IB Exam (HL only) Biology Score Hope College Credit Awarded 5-7 BIOL 240 (4 credits) General Education Requirement Natural Science Lab (NSL) Biology majors are strongly encouraged to take BIOL 240. Students who do this will earn 4 elective biology credits that do not count for a biology major or minor. Chemistry 6-7 CHEM 125/127 and CHEM 126/128 (8 credits) Natural Science Lab (NSL) Chemistry majors may enroll in CHEM 221/255 or may wait until sophomore year. Contact the Chemistry Dept with questions. Chemistry 5 CHEM 101 (4 credits) Natural Science Lab (NSL) Credit does not count toward chemistry major or minor. Students continuing in chemistry should enroll in CHEM 131/132, if ACT math score is 30+. Contact the Chemistry Dept with questions. Economics 7 ECON 211 and ECON 212 (8 credits) Social Science I (SS1) Economics 5-6 ECON 211 (4 credits) Social Science I (SS1) English A1 English A2 5-7 ENGL 113 (4 credits) Expository Writing (EW) History: Africa 5-7 HIST 0200 (4 credits) Global Learning - International (GLI) History: Americas 5-7 HIST 161 (4 credits) Global Learning - Domestic (GLD) History: Europe 5-7 HIST 131 (4 credits) Cultural Heritage II (CH2) Global Learning - International (GLI) 7 12 credits in language Foreign Language (FL2) 6 8 credits in langauge Foreign Language (FL2) 5 4 credits in language 5-7 PHYS 105 and PHYS 106 (6 credits) Languages A1, A2, B: Chinese, French, German, Korean and Spanish Languages A1, A2, B: Chinese, French, German, Korean and Spanish Languages A1, A2, B: Chinese, French, German, Korean and Spanish Physics Natural Science - No Lab (NS2) See department chair; lab credit (PHYS 106 and 108 [2 credits]) may be granted after lab notebook review. Psychology 5-7 PSY 100 (3 credits) Social Science II (SS2) See department chair; 1 lab credit may be granted after lab notebook review. Theatre Arts 5-7 No credit automatically See department chair; credit may be granted after portfolio review. Visual Arts 5-7 No credit automatically See department chair; credit may be granted after portfolio review.