice during the last fifteen years. At least the most recent three years must be supported by documentary evidence such as reports or other publications. Certification will recognise supervisory, research, policy, regulation, community conservation work and teaching as contributing in part or whole to the ten years ‘functional experience’, providing the applicant can demonstrate how these have contributed to relevant competence. Special dispensation may also be provided for those returning to the workforce from a long leave period associated with illness or parental leave. Demonstration of work experience and professional proficiencies is shown by work verification signatures for ten years of professional CL practice over the past 15 years and a current detailed CV. The experience claimed for the minimum ten years must be fully relevant to management and improvement of the environment, and all should be independently verified by signature (e.g. current or former employer, senior colleague, referee who knew the applicant at that time). These individuals may be contacted by the Assessment Panel or Certification Board. The applicant must nominate a maximum of three areas of Environmental Practice. The nominated areas will be used to assess your eligibility for CEnvP and once certified these nominated areas will be used in online profiles and directories. Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) 11 PART F COMMITMENT TO CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Standard CEnvP Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements apply. Once accepted for certification, applicants must keep a log of professional development undertaken. A points system has been devised to describe the CPD and the total of 100 points requirement. CL Specialist CPD requirements must be fulfilled through CL specific activities, with at least fifty percent consisting of activities that directly contribute to the field’s higher level processes, policy and strategy. Evidence of and ongoing commitment to training and professional improvement (in the order of 100 points of training, professional improvement, service to professional practice over a two year period). Fifty percent must be directly related to CL practice. 12 A guide with examples is provided in the CEnvP CPD Log available at Certification is reviewed every two years. At this time the applicant will need to provide evidence of CPD and a statement verifying any changed circumstances including employment and ethical conduct. Specialist applicants must provide evidence supporting any claims of any recent CPD activity with the application. Must be completed on the official CEnvP CPD Log Form available at Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) PART G REFEREE REPORTS Referee Reports must be provided from at least two of the nominated referees in PART D, including: Evidence in the form of referee reports (at least two), detailed curriculum vitae, publications, citations, reports, etc. that the candidate is a respected, competent, ethical and active member of the profession. an experienced CL practitioner who is a CEnvP CL Specialist or would be eligible to apply for CEnvP CL Specialist themselves an environmental professional external to the applicant’s current place of work who is familiar with the applicants work on one or more of the ‘Four Examples of Professional Proficiency’ provided in PART G. The Referee Reports must provide sufficient information to demonstrate how the nominated referees meet the above requirements. Referee Reports must cover the applicant’s skills and attributes as they specifically relate to CL practice, ethics and professional integrity, and must be completed on the official CEnvP Referee Report Form available at The Referee should follow the instructions and complete all questions separately as marked on the form, otherwise there may be delays in processing the application. The document must be signed by hand, but can be scanned and submitted by email. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS See Page 9 for details. DETAILED CURRICULUM VITAE Your CV must be detailed and describe experience, roles and responsibilities, skills, outcomes, achievements, citations (evidenced in journals, articles, reports, books, etc.), presentations, etc. Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) 13 FOUR EXAMPLES OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCY Applicants should be able to demonstrate professional competency, analytical capability and the interpersonal skills required for effective and efficient CL processes through the provision of four documents. These should include a detailed account of at least three of the most recent years of CL specific experience . Competencies are listed on Page 5 under ‘Professional Competency’ and ‘Interpersonal Skills’. The documents should be either available on the web or of a size that can be emailed. Any documents subject to confidentiality should be clearly noted. For each document, the applicant must provide a brief (e.g. one page) statement addressing the following questions: Four documents to demonstrate that the applicant has the required professional proficiency. 1. What were the key features and context of the project? 2. What was the nature and extent of your role, and over what time period? 3. What were the main areas of concern or stakeholder conflict (if any) related to the project, and how did you assist in addressing these? 4. What were some of the challenges you had to deal with? Why did you make the decisions you did? 5. What environmental outcome did you achieve? To what extent did your advice influence the outcome? 6. In hindsight, could you have achieved a better outcome? 7. What does your work on this project demonstrate about your expertise in CLA? 8. Is the document available for reference by the panel if required and, if so, where? 14 Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) Evidence of publication in CL citations (books, journals, articles or reports). It is not necessary to provide copies of supporting documentation to be submitted, if a list of materials is provided in “PART G: Further evidence of Claim” table on the application form. Web addresses should be provided for documents available on the web. The Convenor and/or Assessment Panel will indicate when arranging Assessment Panel interviews which documents should be brought, or provided prior, to the interview. ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS Information may include but not necessarily be limited to testamurs, academic records, publications, citations, reports, training records, record of CPD activities undertaken, written statements of service, or information supplied by a witness, associate or referee. The size of documents sent electronically should be restricted to 20mb. Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) 15 PART H A signed (and witnessed) statement of claim covering qualifications, experience, ethics, commitment and the accuracy of materials provided to the Certification Board. STATEMENT OF CLAIM STATUTORY DECLARATION All applicants are required to sign a statutory declaration that the materials they have provided are accurate and complete in the presence of an appropriately authorised witness authority (e.g. Justice of the Peace or other relevant qualification in the jurisdiction). Please see for suggested Authorised Signatories in Australia, and public/1957/0088/latest/DLM314584.html in New Zealand. Applicants must initial the relevant box next to their applicable location as indicated by ‘x’. The original Statement of Claim Statutory Declaration must be posted to CEnvP. 16 Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) Application Process Applications will be sought and processed in batches biannually. Applicants can expect a period of up to two months before they are notified of a requirement to attend an interview. Typically, March and September intake interviews are held in May and November, respectively. Application processing times typically take around 6 months, but may take up to 12 months, particularly where an insufficient or incomplete application is provided. CEnvP Certification Board & Assessment Panels The Certification Board oversees the Certification process and is made up of respected environmental practitioners from Australia and New Zealand. The Certification Board is supported by Assessment Panels. The panels consist of panel members who will undertake a detailed assessment of applications and conduct assessment interviews. The panel members are highly respected CL professionals who are well known for their experience, proficiency and ethical behaviour. The Assessment Panel will convene to consider an application and on condition that all relevant information is provided with the application, make arrangements for an interview with the applicant. Interviews for CEnvP (CL Specialist) are proposed to be undertaken in person at the relevant capital city or a regional centre where possible. The applicant is advised of the time and place for the interview and what additional documentation, if any, must be provided. At the assessment interview, candidates are asked to review a CASE STUDY and answer questions in writing in regard to the case study, as well as being asked questions relating to experience, proficiencies and ethical conduct. The interview is approximately 2 hours. Following the interview, the Assessment Panel submits a Panel Report to the Board Application Ratification Committee (BARC), who review both the Application and Panel Report in detail before making a formal recommendation to the Certification Board. The Certification Board then ratify the BARC recommendation and assign a delegate to advise the Applicant. Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) 17 Payment of Fees The returned application form must be accompanied by the nonrefundable application fee (refer to table on payment). Post-Nominal Designation Upon certification the additional qualification of Certified Environmental Practitioner Contaminated Land Specialist, or “CEnvP (CL Specialist)”, will follow a professional’s name denoting a peer recognised level of ethical and professional proficiency in contaminated land. The Assistant Registrar will record details of the application in the CEnvP database. Provided the core materials have been submitted, the application is forwarded to the relevant Registrar for preliminary checks to ensure that the application is ready to be forwarded to an Assessment Panel. An advice of receipt of the application will be sent to the candidate. In the case of an incomplete application, it will be referred back to the candidate for correction. Application fees are non-refundable unless it is obvious to the Registrar that the applicant cannot meet certain criteria, in which case the application will be returned to the applicant together with a portion of the application fee. If the application is successful applicants will be certified on receipt of their annual certification fee. Specialist Certification renewal fees are in addition to standard CEnvP renewal fees. Annual Renewal Fees are due at the start of each calendar year. Photos: Unwanted Chairs by Michael Coghlan is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Oil well pump jacks by Richard Masoner / Cycleli is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Oil Refineries: Sulfur is in the air by RonAlmog is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Oil pattern 2 by Anders Sandberg is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Open coal mine Garzweiler II by Bert Kaufmann is licensed under CC BY 2.0 18 Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) COMPLETED APPLICATION CHECKLIST In order to ensure your application has been filled out correctly and completely, please tick the Completed Application Checklist below. New Applicants applying for both CEnvP and Specialist Certification concurrently should submit items listed in Column B. Current CEnvP Applicants should submit items listed in Column A. Accredited Auditors should submit items listed in Column C. A B C Have you included: PART A : ADMINISTRATION o o o Contact Details and Application Fee PART B : EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS - o o - - o - o o Evidence of educational qualifications (must be Certified Copies, see Page 9). Evidence of accreditation as an Auditor (must be a Certified Copy, see Page 9). PART C : STATEMENT OF ETHICAL CONDUCT Signed statement of ethical conduct and agreement to abide by the EIANZ Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct PART D : REFEREES o o o Details of 3 nominated referees who are respected environmental professionals including their: o Qualifications o Current position o Relationship to the applicant o Contact details o If referee is also listed on Part E, have they signed Part E? PART E : WORK EXPERIENCE o o o Verification of work experience with signatures of verifiers o Signatures for at least 10 years of professional contaminated land work experience PART F : COMMITMENT TO CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT o o o Signed commitment to a minimum of 100 points of professional development over a 2-year period PART G : FURTHER EVIDENCE OF CLAIM o o o Have you listed each item supporting your evidence of claim? o o o Referee reports from at least two of your nominated referees, that are: o an experienced CL practitioner, who is or would be eligible to apply for CEnvP CL Specialist o an environmental professional external to your current place of work who is familiar with your work on one or more of the examples of professional proficiency. o completed on the Referee Report form provided at o signed (providing evidence that the referee is aware of the purpose of her/his report) o o o Detailed curriculum vitae including at least the last fifteen years of working experience o o - Four Examples of Professional Proficiency and a statement on each how applicant meets CL proficiencies. o o o A list of recent Continuing Professional Development activities. CPD Log form is provided at PART H : STATEMENT OF CLAIM STATUTORY DECLARATION o o o A signed and witnessed Statement of Claim, that is: o Initialled in the appropriate box to indicate your State/jurisdiction o Witnessed by an appropriately qualified authority (see page 9) o Includes the witness’ qualification to witness statutory declarations in a legible format Application for CEnvP (CL Specialist) 19 Further Information For further information regarding the completion of the application form please contact the CEnvP Office at CE15-07-ver4.02