year in review 2004-2005.indd

Year in Review
The pluralistic community day school
San Diego Jewish Academy, a 25-year-old educational institution, is the largest, most technologically advanced
Jewish day school in San Diego County. SDJA challenges its students to achieve their full academic potential
and become individuals of strong moral and ethical character, while inspiring them to make Judaism a vital
and relevant aspect of their lives.
A Message from the President
It was my honor to have been President of the Board of Trustees during San Diego Jewish Academy’s yearlong 25th anniversary celebration. Beginning with the first day of the school year when the Jaffe campus
was adorned with banners and balloons to our magnificent community celebration on Tu B’Shevat. What
an exciting year it was!
Under the leadership of Board members Marsha Berkson and Cynthia Bolker and Past President Ann Jaffe,
SDJA hosted a breakfast for over 500 guests, including school founders, past presidents, donors, alumni,
community leaders and parents on January 25. Founders and past presidents planted the first seeds in a
magnificent learning garden that we dedicated in memory of Levana Estline z”l, beloved kindergarten teacher
for 18 years. This 3,000 square-foot garden, called Gan Levana, is just one example of the innovative,
values-based education that takes place at our school.
As my two-year term as Board President comes to a close, I want to thank all the members of the Board
of Trustees for dedicating countless hours and resources to our school. They provided tremendous
support during very difficult times, acting with integrity and selflessness to make decisions in the
best interests of San Diego Jewish Academy. I was so fortunate to have been surrounded by this
amazing group of individuals.
I also want to express a heartfelt Mazal Tov to my successor, Leo Spiegel. He is a talented,
devoted leader who will take San Diego Jewish Academy to the next level of greatness. I wish
him all the best!
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of this fine institution.
Thanks to the hard work and perseverance
of our staff, volunteers, and generous
donor community who demonstrate
their continued commitment to our
organization’s vision, San Diego Jewish
Academy is embarking on a solid
financial future
Projected Distribution of Revenues
During the 2004-2005 school year, the
Administration focused its efforts on
balancing the operating budget and
establishing cash reserves necessary to
fulfill debt service obligations for future
It is important to note that annual
tuition and fees represent only 88% of
the revenues necessary to offset annual
expenditures. The remaining 7% and 5%
of revenues are generated by annual gifts
and contributions, along with facilities
rentals and catering, respectively. $5
million of $19.5 million outstanding
debt and cash reserves necessary to
sustain the annual payments dictate that
we continue to build reserves for future
year obligations.
Year-over-year expenditures remained
Campaign &
Tuition &
Tuition & Fees
Other Student Revenue
Other Income
Annual Campaign & Directed Giving
Financial Highlights
Projected Distribution of Expenditures
Assistance &
Salaries &
Salaries & Benefits
Tuition Assistance & Discounts
fairly constant, with a slight increase in
facilities expenditures related mainly to
campus improvements. These include:
new bus loading areas, technology costs,
and new vans to better support our
growing athletic teams.
We were pleased to reinstate cost of living
raises and a match of 4.5% for 401K
retirement contributions for our faculty and
staff, represented by the increase in salaries
and benefits expenditures.
During this milestone year of our school, it is only fitting to express our appreciation to the visionary thinkers of an earlier generation who conceived of San Diego Jewish Academy. Their foresight
and dreams provided the seeds from which a magnificent academic institution has developed. Could
they have imagined that a small community school with 42 students would become the largest, most
technically-advanced Jewish day school in San Diego and one of the premier Jewish
day schools in the United States in just twenty-five years?
We commemorated our 25th anniversary on Tu B’Shevat, the birthday of the
trees. How appropriate to base our celebration on the Talmudic learning: “I did
not find the world desolate when I entered it. And as my parents planted for me
before I was born, so do I plant for those who will come after me.” Our founders created a beautiful garden that would bring forth Jewish fruit for our community and for future generations. We thank them for their foresight, hard work,
generosity and commitment to building San Diego Jewish Academy.
At the completion of our twenty-fifth year, student retention and parent satisfaction is high, upper school enrollment is growing dramatically, and our lower school
students are being recognized for their academic achievement in competitive testing in the
county. Following the tradition set by our first graduating class three years ago, our seniors have
been accepted by the finest colleges and universities in the country, with letters of acceptance by
such educational institutions as Duke, New York University, Berkeley, Cornell, Tufts, Emory,
Brandeis, University of Michigan and University of Southern California.
Although this year for the first time we have achieved a strong annual financial position,
it is our duty to ensure that we continue this achievement and follow the path set by
our forefathers by planting seeds for the future. At this year’s Annual General Meeting, we launched the Legacy Campaign. It is designed to raise the necessary funds from
endowments, bequests and planned gifts to enable San Diego Jewish Academy to
continue to deliver the highest quality educational experience to our students.
While none of us knows where SDJA will be twenty-five years from now, I feel confident that, with the support of our parents, grandparents, alumni and friends, our
school will continue to go from strength to strength.
The Golda Meir Lower School (GMLS) academic program was greatly enhanced this year with hands-on learning experiences,
guest speakers, field trips and other activities.
Enrichment electives were instituted to further challenge our students and give them the opportunity to delve more deeply
into subjects of special interest. First, second and third graders participated in an Enrichment Wheel rotation, including Math
Games, Poetry, Rashi, and Kitchen Chemistry. Fourth and fifth graders had the chance to choose courses such as Kosher
Cooking, Invent It, Readers’ Theater, Mosaic Art, Multimedia Children’s Stories and Kolot Tikvah Choir.
As part of SDJA’s twenty-five anniversary celebration, students in grades 3, 4 and 5 gathered data through internet searches
and personal interviews on important events in the history of our school and around the world. Their findings were
compiled into beautiful, framed plaques which are on permanent display in the Ulam.
Educational assemblies and programs richly augmented this year’s curriculum. Three editions of a new
school newspaper, Got News? were written and edited by fourth and fifth graders. In honor of
Thanksgiving, a Native American came to enlighten students about his culture through music
and dance; hands-on workshops took place featuring Native American crafts, videos,
sports and song. In a special Election Day program, students were able to cast their
votes at genuine polling booths for their favorite candidates, and all students took
active parts in an assembly celebrating Presidents’ Day. During Sefer Safari, the annual
Read-a-thon, students
collectively read over 2,800 books while participating in
a variety of exciting,
motivational activities throughout the month, such
as a storytelling assembly,
workshops and Rock
and Read.
Enhanced Curriculum
Our children were recognized in the community for their exceptional abilities in writing and math. Four fifth
graders had their poems chosen from among thousands in San Diego County for publication in the Border Voices
annual anthology, which features student art work and poetry. Another fifth grader was honored by the Elk’s
Lodge for her essay on the topic “What Old Glory Means to Me”. Three fourth graders won recognition in the
annual library writing competition, with submissions on the topic “A Book You Would Give as a Gift”.
Maimonides Upper School (MUS) encourages its students to achieve their highest potential by offering classes
at a variety of academic levels. This year we introduced an honors seminar program in the high school that
gave students the opportunity to participate in a rigorous exchange of ideas centered around the theme “How
are we to live?” Middle school students were challenged to take their Jewish learning to an even higher level
through a new Judaic studies honors program which included a series of meeting, each focusing on different aspect of the Haggadah. The middle school Judaic studies curriculum was revised to expand our students’ depth
and breadth of Jewish history, from the biblical period to the modern period.
The high
school added coursework in psychology, digital and chemical photograp h y, a n d
marine science as well as an advanced placement
class in Spanish language.
Competing against 15,000 projects in the
county, thirteen students were awarded
first, second or third place at the Greater
San Diego Science and
Engineering Fair in
May. In addition, three
eighth graders won
four corporate awards
The music program was enhanced with field trips to the San Diego Symphony, performances at a benefit concert for the Tsunami victims, and a visit from the Klezmer band. Many students had their first opportunity to
perform in front of a live audience during the Spring Musical Recital in June.
Evidence that college admissions directors hold our school’s dual curriculum of college preparatory and Judaic
studies in high regard is the impressive colleges and universities that issued letters of acceptance to the Class of
2005. This list includes: Cornell University, Tufts University, Emory University, Brandeis University, New York
University and University of Southern California. Additionally, this group has been offered over $332,000 in
academic scholarships.
A mensch campaign was implemented this year in GMLS to build greater awareness among our
students of the importance of acting in a fair and just manner. Posters were placed in every classroom
with the letters of the word “mensch” representing values for our students to remember and practice.
These values: manners, empathy, nice words, sharing, courage, and honesty were discussed regularly
with students. At Kabbalat Shabbat celebrations, teachers mentioned examples of menschlikheit they
observed during the school week.
A character education curriculum was introduced for all grade levels, including formal
lessons, discussions and written activities on peer relationships, bullying, teasing,
conflict resolution, respecting yourself and others, handling anger, and respecting
Every morning, students from the fifth grade Hevra leadership group read
an announcement over the public address system, which included a positive
note for the day relating to good character. After being trained in peer
mediation, these Hevra students worked on the playground to help resolve
conflicts among younger students.
To promote a better playground experience for all students, various organized
games were offered at recess time under the supervision of our physical education
coach. This benefited children who find it difficult to join in a game on their own
or who really enjoy playing team sports. It also created another opportunity to
reinforce the value of good sportsmanship.
We offered a series of monthly coffees and grade-level parent social evenings to
further enhance communications between parents and school administrators. The
morning coffees, conducted by the Principal, Vice-Principal and Guidance Counselor,
provided valuable information on student peer relationships, discipline, character
education, the optimistic child, and
8 the overindulged child. Grade-level social
evenings, hosted by one of our school families and lower school administrators,
gave parents an opportunity to socialize and learn more about programs and events
particular to that grade.
Upper school students demonstrated their understanding of gemilut hasadim (deeds of loving kindness) and
tikkun olam (betterment of the world) by donating the fruit they picked at an orchard to the San Diego Food
Bank, visiting residents at Seacrest Retirement Village, volunteering in the Special Olympics bowling tournament,
collecting toys for less fortunate children in Casa Familiar in Chula Vista, and contributing money to the Autistic
School for Children in Israel and the Tsunami Relief Fund. SDJA participated in United Jewish Federation’s Magic
Monday, earning a trophy for being the youth organization that generated the largest amount of funds. For the
countless hours of community work with the VIP Village Preschool in Imperial Beach, SDJA was recognized by
the South Bay Union School District’s Community Partnership Award
Student government and leadership opportunities foster a strong sense of responsibility and commitment to the
school community. Among the activities of SDJA’s Associated Student Body (ASB) were selling flowers, soda
and greeting cards to raise funds so that all students could participate in school field trips to Yosemite, Northern
California, Washington and Israel. The ASB also organized five school dances, including the homecoming event
and high school prom, and a talent show which generated funds to construct a water fountain in Levana’s Garden
as a legacy to their beloved teacher Levana Estline.
The 2004-2005 athletic season has been one of growth and accomplishment. Our tackle football team entered
the varsity ranks of the Citrus League for the first time and competed successfully at that level. The girls’ high
school softball team finished with the best record a girls’ team has ever held at SDJA. The middle school boy’s
soccer team won the South Coast Middle School League championship. Girl’s volleyball, boy’s and girl’s soccer,
and boy’s baseball were adEded to the athletic program bringing the total number of SDJA teams to 13 middle
school sports and 13 high school sports.
Lower school students participated in a wide range of Tzedakah projects
throughout the year. Money was raised to aid flood victims in Florida and
the Tsunami victims in Asia, and an enormous collection of Beanie Babies were
sent with the SDJA Israel Mission in the fall for delivery to terminally ill children in
hospitals in Jerusalem. Additionally, funds were given to Mission participants to buy
hand-made Hannukiot from seniors in Israel at Yad L’Kashish.
Among the enhancements that were made to the Hebrew and Judaic studies curriculum were a
Hebrew language program to foster conversational Hebrew, called “Haverim B’Ivrit”, which we
piloted in the third grade. The fifth grade unit on the Holocaust was enriched by a viewing of
the film “Paper Clips”, trip to the Museum of Tolerance, and visits from Holocaust survivors.
Sam Glaser, nationally renowned Jewish children’s singer and composer, performed in a special
Hannukah concert for all students. A number of rabbis in the community visited our campus
to tell a Hannukah story to each grade level at a special Kabbalat Shabbat. Danny Siegal, a
well-known and widely respected expert on making tzedakah and tikkun olam relevant in
children’s lives, shared his expertise with students, faculty and parents. Israeli Defense Fund
soldiers spoke at a Kabbalat celebration. Many students, including our fourth graders who had
“Joseph” as a unit of study, attended a local production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor
Dream Coat”.
MUS provides programs and activities to enhance and enrich students’ Jewish life. Our families hosted members
of the Moriah Band from Sydney, Australia who visited our school in December. Through this experience, our
students are given exposure to other cultures and were able to develop relationships and a sense of community
with Jews from across the globe.
As a way to bring greater meaning to their Judaic studies curriculum, members of the senior class went on SDJA’s
five-week pilgrimage to Poland and Israel. They visited a Nazi concentration camp complex before heading for
Israel where they viewed an underground bullet factory, left notes in the Western Wall, swam in the Dead Sea
and climbed Masada.
A group of high school students conducted a Torah service on the USS Ronald Reagan using a 350- year-old torah
which was given to the ship after being rescued from xxx during the Holocaust period. They met with the Chief
of Staff of the Reagan Strike Group who shared stories about his Jewish life and heritage.
Over 120 students from Academy on Stage, SDJA’s performing arts program, appeared in Esther, the Musical at the
Mandeville Auditorium in March. This rock musical depicted the Book of Esther which teaches that every person
can make a difference in the world.
Living Jewishly
Ensuring our Future
Chai Capital Campaign
The Chai Capital Campaign continued to generate funds to reduce the school’s long term building debt. Under
the enthusiastic leadership of Leo Spiegel, the campaign raised $14.5 million against a goal of $18 million. We
are very grateful to all previous contributors to our capital campaigns, but would particularly like to thank and
acknowledge this year’s contributors.
Lani & Maurice Buchbinder
Mardelle & Jeff Davis
Betty Feinberg
The Melvin Garb Foundation
Rebecca & Benjamin Grinstein
Monica Handler Penner
& Amnon Gires
Carol & Rick Kornfeld
Ann & Richard Jaffe
Eleanor & Irving Jaffe
Jack Jaffe
Theresa Dupuis & Gary Kornfeld*
Barbara & Jonathan Lampitt
Shana & William Lew
Susan & Chad Mooney
Tracy & Gary Reif*
Vivian & Jeffrey Ressler
Richard L. Shapiro
Skirball Foundation
Ellen Stiefler
Erna & Andrew Viterbi*
Caryn & Alan Viterbi*
Susan Chortek-Weisman
& Eric Weisman*
Legacy Campaign
The goal of the Legacy Campaign is to ensure the long term growth, prosperity and vitality of SDJA by raising
$10 million in endowment funds, of which over $1.2 million has already been pledged. The Legacy Campaign
stresses the creation of outright endowments but also includes planned gifts and bequests. We are undertaking
this initiative in conjunction with the Jewish Community Foundation’s Create a Jewish Legacy and are pleased to
have been selected to participate in their Endowment Leadership Institute.
We have been inspired by the example of our Honorary Endowment Chairs, Elaine and Peter Chortek, and blessed
by the dedicated leadership of Marsha and Howard Berkson, who are serving as Chairs of Endowment Major
Gifts, and Beverly Pamensky, who is serving as our Create a Jewish Legacy Chair. We also wish to thank the charter
members of our Legacy Circle who have had the foresight and generosity to ensure that San Diego Jewish Academy
will always flourish and grow - teaching, nurturing and inspiring the next generation of Jewish leaders.
Legacy Circle
Marsha & Howard Berkson
Chortek Family Foundation
Meg Goldstein
Judy & Gerald Handler
Hadassah & Beno Hirschbein
Nancy & Steven Krasnoff
Oppenheimer Scholarship Fund*
Sperling Family Fund
Erna & Andrew Viterbi*
Zelda Waxenberg
Cynthia Bolker
Rita Cohen
Beverley & Martin Pamensky
Renee & Mark Sherman
Every Child Campaign
Hundreds of parents, grandparents and community friends generously support our Every Child Campaign which
provides the financial aid funds for children whose parents cannot afford full tuition. Chaired by Beverley Pamensky
with co-chair Jeanne Zlotnick, the campaign’s team of dedicated volunteers committed countless hours to raising
the all-important funds that help make the dream of a quality Jewish day school education a reality for so many
The Every Child Campaign culminated with our annual dinner and auction, “A Lifetime of Devotion,” which this
year honored grandparents and community leaders Erna and Andrew Viterbi. SDJA owes an enormous debt of
gratitude to the Viterbis for their deep commitment to education and Jewish continuity, and for their vision for
the future of our community. The dinner was a wonderful way to thank them and to celebrate the unprecedented
success of this year’s Every Child Campaign.”
Dinner co-chairs Rebeca and Roberto Besquin, Marlene and Michael Recht, and Susan Chortek Weisman and Eric
Weisman and honorary co-chairs Elaine and Peter Chortek and devoted volunteers worked tirelessly to honor this
special San Diego Jewish Academy family and to help bring the Every Child Campaign total to an unprecedented
$500,000. Exciting silent and live auctions featured fabulous prizes, including a flight on a private plane and
floor seats at a Phoenix Suns game, and a week at Rancho la Puerta. Additionally, attendees raised $80,000 for
professional development during the a special segment of the auction. The Wayne Foster Orchestra provided the
entertainment; and Krasner Jewelers donated a $2000 shopping spree for the opportunity drawing.
Scholars’ Circle
Chair: Leo Spiegel
Minimum gift: $10,000
Marsha & Howard Berkson
Elaine & Peter Chortek*
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Cohn
Karen & Glenn Doshay
Monica Handler Penner
& Amnon Gires
Ann & Richard Jaffe
Eleanor & Irving Jaffe
Carol & Richard Kornfeld
Esther & Carlos Michan
Mao & Robert Shillman
The Silverstein Family
Jodi & Leo Spiegel
US Trust
Caryn & Alan Viterbi*
Erna & Andrew Viterbi*
Susan Chortek-Weisman
& Eric Weisman*
The Levine-Lent Foundation of the
Jewish Community Endowment
Wafa & Mousa Murad
Marlene & Michael Recht
Susan & Anton Roland
Lilian & Sheldon Scharlin*
Jean & Gary Shekhter
Denise & Stephen Shoemaker
Perri Wittgrove
Lipinsky Family Foundation
Northern Trust Bank
Beverley & Martin Pamensky
Shirley & Harold Pidgeon
DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary US
Cheryl & Michael Price
Arlene & Gerald Rosen*
Teresita & Alfred Salganick
Shari & Frederick Schenk
Richard L. Shapiro
Renee & Mark Sherman
USC Viterbi School of Engineering
Jeanne & Bradley Zlotnick
Graduates’ Circle
Chair: Perri Wittgrove
Minimum gift: $5,000
Janet & Larry Acheatel
Cynthia Bolker & Greg Rizzi
Ruth Schwartz & Isaac Engel
Jane Fantel & Laura Galinson
Andrea & Ira Feinswog
Sofia & Leon Kassel
Cheryl & Gary Levitt
Anniversary Circle
Chair: Jeanne Zlotnick
Minimum gift: $2,500
Linda & Andrew Colker
Emily & Daniel Einhorn*
Shirley & Edward Farajzadeh
Meg & Allan Goldstein
Larry Gould
Robert Kibble
Theresa Dupuis & Gary Kornfeld
Every Child Contributors
Sandra & Jeffrey Abelsohn
Michelle & Basil Abramowitz
Elanit & Larry Abrams
Bruce M. Abrams
Ilana & Micki Acks
Erin & Marc Adelman
Becky & Natan Adler
Agency for Jewish Education
Malia Aharoni
Kerrie & Joe Aiello
Adina & Ian Aires
Lucy & Isaac Alchalel
Cindy & Kenneth Altschuler
American Technion Society
Teedy & Irving Appelbaum*
Monica & Jose Aroeste
Heidi & Noam Arzt
Rabbi David Arzt
Rachel & Jaime Atri
Lili & Bijan Bakhshi
Pearl & Philip Basser
Cheryl & Ken Bender
Linda Benimoff
Nadin & Alberto Benrey
Sylvia & Keith Berkson
Ariela & Sergio Berkstein
Sherry & Alan Berlin
Julie & Edgar Berner
Amy & Jeffrey Bernstein
Rebeca & Roberto Besquin
Brenda & Wolf Bielas
Laurence & Cindy Bloch
Rahleen & Laurence Bloch
Barbara Bloom
Jeanne & Andrew Blumenfeld
Dianne & Charles Bodzin
Marion Braun
Bob Breitbard
Karen & Jaime Breziner
Juanita Brooks
Janine & Scott Brown
Professor & Mrs. Gerald Bubis
Kwi & Seth Bulow
Alicia & Isaac Calderon
Rosalyn Caplan
Stan Caplan
Leslie & Shlomo Caspi
Rosalie & Martin Charlat
Silvia & Arturo Chayet
Melissa & Jeff Clagg
Janet Clancy
Brian & Liza Cohen
Toby & Howard Cohen
Rita Cohen
Guadalupe & Ronald Cohn
Susan Cohn
Rayna & Adam Colton
ConAm Management Corporation
Congregation Beth Am
Congregation Beth El
Pamela & Bard Cosman
Bracha & Baruch Crayk
Denise & Micha Danzig
Sharon & Stuart Davidson
Mardelle & Jeff Davis
Rahn & Terry Decker
Rachel & Armando De Quesada
Sandra Dishler
Nancy & Jeff Dosick
Dream Home Cinema
Rebeca & Abraham Edid
Monica & Samuel Efter
Jodi & Glenn Abel
Rebeca & Peter Botvin
Estelle Silverstein & Jeffrey Elden
Claire & David Ellman
Francine & Rabbi Irving Elson
Miriam & Samuel Engel
Phyllis & Daniel Epstein
JoAnn & Peter Epstine
Tsvi Estline
Facts Management Company
Sharon & Adolfo Fastlicht
Monica & David Federman
Randi Feinberg & Paul Neustein
Stacy & Jeff Feinberg
Renee Feinswog
Merril & Franklin Felber
Barbara & Howard Feldman
Uri & Belinda Feldman
Sara & David Feldman
Maria Ferry
Al & Rose Finci
Joseph & Audrey Finci
Rhona & Raymond Fink
Linda & David Finkelstein
Tomas Firle
Barbara Fischbein
Mark Fish
Pauline Foster
Chanan Fradkin
Francis Parker School
Beryl & Julian Frank
Davida & Rabbi David Frank
Barbara & Harrison Frank
Judy & Ira Frazer
Bertha & Enrique Fridman
Sidney Friedlaender
Miriam Schuster & Howard
Karen & Anthony Frost
Tania & Ruben Fux
Ana & David Gaistman
Jean & Franklin Gaylis
Merle & Brendan Gaylis
Rhoda & Hymie Gaylis
Marisa Gayne
Sara Geller
Hanna & Mark Gleiberman
Iliana & Eli Glovinsky
Laura Goldberg
Lucy Goldman
Sheryl & Mark Goodman
Zelda Goodman
Barbara & Jeffrey Gordon
Jean & Herman Gordon
Sore & Igal Gordon
Leah & Andrew Gore
Ronit & Enrique Gorodezky
Sylvia & Salomon Gorshtein
Rabbis Phillip Graubart & Susan
Kit & Clarence Greenwald
Bernardo Grezemkovsky
Dana & Ira Grossman
Rebecca & Jerry Gumpel
Bryna Haber
Judy & Parviz Hakakha
Judy & Gerald Handler
Hillel of San Diego
Joyce & Samuel Hoffman
Phyllis & Stan Hoffman
Beth Ilko
Ita & Fabian Ismaj
Sonia & Andrew Israel
Janith & Charles Jaffe
Jewish Community Foundation
Jewish Family Service of San Diego
Karen & Roberto Jinich
Tammi & Todd Jones
Susan & David Kabakoff
Jeri & Morris Kaplan
Kay & Andrew Kaplan
Marjory Kaplan
Sam Karp
Linda & Hillel Katzeff
Miriam & Jerome Katzin
Debbie & Sol Kempinski
Karlyn Kent
Amelia Klein
Jessica & Bruce Koren
Sharon & Nat Koren
Deborah & Rabbi David Kornberg
Phyllis & Martin Kornfeld
Joy & Harold Krasner
Stephanie & Milton Krasner
Fanny Krasner Lebovits
Susy & Israel Kravzov
Carol & Jonathan Kroll
Deborah & Michel Kucinski
Eileen Kurlander
Barbara & Jonathon Lampitt
Jan & Samuel Landau
Max Landau
Eleanor & Sidney Laverson
Lawrence Family Jewish
Community Center
Yvette & William Lechtner
Sharon & Richard Leib
Karen & Michael Levinson
Bea Levinson
Debora & Marcos Levy
Celia & Nathan Levy
Shana & William Lew
Deena & Rabbi Melvin Libman
Judy & Elias Lilienthal
Iliana & Bernardo Lombrozo
Susan & Pierre Lotzof
Barbara & Selwyn Lurie
Suki & Doron Lurie
Vanessa & Michael Lurie
Heather & Lee Maio
M. G. Realty & Mortgage
Celine & Ronnie Maman
Sonia & Gavin Mandelbaum
Sivia & Norman Mann
Gina & Ian Mausner
Doris & Samuel Michan
Cecilia & David C. Michan
E. Scott Miller
Monica & Victor Mizrachi
Tamara & Clive Moch
Adriane & Allan Morrison
Lara & Christian Mouritzen
Susan & Nissim Mualim
Mojgan & Elan Nachassi
Ruth & Moises Nagiel
Denise & Grant Neifeld
New York Life Insurance
Ruth & Bill Newfield
Paula Norman
Ohr Shalom Synagogue
Oliva, Sahmel & Goddard
Chani Oppenheim
Barbara & Sheldon Ostroff
Maggie & Robert Ovadia
Barbara & George Pache
Marna & Raymond Padowitz
Pam & Joe Pamensky
Bev Pamensky-Murray
Roselyn & Stanley Pappelbaum
Orly & David Perez
Darlene & Mark Pidgeon
Linda & Shearn Platt
Ricki Polisar
Anne Ratner
Andrew Ratner
Shirley & Emanuel Ravet
Danielle & Nitzan Reouveni
Shulamit & David Ritblatt
Linda & Michael Rivkin
Michelle Rizzi
Liz & Charlie Rosen
Linda Rosenberg
Janet Rosenfield
Fanny & Ruben Rosental
Sima & Steven Ross
Joy & Richard Rothberger
Ana & Abraham Rothman
Kathleen & Gary Rotto
David Ruderman
Karen Rund
Dana & Alan Rusonik
Jaya & Moises Saad
Peggy & Richard Sarif
Diane & Howard Schachat
Lynne & Robert Schaffer
Hermeen & Sam Scharaga
Shari & Steven Schindler
Sharon & Bruce Schraer
Frances Schubert
Gail & Jonathan Schwartz
Sandra & Seth Schwartz
Julie & Warren Shapiro
Galina & Alexander Shikhman
Michelle & Daniel Shinoff
Nora & Daniel Silberstein
Bea & Manuel Sloane
Marilyn & Stanley Smiedt
Arlette & Gregory Smith
Jillian & Norman Smith
Linda & Ian Smulowitz
Sharyl & Philip Snyder
Elene & Herbert Solomon
Esther & Steven Solomon
Eve & Simon Sonik
Bobbie & Lee Sperling
Frieda Spiegel
Ellen Statman
Judith & Marc Steingart
Gloria & Rodney Stone
Julia & Kenneth Stone
Shoshana Stotland
Marcia Selz & Eduardo Subelman
Deena & Mike Swidler
Sarah & Nessim Tiano
Sharon & Steven Tradonsky
Jan Tuttleman
United Jewish Federation
Laura & Simon Vainer
Emi & Louie Watanabe
Stuart Waxenberg
Adam Weiss
Doris & Eli Welt
Maxine Weseley
Katie & John Wilcox
Eileen & Hal Wingard
Nan Sterman & Curt Wittenberg
Toby & Jack Wolf
World Reach, Inc.
Gerald Yakatan
Edna Yedid
Sheldon Zablow
Brenda & Mourad Zarouri
Nurturing our Children
Professional Development Appeal
For the second year in a row, the auction portion of the dinner culminated with a special appeal for
professional development. The excitement in the room was palpable as bidding paddles were lifted, and a
total of $80,000 was raised to fund programs for our wonderful faculty and staff.
Rick & Tamara Alter
Monica & Jose Aroeste
Heidi & Noam Arzt
Elaine & Peter Chortek
Liza & Brian Cohen
Guadalupe & Ronald Cohn
Rayna & Adam Colton
Denise & Micha Danzig
Claire & David Ellman
JoAnn & Peter Epstine
Jane Fantel & Laura Galinson
Andrea & Ira Feinswog
Linda & David Finkelstein
Marsha & Matthew Gettinger
Sore & Igal Gordon
Leah & Andrew Gore
Vivian & Daniel Guefen
Monica Handler Penner
& Amnon Gires
Susan & David Kabakoff
Marjory Kaplan
Jessica & Bruce Koren
Deborah & Rabbi David Kornberg
Theresa Dupuis & Gary Kornfeld*
Nancy & Steven Krasnoff
Barbara & Jonathan Lampitt
Yvette & William Lechtner
Doris & Samuel Michan
Esther & Carlos Michan
Monica & Victor Mizrachi
Monica Munoz
Wafa & Mousa Murad
Maggie & Robert Ovadia
Beverley & Martin Pamensky
Orly & David Perez
Shirley & Harold Pidgeon
Arlene & Gerald Rosen
Gail & Jonathan Schwartz
Renee & Mark Sherman
Jodi & Leo Spiegel
Sharon & Steven Tradonsky
Caryn & Alan Viterbi*
Erna & Andrew Viterbi*
Susan Chortek-Weisman
& Eric Weisman*
Adam Weiss
Jeanne & Bradley Zlotnick
Levana’s Garden Tributes
Levana’s Garden is an innovative learning garden which was created in memory of Levana Estline z”l, beloved
teacher who nurtured San Diego Jewish Academy kindergarteners for 18 years. We gratefully acknowledge
contributions to the garden and to the tribute fund that will henceforth sustain its growth.
Gila & Bryan Abramowitz
Elanit & Larry Abrams
Jaqueline & John Adler
Adina & Ian Aires
Rosemary Armour
Irit BenDor
Leslie & Jacob Bercovitz
Diane & Gabriel Berdugo
Ruth & Neil Berkowitz
Marsha & Howard Berkson
Sherry & Alan Berlin
Rebeca & Roberto Besquin
Nicola & Jonathan Borok
Marion Braun
Myeva & Simeon Brett
Roseann & Steven Brozinsky
Marla Brucker
Doreen & Brett Bush
David Caidar
Leslie & Shlomo Caspi
Central Garden & Pet Company
Maiya Chard-Yaron
Shirley & Byron Cirlin
Janet Clancy
Ilana & Gavin Cohen
Penny Cohen
Rita Cohen
Susan Cohn
Rayna & Adam Colton
Pamela & Bard Cosman
Mr. & Mrs. Bert Danzig
Rachel & Armando De Quesada
Alvin Deutsch
Sisso Dyle
Rebeca & Abraham Edid
Ari Elden
Susan Elden
Claire & David Ellman
Dalya Elmaleh
Linda Elmore
Ruth Schwartz & Isaac Engel
JoAnn & Peter Epstine
Rosemary & Clive Essakow
Tsvi Estline
Marilyn Estreicher
Tracy & Fred Evans
Jan & Bruce Fagan
Ramesh & Jamshid Farajzadeh
Randi Feinberg & Paul Neustein
Louise Felitti
Leslie & Ronald Fellman
Barbara Field
Shelley & Jeffrey Finci
Gail Karon & Fred Fox
Davida & Rabbi David Frank
Karen Freeman
Deborah & Mitchell Friedlaender
Janet Schenker & Barry Friedman
Renee & Fred Friedman
Brigitte & Barry Galgut
Merle & Brendan Gaylis
Alma & Jonathan Geiger
Sara Geller
Lisa Jo Gerovitz
Ruth & Martin Gilboa
Hanna & Mark Gleiberman
Alex Goldsmid
Meg & Allan Goldstein
Dennis Goodman
Sheryl & Mark Goodman
Barbara & Jeffrey Gordon
Lynn Green
Bernardo Grezemkovsky
Rebecca & Jerry Gumpel
Monica Handler Penner
& Amnon Gires
Ricky Harel
Hydro-Scape Productions Inc
Beth Ilko
Ita & Fabian Ismaj
Sonia & Andrew Israel
Ann & Richard Jaffe
Pam & Gershon Jaffe
Karen & Roberto Jinich
Cecile Jordan
Anne & Len Jurkowski
Sheryl Kaplan
Avra & Barry Kassar
Mira & Randy Katz
Stacey & Alan Katz
Yael & Michael Katz
Linda & Hillel Katzeff
Catharine & Lawrence Kaufman
Bernice Kleiman
Mary Jane & Louis Klein
Cheryl Kolker
Alexis Kopikis
Jessica & Bruce Koren
Deborah & Rabbi David Kornberg
Eydie & Richard Kornberg
Bryna & Jay Kranzler
Stephanie & Milton Krasner
Deborah & Michel Kucinski
Martin Kuper
Max Landau
Jan & Samuel Landau
Kim & Ron Lazarus
Sharon & Richard Leib
Mira Lev
Joyce & Jake Levi
Julie & Roberto Levin
Cheryl & Gary Levitt
Marion Lew
Deena & Rabbi Melvin Libman
Robyn & Derek Lichter
Lipinsky Family Foundation
Rabbi Coskey & Mark Lohkemper
Barbara & Selwyn Lurie
Vanessa & Michael Lurie
Flory Mitrani & Joseph Lustgarten
Mah Jong Ladies
Maimonides Upper School
Dina & Daniel Maman
Dena & Daniel Man
Dani & Errol Marcus
Karen Marcus
Francine & Michael Mellon
Susie & Eli Meltzer
Esther & Carlos Michan
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Miller
Fran Miller
Michelle Moses
Teri & Howard Naftalin
Ruth & Moises Nagiel
Aaron Nagiel
Isaac Nagiel
Liora & Ron Newfield
Ellen & Steven Osinski
Barbara Pache
Marna & Raymond Padowitz
Beverley & Martin Pamensky
Barbara & Joseph Papo
Orly & David Perez
Norman Perlmutter
Geoff Phillips
Gigi & Jeffrey Pincus
Monica & Michael Posner
Cheryl & Michael Price
Sheryl Rabinowitz
Anne Ratner
Renee & Evan Ravich
Ofra Raz
Stella Read
Marlene & Michael Recht
Kathy Robbins
Jaydon Robinson
Arlene & Gerald Rosen
Janet Rosenfield
Sylvia & David Roth
Sylvia Rothberger
Kathleen & Gary Rotto
Kathy Rubin
Judith & Jonathan Rudin
Roslyn & Michael Rudnick
Karen Rund
Dina & Avram Sachar
Debbie & Leland Sandler
Diane & Howard Schachat
Shari & Frederick Schenk
Jane & Colin Scher
Hannah Schlachet
Miriam & George Schraer
Emily Schuster
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schwartz
Dorit & Asher Shaitrit
Dianne Shapp
Darci & Larry Shaw
Judy & Yousef Shemirani
Renee & Mark Sherman
Michelle & Daniel Shinoff
Debbie & Paul Shtein
Carol & Samuel Simkin
Hilary Simon
Shelley Sloan
Jillian & Norman Smith
Cynthia & Eduardo Sneider
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Solomon
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Sorokin
Bobbie & Lee Sperling
Jodi & Leo Spiegel
Ellen Statman
Orah & Murray Stein
Nathan Stein
Ellen Steindorf
Shoshana Stotland
Marcia Selz & Eduardo Subelman
Suzanne Swersky
Sharon & Steven Tradonsky
Caryn & Alan Viterbi*
Erna & Andrew Viterbi*
Gisele & Arnold Wassertheil
Howard Waxenberg
Zelda Waxenberg
Susan Chortek-Weisman
& Eric Weisman*
Limor & David Weltsch
Michele Werbeloff
Rose & Charles Wigle
Katie & John Wilcox
Perri Wittgrove
Toby & Jack Wolf
Marcia Wollner
Lisa & Andrew Woods
Edna Yedid
Nurit & Moshe Yehushua
Daphna & Gad Zeilingold
Major gifts are indicated in bold font.
*Funds granted through the Jewish Community Foundation
Please note:
We thank these individuals, foundations, companies and groups for their generous donations made from
July 1, 2004 through June 1, 2005. Despite making every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information,
we recognize that errors do occasionally occur. If you were a donor druing this period and your name was
inadvertently omitted, misspelled or listed in the wrong place, please forgive us and let us know so that we
may correct our records.
School Song: “Acharai”
Words and Music by Sara Geller
Upon a hill there stands a school
More precious than a sparkling jewel
It stands for you
It stands for me
San Diego Jewish Academy
Where every child is taught with care
The heritage that we all share
Embracing our identity
San Diego Jewish Academy
So sing out proudly for the school
Where Ten Commandments are the rule
This is the place where darkness fades
The place where lifetime friends are made
San Diego’s crowning jewel
Where all the seeds we plant today
Become the leaders of their day
And as they reach up to the sky
Proud voices shout out “Acharai”*
We are the lights that lead the way
Upon a hill there stands a school
More precious than a sparkling jewel
It stands for you
It stands for me
San Diego Jewish Academy
*”Follow me,” as Moses said when he led the Jews out of Egypt.
Copyright pending - November 9, 2004
San Diego Jewish Academy Leadership 2004-2005
Executive Director
Director, Operations
Director, Development
Director, Admissions
Director Jewish Studies
Director, Family & Special Programs
Principal, Golda Meir Lower School
Principal, Maimonides Upper School
Dean of Jewish Studies
Dean of Academic Affairs
Dean of Students
Larry Acheatel
Tammi Jones
Meg Goldstein
Judith Gross
Debbie Kornberg
Jan Landau
Marna Weiss
Dr. Jeffrey Davis
Chani Oppenheim
Steven Kahn
Robert (Robo) Feldman
Editors: Diane Marks Schachat and Janet Clancy
Designer: Diane Marks Schachat
Photographers: Ann Bialoztosky and Jackie Nico
11860 Carmel Creek Road
San Diego, CA 92130