IVYETTE THE - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Zeta Chi Omega

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®
Zeta Chi Omega Chapter
P.O. Box 25763
Alexandria, VA 22313
Greetings from the Basileus
Dear Zeta Chi Omega Sorors, Welcome back sorors! I hope that you all have had a restful summer, filled with fun and fellowship with family and friends. It is now time to get back to the business of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorpo‐
rated® and Zeta Chi Omega Chapter. Congratulations to the 34 Zeta Chi Omega sorors that attended the Leadership Conference in Atlanta, Georgia this July. This Leadership Conference was inspiring with the theme “Leadership and Service: A Timeless Mission.” Sorors had the opportunity to visit the birthplace of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., along with attending workshops to help strengthen our knowledge on chapter operations, leadership skills, communication skills, protocol, and our sacred rituals. Congratulations to our very own Sorors Joyce Henderson and Kendra Gillespie who repre‐
sented Zeta Chi Omega as workshop presenters. The Public Policy Conference will be held at the Hyatt in Crystal City, Virginia on September 19‐21, 2011. If you registered for the Public Policy Confer‐
ence, don’t forget to submit your name to the Anti‐
Grammateus, Soror Eloise Hudgins. The Northern Western Virginia Cluster will be held on October 29, 2011 in Roanoke, Virginia. Registra‐
tion for the cluster is now open and only available on‐line. If you do not have Internet access and would like to register for the cluster, please contact me (missmjones7@yahoo.com). The cost of the cluster is $65 dollars. There will be a sisterly social hour on the evening prior to the cluster meeting. If you are interested in taking the bus to the cluster contact Soror Linda Newman. If you did not attend the Chapter Retreat, you missed an awesome event filled with inspiring pres‐
entations from the various committee chairmen. The Standards Committee did an outstanding job in executing the theme, “Building Leaders, Connecting Pearls and Motivating S.T.A.R.S.: Sorors: Team‐
building and Advocating Results for Service.” A very special thank you to all of the sorors that weathered the storm to attend the retreat. It was a success because of your participation. At the September 10, 2011 General Body meeting we will vote on changes to the Chapter Bylaws. Please remember to bring your documents to the meeting. Yours in global service, fÉÜÉÜ `|v{xÄÄx `A ]ÉÇxá
Inside this issue:
Anti-Basileus Report
Hodegos Report
Pecunious Grammateus Report
Parliamentarian Report
Nominating Committee Report
Membership Committee Report
September 2011
8‐ Executive Com‐
10‐ Chapter Mtg., mittee Mtg.—7:00 PM Charles Houston Center (CHC) ‐ Post‐Founders’ Day Tree Dedication 6:30 PM‐CHC “Reclaiming Younger Pearlz” ‐ 7:30; loca‐
tion yet to be deter‐
mined Patrick Henry Elem. Sch. 10:00 AM ‐ Voter Registration Black Family Reun‐
ion—Mall ‐
Washington DC 14
DGS Committee Teleconference—
7:00 PM Health Initiative Teleconference—
8:00 PM 7
Nauck Community Festival 9:00AM ‐4:00 PM Drew Community Center 3500 23rd St. South Arlington, VA 22206
Public Policy Conference—September 19‐21
Undergraduate Roundup Graduate Advisors' Council Meeting Fayetteville, NC September. 23 ‐24, 2011 Membership Com‐
mittee Meeting—
7:00—Lee Center 25
IFNV Mtg.—7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Nannie J. Lee Admini‐
stration Building 30
Executive Committee Meeting—7:00 PM Charles Houston Center Cholesterol Education Month
Nauck Community Festival
Officers’ Reports
Soror Leslie Dey
Soror Joyce Brooks, Chairman
Health Initiative Committee
Health Initiative Happy Fall sorors, If your summer has been anything like my summer, I’m sure you’re ready to wind down into the fall. However, sorors, there is still much more we need to do before the end of 2011. This month we will again participate in the Black Family Reunion. In addition, Zeta Chi Omega will be a sponsor on the Nauck Com‐
munity Pride Day in September. We are still planning our Spa Day for Survivors in October and hope to have your participation in “Project Giveback” in No‐
vember, as well as the Senior Citizen Holiday Lunch‐
eon in December. If you are interested in chairing “Project Giveback” or the Senior Citizen Holiday Luncheon, contact me at 703‐626‐3345 or Ldey@yahoo.com. Annual Nauck Civic and Community Pride Day The Health Initiatives Committee members and the Connection Committee will participate in the annual Nauck Civic and Community Pride Day that brings together the rich heritage and diverse populations of the great community of Nauck in Arlington, VA. Our chapter is a financial sponsor for the 2011 event. Saturday, September 17th, 9:00 AM ‐ 4:00 PM Drew Community Center 3500 23rd Street South Arlington, VA 22206 Sorors, please continue to report your ΖΧΩ 5500 hours on the website. As of this printing, we are greater than 60% toward our goal. Volunteers will assist by setting up and cleaning up for the event, staffing two health topic tables, and serving as floaters throughout the day. A variety of health and wellness materials will be distributed to health and fitness fair attendees. The Connection Committee will conduct a voter registration at the event. A sign‐up sheet for volunteers will be avail‐
able at the September Chapter meeting. The Health Initiatives champion for this event is Soror Nikki Rogers (rogersna@hotmail.com) and the Connec‐
tion Committee champion is Soror Betty Morrison btm1908@gmail.com. Our Annual School Supply Drive continues. . . Back to school time is here. Please bring school supplies (pencils, paper, notebooks, etc.) to the September 10, 2011 General Body meeting. ΖΧΩ 5500 hours are available for your efforts. If you donate items, give yourself two hours for your donation. AKAlades:  To Sorors DeChane Dorsey and Erica Jeffries and the entire EYL Committee for two outstanding EYL events this summer.  To Soror Betty Morrison, Soror Margarette Peter‐
son and Soror Brenda Kelly Nellum for their tire‐
less work throughout the summer promoting the Social Justice/Connection Committee community outreach.  To Soror Laurell Jones, Chairman of the Internal Leadership for External Service Initiative for an outstanding presentation during the Chapter Re‐
treat. Health Initiatives Program Meeting The Health Initiatives Program committee will meet by teleconference on Thursday, September 15, at 8:00 PM to finalize plans for the Nauck Community Pride Day. The conference call information will be forwarded to committee members via a reminder e‐
mail message. Continued on page 4 3 Officers’ Reports
Continued from page 3 Know your Numbers Doctors recommend total cholesterol levels below September is National Cholesterol Education Month 200! Too much cholesterol in the blood can lead to cardio‐
vascular disease, which is the No. 1 cause of death in the United States. Twenty‐two hundred Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day, an average of one death every 39 seconds. It is also the number one 1 killer of all American women. African Ameri‐
can women are at greater risk for cardiovascular dis‐
ease than any other ethnic group, yet they are less likely than white women to know that they may have major risk factors. The good news is, you can lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of cardiovascu‐
lar disease and stroke. Take responsibility for man‐
aging your cholesterol levels. Whether you've been prescribed medication or advised to make diet and lifestyle changes to help manage your cholesterol, carefully follow your doctor's recommendations. LDL Cholesterol LDL‐Cholesterol Category Less than 100 Optimal 100 ‐ 129 Near optimal/above optimal 130 ‐ 159 Borderline high 160 ‐ 189 High 190 and above Very high Please visit the American Heart Association’s website ‐ http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/ ‐ for additional information. ‐‐‐Submitted by Soror Sandra Harvey Washington Soror Laurell Jones, Chairman
Internal Leadership for External
Service Committee
Lifestyle Changes Your diet, weight, physical activity and exposure to tobacco smoke all affect your cholesterol level — and these factors may be controlled by: Eating a heart‐healthy diet, Enjoying regular physical activity, and Avoiding tobacco smoke. Welcome back sorors, We hope that you are refreshed, energized and ready to put your creativity to work. Calling out all sorors to participate in the Zeta Chi Omega logo con‐
test. What is a logo? According to dictionary.com “…. a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.” Now is your oppor‐
tunity to be a part of ΖΧΩ history by designing a logo that will be used on the chapter website, chapter communications, and event advertising materials. Know Your Fats Knowing which fats raise LDL cholesterol and which ones do not is the first step in lowering your risk of heart disease. Cooking for Lower Cholesterol It's not hard to whip up recipes that fit with the low‐
saturated‐fat, low‐cholesterol eating plan recom‐
mended by scientists to help you manage your blood cholesterol level and reduce your risk of heart dis‐
ease and stroke. To participate submit your logo in color to Soror Starr Garrett (starrgarrett@aol.com) by September 30th. All logo submissions will be evaluated by the Executive Board on the basis of originality, clarity and expression of ΖΧΩ spirit. The top three submissions will be presented to the Chapter for a vote at the No‐
vember Chapter meeting. The winning individual soror or team of sorors will receive special recogni‐
tion at the December Chapter meeting. Understand Drug Therapy Options For some people, lifestyle changes alone aren't enough to reach healthy cholesterol levels. Your doctor may prescribe medication. 4 Officers’ Reports
Soror Cora King
August Birthdays Harriet Hemby ‐ 1 Shirley Taylor ‐ 7* Erika Barrera ‐ 8 Gloria Bell ‐ 8 Sherry Billingsley ‐ 12 Kendra Gillespie ‐ 12 Robin Mazyck ‐ 12 Demaris Thompson ‐14 Maudy Mays ‐ 16* Robin McCoy ‐ 17 Lillian Watkins ‐ 19 Karen Briggman ‐ 21 Marlana Ashe ‐ 21 Julia James ‐ 21 Ambrian Longshaw ‐ 21 Faye Gunn ‐ 23 Debbie Wesley ‐ 24 Cassandra Borden ‐ 26 Katrina Pritchett ‐ 26 Rosalind Collins ‐ 29 Marquita Davis ‐ 29 Melanie Pearson Hurley ‐ 30 Stephanie Woodland Kelly ‐ 30 Lori Lloyd Smith ‐ 30 Betty Morrison ‐ 31 September Birthdays Kimberly Speed ‐ 2 Angelique Booker Close ‐ 3 Angela Russell ‐ 4 Blanche Mays Maness ‐ 5 Gayle Jordan ‐ 10 Jamelle Berry ‐ 11 Carol Turner ‐ 14 Shandra Herrod ‐ 17 Fannie Allen ‐ 18 Evelyn Bazemore ‐ 18 Kimberly Crabb ‐ 18 Angela Turner ‐ 18 Tiffany Evans ‐ 19 Saundra McCullough ‐ Cobey ‐ 20 Monica Greene ‐ 24 Ophelia Pinkard ‐ 25** Joyce Putman ‐ 25 Tanisha Bynum‐Frazier ‐ 29 Julia Cleckley ‐ 30 *Golden Soror **Diamond Soror Contact the Directory Committee Chairman, Soror Eloise Hudgins, if your birth date is not included in the 2011 Chapter Directory. GET WELL WISHES
Soror Betty Smoot was recently hospitalized. Soror Melissa Bradby has asked for sorors’ prayers for her health. Soror Stephanie Woodland Kelly underwent surgery this summer. Soror Robin Mazyck had surgery in July and continues to recuperate at home. Soror Bettie Cooley was recently hospitalized and is now home recuperating. Please keep Soror Bettie in your thoughts and prayers. Continued on page 6 5 Officers’ Reports
Continued from page 5 Team, made it to the finals on NBC's “America's Got Talent.” GET WELL WISHES
Soror Shirley Liggett was recently hospitalized and is now home recuperating. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Soror Marilyn Betton recently became engaged to COL (R) Moses Whitehurst, Jr. Soror Whitney Joyner is engaged to be married to Mr. McKinley Majette in September of 2012. Soror Marlana Ashe became engaged to Cornelius Webster on August 21, 2011. Sorors Sharon DuPree Gibson and Mary Helen Dupree request you prayers as they remain vigilant while Mr. Donald R. Gibson Sr., Honey‐Do of Soror Sharon and son‐in‐law of Soror Mary, recovers from hip replacement surgery. WITH SYMPATHY
Soror Doris Shannon and Soror Tressa Emmanuel lost their husband and father, respectively, Mr. Sylvester Lorenzo Shannon, on June 7, 2011. A full honors military graveside service will be held at Arlington National Cemetery on October 6, 2011. Soror Moisette (Tonya) Greene recently married Mr. Terry Sweat. Soror Lydia McLeod and Honey‐Do, Ronald, cele‐
brated 50 years of marriage on July 22, 2011. Soror Jeanne Melvin‐Martin celebrated 30 years of marriage on July 26, 2011. Soror Joyce Henderson received the Department of the Army's Superior Civilian Service Award. The award is the third highest medal given to a Depart‐
ment of the Army Civilian for the work conducted in support of the Department of the Army's mission. Soror Martha Coleman lost her sister, Carlene Jack‐
son, on June 14th. Soror Susie Smith lost her mother, Mrs. Larcenia Goodwin, on July 6, 2011 in Union Springs, AL. Mrs. Goodwin was 97. Soror Joyce Henderson, International Standards Chairman, conducted two informative workshops: “Set Our SITE on Standards” and “Standards ‐ A Timeless Approach to Chapter Operations” at the 2011 Leadership Conference. Golden Soror Deloris Evans lost her Honey‐Do, Mr. James Evans, on Monday, August 15, 2011. Soror Brenda Lamberson‐Sias lost her mother, Mrs. Fannie Lamberson, on August 16, 2011. Soror Katherine Simmons was recently selected to serve on the Human Resources Association ‐ National Capital Area (HRA‐NCA) Board of Directors as the Vice President of Education. Soror Connie Pizarro, North Atlantic Regional Direc‐
tor, recently lost her father. Honorary Member, Soror Dorothy J. Brunson became an Ivy Beyond the Wall. She was initiated in 1987. A Resolution and flowers were sent on behalf of the Sorority. Please keep the family in prayer. Cards may be sent to the family at 3419 Bancroft Road, Bal‐
timore, MD 21215. Soror Kendra Gillespie was a 2011 Leadership Con‐
ference Workshop presenter. Her workshop was en‐
titled "Interpersonal Dynamics: No More Drama!" The workshop was held on both Friday and Saturday. Soror Kendra has also been elected as the 2011‐2013 President of Top Ladies of Distinction, Alexandria City Chapter. CONGRATULATIONS
Soror Patricia Wallace welcomed her grandson, Ethan, into the world on May 15, 2011. Soror Brenda Kelley Nelum was featured in a press release regarding the 46th Anniversary of Medicare. Congratulations to Soror Leslie Dey, whose daughter, Jordan Dey, a member of the West Springfield Dance Continued on page 7 6 Officers’ Reports
Continued from page 6 CONGRATULATIONS
Stephanie Woodland Kelly
Pecunious Grammateus
Congratulations to Soror Monica Greene for being featured on the show Unfaithful on the OWN net‐
work. Welcome back sorors!!!! I hope you had a wonderful summer. As we look forward to the fall of 2011, please con‐
sider the following with respect to paying dues for 2012 (yes, we’re talking about 2012 dues already…
it’s never too early!) We’ve not yet discussed or voted on our 2012 Chap‐
ter dues structure; however, once approved, they will be due and payable by December 31, 2011. In an effort to meet this timeline, I am happy to receipt estimated full or partial payments beginning with the September Chapter meeting. For those who plan to submit to the Chapter PO Box 25763, payments must be postmarked by December 14, 2011 in order for them to be processed prior to December 31. Also, if you’ve not picked up your current sorority documents and/or financial card (2011 and/or 2010), please do so. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions about this or any other sorority‐related financial matter. The following sorors have either reactivated their memberships in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incor‐
porated® or transferred to Zeta Chi Omega. WELCOME SORORS
Annette Champion Annie Doggett Joyner Twyla West Soror Katrina Pritchett
Sorors, please remember to update your contact in‐
formation in the members section of the Zeta Chi omega website. Additionally, when signing in at Chapter meetings, please ensure that your informa‐
tion printed on the roster is correct. If not, please update it. You may email your updated information to cwestyun@yahoo.com. Soror Gloria Bell
Did you know . . .? Articles for the Ivyette are due by the 15th of each month. If you invite a guest soror to a meeting, please in‐
form her to bring proper credentials in order to at‐
tend the meeting. The credentials required must be one of the following:  A financial card (old or current)
 A copy of her certificate
 A faxed verification letter or an email confirma‐
tion from the Corporate Office
Thank you for assisting our efforts to go green, and don’t forget to turn in your voter’s card at the sign‐
in table at the end of each Chapter meeting. The Epistoleus and Newsletter Committee review and edit all articles submitted for the Ivyette. Continued on page 8 7 Continued from page 7 The Ivyette articles should consist of news and re‐
ports from Chapter officers and committee chair‐
men*; regional and corporate news. Soror Robin Mazyck
REMINDER! ΖΧΩ Chapter members will vote on the proposed bylaws changes at the September chapter meeting. Flyers are not included in the Ivyette. Photos will be included in the Ivyette solely at the discretion of the Newsletter Committee. A list of meeting places and addresses is on page 15 of this issue. In addition, a list of meeting places, addresses and driving directions is in the “members only” section of the Chapter’s website. Did you know . . . ? All outgoing correspondence and ΖΧΩ PowerPoint presentations require the approval of the Chapter Basileus. Correspondence includes letters, invitations, adver‐
tisements, and flyers. Prior to submitting to the Basileus, all correspon‐
dence must be reviewed for accuracy and approved by the committee chairman and committee. The Epistoleus and Protocol Chairman/Co‐Chairman will review correspondence. The Basileus will re‐
view the final document. Allow 7 days for the review of all correspondence. Copies of the proposed changes were handed out at the June meeting. Please bring that copy with you to the September meeting. Please contact Soror Robin Mazyck at isisaka92@aol.com with any ques‐
tions that you might have. “SET Your SITE on Standards” and Set Your Sights on End of the Year Reporting The Standards Resource Guide “A Guide for Effective Chapter Operations,” is an essential administration tool for officers and committee chairmen. The guide assists us with attaining consistent and effective chapter operations. It’s a guide to ensure the chap‐
ter is compliant and submits a comprehensive end of the year report on time. Each year effective operations begin with a chapter self‐assessment survey taken in December. The re‐
sults of the evaluation process provide feedback from sorors that is used to assist with planning chapter op‐
erations and process improvements. It is critical all chapter members complete an assessment form. In 2010, only 67 members submitted a form. Committee chairmen and Officers will be asked to provide the Standards committee with a list of imple‐
mented events and activities from July to November 30. Standards Evaluation Team (SET) and Standards Investiga‐
tive Team Evaluators (SITE) Soror Judith Lopez, Chairman Standards Committee *Please refrain from submitting articles/news about individuals who are not members of Zeta Chi Omega. 8 Committees’ Reports
The Biographical Data Form is located on the Chap‐
ter’s website: (www.aka‐zco.org) and can be found under the “Chapter Documents” tab on the left side of the page. Please review the 2009 Zeta Chi Omega Chapter By‐
laws: Article V, Sections 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 15 and 16: and Article VI Sections 1A, 1C, 1H, 1J, 1K, IU for addi‐
tional information on terms of office and eligibility requirements for each of the positions. Remember, if we are to continue providing superior services, Zeta Chi Omega needs leaders who possess the wealth of knowledge, the talents, skills and abili‐
ties that made you a phenomenal Alpha Kappa Al‐
pha woman. Soror Darhyl Jasper, Chairman
Nominating Committee
Request for Officers’ Nominations The 2011 Election of Officers will be held Saturday, November 5, 2011, and you have the most signifi‐
cant role in this decision‐making process. When the Basileus convenes our September Chapter meeting, there will be only 2 months remaining until seven sorors are voted into the leadership positions of our Chapter. In addition, five sorors will complete their term on the Nominating Committee. Five new so‐
rors will be elected to serve during the 2011‐12 pro‐
gram year. It is vital that you remember that the Nominating Committee members will be counting on you to fill or assist us in identifying the most qualified sorors to serve in the upcoming vacant po‐
sitions. We are soliciting candidates for the follow‐
ing offices:  Basileus  Philacter  Graduate Advisor  Grammateus  Archivist  Pecunious Grammateus  Ivy Leaf Reporter  Five (5) Nominating Committee members We hope that each of you will seriously consider serving Zeta Chi Omega, and thus, our great sister‐
hood, in one of the available leadership positions. This is your opportunity to make a difference in the Chapter’s future endeavors. Each soror interested in being a candidate must complete a biographical data form and return it to Soror Darhyl Jasper or one of the nominating committee members listed below no later than September 10, 2011. Soror Yvette Darnaby,
Sherry Billingsley,
Founders’ Day Committee Welcome back sorors! We trust that you had a great summer break and are re‐energized to continue the business of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Zeta Chi Omega Chapter. Over the summer break, your Founders' Day Com‐
mittee finalized the plans for the Chapter’s Post‐ Beautification Project and we are excited to extend the following invitation to you: lÉâ tÜx vÉÜw|tÄÄç |Çä|àxw àÉ tààxÇw à{x
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Pink and Green attire is encouraged. Light refresh‐
ments will be provided following the ceremony. If you have questions please contact Soror Yvette Darnaby or Soror Sherry Billingsley. Gloria Bell Lucretia McClenney Rhonda Luss Hazel Cameron Darhyl Jasper Lydia McLeod Stephanie Hubbard Lula Lang‐Jeter Linda Newman 9 Committees’ Reports
Technology Committee Sorors, you will find instructions on how to reg‐
ister for conferences on the Chapter’s website. Go to the “Members Only” section of the web‐
site: www.aka‐zco.org; select “Chapter Docu‐
ments” and select the file entitled “Registration Process.” Remember to update your profile on the web‐
site if you have changed your name, address, phone number, occupation or email address. You can do this by going to the “Members Only” section of the website and select “Edit ΖΧΩ Member Information.” The following should be observed when using electronic communication for official business: 
Never forward official email messages which contain Sorority and Chapter Business to in‐
dividuals who are not active members. 
Always use discretion when using social me‐
dia. 
Facebook, Twitter, and Blogs are forums open to the public and should not be used to discuss information intent for active mem‐
bers. 
Use the Soror Code of Ethics as a guide for conduct when using electronic media. fÉÜÉÜ ZÄÉÜ|t UxÄÄ?
gxv{ÇÉÄÉzç VÉÅÅ|ààxx
Soror Theresa Emanuel, Chairman
Soror Barbara Bellamy, Co-Chairman
Protocol Committee
The protocol for flyers is now included in the protocol manual. Our official jewelry is a single strand of cultured pearls. It is fine to wear peep toe shoes for rituals; how‐
ever, decorative pins should not be worn. The new MIP manual allows for line names. Chapter officers and committee chairmen should transfer Chapter documents to incoming officers no later than January 1st. When addressing the body at business meetings:  Remove the words "love and" from the in‐
troduction. 
Did you know? The new Official Guide to Alpha Kappa Alpha Proto‐
col manual has provided updates and clarifications to meet our changing society. A few of the high‐
lights are listed below. Add: To Madame Basileus (Madame Re‐
gional Director at Regional Conferences). Please review and become familiar with the new updates in The Official Guide to Alpha Kappa Alpha Protocol manual. One thing that has not changed is every soror’s responsibility for protocol. 10 Committees’ Reports
Soror C. Starr Garrett, Co-Chairman
Soror Cassandra Borden, Co-Chairman
DGS Committee
Welcome back, sorors! We hope you are rested and enjoyed your summer. The Committee is excited and looking forward to reuniting with our jewels and their buddies. If you are new to the Chapter and have reached “jewel” status, let us know so that you can be added to this prestigious roster. If you are interested in being a buddy soror, contact the co‐
chairmen. If you didn’t pick up your jewel gift at the May Chap‐
ter meeting, it will be available at the September Chapter meeting. If you won’t be at the September meeting, please have someone pick it up for you. The next DGS Committee meeting will be held via teleconference on Wednesday, September 14, 2011, at 7:00 PM. An agenda with the dial‐in information will be sent via email. SAVE THE DATE
OCTOBER 22, 2011
Lunch & Bingo for all
Details will be divulged
at a later date.
SOROR DELORIS G. EVANS ‐ Initiated April 1950 Soror Deloris G. Evans was initiated in Gamma Delta Chapter, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, North Carolina. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and a Master of Education in Administration and Supervision. Soror Deloris served as Zeta Chi Omega’s Anti‐
Basileus, Ivy Leaf Reporter, and Chairman of the Scholarship, Business and Economics, Retreat and Program Committees. Prior to retirement, she worked as an elementary school teacher, principal and vice‐principal, K‐12 Re‐
source Team Teacher, Specialist Staff and Organiza‐
tional Development Consultant, Virginia State Teacher Certification with the University of Virginia, and State Department of Education. She is also an entrepreneur ‐ Evans Associate, Incorporated. Other Special Notes: AKA Life Member, National Education Association, Virginia Education Associa‐
tion, Organizer for “We, Us & Friends Civic/Social Club,” NAACP Silver Life Member, NAACP Advisor of Fairfax and Youth Council, Former Trustee and Budget Director, Shiloh Baptist Church, McLean, Vir‐
ginia and Johnson C. Smith University Class of 1953 Agent. Continued on page 12
11 Committees’ Reports
Continued from page 11 Other Special Notes: Board of Visitors for South Carolina State University, member of the National Association of Secondary Principals, and Chair of the Christian Education Commission ‐ Emmanuel AME Church. Zeta Chi Omega sorors, meet one of our golden pearls, Soror Gwendolyn Felder. Soror Barbara Bellamy is the proud Buddy Soror for these two virtuous women. Soror Deloris enjoys singing and golfing. She was married to the late Mr. James Evans, and is the mother of two children, and grandmother of six grandchildren. Zeta Chi Omega sorors, meet another golden pearl, Soror Deloris G. Evans. GOLDEN SOROR SPOTLIGHT
SOROR GWENDOLYN FELDER ‐ Initiated October 1957 Soror Gwendolyn G. Felder was initiated in Beta Sigma Chapter, South Carolina State University, Orangeburg, South Carolina. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology, a Master of Education in Coun‐
seling, and Master of Education in Administration. She is also an Education Specialist (EdS). Soror Felder has held several positions in the soror‐
ity. She served as Past Zeta Chi Omega Basileus (1992‐1994), Anti‐Basileus, Parliamentarian, Cotil‐
lion Chairman, Standards Co‐Chairman, and a mem‐
ber of the Protocol Committee. Prior to her retirement, her current/past career was serving as a Minority Student Achievement Coordi‐
nator, principal and associate principal in the Fairfax County Public Schools, and Educational Consultant in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Soror Betty Morrison, Co-Chairman
Soror Margarette Peterson, Co-Chairman
Connection Committee
VOTER REGISTRATION Pink Tea Roses to Sorors Caroline Howard, Jacque‐
line Cooper, Angelique Close, Faye Gunn, Katrina Moss, Irma Bogan, Gayle Jordan and Hazel Cameron for volunteering on our summer break to register voters during the Alfred Street Baptist Church, “Our Brother’s Keeper,” community service day held on August 13, 2011. These sorors registered four vol‐
unteers and counseled others about the importance of voting. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DEDICATION EXPO Zeta Chi Omega was a proud “Partner in the Dream” as part of the Martin Luther King Jr. Dedication Public Expo. Sorors held a voter registration drive at the expo. The public expo included a tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., information booths, performances, and civil rights era music. This was a once in a lifetime event and we were proud to participate. Continued on page 13 12 Continued from page 12 If you would like to participate in any of the events mentioned, please contact Sorors Betty Morrison or Margarette Peterson. Soror Tiffany Montgomery, Chairman
Soror Connie Greene, Co-Chairman
Membership Committee
Soror Michelle Jones, Basileus (seated) and Soror Margarette
Peterson (Co-Chairman, Connection Committee) at voter registration booth during Martin Luther King, Jr. Dedication
“Strengthening our Sisterhood” CONNECTION COMMITTEE SCHEDULE The Connection Committee has a busy schedule ahead of us and appreciates all of the support from Zeta Chi Omega. th
 On September 10 , we will hold a voter registra‐
tion drive during the annual National Council of Negro Women Black Family Reunion Celebra‐
tion. th
 On September 17 , we will hold another voter registration drive during Arlington’s Nauck Com‐
munity Pride Day.  The Connection Committee will participate in the AKA 9th Public Policy Conference ‐ Septem‐
ber 19‐21, 2011. All sorors are encouraged to attend. Registration materials are in the spring Ivy Leaf and on‐line at http://
www.aka1908.com/. Hope to see you there! Fall Elections Every year is an election year in Virginia and there are some competitive local and state races this year. The Connection Committee is committed to ensur‐
ing our communities are educated, registered and empowered to participate in the electoral process. As part of the NoVa Coalition, we will participate in the “Get‐Out‐The‐Vote” initiative on October 1st. Please “stay tuned” for details and how you can vol‐
unteer. 13 Reclaiming our Younger Pearlz ‐ ΖΧΩ is in search of the “Under 30” Crowd Soror Carolyn House Stewart, Supreme Basileus, has a goal of reactivating 50,000 sorors by 2013. Zeta Chi Omega plans to do its part by hosting various reactivation activities. The first activity will be tar‐
geted toward the 30 and under sorors. We want to reach the soror population that graduates from col‐
lege and doesn’t immediately affiliate with a chap‐
ter. We will be hosting a RYP (Reclaiming Younger Pearlz) event on Friday, September 16th at 7:30. The location is TBD. If you know of a soror under 30 who is not active, please invite her to come out to get to know us. Ad‐
ditionally, if you are a current ZXΩ soror under (or over) 30 and would like to come out, please save the date as well. More details to come. Zeta Chi Omega Chapter Pins We will be selling Chapter pins for $25 at the Sep‐
tember general body meeting. Be sure to purchase your pin in time to wear it at the cluster. Continued on page 14 Committees’ Reports
Continued from page 13 All committees will once again be assigned to a Stra‐
tegic Planning Committee member for activity plan‐
ning and monitoring. As a reminder, the Committee Activity Plan template may be downloaded from the Chapter’s website under the Strategic Planning Committee documents. Supporting objectives have been identified for all Chapter platforms, standing committees and non‐standing committees. In ac‐
cordance with our Chapter bylaws (Section 2.A): “It shall be the responsibility of each committee chairman to submit written committee plans (one (1) copy each) to the BASILEUS, ANTI‐
BASILEUS and the GRAMMATEUS. One copy is to be retained for the committee’s files.” Individual committee activities in support of our Chapter goals and objectives have been sent to each Committee Chairman, as assigned. We thank each committee in advance for your cooperation with this effort! For additional questions, please contact Soror Kendra Gillespie kendra_gillespie@hotmail.com.
Protocol Books and Chapter T‐shirts If you ordered a Protocol Book or Chapter T‐shirt, they will be available at the September General Body meeting. The next Membership meeting will be on Monday, September 19 at 7:00 PM at the Lee Center. Kendra Gillespie, Chairman
Strategic Planning Committee
Updated Committee Activity Strategic Plans Due September 30 Since early planning stages in 2010, the Strategic Planning Committee has worked with Leadership, Committee Chairmen and chapter members to de‐
velop our five‐year Chapter Strategic Plan for 2011‐
2015. Since its adoption in February 2011, we are looking to all Committees to report activities so that we can measure our progress to‐date. Our goal is to provide an update to the membership on a semi‐
annual basis. As a reminder, our activities support our three main Chapter goals: 1. Encouraging a greater sense of community by elevating Zeta Chi Omega’s leadership position within the community; 2. Strengthening the sisterhood by engaging and recognizing sorors; and 3. Positioning Zeta Chi Omega for greater service by leveraging the talent within the Chapter. Soror Angela Turner, Chairman
NPHC—NoVA Committee
The National Pan‐Hellenic Council of Northern Vir‐
ginia is gearing up for another busy year. On Satur‐
day, August 13, 2011, the new officers and repre‐
sentatives met to plan for the upcoming year. The new officers for the 2010‐2012 are: President—Anthony M. Murphy—Alpha Phi Alpha Vice President—Jeryl Payne—Delta Sigma Theta Treasurer—Ben Floyd—Omega Psi Phi Financial Secretary—Yolanda Allen— Delta Sigma Theta Continued on page 15 14 Committees’ Reports
Continued from page 14 CHAPTER MEETING SITES
Recording Secretary—Leroynda Brooks— Zeta Phi Beta Corresponding Secretary‐Denise Whetstone— Alpha Kappa Alpha Chaplain—Eugene Cox—Phi Beta Sigma General Membership meetings (GMM) are held on the first Saturday of the month (second Saturday in Septem‐
ber); 10:00 AM (11:00‐June Meeting) at Patrick Henry Elementary School, located at 4643 Taney Ave ‐ Alexan‐
dria, VA 22304. Executive Committee meetings are held on the Thursdays prior to the GMM, at the Charles Hous‐
ton Recreation Center (7:00 PM). Charles Beatley Library (CBL) ‐ 5005 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA Charles Houston Recreation Center (CHC) ‐ 901 Wythe St., Alexandria, VA Durant Recreation Center (DRC)— 1605 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA Franconia Governmental Center (FG) ‐ 6121 Franconia Rd., Alexandria, VA George Washington Middle School (GWMS) — 1005 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA Minnie Howard School (MH) ‐ 3801 W. Braddock Rd, Alexandria, VA Mount Vernon Recreation Center (MTV) ‐‐ 2701 Commonwealth Avenue, Alexandria, VA Nannie J. Lee Recreation Center (NJLRC) ‐ 1108 Jefferson St., Alexandria, VA Samuel Tucker Elementary School (STE) ‐‐ 435 Ferdinand Day Drive, Alexandria, VA Upcoming events include: Congressional Black Caucus Reception/Party hosted by the Metropolitan Chapters of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. on Friday, September 23, 2011. The event will be held at the Hyatt Regency, Washing‐
ton, DC from 8:‐00 PM‐2:00 AM. The cost is $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Tickets can be pur‐
chased at www.kappacbc.ticketleap.com. For addi‐
tional information, please contact cbc2011@afkapsi.com. The Alexandria Fairfax Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. presents the Roast of Charles F. Parker, Sr. on Saturday, October 8, 2011. The event will be held at the Marriott Tysons Corner from 8‐
10:30 PM. The cost is $100, which includes a recep‐
tion and dinner. For additional information, please contact Charles F. Parker, Jr. at 703‐505‐0869 (cell), cfparkerjr@hotmail.com or Roast@Asyncrob.com. The meetings of the National‐Pan Hellenic Council of Northern Virginia are held on the first Tuesday of the month (unless otherwise noted). The location will be announced as soon as it is finalized. All are welcome to attend. Global Leadership Through Timeless Service
Northern Western Virginia Cluster
October 29, 2011
Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center
110 Shenandoah Avenue
Roanoke, VA 24016
Register at: www.midatlanticaka.org
15 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®
Zeta Chi Omega Chapter
P.O. Box 25763
Alexandria, Virginia 22313
Email address:
Basileus, Michelle M. Jones
Standards, Judith Lopez
Anti-Basileus, Leslie Dey
Membership, Tiffany Montgomery
Grammateus, Vanessa Jackson
Connection, Betty Morrison/Margarette Peterson
Anti-Grammateus, Eloise Hudgins
Scholarship, Ester Stubbs-Varnado
Tamiouchos, Patricia Harris Thomas
Founders’ Day, Yvette Darnaby
Pecunious Grammateus, Stephanie Woodland Kelly
Contracts, Irma Bogan
Anti-Pecunious Grammateus, Katrina Moss
Awards, Barbara Bouldin/Chandois Phillips/Gayle Jordan
Epistoleus, Gloria Bell
IFNV Liaison, Kendra Gillespie
Parliamentarian, Robin Mazyck
Protocol, Theresa Emanuel
Ivy Leaf Reporter, Sherri Jordan
Nominating Committee: Chairman, Darhyl Jasper
Gloria Bell, Hazel Cameron, Stephanie Harrison Hubbard
Lucretia McClenney, Lydia McLeod, Lula Lang-Jeter
Rhonda Luss, Linda Newman
Historian, Jeanne Melvin-Martin
Hodegos, Cora King
Immediate Past Basileus, Joyce Henderson
Graduate Advisor, Carol Turner
Philacter, Katrina Pritchett
The Ivyette
Production Staff:
Gloria Bell (contactgloria@verizon.net)
C. Starr Garrett
Yvette Darnaby
Patricia Wallace
Leslie Dey